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I MJ-tf."Fcbrunr>-'iy..«03?3 _________m___m—■ mmmm PULLMAN UAPTIST CHURCH \V. E. Monbeck, Minister 60 Church school. ii : 00 Worship and seryion. 6*30 Young People's meeting. 7:iv Singing and sermon. The special feature jof the morn ing service will be a sermon in dia logue entitled "Starting Right" by Miss McKenzie and Mr. Hunt* "Our Unfailing Friend" will be the sub ject of the evening sermon. The instructors in the School of Missions and stewardship tor next Sunday are: 'Adult division. Prof. M, K. Snyder; young people's division, Walton Terry; high school, Miss Smawley; juniors, T. 11. Duerfeldt. The school started with a good at tendance last Sunday. Let us keep it growing. The Brotherhood will meet on Tuesday night from 6 to 8 o'clock. The young people will hold a social on the same night. , MUST METHODIST EPISCOPAL John G. Law, pastor. S. F. Taft, associate pastor. Miss Helen Swartze, student sec retary. 9:50 a m. —Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.—-Morning Worship. 6:30 p. m.— Epwortb League. 7:30 p. m.-—Evening Worship. At 11:00 a. in., key note sermon, "The Supremacy of Christ." Special music by Prof, F. C. Butterfield and choir. Evening: Organization of enlist ment choir. All persons who will assist during the meetings are asked to be in the choir. A beautiful fea ture will he the pantomime of the song, "Publish Good Tidings," by ten girls of the King's Heralds. Earnest sermon, "Rejoice Always," by the minister, John G. Law. The Boy Scouts, with the Girl Scouts and Juniors as their guests, were all the honored guests of the church last Sunday. Scout Execu tive Hawley, with earnest and ap propriate remarks, gave tenderfoot badges to five hoys, Eldred Ellis, Jasper Smith, Arthur Carpenter, William Law and George Pratt, One of the prettiest college church events of the year was the valentine party of last week. The pretty dec orations and the novel Features were of interest to a big crowd of young people. .Miss Biriam Van Behold* and Rex Turner put on the feature act. I Pullman Prices Are Coming Down Up I Pullman Prices Are Coming Down I I Second Sales Day by Pullman Merchants I Saturday, February 25 ! I Watch for the Bargain Announcements I |t| 9kmJr ffl* I Come to Pullman Sales Day and Get J I • Introduced to Some Real Bargains I 1 HI I Make the Bargain Center Your I M JVJ I Buying Center I i___nT__! m'jt'.l^^'itWmr"^^^^****'*^***^*** \\\i.Wmw* The East and West club of foreign students was entertained Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Buird with music and games. Plana are under way for a series of meetings to begin February 26 to be known as enlistment meetings. tit. W. 11. H. Forsythe, „irendy well known to college and townspeople of the church will preach. The vast world need' and the mighty program of Christianity make this an oppor tune time for such a move. Dr. For sythe is well known in this section. His preaching is constructive, friend ly to today's thought, and religious from the start. The missionary society met, with Mrs. \V. M. Skidmore of this city. The King's Heralds girls sent to the Washington Children Home two boxes, one of valentines and one of little dolls made and dressed by the girls nt their meetings. Pansy troop of the Girl Scouts gave the program at the last meeting of the Phi Mv Beta club at the col lege. The program consisted of a demonstration of their work, under the direction of their officers, Mrs. ■i O. Law, Mrs. [I. 11. Maynard and Mrs. Ceo. Severance. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. W. A. Spalding, Minister Rev. 3. S. Cole, Associate and stu dent Pastor 9: 50 a. m.—Bible School. 11:00 a. m.— Morning Worship. 6:30 p. in. —Christian Bndeavoi 5:30 p. m.—Evening Worship. FEDERATED CHURCHES 1 First Baptist anil Congregal in! I C. X. Curtis. Minister 9:60 a. m.— Church School. 11:00 a. m.— Morning Worship. 7:00 p. m.—Open forum. Evening Star lodge, No, 26, K. of P., will attend morning service in a body. Professor Nasmyth will sing. At 7:00 the Scouts present a three-reel picture, "Something for Washington." There will be a sil ver offering which will go to the lantern fund. Come and enjoy the evening. ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Gilbert W. Laidlaw. Vicar 9:45 a. m.—Church School. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. 6:15 p. m.—Young People's Guild (of high school scholars). 7:30 p. m.—Sunday Evening Club j (of college students). FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 11. J. Reynolds, Minister 9:80 a. m.— Church School. 11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship 6:30 p. m.—Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. tu. — Evening Worship. Sermon subjects: Morning. "The Big Idea": evening, "The Gamaliel Test." The School of Missions meets at 30. Eery member of the church ought to attend one Of the classes. The C. E. will hold a patriotic social in (the church basement Fri day evening. CATHOLIC CHURCH Carl Philipp. pastor 910 State St.. Tel. 3422 Sundays—On the second Sunday ■>f each month: 9:00 a. m. only (in July, August and September. 12:00 in. only). On all the other Sundays: 8:00 a. in. and 10:00 a. m. Weekdays—7:oo a. m. » CHRIST-AID SCIENCE The Christian Science society holds services every Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock in the Masonic hall, in the First National Bank building. Testimonial meetings are held the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month at 8:00 o'clock in the same hall. A free reading room is open to the public Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af ternoons from 2:30 to 4:30, in the room two doors west of the Western Union telegraph office, on Olson street. All authorized Christian Sci ence literature may be read or bor rowed. , Marble and granite monuments and markers, cemetery work. S. E. Kilham, 205 Plain St. declGjunlG WHEN' HER BACK ACHES A Woman Finds All Her Energy and Ambition Slipping Away Pullman women know how the aches and pains that often come when the kidneys fail make life a burden, Backache, hip pains, head aches, dizzy spells, distressing uri nary troubles, are frequent indica tions of weak kidneys and should be checked In time. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only. They attack kidney diseases by Striking at the cause. Here's proof of their merit in a Pullman woman's words: Mrs. W. B. Stephens!.ii. 105 E. Main St., says: "linan's Kidney Fills are my old stand-by for kidney com plaint. When I had an attack of this trouble, I had an awful hurting through the small of my hack and ii acted just, like lumbago, as I couldn't get my hack straightened or turn in bed without a severe catch In my hack. My kidneys acted ir regularly and bothered me greatly and my feet bloated, I always used Doan's Kidney Fills, from While's Drug Store, at these times and they soon drove the pain out of my hack and rid me of the lumbago. My kid- THE PULLMAN HERALD neys acted all right and the swell ing went out of my feet.'' i'rice 60c, ai all dealers. Don't limply ask for a kidney remedy gel Doan's Kidney Pills—the same thai Mrs. Stephenson had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mlrs.. Buffalo, X. V. SUMMONS ion PUBLICATION In the Superior Courl of the State of Washington, in and for the County of hitman. .1. It. Holt and Henrietta Holt, hus hand and wife, plaintiffs, vs. Roy Patterson and All Persons and Parties Unknown, claiming any right, title, lion or interest and to the following de scribed real estate, defendants. The State of Washington to Roy Patterson and all persons and parties unknown claiming any right, title, lien or interest In and to the lands described in ihe complaint herein, Defend ants: You and each of you are hen summoned and required to he and appear in he hove entitled courl and defend the above entitled action and answer the complaint, of the plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon Weldon & La Folli attorneys for plaintiffs, at. their ad dress given below hereon, within 60 days from and after the date of (lie first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty days after ihe 17th day of February, 1922, and if you fail so to do. the plaintiffs will take judgment against you accord: ing to i he prayer of their complain!. now on lih' with the clerk of the above entitled court. The pose and' ob led of the above entitled act ion la to obtain a decree of the a bo*, entitled court that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee, and in the possession, and en titled to the possession of the follow ing described lands and tenements situated In Whitman county, Wash ington! to-wit: Blocks 9 and 10, Sunnyside addi tion to the town of Pullman, and lot. 30, block 2. Fairview addition, to the town of Pullman, Whitman county, Washington; and that part of the seq of he nwq of Seel lon 6, Twp. 11, north of Range 45, E. W. M.. de scribed as follows, to-wit: » Begin ning at the northeast corner of the seq of the nwq of Sec. 6, Twp. 11, north of Range 45, E. W. M., thence south on the subdivision line along the east line of Layman's homestead 1064.7 feet: thence south 977.7 feet; thence north 44°:;r west 488.7 feet; thence north l I 24" east 950 feet; thence north 86°50' east. 654.5 feet, to the place di beginning, containing 25 acres; save and except that por tion thereof, heretofore conveyed to Samuel Easto, descrlbd as follows, to-wit: beginning at the northeast corner of the seq of the nwq of Sec. 6, Twp, 14, north of Range 45, E. W. M.. thence south along the Bub division line along the east line of Layman's homestead 255.2 feet; thence north 87' 12' west 829 feel thence north l I 24' east 249.8 feel . thence north 86 50' east 654.5 feel to the place of beginning, containing 3.69 acres, more or less. Together with the tenements, You Will Be Crazy ABOUT The Oakes Electric Incubator Hatching Time Is Nearly Here Give Us Your Order Today Electric Supply Store ! Mist Hum- South of Emerson's Grocery Door hereditaments ami appurtenances thereunto belonging, and tn quiet title of tin plaintiffs therein, and to forever debar ami enjoin you and each of you from making or assert ing any right, title, lien, interest or estate in said lands and teneinnts ad verso to plaintiff, , their heirs or as signs, Hated this I Mil day of February, 1922. WELDON & I.A FOLLETTE. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Post office and office address, Col fax. Wash. feb!7mch24 Hi.^TW^ft^flllittinJthc Dullstyr Since 1864 "J H Xhtmw Shotguns - Riiles - Pistols i I Get the 520 I 1 That's the Stevens Ham- I Pj mcrless Pr-peating Shotgun Bj with the solid breech. _*_*% I| Shotguns - RUles - Pistols Get the 520 That's Hi Stevens Hnm mcrlcss R -v ating Shotgun with the sohd breech. Pi Wit the well known H. L-J Stevens Recoil Unlock that H H provides safety against X M "Hang-fires." | |;,| The gun that i, endorsed hy II am shooters everywhere as superb for Ej t-a trap nnd field. n f J Catalog free for the asking. It ll J. STEVENS ARMS COMPANY X j H| Chicopee pulls, Mass., "J. S. A. (f Mn__H__________________i PiMCe Seven _r* r**^_P_rr^WP'^^_P''*#W*lW>Bß ___^ _____iJ^_zi_F^__'4K'^V'V_ > _ Y*J3k* _|E■_ /^ .sji ___■*___! '*" ™»l*'->—->^*-*Mifciiiiii in' | mjjjj THE RED FLAG WILL NOT SPELL DISASTER IF YOU INSURE Fire insurance is the thing to he attended to now. The (de ments do not issue any mora torium to protect you from the ruin that visits all men. Our company Is conservative, safe, and financially strong. Geo. N. Henry REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE