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The Yakima Herald. Volume I. the Mat mm. SEED A COE, Proprietors. men mu timiut. 02.00 PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. MnrtMa fata l>«« IwßaSw- PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. a. WHITS, I M. i. SHIVStV U. H. Attorney. I WHITE * BNIVELY, Attorneys at Law. CATON A PARRISH, Attorneys at Law. JBH»WII1 practice In all the Courts of the terri tory. Office on First Street, opposite the Court House. North Yakima. W. T. L_ JOHN G. BOYLE. Attorney at Law. "BctMfisaEnafl&Mk Yakima. W. T. i. s. asana. | *. hibbs. | c. s. obavbs REAVIS, MIRES A GRAVES, Attorneys at Law. £W-WIU practice In all Courts of the. Territory. Special attention riven to all U. 8. land oflee bsulncM. on res at North Yakima and Ellens bur*h. W.T. *• KDWARD WHITeOH, I MMf,. AtLUH "«ans-L I ALLEN, WHITSON A PARKER, Attorneys at Law. |WOfIM in Pint National Bank Bnlklinc. North Yakima. W. T. 1 8. O. MORFOKD, Attorney at Law, Practices ia all Court* la the Territory. Bs- Y.kl«. W. T. e. J. BILL, M. R. w». «. COE, M. R. HILL A COE, Pkislcliu, Surgeons ud iccoucbenrs. Office Hours—S till 10 s. m.. 2 till 4 p.m. sod 7 till 8 o'clock p. m. ffiffip-Ottce over Allen A Chapman's drug tors. DAVID ROSSER, M. D. ca?l* aniweSf pSmpUy and UH- T. B. GUNN, Physician & Surgeon. Office In First National Bank, flrat door up stairs. Reters to W. A .Cor andßshelasanßros ; also, to any eltisen of Memphis, Mo. * MISCELLANEOUS. J. M. STOUT, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. MM»The handling of Yakima Produce for PageTeoand Markets a Specialty. A. P. SWITZER, Contractor andßuilder, NORTH YAKIMA, W. T., Will Contract tor the erection of all classea of Buildings, either Brick, Stone. Concrete, or Wood, and will complete the work bonasUy lid According to IfmnnL BamiNcn: Pint Nat'l Bank of North Yakima. Office, up stain In Opera House. Office hours, 4 Ripe. NORTH YAKIMA NURSERY NORTH YAKIMA, W. T. All kinds of PINE FRUIT TREES At moderate prices. SHADE TREEB°A SPECIALTY. K. K. LIARpU, - . PROP. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima. DIBBCTOUB. *• *• Uwl ibJS:: i&3^iSSr‘' r ' *• *■ SSJKS; !SSS «~™o, emits. J DOW A QUIUL BAN KINO BUBINESR. lip WI Ml lata, SIMM* fata. FAT, INTEREST OE TIME DEPOSITS. Jn J. Aid —Dsalbb I* HneWinesS Lipois The Best Breads of liported ud Doiestic Cpi South Bide Yakima Avenue. NORTH TERRITORY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1889. A TACITLY TABOOED TOPIC. Two seedy men met fees to face On e winter** day like summer: One waa a rich coal kins lest year. The other wee a plumber. Kellrleo, politics and sit They then discussed together. They talked of science, war and *port. But never mentioned weatßhr. A TALE WITHOUT A MORAL. Three giddy, giddy, little flies. Upon e rammer's day. Longing to teethe outside world, Resolved to run ewey. Old Oraudpe Ply rat on e bowl, And overheard the scheme; Quoth be: “Children, I. tho* old and wise. Huts had that self-cams dream. 'The* life eo glittering seems to youth, And everything looks grand, The world is treacherous at the beat— Be careful where yon stand.” Now. when the little flies heard this. Their spirits *gan to droop. When—Ornndpe Ply slipped o ft the edge And fell Into the ■pup il litre!. Young Lady (in hair store)— Dark brown switches, please. Saleswoman—Homan hair, of course? Young Lady—Certainly. Saleswoman—With or without ? Young Lady—With or without what? Saleswoman—Dandruff. Mk Y«kMB. The Portland Oregonian says editorially: Among the towns of Washington terri tory that are rapidly growing into prom inence la North Yakima. It la situated in a country abounding in resources, it has doubled its population within a year, and has prospects not inferior to any of the new towns of the Norihweet. Lands in the Yakima country are being entered very rapidly, This is a test of the resources and prospects of a new country. The situation of the Yakima valley renders the climate especially fine. This is also a great attraction. The products of the country attest its fertility, and there are resources besides in coal and minerals that will become great auxiliaries in building up the wealth of the town and country. TVMteitow. The annual meeting of the Dutch Belted Cattle aasociation waa recently held in New York City. This association ia en gaged in raising peculiarly marked cattle. All this breed have a broad white belt around the body. Nearly three hundred yean ago a Dutch nobleman’s wile, who wished to experiment with cows, tied a white sheet around one of them. When the calf waa born it bore the mark of the