Newspaper Page Text
The Yakima Herald. Volume I. THE TUMI HERALD. MED 4 COE Proprietors. llll'KD EVERY THIBSDAV. |2.00 PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. Uurttet Iwjjdj* PROFESSIONAL CARDS. w. h white, I n. *■ smvtiT U. 8. Attorney. I WHITE A BNIVELY, Attorneys at Law. with County Trejwurer. at the Court BSum. North Yakima. Will practice in all the courta of tha territory. _ »• CATON A PARRISH, Attorneys at Law. Or-WIII practice in all the CourtaofthatcrTl tory. office on Flrmt Street, oppoalte the court Houae. North Yakima. W. T. JOHN O. BOYLE. Attorney at Law. Yakima. W. T. t. s. Bsavia. I a. mais. I c. b.ob*vbs REA VIS. MIRES A GRAVES, Attorneys at Law. B0»WIU practice In all Courts el the Territory. Special attention given to all V. 8. land offlee buaineea. Offices at North Yakima and Ellens burgh. W. T. l _ aowaao WBireou, I J °w!!lU waUa! FBKDPAaasB, Walla wane. North Yakima. I ALLEN, WHITSON A PARKER, Attorneys at Law. Office in First National Bank Bailding, North Yakima. W. T. *• 8. O. MORPORD, Attorney at Law, Practices in ell Courts In the Territory. E» ueelel attention to Collections. up stairs In Hill Block. North Yakima, W. T. e. j. bill, X. •. wm. e. cox. u. *»■ HILL A COE, Pkysleltxs, Sirgeons and Acconcbenrs. f Office Houre-A till 10 a. m..2lin 4 p.m. and 7 till 8 o’clock p. m. over Allen * Chapman’s drug store. DAVID ROSSER, M. D. Bo»Having been In active practice for e nura- TStol years, now offers his ssrvlces to the cltl ■sns of North Yakima and community. All calls answsred promptly and be hopes by dllll gent attention to bualncaa to merit a llbeal pat ronage. Office over C. B. Bushnell’s drag store. T. B. GUNN, Physician A Surgeon. Office in First National Bank. Aral door up ■tain. Refer* to W. A. Cox and Bshelman Bros ; •Iso. to any ettlsan of Memphis, Mo. * MISCELLANEOUS. J, M, STOUT, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. handling of Yakima Produce (or PuJeTSound Market, a Specialty. Warehouse west of Railroad Track, No. S. Block a. Worth Yakima. W. T. oil-ly A. F. SWITZER, Contractor and Builder, NORTH YAKIMA, W. T., Wli; Contract for the erection of all cla-aea of Buildings, either Brick, Stone. Concrete, or Wood,and will complete the work honestly lid According to igmnint. Rina buck; Pint NatT Bank of North Yakima. Ofleo, up stain in Opera Ilona*. Ofßeehonra, holhyMlrw NORTH YAKIMA, W. T. All kind, of FINE FRUIT TREES At moderate prices. SHADE TREES A SPECIALTY. E. B. LKAHINC, - . PROP. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima. '• »• *■ *■ SBJSS!? rsss W. U Brsimrso, Caahler. DOBS A QBNKRAL BANKING BUSINESS. liyi ill Ufa beta* it KtainaMe Kate. PAYS INTRUST ON TIM DEPOSITS. kUipl, Flqewl^s&LlQuars The Beet Brandt of Imported anil Domestic Clean. tenth Side Yakima Avenne. IIS THE aorp. An act** bad ■ Jh* of flu. And when he went to play He bid It darkly in a box Till he could come that way. A voper eaw him hide It there, And deftly made a troop, So, when the actor came again, The xln wa» in the rape. I* IrtABKI AGF A FAII.I BEV Yuv aay I am old and decrepit. That the unde of my life are ’moet ran, And that you. in rour youth and yoor beauty. Have only Hfe’e journey begun. You beg me to anvwer a question In the stnrerert word* that I know— le true love and marriage a failure, Or u bright little heaven below? Ah! your query I never may anvwer, Tho’ I apeak with the wlvdom of yearn, For until one haa known what is eorraw He never can waep bitter team; For love la a joy and a sorrow— Like a forcet with eunahine and ahade— And our llnea would be barren without It, And profltleaa, too, I'm afraid. But when you have learned all love’e teachings. The pain and the pleasure and all. And have given to "soma one's" fond keeping Your own heart beyond your recall— Ah! then von will know all the meaning . You ask me eo plainly to tell. And the tong In your heart will but echo The sound of a sweet wedding hell The Rnt Priatiig Wke. The first printing office on the Psdfic cosst was built by the two missionaries, Whitman and Spaulding, who settled on Lapwai creek, a branch of the Clearwater, and twelve miles above Lewiston, Idaho. The house still standing was originally a two-story building, though only the ground floor remains, and was mode of logs and shakes. It is now used by tho Indians for a stable. In this building the first printing office west of the moun tains on the Pacific coast was established. The material was originally sent by the American board of foreign missions in Boston, In 1809, to the Sandwich Islands, and in 1840 was presented by the First Native church of Hawaii to the Lapwai mission. R. O. Hall came along with it to set the type. The press is now in the state library at Salem, Ogn. tanad Duugn Fr*m the I. f. Benjamin Davis, who sued the North ern Pacific for damages for ejectment from the train, has just l*en awarded a verdict of S3OBO, by a Spokane jury. The circum stances as claimed by the plaintiff were as follows: Davis wanted to go