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THE YAHMA HERALD. THURSDAY FIB. 31, ISM. Bull Fighting in Yakima.—Spain and Mexico have their famed bull fights, but grander and not so brutal contests are often witnessed on the Moxee company’s cattle ranch between the long horned Hereford and the polled Angus bolls. These thoroughbred cattle seem to have a natural antipathy for each other and will fight for hours. One of these magnificent Itrutes will sometimes await with head in air and (Ire in eye the passing of a whole band of cattle to seek some well matched foe of the other breed with which to give battle. The polled cattle are the quicker of the two, and seldom receive any in juries from the horns of their antagonists. When the foes have made their match, they will back off for a distance of ten or fifteen feet and then make a terrific charge, coming together with fearful force. Oc casionally the nimble and powerful polled Angus will get his head beneath the breast of his Hereford rival and throw him clear into the air. These fights will often last an hour, to be renewed, after the antagonists have quenched their burn ing thirst at a neighboring spring, and continued until exhausted nature patches np a temporary truce. A Bm Way to Independence.— “There in more money in hogs (or the man of email capital than anything elee,” said H. H. Allen, of the firm of Snipoe A Allen, the leading cattle raiaera of cen tral Washington, to a Herald represent ative the other day. “I will give yon an illustration,” he continued, “which will convince you. Of course you know, with our cattle interests, we have little time to devote to hogs, but in 1887 I invested $l5O in Berkahires. Since that time I have sold hogs to the value of S6OJ, cured S9OO worth of bacon and hams, and have 50 head of hogs left. If better returns can be shown in any other business on so small an amount of capital invested, 1 would like to hear of it” Mr. Allen is right. With alfalfa to fatten and grain to harden any man with small means can get independently rich raising hogs in the Yakima country. A Badly Needed County Road.— The settlers of the Cowychee valley are ex tremely anxious for the county to give them a road along the creek, from Silas W. Morton’s ranch to the Cowychee bridge. In the past year a couple of county roads have been vacated and fenced in, and, as a stfult, the fifty or sixty families in the Cowychee are obliged to travel over a heavy grade and away around by Wide Hollow in order to reach North Yakima to do their trading. In addition to the proposed road saving ma terial distance in travel, the grades are much easier, and double the amount of freight can be hauled per wagon. Citi xens of North Yakima should co-operate with the settlers of the Cowychee in this matter and use their influence, by peti tion and otherwise, with the county com tnissiongrs to have this road established. Vancouver & Yakima Railroad.— The construction train has finished distribut ing the gravel for ballasting 6 miles of track, and the first section of the road on the west is practically completed. A side track has been put in at logging camp / No. 1, and the hauling the logs for the ' mills has commenced. Another engine, f heavier than No. 1, has Iteon ordered, and and will arrive for use on the road in a few weeks. Construction work on the second section is going steadily forward, the fine weather being improved to the full extent. The Situation at Ro.-lyn.— The negroes imported to the Roslyn coal mines have lieen put to work and there is every pros pect that shipments from mines Nos. 1 and 2 will soon lie made. The disturbing factors of the white miners have gener ally left for other parts, and those miners remaining are in the main property hold ers in Roslyn and the best class of the late operatives. A gentleman recently from Roslyn says the remaining whites may be given an opportunity to go into the mines with tlie more sombre-hued miners. Sai-r or the Prosser Figuring kfiix.— The Prosser roller flour mill, one of the host properties in the county, was sold thia week by Mr. Heinssrling to George Taylor, of the Wenas, for $12,500. Emery Taylor will at once move to Prosser and take charge of the mill. The Horse Heaven country, which will ultimately be come one of the most extensive and best grain producing sections in the territory, is directly tributary to Prosser, and will insure that point becoming in time a flourishing town. Burning or Kinneyvillr.