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VOLUME XXXIII County Records DECEMBER 3, 1920 ..Deeds Trustees M. E. Church of Palouse to J. C. Allen, lot 12. blk 17, Beach's add, Palouse, $1. Hilda Paulsen to Mary B. Delaney, lot 4, blk 16, Huffman's 2nd add, Te koa, sh lot 5, all lot 6, blk 17, Huff man's 2nd add, Tekoa, $1. I. K. Luce to Charles H. Ames Sr„ lot 5, east 16% It. of lot 6. also sh of sh lots 3, 4, blk 8, Fitches add, Palouse, $6 0. Fred B. Carpenter to W. S. Cham bers, lot 2, blk 1, Culton's add. Pa louse, $300. Catherine Nathe to J. B. Klein, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, blk 9, Colton. $1. Farmers Union Warehouse Co. of Palouse, to Farmers Union Company Of Dalouse, lot 10. in 1-16-45, $1. _ Leases John E. Sullivan to Norman E. Stewart, part neq of 16, pt 9, 10, in 14-42, pt crops. Mortgage* E. J. Curtis to Marshall Miller, live stock .implements, harness, etc., $1.3, --599. Emery Ingram to Farmers State Bank, St. John, live stock, imple ments, pt crops in IS, 20, in 18-43, $3425. Emery Ingram to Farmers State Bank, St. John, live stock, Imple ments, pt crops 17, 20. in 18-43, $3425. Shelby Stevens to W. F. Smith and Son, live stock, implements, etc., $*642. E. M. Ti.tzwater to First National Bank, St. John, live stock, imple ments, two-thirds Int. crop in 16-18 --40, $1100. Emil Anderson to First National Bank, St. John, live stck, implements. pi crps Sees 8, 9, 17. in 18-41, $2870. Conditional Kills of Sale The 500 Company to Earl R. Voor hees, auto, $1300. LaCrosse Motor Co. to Chas. Reese, auto, $50. Wayne Oil Tank & Pump Co. to J. J. I. Richardson, pump, $330. DECEMBER 3. 1020 Releases First National Bank, St. John, to Emil Anderson, chattel, $.1000. First National Bank, St. John, to E. M. Fitzwater, chattel, $1650. Oldsmobile Co. of Washington to the Pullman Engr. Co., conditional sale. DECEMBER 4, 1920 Deeds Theodore H. Ackerman to John Appel, pt neq of neq 9-15-41, $200. Mortgagee John M. Appel to the Security- State Bank, La Crosse, pt neq of neq of 9-15-41, $1450. J. H. Llewellyn to the Vermont Loan & Trust Co., nwq of seq and neq Of swq 20-19-43, $2500. J. D. Cummins to Lucy M. Wiley, seq of seq 36-19-41, $1500. J. E. Nickerson to Pauline Nicker son, seq 18-19-4 2, lying east of coun ty road. $4 50. Frank S. Miller to First National Bank, St. John, eh of swq 34-18-41, $2572. A. M. Davis to Farmers Supply Co. Inc., auto. $340. C. L. Crawford to Emerson Mer cantile Co., Pullman, 2 mares, 2 cows, harness, $478. Farley Bros, to Commercial State Bank, implements, $2763. John and Geo. Massengale to A. E. Davis, live stock, implements, 800 a. summer fallow, swq 10-19-42. $"3000. John and Geo. Massengale to A. E. Davis, two-thirds crop swq 10-19-42, $3000. Releases First State Bank, La Crosse, to Geo. Stewart, tract in 2-15-39,; ex cept. 4-17-20, $500. Phoebe Nelson, extr. estate of Christen Nelson, to J. D. Cummins, seq of seq 36-19-41, $1500. Vermont Loan & Trust Co. to John E. Nickerson, real mtge. Northwestern Mutual Ins. Co. to Anderson Cox, real mtge, $8500. A. E. Davis to John and Geo. Mas sengale, chattel, $3000. A. E. Davis to John and Geo. Mas sengale, $3000. Mrs. Emma McCracken to J. O. Cal laway, chattel, $375. Assignments .Murphey. Favre & Co. to Daniel Newton, real mtge. Arna M. Melville 3 years. Writ of Attachment Commercial State Bank vs. Jack James and Marion James and James Bros., eh of neq and nwq of the neq of 12-19-44, $3422. Bill of Sale W. F. Hickman to Ethel Blakely, piano, $1. DECEMBER 6, 1920 Deeds O R. Hedges to Ole Melhus, hall int. lot 9, blk 50, Maiden, $1. Maiden Co-operative Co. to OK Melhus, half Int. lot 9. blk 50, Mai den, A. Grief, Carrie Grief Taufen C A Grief, Carrie Grief Taufen and A. H. Grief to Joseph Grassl. lot! 4, 5. 