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VOLUME XXXIII TiNTY RECORDS V Instruments Filed with the County Auditor FEBRUARY 6, 1921 Deeds E. Raymond to Elbert S. Million, lots 7, 8. 9. blk 3, Fowler's add, Dia mond, $1200. Mortgages Lee Roy Rucker to Pullman State Bank, wh of neq, wh of seq 21-14 --44, $10,000. .;. Ed Krueger to First Say. & Trust Bank, Whitman Co., live stock, im plements, crop wheat 1921 and all summer fallow Sees. 22, 26, 27, In 16 .42, $2800. T. A. Hagaman to Citizens State Bank. Tekoa, live stock, one-third crop int. farm implements, $850. Lien Simon Dreifus and Edward Yon Soehnen vs. J. G. Dobbins, labor and equipment for house and garage, lot 6, blk 45, Colfax, $31 10.85. Releases -Citizens State Bank, Tekoa, to T. A. Hagaman, chattel, $708. Spokane Auto Co. to Elmer Jere miah, conditional sale. Assignments E. N. Shoemaker to Spokane Mer chants Assn., stock goods, cigar store, eh lot 4, wh lot 5, blk l 1. En tiicott. Extension of Mortgage M. Talens to W. A. Lybecker, real mtge, $2500. Kills of Sale J. W. Garnette to John F. Green, all stock merchandise, fixtures, etc., in bldg nil lot 4, wh lot 5, blk 14, Endicott, $2000. Conditional Bill of Salt- John F. Green to E. N. Shoemaker, stock merchandise, fixtures, etc., bldg eh lot 4, wh lot 5, blk 11, Endi cott, $650. Spoakne Auto Supply Co. to Elmer Jeremiah, auto, $2371. Revocation Power of Attorney Maryland Casualty Co. to Benson Wright. FEBRUARY 28, 1021 Deeds Union Farm Land Co. to G. W. G.'ldersleeve, all 1-13-38, $1. Enoch A. Barnard to George '/.. Ickes Jr., part swq of neq 24-17-45,' (ex) $1. . 1 F. P. Williamson to [sum Wil liams, lot 5, Resurvey, lot 11, Mc- Gee's Subdivision- seq 32-15-45, $1350. Enoch A. Barnard, Nathan N. Bar-1 nard and wm. T. Barnard to Ceo.! Z. Ickes Jr., sh of seq 13-17-45, (ex) neq 24-17-45, part nwq 24-17-45, $1, Mortgages Hooper Realty Co, to McGregor Land & Live Stock Co., part 13-19 --40, part 24-10-40, (ex) lots 3 to 7, lots'), 10, blk 1; lots 1, 7,, 9, sh 10, lets 12, 13, blk 2, lots 1 to 6 lots 8, 9, blk 3, lots 1, 3, 4, blk 4, lots 3, L blk 5, all blks 6, 7; all eh of swq 30-14-37 $35,000. Frank B. Babcock to Pacific Grain Co., all seq 2-19-40, tract 17 --18-41, $2300. Ellis Laird to First Savings ft Trust Bank of Whitman County, 3 tracts 3-17-45, $2600. Hooper Realty Co. to McGregor Land & Live Stock Co., 400 tons hay 1919, 1920, 120 barbed wire, "-000 ft lumber, implements, 2 autos, 3 horses, 100 feed racks, wop wheat and alfalfa hay 1921, sections 31, 32 in 15-37, $35,000. Charlie J. Plowman to First State Bank, LaCrosse, live stock, imple ments, auto, two-thirds crop seq 19 --10-39, $2000. y F-* Grotheim to First State _?_' LaCrosse. live stock, two imrdai crop 1921, 36-15-39, $"3515. tt*! ' y rp t0 Farmers Educational union Whse. Co., live stock, imple ments two-thirds crop 1921, Bene an Co., $352. 2i_ _" Freels to National Bank of t "™a] e' live stock, implements, 11610 Crop 1921 ,' eh 26-18-43, b Aobert E. Moser to Colton State S"k ' 2 cows, heifer. $100. toj«t Snyder and ouv McFadden '«__».? Rasgen- two-thirds crop swq <mci 8 _ of swq 24-13-37. $1200. ti*«__ Snyder and Guy McFadden £_!W ty State bank' LaCrosse, and «h #s Crop SW(> and eh of neq aDdsh of BW q 2413-37, $375. »Wo; $30.?5 SBer t0 D ' M Henry ' Pip * c. Releases iWS $ioo e 0 bank to j - c- Harsh ' uSS?_„S ™ Gowdy t0 ™nnie L j«ta and W . H. Latta, ___, mtge, real' loh_' Ron ,0 'H- Cleveland, '■"'mtge, $4000. ' Shopen^', ol' °' ,0 Pu,,man Tire °»>' conditional bill of sale, $—. Han* x Alignments Kic__»i.- 180" and Myrtle mt«s H„„n t0 T Peter B. Stravens, real Willi n e"r£ Krom- $12,000. r '-al mti? AG,? Bk? and -««« Ouske, ■*»s, Alfred Perrenroud, $3500. John n Hi,,s of Sale G«y xtr-v??* ,0 Frank Snyder and °»iw_ ■% W _ni all summer fallow '". $1200 °f neq> sh of SW" 24" Te'«t_P_ H? C'ey ,0 A N. Oliver. . *400. ' 'mplements, small tools, ' UfcS_ Ut,£ ,al ™»* of Sale plo*man .T °tor Co' to Chas. J. man, auto, *"663. >»he r ,M,?i" eur t0 Marion If. Gal- Hi.h $60°- Archie pay , instruction Co. to a <"° truck t^ d "' *■ Barnett, fTI —^ SECOND SECTION The Pullman Herald Devoted to the best interests of Pullman and the greatest farming community in the Northwest surrounding it. Lis Pendens ; Robert i.. Ragon to Mox. Roxow ski, Bert Poulson, to quiet title, tra. ct 'Jl k 3, Geo. T. Huffman's sec ond add, Tekoa. Lien Home Lumber Co. vs. W. L Weld and Andrew .]. Llsenbee, materials. i eh of nwq, lots I, 2, of 18-18-44 Part neq 13-18-43, $2792. Affidavits Melissa M. Ripley to The Public, wife of Wilbur L. Ripley. MARCH 1, 1921 Deeds * has. P. Moore, Admr., to Bessie Ross, lots 8, 9, 10- blk 8, LaCrosse, >P O 0 0. Mortgages P. A. Elkins to National Bank of Oakesdale, auto truck, $1300. Lawrence 1,. Peterson to .McGreg or Land & Live stock Co., 8 head mules, drill, harrow, household fur niture, stove,, utensils, $1025. Roy Peterson to McGregor Land &■ Live Stock Co., live stock, Imple ments, summer fallow, 1021, 31-14-i 38, section 12-13-37, $25,000. Roy Peterson to McGregor Land: >v Live Stock C 0.,, two-thirds crop' wheat, hay, 1921, 1-13-37, sections 30, 31, in 4-38, $25,000. T. L. Ross to McGregor Land and Live Stock Co., live stock, imple- j ments, crop 1921, sections 33. 34, in 15-38, $500. John C, Voungman to John Young man, live stock, implements, two thirds crop, part 1-15-2 1, $487, E. P. Schmick to John A. Pof fenroth, threshing outfit, etc., 1000 I bushels wheat _eg 36-17-40 for 1021, $3831. Geo. M. Baker to Colfax National! bank, 2-3 crop 1921, swij 14-15-41, live stock, implements, $2125. Releases The Commercial State bank I Oakesdale, to F. R. Wolfe, real mtge $8000. Pullman Savings & Loan Assn. to Sarah A, Harrold, real mtge, ? —. Eleanor Truax Harris to John W. Laird, real mtge, $2200. . Holt Mfg. Co. to Frank C. Reed chattel, $ — . Assignments E. C. Willoughby to Colfax Na tional bank, chattel, Oscar Martin 1 $2800. Lis Pendens Charley Johnson to F. M. Jeffries, tc quiet title lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, , 14, nh lots 15 ,16, blk 3, St. John! I 1 Leases | I W. li. Crags to P. .1. Weitz parti I 33-18-44, $2500. .MARCH 2, 1921 Deeds ; F. J. Levi to Oscar U. Howell, lot 18, blk I, McDonald's add, Tekoa, $ l 100. F. .1. Levi to Oscar D. Howell, lot 9. blk 1, .McDonald's add, Tekoa, $100. Harvey D. Irwin to Albert W. Lemon, nwq of neq 32-18-45, $10. 