OCR Interpretation

Pullman herald. [volume] (Pullman, W.T. [Wash.]) 1888-1989, February 27, 1920, Image 5

Image and text provided by Washington State Library; Olympia, WA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085488/1920-02-27/ed-1/seq-5/

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BHto. February 27. ***>
w mW^ mi.
"Wken you extend yow tan J to
lose Mows thy/ often mistake ii
fcryour foot and pull your le£
You'll always get the glad hand
at our shop, whether yon come in
to have tires repaired or just to
snoop around a bit.
Is the Surest Road to Tire Satis- 1
faction and Saving.
- I
Goodrich Bicycle Tires
"Highest prices paid for discarded
Pullman Tire Shop
Corner Main and Grand Streets
Pullman, Wash.
sWTi -*_^ll'''ir:i^^ffi^^^;' '^^-El-- i
■ ■ "
i j
Write Us
North 1405 Ash St., Spokane, Wn.
Chapped Hands?
Turpo, the only Turpentine oint
ment, will fix it. After washing
hands, rub in Turpo before drying.
My what a difference! Try it.
Wt^WWWMt OIWTM-KT jj~*»**^_
Ask for free sample.
|i Ramer's
! Direct from the Factory |!
:| They will Please You jj
ißamer's ii
Direct from the Factory ]i
They will Pleaae You ||
ji (Incorporated) ji
«|*j » Phone 28 . ... ![
«I Where Everybody Goes i|
For Hot or Cold
GO TO . „.
&r\x 1
______MavasH-ia-______________° _f
I #1 W| 1 1 WoW*^
Uiil__!tliiiiiiiiiii lll |,, ll ||,iii
Next Friday, March .**,. Each Family
Is Asked to Present One Good
Book to the Schools
The libraries in the various grade
schools as well as In the high school
have recently been newly cataloged
and put in condition to bo of the
greatest possible use to the pupils
of the schools. The great need at
the present time is more books. The
school board has set aside a small
sum for this purpose, but we need
more books than our funds will buy.
We proved during the war that
all men would read if they could se
cure books and magazines. If it
were important to give reading mat
ter to men under such conditions,
it is certainly of vital importance to
provide such material to our grow
ing boys and girls.
Friday, March 5, has been desig
nated as library day for the public
schools. In that day every patron
is asked to present a book \.c oi»"
library. Not. all of these books will
be new. but all should be in good
condition. Main people have hooks
in their libraries that they have read
which they are willing to contribute
to such a cause.
in order thai we may secure the
type of books desired, th,. following
list of titles is given. Either the
books named or books of like char
acter will be of value to us.
Pilgrim's Progress.
Marjorie and Her Papa
Little Prudy Stories.
Peter Rabbit.
The Camp Fire Girls: 1. In the
Woods; -' On the Farm.
Cudjo's Cave.
Betty Wales. Freshman.
Ruth's Present.
Personal Memories of U. S." Gran*-.
Tale's of Fantasy.
The Jungle Book—Kipling.
The Fast Mail.
Five Little Peppers.
Little Prudy'B Fairy Book.
The Adyssy for Boys and Girls.
Dave Porter at Oak Hall.
The Boy Scouts Mountain Camp.
Alice in Wonderland.
Tom Brown's School Days.
The Young Outlaw.
The Golden Days of '49.
Mill on the Floss. ,
Little Women.
The Widow O'Callaghan's Boys.
Grimm's Fairy Tales.
The Sandman; His Farm Stories.
The Birds Christmas Carol
Fireside Stories.
The Story of a Donkey.
Reynard, the Fox.
The Red Fairy Book.
Aesop's Fables.
The Boy Inventors and the Van
ishing Gun.
Household of Glenn Hally.
The King of the Golden River.
Two Years Before the Mast.
Life of Daniel Boone.
Cattle Ranch to College.
Poor Boy's Chance.
Riverdale Stories.
The" Blue Fairy.
Stories of Wood and Field.
The Arabian Nights.
Little Prudy Stories.
The South Sea Whales.
Taby Tyler, or Ten Weeks with
a Circus.
The Wonder 800k —Kipling.
Stories of King .Arthur.
Any book by any standard author
will be very acceptable, but the com
mittee reserves the right to reject
any book which they do not consider
suitable for the school library.