from Spokane Falls to Cheney. The ticket office was closed. He tendered the con ductor a dollar but 16 cents additional was demanded to cover the rebate check, so he offered a five-dollar gold piece, which the conductor was unable to change. At the next station, Marshall, Davis purchased a ticket from that point to Cheney. The conductor demanded back fare and again the five-dollar piece was tendered which the conductor still couldn’t change. The train was then stopped and Davis forcibly ejected, to his bodily injury, as be maintained. Tie Height ef Adaa ia4 Eie. Mr. Henricon, s member of the French Academy of Science*, published a work in the year 1718, a larger part of which was given up to the pant and present condi tions of the human family. In the course of his arguments he proves, to his own satisfaction at least, that we have grad ually degenerated from colossal specimens of flesh and sinew to almost microscopic specks in comparison. The dignified po sition of the learned Henricon demands for his views all due respect, but who of the present generation could be induced to believe that Adam, the first landlord of creation, was 123 feet and 9 inches high? Yet, in the course of his reasoning, he proves this in a satisfactory way to him self and his colleagues. “Eve,” says this learned M. D., “was a splendid helpmate for her husband, but was not nearly so tall, being but 118 feet, 9 Inches and 9 lines.”-—St. Imuu Republic. In. dCTdud a Litifitgre. I have reliable authority in stating that Mrs. .Cleveland will make a mild venture into literature soon after her retirement to private life. Her undertaking will be a modest one, consisting of a magazine article, which, however, may evolve into two before it is finished. What periodical will secure the article cannot be definitely said, but in all probability the readers of the Century will find it in one of their forthcoming numbers. By her friends Mrs. Cleveland’s taste for literature is well known, and her compositions at college show that the pen glides easily and effect ively in ber hand. The Century’t editor, Mr. Richard Watson Gilder, is a close friend of the Clevelands, and h is doubt less due to his persuasion that Mrs. Cleve land has consented to write something for publication. The channel through which it will be given to the public seems, there fore, easy to define.— Boeton Journo}. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at C. B. Busb nell’s drug store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bot tles of* Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption. Their trade is simply enor mous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting trial bottle free; lane alas sl. Every bottle warranted.* NORTH YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MARCH 7. 1889. THE ADMISSION ACT. H« Uf Crating the Three lev States. ■Mhe4 •( Preccelirc it Ceaplete the Werk>~M»lflccDt Federal Cea ceaslana—Lltoral Clraat far Peraeaaeat fcheel lent. Following is the text of the act of con gress admitting Washington, Montana and the two Dakotas into the Union. Sec tions 2,6 and 6 and a few paragraphs are omitted In this publication, as they relate exclusively to the Dakotas: Section 1. That the inhabitants of all that part of the area of the United States now constituting the territories of Dako ta, Montana and Washington, as at pres ent described, may become the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington, respectively, as herein after provided. Sec. 3. That all persons who are quali fied by tlie laws of said territories to vote for representatives of the legislative as semblies thereof are hereby authorized to vote for and choose delegatee to form con ventions in said proposed states; and the qualifications of delegates to such conven tions shall be such as by the laws of said territories respectively persons are re quired to possess to lie eligible to the leg islative assemblies thereof; and the aforesaid delegates to form said conven tions shall be apportioned within the limits of the proposed states, in such dis tricts as may be established as herein provided, in proportion to the population in each of said counties and districts, as near as may be, to be ascertained at the time of making said apportionments by the persons hereinafter authorised to make the same, from the best information ob tainable, in each of which districts three delegates shall be elected, but no elector shall vote for more than two persons for delegates to said conventions; that said apportionments shall be made by the governor, the chief justice and the secre tary of said territories; and the govern ors of said territories shall, by proclama tion, order an election of the delegates aforesaid in each of said proposed states, to be held on the Tuesday after the sec ond Monday in May, 1889, which procla mation shall be issued on the loth day of April, 1889; and such election shall be conducted, the returns made, the result ascertained, and the certificates to persons elected cle ted to such convention issued in the same manner as prescribed by the laws of the said territories regulating elec tions therein for delegates to congress; and the number of votes cast for dele gates in each precinct shall also be re turned. The number of delegates to said conventions, respectively, shall be sev enty-five, and all persons resident in said proposed states, who are qualified voters of said territories as herein provided, shall be entitled to vote upon the election of delegatee, and under such rules and regulations as said conventions may pre scribe, not in conflict with this act, and upon ratification or rejection of the con stitution. Sec. 4.