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VOLUME XXXIII COUNTY RECORDS Instruments Filed with the County Auditor MARCH 14, 1921 Deeds . j. W. Hubbard to School Dist No. 47, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 4, Lamb's add, Johnson, $275. Joseph Scherer to wLawrence H. Hattrup, lot 13, Marlatt add, Union town, riooo. Harry Thompson to Ethel Shoe maker, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 1, Elberton, $10. Thos. H. Shobe to A. H. H. Scher er, lot 3, blk 2, Shobe's Third add, LaCrosse, $10. Mortgages Will R. Heglar to Pacific Bldg. & Loan Assn., lots 1, 2, 3, blk 8, First add, St. John, $3000. Edw. C. Enos to Edna Michael son, nwq 17-16-44, $4000. August Smick to Colfax State bank, live stock, crop grain, hay, nh 10, sh 3, neq 9-17--41, two-thirds crop 1921, neq 16, swq 10-17-4 1, $6150. Anna Kramlich to Geo. M. Schmick, 1-16 interest, all 2, (ex) nh lot 4, all nteq 10, all nwq 1 1-15 --40, $500. gjtj U. G. Copper to Farmers State bank, St. John, live stock, imple ments, crop, part seq 20-18-42, two thirds seq 15-18-12, swq 20-18-42, 60 acres summer fallow ground on seq 20, 50 acres seq 16, spring and summer 1921, all 18-42, $200. Edwin J. Schultz to C. F. Kinzie, auto, $130. : Harry Benner to F. W. Benner, live stock, implements, $2222. ■ Floyd F. Fields to First State bank, LaCrosse, live stock, imple ments, $7350. Releases Bank of Endicott to John Scheuer mann, crop 11-12-19, $2000. B. F. Collier to Harry A. Troupe, chattel, $100. Union Trust Co. to Roy V. Per ringer, real mtge. $8400. Netherlands Amer. Mtge. bank to Chas. E. Maynard, real mtge, $17, --000. Assignments Murphey Favre & Co. to Central Life Assurance Society of the U. S., ■ real mtge, Samuel T. McNabb, iooo. Conditional Bills of Sale Highway Construction Co. to L. F. Hubbard, motor truck, $3500. MARCH 15, 1921 Affidavits E. S. Knowlton to The Public, is well acquainted with Frederick Lub ben. N. E. J. Gentry to The Public, is well acquainted with W. Scott Getchell. Daniel Morgan to The Public, is resident of state of Washington and personally acquainted with Henry C. Morrison. J. J. Welle to The Public, Is well acquainted with W. W. Miller. Agreements Between Frank N. Swannack and William C. Swannack and George E. Swannack, nw 3-19-39. Deeds >■ George E. Swannack to Frank N. Swannack and Wm. C. Swannack, nh 3-19-39; $1. John Steuckle to J. A. Steuckle, Part sh 13-15-40, part, nh nh 24-15 --40, also tract eh of nh of nh 24-15 --4". $1. W. Baird to Walter C. Johnson. seq 17-16-45. $12,800. '■c „, Mortgagee .Ferdinand R. Wolfe to Devereaux .Mortgage Co., neq 6-19-43, nh 31 --9-44, $20,000. J. A. Steuckle to Union Trust Co., 13-15-40, part nh of nh 24-15-40, t__W_-__i^ Tne manufacturer of jm^ Vourcar k V^\ »/ recommends*^ tWC^I I ■T^^_^_<^l The crankcase should be thoroughly drained and flushed at ■V_i -ML JsJl.^xT">s' _f regular intervals. Refill with fresh oil. ■_^B" >;I__. _Pw_ji^.l _flJß__ from the Book of Instructions. M—_vV _____J -" _!