Page Four.
Instruments Filed with the
County Auditor
JULY 25, 1921
Notice of Correction
Chattel mortgage from Arthur
Cole to Whitman Implement Co..
crop oats on swq 14-14-44. Instead
of seq.
Robert C McCroskey Jr. and Rob
ert G. Elder to State of Washington,
right of way over tract sea of nt q
4-17-45, $264.
Robert G. Elder I oState of ash
ington, right of way over lot! 3, 1.
blk 83, W. F. Simpson add. Gar
field, tract "AC" in eh of neq of 4
-17-45, $226.
Alex Simpson and Ira Follis to
State of Washington, right of way
over part of neq of seq 4-17-45, $144.
James A. Hedges and Delta Tau
Alpha Fraternity to Geo. D. Miller,
lots to, 5 ft lot 11. blk 19, Reaney's
2nd add, Pullman, $1
Milwaukee Hand Co. to Farmers
& Merchants State Hank. Maiden,
lots 1. *.', blk 21, Maiden, $250.
Between Haul Bockmeir and N. D.
Rynyon, leases part So 20, 21, 22,
in 17-45, $1.
E. R. Wyatt to Citizens State
Bank, Tekoa, live stock machinery,
pt. crops pt Baca, 38, 5 in 46-5,
Theo. Bachmann, Wm. F. Bricken
and Albert Bruce to J. I. Case
Threshing Machine Co.. machinery,
Shelby Stevens to Farmers Union
Co. of Palouse, pt crops seq 5, bwi 4,
in 16-46, $1087.
Pullman Sa\ & Loan Aas'n to E.
M. Blevins, real mtge.
Pullman Say. & Loan Ass'n to
Hanna M Stivers, real mtge.
F. J. Wilmer. Ad in., to Chas
Lewis, real mtge, $6000.
Murphey. Favre & Co to Central
Life Assurance Society of the I. s..
real mtsje, Henry P. Hays. $ 16.000.
Conditional Rills of Sale
Burroughs Adding Mac line Co to
Colfax Motor Co., adding machine,
Baker Motor Co. to A. Valk, auto, .
i i osae Mot or Co to \. A James.
auto, $51.'!.
1.1 Crosse Motor Co. to S. V. Mat
lock, auto $7:':;.
La Crosse Motor Co to Roy Sayles.
auto, $790.
JULY 26, 1921
The improvement Co. of Guy to
J. W. Sliger, lots 1 to 11 inc.. blk
28, 2nd Syndicate add. Guy, $300
J. W. Sllgar to Marion W. Sllgar.
lots l to 1 1, idk 28, 2nd add. Guy, $1.
Orval C. Craley and Otto G. Fra
ley to Hank of Farmington, summer
fallow neq, nh of Beg 1". the nwq,
swq, neq of seq 24, swq 11, pt nh 14,
in 19-45, $7585.
Murphey, Havre •'.• Co. to Wash
ington Mutual Sa\ Hank, real mt;.e,
Joseph N. Jacobs, 2.000,
Win. J. Cunningham to Edw,
Kroll. real mtge, $3500
Conditional Rill of Sale
Nelson Motor Co to D. Wagner,
auto, $ I 250,
C. A Ratliffe & Son to Geo. F.
Rosenweig, tractor, etc., $1255.
Crescent to E. E. Kennell, furni
ture, $332.
• ■ Agreements
Northern Pacific Railroad Co. to
Samuel Brown, modification of deed,
swq 15-17-44.
JULY 20. 1921
Phillip Schierman to T. J. Torpey,
lot 9, blk 24, Farmington, $150
Inland Co-operative Assn. to In
land Telephone Co., telephone, plant,
system, wires, cables, lines, mater- :
ials, and interests and business, $15,
Laura Worthington to Inland Em
pire Railway Co., tract 35-21-43, $1.
0.-W. R. & X., W. B. Aver, trus
tees, to First Say & Trust Hank. '
Whitman County, sh 9-18-41, $23*.'0.
