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Vagf. VKljht SPOKE 'OUT LOUD' Presidential Language Emphatic in the Extreme. Under the Circumstances, However, It Will Be Understood, Not Intended / for Publication. Cleveland us not a master of scholarly eloquence, like Wilson, or of vigorous gram, like Roosevelt; yet on occasion he could be fluent and on occasion witty. Of the two dotes thai follow the first shows bis fluency, -,;,, second his wit. Mr. Jefferson Winter, namesake of the famous actor, Joseph Jefferson, who was Cleveland's Intimate friend and fellow angler, tells the Ural story —Cray Cables, the Cleveland home, and Crow's nest, the home of the ''•' --fersons, were not far apart. While Mr. Winter was visiting at Crow's Nest the men went fishing. Toward sundown, he -ay-, we went from lie' bass grounds where we had been fishing to a little lake hidden in woods, owned by Jefferson and stocked by him with trout. There We were joined by John (J. Carlisle, Cleve land's secretary of the treasury; tall, lank, pale-faced, saturnine, garbed in black, wearing a "plug hat" ami en ergetically chewing tobacco —the very picture of an old time country lawyer. Cleveland anil Jefferson put out upon the lake in a small boat, while Mr Carlisle and 1 remained on the bank. Cleveland, as is well known, was an Immense bulk of a man —a sort of colossal Cap'n Cuttle, he appeared to me. lie and Jefferson stood in the boat, almost back to back, and while both were casting at the same mo ment they came violently into col lision, stern on. The result was that Jefferson plunged overboard on one side, and Cleveland, making a vain ef fort to seize and save him, Inst his own balance and toppled over on the other, 1 have heard some strikingly i final, graphic and vigorous lan guage tirst and lust; but i have never heard anything to equal the impromp tu dialogue between those two really affectionate ironies, clinging to oppo site sides of the half-submerged flat boat Carlisle observed the aquatic disas ter with exemplary calm and listened to the Interlocution With attentive ami manifest admiration. Then he turned a twinkling eye upon me and blandly remarked : "Most eloquent, but wholly idle!" Bo much for Cleveland's fluency; now for his wit. Nit eloquent, but by no means idle, was Cleveland's brief answer to a telegram that he re ceived while visiting at Crow's Nest during the light for the Democratic nomination In 1892, It was from a senator, himself an aspirant for the presidency, who had the political audacity, not to speak of personal Impertinence, to tele graph to th.. leading candidate: "The time has now come for you, in the in terest of your parly, to withdraw from this contest." Cleveland showed the message to his host "What answer shall you make?" Jef ferson asked. Without a word Cleveland took the telegraph blank, turned it over and wrote the reply on the back and he fore giving it to Hie waiting messenger handed it again to Jefferson. This was his message: "Somebody has been taking an un pardonable liberty with your name. G. Cleveland." It was the neatest of rebukes, ami the most Impossible to resent. — Youth's Companion. No Cherries Without Birds. Of course, there wouldn't be any cherries it' there were no song birds, The bird puts the cherries on the tree, why shouldn't be cut his own cherry? The farmer only holds a second mori gage on that cherry. He may think otherwise and kill the bird; then the bird won't get the cherry nnd neither will the farmer, The worm will gel the cherry; the aphis, the slug, the mite, the blight, will gel the cherry, and the farmer's second mortgage will, according to John Burroughs, shrink to nothing. In other words, were the millions '*' bushels of bugs which the song birds consume for food In one season released, the formats and cror^ would be presently wiped out, and with them the life of the people.- Ban Francisco Chronicle. Advance Guard of Tremors. In the theory that the movements of the earth's crust constituting an earth* quake begin on ii very small scale, to be followed inter by the greater ad* justments thai do the damage. Orlls L. Kennedy of San Bernardino, Cnl., believes that he can ,glve earthquake warnings by observing the cracks in layers of cement, put down In certain California districts. "It is asserted that lii this way Mr. Kennedy pre dicted the quake that destroyed part of Hemet and San Jacinto, Cal.. some thing more than a year ago. He Is now planning to construct a ribbon of cement about a foot thick and 1,000 feet long for laboratory pur poses. Incidental Discussions. "Hiram," said Mrs. Corniossel, "you ', don't take as much Interest in politics i ss you did last summer." "Yes. I do," replied her husband. "But the new hired man is such a fin talker I'm afraid to say anything that 'might start him for fear he'll den.and the salary of a lecturer." DOES NOT BELONG IN CITY When the Arabian Musical Instrument, the Arghul, Corner to Town, it