Newspaper Page Text
Pmwmn. March It. EmmHiuld .—noMrlato tan « mlooa, and tta thinly wayfarer wiD won ta able to qwrach kh thlrH. independent ■I tta water supply. Hr. Tnyloc tm tad a windmill erected a, hi. place laths Ml «wd o< town. Wtau Mr. Kinney taahto “brown Hone front” flniatad to replace bin residence Intel, burned,lt wOl make quite an Im pnvement in tta weet end. Mr. Kinney leoneof our meet enterprising citinaua. tan on'rone aohjacto-aoch, tor in- tta propeiHy ot Indira whtotliag, and tta i«raie.Hnn ot tta human rare Haoalta days of Adam and Era. Mira Larina TnHin, a young lad, well known in aacM, ham, waa married one da, last weak. Mr. Chadwick, ot Biekla toa, being the tapp, man. Tta average Hone Heaven nattier will dnd liilneal'm rending In a glowing de scription ot hit country total, given in the Hiuald and taken from a Wallato paper. 01 comet the editor never exag grratea; **..* la quite oat ot tta editorial line. Tta tort remain, that the original Hone Heaven nattier, me, be found aetttend from "Dan to Baomtaha." a tedder if not a wtoer lot o( men far their Horae Henven erperiance. Among thoee who remain there to Hill anting faith in the future of tta country; but aran tta arc ot faith baa to wink nometlmaa. Proeser baa tad tta eervicee ot a mem ber ot the learned protomlnn ot modiciae ia tta panon ot Dr. Head. UnUl that time Mr. Janaan'e drug Here kept at in pretty good health. A drag Hon with a good laboratory attachment far mixing tta drag, to salt the various dieoaaee of tta pationta, to pretty good in itaell. The trouble among the ■beep-men waa amicably settled, one party withdrawing hit ferera ados. the river to Samrahh. Mr. Ctarlm Cam rotoraod last week bom Olympia, where be has passed the winter, bringing with him a M of frail trees, which he has eat out on Bto reach in Hone Heaven. Fromm needs e newspaper, one that will speak oat with no uncertain noond and tell what a dot towoahe we have tan, and what a grand railroad enter this will make it—wo only (H tta rail roada To nmke it a nuccem, naid oewe paper Baade on ta eta* a good mapper, aa expert that can nhow the mountain paama far falme railway! all tributary to Ibcro an s lew other things that Fwo* mi needa; in bet, va mlpht afeend a little oo tbto enbjact, bet n vent thu time. Nalaon Rich meet ted . Dew mb bet week velglilar on* end one halt tan. It hM baea niaiaf neaHy enry day •era nek, and the bnoaa an frhill oyer the trof proapecta. Then vm a latterly itlnieil larrrim d the Colombia rime onrkotn held a Jade SviUler'l March b»k» the payee epria* rormdvp Oatta today. The initial aanhee of a aev paver may be looked ior In a lev dnya. The Sola Btranaer faaib hen Crinea. and ie called tha Cdaabia XWdrr, Ban CaenahaO editor and me err. Dan Brann ril attend Is tha iateeena of the aafcaaea- U Id. aJnrnan anael an ! elation in Ha eolmnna. and. aa maaa offers, contribute eona nlaabia ankiea on aoefan ploying, a faux at .hid. ha mb. ______ C. ■L. ■ •! • I m _ a ■■ iwrani ornun. Oliver Cromwell White, the newly ap pointed tarritoeial eecietary, who aneoaadi S. H. Qwmge, waabora at Doboqne. lowa, iwmhee I, IMS. He la a aoa of Cbm. White, aa. Oiaffoa pioneer, who at one time waaehnrWot Waaoo county, Or. He imnovnl to Tamhlll conaly, Or., In UN, where bo twagMachoot. at one time ewrring ■l guard ot the Oraioa penitentiary. Be mondtoDlffHn.W.T., la UTS, aad atrcad two yaaea ea amter ot Colombia oooaty. Afterward, he waa Meted dark ollbs dte trkt eoad, earring tone yean. InUTSha | ‘l r the Catenate Onmrft,twa alan it aahottitane. Ha waa tiactad to the tnvltorial oooadl in ISM, exeeciaiag a marked inffneoca on that body, and waa ldlh|rtllotbiMtknl republican con rentioathatnomlnatad Harriaon. Bala - n«-- /i-l U- m -- 1 BM" WIIWT UX HR MllliiNOW Cffrwn(CK, HU is noted lor his strong, advocacy ol repub licanism. b I*6 White was appointed one ol the penitentiary mmmimintwrs to supervise th* arsetion of the penitentiary, and held the oßcs two years. E. Bain bridge Monday, Esq., county attorney Clay county .Texas, says: "Have naad Electric Bitters with most happy isaolta. My