— Jas. Kin ney, of the might-have-been town of Kin ney, located a few miles from Prosser, ex perienced quite a loss from fire Wednes day night, February 14, when his dwell ing burned to the ground. Mr. Kinney was in the bouse and asleep when the fire started, and had barely time to get oat, let alone saving any of the contents of the building. The fire was evidently the result of sparks thrown out from the . stove. The “Mammoth’’ Mine.—A. J. Knott and other Portland capitalists have made a proposition to bond, for $50,000, the Mammoth mine, located in the Cle-Elum district, and develop the same. The own ers of the “Mammoth’’ are A 1 Churchill, Jeff McDaniel. T.. J. V. Clark and J. Greeves. The assays received from this mine rpn from sixty to nine hundred dol lars per ton, and it Is considered as good if not the best mine along the Yakima. Bau or iRR College Addition.— J. H. Thomas and Allen C. Mason recently platted the College addition of 72 lots in the northeastern part of the city. A few days ago Mr. Mason sold his half to John Vanderbilt, of New York, for $2500 and yesterday Mr. Thomas sold his interest to Mrs. Gertrude Robinson, of Corning, N. Y., for a like figure. The sales were mads through the agency of Fechter A Law. MML BREVITIES. —The bond boy* netted |BO on their donee Bt. Valentine's night. —MacLeon A Heed received from the east this week a 3400 pound safe. -Who are Solomon A Gould? The Climax Barbers, opposite Hotel Steiner.2l —The Moxee company received an ad ditional 3000 cedar hop poles from the Sound this week. —D. G. Stone has ordered two presses for making brick. His first kiln will con tain 200,000 brick. —Three hundred additional acres of the Moxee company’s lands are to he planted to alfalfa this year. -The Methodists have decided to build their new 95000 brick church on lots in block 72, facing Third street. —Wm. Roaf, prescription clerk for Allen A Chapman, now has a telephone line running from the stove to his residence. —Mr. E. L. Furness has been appointed division claim agent of the Northern Pa cific railroad from Pasco west, with head quarters at Tacoma. —Messrs. Mulford A Vance will soon open up a complete line of gents’ furnish ing goods in the building now occupied by Haines A Traynor. —A night school for those who are un able to attend in the day time was inaug urated Monday night by Prof. Lawrence with fifteen scholars. —The contract (or building a new jail at Ooldendale has been let to the Pauly Jail Company, of St. Louis. The build ing complete is to cost $4500. —Jock Morgan will commence making butler at his dairy in April. The ma chinery is operated by steam. Cows to the number of 180 will be milcbed. —Mrs. J. K. Tufft, a recent arrival in thia city, died on Sunday, February 17. Mrs. Tufft has been so ill since the birth of her son that her death was not unex pected. —lt is said that Wm. McMicken, of Olympia, will be an aspirant for the office of collector of customs liefore the new ad ministration, with a lively chance (or success. -W. T. Wilson, treasurer of the Knights of Labor assembly at Roslyn, and a Jus tice of the peace, has been declared to be a defaulter to that society In the amount of $ 142. —E. N. Lyon, of Kittitas county, aged 64 years, died on the 12th inst. of heart disease. Mr. Lyon was one of the pio neers of Washington and Oregon. He settled on the Yakima 21 years ago. —Settlers up the Ahtanum valley have lield two meetings of late and are consid erably agitated over the diverting of the water from the Ahtanum creek to irrigate the bench lands to the north. —John Vanderbilt, a scion of the house that Vander—blit, New York, has lately become largely interested in Yakima property. The family have always been money-makers, and the progeny evidently know a good thing when they see it. —Sulla are about to be brought in this city against U. 8. Marshal T. J. Hamil ton and hia bondsmen to enforce the col lection of accounts for which Marshal Hamilton has received the money from the government, but failed to tom it over to the rightful claimants. —L. S. Hewlett has bought the A. W. Engle property on the northeast comer oi Second and Chestnut streets. Price, $2200. Mr. Howlett considers he has made a clean thousand dollars by his bar gain. It will result in a greater gain rather than a loss, for Second street prop erty will