Ed Caltau. to The Public, well ac-1
quainted with Margaritha Becker,
United States of America to Henry
Bustler, swq 5-13-46.
In the Mattel of the Estate and :
Will of Mary E. Torrence, deceased,
probating will.
Lee Rayburn and E. V Potter to '
ii. C. Gallop, lots 1. 2. east 48 ft lots
3, 4, blk 5. Smith's add. Palouse,
$600. j
Lee Ray burn to E. V Potter, lots
1, 2, pt lots *, 1. hlk 5, Smith's add..
Palouse. $1.
H. C. Gallop to Roy H. Clark, lot!
1. 2, pt lots 3, 4, blk 5. Smith's add.
Palouse, $500.
Frank B. Babcock to H. O. Conn.
wh of wh 14-1 8-40, $1000.
David E. Jones to Bank of
Sprague. neq 19-20-40. $3000.
Bill of Side
Earl Dunne to Citizens State Rank.
Tekoa. auto, $275.
• Conditional .Bills of Sale
Standard Computing Scale Co. to
James G. Dobbins, scales, $139.
Martin Car Implement Co. to S.
C. Parrish, binder. $300.
Washington Water Power Co. to
Johnson and Graf, shales, screens,
etc., $115.
First Savings A Trust Bank. Whit
man Co., to Frank B. Babcock, real
mtge, $10,000.
First Savings A Trust Hank to
Frank B. Babcock, real mtge, $MOOO.
La Oram Motor Co. to F. D. Chap*
pell, conditional bill of sale. $134.
Security State Bank, La Crosse, to
Fred Sonnenburg, chattel, $1500.
Security state Rank. La Crosse, to
Chris Bennett; chattel. $,t72; Fred
Sonnenbarg. chattel. $280,
Security Stnte Dank. La Crosse, to
P. F. .md Em 11 W. Arp, chattel,
Security State Bank, La Crosse, to
John Kuni, chattel. $198.75.
Security State Bank, l.a Crosse, to
Fred Sonnenburg, chattel. $2300.
N. ('. Myers to Geo. Stephenson,
peal mtge, $1600.
First Say. & Trust Dank of Whit
man County to Frank B. Babcock,
real mtge. $1538.
Security State Bank, La Crosse, to
I). .1. Wilcox, real mtge (Mary Col
lard $3500):
Partial Releases
Union Trust Co of Spokane to F.
B. Babcock, all 33- 18-41, 2,000.
D. i; Colt to David _ Jones, real
mtge, $2000.
JULY 30. 1921
T. H. Osborn to Mrs. N. E. Duncan,
tract rln nh 5-1 15, $1.
Louisa Lebrbaa to William Lehr
bras, neq, nh of Beg 18-16-39, $1.
Ralph J. Freeman to .Mary Elva
Davis, restaurant out tit, Garfield,
F. S. Miller to First National Dank.
St.. John, two-thirds crop wheat on
sh 20-1 8-41, $3572.40.
D. H. Williams to Firs' State Dank,
Garfield, 1921 crop on seq 15-18-45.
pt sh 14-18-46, $5000.
Constant Lepou. i to Ben O. Madi
son, swq 11-17-4">. nwq, tract 14-17
--4,">, $32,000.
AUGUST 1. 1921
Fnited States of America to Rob
ert W. Plnnell, swq of nwq, and wh
of iwq of 7, nwq of the nwq 20, In
United Statets of America to .lame-;
Millard Robinson, swq of nwq and
eh of swq I 7-1 I- I 5;
D. B. Dorsey to Hank of Rosalia;
tract in Thornton, except, all lots
:;, i. blk 11. lot 1, blk 0. Thornton,
$100 0.
Elizabeth Driscoll to First Nation
al Hank. .Moscow. Idaho, the Bb of
neq, nh of seq 25-16-45' $7500.
Leohn Lindsi to J. 1. St. John.
lot 10, VlcGee's Subdivision, swq :','!
--15-45, $300.
Lis Pendens
Nicholas M. Wheal, vs. Mary H.