—That the delegatee to the con ventions elected as provided in this act shall meet at the seat of government of each of said territories, except the dele gates elected in South Dakota, who shall meet at the city of Sioux Falla, on the fourth day of July, 1889, and after organ isation shall declare, on behalf of the peo ple of said proposed states, that they adopt the conatitution of the United States; whereupon tue said conventions shall be, and are hereby, authorised to form state governments for said proposed states, respectively. The constitutions shall be republican in form, and make no distinction in civil or political rights on account of race or color, except as to In dians not taxed, and not to be repugnant to the constitution of the United States and the principles of the declaration of independence. And said convention shall provide, by ordinances irrevocable with out the consent of the United States and the people of said states: First. That perfect toleration of relig ious sentiment shall be secured, and that no inhabitant of said states shall ever be molested in person or property on ac count of his Or her mode of religious wor ship. Second. That the people inhabiting said proposed states do agree and declare that they forever diadaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within the boundaries thereof, and to all lands lying within said limits owned <r held by any Indian or Indian tribes; find until the title thereto shall have been •nctingnished by the United States, the lame shall be and remain subject to the disposition of the United States, and said Indian lands shall remain under the abso lute jurisdiction and control of the con gress of the United States; that the lands belonging to the citisens of the United States residing without the said states shall never be taxed at a higher rate than the lands belonging to residents thereof; that no taxes shall be imposed by the states on lands or property therein be belonging to or which may be hereafter purchased by the United States or re served for its use. But nothing herein, or in the ordinances herein provided for, ■hall preclude the said stales from taxing as other lands are taxed any lands owned or held by any Indian who has severed his tribal relations and has obtained from the United States or from any person a this thereto by patent or other grant, save and except such lands as have been and may be granted to any Indian or Indiana under any act oI congress containing a proviaion exempting the lands thus granted from taxation; but said ordi nances ahall provide that all such lands shall be exempt from taxation by such states so long and to such extent as such act of congress may prescribe. Third. That the debts and liabilities of said territories shall be assumed and paid by said states, respectively. Fourth. That provision shall be made for the establishment and maintenance of systems of public schools, which shall be open to all the children of aakl states, and free from sectarian control. Section 7 relates to the constitutions of North and South Dakota, save the con cluding paragraph, which is as follows: ProvidQl. that if either of the proposed states provided for in this act shall reject the constitution which mar be submitted for ratification or rejection at the election provided therefor, the governor of the ter ritory in which such proposed constitu tion was rejected shall issue his procla mation reconvening the delegates elected to the convention which formed such re jected constitution, fixing the time and place at which auch convention shall as semble; and when so assembled they shall proceed to form another constitution to amend the rejected constitution, and shall submit auch new constitution or amended constitution to the people of the pro|iosed state for ratification or rejection, at such time as said convention may de termine; and all the provisions of this act, so far as applicable, sliall apply to such convention so reassembl'd and to the constitution which may be formed, its ratification or rejection, and to the ad mission of the proposed states. Sec. 8. The constitutional convention which may assemble in North Dakota, Montana and Washington shall provide for submitting the constitutions formed by them to the people of said proposed