sheet. Careful breeding accomplished thereat The nobles of Holland decided to keep these rare cattle among themselves. They agreed that none should be sold or given away. H any calf waa defective it was to be slaughtered. This compact was kept up for hundreds of yean. Even now it ia impossible to get a Dutch belted cow in all Holland. In some way, no one evey knew how, P. T. Barman got a couple, and from these the American race has sprung. They are aaid to have the beat qualities of the meet celebrated strains. IV fev Sente. President of the senate, Levi P. Morton, of New York, republican. Republican senators (in roman), 39. Democratic aenaton (in italics), 87. Term Term ends. Alabama, ends, missus im. 1891 James L Pugh 1893 James Z George 1896 John T Morgan 1895 E C Walthall ARKANSAS. MISSOURI. 1891 James K Jones 1891 George G Vest 1806 James U Berry 1863 F M Cockrell CALUOBKIA. NEBRASKA. 1891 Leland Stanford 1898 A 8 Paddock \m George Heart 1806 C F Manderson COLORADO. NEVADA. 1801 Henry M Teller 1891 John P Jones 1896 E O Wolcott 1893 Wm P Stewart CONNECTICUT. NSW HAMPSHIRE. 1891 Orville H Platt 1891 Henry W Blair 1802 Jos R Hawley 1806 A Republican DELAWARE. NXW JEESBY. 1803 George Gray 1893 Rufus Blodgett 1806 A Higgins 1896 JR McPherson FLOIDA. NEW you. 1801 Wilkinson Call 1891 Wm M Evarts 1803 Sasnuel Pasco 1893 Frank Hiaoock GEORGIA. NORTH CAROUNA. 1801 Joe E Brown 1891 Z B Fence 1806 A M Colquitt 1806 Matt WRansom ILLINOIS. OHIO. 1801 C B Farwell 1801 Henry B Payne 1886 8 M Cullora 1803 John Sbeinan 1801 DWVnrhees 1801 JbhnHMitchell 1803 David Turgie 1806 J N Dolph IOWA. PENNSYLVANIA 1801 Wm B Allison 1891 Jaa D Cameron 1806 J W Wilson 1803 M B Quay KANSAS. RHODE MLAND. 1801 John J Ingalls 1886 N W Aldrich 1806 PB Plumb 1808 Jonathan Cbace KENTUCKY. SOUTH CAROLINA. 1891 J C 8 Blackburn 1881 Wade Hampton 1896 Jamet B Beck 1806 if C Butler LOUISIANA. TENNESSEE. 1801 J B Busts 1893 William B Bate 1896 LR Oibton 1806 Isham J Harm 1803EugnM Hale 1006 RtehartCoke 1806 WmP Frye 1893 John H Reagan ■juTun. ' , immjm i. IMI Kph K 1891 J 8 Morrill 1803 A Pdormt* 1803 O F Edmund. 1806 Oporpt f How 1886 /«*■ « S.r6onf imPBMWkMfc. 189**cJ JWtwr IBW> Ju McMilUn 1866 John K JTmm MINNESOTA. —. ■■■—[■ laetCKDnta 1891 John C ftoooMr 1896 W DWxUiham lues FhUMo.£w^r BUSIED ALIVE. Terrible Instances of Beil* Entombed Dili The Difficulty ®r Telling the Differ, ease Between Denth ant n Mate •« Trance. “Ah, merciful Qod!” piously exclaims Camillo, “bow numy living men and women are annually taken to their graves!” Were it poraible to get at the truth the victims in this country alone might be numbered by many scores— possibly by hundreds. Mr. G. Eric Mackay, in Belgravia, gives a very interesting article on the subject of “Premature Burials,” in which he points out how difficult it is to discern death from a state of trance—indeed, he goes so far as to claim that the difference baa never been clearly understood by the generality of mankind. The article calls attention to several instances of prema ture burials on the continent of Europe; instances which involve stories of trance, the semblance of death holding its sway over the human body (or boors and days, and not merely for minutes, as in the case of ordinary fainting fits. In his opening remarks the writer says: “In days when land ia dear, and burial rights leas sacred than the rights of build era and contractor*, coffins have been opened with the pickax, in the act of con verting cemeteries into streets and gar dens. Here a grave has lieen discovered whoae inmate has turned jn its shroud; here a corpse clutching its hair in a strained and unnatural position; dead men and dead women lying in their graves as the dead never lie in a Christian country at the moment of burial." Mr. Mackay gives an account of a young and beautiful woman, who, it is supposed, died of excitement at the prospect of be ing married. When the first shovelful of dirt was thrown on the coffin a strange noise waa heard from the inside. The coffin was unscrewed, but too late, the girl was found in an attitude of horror and pain impossible to describe, her dyes wide open, her teeth clenched, her hands clutching her hair; but life was extinct. An instance showing the utter depravity of the Italian undertakers and grave dig gers is given in which they actually tried to snatch the body of a lady from friends, one of whom thought she was not dead; as they were about to drag it from the bed, the “dead body" moaned, and soon aft erwards was thoroughly revived by a medical practitioner of the neighborhood, and lived to tell the story of her escape from the tomb. A learned cardinal in curred the displeasure of the king, and, on being rebuked, fell to the ground, to all appearance, dead. It was decided that the unfortunate cardinal should be em balmed, but when the surgeons began their operations the patient awoke, but too late, for the wounds were mortal. A case is given in which a young lady arose out of her coffin and appeared before the family at supper, “pale and frightened, but fair to see as before death." The doctor, the priest, and the undertaker saw the error of their way, but the priest alone made amends, by officiating at the young lady’s wedding a year after he bad preached her funeral sermon. Petrarch, when a middle aged man, lay twenty hours in a trance, and narrowly escaped being buried alive. We have often heard the story of the consul’s wife who was buried alive and released from her pain ful position by robbers, who broke open the coffin to steal the lady’s jewelry. Among the other stories of resuscitated victims of apparent death, is one of an old gentleman who was revived by skepti cal friends putting a burning taper to his nose. His life was saved but the sad story of his escape from the very Jaws of death was ever afterward told by the scarred and crimson beacon on his face. A number of stories are given of the revival of hospital patients after they have been carried out to the dead boose. This seems a very common occurrence in Europe. Two of the most terrible state ments are of children being born in the tomb, one of whom, according to Mr. Mackay, being discovered by a lucky in cident, lived to be a man, and occupied for several years the post of lieutenant general oh the frontiers of Chores. Sev eral instances are given of persons who have been cognisant to what was going on around them, yet powerless to stop their burial. One case is given of s achoolmaster, who, had It not ben lor 1 the arrival oI a a later, mild have been buried alive. The paMionate grief ol the •later caned the eyelida ol "deceaaad” to 1 quiver and the truth «aa discovered. It it impoaaible to prolong the Hat ol exam plea, bat enough hae been already aaid to I than the wickedneae of hasty funerals, and the neceaaity o< aaubilabing a proper 1 eyatem d teats. Does H ever occur to the minds ol Americana that funerals are , often conducted very quickly in thla coun , try, at well at in Italy and the warm cotmtrieaol Europet It la doubtful, if tha boditaci the poor people who live in the f tenement houses ol our large cities are examined very closely baton they are in terred ; it is doubthi] II the greatest care it axerclted in tbia matter hr rural din I tricta when good pbysiefana cannot be at • lbs death bade ol tick peraona, and when rich and poor alike an often intrusted to doctors who an neither lamoua lor learn ing or intutioo. The writer in fteifrsrss . la Inclined to think that one ol the needs . at the world at the present moment la a simple test, sod not a complicated series of testa, which would be out of the reach of the poor and beyond the power of In experienced or badly paid doctors. It will be reassuring to have that teat as soon as possible. mm Wnkogta'i lailrol Talk. The Northern Pacific board of directors at their regular meeting in New York, Feb. 21, approved what is called the ar bitration contract, which is an agreement between the Union Pacific and Northern Pacific railroad companies to place the control of all competitive lines in eastern Washington and Oregon in the hands of five managers, to be appointed by the parties to the agreement. This will secure all the advantages to both companies that would have resulted from a joint lease of the Oregon Navigation, and at the same time avoid the responsibility of guaranteeing dividends on that stock. The only condition connected with the contract is the control of the Oregon Nav igation, and will be obtained through the sale of the Oregon Navigation stock, now held by the Oregon TYanacontinental, to a syndicate. As the Oregon Transcontinental owns a majority of the Oregon Navigation stock, and aa four out of six members of the Oregon Navigation executive com mittee represent the Northern Pacific and the other two the Union Pacific, and as they are all in favor of this contract, no difficulty is expected. ■km lata. This great region lien on the west of the Columbia river. A large section of it is yet unsettled and only awaits the steady and enterprising farmer of the east to take possession of its lands and make it blossom as the rose. For some eight or ten miles back the land is somewhat broken, from here it becomes level, and the eye can reach