^_. This recommendation is made to prevent rapid depreciation of the -?s^____L_3^__f ICICJ_H-_^nfflT~_fc engine caused by road dust, carbon, fine metal particles and other im- J^Swk^^^J^^^^^^^-'-,^ 1^ _T3* ■ purities, which accumulate in the crankcase oil and circulate through 'lk_—l^'"■^^^ST'^UT ( ln aVBA your engine, impairing its efficiency and ultimately leading to avoid |S|_P^ S/ ' -ble repairs. However, these important instructions are often disre mT «f^^^f garded; cleaning the crankcase is a job generally disliked. *W ■%■■■%_■ v*N. To meet this need, Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service has been es- I rlwDEßra H tablished by first-class garages and other dealers, co-operating with I ' j*—. «_ m* wrnT+wm a ■ the Standard oil Company. Thesegarageaand dealers use Calol Flush- I GR__Ml£- M ACP I ing Oil.-the scientific agent that cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other ■ «i^niTI\VMM- I impuritiej;, and does not impair the lubricating efficiency of fresh I |*| PAMiyA ■ oil used. The cleaned crankcase is refilled with the proper grade oi I VLCANINU I Zerolene. 1 QCDWirC 1 Look for the garage or d*- displaying the sign shown here, it I *J C Vl\w t. if means, "Better operation *nd longer engine life," twvice promptly I ______^____S___ I I STANDARD OIL COMPANY ~ttk CAIOL RUSH OIL md amm^mm Wm ■■■■■■^---■■™■™™,™^^^J M'■^^^^*■^ znsu» JF better operation ana £ lower engine life 1' W-a_B_^BßMf___-^_-a-a__-» :g ~" "**" ■'! —^ SECOND SECTION The Pullman Herald Devoted to the best interest* of Pullman and the greatest farming community in the Northwest surrounding it. tract eh of nh of nh 24-15-40, $6500. Thomas J. Hastings lo Oregon Mfg. Co., Ltd., part nh of seq 6-19 --13, also tract swq of seq 6, part neq yl9-43, seq of seq of 6-19-43, seq .-].»-!.>. swq 6, nwq 8-19-43, $21 --500. ' Frank S. Sherfey to Davis Lund & Investment Co., live stock, imple ments, crop 1921, nwq 27. eh of eh 28, eta of sh 22-19-42, $3295. E. M. Pltiwater to Herbert Bab cock. implements, cook house with equipment, $2550. Lester J. Keisner to Grant Mc- Cann, 90 acres wheat on eh of swq wh of seq 24-19-45. $300. C. C. Turner and A. C. Llsenbee to Steptoe State bank, two-thirds crop winter wheat swq, part nwq 13 --18-4 about 60 acres spring wheat 1921, live stock, implements, $9000. W. H. Dotson to Linville Bros., live stock, $300. John W. Smith to Linville Bros., Inc.. implements, $486, H. W. Beckley to Security State bank, LaCrosse, one-third crop 21, tract 22 acres in 22-16-38, $3700 Peter Repp to Adam Bafus. live stock, implements, part crop, 19-17 --42, part seq 18-17-42, $"4910. A. J. Roeben to J. D. Swannack, part crop 1921, swq of nwq 26, eta and eh of wh 26, nwq and nh of neq 36-20-39. $6790. Releases Walter C. Johnson to W. Baird, real mtge, $68 20. Assignments J. W. W'illson to Wm. M. Stipe, real mtge, C. M. Lewis, $11,060. Conditional Hills of Sale Rees & Imbler to Oscar Martin, auto, $173. Baker Motor Co. to Ira Bader, auto, $619. Baker Motor Co. to B. R. Barton, auto $950; to Ben Davis, auto, $983; to D. C. Dow, auto, $975; to Chas. T. Farrier, auto, $1100; to H. E. Farrier, auto, $755; to C. N. Caddis, auto, $675; to John and T. A. Scott, auto, $750; to R. A. Willey, auto, $1565; to Wesley Stephenson, auto, $655. LaCrosse Motor Co. to Frank Fry, auto. $708. LaCrosse Motor Co. to J. E. Swift, auto, $375. Liens Potlatch Lumber Co. to H. D. Weitman, building material resi dence swq 3-18-43, $203. Extension Agreement N. Y. Life Insurance Co. to Or ville M. Collins, $26,500. MARCH 16, 1921 Deeds W. M. Anderson to Nancy E. Greg ory, lot 6, blk 3, Geo. T. Hutfman b Second add, Tekoa, $1550. Avery Mclnturff to J. D. Sledge, lota 10, 11, S 15 ft lot 