command fancy figures ere long. —Governor Semple has tendered W. H. Reed, of Walla Walla, the position of representative of the territory at a meet ing to he called soon in Washington city by the interstate commission of railroad commissioners from every state und ter ritory at the union and special represent atives where there are no commissioners. —Allen C. Mason, the shrewd and wealthy real estate man of Tacoma, who has done so much to build up that city, has over $40,000 invested in Yakima realty, besides upwards of SBOOO in dwell ing houses. Mr. Mason proposes build ing a doacn more houses this coming season. He will be here in a few days to look after his interests. —L. N. Rice, of Beattie, who has been m the city for several days past, reports that Seattle is using 45 bead of cattle and 100 sheep per day. He calculates, for the first five months of 1880, Portland and the Sound towns will require 18,000 head of cattle. Beeves are now selling for five cents per pound on foot on the west side of the mountains. —Although the Hnuu> is new in the journalistic field, it would like to any a good word for a worthy contemporary and extend fraternal greeting. The Orting Oracle is almost as recent an enterprise as the Hbrald, and it gives evidence of being a financial success, which it cer tainly deserves; for of all the well edited papers in the territory, it certainly ranks among the best It la also neat typo graphically, and the community in which It is published should give it a hearty support. _ Will Eclipse Anything in Washington. —The Masons of North Yakima propose building this spring for the uses of their order a temple of brick and stone to cost $15,000. A large portion of the stock has already been subscribed, and it is claimed there will be no difficulty in securing the balance. The building, according to the plans under consideration, promises to be the finest Masonic building in the terri tory. Born,— ln Kittitas county, Saturday, February 16, to the wile of John Thomp son, a twelve pound daughter. She has been christened Marguerite. Born.— ln North Yakima, Sunday, February 17, to the wife of Henry Stone, a ten pound son. ATJAST. The Omnibus Nil Pisses Both flouts of CoigNt-iflor Tom of Wilting Oil* BIUHTft ARE REVOttNIZED. TBs CtsMlliUesal CcstmUm is be Held In election In Octo ber nnd Senators and Congress nten to Take Their Rents In Decent her. Wasuikoton, Feb. 10.— After many hours’ consultation the conferees on the omnibus territorial bill reached a conclu sion this evening, and Platt and Springer are preparing a report to accompany the return of the bill to the two houses to-morrow. The biU as agreed to by the conferees Axes the names of the two Da kotas as North Dakota and South Da kota. The people of South Dakota are to vote upon the adoption of the Sioux Falls constitution on May 14th, and the loca tion of the capital shall be settled by election on the same date. The residents of North Dakota, Wash ington and Montana may vote for the election of delegates to constitutional con ventions. and for a full list of state officers on the first Tuesday of October. The people may vote upon the constitutions proposed by the conventions, and, if adopted, after the president’s proclsola tion to that effect, the governors of each may order an election of members of the legislature and a representative in con gress. The legislature may meet and elect two senators each, in time to take their seats at the beginning of the first regular ses sion of the fifty-first congress in December next, at which time the representative shall also he admitted to seats. Those provisions also apply to the senators and representative of South Dakota. SPECIAL TO THE “HKKALD." Tacoma, February 20.— The bill for the admission into statehood of Washington, Montana, North Dakota and South Da kota passed both houses of congress to day. State officials and delegates to the constitutional convention are to be elect ed May 14. Tlie election for the ratifica tion of the constitution adopted by the convention will be held Tuesday, October 1. The governor is empowered to call the election for choosing members to the state legislature, and congressmen. Senators and representatives are to take their seats at the December session of congress. A Frightful Res a way.