Newspaper Page Text
Friday. March 25, 102 j Neighborhood News SPRING FLAT Mrs. Joe Naffziger spent last Wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. George Glunk. Mrs. Blanche Hickman, a former resident of this vicinity, has been seriously ill but is improving at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Naffziger and son, Claude, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tayloi Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson and Earl were the guests at the Joe Naff liger home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bush and fam ily were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gray in Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Earl Gibson and Esther Draper attended the vespers service at the college au ditorium Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Naffziger called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Naffziger last Thursday. Esther Draper was a visitor at school Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Taylor spent last Tuesday afternoon with the Gib sons. Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Mrs. Isabella Taylor and Amanda Taylor spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Hugh Taylor. .Mr. and Mrs. Will Frederickson are visiting at the George Glunk home this week. Roy Draper has been confined to his bed the past week, but Dr. Kim zey assures us that it is only a se vere cold and that he will be out again in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Naffziger were guests at the Bert Draper home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Naffziger and Infant son and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Naffziger were Colfax visitors on Tuesday. EWARTSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lathrop and baby arrived last Thursday from Anatone, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Lath rop are employed at the Albert Swecker home. Dewey Rigs and Miss Grace Stone of Pullman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1.. R. Rucker last Thursday evening. Little Miss Evelyn Young of Pull man spent a few days the first of the week at the home of her uncle, Claude Rucker. C. M. Burkowsky and sister, Net tie, of Pullman were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Rucker and son, Delbert, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde My ers in Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Neil spent Sunday at the Ben Henson home. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rucker and Homer Holliday spent Sunday in Pullman at the Frank Young home. X. C. Myers suffered a severe in jury to his right eye one day last week while using an emery stone. Tho stone flew to pieces, one of which struck his eye glass, the corner of the eye receiving a deep gash from the broken glass. Mr. Myers also received a severe cut on the right cheek. Dr. L. G. Kimzey attended him. Homer Holliday was quite ill a few days last week with la grippe. Mrs. Jessie Inman of Colvllle, who ALBERTA Wheat Farms Dairy Farms Stock Farms Cattle Ranches Raw Lands Investments CALL, WRITE OR PHONE L. B. KIRBY 303 Grain Exchange, Calgary, Alberta NOW AT THE PALACE HOTEL. PULLMAN has been visiting relatives and '■'ends here for some time, was a guest at the Max Hinrichs home the first of the week. Mrs. Claude Rucker spent this week in Pullman while having dental work done. Claude Rucker was a Colfax vis itor Wednesday. Little Edward Fulfs, who Is at tending school in Colfax, spent a few days this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fulfs. Mr. Koenlg, who Is employed on the W. H. Pritchard ranch, spent a few days this week at his home near Albion. Ben Henson dug the portion of his last year's potato crop which he was unable to dig last fall. L. R. Rucker this week graded V. L. Higgins' yard. JOHNSON A party was held at the Mustoe home on Monday evening in honor of Mr. Mustoe's birthday. Cards and checkers were the amusements of the evening. Mrs. N. A. Wilson has received word from her son, R. O. Wilson, that a baby girl arrived at his home in Missoula, Mont., on Sunday morn ing. The successful contestant in the this district declamation contest for this di strict was Miss Brownfield of Pullman. Lawrence Woods is visiting at the home of Mrs. C. L. Davis. Frank Ellis, who has been gone for some time, has returned to John son. Lloyd Mclnturff, who lives near Lapwai, is in Johnson for a short visit with his mother. Miss Lydia Page of Lewiston, Ida., stopped here Saturday and Sunday on business. The commercial club play is com ing along splendidly. April S is the tentative date set for it. Edwin Twitmyer, the state high school inspector, visited the schools here last week. The Sunday school of the Presby terian church will give their Easter program at 11 o'clock on Easter morning. Miss Alta Wiggins is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wiggins. A large number of Johnson peo ple attended the dance given in Col ton by the Masonic lodge there. Mann Brothers' orchestra furnished the music. The moving pictures here have proved so successful that the con tract with the Pathe company has been renewed for an indefinite time BANNER Mr. and Mrs. Oris Markham and Miss Wilms Clark visited Friday evening at the August Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams and children and Mrs. Ella Adams of Albion took Sunday dinner at the .1. W. Darland home. J. W. Darland left Friday of last week for Hood River, Ore., on a bus iness trip and returned Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fredrickson were Sunday visitors at the Geo. Glunk home on Spring flat. Mrs. Fredrickson Is staying this week at the Glunk home. Mr and Mrs. Will Cochran were Sunday dinner guests at the El dredge home. Miss Lillian Johnson visited Miss Jeanetta Gossett Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson, ; Oscar Anderson and Clarence Dar land visited at the A. H. Ruth home Sunday afternoon. A St. Patrick's party was held at the Will Cochran home last Saturday evening. Oscar Anderson won first prize, a cream cake, for his familiar ity with Irish names. Cocoa, sand wiches and cake were served by Mrs. Cochran. Miss Lora Gossett escaped luckily from losing her eyesight Monday at school when an arrow accidently was shot, striking just beneath # her eye. The wound proved not to be as serious as was at first thought. ———-—————__———__ WHELAN Miss Anna Pritchard visited her friend. Miss Dorothy Maston, one day last week. Miss Jennie Taylor of Pullman spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. P. Petersen of Mos cow, Ida., spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Flaurice Gray. Mrs. Geo. Wright of Moscow, Ida., came out to the farm Tuesday. . Mrs. L. B. Slmms and son of Spo kane are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. W. Taylor, and brother, ; Dwight Taylor. Mrs. C. W. Taylor has been quite sick for a few days. B. I. Pickell, Flaurice Gray, C. W. Taylor and Chas. Stirewalt are busy improving their ways, namely, drag . ging roads. Will M. Hooper moved to Cham bers Tuesday, where he will be at home to his friends. FORD Several in this community attend ed the sale at the R. W. Gwinn place Wednesday. Special attention is called to the Change in time lor the Easter serv ices. Sunday school and program will be at 10:30 and preaching serv ice at 11:15. After the service will follow an Easter dinner. The serv ! ices are changed for this one day. Everyone is welcome to all of the exercises of the day. Mrs. O. A. Greenwell has been sick j the past week with a cold but is bet | ter now. Mr. Greenwell has had to make a couple of trips to town this week for his dog. The dogs of our com munity are bound to get aristocratic. Although Mr. Greenwell's dog seems : more ambitions than Mr. Breeze's. i It is trying to learn the garage trade. ROSE CREEK A Sunday school was organized at the school house Sunday morning and the following officers were elect ed: Superintendent, Andy Mael; assistant superintendent, Earl Mael; : secretary and treasurer, Miss Elinors Hake. Regular sessions will be held beginning April 3 at 10:30. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Barber and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Guthrie Sunday afternoon. Mrs. J. D. Carson and son, New nan, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Graham Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rodeen were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Olson Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Benedict spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Fink in Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mael were in 1 Moscow, Ida., last week and Mr. Mael was operated on and growths were removed from his nose. He is some better at the present writing. Joseph Keeney called on his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kin der, Saturday. Mrs. William Olson was a guest at the Henry Neel home in Pullman Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petersen and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Petersen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carson, in Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Rodeen visit ed their daughter, Mrs. ,J. C. Parr, Saturday. J. W. Neely was in this vicinity buying stock for the City Market Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Mael and fam : ily, also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mael and children called on Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mael Sunday. ■ _ STALEY Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Billy and Miss Scott returned home from Spo kane Monday. Walter March moved his family into the Jeff Neely resident Friday. The extreme high water took the bridge out near the Jennings home Will Maston and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones. Mrs. Jake Ennls and Carlos spent Saturday night and Sunday morning with Mrs. Ennls' mother, Mrs. Nich olson, of Pullman. THE FULLMAX HERALD Mr and Mrs. Sam Ailor of Walla Walla are visiting Mrs. Ailor's sis ter. Mrs. Albert Jones. Mrs. Wm. Mennet. Mrs. C. E. Jen nings and Doris Jennings called on Mrs. Jo. Cooper Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Knnis and Carlo. spent Sunday afternoon at the Ray Draper home. The pupils neither tardy nor ab sent tor last moot- were, Anna and Merle Maston, Doretha and Nina Draper, Kowena Mennet and Emily Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shafer and Mr and Mrs. Chas. Stirewalt wore Thurs- ! day evening dinner