Newspaper Page Text
"Friday. February 17, 1022 | Neighborhood News j KITZMILLER A Miss Beatrice Kitzmiller had the misfortune to fall on the icy pave ment last Wednesday and hurt her knee . She was taken to tht' homo of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathews, where she quickly recovered from the injury. .Mr. and Mrs. James Clark of Hol land Station spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crowe and family. The lock on George Grant's hen house was broken last Thursday night and several chickens stolen. Messrs. Richard and Fionas Hays were down from Viola, Idaho. Feb ruary 9, to attend the American Le gion smoker. ii. 1.. Hollenbeek and \V*. A. Olson came with them. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McPherson en tertained the hitter's sister, Mrs. W. B. Strevy, of Colfax, Thursday. Misses Louise and Beatrice Kilz miller attended a sleighriding party to Moscow Saturday evening and re mained with their grandparents that night. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crowe were guests at a dancing'and card party Friday evening, given by Mr. and Mrs. Will Halpin in Pullman. t Mrs. A. M. Hays and children vis ited Mr and Mrs. K. X. Hinchliff Sunday. Miss Wava Alsup of Albion spent the week-end with Miss Opal Mc- Pherson. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Ruth were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Cox Saturday evening. Mrs. R. P. Proctor of Palouse vis ited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McPhei several days last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jacobson sfjtent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ros coe Cox. Miss Katherine Hays returned to school Monday after a long illness with pneumonia. Ray Alsup arrived Monday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. McPherson. ROSE CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Omar Maston and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Parker of the upper Four Mile district. Esther Mael was unable to attend school last week on account of a severe cold and the drifted road. Several from our neighborhood en joyed the dance and card party given by W. W. Cochran last Friday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Ethredge and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Eth redge. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Petersen and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hedglen in Pullman. Jesse Grant was in Pullman Mon day to see his mother-in-law and brother-in-law who are sick with the flu. Claude Kirkendall called on Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Newell Saturday. ' On Wednesday R. E. Ethredge vis ited his brother, G. B. Ethredge, and family. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Ricketts were Saturday dinner guests at the home of their son, Arthur Ricketts. in Pull man. Mi itiis OUT === CUT THIS OUT FBP^ HEAVY ALUMINUM I_!%_JCdJLL« COMBINATION COOKER SET MADE IN U. S. A. Y^X MOST USEFUL ARTICLE EVER MADE €*v MOST USEFUL Kitchen Outfit ?K*W^ -A Complete Kitchen Outfit jf [|^^i*/3:3jp Beautiful at a Piece of Solid Silver vS&____t/ \W If/ Sanitary and Easy to Keep Clean Ne . s^Tc....™!. "vSI WJ Consists of t-qnart kettle, with side-handles and -j. .|J/ new patented removable bail; a cover; a _'i- j-_j • rreser-i., Kettle quart p U(f , lin( . n ,V,-_ a BH-qturl Strainer g^Jf ~"~^s> So designed a. to make all of th» 12 comlanr TTrTC"l„**__**rSr-I ; J^ SC====::;s! V. lions shown in lha picture. Made of the very .V_Ji'- tzf] If flneat, heavy aluminum, highly polished — ■ __-*•*■•' J_-o_Q__ \ credil >" iy nou"'ho111 No - S^.ll c*"*r* ***^^^^^^ HOW TO GET A SET FREE ''A^*T: —_***x rfeW''''' '%?•) J Under our Special Offer you cm get this («? _ £'ft\ \fcvr kkf/ Combination Cooker Set .bioluiely Ir.e. "'■' •'-. S_Jr •k^ii___i// Special Introductory Price for this set v $3,00 \*J^™-""SaS/ jj - by par..'