Newspaper Page Text
THE YAMA HERALD. iu mm 1 Min ef Wit. WMw. Fukieta. ui tk Irwtef ikektt. "The clmm mint go.” «*)'• en agrk-ul ton! exchange. 01 cooree It mart, In order th«t the batter may came. flnt wile-Why did you here year hatband cremated? Second wlle-He •wan be would haunt me. Now let him he ant An esteemed contemporary try. “the eeram dr le creme aI eociety war ektmmed of hr the Sweitaar-Kayea wedding." Good, food. “Our MaryV A*o-Mory Anderson vm thirty years old Janaary 28. On January 1001. she will be thirty-two, ar we min our gneaa. "Ban Bouheur aa an aitiat la not tree to nature,' remarked the anake editor. "How la that?” aaked the hone editor. "U bar picture, The Horn Fair.’ appear antral white home, but not a Bingle red-haired girl." Inolead o I intricate braided pattern., once to popular, alralght linn now And tarot—on the aeverely plain walking dreoan of aolid cohned material, narrow ailk or wool hnid of the tame of a darker abode than the foundation. A Mend who know. General Harrlaon and bia family well nya that the General begina the day on hla kneee. Joel alter break loot every morning, no matter what bia engagement, an, he holda a morning earrko In hit library, firet reading a chap ter bom the Bible and then engaging in prayer. landlady—"Let me era; jont bill la Utr “Tea.” "And thla b the 13th of the aoathT" “Tee.” "And thie, I ho lien, la )Mt thirteen timee that yoo’re beeo hen to collect it t" “Yea.” "Well, then, pleaae mae file Fa a little ea liaeetHlnein about the nomber thirteen, you know." The mv spring good* everywhere nun peal In every tbop window end piled oa the counters show wonderful grades in color tones. Every tint seen in the sir, on trunks and leaves of the budding trees and on the fresh carpet of the earth when the promised days return, has been care fully copied In silk, sateen, gingham, nun’s veiling or cashmeres. The present population of the United States is estimated at 64,800,000. The total inenaas is now per month, exclusive of immigration, while the total number of immigrants last year was 518,- 000. If Immigration continues at the same rata and the natural increase is re tained, the next census, which will be takm Jtriy 1,1800, will show about 67,- 000,000 I ant tar Mystery Explained Hmsibie wife—My dsar, yon remember, of course, that before oar marriage I told you that 1 rather enjoyed cigar smoke. Weil, I am sura I do not love yon any less now, yet the fact remains that 1 find your ■solring intensely disagreeable. What la it? Sensible husband—When I had only myself to support I smoked two for u quarter; now I smoke two for five. Mrs. Henry VOlard. the wife of the famous Gennan-American financier, is the only daughter of William Lloyd Gar rison. Mi*. VUlard, though not more than forty-fire peers of age. has a son at Harvard and a daughter Just ready to make tar first bow in society. All the Vlßasd family are musical, not only the turn and daughters, but the financier himself, who pulls the bow across the ’csßo brings with no Utile ability. The dauglMr plays the vMia. Yice-Preaident Morton has height the tauaa of Bsß, of telephone fame, in Wash ington, for 1M6.000, and will spend $25.- 000 ia flttipg it up lor the four years’ cam paign. That Mrs. Morton wiU ha the loader of fashion in Washington far the next tow yearn Is beyond a doubt. Vn- Uta any the ladies who have taken pre cedence la the White Honee since the war, aha is fortified by the experience of not km than twenty seaeoas in the very best circles of Continental and New York society. A fctSMiHsrr Hut— —r LMr. It war Jaat an ordinary amp o< wrap ptaf paper, tat it and tar lit,. She war In tta tat atagea ol coanuroptioo, laid by phyaieiaae that ata waa inenra- UaaadcaaM only lira a abort tin: ata waWtad Ira. than aaraoty panada. On a plaea ol wrapping paper aba read ol Dr. Kiag'aNew Dfacotrary, aad (Otaaamplr bottle; it talpnd tar, ata bought a tag, tattle, b balpad tar won, bought another rad paw tatter iaat, nmtiaoed Ha on and la saw atrong, healthy, way, pi amp, waigUag Mg ponilda. Fur taller partiru . taa armd atamp la W, H. Cole, druggist, Fort Htaith. Trial bottlee o« tide wonder fai Diaoorary baa at C. B. Bnahnall’a drag Wove. . FeadlMoa, On., Jan. It. Harlhg aaltaad with my kidnrya I waa