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be mm im. On the overland train leal Honda, night a oerroua old lad, from Philadel phia wan axpnaalng her raalUatlon ol the dire dangcra of Wealern travel to a patent clothcapln drummer, who aeemed to de light la onHivating her in her exanjcrated ideaa. The drummer waa relating how ba had onoe killed all train robber, and than, taking the place of the murdered engineer, had himaell guided the train on to a harbor of refuge, juet in time toavoid a coUtokm with a lightning evpreee. Aa aooa ae ha had heUvered himaeU Ihua far the train alowed up and the brakeman the old woman, "are we goh( to he robbed f” A lap man on the neat behind her le arned her that the brake, had on), called nnt the at a station. Thu calmed her aopiewhat, but the ■bock aeemed to have left her nervea atrung up to a very high pilch. ‘•Stuck I” yelled the htmkeman. “Oh dear! Are wa going tobeetnek here very long? Oh, I do wtah I hadn't When the train moved off the old lady showsd signs of hyateria, and the hop grower’s wife talked soothingly to her. "Slaughter!” yelled the brakeman, and the old Indy tainted.— Puyallup Vommertt. TWMe’.Utathi Bnhby Sbaftoe’s gone to sea. Mm bucklaa on bis knas. He’ll come bark and starry me, Pastty Bobby Skaftaa! A dainty debutante, fair aa a summer dawn, and clad like a snowflake in glis toning white, softly quoted these lines from the old nursery rhyme at Mrs. Sloane’s dance last Monday night. She was looking at a young man who had Just —fated the room. A number of other people were looking in the same direction, too, for the aforesaid young man, instead of being arrayed In the very unpictmeeqne garb which is understood by the term "evening drees,” was clad in knas breaches and a tailleas coat. In his wake earns six other young men in similar apparel, and admiration pew In the plan ol wonder when every one bad fairly taken la the details of this novel and pleasing innovation. Tbs wren young men were Messrs. John C. Furman, Thomas Howard, James Waterbury, Edward C. Potter, 8. 8. Banda, Worthington Whitehouae and Robert Hargous. They have formed an anti trnnssrs dob and hereafter will dis port themselves in knkkerbocksn on all foil dreas occasions. • , • Last Monday evening, when they made their first appearance clad in conformity with this new resolve, Mrs. Slosne’sdraw ing room was filled with guests, among whom their advent made an instant and lavomMs s—atlnn. The costume coo afetsdof black satin bnecfaaa, clasped at the knees with sQrsr hackles. There were also aflver buckles on the shoes, which were s# old knkksrbocker pattern, and black silk stockings were worn. A low cut waistcoat showed a linen draag shirt having a plain front and standing collar, with a small white tie. The coat was of black velvet, something after the fashion of a shooting jacket— New York World. _ Ifflttg Iripfcr’s Hot Dm wire announces that the president has nominated Thomas M. Vance, of North Carolina, to be receives for the district of public lands subject to entry at North Yakima. Now. whs is this Mr. Vance? He in n ami of Senator Zebofoo B. Vance, el North Carolina. If the younger Mr. Venae arm a resident of this territory end had Identified himself with Its inler arta and had shown himself worthy of the appointment he has just received, the fact Owl he is the son of one of the moot obnonfena men of the South would cot no figure again* bias. He mould rtond before the people el Washington fotiilmy on his own merits end no one would dertre to hold him in say way ac countable far the political misdeeds of his fethar. But while tbs people of Wash ington territory are liberal in their views and practice, they are intensely loyal in tao that them aaa.nchn thing JTlava l«M hr them by their father., nor here they forgotten that among thoae who noaihk to diamember and destroy thia goveramaat and tnunpla Ha Dag ondeatoot, an man war more bot-headad and Inlmmly bant upon destruction than the rafcal general, Z. B. Vinca oI North Carolina. Hh belligerent sentiments ta the goraraar of his date hire not bean forgotten. It hna not been forgotten that ha Ml hfp tent In congress, after having •tan to defend the