for miles and nothing can be seen, except here and there a boose, but the tall waving bunch grass. Its productiveness is unlimited, but the scarcity of water prevents it from becom ing populated more rapidly. Springs are numerous, which is a good indication of plenty of water, though considerable depth will have to be gone before it can be reached. For the growth of trees it is unequaled, as trees of immense size have been grown. For illustration, Captain Perkins has on his place a tree measuring some nineteen or twenty inches in cir cumference, which is but three or four years old. These trees were given no water except what nature provided for them and moisture obtained from the ground. Abundant crops of wheat are produced. Ths Kelso brothers are farm ing on a large scale, fanning several thou sand acres every year. The wheat pro duced from this land is plump and well formed and saleable in any market at the highest prices. In locating a farm a man can locate in no better farming country than to pitch his tent in the Horse Heaven country. It will be but sfshort space of time, with the tide of immigration that will seek Washington territory this year, till this great region will be valuable. Quarter sections that can now be had for a song, cannot, in a few years more, be purchased for several hundred dollars. So we say to those seeking homes, come to Horse Heaven, a country that in a lew years will be one of the richest agricul tural countries in the territory.— Wallula Herald. TV lew Sdeatt •f Mkfae. The advancement made in medical sci ence during the last few years has star tled the world. Yet the thinking man or woman wonders why the new science was not promulgated hundreds of yean •3® and knowing that history so often re peats itself they have expected to find In the archeology of the ancients or bidden In some crypt of Egyptian architecture, or pyramid, or beneath some symbolical sphinx records that would show that tbs ancient man who lived three times as long as moderns and whose arts and ad ences are the despair of the present age, knew of the cell salts of the human or ganism and applied theur to correct the disturbances arising in the physical tis anes from lack of, or proper elaboration of the life principle. - The Biochemic or Hiatogenetic system of medicine makes no claim as a new dia covery. It only claims to have systema tised principles as old as tbs universe and applied them for the cure of disease, ex actly on the principle that an article of diet Is selected, or fertilisers are applied to vegetation, trees, or crops. No one thinks of eating, for the purpose of re-, lieving hunger, anything that does not assimilate with the system and that makes neither Mood, bone or muscle. Neither does the intelligent farmer nee as a fer tilising agent anything forefei to the con stituent parts of the grain or fruit or veg etable to be grown. But in the medical science of the past all science and the law of natural selection sesm to have been ruthlessly ast aside and guesses substituted instead. Hence the use of drags entirely foreign to the inorganic Saha of the Body and de structive to the living tfesoes became uni versal. The effort the system pole forth to rid iteelf of alcohol, quinine and other dele terious drugs ia Himulaiion. No medicine can have a beneficial effect that will not assimilate with the tone In the human organism and His well known that stim ulants and cathavtica do not so assimilate. The new treatment of disease is making rapid strides and bids fair to replace aU systems that are not founded on natural laws. THEY IAKT OFFICE In «bo in Willing to StcrUco Them- Mlns (or the Good of tholr Com try. Patriots who will Ur AsMe their iepsissse* to Office-Molting out Nerve If Called Upon. The men who have the moat to trouble them now are those who are looking for office. They are they who lie awake at nights and think over what they have done for their party, and the various sets of generosity or kindness which they have done to men who have influence and which they propose to urge in behalf of their aspirations. How competent they appear in tbe'r own eyes! How they de plore the fact that there is doubt about the accuracy of their judgment! How embarrassing to become the victim of xmaideration of expediency! Have they not been loyal? Have they not done much work? Have they not earned In fluence ? Why should not their claims be recognised without question? These are the exclamations of the average office seeker. These are the questions pro pounded to the moon and stars during wakeful nights. Of course there are some whom the office seeks. These men do not care much one way or another. They are the fortunate fellows. It would be difficult to enumerate all of the men who are looking forward to po litical preferment, but a good many names can be given which will be of most inter est. Mr. Watson C. Squire will most prob ably succeed Governor Semple, if the lat ter resigns. No other candidate has loomed up who will in any way embar rass Mr. Squire. His name will be pre sented to President Harrison endorsed by all the leading republicans of the territory. It is understood that Mr. Squire docs not desire the office, but will will submit to the wishes of his political associates. The fact that Mr. Squire has already served ns territorial governor will likely operate to his advantage. A chief consideration. however, is that he is in harmony with all the republican leaders of the territory. But there is now some doubt about Gov ernor Berople resigning. He is inclined to change his original intention of doing so, and may stay until he is removed. Mr. C. H. Hanford, who was a member of the law firm of Greene, Hanford, Mc- Naught A McQraw, previous to the retire ment of En-Chief Justice Greene from the practice of law, will be endorsed by the republican leaders for chief justice to succeed Chief Justice Burke, who deter mined when he assumed the duties of the office, at a very considerable personal sac rifice, to resign soon after March 4th next. Mr.' Hanford is an experienced lawyer, and not only by reason of his legal attain ments, but by disposition, also, is well adapted to the duties of the office. It is not believed that be will meet with any opposition. There will be a lively struggle for the office of United States district attorney. Sam Hyde, the great big brbther of Mr. Eugene B. Hyde, councilman elect from Spokane district, is a candidate and has very strong support. He is a good lawyer, stands well among the political leaders, and the cards, so to speak, are running very much in hia favor. His brother has a person acquaintance with President Harrison, and has the distinction of be ing the only member of the delegation to the national republican convention from Washington territory who voted for Oen. Harrison first, last and all the time. Mr. Eugene Hyde’s right hand man is Mr. John L. Wilson, also of Spokane, who not only took the stump in Indiana dur ing the last campaign for Oen. Harrison, but has the advantage of having been a member of the Indiana legislature when General Harrison was elected to the U. 8. senate, and of having helped elect him. The only possible embarrassment is that Mr. Henry L. Wilson, bis brother, is a candidate for U. 8. marshal. Mr. Wil son was the first man to raise General Harrison’s banner in the presidential race In an Indianapolia newspaper. However, if Seattle secures the governor and chief justice, the great men of this city will probably not be disinclined to hold out an olive branch to Spokane by supporting both Hyde, lor district attorney, and H. L. Wilson of U. S. marshal. Of course, there may be a hitch if Governor Semple, District Attorney White and Marshal Hamilton refuse to resign. This will com pel President Harrison, should be desire to Help the leaders out of such an embar rassment, to remove these officers. You cant always sometimes tell Just what a president wiU do, and President Harrison has given some evidence already that his course cannot be safely predicted. How ever, then is no doubt about Chief Jus tice Burks resigning. Seattle men might be satisfied if the assistant district attor neyship was given to a man of their se lection. If this is dons Mr. R. B. Albert son will in all probabilities, be the man. Mr. E. M. Irwin, of Endicott, wants the marabalship, too. He was a leading member of the house in the last legisla ture. J. C. Arnold of Waitaburg, wants this office. Two years ago he went over to the prohibitionists and this will prob ably kill his chances. Mr. B. W. Coiner, of Tacoma, is also a candidate lor United States district attor ney, and Mr. Huson, of the law firm of Sews, Evans * Boson, is floating with the place or trying to do so. Auditor John Miller Morphy does not propose to resign, and His not known at this writing just who would like to have the office. It is no sinecure and will not be struggled for except by men who either want tiie place very bad or see in it a stepping stone to higher things. Ex-Audi tor Reed is understood to want to be the first state auditor, and for this reason be might be persuaded to put on the shoes he laid away before Mr. Morphy took hold. Ex-Treasurer McMicken will be satisfied if he secures