la dated to try tta Ongoo Kidney Tn, which cand me ia a abort lime. 1 toko pliiaan in racotamoedliig It tottapnbUc an aaadanmidy far kidney dMfaabfaa. Oaoaoa W. Baiut, County Judge <d Umatilla. Bold by Allan t Chapman. • —A good digeation write oa appetite emd a gaad appetite ia one ol the ana rigaa ol perfect health. II yon an low apMad, brltabla. bill lone, or ban an lr ngalar appetite, then we ediiec yon by al awm la take Dr. Healey'a Daadelloa Toaie. H win make a new man ol yon. Bold by Allan A Chapman. a tUMaadlatae tody,n3 aatarrh, ringworm, pafaoa oak, ctye an Ita aye, gnaninted ayr lid, arapUra die aaaaa ol tta akin, all diaappaar alter oriag Dotard'e Specific. Warranted to edtaa a radical con la erery Inetance. Rntd by Allan A Chapman. —Esparsotte clover grows on dry soil without irrigation. Fawcett Bros, have It In slock. l-lm. —A fine new line of saddles, harness, etc., just received at C. E. McEwen’s shop, Yakima avenue. • —For fresh Olympia oysters, go to Herke’s, who is prepared to wait on yon at all hours, day or night. * —Call and inquire prices of saddles, bridles, harness, etc., at 0. B. McEwen’s before purchasing elsewhere. • —For a smooth shaving, a neat hair cut and a delightful shampoo call at the Shaving parlors of Wm. Shearer. • —One hundred thousand dollars to loan on farm property by Goodwin, Htrobach A Pugsley; long time, easy rates. • —“Hackmatack” is a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price Sft and SO cents. For sale by C. B. Boshnell, druggist. —A nasal injector free with each bottle of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price SO cents. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, drug gist. —Shiloh’s Cure will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and bron chitis. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, drug «ht —For square dealing and value received for your hard earned cash, call on T. O. Red held for anything in the line of jew elry. * —Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy la a posi tive cure for catarrh, diptheiria and Cank er Moutn. For sale by C. B. Boshnell, druggist. —The Hanau) is now prepared to do all kinds of job printing, from a visiting card to a full siaed poster, and in the beet style of sit, too. —C. E. McEwen la now offering sad dles, bridles, harness and everything in his line at prices not to be duplicated this ride of Portland. • —Why will yon cough when Shiloh’s Cue will give immediate relief. Price 10 cents, 40 cents and $l. For sale by C. B. Boshnell, druggist. —lf you have lost any money lately, Redfirid will return it by selling you goods so remarkably cheap that you will forget your misfortune. —Fawcett Bros, are agents for the cel ebrated lowa Steel Barbed Wire, which is the best barbed wire manufactured, and will go one rod to the pound. l-lm. —lf yon want a wagon, hack, boggy, plow, hay press, or any other kind of farm machinery, don’t forget to call on Fawcett Bros, before buying. l-lm. —Be sure sod boy tbe Scnuuoa Barbed Wins. One hundred pounds guaranteed to make one hundred rods of fence, and every pound best quality of steel wire. • —For dyspepsia and liver complaint,you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shlloh’a VltaUser. It never fails to curs. For sale by C. B. Boshnell, drug gist. —Dr. Savage will be found always ready to attend calls day or night. Office over postoffice; residence on Second street, one block sooth of First National Bank. Oct. 3-tf. —A. B-. Weed lias a rmj large assort ment of Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, which be is selling at Eastarn prices. Be emu examine hie stock before pur charing. fl4-8t —Tbe Rev. George H. Thayer, of Boor bon, Indiana, says: “Both myself and wife owe oar lives to Shiloh’s Consump tion Care.” For sale by C. B. Busbnell, druggist. —Everybody la treated alike at Bed fleld’s jewelry store. The poor man’s money will boy sa much as the rich. If yon don’t believe it, cad around and in vestigate. —ln you mad* miamble by indiges and7«Uw»»kia?dShiloh’* vTuliieTta a positive cure. For tale by C. B. Bush neil, druggist. —The Nate bet orchards are now on •ale at Goodwin, Btrobnch * Pfatsley’s. These fire-acre tracts adjacent to the city an offered at a eery low figure and with terma to salt. • —Fanners need not send eest far their seeds, ee Fawcett Broe. hare opened up a tell line of grass and garden seeds Their prieea are the same aa eastern firms. Their seeds are all fresh, and are grown by the best market gardeners. 