11. D. Irwin to A. W. Lemon, neq of neq 8-45, (ex), $1. Mortgages John C. Plerson to Alurphey Favre ; & Co., seq 6-18-41, $6000. N. E. Chaffee to Rosie Erickson, eh of nwq 8-1 0-4 $650. C. L. Crawford to Standard Lum ber Co., lots J. X, on W side of street I I Pickle-Doty tract, Pullman, $'3600. Oscar D. Howell to F. J. Levi., lot 9, blk I, .McDonald's add, Tekoa, $650. George Ruhl to R. J. Freeman, 10 head sheep, $75. Conrad Straub to F. D. Garrett, live stock, implements, $92,9. 11. F. Turner to First National bank, St. John, live stock, crop, sec tions 6, 7, part 18-40, part 1-18-39, $7000. Releases Coolidge & McClaine to Geo. W. Case Sr., real mtge, 1 100 Equitable Savings & Loan Assn. to Daniel llauman. real mtge, $600. Washington Trust Co. to Mabel A. Imbler, real mtge, $750. St. John State bank to 11. F. Tur ner, chattel, $7000, Simon Piano Co. to Mrs. B. Hig bee, conditional bill of stile, $ —. Partial Releases' Samuel 11. Davis to Thos. U. Sarchet, lots 7, 8, , i. 12, In blk 2, First add, Lamont. $3300. Assignments Day & Hansen Security Co. to John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co., real mtge, Lige Masters. $500. Conditional Kills of Sale Standard Lumber Co. to C. L. and . F. L. Crawford, trucks, $3500. Miller Bros., Jewelers, to Alfred D. Stocking, ring $89. Auto Sales Co. to S. Henderson, auto, $350. Leases Chas. T. Benner to Auto Sales Co., lots 8 to 11, blk 6, LaCrosse, $140 per month. MARCH 3, 1921 Deeds George Reynolds to Susie B. Pick er, Stella c. McXeilly, Kate L. Mor ; Ran, Zola L. Templeton, Lottie M. Reynolds, Nettie J. Bggera and Nora ■ V. McMullen, neq 8-15-42, $—. James W. Ross to Rosanna Ross, lot 6. blk I L Beach's add, Palouse, $1. School Dist. No. 12 to W. M. Reins. tract 32-18-43, $45, Mortgages Thomas J. Dysche and ('arietta K. to Jesse G. Campbell, lots 7 to 12, blk 11. Rosalia, $600. N. J. Powell to Bank of Farming ton, lots 3, 4, blk 18, Truax's add. Farmington, $600.. F. B. Heglar to Farmers State bank, St. John, live stock, Imple ments, seed wheat, auto, two-thirds interest crop 1921, seq 4. all swq 3 -18-41, $1435. PULLMAN, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 11. 1921 Paul and Russell Hooplngamer to Mrs. Mobs Miller, all 7-20-41, eh of neq i 2, seq i 2-20- 10, part swq 6-20 --11. $.000. O. c. Hamilton to J. G. Bartlett, truck, $806. Releases • Bank of Farmington to N. .1. Powell, real mtge, 12-19-18-, $600. H. F. Hamilton to O. C. Hamilton, chattel $1050, Conditional Hills of Sale G. W. Stilson to W. M. Stipe, tractor, $600. LaCrosse Motor Co. to Logan Lid die, auto, 1 99, Bills of Sale Logan Llddle to LaCrosse Motor Co., auto, $124. Contract L. A. Qualfe to Fred J. Widman Jr. wh of neq, nh of nwq 8-20 13, (ex) $14,000. MARCH 4, 1921 Patents United States to Charles Bucher, eh of swq and eh of nwq 17-13-27. 1 Heed, j J. M. Richardson to Jesse G. Camp bell, lots 7. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, blk 11, I Rosalia, $1. Clarence I. Trull to Benjamin G. Trull, lot 1 1. blk 28, Ewan, $1. Marshall C, Handley to Edward Freels, lot 15, blk 8, Resurvey of Steptoe, $1. Jesse G. Campbell to Thomas J. Dyche, lots 7 to 12, blk 11, Rosalia, $1, Elmer K. Wheeler to Harve Le bold, eh blk 2, Fitch's add, I'alouse, also tract, I'alouse, $100. Oliver Hall to Emile E. Meyer,, lot 170, First add, Colfax cemetery, $30. Sarah L. Huffman to Whitman Co. right of way over neq 1-19-45, $1. Mrs. S. McClurg to Whitman Co. right of way over nh of nwq 12-19 --15, $150 per acre. Anton Wirigelaar to Gilbert De- Young, blk 29, Lombard's add, Te koa. $2000. R. C. McCroskey to Earle M. Ale- ! Croskey, neq 36-1 8-15, $ —. Charles T. Benner to Albert Bur nam, lots 9, 10, blk 10, LaCrosse, ; $10. William Hughes to C. M. Hughes, neq 9-18-43, $9600. i William Hughes to Charles m.. Hughes, eh swq 4-18"-43 and tract? part seq 4-18-43, $1. \ William Hughes to Charles M. Hugjbes, tract Beg 4 and part SW cor ner 3- 8-43, $1. Andrew .1. Clyde to Annie Clyde, lot 9, blk 10, Pullman, and tract swq nwq 5-14-45, $1. Mortgages Harve Lebold to Elmer K. Wheel er, eh lot 2, blk 2, Fitch's add. Pa louse, and tract. $3000. Albert W. Lemon to Harvey I). ; Irwin, nwq neq 82-18-45, and tract 1 neq 32-18-45, $5200. Albert Burnam to First State bank, LaCrosse, lots 9, 10, LaCrosse, $9000. George Wright to Pullman state bank, wh neq 23-15-45, $5000. Releases David Luther to Martin Weichaus, chattel. $1000. Emile E. Meyer, ex, to Alice Chamberlln, real mtge, $2600. Conditional Hills of Sale Wayne Oil Tank & Pump Co. to Frank McClure, J. E. St. Clair and I C. J, Lyman, pump, oil, etc., $1010.1 LaCrosse Motor Co. to 11. W. Da. Bert, auto, $897. Baker .Motor Co. to Roy Briggs. auto, $325; Charlie D. Brooks, auto, $540; J. O. Calloway, auto, $875; J. A. Elsberry, auto, $"950; W. L. Elder, auto, $300; E. C. Harter, auto, $925; M. S. Howell, auto, $909; j Ewing Jensen, auto, $1040; Albert Johnson, auto, $350; R. E. Lamb,! auto, $1675; J. F. Lingg. auto, $650; Roy R. Mclnturff, auto, $300; E. C. j Smith, auto, $943; Cleo Skeen, auto. j $475; L. E. Williams, auto, $440; P. A. Williams, auto, $990. A ilia v its Elmer K. Wheeler to The Public, was member firm Wheeler Bros. Levant C. Wheeler to The Public, brother of Elmer K. Wheeler. Alex Warner to The Public, well acquainted With Wheeler Brothers. Dora Willoughby to The Public, well acquainted with Levi Reynolds. .MARCH 5, 1921 Deeds E. C. Kralger to Henry M. Cole, lots 3, 1. 5, blk 18, Huffman's Sec ond add, Tekoa, $1800. S. L. Sparks to Kizzy Risdom, nh lots 2, 3, 4, blk 16, McDonald's add, Tekoa, $10. Johnson-Lemon Co. to Albert W Lemon, swq of neq, seq of nwq 32 --18-45, $'1. , Ella Gant, gdn.. to Albert W. Lemon, swq 32-18-45, $5155. Parnetta Howell McMillan to J. 11. Llewellyn, nwq of seq. neq of swq \ 20-99-43, $1. , Henry M. Cole to O. D. McKeehen, lots 3, 4, 5, blk 18. Huffman's Sec-i ond add, Tekoa, $800. Mortgage* Henry Klattenberg to N. S. Phipps. , lot 5. blk 1, Geo. T. Huffman's add. , Tekoa. $300. VV. O. Chesnut to Farmers Nation al bank, Colfax, tract sh of nwq 10 --16-43, also tract nh of swq 10-16-43 $750. * Geo. B. Marquis to Board of Trus tees, Whitman College, nwq 15-18-, 45, $6000. William M. Reins to J. S. Cronin, nwq and swq of neq 32-18-43 $5000. C. A. Bauer to Bank of Rosalia, sh of swq 31, seq 31-20-43, neq 6-! 