brother also waa very low with malarial (star and Jaundice, but was cured by timely oas of this medicine. Am satiated Electric Bitters saved his life.” Mr. D. I. WBoosaon, of Horse Cave, Ky., add* a like testimonial, saying: He positively believe he would have died, had It not been lor Electric Bitten. Thia great remedy will ward off, aa well m core, all malarial diseasee, and lor all kidney, liver and stomach disordewatanda oneqnalad Price GO cents and |1 at C. B. BushaetTa drag etore. —Statistics show that seventy per cent, of the people of the United States are anl- Uh Iron. lan. ol the kldne, .ad miner, organs. A simple pain in the back, U oegbctod, often ran. Into Ihnl terrible scourge, Bright’, dleeue. which atari* off no mute o( oor prominent men If Ton ere nMcted with nap winner oe Urine, teanble. no matter bow alight, do tad pot H off n*il too Into, hot procure o parks*. U Ontpa Kidnap Ten and take ■onoottaglodmctiann. It will awn poo. Hold bp All* A Chapmen. ottaSbritaUtT Are jron enbjert lo bih I Men eta T Dr. Mar's Dandelion Tonic worko wonders. Stank.. the wank and nkklp at radge halide np the who), optaam iddpntanewMfcandaoeTgpinpoo. try —A fine Mir line of saddle*, harness, ale., Just received at 0. E. McEwsn’s shop, Yakima a venae. * * —For frssh Olympia oyriers. go to Hsrka's, who la prepared to wait on you at aU boor*, day or night • —Call and Inquire price* of aaddlaa, bridles, hamaaa, ate., at C. E. MeKwen’s before purchooin* elsewhere. • —For a smooth shaving, a neat hair cat and a delightful shampoo call at the Shaving parlors ot Wm. Shearer. • . —One hundred thousand dollars to loan on farm property by Goodwin, Strobsch A Pugsley; long time, easy rates. • —“Hackmetack” la a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and CO cents. For sale by C . B. BoshneU, druggist. —A nasal injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Banady. Price 50 cents. For sals by C. B. Boahnell, drug gist -Shiloh's Care will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and bron chitis. For sale by C. B. Boahnell. drug ««*• —For square dealing and value received for your hard earned cash, call on T. O. Redfield for anything in tb* line of Jew elry. • -Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Is a posi tive core for catarrh, diptheiria and Cimk arMootn. For sale by C. B. Boahnell, druggist. —The Hmalo is now prepared to do all kinds of Job printing, from a visiting card to a fail sissd poster, and in the best style of art, too. -C. E. McEwen is now offering sad dles, bridles, harness and everything In his line at prices not to be duplicated this aide of Portland. • —Why will yon jeoagh whan Shiloh’s Care will give immediate relief. Price 10 cents, 60 cento and |l. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, druggist. —lf yon have lost any money lately, Redfleid will return it by sailing you goods so remarkably cheap that yon will forget yoar misfortune. —Fawcett tea. are agents far the cel ebrated lewaittal Barbed Wire, which is ths best barbed wire manufacturer!, and wU go one rod to the pound. 1-1 m. —lf yon want a wagon, hack, buggy, plow, hey pram, or any other kind of farm machinery, don’t forget to call on Faweott Bran, briars baying. 1-lm. —Bt mb* awl bn y the Smmn Bakbbd Win. On hundred pounds guaranteed to moke on hundred rods ol fence, and •wry pond bn quality of steel wire. • -Tor dyspepsia and Urn complaint,you boot a printed psnntw on *my bottle <4 SbOet’s Vitabaer. b new fails to Ntt For sale by C. B. BnheeO. drug —Dr. flmfi vfll bo fend always laody Odbo S (ktsd. tMCML* Poraiikf CEBaM. WrOwi? rim TW jwt tmb'* omasy wiO tay asmach a* dB ad. If -A*ynn —■iiwlli If hlpi tioa,coa*tipul«ou/im—.iaeel lyfitwr aad yellow akin? gfaloha Ylfbmr ■» poaitin ran. For aate by C. B. Bat*- nell. druggist. —Tbs Hatches orchard* are mum am sals at Goodwin. Hoobacb A Funky's. Thaas Its seta tract* slfrri to the city me offered at a vary low Ague aad with terms to suit. • —Farmers nasd not *eod seal for their as*da, aa Fawcett Bras, hare opened op a fall Basel grass aad garden *asda. Their prkaa are tbs same aa isatarn firm*. Their assda are all fresh, and are grown by the hast market gardeners. 