! po-t, post-paid Send u< $3 00 for a -*^ • * Berlin X.,„. „, Show (n friends, as you WOU | Ido N°- 8 C»'*''''"' ***** i ' ,■. . . , i, Strain, Sink Strain 1 with any new and handsome utensil. It sells /mm ' $«2*\ itself to them. Take orders for four sets at ___^ * fgjy *'">*W *:i -ach. keep $:) 'or yurself and Mild 19 to us, fittM l**^\ ' yjß-'-i-- --''-UP .... receipt of which we will send each of your _#•''«. i'VAjv .--'•' llAW**' "ll'jl 'our cuflomerr ahi esactly like yours, post- '^fr^.;- £SSjl»3l_r^ Vw? '/// "'''' "' Pre'*'rr'^' orders may be taken for f|ti"i *ri] V_S^^£fV payment on delivery \V. & hill "a. J s.lf ft " you prefer, you "lay aelect the same set in WHi ffljf/ ,',,■■ _ »»l.i>l , smaller up, ("iquart instead of Squarli, on *****-_ ,** ■""••tar the U mt plan, at our Special Introductory tier No p. Corn Popper of J 21 each. /'''"g^V SEND FOR YOUR SET TODAY (^"XIA^P jfe^tfS THE RING-ARROW FOOD COMPANY \^AAO t^t?^===-~___^l'L »ll Ae.nue. S.attl. Ns. 10. Milk Paa T>T-j--- , if*" _•. Pudding Disk -''=\B__r^TS?l ' ■ < Qsg " • *' ;>Mi '.'^••wi ff/y We alto handle the largest variety of china- //** „_ /*■ -"" ware, Blat»war«. dishes and utensils; at •*•"- v ■ 7/ . * * C.„.| Caak.r lately tka 10w.., many varieties to X^: = __2* S/ 4 **• Daakle Bo,l„ 'haose from. Special p-opositlon to local deal- s> 11. art and tgentt. Write today 'l^J^trm*. LOCAL AGENTS AND DEALERS WANTED /i****"****^ _• (^_^"-Fr-rT_\ ' Tfc» «i»I-Arra- Faod Ca. Iftjpm ' *Vw\ JSjg***^;*?) °I 1 W..t„. A..., Seattle. JJj ■■- ''"'wVk -T^^?^__Si» LOCAL AGENTS one Six-Quart Combinttion >-~'S. <S Hfe Plea.* aend me one Bii-(Juan Combinat....- . [||SSs3j__r.7tV Cooker Set. eaactly as described in tovrr- * I jjjSH™****)ll t' Mtt-i _■! tiaement, and with privilege of selling four I LAI , WW • iy/ other, as mentioned. 13.00 enclosed, in full . \H^ *■ ' 5V^,V,««akU I N,n" ;-"» * * "' fl No 12. Cmhiaall*. ,:.-';; ;"* ; St _, r , Addre,. _ ;.-£;rr_r.•_"-•.• Ma.t - V.g.tfkl. .taker r______i--^- * .-...•.•- ■'. - ■.-.'>.'•.•■ Jesse Barber and son, Byron, wen taken sick With hard colds the lattei part "■' ,a-41 week and on Sunday a doctor was called. The doctor could , drive his car only as far as Kitzmil ler, where S. .1. Kinder met him with a team to take him to the Barbel home. „ Master Dallas Newell entertained 'wo of his friends. Orover Spray and Floyd Held, on Sunday. Miss Ruby Stipe entertained hei pupils at a Valentine party Saturday evening at the (',•,•,, Ethredge home. Games were enjoyed until midnight, when a lunch waa served. FORD Mrs, Smith and Dorothy spent last week in town with Mrs. Smiths mother, Mrs. Varner. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Draper spent Friday night with Mr. and Airs. Ray Draper and Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Major Draper. Mrs. Fisher and little son. La Vein.', are spending this week with the Mengelkamp family, Mi .and Mrs. Howard Stewart ol Wyoming visited from Thursday un til Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Draper. Mrs. Stewart is Mrs. Dra per's cousin, A rook party was given at the Mengelkamp home last Wednesday when progressive rook was played at four tables, Mr. Gimlln had the highest score and Bruce Quigg the lowest. Refreshments were served and all declared it a most successful party. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall and fam ily spent one evening last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Quigg. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brownlee at tended the surprise party given Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shafer Saturday even ing. Clark Brownlee attended a party in town Saturday evening. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall entertained the Ford community rook club. Rook was played at five tables. Clark Brownlee won the first prize and Mrs. Fisher the consolation. Delicious refreshments of coffee, sandwiches, ice cream and cake were served . An extra treat, of all-day suckers was given to the children. A very good time was enjoyed by all present. They left at an early hour to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Brownies next Friday evening. JOHNSON Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ailor were visitors at the L. R. Maxwell home Sunday. Moscow high met our home team in a basketball game Friday evening. The local won the bitterly fought contest with' a final score 20 to 25. There were about 200 people pres ent at the game, many of whom came for the dance which followed the contest. Vance's orchestra of Pull man had been engaged for the even ing. The crowd waited impatiently for several hours for Pullman mu sicians. At a late hour, local talent was substituted and the crowd en joyed the remainder of the evening. We would suggest that the college Y. M. C, A. be more careful whom they recommend, as Vance offered i no excuse for the disappointment. j Oris Maurlne and family of Colton i were visitors at the Stelner home >! Sunday. 1 The ColtOU Cubs played the John son Cubs here. In a basketball game, Saturday evening. Johnson won by a score of _." to 21. Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Sodorff went to Pullman Saturday to spend the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Harry Oman. Kenneth Gray his just completed a short course at W. S. C. and has . returned home. The following attended the Farm Bureau demonstration at Colfax Thursday and Friday: Mrs Swales, Mrs. Stout, Mrs. Meiners and Mrs. Haynes. Fred Weber of Spokane visited friends and relatives In Johnson last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Stout visited at the home of T. LaFollette last Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson were I Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sodorff. The American Legion of Colton and Uniontown pill on a minstrel show and dance hero last week. which was enjoyed very much by those who attended. BANNER Mr. and Mrs. Swanson of near MOSCOW visited the Aug Johnson. John Olson ami Aug Anderson homes last week. Mr. and .Airs. E. D. Eldredge and Air. anil Mrs. Aim Anderson were Sunday dinner quests at the Arthur Rodeen home. Air. and Mrs. Pert Hately and lit tel son were visitor- at the Aug .lohnson home Sunday. Rev. Al. E. Anderson, a traveling missionary, will preach at the school house Thursday evening the 23rd. Mr. and Airs. Ray Davidson and little daughter of near Thornton, who have been visiting Mrs. Davidson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owen, left Monday for their home. Frank Owen Jr. accompanied the Ray Davidsons to Thornton Monday and will stay there a few days'. John Nelson returned from Spo kane the latter part of last week. Mrs. W. E. Lawson, .Miss Leone Lawson and Gerald Lawson spent the week-end on the farm. Those who predicted the wailing of winter for the IBth of February may be a little disappointed, but don't worry, the robins are out. STALEY _■. i ..., -i ■-1 -«••'• Miss Anna Maston went to Pa louse Saturday to visit her friend, Miss Myrtle Proctor. Air. and Mrs. Fred Jennings and daughter and Mrs. C. K. Jennings visited Sunday in Pullman at the R. C. Hedglen home. Miss Hester McCracken is going to board with Mrs. Roy Shafer the remainder of the school term. Berl Shafer visited at Whelan Wednesday. Henry Meiners is taking a course in Ignition at the schorl course school at. the State College. Tim new bridge is completed at the Moscow crossing and is now ready for travel. Mrs. Charles Stirewalt spent the week-end with Mr. and Airs. Roy Shnt'er. Dr. Harter of Pullman was in this vicinity the first of the week. The telephone lines have been untangled and are working again. Snow drifted badly in some of the j roads. In some places travel Is through the fields. Shafer Brothers have been break ing several colts to pull the sleigh this week. .L K. Polston called at the C. E. Jennings place Tuesday. WHELAN Air. and Mrs. ('has. Stirewalt went ifo Moscow Wednesday, returning •Thursday. W. J. Boatrighl and Mr. and Mrs. pohn W. Hooper spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. AA'orley Hately. Miss Genevieve Wright came home Friday from Moscow to spend the j week-end with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dawson and family visited Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Pritchard last Sunday. Miss Inez Gray of Pullman spent Friday and Saturday with Air. and Mrs. F. W. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schiermeyer and family spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wexler and attended the ..■ranee dance. Mr. and Mrs. Flaurice Cray and Miss Faerber attended a birthday dinner at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hedglen in Pullman Sunday. The dinner was in honor of Mr. Hedglen. The next grange dance In Whelan will be February 24. Klncald's or chestra will furnish the music \•_ : : Without records it would be Im j possible to build up a dairy herd, for | you wouldn't know what cows to keep. ,>,"C,-''i''-"v . - / I UK PULLMAN HERALD ! CLINTON i _______ ■ (I Mr. and .Mrs. Archie Haynes and I family and the latter's sister. Mrs. Stewart, were Sunday guests at the Leonard Brown home . Mrs. A. L. ILiyne.- made a call at | the R. A. White home in Moscow, where She visited Mrs. F. Markowski. an old Ideal of this neighborhood. j Mr. and Mrs. c. W. Purnell were i Thursday visitors at the home of their son, Ivan Purnell. .Mrs. Claud Clark returned to her , home Monday, after a visit with her parents. i Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Thompson and 'family and Mr. and Mrs. Albert : Weber and small son were Sunday | Visitors ut the W. M. Benedict home | Lloyd Haynes, who has been at tending high school in Pullman, ha i been unable to go to school this week, due to illness. Mr. ami Mrs. \V. m Benedict and family were Saturday callers at the Jim McDonald home, where Miss Gladys Benedict is staying. C. W. Purnell and Ivan Purnell were Thursday visitors at the AY. 11. Wolfe home. The Misses Florence Lee and Oana Hinrichs i pent ihe week-end at the T. F. Wiley homo. The dance was quite a success. People came from Pullman, Moscow and Johnson SPRING FLAT Mr. ami Mrs. W. 11. Naffziger en tertained I- following guests at their home on Sunday: Air. a nd Airs. Lloyd Push and family, Airs. Isabella Taylor, Miss Amanda Taylor and Hill Taylor. Sunday visitors at the Gibson home were Mr. and Mrs. 100 Naff-iger, Mr. and Mis. Millard Naffziger, Air. and .Mrs. A. C. Clunk and Crank Inman Mrs. AY. 11. Naffziger -pour Friday afternoon of last week with Mrs. AA'. 11. Gibson. Mr. and .Airs. Bert Draper visited at the homes of Ray Draper and M. A. Draper from Friday until Monday! Mr, and Mrs. Howard Steward of Wyoming visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Guthrie last week, after which they spent several days with Air. and Mrs. Ray Draper. They returned to Spokane Sunday, where they expect to locate. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pearson were the miosis of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tay lor Sunday. Several from this vicinity attend ed the dance at Four Mile Friday evening. HOLLAND STATION Mrs. L. Stratton and children visit ed in Moscow Friday and Saturday at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. I.itch. Mrs. Graham and children are all sick with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jerron and daughter, Nellie, visited at the Geo. Farrand home Wednesday. Mrs. Jim Clark spent Wednesday night with Mrs. B. Driskill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thonney and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clark spent Tues day evening with Mr. and Mrs. _. Driskill. Chester Getchell spent Tuesdaj night with Neil Halpin at Pullman. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Getchell were at Sergeant Chaipel's home Satur day evening at a five hundred party. The party at the Will Halpin home was a great success and everybody had a good time. I COUNTY BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT III!. *_4-25 The basket ball tournament which is to tie held at tin- college gymnas ium February 2. and 26, under the auspices oi the Whitman County Principals' association, will be par ticipated in by six county teams. These teams will be the champions of the districts in which they are .classed, and will meet at the college | to decide the county champion This district will be represented either by Pullman or John ac cording to i be result of the coming game. Palouse seems to have the best chance of representing the dis | trict in which she is located Albion holds the best chance to represent I the district in which she is included. | Endicott, St. John and Rosalia all ; have strong teams and are expected to be here. If Pullman gets Into the tourna ment it will he an added feature and the attendance will probably be i perceptibly greater than otherwise. t None of the teams have ever played I on the college floor, and this will I give them an even break in this re spect. SHERIFF, PROSI'CITOK IM 1(..\ I I LOCAL (ASKS j Sheriff William Cole and Deputy [Prosecuting Attorney W. L. LaFol lette Jr. were in Pullman Tuesday jtroni . Colfax investigating several ,cases of Juvenile deficiency. It i i expected . that action in regard to < some of the cases will lie taken at lan early date. The visitors made the trip by automobile but were forced to shovel their way 75 feet through a snowdrift. '-'■■•> . * te©o©©Q©©s;:; 1 GOLDEN HEART |g tf| By SADIE M. STULL. V-' A I - .-,; -■" ©, tail, by MeUlur* Nawiptpm Syndicate "Nannie, child, remember the cour tea] always due new neighbors—" "Not when the; are rank trespassers •lust look at your pansy-bed, Munis}, darling—and tlven at our new neigh bor actually petting the brute of a raider!" Before gentle Mrs. Mnrcy could frame further remonstrance Nancy darted out the garden gate. "I'll teach him he cannot and insult to injury," she Hung back over her shoulder. At any other lime, Nancy would have admired the new bungalow. Now -he saw only the oft'endlug canine, and the man. whose indiffer ence to her approach added the match to her smouldering rath. "That beast deserves the whip In stead of a caress!" she llared. "lie has a whole skin this Instant .-imply because Alumsj Darling's middle name is Forbearance. And that, mind you, after he had ruined the pride Of her garden—Heartsease Col ncr, -1..' delighted to cull it !" Nancy waited dramatically. Instead of Hie .oil nil, id apology came a tantalizing drawl: "Really, did Rob Roy do all I hat '.'' Nancy caught i.e. breath. "Obi" "Couldn't you see him do ii V" The amused smile faded from the boyish lips. "Nol very well, Miss Spitfire. I cannot see you now." Nancy caught her breath sharply. "Oh!" she gasped in swift contrition; "how rude — how cruel you must think me." "Not at all" he was smiling again. "You didn't know." There was a moment's strained si lence. Then the true Nancy, warm hearted and Impulsive, advanced to the veranda steps. "We are your nearest neighbors, -Muuisy Darling, Teddy ; Boy and"— with roguish emphasis—"Miss Spitfire. Teddy Hoy is lots of fun and Muuisy Darling bakes the most delicious mocha cake every Saturday. Mem 111—today is Friday—you wont have long to wait. About 4 tomorrow be prepared to receive Teddy Boy with a generous helping of said mocha cake. A little peace offering for my rude Introduction,'' she concluded with her irresistible laugh, "I say, but it's Jolly good of you," his earnestness thrilled Nancy. Draw int.' ii small whistle from his pockel be blew two short blasts. Almost instantly, It seemed, a smiling little Jap glided from tin- bungalow. "Here, .Mr. Ray." "Yetsu," ordered his master, "cut the very choicest of those roses Mr. Jack says are such beauties." He turned again to Nancy: "Yetsu is _ dower magician. it's characteristic of bis race 1 learned when we toured the Orient. I bud my sight then, and the memories I stored up are like luminous bits of fairyland In