states, respectively, for ratification or re jection at elections to be held in said pro posed states on the said first Tuesday in October. At the election provided for in this section the qualified voters of said proj)oaed states shall vote directly for or •gainst the proposed constitutions, and for or against any articles or propositions separately submitted. The returns of the said elections shall be made to the secretary of each of said territo ries, who, with the governor and chief justice thereof, or any’two of them, shall canvass the same; and if a majority of the legal votes cast shall be for the con stitution the governor 'shall certify the same to the president of the United States, together with a statement of the votes cast thereon and upon separate ar ticles or propositions, and a copy of said constitution, articles, propositions and ordinances. And if the constitutions and governments of said proposed states are republican in form, and if all the pro visions of this act have been complied with in the formation thereof, it shall be the duty of the president of the United States to issue his proclamation announc ing the result of the election in each, and thereupon the propoeed states which have adopted constitutions and formed state* governments as herein provided shall be deemed admitted by congress into the Union under and by virtue of this act on an equal footing with the original states from and after the date of the said proc lamation. Sec. 9. That until the next general cen sus, or until otherwise provided by law, said states shall be entitled to one repre sentative in the house of representatives of the United States, except Sooth Da kota, which shall be entitled to two; and the representatives to the fifty-first con- gress, together with the governors and other officers provided for in said consti tutions, may be elected on the same day of the election for the ratification or re jection of the constitutions; and until said state officers are elected and qualified under the provisions of each constitution and the states, respectively, are admit into the Union, the territorial officers shall continue to discharge the duties of their respective offices in each of the said territories. Sec. 10. That upon the admission of each of said states into the Union sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in every township of said proposed states, and where such sections, or any parts thereof, have been sold or otherwise disposed of by or under the authority of any act of congress, other lands equivslent thereto in legal subdivisions of not less than one quarter section and as contiguous ss may be to the section in lien of which the same is taken, are hereby granted to said states for the support of common schools, such indemnity lands to be selected with in said states in such manner as tbe leg islature may provide with the approval of the secretary of the interior—provided, that the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sec tions embraced in permanent reservations for national purposes shall not at any time be subject to the grants or to the indem nity provisions of this act, nor shall any lands embraced in Indian, military or other reservation of any character, be subject to the grants or to the indemnity provisions of this act until the reservation shall have been extinguished and such lands be restored to, and become part of, the public domain. Rer. 11. That all lands herein granted for educational purpoess shall be disposed of only at public sale, and at a price not less than $lO per acre, the proceeds to constitute a permanent school fund, the interest of which only shall be expended in tbe support of said schools. But said lands may, under such regulations ss tbe legislature may prescribe, be leased for periods of not more than five years, in quantities not exceeding one section to any one person or company, and such lands shall not be subject to pre-emption, homestead entry or any other entry under land lawa of the United States, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, but shall be re served for school purposes only. Sec. 12. That upon tha admission of each of said states into the Union, in ac cordance with the provisions of this set, fifty sections of the unappropriated public lands within said states, to be selected end located in legal subdivisions as pro vided in section 10 of this act, shall be and are hereby granted to said states for tbs purpose of erecting public building! at the capital of said states, for legisla tive. executive and Judicial purposes. Sec. 13. The five per centum of the proceeds of the aales of public lands lying within said states .which shall be sold by the United States subsequent to the ad mission of said states into the Union, after deducting all the expenses incident to the some, shall be paid to the said states, to be used as • permanent fond, the interest of which only shall be ex pended for the support of the common schools within