— On Sunday the 17th inst. a serious runaway accident occurred at Ellensburgh which nearly proved fatal to three lives. Miss Viva Wiswell had been visiting friends at Kl lensburgh for several weeks past and had made all preparations to return home on that day. Mitchell Gilliam, accompanied by Mias Prowell, sister of C. 8. Prowell, had taken Miss Wiswell in a carriage to the depot and was aliont to assist her to alight on the platform when an engine “blew off” steam. The horses became frightened, wheeled suddenly around, and dashed madly up the street. Mr. Uilliam held on to the reins as long as possible and was dragged over the road for some distance but finally the lines were wrenched from his hands and the team then flew on unimpeded. Miss Prowell was thrown out, early in the run away, and her head struck against a tele graph pole with great force. Hhe waa picked up in an insensible condition and continued in that state all day and the following night, during which time her life was despaired of, but good medical ser vices and careful nursing have placed her in a fair way to speedy recovery. Miss Wiswell found no means of escape from the carriage. At Sboody’s corner she to was thrown out, but made a fortunate land ing and received no injuries more serious than a bruise or two, and a severe shock to her nervous system, which have kept her confined to her bed during the past week. Mr. Gilliam’s injuries are slight. Rapid Incebase in Valuations.— Five yean ago the Holton track, which was bought last week by the Ontario Land Co., for |35,750, was sold for the mere pittance of SOO. Is there any country in the world where property valuations have advanced more rapidly than in Yakima and yet the prices are still much too low and are bound to continue on the upward move. The representatives of the Onta rio Land Co., which is a very wealthy corporation, have traveled all over the country and have large holdings in sev eral of the progressive southern cities, in Duluth, Spokane Falls and Tacoma, and in every instance have their Judgment proven good and their investments profit able. The com pan v propose holding a portion of the Holton tract for capital grounds and to plat and improve the bal ance. A street railway is one of the im provements in view. —lf your back aches, or if you are suf fering from inflammation of the kidneys, seminal weakness, brick dust deposit in the urine, or in fact any kidney, urinary or liver complaint, do not waste money on worthless liniments or plasters, but strike the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, Ore gon Kidney Tea. It is pleasant to take, is purely vegetable, and has never failed to give entire satisfaction. Hold by Allen A Chapman. Another Yakima Corporation.— The Yakima Real Estate and Improvement Company of North Yakima has been in corporated. The capital stock is $60,000. The trustees are F. R. Reed, L. Mac- Lean, H.C. Humphrey, J. 1). Cornett, and George Donald of North Yakima, and Geo. W. Bird and H. S. Huson of Tacoma. The object of the company is to transact a general real estate and im provement business. Amatkcb Dramatic Entkrtainmrnt. — The literary societies of Prof. Lawrence's room in the public school will give a dra matic entertainment at the opera house on Marcho, entitled “The Danger Signal." TORMNAL. Dr. Monroe, after • long siege of sick ness, is again about attending to his pro fessional duties. Boyd A. Cunningham, secretary and treasurer of the Moxee company, left on Wednesday for Portland. P. W. Law, Fred Reed and J. P. Pugs ley, Yakima real estate men, were regis tered at Tacoma during the past week. Nicholas McCoy left Wednesday for the Sound country with the intention of tak ing in Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria and Portland. Dr. W. H. Hare and John Wallace have formed a co-partnership, and are now engaged in the real estate business at Ellensburgh. W. D. Rolierts, who is in charge of G. W. Hunt's sawmills in the Cle-Elutn country, was in town Wednesday and subscribed for the Herald. D. A. McDonald and Mias Ella Dunn, daughter of Capt. Robt. Dunn, of Konne wock, were married at the Guilland bouse. Monday evening,by the Rer. Mr. Walker. Irn M. Knits has been confirmed by the uenate register of the North Yakima land office, and writes that he will arrive here and enter upon the discharge of the duties on March 1. Agent H. C. Humphrey, of the North ern Pacific company, is daily expecting the arrival of hi* brother, G. W. Jones, of Wisconsin. Mr. Jones has been in