Newspaper Page Text
VntkT Twelve. EARLY REMINISCENCES CF CITY AND COLLEGE (Continued from first page) high~"ichool (now the grade build ing). The years 1890-91 were the most active years in the history of Pullman. Back 'ii this act It} and confi dence was the belief that '.he State ; College would be located In Pullman. | At. about this time Major Walker j came to Pullman with a proposition i to establish a military college, if given financial assistance, and, an Pullman was determined te be a col lege town, its citizens thought this would bo a good chance to have a college in case the state Institution should be located elsewhere. The necessary financial assistance 'was furnished to build a college build ing, and barracks, on the hill north west of the town, now known as Mil itary hill, but the name of the addi tion is College Hill addition. This college had a number of stu dents and, even after the State Col lege was located, continued to at tract students because it. was a bet ter institution of learning than the State College in those days. Fire destroyed the building, and the State College being then in a more secure position, no funds were forthcoming to rebuild, and the in stitution"'ceased to exist. From this time on the history of Pullman, to a large degree, is the history of the college. * TOUIUSTS APPROVE PULLMAN AUTO PARK (Continued from first page) found their way into the "remarks" column of the park register, one tourist writing: "How do you expect anyone to keep a decent park for travelers when tourists go around wantonly tearing things up? Answer me that." Another said: "Dandy park. Pancakes for breakfast." and still another man who celebrated his birthday in the park wrote: "Forty two years old today." Those who have registered at the park during the past few days are: O. E. Norell, wife and four chil dren, from Mountain Home, Idaho, who have been touring three months and are on their way home. F. E. James and wife, Helena, Mont., en route home from the coast. 11. W. Bullock, Spokane, going home. .1. L. Collins and family, Gerber, Calif., en route to Spokane. W. Bird and wife, Portland. P. L. Smith and family, Hingham, Mont. ** Mrs. Jack Lloyd, Lewiston, en route to Libby, Mont. R. E. L. Huckabay and wife. Walla Walla. L. Rasmus and G. W. Kelley, St. Paul, and I-:. A. Nelson, Everett, en route to Chicago. William, Lucile and Marcella Doo ley, Seattle, en route east. Violet Pitzen and Elois Paulson, New York, en route to Moscow. C. S. Howell, Tacoma, to Lewis ton. L. (1. Phillips and wife, Spokane, en route to Lewiston. 11. 11. Cushman, wife and daughter, Spokane to Moscow. F. Laurence London, England, around the world. J. 11 .Phillips, Clark.ion. Roy Hutchings and party, Penn sylvania, coast to coast. L. W. Hodgings, wife and daugh ter, Spokane. George A. Johnson, Yakima. P. 11. Blickenstaff, Pomona. Calif. J. A. Hoots and wife, "California or bust." Sanitation in the summer time is very important, tor lies carry dis ease. PLUMBING - HEATING -TINNING -AND -WELDING I—■—■■■■■——■■—■__MMMi[^ • Auto Radiator Repairing . — jl^^^pPj pi Acetylene Welding .'"'. We are Fitted to Repair Radiator Leaks and do - s_^|^t&W ALL CLASSES OF WELDING-ALUMINUM Radiator Repairing ~^^L^?^ CASTIRON, BRASS and AUTOMOBILE STEAM, HOT WATER, and HOT AIR HEAT- T^^¥T^_^^ FRAMES ING PLANTS INSTALLED AND R__-L^vj- | i\l\W_W ALL KINDS OF REPAIR WORK DONE REPAIRED £l—E_:^wl^__Sr PROMPTLY PLUMBING AND JOB WORK l^fe ~~~ W" InStaU f&W* RepairS and d j <^_B_ae*-3i5 «______4o_a ' oheet Metal Work ! phone 100 1 Witter Engineering Co. mmm . : 1 CORNER MAIN AND GRAND STREETS _J_ ** LLlllnllj " ■" .: .... __^^^^__. CHURCH I ju».iTi.i-wnrr- ■ " "" ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH <;ill>crt W. Laidlaw, Vicar 9:45 a. _, —Church School. 11:00 a. m.— Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7:00 p. m.—Sunday Evening Club for Young People. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH H. J. Reynolds, Minister 9:50 a. in.—Church School. 11:00 a. m.— Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m.-—Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m.—Evening Worship. Morning sermon subject, "The Continental Divide." a worthwhile subject. September ■) will be flower day In j the Sunday school Bring some flow ers. Evangelists Harman and Gates begin at Albion next week. They will be in Pullman during Oc tober. PULLMAN BAPTIST CHURCH W. E. Monbeck, Minister 9:50 Church school. 11:00 Worship and sermon. 6:30 Young People's meeting. 7:30 Singing and sermon. "Christian Price-Tags and Real Values" will be the subject of the morning sermon. At the evening service the pastor will discuss "Paul's Love Letter to Philemon." Please note the change in time of the evening services. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. W. A. Spalding, Minister Rev. .1. S. Coie, Associate and Stu dent Pastor 9:50 a. m.