said states, respectively. Sec. 14. Such quantity of the lands authorized by the fourth section of the set of July 17, 1854, are to be reserved for university purposes in the territory of Washington, os, together with the lands confirmed to the vendee of the ter ritory by the act of March 14,1864, will make the full quantity seventy-two entire sections sre hereby granted to the state of Washington for the purposes of a univer sity in said state. None of the lands granted in tills section shall be sold at less than $lO per acre; but said lands may be leased in the same manner as pro vided in section 11 of this set. The schools, colleges and universities pro vided for in this act shall forever remain under the exclusive control of said states, respectively, and no part of the proceeds arising from the sale or disposal of any lands herein granted for educational pur poses shall be used for the support of any sectarian or denominational school, col lege or university. Sec. 16. That so much of the lands be longing to the United States ss have been acquired and set apart for the purpose mentioned in “an act appropriating money for the erection of a penitentiary in the territory of Dakota," approved March 2, 1881, together with the buildinga thereon, be and the same is hereby granted, to gether with any unexpended balances of tbe moneys appropriated therefor by said act, to said state of South Dakota for the purposes therein designated; and the states of North Dakota and Washington shall, respectively, have like grants for tbe same purpose, and subject to like terms and conditions as provided in said act of March 2,1881. for the territory of Dakota. The penitentiary at Deer Lodge Hty, Montana, and all lands connected .icrewith and set apart and reserved therefor, are hereby granted to tbe state of Montana. Sec. 16. That ninety thousand acres of land, to be selected and located as pro vided in section 10 of this act, are hereby granted to each of said states, except to tl 3 state of South Dakota, to which one hundred and twert, thousand acres are granted, for the use and support of agri cultural colleges in said states, as pro vided in the acts of congress making do nations of lands for such purposes. See. 17. That fat lieu of the grant of land for purposes of internal improvement made to new states by the eighth section of the act of September 4, 1841, which act is hereby repealed as to the states pro vided for in this act, and in lieu of any claim or demand by the said states, or either of them, under the act of Septem ber 28,1860, and section 2479 of the re vised statutes, making a grant of swamp and overflowed lands to certain states, which grant it is hereby declared is not extended to the states provided for in this act, and in lieu of any grant of saline lands to said states, the following grants of land are hereby made, to-wH: To the state of Washington: For the establishment and maintenance of a sci entific school, 100,000 acres; for state normal school, 100,000 acres; for public buildings at the stste capital, in addition to the grant hereinbefore made for that purpose,loo,ooo acres; for state charitable, educational, penal and reformatory insti tutions, 800,000 acres. That the states provided for in this act shall not be entitled to any further or other grants of land for any purpose than as expressly provided in this act And the lands granted by this section shall be held, appropriated and disposed of exclus ively for the purposes herein mentioned, in such manner as the legislatures of the respective states may severally provide, Bee. 18. That all mineral lands shall be exempted from the grants made by this Act. But if sections sixteen and thir ty-six, or any subdivision or portion of of any smallest subdivision thereof in any township shall be found by the depart ment of the interior to be mineral lands, said states are hereby authorised and em powered to select, in legal subdivisions, sn equal quantity of other unappropri ated lands in said states, in lieu thereof, for the use and the benefit of the common schools of said states. Bee. 19. That all lands panted in quantity or as indemnity by this act shall be selected, under the direction of the secretary of the interior, from the sur veyed, unreserved, and unappropriated public lands of the United States within the limits of the respective states entUM thereto. And there shall be deducted from the number of acres of land donated by this ad for specific objects to mid states the number of acres In each hereto for donated by congress to add territories for similar objects. Sec. 20. That the sura of twenty thou sand dollars, or so much thereof ee may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, oat of any money in the treasury not other wise appropriated, to each of said territo ries for defraying the expenses of tbs said conventions, except to Dakota, for which the sum. of forty thousand dollars is so appropriated, twenty thousand dollars each for North Dakota