13-43, $2500. C. A. Bauer to Bank ot Rosalia, i live stock, implements, etc., $2500. i W P. and A. H. Brehm to First i State bank, LaCrosse, live stock, im ; plements, $890. Peder Garberg to LaCrosse Motor Co., interest in lease, ah, neq 18-1 37, 25 acres fall plowing, two-thirds crop 1921, $67. 1 Releases W. H. Ude to Fred Terry and I) C, Terry, real mtge, $2500. Byron s. Rich to Emma Wolf, real mtge, $1200, Tekoa State bank to E. C. Kralger, ! real mtge, $ —. Edmund R. Pratt, trustee, to | ('has. VV. Howell, real mtge, $.750.1 Vermont Loan & Trust Co, to J.I 11. Llewellyn, real mtge, $ —. Alignments First state hank. Garfield, to S. ! A. Ross, executor, real mtge, Henry Luft. $6500. First state bank, Garfield, to 8. A. Ross, executor, real mtge, John I V. (loss. $3000. Vermont Loan & Trust, Co. to I'm dential Insurance Co., real mtge, J. H. Llewellyn. $2500. Conditional Bills of Male Auto Sales Co. to Ed Hlckey, auto, $750. Spokane Paper & Stationery Co. to j Henry Glore, sewing machine, $65. Hills of Sale H. M. Culton to C. A. Bauer, live Stock, implements, etc., 90 acres fall wheat, To acres fall plowing, sli of nwq 31, sei| 31-20-43, neq 6-10-43, $4 500. Contract C. A. Bauer to D. S. SUer, three j Ifths crop sh of swq 3 1-20-43, seq 1 31-20-43, neq 9-43, 3 years. Assignments W. A. Putter to W. P. Brehm and I A. 11. Brehm, two-thirds interest 1 summer fallow and l 920 chop nh 10 --13-30, swq 34-14-39, Implements, live stock. Affidavits John H. Newman, county clerk, to I The Public, O. 11. Johnson duly elect ed justice of the peace November S, I 1898. John 11. Newman, county clerk, to The Public, J. L. Breeden elected 1 justice of the peace November 8, 1904. L. W. Howell to The Public, per sonally acquainted with Wat kins F. Howell. I SPRING FEVER HITS HUNDRED TRACK MEN' Sunshiny spring days haven't j brought spring fever to the track j crew. Nearly a hundred are out ' regularly, fitting themselves to fill | the gaps in the Cougar varsity ma chine, and as many first year men are working out for freshman track. Tryouts for till places are to be I held inside of a week or two. The ' first meet, at O. A. C, comes off in just a little over a month—April 9. The new training shed has made it possible for Doc's men to get train- j ing almost two months earlier than I ever before. Weight men have start- [ ed to turn out for outside work with I the discus. Sprinters and distance j men are well beyond the preliminary stage and have taken on considera- j ble real speed. Jumpers and vault- j ers alone are held back by the lack ! of training space. The men have not been put to competitive tests yet, j and won't be until alter the basket ball season is closed.' -—-_-__-__________, RESIGNATION TENDERED BY FRED S. MARTIN \ Fred S. Martin, acting superin tendeht of official testing for the state of Washington, has tendered his resignation to take effect April 1, to engage in the dairy business in Pullman: Mr. Martin litis been in charge of the work in official testing for the I past year and during his occupancy the volume of work accomplished in- j creased 100 per cent over previous years. A successor to Mr. Martin has not yet been appointed. BERT BROOKS RETURNS— HAS JOBS FOR ARMY MEN Bert Brooks, head of the Pullman branch of the federal board of voca- tonal training, has just returned fiom a week's trip to Portland, Pa co, and Walla Walla, on federal board business. Mr. Brooks was locating jobs for vocational men to give them work while in training. Cambridge, Mass., March 3.