constitution of hie 00entry, fill mm forth to aasiat In iwall tog the naiad aaoaaaioo, "For God's Beks Had na one regiment end booio iron* as quickly as pomthle. The fight la rag lag aad Brans la ovanthahnad.” This is the language of one of Governor Vanca'e nwamgaa, written on December 14, IWQ. Ha had aatend the confederate army in May, ml, tad had assisted in the .tub hern rate bloody resistance that the rebels of IMa Unto had thee Ur metis sgsinet the soldiers af thia Union. Finding time katwnaa Aten ha had so nhly voiced the ■tefi meats of the hot-heads of his auto that they had aboard him governor. Ha had nMy lariated in getting North Cnro ■aa to dadsrs that it was no longer a naaibar if the federal union. His entire aowsa Ihroaghoot the rebelleon end long prior to II an • mamber of congress lad SasaWSar , ~ da s mamber af anagram Mr. Vance rated sad worked against the passage ol the bomsatead law, aad now ha drains to to place hfaaaa ia gn aAca in this terri tory whtoahUbimlnam wUihato pm» the etiolation ol this territory into the Union he sought to destroy, end yet he thinks he would like to here the name of his son Tom added to the long list of bridadier’s sons and near relatives who have been appointed to office in this far-off Northern commu nity. On December 4,1861, John C. Brecken ridge was expelled from the United States senate for disloyalty (be having left bis ■eat and gone forth to assist in pulling down his country'* flag) and yet John C. Breckenridge, Junior, has been selected and sent out from the South to fill the high office of enrveyorgeocral of Wash- ington territory. Another prominent official position on the Sound waa filled by a rebel general from Mississippi. In fact a majority of appointments made to places in this territory during the past four years have been chosen from the Southern states. That Mr. Vance will not be confirmed and will therefore never come to take his place may be set down as reasonably cer tain, as it is believed that even senatorial courtesy will hardly be sufficient to se cure his confirmation. The selection is not merely a slight to Mr. Voorhecs, who is not liked by the president, but is an injustice and Insult to the democrats of Washington territory, hundreds of whom are more worthy to be honored because of loyal servk-es to the Union than thla young scion of a great secessionist. There is no good reason for appointing men to office in this territory from any of the states. There is even lens propriety in appointing men from the South whose only recommendation is that they are sons or near relatives ol some rebel briga dier. It is not that such men sN person ally objectionable, for they are not. On the contrary they are aa liable to be agree able and pleasant socially and personally, ■s men from any other source of stock. But since the reason lor their appoint ment is political, the objection to them in thia Northwwtwa territory i» «I*> politi cal. JVopte her* do not relish the idea of having Governor Vance’s political ser vices recompensed and honored at the ex pense of Washington territory for the rea son they do not relish his political ser vices.—Spoton* Falls Rerun. —A fine new line of saddles, harness, etc., Just received at C. E. McEwen’s shop, Yakima avenue. • —Call and inquire prices of saddles, bridles, harpess, etc., at C. E. McEwen’s before purchasing elsewhere. * —One hundred thousand dollars to loan on farm property by Goodwin, Htrohach A Pugsley; long time, easy rates. • —Croup, whooping cough and l»ron chMi immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. Sold by C. B. BushneH. druggist. —C. E. McEwen is now offering sad dles, bridles, harness and everything in his line at prioea not to he duplicated this aide of Portland. * —Why will you cough when Shiloh’s Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cents, 60 cents and |l. Foreale by C. B. BosbneU, druggist. —Fawcett Bros, are agents tor the cel ebrated lowa Steel Barbed Wire, which is the best barbed wire manufactured, and wifi go sms rod to the pound. 