and South Dakota, and for the payment of the members thereof, under the same rules and regula tions and at the same raise as sre now provided by lew for the payment of the territorial legislatures. Any money here by appropriated not necessary for such purpose shall be covered into the treasury of the United Slates. Sec, SI- That each of said states, when admitted as aforesaid, shall constitute one Judicial district, the names thereof to be the some os the names of the states, re spectively ; and the circuit and district courts therefor shall be held at the capi tal of ouch state for the time being, and each of said districts shall, far Judicial purposes, until otherwise provided, be at tached to the eighth Judicial circuit, ex cept Washington and Montana, which shall be attached to the ninth Judicial circuit. There shall be appointed for each of said districts one district judge, and one United States marshal. The Judge of each of said districts shall receive • yearly salary of ISSOO a year, payable in four equal installments, on the first daya of January, April, July and October of each year, and ahall reside in the district. There shell be appointed clerks of said courts in each district, who shall keep their offices at the capital of said state. The reg ular terms of said courts shall be bald in each district at the place aforesaid, on the first Monday in April and the first Mon day in November of each year, and only one grand jury and one petit Jury shall be summoned in both said circuit and dis trict courts. The circuit and district courts for each of said districts, and tha Judges thereof, respectively, shall possses the same powers and Jurisdiction, and perform the some duties required to be performed by the other circuit and dis trict courts and the Judges of the United States, and ahall be governed by the earns laws and regulations. The marshal, dis trict attorney and clerks of the circuit and district court of each of said districts, and ail the other officers and persona perform ing duties in the administration of justice therein, shell severally possess the powers and perform the duties lawfully possessed end required to be performed by similar officers iu other districts of the United SUtee; end ahull, for the services they msy perform, receive the fees and com pensation allowed by isw to other similar officers end persons performing similsr duties in the state of Nebraska Sec. 22. Thst ell cases of appeal or writ of error heretofore prosecuted and now pending in the supreme court of the United SUtee upon any record from the supreme court of either of the territories mentioned in this set, or that may here after lawfully be prosecuted upon any record from either of said courts, may be beard and determined by said supreme court of the United States. And the mandate ot execution or of further pro ceedings shall be directed by the supreme court of the United States to the circuit or district court hereby established within the sUte succeeding the territory from which such record is or may be pending, or U the supreme court of such state, m the nature ri the case may require, pro vided, that tha mandate of execution or of further proceedings shall, in caasa aris ing in the territory of DakoU, directed by the supreme court of the United States to the circuit or district court’of the district of South Dakota, or to the supreme court of the state of Sooth DakoU, or to tha cir cuit or district court of the district of North DakoU, or to the supreme court of the state of North DakoU, or to the su preme court of the territory of North Da kota, m the nature of the case may re quire. And each of the circuit, district and states courts, herein named, shall, respectively, be the successor of the su preme court of the territory, m to all such cases arising Hthin the limits embraced within the jurisdiction of aoch coarts re spectively with full power to proceed with the earns, and award means or final pro cess therein; and that from all JudgmenU and decreet of the supreme court of either of the territories mentioned in the act, In any case arising within tha limits of any of the proposed states prior to admission, the parties to such judgment shall have the earns right to prosecute sppsele and writs of error to tha supreme court of the United States m they shall have bad by law prior to the admission of said state into the Union. 