6. 11. 12, 13. in blk B, Grief i ; dd, Uniontown, $3000. Elizabeth Salisbury to John Lader er, sh of nwq and nh of swq 22-20 George J. Esser to Linus P. Yunck eh lot 5. blk 8, Colton, $1350. C J Bishop to Catherine A. Bish op. lots 4.5, blk 52, Maiden. $1. Mary A. Rogers to Minnie Clark lot 2, blk 26, Pullman, $1. ■Hi ■j, __ m i SECOND SECTION _ M The Pullman Herald Devoted to the best interests of Pullman and the greatest farming community in the Northwest surrounding it. H. I. Meredith to B. C. McDaniel, lots 1 to 7, blk 3, Lauch's Ist add, Elberton, also tract in nwq 14-17-44, $500. Mortgages Herman Spuler to August Stolp. nwq of swq, sh of nwq and nwq of nwq of 30-20-41. $1250. J. M. Appel to Oswald Appel and T. J. Wigen, pt neq of neq of 9-15 --41, $1688. Elmer C. Hickman to C. R. Moys, tracts in Sees. 5, 17, 8, 20. 18, 4 in 14-43, also .seq 33-15-43, pt 34-15 --13, $9000. W. L. Davidson. Milton and James Davidson to La Crosse Hardware <•_ Implement Co., live stock, harness, $762. H. Long to Pullman State Bank, pt crops Sees. 4, 6, 7. 5, in 13-45, pt 32, 33, in 1-45, $8625. Will L. O'Keefe to Pine City State Bank, pt crops eh of neq and eh of se<i 14-19-41. $1625, Harold W. Hastings to C. R. Higgs, live stock, $24 2. W*. L. and .1. D. Davidson to Han oi* & Hanna Investment Co., Inc., crop 1921 neq 5-13-38, pt. neq 32-14 --38, $974. Will L. O'Keefe to Pine City State Dank, live stock, implements, $1645. Harry E. Davis to Lamont State Bank, two-thirds crop swq, pt nwq 1 1-19-39, $2600. Harry E. Davis to Lamont State Bank, live stock, farm implements, $"2600. A. P. King to Endicott Hardware ft Imp. Co., I've stock, $465. IL Long and Stanley Long to Pull man State Bank, live stock, imple ments. $8625, Releases J. F. Hall to John Kager, real j mtge. Robert (' Campbell. F. C, Forrest to Christopher P. I Busch, real mtge, 1500, Pine City State Bank to Will L. ! O'Keefe, chattel, $2000. Bank of Endicott to Jacob Goetz, | chattel, $2700. Leases 1 R. B. Grant to A. C. Miller, wh of swq ,25-20-40, swq . 24-20-40, one third crop. Rill of Sale W. H. Bellinghansen to Martin Reisenauer, live stock, implements. I autos. 4 cords wood, three tons oats, hay. seed, wheat, harness, saddle fan ' ning mill, household poods. 1 dozen ' chickens. $3500. Lien Louis E. Hall vs. Harry Wexler, la bor, nwq nwq 29, pt 30 in 15-45, $920. Louis E. Hall vs. John Devine and Ella Letterman, labor, sh 21-15-4 $1400. Conditional Kill of Sale Linville Bros., Inc., to J. Y. Little ton, auto. $24 95. Williams & Gallaugher to Clarence L. Taylor and Georgia A. Taylor, au |to, $139 Grant. Bontrager to Jay V. Carlth era, phonograph, 190. G. H. Coffin to Endicott Hardware : Co., tractor, $1000. Grange Warehouse Co. to National Cash Register Co., register. $575. DECEMBER 7. 1920 Deeds Willis H. Earll to W. G. Crazier, tract r.h of sh 10-16-4:',, $"1200. H. M. Love, Referee, to Willis Earll, tract nh of sh 11-16-43. $1000. Agreements Between Bertha A. Shaw and : Henry L. Baker, pt lot 1, blk 1, Ruby i add. and part lot 8, blk 2, Larence i & Holbrook's add, Pullman, also ; stoves, electric washing machine, ! shades, dressing table, library table, i bedstead, springs and mattress. $2500. Mortgagee Conrad J. Ochs to Sarah J. Carroll. swq 33-16-42, swq of nwq, lot 4, of | 4-15-42, $13,000. Ira Scott to Murphev. Favre & Co., i 16-15-40, $22,000. C. W. Haines to the Wheeler ot ter Co., neq 2-14-41, the eh 35-15-41, demand, $4029. I. L. Harwood to W. F. Harwood, I two-thirds crop pt 14-18-41, live stock, implements, touring car. I $2 500. L. P. Gardo to W. H. Ragon and j Claude A. James, two-thirds crop sh of neq and nh of seq 8-10-41, $570. I L. P. Gardo to W. H. Ragon and | Claude A. James, two-thirds crop sh < of neq 27-19-4 4. $570. I J. E. Tueth to Emerson Mercantile I Co.. two-thirds crop nwq of nwq 32 --j 14-44, $1275. Nelson Bros, to Vermont Loan & 1 Trust Co., live stock, implements, two-thirds crop seq 13-18-40. sh 35, ' seq of swq of 34-19-40, $3595. C.