his old place. Mr. HcMkkeo wants to live in Olympia and ia under stood to prefer that office to even a better one whkh would require him to move away. General Ross Q. O’Brien wants to fluc ceod Secretary Owing*, and has secured very substantial influence. Mr. Owing* himself wants the office and will try hard to keep his seat. President Cleveland re cently offered the place to James Hamil ton Lewia of this city, but Mr. Lewis de clined, because, be said, he had endorsed a friend for the position. This would in dicate that even President Cleveland has grown tired of Mr. Owinga. It moat be very embaraMiDflMhat is, it would be to any man possessing sensibilities. Mr. O. C. White, of Dayton, member of council in tiie last legislature, wants to be register of the land office in Walla Walla. No one doubts Mr. White’s qual ifications. His popularity as a party worker will bring him much influence. Whether the fact that he voted for the lately knocked oat woman suffrage law will interfere with his chances cannot now be stated, but Mr. White is pretty clever, and politics make strange bed-fel lows sometimes. Mr. Thomas U. Brents ia spoken of as a candidate for commissioner of the gen eral land office. While it may be a mis take to say that he 4a a candidate, it ia pretty certain that he would accept the office if it was offered to him, and would probably do some work to get it, if the chances appeared to favor him. Albert H. Winstrode, of Port Townsend, a former Indianian, wants to be collector of customs. In this city Col. George G. Lyon to after the postofflce and the chances are mightily in his favor, although Mr. A. M. Brookes, formerly a partner in basineu with Mr. S. Baxter, is potting in an oar. Of coarse there are many other candi dates. The woods are fnll of them. A list of the names of the candidates for office should conclude in the words of the old time vendue bills, namely, “and others too numerous to mention.—Seattle Budget. A Pretty Seitißfit. M. D. Egbert, writing from Wall* Walla to the Seattle Sunday Budget, geta off the following pretty conceit: “Got any but tercup* over there? We have here lota of ’em. You ought to eee them, and yon ought to eee the children with their bas ket* and knives digging them from among the rocks and gravel out on Sooth Second street, where the little ones go of evenings and have a picnic. You aee, the other day a soft wind came up from the ocean, and first it took the white crowns from the high peaks, and shook the snow from the branches of the dark fir trees, and loosened the frost king’s fingers from the tamar acks. Then it came down the mountains to the fields of fallow, and in a twinkling gave them a coat of sombre hue; then on to the wheat fields, where the snow melted into the mellow earth and the grain nod ded and laughed in the breath of spring. Then it tangled the long grass to the brooks where the rabbits hide, and pass ing on down to the breast of the glad waters to the fields where the buttercups slept, with his warm breath be stopped and kissed them into radiant life; and as the cbinook passed on down our loved valley to the hills beyond, be Ml the fields all fragrant and abloom with a mil lion flowers with hearts of flame. So wherever you go in the unbroken globe hereabout you can gather to your heart’s content these lovely and loved harbingers of fruitful days to come.” A Wiaaa’i Ptorsmy. “Another wonderful discovery has been made and that by a lady In this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its se verest tests, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumptionand vu bo much relieved on taking first dose that the slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Hr*. Luther Lots.” Thus writes W- C. Hamrick *00.,0f Shel by, N. C.-Oet a free trial bottle at 0. B. Bushnell's drag store. • The Railway Aye says: The time ie not far distant when people will ride easily and swiftly along the streets and boule vards of cities and over the common high ways of the country their baggise or family carriages, drawn by no animal power, bat propelled by steam or elec tricity. An electric dog-cart riWB recently tried in London, with eppismit eneesas, carrying four persons and being anally managed and cootroOsd. Tie power is stored in a number of email accumulators under the eeate, and Is said to be aufl cient to propel the vehicle at a speed of ten miles an hour tor Art hoars. —Let quality, not quantity, be the toot of a medicine. Ayer's Sarsaparilla la the concentrated extract of the beat and par oat ingredients. Medical tasa everywhere recommend H as the surest and moat economical