9, blk 4, John son, $100. J. D. Sledge to Farmers State bank, Johnson, VV 65 ft, S li ft. lot 9, W 65 ft lot 10, W 65 ft lot 11, blk 4, Johnson, $80. Isaac Miller to Frank F. Shafer, lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 12, west of E St., lots 5, 6, 7, 8, blk 12, east of F St.. Breeding's add. Palouse, $225. J. K. McCornack to Henry Elmer, lots 2, 3, 4, blk 4, Wiley's add. Pa louse, $400. S. R. Warwick to Samuel War wick, eh lot 11. in blk 25, Oakes dale, $50. Marion Freeman to City of Colfax'. 1 1-3 acres of 1-16-43, $1. Marion Freeman to City of Col fax, 1 1-3 acres of 1-16-43, $1. City of Colfax to Marion Freeman, 1 1-3 acres 1-16-43, $1. Mortgagee R. C. Cowan to Ellen Driskell, wh of nwq, neq of nwq 21-16-45. $3500. Joseph W. Wilson to W. G. Fraz ier, seq 13-17-42, $5000. J. M. Davis and C. H. Davis to i 1 ma E. Brown, wh of nwq 28, eh PULLMAN. WASHINGTON. FRIDAY, MARCH 25. 1921 of neq 29-12-46. $"15,000. Fraternal Building Asn., to Mur phey Favre & Co., lot 1, blk 2. First add, St. John, $4660. Max Dudley to First State bank, LaCrosse, trustee, live stock, imple ments, part crop, part 5, 6, in 15 --40, $—. Wesley Stephenson to W. B. Stephenson, live stock, Implements, $700. W. W. Snowhill to Eura J. Snow hill, auto, wagon, 4 sets harness, $2000. Releases Farmers State bank. Uniontown, to Wilma E. Brown, real mtge, $4800. Conditional Bills of Sale LaCrosse Motor Co. to R. B. Pritchard and John Carlson, auto, $712. Whitfield Helmer Co. to Addison Williams, auto, $200. Chanslor & Lyon Co. to J. M. Ap pel. welding outfit. $114. Cram Bros, to M. M. Crumbaker, auto, $369. Articles of Incorporation Huntley Mercantile Co., Inc., St. John. MARCH 17, 1921 Deeds Wm. Bradley to Whitman Co., right of way part 8, 9, in 19-39, $400. Violettie J. McCabe to Miles S. Crockett, swq 8-19-45, $11,040. Ada May Fox to Violettie J. Mc- Cabe, swq 8-19-45, $1. O. D. McKeehen to W. F. Siple. lots 7 to 13, blk 4. F. J. Mahoney's Subdivision of Lombard's add, Te koa, $500. Mortgages Nicholas M. Whealen to Pruden tial Insurance Co., eh of swq, lots 3, 4, of 18-16-42, $"3000. Henry Newton Clemens to First Savings & Trust bank, sh and neq 20-14-39, $6000. J. R. Barton to Garfield Hard ware & Implement Co., live stock, Implements, $1707. Percy T. Weltman to Garfield Hardware & Mercantile Co., live slock, implements, two-thirds crop, nwq, nh of neq 12, swq and seq 1, in 17-45, $627. N. O. Myers to National Bank of Oakesdale, 210 acres summer fal low. 1921, part 14, 3, in 18-44, three-fifths crop 21-22. part nwq 13, two-thirds crop 1921-22, neq 14 --18-44, $1254. L. S. McKay to Farmers Btate bank, St. John, live stock, all crop 1921 on nh 19-18-42. two-thirds in terest 1921. part 19-18-42,, two thirds interest 1921, nwq 25-18-41. and 110 acres summer fallow -round, nh 19-18-42. swq 19-18-42. $700. Charles Johnson to Pacific Build ing ft Loan Assn.. lots 9. 10. 11, 12, 13 14, nh 1". 16. blk 3, St. John. $4000. Fred J. Wagner to J. J. Wagner, live stock, implements, part crop on swo 8-19-41 and swq 17-19-41, $3200. Geo. D. Wagner to .1. J. Wagner, live stock, implements, part crop on part 8, 17, in 19-4 $3800. Chas. F. Bensel to Walter Finley, live stock, implements, $525. ('has. F. Bensel to G. J. Colvin, live stock, implements, $725. W. W. Snowhill to Farmers State bank, Sprague, two-thirds crop part 32-19-42, $3650. Mortgagee John F. Wyrick '.to First State bank, LaCrosse, live stock, imple ments, part crop part 14, wh 13-15 --39, $8300. Chas. Homer Johnson and T. H. Dingle to Bank of Endicott, live stock, implements, part crop part 13, 12-18-41, part 32-18-41, $8460. Colby Harper to Farmers Nation al bank, Colfax, live stock, imple ments, auto, two-thirds crop part 9. 