- W. Haines to the Wheeler Mot ter Co.. live stock, implements, auto, j crop on pt 2-14-41, pt 35-15-41, de • mand. $4029. Robert E. Horton and Win. I. Hor : ton to First State Bank. La Crosse, live stock,- implements, pt. crop 31 --16-40, $1800. J.E. Tueth to Emerson Mercantile Co.. implements, live stock, $1275. J. M. Snyder to Linville Bros., two thirds crop pt 2-20-40. seq 3-20-40, ! pt 84, 35, in 21-40, $1162. W. Tureman to Citizens State i Bank. Tekoa, live stock, implements • pi crop Benewah Co.. $"2500. Geo. Holesteln to First National , Bank, St. John, live stock, imple i dents, pt crop on 17-41. $2391. i J. A. Crabb to First National Ban! I of St. John, live stock, implements, p - crop pt 34. 35 in 18-42, $2000. J. E. Bageant to First Nationa 1 Bank, St. John, live stock, imple , ments, pt crops on pt 31-18-42. $3, I 800. Assignments Commercial State Bank. Oakes , dale, to Daniel Newton, real mtge Geo.A. Pittman, $6000. • PULLMAN, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1920 Murphey, Favre & Co. to Geo. W. Crossgrove, real mtge, Isabelle E. Cordon. $5000. MacGregor Land & Live Stock Co. to Washington Farm. Land Co., chattel, A. M. Davis. $1300. Releases F. E. Brown to Joseph J. Johnson, real mtge, $4000. Central Life Assurance Society of U. S. to Thomas J. Morris, real mtge. McGregor Land & Live Stock Co. to A. M. Davis, chattel, $1700. First National Bank, Pullman, to Clark Burnam, chattel, $1200. Baker Motor Co. to S. W. Jensen, I chattel, $1150. M. A. Harwood to Eniil Anderson, chattel lien, wheat. Blackwell Motor Co. to W. A. Ohl ; er, conditional sale. Citizens tSate Bank. Tekoa, to W. Hureman, chattel, $4000. First National Bank. St. John, to J. E. Bageant, chattel. $6000. J.I. Case Threshing Machine Co. to Euel Parvin, chattel, 188, Lis Pendens E. K. Wolfe vs. I. K. Qeddes, the j Lalouse River Lumber Co., tract of ! land, 1-16-4.",. H. J. Miller, adm. Sarah S. Bants I est., vs. Anna S. Ficklin and B. D. | and D, W. Henry, $600. Rill of Sale i W. A. Ohler to W. M. Allen and 0. j P. McGreevy, truck, $*l. I Certificate Increase Capital Stock SetrlingMining ft Milling Co. Sheriffs Certificate of Sale H. S. McClure, Sheriff, to C. B. ; Swift, lots 9, 10, blk 26, lot 6, blk 33, Endicott. Liens Theo. Rowland vs. L. D, Beovert and J. M. Davis, wheat, 6-36-5 W. ■ B VI., Sees. 31', 32 In 37-5, $169. Daniel Rowland vs. L. D. Beovant and J, M. Davis, wheat. 6-36-5, Sees. 31', 32, in 73-5, $157. Henry Knack vs. L. D. Beovert and J. M. Davis, wheat, 6-36-5, Sees'. 31, ; 32, in 37-5, $462. DECEMBER 8, 1920 I )oeds Bert E. Summers to R. S. Barr.' ; pi eh of swq 28-17-39, $700. R, C. Hedglen to M. A. Draper,! tract swq 13*14-44, also tract seq 14 - 9,200. Bert E. Summers to Isaac Neace, ; eh of nwq, pt eh of 8-17-39, $900. Daniel Frew to N. 11. Weeks, lot 10, blk 6, Fairmont Cemetery, Pull ; man, $20. j Chas. M. Johnson Jo Asa V. Clark, I lots 1, 2, 3, sh of neq, nil of seq, seq : of nwq 1-15-44; $1. Ewan Ladies' Club to Ewan Com munity Club, nh lots 7. 8, blk 32, ; Ewan, $1. August Loding to John Kinzer, seq of nwq, neq of swq 21-12-46, $11,000. Mortgages M. A. Draper to R. C. Hedglen. tract swq 13-14-44, tract in seq 14-! | 14-44, $4200. Asa V. Clark to C. M. Johnson, govt lots 1, 2. 