—Bible School. 11:00 a. m. — Morning Worship. G:3O p. M.Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. — Evening Worship. FEDERATED CHURCHES (First Baptist and Congregatio ml) C. N. Curtis. Minister 9:50 a. m. — Church School. 11:00 a. m. — Morning Worship. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL John G. Law, pastor. Paul F. Green, associate pastor. Miss Hazel Hogoboam, student sec retary. 9:50 a. m.— Sunday School. 11"00 a. m.— Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m.— Epworth League. 7:30 p. m.— Evening Worship. CATHOLIC CHURCH Carl Philipp, pastor 910 State St., Tel. 3422 Sundays —On the second Sunday of each month: 9:00 a. m. only (in July. August and September, 12:00 in. only On all the other Sundays: 8:00 a. in. and 10:00 a. m, Weekdays— 7:00 a. m. Changes in this schedule and addi tional services will be announced. FLOWER DAY Sunday, September 4, will be Flower bay at the Christian Sunday school. The boy and girl in the junior department bringing the larg est number of visitors and new schol ars will be crowned king and queen of the day. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETI TION TO HAVE PROPERTY SET ASIDE TO SURVIVING WIDOW In the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and lor the County of Whitman. In the Matter of the Estate of Charles O. Pinkley, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Laura B. Pinkley, the administratrix of the estate of Charles O. Pinkley, de ceased, who is also the surviving wife of the deceased, has filed here in her pi tition asking the court to set aside to her all the household goods and personal property of said estate, and also tho following de- '■?'■'—)}■■■ asm . Y~_k A _T"^_v ''' % W"^Sk "H 0 Another Big Price Reduction in faasaW ~.u *4* Chevrolet Cars hevrolet Cars New Prices for Pullman Delivery, as Follows: Model 490, Touring and Roadster $ 775 Model F.B. Touring and Roadster $) |(ta Model 490, Sedan and Coupe . 1215 Model F.B. Sedan and Coupe . 185Q -••■»-■" -:: ':,'.-...: .'■'■-'.'■''-.' '--'r:.' ; ■'.-'--■"■■ ' -."v -■'. -*i. --■; j-' ? 3*.= i'"-" i': i.':ft'.l'.' .'-.'■'•■'• IV--'., - ■'.- ■' ■•- -'■!'"'".-■ "■"-.',■ '''.'■';"-•-' '•''»-'-"-.,' *'■*'' '.. ' '"'"■'.-'.'-'3 At the new price, Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Model"Four-Ninety" touring car is Transmission the lowest priced, fully equipped, Selective type, ■• I*l .1 W-'f hand control, quality automobile on the market. 3 speeds for ward, and EiecTriter li Places comfortable, convenient IZTZTe7 and dependable motor transporta "de cutains tion within the means of everyone. Electric lamps •* --*<•• Demountable rims License holder Complete tool equipment Electric horn =T°° 1 BaKer Motor Co More than 4000 dealers, retail stores and service stations in United States and Canada >V" -_^^^^^S^_S. ''^■■_\B \a\\aWS/aaa\a\\\\^^" '^^Bh-AyT _^" s—mwar __D__N '*' X~__~-MK9BI --Miinii.m- i ■_ _Brr iMr -' /*_■__ Eu__Md_P___*_v. J^-^EH^W /> /_W%_^_\ B_h_\ »_\S SS__MM_v/_^' /_HHflß_a___-\ '^__w Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Car, $775, f. o. b. Pullman scribed lands in Whitman county, state of Washington, to-wit: Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Seven (7) of Rossiter's addi tion to the Town of Pullman, ac cording to the recorded plat thereof, now used by her as a home; that said petitioner alleges in her petition that all of said real and personal property is of less value than $3000 exclusive of all incumbrances there on, and asks that the same be set aside to her in lieu of till homestead provisions of the law and of all ex emptions, and that thereafter there shall be no further administration on said estate; and that Saturday, the 17th day of September, A. D. 1921, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court room of said Superior Court in Colfax, Whit man county, State of Washing ton, has been fixed as the time and place for the hearing of said peti tion, at which time and place any person interested in said estate may appear and file objections to said pc- thi; PULLMAN' HERALD it ion and contest the same, and show cause, if any there be, why said petition should not be granted. In witness whereof, the under-1 signed, clerk of said court, has here unto set his hand and the seal of said court this 30th day of August, A. D. 1921. JOHN H. NEWMAN, (seal) Clerk of Said Court. How & Dow, lawyers, Pullman, Wash., Attorneys for the Estate. sep2-16 Ladles wanting Spirella corsets call on Mrs. A. L. Jinnett, 405 Grand St., or phone 1564. jly22sepl« The home is not merely a place to take off your shoes and hang up your hat, but a place to live. To live properly, make it convenient. INSURE WITH MeCLASKEY. , Mill Work of All Descriptions Store Fronts and Interior Fixtures a Specialty Estimates Gladly Furnished . PULLMAN MANUFACTURING I F. V. Roth 300 Main Street Pullman, Wash. **<!«>, Septemh,. .