Degenerates. In Cairo the arghtil is played nt night in the old city, and /on the streets of the underworld, lending Its note and interpret,it ion to love songs that somehow follow when everything else in life has been lost or 101 l be hind, writes Robert Hamilton Rucker in Asia Magazine. At an Arabian cafe an old man from the street will play and young men will sing while the coffee Is being made. The arghul siiiKs with eat ii and talks with each. sympathises, understands and seems so earnest as to make one half believe that the young man is singing* from his own heart and thai tin arghul, long accustomed to such confidence, knows it full well. But, like man} of the country bred. it seems to degenerate when It comes to town. It falls upon evil ways; it sings of love to the loveless! it hovers about the low cafes. Its friend, the tahlu— more pretentious, and perhaps more astute —changes Its name when it comes to town and does not appear alone at nighl ln 'lark, unfrequented streets. It is known as the tlarabukeh, and Is seen in the high class cafes where favorites dance to the music It brings. it has more rhythm than melody; much volume but little feel ing. It talks from the bead and sings to the feet. Hut the arghul is all sentiment nnd sympathy. Its place is the desert; Its heine, we knew HS we listened there on Hie rugs in front of our tents, is In the wastes of the snndj plain and the stillness of the starlit night. ENDS SHOULD BE VARNISHED Agricultural Department Tells How to Prevent Door From Sticking on Damp Days. A door which sticks to the frame j every damp day is not conducive to I unruffled feelings on the part of those i who use It. The forest products lab oratory of the United Suites Depart ment of Agriculture at Madison, Wis., lias made public a method which obvi ates the difficulty^ Wood specialists there say that the fact that the top and bottom edges of a door are practically always left unflnshed is largely responsible for its troublesome hain't of swelling ami shrinking. The exposed ends of the vertical stiles give the most bother, because wood picks tip or gives off i moisture more rapidly through stir- I faces cut across the grain than 1 through those cut parallel to the grain. If the floors in a house are to shut easily and lit tightly, It is im portant that their top and bottom edges be protected by paint or var nish, if It is necessary to relit the | door after it is hum;, the freshly ex- J posed surface should he reflnlshed at once. Used Nature's Gifts. There are no judications that in re mote time either oil or pis was put to much practical use as modern people understand that term, but there is little doubt that priests of the fire worshiping cult which nourished in old Persia made "good things" out of the phenomena! Not far from Beku are the ruins of a temple of the cult which is believed to have been in ex istence for more than 2,500 years. Tower beacons and altars are provided witii channels concealed in the mason ry, which demons) that gasflttillg in not a craft of modern birth. These channels led from fissures in the earth which once furnished natural gas. To lids temple came pilgrims from all parts of the East as late as 'lie eighties of the last century. He sides the walls of the temple today stands a modern refinery, furnishing an emphatic contrast in the old and new uses of Nal tire's gift ol oil and pis. Love. "Dear Maine: What you asked me about did 1 love Charlie, well, dear, it's this way. I'm afraid if I don't take him I'll be sorry, and If l do I'll re gret it. because I can't live without him any more than I expect I'll be aide to live with him. it's just so exciting being miserable until I'm hap py, that If I ain't in love with him I might as well find it out one way as another, and so we're going to get married if I don't change my mind, and It I do, the Lord have mercy on my soul, Maine, because lie's an awful lemon if be has got a Job! So that's how it Is, dearie, and they tell me It's just perfectly natural, like the measles. •Til send you an Invitation, and when you see me walking down the lisle with him, for the love of Mike. Marne, don't giggle. This is too darned serious for you to act like you feel |l. kt*- MINNIE." Exaggerations. America Is a wonderful country," said the distinguished visitor as the ship was landing. "Yes." ventured the Intrepid inter ; viewer; "but it isn't nearly as extra l ordinary as you gentlemen from at.road make It appear when you write your tirst impressions of it." Time Enough. "Am I right in surmising that you j have something of serious import to ■ say to my daughter?" "Oh, uo, sir. I'm merely going to propose .0 her. I'll talk over tiie seri ous details with you after the j wedding."