Blanchard, Eleanor Truax Harris.
Harlow Elias ruax. Kdw. Ilolden
Truax, Henry handler Truax, Sewall
Truax Jr., Ellen Truax nd unknown
heirs of Sarah E. Truax, the eh of
swq, lota ::. 4, of 18-16-42.
Pacific Mortgage Co. to Exchange
National Bank, Spokane, real mtge,
Wm. H. Gilbert, $9000.
Pacific Mortgago Co. to Exchange
National Hank. Spokane, real mmc.
Win. P. Ilbert, $0000.
First .National Hank. Pullman, to
New York Idle Insurance Co., real
mtge, $600(i.
Affidavits .
Thomas \eill to The Public, is
well acqua ;nted with Levi p. Fair.
I »t1>«l>»
Ernest Becker to Joseph Grass!,
trad 8-13-46, $1.
Between Andrew I. Hill and W.
W. Davis, 160 acres 16 — 46.
J. P. Glorlfleld to Farmers State
Hank. Si, John, live -took. Imple
ments pi crops 1021. pi 9, .",. in 9
-10. $2100.
Revocation Power of Attorney
Mortgage Co. Holland America to
M. Rozeran and F. Schuvten; to Dr.
l. I* F. Van Rlemsdyk.
John E. Weitz vs. Conrad Hide.
1200 bu. wheat, $'1250,
Inland Garage Co . Tekoa, vs. Earl
Dunne, labor, material on auto. $221.
Conditional Rill of Sale
Culbertsons to C. E. Kyle, furni
ture, $1014.
Daunt Music Co. to Nellie By rum,
»li trola, $75.
Martin Carter Implement Co. to
C. V. dark Machinery. $200
D. A. McEacheran to Delta Tau
Alpha Fraternity, piano, $300.
Hobart Mfg. Co. to Paul I. Morini,
meat chopper, $235.
Hoover gays buy coal now. Place
your order with Duthie for your win
ter coal now; there will soon be an
advance in price. jul22augl9
14. ' ' TAlft'M
:■ fl £re. row"* v
i <«# "_-_—>
Use plenty of
It's cooling and refreshing.
You will find your favorite
odor in our display. •
Mail orders given
prompt attention
Corner Drug Co.
r***)<'J—ie^o^{J_tF_i7—ff—e7—ff^m7^&^i£^ >>
| jft? By CLARA C. HOLMES. |C
| tsp*\P%p*±p<s_?<Z_?*_p^^.?^
((c; by McClur* N*w*paper Syndicate.)
Lorette slipped Into her hunting
jacket and hurried out to the front
piazza. It was not the o'clock, scarce
ly dawn, yet she bad not needed the
alarm to arouse her. Her usually pink
I cheeks were crimson, and her dark
eyas were bright as stars as she con
templated the handsome creature
which Hugh had assured her was to
be hers that day.
At first, she demurred against
Hugh's tactics, "it's not fair to bait
'em and then shoot 'em," the said.
"I'd much rather get one honestly—
run him down—"
when Hugh began to laugh, she de
cided to say nothing more.
Although Hugh was a law student
in Boston, he was a native of the back
woods district, an expert shot, and
he had taught his dazzling cousin to
aim a rifle unerringly. She had never
shot a deer ; yet— she could.
When Lorette reached the piazza,
there was nobody there. She uttered
a cry of impatience; then, remember
ing the dance the night before, she sat
down to wait.
As she shivered in the silence, her
mind reverted to her parting with
DaVid. Again she was dining with
him at the Landry cafe, restless under
his reproachful gaze.
"Lorette, I've seen you out several
times recently, in the company' of
someone else. In fact, I've done de
tective work mi my own account. I've
decided not to stand in that other fel
low's way."
It was true she had gone out many
times with Cousin Hugh when be was
attending law school; she had been
proud to he escorted by Hugh. It was
all right, too; she could have explained
for him had not Roy Belcher seen her
home from the drama rehearsals. No
apology Would do for Hoy; so she
wisely hud said nothing.