1-1 m. —For your luxuries, call at the Candy Factory, far there can bs found the choic est candles and the finest tropical fruit*, aocb a* Waahington naval oranges, fancy Miefly lemons by wholesale or retail, Smyrna, as wall aa California flgs, date*, nota. and. in fact, everything that ia to be had here that a firat-dam saUbHahinent el thbUnd carries. Com* one and all and try soase of that pure unadulterated candy that la made bars every day. 1-1 m. P. J. Hanna. Prop. —*hlsu*e Arnica Salve Is the best salve in the world lor cuts, hnriem, eoree, ulcers, salt rheum, fever aorta, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coma, and all akin erupt lona, and positive ly cure* piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price * cents par box. For aalc by C. B. BuahneU, druggist. Tkt R«« MtlUff. Too have heard your friends and neigh bow talking about it Too may yourself baoMoi the many who know drain per aoaal experience joat bow good a thing it la. If yon have erer tried It, you are ooe of Ita ataunch friends, becaoae the won derful thing about it la, that when once giwo atrial, Dr. King's New Diacovery erer altar boUa a place in the house. If you bare never used H and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chert trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaran teed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at C. B. BuahneU’s drug ■loro. —EnrjUdjrorp ottoman shook!bare! oo their toilet stand s bottle o( Dataid’s Specific. There is nothing like it lor re ! naoring blemishes from the skin, coring > nasal catarrh, poison oak', warts and i tomeroos growths and running norm. Hander lest from uncomfortable shorn are instantly rellevod fry Dotaid’s Specific. BOOTS, S RUBBER At Oo Notice Is give moth stock of MT now being elos stock consists of Slippers, Robb I. R. D Field & Meyer, Oily (Heat pun, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCH ERS AND PACKERS, g^-North Y»>lmi, Washington Territory. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. Northern Paoilio E. E. y VIA cascad* division. . The only Use running Pultamn False* Bleeping Can, msgnlßcent day roach**, and Klegut Bmignit SleeplM Coacbes, with Bartha Pra* at Coat. FROM OREGON AND WABHIWOTON.POINTB Totlie East, VIA *T. PAUL AMD MIMNB APOLIH. Th* Only TranstonUnenUl Lin* Banning PALACE DINING CARS (Meal*. 76 Grata.) Fastest time ever mode from the Coast, over th* ■OtTHERI PiCfflC I. 8. To Bleu City. Couaell Bluffs. St Joseph. A Whi te*. Leavra worth, Kansas City, Barliagtoa, Qnlnry. ST. LOrin, CHICAGO, Aad all point* throoghont the last and South east via St Fan] and MianeapoUs. nilou Sleeping iccouoditlou Can be secured in advance. EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS At* hauled on regular Express Trains over th* entire length of the N. P. R. E. Ccmmmtkm mad* at Pt- Panl sad M loncapoUa fo all points Bast. Sowth and Southeast. _ I Throws* tralaa tear* Yskiaa for «t. Panl at iUSa. ml • ; TVmtk trains for Portland and all point* on 1 and Caaeada dtrlstaa. at V.W p. con- with boata for olnta on airmail points la tha United lans* an# Canada, TVUt AfHt. North Yahisuk A. D. Cußiins. Assl -mrf Piiainw fount. »a Ut PM sws.«>. entedw. Portland. Owpoa. ' - -oi; K <;W\ SIDNEY THj\ 6*HofoHT^ APPETIZER C'JRE: IfiDIGtSTION Difa^nr. FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES. ■ , cTARKM£O/C/iv f ' 0 Lang-Staading Blood Dlaaaaaa arw cured by the poraevartn* use of AywW Barnaparllla. This aMdletaa la aa AHeraUre, aad (MM a radical change ia the system. The proem*, io aom* came, may no* bs qnitc *o rapid a* ia oth«i*; bat, with M For two jwu* I suffered from a as* aaagrjLdpjcap.sgl ss#ua Lawrence at.. Lowell, Mam. Last May a Urge carbuncle brake e«t on my ana. The usual remedies bad ns effect aad 1 waa confined to my bad far eight weeks. A Mead aae to try Ayer** Saraabarm*. Lem than three bottle* bealed the aeee. In *ll my expe rience with medicine. 