10, 16, in 15-42, 150 acres summer fallow, $1800. Raieaaee First Stato bank, Garfield, to .las. F. Harlan, real mtge, $"3000. Bank of Endicott to Charles N. Zumwalt. real mtge, $ —. Pacific Building _ Loan Assn., to H. W. Terhune. real mtge, $4600. Samuel P. Weaver to W. W. Snow hill, chattel, $240. 11 H. Mlchaelson to (',. .1. ColVin, chattel, $1000. Walter Finley to G. .1. Colvin. Chattel, $1000. Assignments Greeley-Johnson Grain Co, to Greeley-Schmidt Elevator Co., real mtge, I). M. McCance, $10,000. Partial Releases Farmers State bank. Sprague. to i W. W. Snowhill, live stock, wagon, j harrow, header, $3650. Conditional Contract Martin's Garage, Inc., to David W. Bryant, auto. $931. . j Agreement Helen Walters LaFnllette to John j H. Newman, lot 3, blk 5, Colfax, (ex) | $2000. MARCH 18, 1921 Hoe<ls Mrs. J. W. Vipond to Helen A. Fulmer, lot 3, oik I, McKenzie b Third add, Pullman, $100. G. B. Grant to Mahlon Poore, wh lots 1. 2, 3, blk 2, College Hill add, Tekoa, $3500. Leona Voss to Joe. Hubble, lot 11, blk 7, Mahoney Subdivision of Lombard's add, $600. Joseph Hubble to Wm. Allen, lot 11. blk 7, F. J. Mahoney'a Subdivi sion of Lombard's add, Tekoa, $10, O. li. Gray to Ralph J. Freeman, part nwq of swq 5-17-45, $"10, Wilma E. Brown to J. M. Davis and C. H. Davis, wh of nwq 28, eh of neq 29-12-46, $1. Standard Lumber Co. to John Kendall, lots 22, 23, blk 43, Pull man, $600. Declaration of Homestead John Greer to The Public, lots 1, 2, 3, blk 5, T. 11. Shobe's Second add. LaCrosse. Releases F. D. Benner to Harry Benner, chattel, $2460. R. M. Hall to J. E. Tueth, chattel, j $635. i Assignments Alurphey Favre & Co. to Washing- j ton Mutual Savings bank, real mtge, i John O. Pierson, $6000. Conditional Rills of Sale i Rees & Imbler to A rule Ellis, auto, $ 42. . Riegel Bros, to N. M. Crider, auto, $1480. Washington Water Power Co. to N. LaCerte, wiring, switch, etc., 1 $140. Mortgages Fred Erdman to the Bank of Pas co, lots 5. 6, blk 38, Perkins & Pres cott's add, Colfax, $300. Assignments Chas. P. Moore to First Stat" bank, LaCrosse, tract swq 22-14-39. j $733. Mortgages James A. Jacobs to N. W. Mutual Life Insurance Co., eh 35-19-41. (ex) also nwq of nwq 36-19-41, part; nwq 36-19-41, $14,000. W. R. Davis to Security State bank. Palouse. live stock, harness, bob sleds, $133. Joseph Emerson to Farmers Sup-' ply Co. of LaCrosse. Inc., 125 sacks 1921, neq 8, seq 4-15-40. auto, $250., T. N. Law to Colfax Mercantile Agency; desk, safe, scales, fish box, I refrigerator, gas engine, etc., in j meat market. $240. Peter Kroni to Col tax National bank, two-thirds crop 1921, 5-14- < 11, 10 horses, machinery. $"2750. MARCH 10, 1921 Deeds Susan C. Blakemore to Lee C. Blakemore, seq 32-19-44, also tract 1-18-44, $'. Vivian Freeman Moore to Helena J, Follis, lots 12, east 10 ft lot 1 1, of blk 22, Steptoe, $500. L. F. Bates to Mary C. Burton, tract neq 22-14-39, $450. Violet E. Castleman to Ollie Davis and Cora Siler, lots 7, 8, blk 9, west of F street, Breedings' add, Pa