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Page Two BRIEF LOCAL NEWS Sydney Allison has been employed by the Pythian Sisters at Lewiston, Idaho, to coach a cast for the pre sentation of "Suburban Life," the play recently staged ty the dramatic classes of the State College. Judge Thomas Neill was called to Colfax last week to serve as special counsel for the state in the case of the State versus Fred Humphreys, a farmer near Oakesdale, who was charged with stealing wheat from a neighbor farmer. The jury in the case returned a verdict of guilty. The defendant formerly resided in Pull man. Mrs. Oscar Young arrived Wednes day from Great Falls, Mont., and will spend the Christmas holidays at the home of her son, F. B. Young, on Morton street. Professor George A. Olson re turned last week from a trip to the Atlantic coast. He spent a week in Washington, 1). C, during which he attended meetings of the association of Official Agricultural Chemists, of the American Milling and Baking Technologists and of the association of Food Control Officials. He visit ed his old friend and associate, Dr. E. V. McCallum, professor of nutri tion at Johns Hopkins University. On his way home he stopped in New York City and visited the Ohio Stale experiment station, where he spent a day with Chas. Hunt, formerly of Pullman. He also spent two days at the University of Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. E. Maguire left yes terday for California, where they will spend the winter at Long Beach and other points. Dr. F. L. Ball has been confined to his home by illness for several days this week. Rev. G. W. Laidlaw returned Sun day from Okanogan county, where he had been conducting a preaching mission. James M. Davis returned Wednes day from a business trip to Walla Walla. R. J. Wortman came down from Spokane Wednesday to attend the wedding of his, Miss Mary San ders. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Scott enter tained 10 friends at a dinner party Tuesday. After the dinner rummy was played, Professor Hackedorn winning the prize for the best score. C. N. Gaddis was able to be down town Wednesday for the first time in several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Newell are the proud parents of a little son, born Wednesday night. John Nelson of Thornton spent Wednesday and Thursday with his sister, Mrs. J. O. Patterson. Mrs. H. G. Smith of Baker, Ore., arrived Wednesday to visit her sis ter, Mrs. W. C. Kruegel. She was accompanied by her infant son. Mrs. G. H. Watt entertained a number of friends at a bridge party last Friday afternoon. The prize for the highest score was won by Mrs. Wm. Goodyear. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Watt gave a Salmagundi party, at which the prize was awarded to Mrs. James Davis. The Historical club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. A. D. Haum. Roll call was answered by Christmas thoughts. Mrs, Wm. Laird read a paper on "American Acquisition and Control of Hawaii.'' and Mrs. Flor ence Landon read one on "Educa tional and Sanitary Development in Hawaii.' The club voted to con tribute $10 to the fund for the suf ferers in the near East. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Janu ary 11, at the home of Mrs. R. P. Cope. Professor George A. Olson went to Portland, Ore., last week and deliv ered an address before the Portland Academy of Medicine. The subject of his discussion was "Study of the Influence of Certain Mineral Compon ents Supplementing the Diet." Mr. and Mrs. W. L. LaFollette leave the first of the week for Spo kane, where they will spend the winter. A. R. Shumaker. manager of the Liberty theatre, went to Colfax Tues day to inspect the new Liberty thea tre at that place. The local K. of P. lodge has ap pointed a committee including B. H. Douglas, Charles Henry and Thos. Neill to provide Christmas cheer for those children of the city who might be overlooked by Santa dans. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Leonard spent last Sunday with relatives st Colfax. J M. Reid. J. S. Klemgard and J. W. Haines went to Spokane this week to attend the state convention of the Farmers Union. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Cunning ham of Seattle arrived Wednesday to' Visit Mrs. Cunningham's brother. Dr. L. G. Kimzey. The condition of Mrs. F. F. Potter, who sustained a paralytic stroke last week, is slowly improving and strong hopes are entertained for her recov ery. ' 'Dennis Hunt of Bend, Ore., arrived Saturday to visit his old friend, T. C Martin. Mrs. W. 11. Miller leaves tomorrow for an extended trip that will take her to Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisi ana, Alabama and Texas. She will spend Christmas with her father at Knoxvllle, Term. Mrs. It. H. Duff of Colfax was a guest of Mrs. W. 11. Miller several days this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Leonard