1-1 m. —For your luxuries, call at the Candy Factory, far there can be found the choic est candies and the fineet tropical fruits, such as Washington naval oranges, fancy Bicfly lemons by wholesale or retail, Smyrna, as well as California figs, dates, nuts, and, in fact, everything that is to be had here that a flrst-claea establishment of this kind carries. Come one and all and try some of that pore unadulterated candy that Is made here every day. 1-lee. P. J. Hanna, Prop. ■nekton* Arslra antes Is the beet sabre in the world far cute, braises, sores, uJcers, salt rheum, freer scree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect ■■■faction, or money refunded. Prior 2b cents per box. For sale by C. B. Bushneil. druggist. This is what you ought to have, la fact, you most have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching far it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be bad by all. We gaarantee that Klectrfa Bitten. U wed according to direc tions and the use persisted in, will bring yon good digestion and oust the demon dyspepsia and install instead eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitten for dyt pepria and all diseases of the liver, stom ach and kidneys. Bold at Me. and 91 par bottle by C. B. Bushneil, druggist« GOODWIN & PUGSLEY, Sul Esia Hr An, nil limn Aicnis. MONK Y LEN DiiRS. NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. TER. Fran our eighteen jre»t» penomd acquaintance Id this country ninlo • ion to off# in(orm«lk.n that no othora can giro. A largo Liat ol Boat- Moo and Kcaldonce Property, ttnburlian Acre, Garden Trarta and Forma la now on our books. We Would Gill Special Atteition to Ov Natchez Orchards Addition, 5-AcreTracts Adjacent to tiie City! (onnnr.HMt«CE ibmcitbb. mer bbewcb, nurr utmui bank. BOOTS, SHOES AND UPPERS I RUBBER GOODS, GLO YES, &0. At Cost. At Cost. Notice Is give n to the Public I that the Mam moth stock of H essers. Haines A Trayner Is now being clos ed out and must be sold. The stock consists of an elegant line of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubber Ooods, Gloves, &e. X. R. ID AWBQN, Assignee. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE, Northern Pacific B. 8., ru caiudi Division. The only line ruuuiug Pullman Palace Sleeping •'aw. magnificent day coarhw, and Et«lnt Emi|rut Sleeping Coacbes, with Bertha Era# of Coal. FROM OREGON AND WABHINOTON.POINTB To the Bast. vu at. paol and mmtiAPoua. The Only Transcontinental Line Running PALACE DINING CARS (Mania, 75 Cents.) Fastest time ever nude from the Const, over the NORTHER] PACIFIC I I To Monx City, Council Bluff*. SL Joseph, Atchi son, Lenren worth. Kanana City, Burlington. Quincy. rr. Man, phicaoo, And nil points throughout the East and South east, via fit. Paul and Minneapolis. Pillnu Sleeping Accommodations Can be secured In advance. EMIGRANT SLEEPING CABS Are hauled on regular Express Trains over the entire length of the N. F. R. R. Connection made nt fit Fanl and Minneapolis to all points East. Booth and Southeast. I Through trains leave Yakima (or fit Paul at Th*Tou»h trains for Fortlaad and all points on Pacific and Cascade division, at f.lO p. m.. eon neettng at Tacoma with boats for points on 'SRSSSt sals to aU potato In tha United States and Canada. For routes, rates, Ac., ap ply t« _ H. C. HUMPHREY. Ticket Agent, North Yakima. A. D. CfiaatßTOM. Asst. General Passenger Agent. No. 121 First street, ear. Washington. Portland, Oregon. HUGO SIGMUND, THE LEADING mm m FIRST ST., NORTH YAKIMA, Domestic and Imported Goods made up in the latest styles sad at reasonable prices. Agency for the Celebrated Light-running Domestic IE VUG MAC HUE, Fnrehsss no other. Give me s eaU. L H old by Allen A Chapman. A Complete Use of Hines, SaUlex,Wkipx, Crlfiro; &c. Has )ast boso received by Alex. It. Ninclalr, at his Harness Shop oa Yakima Avenue. Thaas Goods are of tha boat make, and are sold at prtom guaranteed to ha as LOW AS THE LOWEST (MM la Ik. Cltr (K North Talma Repairing a Specialty. m, URCLAHL Yakima Are. (near Depot). North Yakima. New Store! New Slice! and Hew Prices! HENRY DITTER’S Lane •> ad Vell-Sclecled Stock of New Goods, —Comprising all the Latent Novelties in— Ladies’ Dress Goods, Gents’ Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ac., Have Now Arrived, And are offered for aale, at a Cloae Margin of Profit, in the elegant Brick store building of the Find National Bank. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND GET PRICES. Allen cfe Chapman, m&TJ GhQ-ISTS. Keep always on hand all that is pertaining to their trade. None hut pure ined iHnea and chemicals dispensed. Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated hy a Competent Pharmacist. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. A large Line of Painta, Oils, Wall Paper, Glass. Putty. Rash and Doors. Come and see us in our Commodious and Beautiful Quarters. n» Ten Finest Brails offer vest ml lijorted Clears. Corner Yakima Avenue and Hecond Street, .... North Yakima. J. T. BSHRI.MAN. O. . R ODMAM. Rodman & Eshelman, Util Esntt ai Liffl litis! Money lo liuan on Inestßntslala ail Praam Hail rorHoi-Besileats. o®' " " Specialattention is called to the Oreet Saiga Ins la Foer Choice Ten-Acre Tracts sodOnePortr Tract ol the Beet Garden Lead (balance of tbs Yolo Ranch) which will be offered for a few days. City Lots and Farm Property Bought and Sold. M^OFFlCB—Corner T skims A venae and Seeeni Streets opposite Pint Nstloeel Bank. PNANK. ■. IItIUUW. .IBP?. 0. ■COANIII. StLa.rd.lo"w > McDaniel, HE A LEM IK Line "Whines, Liquors, Imported and Domestic; Oi|fn.i*in. FINE HILLIARD AND POOL TAHLER. Sole Apts for tie Celebrated Jesse lore Keiticly Vkisties. S. J. LOWE Carrie* the largest, tan and cheapest stock of all kinds of CDOK & HEATING STOVES, Kto. f which he is pre]«red to offer at remarkably low prices. Also In stock •Am Hoe of Tinware, Sheet Ironware, Graniteware, Guns, Pistols and Farm Implements. I Corner Yakima Avenue and First street, - - - - W. T. HuLEAN k REED, Real Estate and Insurance, Ytikinm Avenue. TO THE PUBLIC: A few Reason* why North Yakima, Washington Territory ia being recognised as tbs Moat promising city In Central Washington; Klrat-Bwani.e It haaclgjit of the flnoaUarge«t the great state of Washington, and mriat fertile valleys In Washington territory Slxth-Bccanse men who are wall ksowa as immedlatelrtr.bmarytolt successful. shrewd and«lkl ß^ Hceond—The seasons are from fonrto tight Urge luvestmenta In North Yakima tad Yakima weeks earlier than any other part of the north- county. inibi . .. * _ . Relieving we are located In the moat fevered Third—Because we have the finest and mnet portion of Washington Territory for gardening delightfnl climate In the I'acinc northwest. frail growing and general wlXjtnrfl Kourth-We are dcstlncl to become the great we Invite all thmf who anskmklna^or track garden of the roast, with a cash market business locations and manafactniing ont»rti»: H««' •» iw nitw, to o» .. .iT.IZ v Fifth—being centrally located, we are reoog- seeing for themselves, be convinced. 7 Size I ms the desirable piece for the capital of - How is the Accepted Tim to inrssl! We have now Hated for sale; In addition to the The opening of Hprlng will herald a Northern fr-lOr Uod.kl rtUnM the »1 v.m. I. Ik. T.l, m.thukJJVKJ local agents, aome of the moat desirable real- realised dnring the corresponding season lot dence and business lots In North Taklma. to- two years past: and it la a ” ,or gather with farm property and garden tracts. "Well Known Fact That while aU who have “dabbled In Yakima the best and coined the most money dirt’* have made handsome returns on their In- bet not the onportßnitT silo Sit «, «. .. vestments, thoae who have availed themselves once aud drili: 7 p ’ * l •* in •» of the Winter months for purchasing have fared CALL AND SBE PLATS Of THI SouthParkAddition Recently placed on the Market :b£a,cXjea.rL <& Reed, p. o. box, n ItTorttL TTalEima, LUMBER YARD! G. 0. NEVIN, Proprietor. L.UMBEB, DOCKS, SASH AND BUNDS, LATHS, SHINGLES, 4C, lint for tie Celelirated Araill Paints, the tot Faints os the Mar’ AND A LARGE SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. Offin and Yord, Weet Bid, ol Roilrood Track. North of Depot, North Y.kln,,, W, T.