louse, $150. Albert W. Lemon to Johnson- Lemon Co.. swq of neq and seq of nwq 2-18-4 $10. Albert W. Lemon to Johnson- Lemon Co., nwq of neq 32-18-45, $10. Albert W. Lemon to Johnson- Lemon Co.. the swq 32-18-45, $"10. S. R. Warwick to E. M. Tucker, wh lot 1. blk 25. Oakesdale. $50. Affidavits W. M. Savage to The Public, per sonally acquainted with Frank Wil son. Mortgages Nis Skow to Colfax National Bank, Colfax, neq of nwq 14-16-43, $3000. August Johnson to Netherlands American Mortgage Bank, eh of nwq and lots I. 2, of 18-15-45, $6500. Thomas Griffin to H. W. Terhune,, trustee, live stock, farm implements, pt crops 1921 29-18-42, $3049. Will M. Hooper to Farmers State Bank, Johnson, live stock, imple ments, auto, pt. crops 1921, pt Sees.! 31, 32, pt Sees. 5, 6 of 13-45, $5900. M. C. Lisenbee to A W. Linville, trustee, live stock, implements, and blaeksmithing outfit. $7431. George Rohl to Garfield Hdw. & Merc. Co., live stock, implements, crops 1921 neq 20, swq 21, pt nh of seq 20-17-45, $308. J. Ward Baird to Farmers Nation al Bank. Palouse, eh of swq 17-16 --45, and swq 4-15-45, $3000. W. M. Crow to Security State Bank, Palouse, live stock, imple ments, two-thirds crops hay, grain, farm products 1921. wh of seq and neq of seq and seq of neq 23-16-45, ,SI7OO. "Try It Out Yourself" says the Good Judge tAnd you will find how V^/^2 much more satisfaction a ffif^jf^ little of this Real Tobacco V\ —r__2a gives you an you ever got from a big chew of the J^y m ordinary kind. // The good, rich, real to r*^ y J... bacco taste lasts so long J you don't need a fresh Lf ATI chew nearly as often. So / ym\ it costs you less. '"""^y/Y/l -'-*'' Any man who uses the hfmf /*_i Real Tobacco Chew will AT -Jtmmmmt tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco M_M_■—M_Hl _f '* I V/f II n_l 111 // \ *'*'. *"-iTT "~--^*~*?^~^ —^J& _^_r J *i—BS.' ""." , ' Do You Like to Make Garden? RECENT YEARS HAVE BROUGHT MANY L\l- PROVEMENTB IN GARDEN TOOLS—OUR LINE IS NOW COMPLETE. Bulk Seeds Garden, Lawn and Field Seeds V! B AL. I _■■ __t ft ffl LEE AL. LEN H GOO.'> GOODS ONLY I — ■iii-ii-i-—_——_— mssmmm ——— ' i--_m ■■ __—— y— - i ■ mmm smmismmtmms—mmsmmmmmm ———————— JOHN DEERE AND MOLINE LINES OF FARM IMPLEMENTS _____________ , .■» RUMLEY OIL-PULL ENGINES Threshing Machines See us before buying YEO & EMEBT Flatiron Building Pullman, Wash. » Releases Farmers National Bank, Colfax, to Colby Harper, chattel, 12300. Bank of Sprague to J. H. Hudgin, crop mtge, $629. Assignments First Bar, & Trust Bank of Whit man County to John l. Barn real mtge, Henry N. Clemens, $6400. Mrs. S. C. Blakemode to Lee C. Blakemore, real mtge. T. F. Kelley, $10,000. mil of Bale A. S. Cleriree to I. E. Woodhurst, auto, $125. Releases Spokane Paper _ Stationery Co. to Wm. P. Lehrke. conditional bill of sale, $"127. Dependable service—Philadelphia Diamond Grid Battery. Pullman Engineering Co. . mar2s Buy your Goodye?.r Tires at Mar tin's Garage. marl 1-25 Our natural resources consist of more than timber, water power and ore, but Include the boys and girls of the country. The rising generation will be thrifty if thrift is taught and prac ticed in the homes of the contry. ARTESIAN HOTEL Hilling Room Sow Open Making best rates In the city. Room and board, per month. .910 Per week $11 Transient meal 40c Best of eats, served family style. ; ' No. 24