3, sh of neq, nh of seq, seq of nwq 1-15-44, $19,000. John Kinzer to August Loding, seq of nwq and neq or sei| 21-12-46, ; $8000. Jemima McKay to H. W. Terhune, trustee, nh 8-42, $6000. Jemima McKay and L. S. McKay ; to H. W. Terhune, trustee, live stock,l implements, crop in 19-18*42, $*6000. .1. R. Rinehart to Citizens State I Bank, Tekoa. live stock, implements, crop pt 19-45-s,and pt Sees. 20, 17, ( in 455, $1421. W. S. Mood to C. C. Simmons, im plements, swq 27-18-45, $652. W. W. Snohill to Farmers State i Bank, Sprague, live stock, imple ments, $3650. Releases Charles 11. Shawgo to John O. | Pier son, real mtge, $1800. C. C. Simmons to W. S. Mood, ! chattel,.sl7so. Rills of Sale I Charles Jackson to J. F. Aiken and j D. G. O'Halloran, auto, starter and! 1 generators, etc.. $350. Roy Mclnturff to J. W. Hackney, 12 head horses, cow, implements, harness, grain, etc., $4 000. Lien Potlatch Lumber Co. vs. 11. F. Newbrough, materials used in repair, improvement, construction dwelling, pt lot 10. blk 9, Reaney's 2nd add, Pullman, $678. Conditional Bill of Sale ! Between E. E. Quinn and Willis E. LaFayette and Oscar Olsen, billiard , tables. $800. DECEMBER 9, 1920 Deeds A. L. Hill to A. H. Martin. N 30 ft. lot 1, blk 15, Wiley's add., Pa-! louse, $150. Henry Karfstedt to A. H. Martin, • nh 30, lot 1, blk 15, Wiley's add., ,1 Palouse, $1. Ole Melhus to Charles Luft and! Edward R. Charvat, lot 11, blk 17, 1 ! Maiden. $2000. James Hubbard Christopher to the • First National bank, neq of nwq and , nwq of neq, sh of neq, eh of swq, wh of seq 8-15-45, (Pullman bank), • $15,000. .! Frank B. Babcock to Day & Han sen Security Co.. lots 1, 2, '.',. 4. eh I of wh of 19-19-41, (ex) $"12,000. Frank B. Babcock to Day & Han sen Co.. eh 15-19-40. $12,000. i. George W. Gildersleeve to First tj National bank, Washtucna. 3-4 int. 7, nh 6, in 14-37, $10,700. 1 R. L. Hollenbeck to Barbara C. - Sanders and Mary J., crop nwq, swq - of neq 30-15-45, $500. H. 11. Ellis to E. P. McNall and E. B. Fowler, auto. $288. Erwin M. Curtis to I. M. Curtis, , 2-3 crop 1-13-38, live stock, imple -1 ments, $8000. , Richard A. Krous to Geo. W. Hall, live stock, wood and coal, ,'i grain rocks, $5000, Otis Shields to First National bank, St. John, live stock. ''-.'! int. pt. sees. 2, 3, 10, in 19-40, $2000. I Releases First National bank. Pullman, to .Taint's Hubbard Christopher, real mtge.. $15,000. The Auto Finance Co. to J. M. Snapp, conditional bill of sale - ; Partial Releases Harris Trust & Savings Banw to Inland Empire Ry Co., lot 10, blk 16, Colfax, $ —. j Attachments Colfax Mercantile Agency vs. John IL Schmick, nwq 14-18-41, $878. Rill of Sale M. 11. Hotiser to Almota Farmers Elevator & Warehouse Co., ware house and equipment, $4600. Conditional Hills of Bale Jason Piano Co. to Geo. Adler; phonograph, $150. Jason Piano Co. to 11. R. Rudd, phonograph, $150. DECEMBER 10, 1920 Conditional Rills of Sale BaUtn Music House to W. W. Huntley, victrola. Baum Music House to Stanley i Long, phonograph*, $295. Reeds Chas. E. Ray to W. E. Chapman, neq 20-13-88, $"4 800. ('. C. Gleiser to Walter S. Qleiser, sh seq 19-16-45, $I. Isabelle B. Gordon to J. E. Cor don, seq 1-19-41, $14,400. Fred S. l.ibby to Will. Wilson, ■ lots 26, 27, in blk 4::, Pullman; $2600. Mortgages Claude M. Smith to Day & Han sen Security Co., tracts in Sees, lit, 5, in 16-40, $2500. Farmers Oarage Co., Inc., to Thomas Stewardson, lots i, 2, blk 2, St. John, $2000. Andrew W. Nelson and Swan Nel son and ii. W. Terhune, trustees, I nh 13, all 8-40, sh 35, sh Beg and seq swq 34-19-40, $3879. Lee Morford and R. J. Thomas 1 and Thomas L. Morford to Citizens State bank, Tekoa, live stock, farm Implements, part crop in 19-45-s;' $1700. I C. B. Elliott to Commercial State j bank, Oakesdale. live stock, farm im plements, part crops . 