of Port land, Ore., Is visiting at the home of her son, Thos. W. Leonard, of the Variety store. Mrs. Leonard left Portland In September to attend the national conclave of the w. R. C. in I Indiana. Since the convention she has visited in Ohio, Kansas, Missouri, and Colorado. It was her first visit to her old home in 42 years. A. A. Manchester of Colfax visited , his daughters, Mrs. A. E. Ritter and Mrs. E. L. Irwin, last week. Boyd Sheffield left Wednesday for his old home In Butler, Term., where he will spend the Christmas holidays. C. W. Lobaugh, assistant manager of the Spokane branch of the Inter national Harvester Co., was a busi ness visitor in Pullman Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hlx left yester day for Spokane, where they will visit relatives. Mrs. Arthur Henry entertained the Neighborly Neighbors club at her home on West Main street yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Homer Folger was called to Osceola, lowa, last week by a tele gram announcing that her brother had sustained a paralytic stroke. PRESIDENT HOLLAND BACK FROM WEST SIDE TRIP i President E. 0. Holland returned Tuesday from a ten-days business trip on the west side President Holland and Regent Wil liam A. Pease represented the in terests of the State College at the meeting of the hoard of higher cur ricula in Seattle Monday. Plans for the building program and financial budget for this Institu tion for the coming year were voted upon and will be presented to the legislature of the state at its next meeting in January. Wednesday, December 8, Dr. Hol land addressed the Tacoma chamber of commerce and the farm bureau ol Pierce county. While being intro duced at the bureau meeting he was heartily cheered by a group of State College alumni. STATE COLLEGE GRANGE INITIATES SIXTEEN* At the regular meeting of the State College Grange Monday, -De cember 13, 16 candidates were given the third and fourth degrees. This completes the work which may be given by the local chapter; further degrees may be received from coun ty, state and national granges. After the degree work the harvest feast, consisting of pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee, was served to over 50 members. During the lecturer's hour the grange was closed and the Nth de gtee of some unknown order was given to four new members by the notable degree assistant, T. J. O'Day. Various others of the newly initiat ed neophytes performed until the acting leader said. "Enough." This meeting marks the first live, well attended session of the fall. College student members are always welcome and a few are usually pres ent. Plans are under way for a "White Elephant" party to he held at the next regular meeting on the Monday after Christmas. MEN'S BROTHERHOOD ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Men's Brotherhood of the Federated churches enjoyed their an nual supper Monday evening. The organization elected H. N. Bakke president for the ensuing term, with Frank Thayer vice president and C. M Brewster secretary and treasurer. Committee chairmen were named as follows: Program — l). W. Hamilton Record of progress—A. A. Cleve land. Visitations—F. M. Slagle. Advertising—Frank Thayer. Finance—F. D. Hesld. Calendar West. Church school—L. R. Lounebury. Boy Scouts—O. P. Ricketts. College student—F. R. Voder. Music— T. J. O'Day. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS FOR YOUNG BUSINESS PEOPLE t Next. Sunday j at the Methodist church there will be organized a Sun , day school class for young business 11 people. Attorney N. i; Dow has been ; secured as leader. Young business; -I people not attending elsewhere are invited, It is expected that affairs d of a social and community service na '. ture may he taken up. The Sunday school meets at 9:50 a. m. ARISTOCRATIC ROAR TO HEAD CRESCENT HERD Nebraska Grnnd Champion Dm - Jersey Purchased by G. O. Swales * of Crescent Stock Farm One of the finest Duroc-Jersey boars ever brought to the Inland Em pire is the animal received Monday ot this week by G. O. Swales, man ager of the Crescent Stock Farm, six miles southeast of Pullman. The bear was purchased from Ahrans Brothers, Columbus, Nebraska, breed ers of Duroc-Jersey hogs of national line, and of him Mr. Swales says: "I have believed before that I had high class boars with my herd, but this fellow far outclasses any boar I ever owned and he is likely to prove a sensation at next fall's shows." The hoar is a get of "Great I Am," grand champion boar of Nebraska, 1920, winning his honors at the great est hog show of the United States, excepting, perhaps, the Chicago In ternational. He was farrowed Sep tember 24, 1919, and won first prize, futurity boar, at the N-braska State fair, as well as grand champion at the Boone county fair. The dam of this boar was sired by Smooth Giant, another great Duroc-Jersey of the East. The day following his return from the