1 never saw aaors Wonderful Results. And her uM elect d the nee d ihle medicine wee the .irennhenlß* d my etglit.*’ —Mm. Cento Adame. Holly hprlofe, Taaea. “I bed e dry ecely humor (or yearn. SET d?.' MT <d iSjK F10.,) racooi a* to Uko Ayer’s R?» jOSOti j lemuiineiwn bh w i* ■ -— w - satsiitss CktahwiM., Haw York City. “ Last fall and winter I was troubled with a dull, heavy pain la mj tide. I did not notice M iueh at Ant. bat H gradually grew wane until It became almost unbearable. During the latter part of this time, disorders of the stom ach aad liver increased my troublee. I began inking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, aad. after faithfully continuing the nee of this medicine for eaoM months, the pula disappeared and I was completely eurad/ 7 —Mrs. Augusta A. Fur bush, Haverhill, Mess. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, rnsranas ar Pr- 4. C. Ayer ft Co.. LawaM. Math Met fl;rts bodies, *l. Worth ftsbsMla. HOES AND GOODS, GLO st. A n to the Public essers. Haines ed ont and must an elegant line er Goods, Olov AWSON, A Complete Line el HaiMtSaNHiitVkiK&lßTit&c. Raa put been received by Alex. It. Sinolair, at hta Haraem Shop on YakHaa*p«poe. TbeaeGoodaareal the heat make, aad are aoM at prleea guaranteed to be a* LOW AS THE LOWEST OfM l» Ih. City of North Repairing a Specialty. ALEX. B. MNCIoAin, Yakima Are. (uw Depot). North Yakima. New Sim! i» M! art iw Prices I HENBYDITTER’S Lame aid Vented M of New Goods, —Comprising all the latest Novelties in— Ladies’ Dress Goods, Gents’ Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c., Have Now Arrived., Ami are offered (or sale, at u Close Margin of Profit, in (be elegant Brick store building of the First National Bank. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND GET PRICES. Allen & Chapman, DRUQaiSTS. Keep elvers on band all that is pertaining to their trade. None bat pare med id dm and chemicals dispensed. Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated by a Competent Pharmacist. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. A Ur* Line of Paint*. OiU, Wall Paper, Ulaae, Patty. S**h and Doom, and aee na in our Coramodioaa and Leautiral Quartern. m Terr Met Brails ttbr Vet ul inportcl Clears. Comer Yakima A venae and Second Street. .... North Yakima. J. T. mniIJUN. o. W. RODMAN. Rodman & Eshelman, Bel Eitnc el lie Mills! Money to Ixmn on Moit Mills ÜBa ail Fmaitr EaiUil mrNoi-Bisiiaits. Rwlal attention U nM to Ik* Oraat Ramiaa la Ano Troeta aad Dm Forty ttoft o"iko mot Oardea taod (balaaro of the Te»o Raack) whM* win W tftwt for a low day*. City Lota and Farm Property Sought and Sold. Taklaa Aranao aad eaoowd Wwatt ipaalf Fir* Xaileaal Rank. SLIPPERS! VES, &C. t Cost. that the Ham & Trayner Is be sold. The of Boots, Shoes, es. See. Assignee. HUGO SIGMUND, THK LRADINQ PHNI TAILOR, FIRST ST.. NORTH YAKIMA. Domestic and Imported Goode made up In the lataat aljrlea aad at reaeonable frits. Agency tor the Celebrated IJght-rnnnlng Domestic SKVD6 IACHIIB, Pnrebaaa no other. Give me a rail 1. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, I*OOTB AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES. J. O’. ARMSTROUTQ, • • Conin' Pint atreet and Yakima Avenue. A complete line of el) of the commoditiee enumerated above win be loond at thla atom, and a general reqoeet la Bent forth to the public to call and exam ine the price, and quality of the Oooda. J. of. Arnintrong 1 . “BOARD.™’TRADE” SALOON AND BILLIARD w.t.t. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Constantly on Hand. o A. Churchill, Prop. OT-OnoUU N. ». Dmx Nertk Tathaa, tut T«. BHAKESPERIAN ! Kiko RiOAftMll;—"A Rone! a Hone I Uy Kingdom (ora Uoiml IMntotaktklato tb« Pm plan’s Picnic Harness store, Art hare hare hiss fittingly caparisoned, and at the same time get the trappings at tba Very In Frits at flick Jones in Offerinc Hit liceiient Goods!” J&ZSS&£rSi MUSS.*!*""- b-M--muht -muht ha^veroomi W.F.Jonea GUILLAND HOUSE n«*T mnr, north yakiua. D- C3-ullleiiidU Prop. "*•*» TB-RlB Iw m .efoßmm.lHM I. IN. oil, RATES. H.u TO PE* DAY, According to Moom. tm ■■ I lal rates to regular bnardm^B BARTHOLET BROS.