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«v__v. March 18. 1921 TJtED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 I >r. IV. A- Spalding, Minister i ' « Cole. Associate and Stu- Key. »• "" dent Pastor V'iJsb & -Bible School. ti-'oo a. m.—Morning Worship. , -in D m. —Christian Endeavor. j 7 : 30 P- m.—Evening Worship. • Bible school classes for everybody, jj you re not In some school you are invited to come and see for yourself. Dr . Spalding will speak at 11 a. on the theme, -'Thou Shalt Love ) Jnyself." At 7:30 you will want "hear Mr. Cole discuss the question, Why Go to Church Anyway?" The interest in the Young People's work i, increasing. Good orchestral mu iic will be a feature of the evening service. PULLMAN BAPTIST CHURCH :?.;: \V. E. Monbeck, Pastor (On Paradise St., near Main.) 9.45 a. m. —Church School. 11:00 a. m. —Worship and Sermon. 3-00 p. m. —Junior Meeting. 6:30 p. in —Young People's Meet -7:38 p. ra. —Song Service and Sermon. , Subject of morning esrmon, "The Darkest Day in the World's History." Evening' subject, "The New Birth: What Does It Mean? How Secure It?" FEDERATED CHURCHES (First Baptist and Congregatio ml) C. N. Curtis, Minister 9:50 a. m. — Church School. 11:00 a. m.— Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m. — Young People's Social Half Hour, followed by Forum. The Brotherhood will meet at 10. Dr. A. A. Douglass will speak to the student class. March 20 is Palm Sunday. The subject of the morning sermon will be "The Triumph of Jesus." Judge Thos. Neill will lead the forum at 7:00, subject, "Divorce." On the evening of March 27 an Eas ter play will be given, "The Tri umph of Love." ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Gilbert W. Laidlaw, Vicar 9:45 a. m.—Church School. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:00 p. m — Sunday Evening Club for Young People. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL John G. Law, pastor. Paul F. Green, associate pastor. Miss Hazel Hogoboam, student sec retary. 9:50 a. m. —Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. -Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m. — Epworth League. 7:30 p. m. — Evening Worship. Saturday at 6 p. m., annual ban quet for young people ,a big event of the year. Dr. E. L. Mills of Port land Ore., will be the principal speaker. Dr. Mills will speak at tie- Sunday college classes on Sunday morning and preach at the morning service. In the evening the pastor will de liver the first of a series of sermons which will last through the week on "The Kingdom of God." The topic of this sermon will be "The Tri umphal Entry." Topics of the rest of the series will be: Monday: "Cleansing the Temple." • How the Kingdom vision was dim med for centuries. Tuesday: "Great Signs of the Kindom's Coming." Wednesday: "Jesus and the King dom." If You Are a Farmer and have enough capital to gel started you can become independent in a few years on a Wheat Farm in Alberta Many former "Palousers" have done it. As soon as the weather settles I am taking a party of men to look over some choice places I am offering for sale. You Are Invited To Join Us L B.KIRBY 303 Grain Exchange, Calgary, Alberta NOW AT THE PALACE HOTEL, PULLMAN Bank and other references Thursday: Union communion serv ice with meditation by Rev. 11. J. Reynolds. Friday: "The Law of the King dom." Sunday at 11 a. m.: "Repent, the Kingdom is at Hand." An Interpretation in the light of modern knowledge and social con ditions of the Kingdom of God. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH • H. .1. Reynolds, Minister 9:50 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a. m.— Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m.—Christian Endeavor. 7:80 p. m.— Evening Worship. A special effort is being made by all the Pullman churches to increase the attendance in the church schools We want to do our share. Lei every member fall in and do his best lie a sure enough booster for the best school on earth, the Bible school. Remember the time and that we ex pect to "See you Sunday." Morning sermon topic. "The Grandest Theme.'' The evening hour will be different. The Introduction will be a short con vention session by a company of rep resentatives of the Near East. This will be followed by special music and a platform meeting. Kail in. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The Christian Science society holds services every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in the Masonic hall, in i the First National Bank building. j Testimonial meetings are held I very Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock in the same hall. A tree reading room is open to the public Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af ternoons from 2:30 to 4:30,* in the room two doors west of the Western i Union Telegraph office, on Olson treet. All authorized Christian Sci ence literature may be read or bor- ! lowed. * ■ — CATHOLIC CHURCH 010 State Street Services: On first, third and fourth Sundays at 8:00 a. m. and 10:00 a. in.; on second Sundays at 9:00 a. m. only; on fifth Sunday at 12:00 m. only. Services on weekdays at 7:00 a. m. Everyone is welcome to assist at our services. Rev. Carl Philipp, Telephone 122 Pastor, I RELIEVE^ THEREFORE i SPEAK Folowing is a synopsis of the ser mon delivered by Rev. 1. J. Rey nolds of Pullman, March 13, 1921, th 25th anniversary of his sen in ihe ministry of the Word: 2 Tim, 4: 1-B—2 Cor. 4:1:!. Twenty-five years ago the speaker began serving as a regular minister of the Word. During the years he has seven times served a congrega tion of the saints, this being the seventh. lie has ever sought to preach the word because he believed it to be the Word of God. Having heeded the advice of Paul to Tim othy he has studied to show himself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth. In doing this he has settled some things for himself, not for others. Too many people have tried to settle things for others. On that account the church is being held back by the dead hand in the assembly of the leaders. He has merely settled some things for himself. Some things concerning the Word. He believes certain things .therefore he speaks. 