1 Sac. S3. That la reapact to all caaaa, proceedings and mattora now ponding la tha supreme or diatrict court of aithar of I tha tarritoriaa mantiooad in this adtnt the ■ time ol tha admission into tha Union of aithar of tha stales mentioned in this act, ' and arlsinc within the limits of any each > state, whereof tha circuit of district courts by this act established might bars had Jorlsdlctlon under tha lava of tha Vailed I States had each conrts existed st the Urns I o! the commencement of snnh es se, the I said circuit and district courts, respect • ively, shall bathe tha saecaasecs of laid supreme and district conrts cl said tarrl i lory; and in reapact to all other aaaaa, 1 proceedings and matters pending la the Number 6. supreme or district courts ol say of the territories mentioned in this act at the time of the admission of such territory into the Union, arising within the limits of said proposed state, the courts estab lished by such state shall, respectively, be the successors of said supreme and dis trict territorial courts; and all the flies, records, indictments and proceedings re lating to any such cases, shall be trans ferred to such circuit, district and state courts, respectively, and the same shall be proceeded with therein in due course of law, but no writ, action, indictment, cause or proceeding now pending, or that prior to the admission of any of the states mentioned in this act, shall abate by the admission of any such stale into the Union, but the same shall be transferred and proceeded with in the proper United States circuit, district or state court, as the cage may be; Provided, however, that in all civil actions, causes and pro ceedings, in which the United States is not a party, transfers shall not be made to the circuit and. district courts of the United States except upon written request of one of the parties to such action or pro ceeding filed in the proper court; and in the absence of such request, such cases shall be proceeded with in the proper state courts. Sec. 24. That the constitutional con ventions may, by ordinance, provide for the election of officers for (all state gov ernments, including members of the leg islatures and representatives in the fifty first congress; bat said state governments shall remain in abeyance until the states shall be admitted into the Union, respect ively, as provided in this act. In case the constitution of any of said proposed states shall be ratified by the people, but not otherwise, the legislature thereof may assemble, organise and elect two senators of the United Btatee; and the governor and secretary of stale of uuch proposed state shall certify the election of the sena tors and representatives in the manner required by law; and when such state ia admitted into the Union, the senators and representatives shall be entitled to bo admitted to seats in congress, and the officers of the state governments formed ia pnrsnaiKe of said constitutions, as pro vided by the constitutional conventions, shall proceed to exercise all the functions of such state officers; and all the laws in force made by said territories, at the time of tbetr admission into the Union, shall be In force in said states, pccept as modi fied or changed by this act or by the con stitutions of the states, respectively. See. S5. That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act, whether paased by the legislators of said territories or by congress, are hereby re* pealed. , UnrtMMvlM. The folk>« ing letter* remain unclaimed in the peetetllee at Yakima City, Wash ington, March 1, IMS. In calling lor the lame pleaw aaj “advertlied Apping, Z E Ann, WN Bradshaw, Min L Burton, Wm - Bervoogha,Kiel Cera Baxter, Min Bn Gaboon, Jacob Gurney, Emat Demoreat, J F Daveru, G A Dorthy, Mr* libbjr Down*. John Harrii, M Herbert, J-X Hubbard, John Harrington, Wm Huger, ll J Jonaon* Karl Moon, Sarah A Millar, AP Moniaon, John MUM, Georg* MacLaan, Alex Mowie, MinM Primm, L H RaynoUa, Min M E Staneoke, JT Bhanabon, WM Bhannafelt, E A St. Hilaire, Bar Tuflt, J K Tucker, Mtaa 8 J Young, E J Vineon, Samuel Woody, W W William*, 0 T Water*, Gun OaCAB V AMYCKLB, F. M. WlMj Muhtefc. He gaaed around the cheerful and com fortable looking apartment, tad addreae ing the widow, ha aald; “Tour huaband'a been dead over a year nowT*’ "Tea.” ah* anawand, with a sigh,‘ over a year." "I ramamhtr reading hla obltnary,” he aaid, “and I thought it contained a mia atatement of facta.” “A mlaatatemaot of facta T" •'Tea, It aald ha had gon* to a batter bom*. In my opinion U wuald be Impos sible br him to dad. a men cheerful, men comfortable, and, with you in it, a man chanping and daaitahl* hem* than thia.” The widow tmilad awaatly, than ha WM jAftfrtHd. —Remember that Ayar'e Cheery F*c toral baa no equal u a apaciflc for eolda, eougha, and all aShctlwia of the throat and lunge. For nearly half a century it haa been In greater demand than any other remedy lor pulmonary complaints. All druggists have it for mle. • Atom AmuuMm—A worthy ftn tlemsn, having en unusually red DOM, wm long suspected of being • tippler on the aly, by thorn not weU acquainted with Ida atrictly tempanta hahtta. Hl* cured by tha am of Ayar'a SateapariUa. * Poamrr Qaova, Or., March A I ham htan troubled many yuan with waaknam cl tha kidney* and ham triad many different remedied, aoaght aid hum changed aUmataTto obtain raUaf, hut , ham mat with mdUhiwUi mail, Hear lag through a Hand ol tha vataa af the Oregon Kidney Tea, I ehtahted *>oa of U and hay* dartmd mmahnmdl.Bam k than aaytldng aiaa I ham yet toamA J.T. H»ar. Bold by Alim A Chapman. *