very poor health of late, and comes here in the hope of tottering his physical con dition. Herbert Folger, manager of the Port land branch of the New Zealand Insur ance Company, represented - locally by Rodman A Eshelman, waa in the city last week and paid the Hxbald a friendly call, a high compliment, and the price of a yearly subscription. Watson C. Squire passed through tbe city to-day en route for New York to at tend the centennial celebration of tbe in auguration of George Washington as president of the United States, he having been appointed by Governor Semple a commissioner to the celebration from this territory. Ex-Gov. Squire will also attend the Harrison inaugural ceremonies. E. Cory, formerly of North Yakima, bat now a rancher near Waterville, Doug las county, has been in the city for the post week. In addition to falling heir to property valued at $25,000, by the death of a distant relative. Mr. Cory has one of the best claims in the upper country. He is a larky man, and tbe Herald wishes him, as it does all of its subscribers, long life and continued prosperity. —The firm of I. H. Dills A Co. are put ting in new shelving in the store now oc cupied by them, and, in order to make room for new goods, will dispose of white unlaundried shirts at 65 cts., linen fronts; all wool underwear from $2 a suit up wards. The only establishment in the city that carries a full line exclusively of gents’ furnishing goods. Also, we would remind the people of North Yakima that we will sell our winter stock of underwear very cheap rather than carry it over to another season. * Will Be Prepared.— A Tacoma paper Bays, in speaking of the removal of the capital: “When the hour of conflict ap proaches Yskimw will be prepared for the fight, not with her ammunition wasted in a futile effort to create a “boom” on a future possibility, but with her batteries loaded for victory with the confidence of ■access. ” KDCCATtONAL,. “Now, Haaman, captured by the host of the king of Hyria, waa a great man with his master, and honorable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Hyria; he was also a mighty man in valor —but he waa a leper.” The above waa the text of a very pow - erful and searching sermon we bad the pleasure of listening to a few evenings since. The eloquent divine explained that Haaman was a great and powerful man socially and politically—a force In the kingdom ol Syria; “but” he waa a leper. There waa one drawback. From this the worthy preacher Justly drew the conclusion that there were many exalted and noble men among us. Still, it matters not how high or respected a man may be, there is always a defect aomewhere; that we all bare our “bate” —an aphorism which extends to all man kind, including even the “fair sex.” Ah we sat under the “droppings of the sanctuary” and listened to the inspired words, our thoughts took a more worldly range, and, whilst accepting the truth of the statement— in invitum —as far as a personal application is concerned, we won dered if the same Just criticism might not apply to municipalities, and, particularly, North Yakima? We need better school facilities. Our rapidly increasing population demands other, new and more extended accommo dations. “But” if we must have a new school house, where shall it be located? The personal interest of one says here, “but” another desires It there; -and thus it goes all over our city, county and ter ritory. The “huts” are depriving our children of proper school privileges, stag nating public improvement and growth, and, for aught we know, keeping the ter ritory out ol the onion. Here in our city the envy and selfish ness of the “bote” is unproductive of good remits, and, if not heeded, will generate a narrow public policy which will stifle all progress. We in this beautiful city cannot afford to he under the rule of the “huts,” and most in self-protection “hot” them into a broad-gauge method of looking at things. About the best proposition to commence with is a new school bouse of elegant and snitaMe equipments for our children, and “but” the matter of location around un til we suit the necessities of its patrons, the children, without regard to the spec ulative wishes of those who have lota toselL Prsnsgt Rctwrws. Messrs. Mac Lean A Reed, agents Pa cific Surety Co., North Yakima, W. T. Gentlemen:— l take pleasure in acknowl edging receipt of twenty dollars ($20.00) the amount of my