1-1 m. —The Natches orchards' iare now on ■ale at Goodwin, Htrohach A Pogaley’s. These five-acre tracts adjacent to the city are offered at a very low figure and with terms to suit. * —Shiloh’s Vitalixer is what you need for constipation, loss of appetite, dint neas, and all symptoms of dyspepsia. PHoo 10 and-Ti cents per bottle. Sold by C. B. Boshnei), druggist. —Fanners need not send east for their seeds, as Fawcett Bros, bsve oftened up s full tine of grass sad garden seeds. Their prioea are the same as eastern firms. Their sedda are all fresh, and are grown by the beat market gardeners. 1-1 m. —Fawcett Bros, are agents for the cel ebrated Bramer Washing Machine. It is conceded by experts to be the best wtidier in the world. They let tbemnut on trial; and if they do not give entire satisfac tion, they can be returned at their ex pense. 1-lm. —A beautiful young Indy became so badly disfigured with pimples and blotches that it was feared she would die of grief. A friend recommended Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which she took, and was completely cored. She Is now ono of the fairest of the fair. —A lady who was afflicted with salt rheum on the face and other parts of the body for many years, and was treated by the beat physicians on the Pacific coast without any but temporary relief, says: Dutard’s Specific baa entirely cured me of my troublesome complaint, and although I have not used the medicine for many months, I have had no return of the dis ease. I shall always feal grateful to yon. Sold by Alien A Chapman. Foust Gbotx, Ogn., March 8. I have been troubled many yearn with 1 weakness of the kidneys, and hast tried many different remedies, sought aid from 1 different physicians, and even changed 1 climates to obtain relief, but have met with indifferent snoress. Hearing through | a friend of the value of the Oregon Kid ney Tea, I obtained a box of it, and have ’ derived more Iwneflt from It than from 1 anything else I have yet found. J. T. Hvrr. ; Sold by Allen A Chapman. j —How often do we hear our friends say: • “Oh, I am feeling pretty well, but have a i alight pain*in the back that I suppose will i soon pass away.” But does it pass away? 5 No, not often, unless assisted by some I good remedy. Pain in the back is fre - qosntly followed by weakness, flushing of the body, mucous and milky dis -8 charges, eruptions on the face and nock, f dissineas, losuof appetite, general debility » and Bright’s ftaease of the kidneys. If - you have any of those symptoms, do not ■ delay, but save time, money and health • by using Oregon Kidney Tea. It is a safe » and speedy remedy. Sold by Allen A I Chapman. Goodwin, Strobach & Fugsley, Bill Emit Br iters, ml Int Aims. MON E Y LEN DEES. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. TER. From oar elghtovn ymrw ponoul acqulntonn lo4b|a country we are in ■ portion to offer inforniaUon that na othen can (Ire. A Urgo Uat ol Buai- area and Reeldenre Property, guhurlen Acrea, Garden Trarta and Farraa to now on our hooka. We Would Call Spiel Atteitioi to Our Natchez Orchards Addition, 5-Acre Tracts itjacat ti tie City! lOnnBSPONDEFIIK MLICITEB. BBT BIENCB, VlffißT NATIONAL HANK. Notice. 1 will buy for cash in the next ninety days broken or unbroken horses or mares. I have engaged A. £. Lillie, of North Yak ima, as my agent to buy fur me. Nov. 7-3 m. • T. E. GRIFFITH. Sold by Allen A Chapman. A■ ■ ■ GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE, Northern Pacific R. R., VIA CASCADE DIVISION. The only line mining Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, magnificent day eoachaa. and Elegut Emigrant Sleeping Coaches, With Bertha Free of Cost. PROM OREGON AND WASHINGTON POINTS To the Ka«t, via sr. ran and himniapous. The Only Transcontinental Line Rannlng PALACE DINING CARSj (Meals. 