fall show circuit, which included Spokane, Lewiston and Portland, Mr. i Swales had the misfortune to lose his herd head, "Crescent's Joe Ori on," which had grabbed the cham pionship honors. He set about to locate the best boar to. be had to re place Crescent's Joe, and believes that he has found him in the hoar received this week. PROPOSED NOTRE DAME GAME CALLED OFF Negotiations for the proposed New Years day football game between the State College Cougars and Notre Dame in the Tacoma stadium came to an end Tuesday when Athletic Di rector J. F. Bohler received a tele-: gram direct from the Notre Dame management announcing the death of Halfback Oipp, whose serious ill ness had caused the long delay in the negotiations. A telegram of sym pathy was at once sent to Notre Dame and the local squad was disbanded for the season. Word has been received from the Tacoma chamber of commerce ask ing the Cougars to meet the Notre Dame team at Tacoma on January 1, 1922. INSTRUCTOR TELLS OP LIFE AT OXFORD C. H. Woody, instructor in history at the State College, gave an inter esting discussion on "College Life at Oxford" at the meeting of the Uni versity club held Tuesday evening. Mr. Woody was a Cecil Rhodes scholar from Oregon, from 1911 to 1914, and his talk was one of the most interesting in the history of the club. The college quartet sang and Alex McPherson, instructor in boxing, refereed fast bouts between the following mit celebrities: "Kid' Guthrie and "Billle" Johnson; "Young" Bell and "Pat" Moore; "Knockout" Crampton and "Bat tling" Reynolds. WHEAT CONVENTION JANUARY 11, 12, 18 The loth annual convention of the Washington Grain Growers, Shippers and Millers association will be held in Pullman January 11, 12, 13. The dates for the convention were an nounced Monday by E. J. Schafer, head of the farm crops department of the association of wheat men. There will be about 15 well-known speakers who will talk on the fol lowing subjects at the convention; Questions of financing with reference to wheat production; effect of trans portation rates on wheat production and agriculture, and all ,questions pertaining to growing, milling and marketing of wheat. NEW PRESIDENT OF U. OF 1. ASSUMES DUTIES Dr. Upham assumed his duties as president of the University of Idaho Thursday morning when he ad dressed the student body assembled to greet him. Dr. Upham was introduced by Dr. E. A. Bryan, who was formerly the president of the State College of Washington. Dr. Upham's address dealt mainly with the value of a col lege education today In comparison with former years. Notice of the Annual Meeting of the Stockholder* of the First National Rank of Pullman. Wufih. Notice is hereby given that the! regular annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National Hank ( Of Pullman, Washington, will he held in the directors' room in saul bank at 2:00 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday./ January 11, 1921, for the purpose of electing officers and transacting any other business which may properly come before said meeting. F. C. FORREST, 'dccl 7-2 4 Secretary. THE PULLMAN HERALD MRS. ROSA K. GAMMON PASSED AWAY IX DAYTON Mrs. Rosa E. Gammon, early day resident of this city, passed away Sunday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Hubbard, In Dayton, at the age of 79 years. Mrs. Gammon resided in Pullman for many years, leaving here 15 years ago to make her home with her daughter in Dayton. She was born in Virginia in 1849. Deceased is ; survived by four children, two sons, Lester C. Gammon of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, D. M. Gammon of Dayton, and two daughters, Mrs. D. House of Moscow, Idaho, and Mrs. J. A. Hub bard of Dayton. "MOST COURAGEOUS TEAM" SAYS WELCH "The State College football team is the most courageous team on the gridiron this year," said Coach Gus Welch, in a short talk to the business ; men of the city at the chamber of commerce meeting Tuesday. "They dcn't make them any cleaner; they . don't make them any better, and they don't make any better sportsmanship than was shown by the Cougar team this year,' he said. The coach re viewed the incidents of the closing game of the season with Nebraska, when the Cougars overcame a big lead and won the game In the final quarter. The display of courage and dogged determination In the face of great obstacles was one of the most satisfying experiences in his life, said Coach Welch. The Cougar coach re turned last Thursday from a visit to Oklahoma, abandoning his proposed trip to Washington, D. C, at the last minute. He is out with a big boost for the spirit and morale of the team that finished the season for the State College, and gives unstinted praise to Athletic Director Bohler and As sistant Coach Applequist for the sea son's successes. DIED AT ALBION Mrs. Hannah Kimball died at her home in Albion Wednesday morning, at the age of 78 years. Funeral