- Detroit Time*. The Sheep-Herder's Pay. A telegram from Kallspell, Mont, (a town of wide horizons and wide-arched sky .it.' foxglove blue)' brings sad news nnd good. The wages of sheep herders have fallen with a dull thud from $100 a month to $60, but the number of herders is just the same. r..t here Is a life where the wage never wan In cash, hut rather In that satisfaction men get from far and lonely places, where no elevated trains rattle overhead, nnd no shrill urchins are •"shagged" bj the police. To the sheep-herder the prairie nnd the roll ing lowlands must ever he tin." sea to him who longs for the sea, This week and next the little wagons will go off. one by one, Into the loneliness nnd de light of vast Montana. Even at only $60 per month many will flick their whip ns they start nnd say: "This is the life—Christian Science Monitor. Day of Force Is Gone. The real dictator lias small right for existence these days. This strong-arm stuff is associated with the assassin's method and doesn't reach Into man's reason. Anything thai is put through bj brute force Is doomed to failure. To be sure it may live a temporary ex istence, but sooner or later it is go ing to run the gamut of reason nnd public opinion. In some sections this is tit low ebb, Hut taken the nation over, you will find thai there is more thinking on things thai affect the fam ily larder and the after-supper com fort than most folks realise. It's a mistake to apply methods that suit Russians In a land of freedom like America where liberty is part of the national Inheritance. —Grit. He Wished to Know. "The extravagance of the city wom en is terrible," dismally said Deacon Droan, who was just back from the Big Burg. "Wherever I went in Kan sas City 1 saw them wearing costly silk stockings on every hand, and—" "On every hand I" astoondedly ejacu lated Aimer Appledry. "Then, what in tunkeft were they a wearing on their—er-h'm ! —limbs —Kansas City Star. Nc Cause for Alarm. Young Patrick (kidding red-haired girl) Say, Sue, don't come too close to me; I might catch fire. Sue Don't worry, Patty; green things don't burn easily.—Houston 1.-St. August Bargain News :_E__ivE_E_RS<c>]*r IVIERCAIVT'ILE CO. 'THIS is the Golden Harvest time for buyers. voiles A Such values as we are presenting at this store during our August Clearance Sale breaks all Lot n records for years. Take advantage of this chance n csMy^^ lp io ,_. m to save. Special prices in most of our depart- -to^se,*»yard...soo ments on best quality merchandise. Come to our store to merely look over these bargains. perspool 5c Ladies' Jersey and Silk . DRESS SKIRTS Sweater _ .. >.. |g . $6 .75 - - # • Our complete line of Summer LadieS Dross Skirts in Plaids and Children's White and Silk C*r O A. Jr_ PlaUl Co]Z\* mm • Dresses llalf Price Suits, Coats and Dresses Half Price To close out we offer our complete «sttw pptttpaatq <ll,)s '""■ Saucers—Regular To close out, we offer our complete oii*i-rj-iiiLUAis* *„ 25 _ M^o . «_„ _ t tiw stocks at below wholesale cost ■nan rn ce $10.00 $15.00 $25.00 ";::;;;' :r- °^^: _» GROCERY SPECIALS"- " A,~ $1 M ""'""" -'' Choice Alaska Herring- .all can 15 c White Wash *kirt»- -, °ne Table ° Silks Alaska Pink Salmon-tall cans 6 cans for $1.00 a,f Ps ice 'fa* d Silk Shirting Fresh Salted Peanuts, per pound 20c „ M ,_.„ „ T . $1.69 per yard Special for Canning-Heinz White Distilled Vinegar Georgette and Silk Waists Special for Canning—Heinz White Distilled Vinegar c Jf' ' * T , T for Pickling. for $3*98 Ladies', Lawn .Waists. .SI.OO Ko'rn Krinkles- 9 packages for $1.00 a* l•' c ii Quality White Soap-20 bars for $1.00 good g°rad™ maTerials &2 5 Bhh. ts~N™ mhipment Booa Rra(,t '"''Jlor^, en Just arrived to sell at ex s_.__— tremely low price... Men's straw and Panama 36-inch Cotton Challies. .16c Large size O-Cedar Mop Ladies' Aprons and House Hats. 25 per cent discount _ or »i *n t^ aprons and House Harvest Blankets- $I"s ° » resses at Less Than Half One lot Children's Cloth and $1.25 and $4 75 Pri('''- Straw Hats 50c Children's Hats $1.00 . Men's Harvest Gloves- Brassieres 49c and 65c One lot Dress Ginghams- Genuine horsehide and Ladies' Gingham * Ladies' rw_ Gowns P<>r yard 18c pigskin; per pair $1.50 Petticoats tl nn Vjfowns~ i i .*_._„ reuicoais $1.00 an excellent value. . .SI.OO EMERSON MERCANTILE CO. • Pullman "We Sell the Best for Less" w _ t '& Washington ■ . ■ ■ ■ • ' . ■ • ... ■".•. ■■-.., Til I) ITU,MAN HERALD Our Battery Service Is Free How It Pays Us—-and You Of course we're in business to make money. You have proba bly wondered why we maintain the expense of free inspection / for batteries. We have two reasons: !kAD^WIA /. // enables us to get acquainted With automobile owners. ATTERV 2- ft gives us a chance to demon -9 strate our exceptional ability to With Philco Retainers care for and repair batteries. Guaranteed Two Years In a word, this free inspection is the besl: advertising we can pos sibly do. It pays you to avail yourself of this service, because it will help you get longer life from your bat tery; and prevent battery troubles on the road. Drive around today! i - • Pullman Engineering AUTOMOTIVE vOHiPQIiy SPECIALTSTS Friday, August .-,, i„ 2I