claim under policy No. 1149 for two weeks’indemnity; also the promptness, as it was only one week from filing my claim until receipt of draft. Very truly yours, 21 w2. Ji'l4 as E. Minn eh. Administratrix Notice. In the matter of thr Estate of Henry D. Mentin, Deceased: Notice to Creditors. XrOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER i> sons bavins claims *g*in*t tbe Estate of Henry D. Herein, deceased, to present the same with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned, Administratrix of said estate, at her residence in North Yakima. W. T., within one year from the date of Ibis notice or the same will be for ever barred. MAQOIB E. HBRWIN. AdmlnifTstrlx of said Estate- Dated February 15,1*», Administrator’s Notice. In the Probate Court of Yakima County. Wash ington Territory. In the matter of the Estate oj Anne Hill, Deceased: VrOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE lu undersigned has lawn appointed Adminis trator of the estate of Anne Hill, deceased, and notice la further given to all persona having claims against tha said Anne Hill or debts or claims against George J. Hill, surviving hus band of Anne HU), that would constitute com munity debts of the said Anne and George J. Hill, to present them to me at tbe office of H. J. Rwivelv, attorney at law at the court bouse in the city of North Yakima, in said county and territory, with proper vouchers within one year from the date of this notice or the same will be forever barred. Witness my band this mb dsy of February, A. D. IMS. GEORGE J. HILL. Field & Meyer, City ideal (Haw, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCH ERS AND PACKERS, £9 North Yakima. Washington Territory; also, proprietors of the Washington Market Seattle, Washington Territory. NOTICE IOR PIDLICATION. Land OrncK at Noith Yakima. W. T..f February 6,IWW. { XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE iNj following named settlor has filed notice of his Intention to make final commutation proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and re ceiver at North Yakima, W. T., on March 27th, IMS. via; Walter J. Milrot, Homestead Application No. 9M, for tbe SW of NWUand NW£ of BW»4 Sec. M Twp. 1* N. R. M K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land vis; D. K. l-esh, B. A. Cunningham, J. P. Linder, Leroy Brooker. of Yakima county. W. T. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of snch proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of tha Interior Depart ment, why inch proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at tbe above men tioned time and place to croaa examine the wit nesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuts! of that submitted by claimant. tebU-marSl. J. If. THOMAS, Register. W 2 I §.B I tjio * y 3 ° .. I Ol "-J t .. 1 fl g of I .. Jj 3 <d § | I.a & = i I 1; 0 1 % I! n fg ® Hit Boi-Ton Unit and Cigar ©tore H. 0. WILSON, Prop., COR. YAKIMA AVK. A FRONT BT.(opp. Pepo t NORTH YAKIMA, W. T. finU&m Mi at All tan. rt State. A Fine Line of liported aid Domestic Cps, —Constantly in Broca.— Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Of the Moat Popular Brand*. Pipes, CigaretleH, And a Complete Amaoctment of Excellent Undies, deity Gib, Ac., Ac., At H. C. WILSON. K R. Cor. Yakima Are, sad Front St, opp. Depot. ■ LI. KINDS OF JOB PRINTING. FROM A ■ Visiting Card to a Full Sheet Potter, ex ■ seated in first class style and at living M prices. Patronise a home Institution. ■ fall and examine specimens of work. ■■ The HERALD Job Rooms are complete ■■ In every particular, and the plant was H Z Unit 111 Go. J s S ® i 9" 3 O Ff 4 co g_ V Having pasted through • year la which tha M M M Trade baa been ao great that Immenae inroads have been made In The Htock, are bow offering. ■ I ; Jt,a «prtflre, tboae Oooda known to the Trading X REMNANTS! nmfm But which in reality are a* valuable to the Con- ■■i J2sJ£“»o~*f <HI Bargains X nerer before equalled on thta Northwest Coast. Irer since the Pint of January the aaaiatanta _ **f Mr. Harris have been buy invoicing Mock, M preparatory to the 2 final Benml Sale ® <Bc!honMgetln MsSSß2asr , '“- 2 Remnant Sales to provide themselves and faml- ■ SAVE! arsesmstfaaa.ra Great IXL Co. -HP W «r - s' ■ h. U fIU Gl BlillCfi ■■■ Spring Goods, o and In order to make room for the Mammoth M J Stock to come they have inaugurated this L. O £ Q < (0 111 X *Q 3 ® 3’ I- Remain Sale!®