blood medicine in the market Number 5. Arkansas—The name la of ladim ori gin, bat has no known meaning. In 1881 the legislature declared the proonndaHen to be Ar-kan-aaw. Alabama—Takes Ha name from Haprto cipal river, and is aappoaad to man “Here we real," which word* are the motto of the state. The name waa that given to the river by the French in tha form of " Alibamom,” from tha name oI a Koaoo gee tribe that lived open tha banka. California—This name as first applied* between 1585 ond 1588, to a portion of Lower California, wag derived from an old printed romance, the one which Mr. Edward Everett Hale rediscovered In 1861, and from which he drew this now aooaplad conclusion. Colorado—Past partciple of the Spanish Colorar, to color. So called probably from its tinted peaks, or its vegetation, rich in many colored flowers. Connecticut—Takes its name from Ha principal river, an Indian word "long river.” Delaware-Takes Its name from the river and bay, named after Lord de la Ware, one of the early governors of Virginia and an ancestor of Lord Sackville. late British minister at Washington. Florida—This name waa given to • larger territory than the present state by Ponce de Leon In 1672, from the Spanish name of Easter Sunday, Paacua Florida (flowery pasture), the day upon which H was discovered. Georgia—Named as a colony in honor of George 11. Illinois—Derives its name from its prin cipal river, which to named from the In dian tribe of the mini, supposed to mean “superior men.” Indiana—Called from the word Indian. lowa—Named from its principal river; the meaning of the Indian word is vari ously stated to be “the beautiful land/* “the sleepy ones," or “this is tbs place.** Kansas—Named after the river; the word in the Indian tongue means “smoky water.” Kentucky—Derived from the Indian tongue, and moans “dark and bloody ground,” alluding to the many battles of the Indian tribes. Louisiana—Named after Louis XIV of France, in 1644, by its discoverer, La Salle. Maine-^-After a district in Franca. Maryland—After Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I. • Mssssrhnsotts Michigan—Named after the lake; the word Is Indian and means “great lake.” Minnesota—Named from the river. In Indian the word means “sky tinted water.” Mississippi—lndian “father of waters.** Missouri—Named after the river, and meaning in Indian “muddy water.** Nebraska—Name is of Indian origin, and to supposed to mean “shallow water.” Nevada—Name is of Spanish origin, and means “snow-covered.” New Hampshire—For Hampshire coun ty in England. New Jersey—Named after the Island of Jersey. New York—ln honor of the Duka of York. North Carolina and Sooth Carolina— These two states are named altmKln, Charles (Carolus) 11. Ohio—Named (rum th« riw. Iha word in Indian maana "baaotital lint.” Oregon-OI Spanish origin, maana “wild thyme.” Pennsylvania—Named by WDllam Faaa and meana “the woody country o( Penn.” Rhode Island—Thle atate perhaps was named after the Bhoedee family, one el whan, Zachary Bhoedee, waa commie aioner lot Providence in IM*. Tenneeeee—ln Indian it maana “apeea ahaped.” The etata ia named Iran the Texas—How aad whan Hsxaa received its name has bean a subject of me* aim troveny. Sane assert that It la ae called because the original inhabitants had roofs over their dwalßnga, which ia the Spanlah language ere called tejae or terae. Vermont—ln French, manna "grain mountains.” Virginia and Waal Virginia-Named In honor of Elisabeth, the “Virgin Qaaan." Wisconsin—Hamad altar the principal river, which In Indian la aald to mart, “wild tnahlng Hear.” kUmkM fca- The naafolnaaa of the home In many waye la known and noognlaed by all, hrt tha following aew aphara of aettaa ha the noble .nimal, aa famished by nVlnoan nn. Indiana, aaraapandt at thaOMmrt JVftone, la a racer: Miner Toortab, of Westphalia, has a bay mm# that has dm velopad a atrangs propensity for as ani mal of tha equina apadaa. She harts ■earns. Thsmatoean' naa”a ■anon as wall aa the bast trained ■coon da* »a can track oaa by sssnt sfanssssuwuftsly and as truly as a hound. Whanlho ani mal trees a raccoon aha will naW and paw aramdlha ires otO Mr. Taart* arrive, to capture tha ’coon. whm golem through the woods lbs aaart *B Moira* BtaaO a teas, aad Utharw laa'aaanln, lb. rti ~ hsan mare,” and aavm Ua la ream with ran a three'coona strapped serosa tha teat of hia saddle. Iha mam mama is MW* In hunting. Whan aba sMbrs nMO *0 wffl drop her ness draw Ja the gmand and atari off a dog trot. Whan Mill rah Ing the game, aha prichanp her cam and ■how. by her Making Iha* aha mat ■coon. Mr. Yocumb woold act part wkh tha man at any price.