12, in 19-44, part 6, 7, in 19-45, $4000. Ira Morton to Baker Motor Co I auto. $175. Andrew W. Nelson and Swan Nel ! son to H. W. Terhune, trustee, live; stock. implements, 2-3 int. crop seq; ! 3-18-42, neq 13, part. 2-18-40, $3879. Harry J. Phillips to James Phil-! lips, live stock, drill, $716. W. S. Garner to Pacific Grain Co.. 1 320 acres summer fallow, neq 25-20 --! 39, swq 19-20-40, $747. 1 A. I). Coffland to First Savings ,<• Trust bank, Whitman Co., hogs, hay,; grain, 50 tons unthreshed grain, $::000. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL RE PORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION No. 3021 i In the superior court of the state of Washington, in and for the coun ty of Whitman. In the matter of the estate of John! Albrecht, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Nick Knopes, the administrator of the es tate of John Albrecht, deceased, has! filed in the office of the clerk of said j court his final report as such admin i istrator together with his petition for distribution of said estate, asking the court to settle said report, distribute the property to the heirs or persons' entitled to the same, and discharge j i said administrator and that Friday,; the 24th day of December, 1920, at ! 10 o'clock a. m., at the court-room of our said superior court, in the city of I Colfax, in said Whitman county, has j been duly fixed by said superior court for the hearing and settlement! of said final report and petition for distribution, at which time and place! any person interested in said estate; ; may appear and file objections there-, to and contest the same. Witness the Hon. R. L. McCroskey, judge of said superior court, and the; ! seal of said court affixed this 22di day of November, 1920. ! M. C. TRUE, Clerk of said Court. By JOHN 11. NEWMAN, Deputy. (Seal) nov26dec24 j Ladies wanting Spiralis corsets call '■ on Mrs. A. L. Jinnett, 405 Grand St.,' ;or phone 1564. - nov26jan2! Go to Duthle's for Red. White and Blue flour: also Royal Rose. I nov26dec24 , pHILADE-LPHtA —■ i DO YOU HATE «■-• | 0 to take a laxative? Then you ■ I J* don't know SAN-TOX Fig- Caecaroe M ■ (Tablet*). Try them once end the <lif- m | _* ference will delight you. Convenient ■ ; a and pleasant to take. _- /_» *r, ■" » Price 10c and 26c C_K_-'VZ- r v- ! SOLD BY I WATT'S PHARMACY • £p ■ " I 0 _Er_| _ I_t In your Christmas giving this year, give only sensible, worth-while pres ents. These are practical times Buy Wisely Give Wisely Give Useful Gifts Consider how the gift you give this year will be looked upon a year hence. How will it prove in the test of time — of daily usage? You won't have to apologize to yourself later if you make your Christmas purchases from among the useful gifts at our big store. tJ-T i mm -m Jfcß | f__! gL g IHT iC- vL E_! _____ MA -„.. ft-, _____ l\g ns JjC -&__*- -WW _____ _y_-__- PESO 9BRO _____ 9~4 fSIJL GOOD GOODS ONLY COLUMBIA AT M COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS ri Hhh RECORDS Our entire stock of Columbia Graf nolas and Records now on sale at big reduction You can SAVE from All the Latest Re s3o to $75 if you buy cords at big discount. your Phonograph $1 Records at 75c. here Others in proportion Your Opportunity To own one of the best phonographs on the market at a price you would pay for an ordinary one Look at This Style E-2, Regular $120, Sale price . . $88.00 Style H-2, Regular $165. Sale price . . 122.00 And many other like bargains BARTON, AKERS MUSIC HOUSE AT THE BIG CLOCK— MAIN ST., LEWISTON, IDAHO Pianos, Phonographs, Records, Sheet Music Manuolo Player Pianos No. 10