7.» Cents.) fastest time ever ma 1c (mm the Const, over the | lORTHEBI PACIFIC 8. R. To Sioux City. Connell BlalH. St Joseph, Atehl ' son. Leavenworth. Kansas City. 1 Burlington, Quincy, NT. LOUR, CHICAGO, And all points tUmnghont the East and South- 1 east, via St. I'nul and Minneapolis Pillnu Sleeping Accommodstlois * Can be secured In advance. K MIGKANT SLEEPING CASK Are hauled on regular Express Trains over the entire length of the N. P. R. R. Connection made at St Paul and Minneapolis to all points Bart. South and SontlKiMa. Tbrongli trains leave Yakima (nr St Paul at uep. m. Throuxh trains fur Portland and all points on : Pacific and Cascade division, at P.lto p. at. con i netting «* Tacoma with boats for points on Pucet Sound. Tickets oe rale to all points.ln the United] States sud Canada, for mates, rates, Ac., ap ply to 11. C. HUMPHREY. Ticket Agent, North Yakima. A. D. Charlkton. Asat General Taasenger Agent. No. 2. Washing ton struct, Portland, Oregon. HUGO SIGMUND, THE LEADING mum TAILOR. PI AST ST.. NORTH YAKIMA. W. T. Domestic and Imported Goods made up in the latest stylet and at reasonable prices. Agency for the Celebrated Ught rannlng HDoraeiptic SEWII6 MiCHIRE, Purchase no other. Give me a rail. I. ! Til Boi-Tod Bntnrat AND Oigar ©tore H. 0. WILSON, Prop., COR. YAKIMA AVE. A PROMT «T.(opp. Depot NSBTH YAKIMA, W. T. VvMm Mat AH Im, itSfaU. -> A fine Line of limrted aid Dmnztic Clean, —CONST APTLY IN BTOCS.— Chewing and Smoking Tobaooo, Ol the Most Popular Brands, Pipe-, Cigarettes, And a Complete Assaortment of Kxcellaat ; Cudln, Cknrtig Gib, le„ te., 4c. ■ H. O. WIIjWON, i ‘ ■ . •] S. K. Cor. Yakima Are, and front St. opp. Depot. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES. jr. cr. -AjßMsiraoisrc*, Corner First street and Yakima Avenue. A complete line of all «l the commodities enumerated above will be found at tbia store, and a general reiueat ia sent forth to the public to ca.ll and exan the prices and quality of the Good*. J. J. Amiwlrong 1 . Bartholet Bros. Have just finished Invoicing and find that the past year’s business has been not only satisfactory but profitable. This is the result not of any cause other than the Sale of large quantities of goods on which were gained SMALL PROFITS! ■ 0 This telling policy will be continued as in the past, and those in need of Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Dry Goods, Stationery, Groceries, ‘ Crockery, , Notions, Lamps. ■ Will find them of good quality and of reasonable price at our store in the Opera House Block. Matt Bartholet. Joe Bartholet. J. T. BHHBLMAN. O. W. BOD VAN. Rodman & Eshelman, M Emit ill liti Ain l Money to Ijorii on Mortgage*. limiulslilt ml Pnwrtr Hail Woi-Bisim. Of ty Lota and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Taktaaa Arena and WaeaM Street* oppoaHe Fliat National Bank. psanr. a. maulow. '***• *>• ■«**«■*•* StLardlcwg McDaniel, i DIALER*IN Fine Wines, LLqiiors, Imported and l>omentie Cigaiii. PINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLE*. 1* liali b Ik MikiM Jm Mute latcti IMb. S. J. LOWE Carrie* the Urgent, beat and cheapest atock of all kinds pi COOK & HEATIHG SMS, Etc., which he ia prepared to offer at remarkably low prices. Also in atock a flue line of Tinware, Sheet Ironware, Graniteware, Guns, Pistols and Farm Implements. Corner Yakima Avenue and First street, - - - - W. T. MItLEAN & REED, Real Estate and Insurance, i Yakinm Arenue. TO THE PUBLIC: A few Reasons why North Taklma, Washington Territory Is belug recognised as ths moat I'mmlalnc rlty In Central Washington: Pint— Uecause II l.aeeurkl of Ilia finest. largoM the great Mato of Washington, and »«”t fertile valleys la War: •uglou territory Hiath-because men who ate well known aa Immediately tributary to It. successful, shrewd and long-headed, are making jk-'ss. 10 *■"" T “‘- track garden of the roast, with a rash market business locations and manufacturing opponn for our products on Caret Sound. ultles, to rail on ns at North Yakimk, and"by m y . . k>c * , f d * *• • re .7? Ht ; m ‘ la « tor themselvas, be ronvlnred. tuaed aa the desirable place for the capital of in Is it AtwM Tli Is hnt! J^ , a^7jft£3“\2tar gather with tana property and garden tracts. W ell Known Fact ▼eetmeata. those who hare availed themselves core and drill! 7 R * *** *■ •* of the Winter months tor parchaalng have farad CALL AND HER PLATS OP TEE SouthParkAddition Receatly placed on the Merkel. Mac Lean «&c Reed, _____ P.O. BOI.WI BHAKEBPERIAN! A Uoimi U, lor. Rmwi IMial.tak.uaI. Ik. Pool plan’s Picnic Harness store, Aak km Wn Ala ntlakl, nyartAWAl, nk •! Ik. MB. dM tk. MMIWI« Tpy Low Pn« it flirt Jam ii drill His ballnt (Msr MUST HAVE ROOM I Call and Bee Me. W. F. JOUGS.