the present dark ness. She Infused mi added bllthesomeness Into her own voice. "Boston and New York comprise my itinerary to date, but I often make dream journeys to far distant, lands —always In cherry blossom time to Japan." His sensitive fingers traced the vel vety petals until convinced of their worthiness. "A little peace offering ; for Rob Roy's rude Introduction." Nancy laughed merrily at his clever mimicry. Then, as she stepped nearer to lake the loses, -he felt a sudden tightening of her throat. He looked even younger than from the walk — scarcely nineteen. And j what at first sight she had dubbed a ' "sissy" wave covered a deep scar | extending across his forehead. Fearing her silent pity might be i misconstrued, Nancy hastened to say I enthusiastically: "Such perfect speci | mens of the Queen of Flowers!" "You are too good His buoyant'} matched her own. "When Brother Jack comes out tomorrow I'll get him to coach me in my new role —a most grateful neighbor," Wonderful days followed; wonderful for Nancy— lor the blind 1...'. —and for the man whom sorrow and responsi bility bad made cruelly old beyond bis years. ll was Lis first glimpse of Nancy thai restored John Keniston's most cherished ideals. The memory of it transformed Ids dally office grind a if by magic. Even tbe factory's giant dynamos sounded rhythmical. Hal though time sped on golden in stead of leuden wings, ! .an. waxed im ', patient. And then, in the purple dusk of a rare autumn day, John sought Nancy. •'Lay made me blissfully happy to day," be begin bo,, isbly. "He said be bad told you of the accident, und yon ! understood my mental torture. Cod. • knows the machine, not I, was at faun : i Even so, the youngster's very cheer fulness seemed "n reproach, until kite! fate sent us among you and yours." He tool both Nancy's Lands. "Then, dear little miracle woman, I knew it j was no longer forced, that 1 might once again think of love and happiness.' His voice became a caress. "Tell me. Nan. sweetheart, have I dreiiiae,; Bright? Can I tefl Kuy that when : Ju ■ roses bloom agalif; hi.-* offeriii? BhaSi Le M Sister InVtead of Neltdmo. Golden Heart?" His compelling ■ gaze made Naiicv look up at iiliu. The awakened hcaii of her beut SO tiiirinlluoiisly she could not speak, but John read his unsv. er .a her frank, adoring eyes. _■ _ ■■ i-i i— - in i — ~"W "" ' *^^m^—amt*~**~***>*^a*mmmm*mna** •^^gSs__3___i__aya---____ - Croodcoa/is a kingfy _jt-r_§|§_«_ treasure; •W?B| jßui/Jt/iere Jr ~\a/?d(fefjbod ____Sv measure. Spring Canyon COAL IIOTTFST BURNING NON SLACKING COAL IN Till. WIST. J. P. Duthie Phone 50 North Grand St. THE LAUN-olf-ETTE Does the Most Washing FOR You wild Hie Least Work BY Aon The Laun-DRY-ette not only washes the clothes, but dries them too. It has no wringer. With a wringer you have to put your hands in the water and wring out the pieces one or two at a time. With the Laun-DRT-ette you do an entire washing without once touching the water Tim Laun-DRY-ette whirls the clothes dry— a whole tub full at a time, in one minute, ready for the line. K. C. Miller," 210 Main St., is a de lighted Laun-DRY-ette user ami will be glad to give full information re garding it. Charles E.Flagg,Deale_ Spokane, Wash. [LM-DRY-IEWH electric washlnd machine £ 11:| f** i-T'^-T-TT f Aa2.'iyfly\*f l aJ.\ ri LUA _ L_Q W, _._»_»**• r* i*^jr> * 7_V*«_._ v/** **• •* "" _i,ar "BACK TO NATURE! — the call is nation-wide. Food values make us appreciate the gifts of the soil as motoring has made us realize the healthfulness of open air living. To get the, full value and most en joyment out of your- car, you do not want ii laid up tor long In the repair shop or needed repair* half made in a bungling way by amateurs. We do prompt, expert work ill AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Pullman Eikim 111 Opposite P. 0. j PIPES PIPES PIPES ■.- . : LARGE ASSORTMENT AT - * -■ HE CITY CLUB JOHNNIE GANNON, Prop. •»s^wmu..)»M%'mv>:.j. »'Jkmaxm,v. _.y*_j?s*____a>li I'h-,1- Vive.