2. He believes that the Bible is the Word of God. That both the old and 111 testaments are Inspired records That the narratives are true and correct and worthy of all acceptation. In doing this he is walking in tin- footsteps of Him who said. "Follow me." 2. lie believes that Jesus Christ was cmi manifest In the flesh, He believes in the Deity of Jesus as well as iii His Divinity. He finds IT wit nesses to this truth in the Gospel of John. John 20:31 Is a great text. 3. He believes that the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, to every one that belleveth. Since it is the power of Cod unto salvation, there is no other power that is able to save. The death of Jesus, accord ing to the scriptures fulfilled prophe cy and provided the shedding of blood without which there is no remission of sins. His burial and resurrection fulfilled more prophecy, brought life and immortality to light and established the substantial verity of the spirit of phophecy which Is the testimony of Jesus. •1. He believes that the church is a divine organism over which Christ is the living head and that denominations are unwarranted at tempts by men to improve upon the work of God. The church is the only organization that the devil is unable to wreck. Our Cod and His Son Jesus Christ outgeneraled the devil when the church was founded. That, is what Paul means in Ephe sians :::!i-i 0, the secret of the ages by that Cod who created all things in order to make known to the gov ernments and the authorities in the Heavenlles, through the church the manifold wisdom of God according to the plan of the ages which He pur posed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Paul had the conflict of the ages in mind when he wrote of the panoply of Cod in Eph. 6:10-20. 5, He believes that Satan is a personality as real as the personali ty of Jesus and that the mind of the devil in people leads them to do the things that are contrary to the mind of Christ. As Christ is the in carnation of truth, so is the devil the incarnation of lying. We need to remember frequently the words of the Lord Jesus how he said of the devil, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof." — John 8:44. G. He believes that sin is a reality and that the soul that sinneth shall surely die. A great sin is the sin of unbelief, it conies mighty close to being the unpardonable sin. The unbelievers will be in the crowd that has its part, in the lake that burnetii with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.—Rev. 21:8. 7. He believes that Jesus is com ing again to claim His bride, the church. He does not know when Jesus will come, hut lie will come again even as He said. When John 14:1-3 is finished then 1 Thess. 4 il ! 8 will he fulfill,- While He tar ries let us be busy for Him. Lei us be always abounding in the work of the Lord inasmuch as we know that our labor in Him is not in vain. The speaker wants to finish his work before Jesus comes. With Paul I can say "I believe Cod" and so believing and having settled these seven things for my self, "woe is me if I preach not the Gospel." It is the power of God unto salvation to every one that be lleveth. It is the power of love, the love of Cod. It is the power of a perfect example. It is a transform ing power. It is a Gospel of blood. Believe and live. CARD OF THANKS We wish to publicly extend our thanks and appreciation to the kind friends who came to our assistance during the illness and at the death of our father. E. N. Huchliff, Mrs. J. M. Bodine, C. H. Hinchliff, Mrs. H. J. Walter, W. B. Hinchliff. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL RE PORT AND PETITION FOR DISCHARGE In the superior court of the state of Washington, in and for Whit man county. In the matter of the guardianship of Edward Mennet, insane. Notice is hereby given that Thee Thonney, guardian of the estate of Edward Mennet, insane, has filed in the office of the clerk of said court his final report as such guardian and asking the court to settle said report, and discharge him as such guardian, and that Friday, the Ist day of April. 1921, at 9:30 o'clock n. m., at the court room of the said superior court. In the City of Colfax in said Whitman county, has been duly ap pointed by said suoerior court for the hearing and settlement of said final report and petition for dis charge at which time and place any person Interested In said est at > may appear and file objections thereto and contest the same. Witness the Hon. R. L. McCroskey. ludas of said superior court, and the senl of Mid court affixed this 2."th day of February, 1921. JOHN H. NEWMAN, /Seali Clerk of Raid Court. mchlSaprl Puv that new Battery at Martin's Harare. marl 1-25 THE PULLMAN HERALD ItKSOLUTION No. :wi Being ii resolution of the City Council of the City of Pullman. Washington, declaring its Intention to Improve the following described streets: 1. Beginning on Dexter street be tween Lot 1. Block _. McK-nzie '■ 3rd Addition, and Lot i. Block 76, McKrii/ies 2nd Addition, where the street begins to slope toward the east, thence east along Dexter street to its Intersection with Side street, thence north along Side street to its Intersection with South street, thence west along South street to its intersection with Hill street, there to conned with tin trunk sewer now in. by constructing a trunk sewer, nnd providing for the assessment of the cost mid expense thereof on the property especially benefitted there by 2. That the cost and expense of said Improvement, including the cost ot the publication of this resolution of intention and all other publica tions required by law, the expense necessary and Incidental to the doing of said work. Includ'nn the cost of engineering, shall be levied and at sessed upon the property Included in said assessment district, In propor tion to the benefits derived by said improvements. 