guests at the : home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bishop. The affair was given in honor of Dr. Cur tis Brlgham of Los Angeles, Cal. CHAMBERS Mr. and Airs. Ralph Lawrence en tertained at their home last Friday evening a number of their friends and neighbors. Card playing and dancing were enjoyed by all and a delightful luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howard spent Sunday with the Kincaids' A number of the local residents attended the play at the college Fri day and Saturday nights. C. 11. Kincaid and Roy Lawson ; helped Mr. Wiley and an assistant put in the Jennings bridge last Fri day. Robert Greenwell was a Pullman visitor Friday. Mrs. Ailor and Mrs. Mclnturff; spent a few days last week at J. P. Wagner's. Gene Henry is cleaning yard this week. ''. Mrs. Brownfield spent Tuesday with Mrs. Stanley Long. There will be no school next week, it being institute week. ("has. Kincaid is doing his chop ping this week. CLINTON The Stitch and Chatter club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs T. E. Wiley Thursday, March 17. Al though it was a very rainy, dismal j day, there was a good attendance and all had a jolly time. T. E. Wiley was accidentally shot last Sunday morning by a gun in thei hands of Haley Hansen. The bullet entered his leg about six inches be low the body. Dr. Kimzey extracted the bullet and Mr. Wiley is doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ames Landa and son, Kennan, and Miss Gladys Benedict were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. W. H. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Haynes and children were Sunday visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Haynes. '< Glen Kimble, Miss Ruth Haynes., Charles Marchel ami Miss Celia , Boone autoed to Lewiston, Idaho, last Sunday. Mrs. T. H. Wiley is visiting her son, T. E. Wiley, this week. Mrs. Elva Procunier spent the week-end at Clarkston with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Purnell. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wolfe and fam ily of Lewiston, Idaho, visited his. parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Wolfe, also her mother. Mrs. J. C. Stratton, »nd her brother, C. A. Stratton, near Pullman from Saturday until Sun day. Amos Lande has sold his home in the Clinton district to Mr. Heckstaff of Moscow, Idaho. SOCIAL SESSION Tuesday, March 29. being the fifth Tuesday of the month and no sched uled meeting of either the Modern Woodmen or Royal Neighbors, the evening will be given to a joint so cial entertainment. Cards and oth er games will be features and re freshments will be served. All mem bers of the two orders are urged to be present with their families, as the Royal Neighbors committee having the affair in charge promises that the evening. will be full of good things. All kinds of curtains washed and stretched. Rough Dry laundry: 50c per dozen. Mrs. Mack's Hand Laun dry, 1310 Maiden Lane. Phone 1542. mch2s Have your repair work done Martin's Garage. marl I-?' ; Ramer's Chocolates Chocolates 11 Direct from the Factory Jl ]!' They will Please You ]» j! THORPE'S"" ii ij SMOKE HOUSE ii 11 (Incorporated) S ]l Phone 28 J il Where. Everybody Goes I i t I Mill Work of All Descriptions [ Store Fronts and Interior ! Fixtures a Specialty > Estimates Gladly Furnished !' I PULLMAN MANUFACTURING GO. | ! F. V. Roth j| ! 300 Main Street Pullman, Wash. ]! New . Telephone . Numbers Additions and Changes in Telephone Directory Adams, Chester V.. res 5011/, Maiden Lane 2353 Allen Transfer, The, Olson & Grand o-t Baird, 11. W., res. 109 Star Route 1803 Belmar, S. L., res. Albion Farmer* 247 Bortle, L., res farm Fanners 27X5 Brownfield, R. 11.. res. 608 Steptoe BM. Clark, C, V.. res farm Farmers 108 Cooper, Fred, res. 214 True Aye 2511 Crainpton. Geo., res. Colorado St. Ext 2004 Creighton, Joe, res. farm Farmers OX3 Crowley, D. J., res. McGee Flats 8122 Delamaster, Ford, res. College Park Ml. Dickerson, Rev. C. \V . res. Albion Farmers 249 Froding & Maxwell, Blacksmiths, Grand st 27« Clunk, A. ('.. res. farm Farmers 97 Ilouthitn, E. 11.. res 210 Jackson 3578 Johnson, C. L., res. farm Fanners 105 .Jones. E. E., res. farm Farmers OX Lande, A. E., res. farm Farmers 10X5 Leitzow, Harry V., res. 211 McKenzie 3574 March. Walter, res farm Farmers 291 Martin, Mrs. Mary, res. Albion Farmers 94 Martini, Leon X , res 2I 2 W. Main 8444 Morse, Roy, res. 708 Church 1754 Nash Garage, 625 Grand st 84 Peterson, Fred, res. farm Farmers 2Mi\.~» Polston, .lames X., res. farm Farmers Ml) Prater, O. E., res farm Farmer! IX2 Pullman Service station. 32 Main 18 Reid, Mrs N. L., res. Albion Fanners 177 Howards, Walter, res. farm Fanners 05 Weber. Albert, res. farm Farmers 10XX5 Kindly Clip and Paste iii Your Directory Inland Telephone Company JOHN DEERE EXTRAS For All Kinds of Farm Machinery Also a Lot of Second Hand Implements, Just Shipped in From Montana, at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Here's Your Chance to Make a BIG SAVING FRANK MASTON At the Whitman Implement Co.'s Old Stand mma^mmmmßaMmm*ma^mmmmamt^mmma^svammmmmmmmmmmmmtmmm^mmAmmmAmm We are equipped to handle any kind of I j a contract — large or small j OUR MILL WORK I SPEAKS FOR J ITSELF I | Roth Construction Co. j . ___ . ; THE HERALD PRINTS THE NEWS Pago Three