A Little Sound Advice Will Help
Many a Sufferer in Pullman
No woman should consider her
self healthy and well if the kidneys
are weak. Poisons that pass off in
the urine when the kidneys are well
are retained in the body when the
kidneys are disordered. This is the
true cause of many bearing-down
pains, lameness, backache, etc. Uric
poisoning also causes headache, dizzy
spells, langour, nervousness and
rheumatic pain.
When suffering so, try Doan's
Kidney Pills. You will get better as
the kidneys get better, and health
will return when the kidneys are
'well Let a fellow sufferer tell you
about Doan's Kidney Pills.
Mrs H. D. Haynes, 113 Cedar St.,
Colfax, Wash., says: "I am as strong
for Doan's Kidney Pills now as I
was when 1 endorsed them some
i years ago. I take Doan's Kidney
Pills whenever I have a touch of
lame back or kidney complaint and
they never fail to help me. For his
reason. I recommend them highly.
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs Haynes" had. Foster-Mil burn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y.
Capacity Crowds See lloth <'allies
— Speed and Sensational Shots
Before crowds of over 1800 each
evening, filling the college gymnas
ium to capacity, the Cougars broke
even in the basket ball series with
the California Bears on Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings by the scores of
27-22 and 31-27, respectively. Both
contests abounded in speed and
spectacular mid-floor shots, Eggles
ton of California and Rockey of
Washington State dividing the scor
ing honors.
Bean Win Tuesday
In the first contest, played on
; Tuesday, the speed of the California
forward, . Eggleston, shooting from
beyond mid-floor and the heavy
guarding of Majors, smothering
j completely all attempts made by
Moss, proved the principal factors
in the Cougars' defeat by the score
of 22-27. Except for a few minutes
j early in the game the Bears held the
I lead, Kggleston shooting baskets
| whenever the Cougars narrowed the
j margin. Symes and Anderson add
ed the balance of the California
j score.
Moss, smothered by Majors, left
| Rockey to shoot five baskets from
the field, In 13 attempts from the
foul line, Moss added 10 points.
King, Mclvor, and Copeland fought
hard, postponing the certainty of
the Bear victory until the last of
the game.
The lineup and Summary:
U. of C.(27) \V.5.C.(22)
i Symes F Rockey
Egglesston p.■','. . * Moss
Anderson C King
Majors G Copeland
Green C . Mclvor
Substitutions: \V. S. C. — Cisna for
I King, Nash for Moss. U. of Califor
nia —Larkey for Majors.
W. S. C: Field goals— Hockey 5,
Mclvor. Foul goals —Moss 10,
U. of California: Field goals—Kg
gleston 6, Anderson 3, Majors, Green.
Foul goals—Symes 5.
Referee, Hinder man; timer, Moss.
Cougars Take Second
The wild Cougars, angered by the
defeat the day before, trounced the
California Bears on Wednesday at
the gymnasium and in the last 10
minutes of play fought their way to
victory by the score of 31 to 27.
The contest was the fastest played
lon the State College floor this sea
son and was full of sensational team
work and mid-floor shots. The vic
tory swayed from Cougar to Bear
throughout the first half, the Cali
fornians merging forth leaders by
• the score of 14 to 13. The second
half started with the speed of the
first, each side making baskets al
ternately. Then, as the period grew
older, the fighting Cougars grew
more determined and widened their
lead. In the last five minutes Gillis,
who was substituted for Mclvor, who
went out on fouls, instilled more
fighting spirit Into the Cougars and
insured victory.
Moss and Hockey Star
Moss, smothered the night before,
broke away in whirlwind fashion
and garnered three baskets. Rockey
won the stellar point honors of the
game, shooting six field goals.
King, during his stay, guarded his
opponent, Anderson, in spectacular
fashion, holding him to two baskets.
Copeland and Mclvor outplayed the
California forwards every minute,
breaking up nearly all atempts made
under the Bear goal. Gillis and
Cisna, replacing Mclvor and King,
respectively, played equally as well
as their predecessors, adding a bas
ket each to insure victory.
Eggleston, Symes, and Anderson
played brilliantly for the Bears.
Eggleston's speed and mid-floor
shots proved the sensation of the
The lineup and summary follow:
U.0fC.(27) W.5.C.(31)
Symes . . F Rockey
Eggleston F Moss
Anderson C King
Majors G Copeland
Green G Mclvor
Substitutions: W. S. C. —Cisna
for King, Gillis for Mclvor. Cali
fornia —Larkey for Green, Flood
burg for Symes, McDonald for An
W. S. C: Field goalsßockey 6,
Moss 3, Copeland, Cisna, Gillis. Foul
goals— Moss, 7 in 8 attempts.