serv ices will be held at Albion and the body will be laid to rest beside the remains of the husband and father in the local I. O. O. F. cemetery. De ceased is survived by a number of grown children. Some appropriate gifts at West's. Will be pleased to show you anything we have while the supply lasts, dec 17 OTHO WEST. INSURE WITH MCCLASKEY. WILL TALK GUARD / UNIT FOR PULLMAN Major Edwards, assistant adjutant general of the state, and Major Thos. Anson, commanding the Third Infan try, Washington National Guard, will be in Pullman next Tuesday, De cember 21, to investigate the possi bility for the establishment of a local unit of the National Guard. Under the new plan proposed for the Na tional Guard, Pullman lo assigned a company of infantry, which would mean the enlistment of 150 local men in the unit. With military drill required at the college it Is believed by many that the organization of a company of infantry would be im possible and the formation of a ma chine gun company of 50 men or a hospital unit will be suggested to the state officers. The two majors will address the citizens of the city at the chamber of commerce meeting Tues day and that evening will meet with Maynard-Price post of the American Legion. JAKE F. AILOK WAS WELL KNOWN PIONEER Succumbed at Northwest Sanitarium Following Operations—Was Largo Land Owner Whitman county lost one of her most progressive citizens early Wed nesday morning when Jake F. Ailor, for over 35 years a farmer near Johnson, passed to the great be yond. Mr. Ailor had been ill for some time, and had recently under gone operations for appendicitis and for the removal of a pus sac from the liver. His strength failed, how ever, and his death, though not un expected, came as a great shock to the community. Mr. Ailor was 51 years of age and had resided near Johnson for over a quarter of a cen tury. He was well known through out the county asa man of the high est type, honest, generous and pro gressive. Mr. Ailor was a member of Mystic Tye lodge at Colton and of Pullman Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons. He was also affiliated with the John son camp of the W. O. W. He owned a valuable 4 80-acre farm near Johnson and extensive holdings in the (Jrangeville district and near Palouse, his total farm pos sessions totaling approximately 1000 acres. Deceased is survived by his widow and several children. Funeral services will be held from the Christian church at Johnson this afternoon at 2:30, in charge of the Rev. H. J. Reynolds of this city. WE SINCERELY BELIEVE that THE CHRISTMAS GIFTS You select here will prove A THOUGHTFUL AND HAPPY CHOICE Miller's Jewelry Store (Alterations and engraving free on all goods purchased at this store) Friday, December 12, 1020 .*..s. + + + + «*• -:- + -•-»•- *4..}..{. *M^m '-* ♦ Three and a half million * + children of Europe stretch 4 •:• out their hands to YOU for v ♦ their daily bread that they •:• ♦ may survive this winter's * ♦ famine. .*. ♦ The state committee of the * •:• European Children's Relief * •> Council, of which Herbert * ♦ Hoover is chairman, has un- •*< ♦ dertaken to raise $350,000 •*• •:• of the $33,000,000 to be 4 •!• raised in the United States * ♦ before January 1. The eight -J •*♦ counties of eastern Washing- •*< ♦ ton are asked for $72,450 of * ♦ this amount. .*• ♦ The small individual unit •* --♦ of $10 will provide the cost * ♦I' of boots and stockings and * •> one meal a day for one child ♦ ♦ this winter. .* --♦ I We urge everyone whose ♦ ♦ eyes are on these words to ■* •:♦ GIVE QUICKLY as many of •*♦ •'• these units as possible, to buy •**• ♦ for themselves that precious ♦ •>. and priceless —THE ♦ ♦ LIFE OF A LITTLE CHILD * ♦ —as many of them as they * ♦5- can, and every one will be a •:♦ ♦ shining star in an eternal •** ♦ crown. .5. ♦ Leave your money with the ♦ •*♦• editor of your nearest news- ♦ ♦ paper or any bank. •$. •*-•!♦ ♦*- ♦ •*• ♦ ♦!♦•*;♦ •{* •*- •>.• -i- -;♦ .j. 4. PROPOSED TAX ON «AS BRINGS ON DISCUSSION The proposal to levy a tax on gaso line to provide funds for road main tenance came in for a healthy dis cussion, pro and con, at the chamber of commerce meeting Tuesday, the proposal having its proponents and its opponents among the business men. It was brought out. that the proposed tax, to be paid by all users, would distribute the burden of taxa tion fairly, each automobile driver paying in proportion to the number of miles driven on the public high ways, and would also prove a big source of revenue from tourists, who now pay nothing toward the main tenance of the public highways. Rep resentative Sanger suggested that the legislature first be asked to pass i law defining gasoline, as to quality, and demand that the fluid pass a cer tain gravity test before it can be sold for use in automobiles. "If we pay a tax on gasoline, then let us be as sured that we are getting gasoline, rather than water," he said.