3 That the City Engineer is here by required to submit to the ('mm cil on or before the sth day of April, 1921. an estimate of the cost and ex- Dense of the improvements herein contemplated, together with the statement of the proportionate amount thereof which should be borne by the property within the proposed assessment" district, to gether with a statement of the aggre gate valuation of the real estate, ex clusive of improvements, within the district, according to the valuation lust placed upon it for the purpose of general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts or parcels of land and other property which will be especi ally benefited by said Improvement, together with the estimate of the amount of the cost and expense of said improvement which should be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land and other property. I. He it Further Resolved, That all persons who may desire to object to said Improvement may file the same in writing with the City Clerk a' her office in the City Hall on or before the nth day of April. 1921, or appear and present such objections at a meet inn of the City Council to he held on the sth day of April. 1921, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock p. m. in the Council Chamber in the City Hall, at which time and place any objection will be considered and a hearing had on this resolution. Ti. Be It Further Resolved. That the City Clerk shall cause this reso lution to be published for two con secutive times ii, The Pullman Her ald, the official newspaper of the City of Pullman, the first publication to be at lea fifteen days before the slh day of April. 1921. X. E. .1. GENTRY, Attest: Mayor. .Matilda Gannon. City Clerk. Passed this loth da) of March, 1921. Approved as to form: li. C. ; low, City Attorney. .March 8-25 ORDINANCE No. :iH_ An ordinance creating a fund into which shall be placed till moneys re ceived from the sale of Road Bonds, Series A. of the City of Pullman, Washington, which said fund shall be known as "Special Road Fund," and providing the uses for which said moneys may be paid out. The City Council of the City of Pullman, Washington, do ordain as follows: Section I, That there is hereby created a fund to be known as "Spe cial Road Fund." Section 2. That all moneys re ceived from the sale of Road Bonds, Series A, shall be placed in this "Special Road Fund." Section 3. That the payment for improving a part of North Grand street, a part of Whitman street and a. proposed street extending north easterly through Blocks -1 ;nd 5, Lawrence and Holbrook's Addition, across Tracts K. I. I. 11. Webb ave nue, and Block 27, College Hill Ad dition, by grading and paving with water-bound macadam, shall be made by warrants drawn on this "Special Road Fund." Section 4. That this ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and five days after its publication in the official newspaper of *he City of Pullman. N. E. .1. GENTRY. Attest; Mayor. Matilda F. Gannon, City Clerk. Passed this 1 "th day of March. 1921. Approved this lath day of March 1921. Approved as to form: I), C. Dow, City Attorney, mchl 8 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned, administrator of the es tate of Eugenia Struppler deceased, that pursunt. to the order of the su perior court of Whitman county, made and entered on the 4th day of March, 1921, in said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest bid der, for cash, at the front door of the- Whitman county court house, on Saturday, the 16th day of April, 192), at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, all the right, title and interest of said estate in and to lot 2. blk 12. of the Original Town of Pullman, subject to confirmation by said court. Terms of sale: Cash. 10 per cent to be paid at the time of sale, and remainder when the sale is con firmed and deed issued Dated this 16th day of March. 1921. P. W. STRUPPLER, Administrator of the estate of Barenia Struppler, deceased. mchlß-aprls For rood early Snake river pas ture call or write Joe Kramer. Col ton, Wash. mcblßaprß INSURE WITH McCLASKEY I 1 HOMING 11 ! J KAMPUS I I ! ■ IIP Till ■ : A Vaudeville Show jl j. In Six Ads i| J Featuring: ij Ji I. COE'S ACES OF MELODY <[ ( 11. A BOOK STORE ROMANCE > S Miss Irene Oliver, Director \ I 111. MR. CECIL GHOLSON PATTERING ARTIST { s Accompanied by Nash and Gleason, Banjo Pickers (! I IV. COLLEGE STRING QUARTET > ji They Cyncopate '[ i] V, MR. FORREST BECK SWEDISH SPEILER > Ji VI. MISS FISHER'S DANCING GIRLS j! |: Music-Jazz-Songs jl Syncopation i; ONE NIGHT ONLY | SATURDAY, MARCH 2611) j |! COLLEGE AUDITORIUM jl > RESERVED SEATS AT WATTS \ < MONDAY, MARCH 21 ![ J. O's. SPECIAL COFFEE SALE We have 200 pounds of bulk Pea Berry Coffee that we are going to sell, while it lasts, at Per 25C Lb. We have Corn at three cans for '. 50c We have Tomatoes at three cans for 40c We will sell Crackers by y_ box, weighing eight to nine pounds, at per pound 160 We appreciate the fact that money is close and prices shaky. Our stock is getting worked down to the point where we can sell on present market and will do so. We need your help and will pay Cash for Eggs above your grocery needs. J. O. ADAMS, GROCER PHONE 56 Material for Additions to Our Switchboard Is Beginning to Arrive and will be Installed as Rapidly as Possible INLAND TELEPHONE CO. " SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HERALD Page Five