U. of California: Field goals—
Eggleston 4, Symes 2, Anderson 2,
Majors. Foul goals— Symes, 6 in 9;
Eggleston, .3 In 3.
'-.- Referee, Hinderman; timer, N.
: Moss.
Emerson Mercantile Company
Store News
As usual, we are confident thai our selections will meet with
your hearty approval. We have boon so uniformly successful in
choosing the merchandise that you admire and need—the mer
chandise that satisfies, that again we believe the present season's
showing to he just a little the best we have ever had. In fact the
merchandise thai you find here is the best that we can buy and we
are able to offer you those now goods—not at high prices—but at
prices thai are right for the class of goods that we carry. You
are cordially invited to compare our goods and prices with any
of the same class. We are confident that you will be more than
interested to visit our store. We are glad to show you at any
New Kuppenheimer Suits Ladies' Ready-to-Wear
We have received an express Department
shipment of the newest in Clothes. People in general have the
You will be interested in these ; 1.,' i' tha ! ( '°ats. and Sllits ««
: , . „ , high priced this year. Only
now styles. We are justly proud --, . • •, . %.. . ,
one visit to our Department
of Kuppenheimer Clothes as we an ,j you w *]' } ;e convinced that
are able to give you a strictly you have the wrong conception
tailored garment, as these clothes "'' prices. You will be surprised
are all hand-made. Come In to- ;" !i"' 1,,w l"'i,',;s °» theses
high grade garments Our
day and try them on. • t .>• > « i « m /->
Ladies Heady to \\ ear Depart
ment is just bubbling over with
Boys' "Wearpledge" Suits new things for the people of
Our boys' suits for spring are Pullman, In fact some of the
new materials and styles look
here. This will be glad news to __ , i r„ .;;* ,i, , : . '„
good enough to eat. < ome in
some of the hoys that have been the next time you an down
waiting. Bring your mother town and take a look. You
with you today to pick out one will save money if you buy
of the classiest suits for boys that 'VOm * "i,', ,,1(,s .in I'"11""'" this
, _, „ year, as Pullman merchants are
have over been in Pullman -n:„ _ i,.. ,i •_
selling lower than city prices.
Cheaper than Overalls Children's Gingham
In our complete boys" depart- Llresses
ment you will find pants that are , These ne* &***** for ■*&
dren are very clever m design
cheaper than overalls. They are }lm] workmanship . _• our daugh
v ' and workmanship. Your daugh
priced at $1.50, $1.75 and .$2.00. terß W ; U ]-- <( , them an( mo thers
will make a wise selection by
New Caps and Hats getting some of these dresses
_. _ . „ . before the good sizes are all
The new spring Caps and fiats J?
are of clever styles when you see
yourself under one of them. Fifty Royal Society Art Goods
dozen new caps to select from. Our Art Department is full
of many new things that wont
n i i r> ii en adore. New Crochet Threads
Delpark -collars and Papkage Good _ . in . iyinf _
Our Collar Department is a daily by express.
busy place these days since (he Home Sewers
hoys have found out that we Por th( . women that sew at
have those wonderful styles of home we always have the most
soft collars. No one can show complete stock of Notions to
you a line that compares with -*1-** fro'"- olir clerks »re
these new styles. ____* the habit always &lad .0 I show you the
these now stvies. Get Ihe habit ■ . , _ i.
„ . ... newest materials tor Dresses,
of buying your furnishings Night Gowns, Gingham
here as we have the newest and Dresses, Silks. Woolens, and
best. practically anything you may
Spring Shoes and Oxfords Ladieß - Shoeß and Oxfords
. Our Shoe Department has The low shoe is particularly
just opened some of the newest pleasing this spring with our
in Oxfords and Shoes for Men selection quite extraordinary in
. .- _, , , _, variety or styles and materials.
and Young Men. Look them A d made the"best wav to assure
over when you are in the store. satisfaction. Visit our Shoe
You will like the new styles. Department today.
Our Grocery Sale Still Continues
People appreciated this sale, so we are running it for one more
week. Get in on these extra special prices.
. " i- ____5_- —"*** An
Emerson Mercantile Co.
Pullman Washington
Inquire of
or at 707 Grand St.
Pullman. Wash.
Phone 1242 or call and leave orders for sale dates with
Downen Insurance Agency.
N. W. Cairns
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