—An increase in tuition fees tit Harvard University made necessary by an ad vance in expenses and an estimated deficit for this year of more than $300,000 was announced by the cor poration and the board of overseers today. Scholarships will be Increased at the same time in order to Impose no extra hardships on needy students This comes at the end of a long and earnest struggle by Harvard to keep the tuition at $200. Many of the big eastern universities, notably Yale and Columbia, raised their tui tion fees at the beginning of this year.—Spokane Chronicle. /< rA?'H_.'-"'"'"'y " ;■;,."! £?".::■_«_:,..".*-'.'ss.'.■— i ...'..-.vv, ig=wt*g-yyr__» \-.' f y v'- 4 wswmyty^^MlA^m [:;• -v"; .j.''^..; I. .-■ ■■.'/;'.■';• J ' fn_«R Mothers-Then and Now " ■Bpf When mother used to bathe the clothes H)_*fl__¥s3_f She rose at break of day, lIIWwS And piled those undies, shirts, and hose Within those tubs so gay, ii_li__fiwlH And then she'd rub and rub and rub 1 uW%pfy-<s£} Her fingers all away. iltilß_?J^___ From early morn 'til late at night <l^yy-y^" she leaned above that tub, IM^IiSSSr j And there she'd scrub and rinse and wring **B_l{W_i_ia And wring and rinse and scrub, And rub and rub and rub and rub fppßspi^Eai And rub and rub and rub, l___Jsi«i^9#_l ixx^jy^'iP Today the merry mothers rise LT- ,'.'.i At nine or ten, you know, p? "i f4),\kvHl And fUI the old machine with clothes jfe;^|;ff, And push the button, bo! wS^^mm- And go upstairs and read a book, &«_r>&fc§_lS's Or beat it to the shun . I 'lift!fco.-'SBSH They do not know how sweet it la j'Hr^&R!JiUc To scrubity-scrub all <l. \, lliK'-^wAm^' Or what a jolly lark it is ,j \\}%'l*%fiM To rub their hands away, 'iißnC«_eyß& Or feel their backs go crlckety-crack, |j u«fll^^^jf(t When the evening mists are gray. •'Mll'fe-^^!'> —J. P. McEvoy in Chicago Tribune. I/-V- >■'''/'. s>& yi'P^4 v aJ^ __ __^^_f^Si^few MANUrACTUMD IN WtDWW, ILE,»Y " C^"' 7^¥ F L^__^__!l___^Mg:^ ij LEEALL^N 1 GOOD GOODS ONLY i y<. — J^^i'/Yy , ' hi ■'. //■ _/^*'**^___»_l^p^_C_ \ UPLiJ»/iiii] MAS THE CITY SEWERAGE SYSTEM STAKED ITS OUT POSTS FULLY NINETY YARDS SHORT OF VOIR HOME? That's nothing. A properly constructed Septic Tank is just as satisfactory as a city sewer connection. No odors. No nuisance. No menace to health. Come in, phone in or write in for free instructions for con structing and estimate of cost. We will sell you the small amount of fitting required, for the lowest possible price. WITTER ENGINEERING CO. 1011 Main Street Phone 100 Pullman, Wash. I . i J i_MMH_a_o-n_»a_n■_■_■_■__■_■_■_■__M_as__aMMM_a_B__M—■• Army Bacon Roast Beef Corned Beef Army Field and Dress Shoes Underwear Gloves Heavy Wool and Cashmere Socks Single and Double Wool Blankets AT THE ARMY STORE 804V_ Alder Street " Opposite P. 0. No. 22