Now she was dreaming about David:
she thoughl she had met him in the li
brary at heme. She gave him only a
cold, passing glance, hut an expression
of disappointment clouded his hand
some face, which was so touching, In
deed, thai she had awakened.
"(Hit so early, Lorie!" Hugh's voice
scattered her despondent thoughts.
"What have you for a gun?" Hugh
next asked.
"My shotgun, Oh." she added In sur
prise, "you have a rifle. We can't
hunt with rifles in our state."
"We do hack here," he returned.
Lorette was Intuitively uneasy, but
again she said nothing.
Cautiously the two people moved or
waited in the stillness, broken only by
a crumbling leaf or a rebounding
branch. At last a large deer was
spied, but he saw or winded hi- pur
suers and bounded away with prodi
gious leaps.
"We will go to the Bend," suggested
Hugh, '! will patrol one side of the
stream and you can watch the other."
Lorette had been alone only a short
time when she plainly saw two deer.
Evidently the animals had seen some
thing or someone, but not her. Lorette
raised her gun and its report rang out.
She thought she saw one of the alert
creatures fall, hut the other, followed
by the bullets of another gun, bounded
into an alder thicket.
Then Lorette heard- she felt every
bit of hope leave her —the sound of 11
man's moans.
Spiritless, she stood watching for a
sign of Hugh .across the river. With
an effort at last she raised her fright
ened voice:
He answered from the log crossing,
a little way up stream.
He ran Into the alder thicket, Lor
ette following him, hut he turned to
her with his face aghast.
"Don't come, don't come," he plead
He tried to wave her back, endeav
ored to tell her that they had made a
mistake, but she pushed by him and
passed on.
A hunter, wounded, already had re
moved Ids coat, and was trying to stop
the flow of blood. Luckily, Lorette
knew something about first aid. she
got the gauze she thoughtfully had
nicked into her jacket pocket, Hugh
had a strong cord along with him. To
gether they hound up the flesh wound.
Then Lorette felt her strength forsak
ing her again. She sank Into an alder
lump unconscious.
When she revived she heard Hugh's
voice :
"You stay with her. I'll go for I lec
tor Bliss."
She heard his retreating footsteps
and opened her eyes. A caressing Voice'
reassured her.
"Everything is all right. Lorette."
"David, how came you here?"
"Hugh told me. Why didn't you say
he was a member of your family, Lor
"How came you here?" she re
| pen ted.
"At the club, one day, i was con
gratulating Hugh on his fair lady, lie
said, at length, that you were coming
here gunning. Naturally I wanted to
come, too. I am sorry for this acci
dent. I've got a clean rifle shot right
through my arm."
"Oh I" gasped Lorette. "I — I
"What did you shoot at?" David In
"I was sure I shot a deer," she re
plied, laughingly.
"Let's _.. see.''
They found him. Just where he ad
j fallen, a magnificent, blg-antlered deer.
_^3_-^4_^>_j_ -r%/
The Truck
If you are doubtful whether it will
pay you to buy a Ford Truck for
your farm, go to the man who owns
one and ask him. Or we will come
to you and tell you what dozens of
Ford Truck Owners have told vs —
that the Ford Truck is positively a
paying proposition.
■ It brings the besl markets to your
door. It solves the hauling problem
on the farm and between the farm
$63 1.50 anc' tne c^y- I* does a dozen differ
f. o. b. Pullman ent jobs every day and stands the
wear and tear of farm work under
all conditions.
A post card will bring you further information
We Do It Right the First Time
Don't Forget
We carry a complete stock of
Harvest Oils and
African Water Bags
and other harvest supplies on which
we can save you money
B 8 8
All weights of Zerolene and Mobile Oils and
Greases at exactly the same prices which you
would pay at any Standard Oil Company
station. Also all weights of Valvoline and
Monogram Oils.
We are making a specialty of
Harvester Oil for all Farm
Machinery at a price that
will greatly interest you
Baker Motor Co.
Telephone 81 Pullman, Wash.
Friday, August .-,, !»._,,