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THE YAIHA IMP. HD I COB, PtwtMHl nSCBS BTUW TBIWMI. 12.00 PKR ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. llnMk lata I'pa Afflkatta. K.M. Hasp. Editor and Business Manager. NEW COURT HOUSE. Ita Board of Tirade of our city, at ita last regular meeting, appointed a commit tee to memorialise our county fathers to taka the necessary steps towards con structiag a suitable county court bouse and hall of records. This is a asovs in the right direction. The wooden structure on Second street in this city, which now offers an excuse for county buildings, in oM sage brush limes answered the purpose. Then we lived La kg cabins and were, per force of neces sity, satisfied with our surroundings. Mow, being enveloped by beautiful man sions and stately houses of commerce ami trada, our old court house is as much out of place as the cowhide boots of the miner in Ita boudoir of a society belle. Lmv ing out the nathelie. there are sufficient and cogent reasons which should cause and compel the erection of suitable county Property in Yakima has become very rateable and is continually appreciating. Oar public records. evidencing transac tions and titles running ap into the mil lions, moot be preserved. Their present receptacle is inconvenient, circumscribe.! and absolutely unsafe iaeaaeof fire. Our county officers are not fittingly or, as in the instance of the county treasurer and school superintendent, at all provided with offices. The sheriff, auditor and . probate Judge are supplied with dingy, confined rooms, which, from courtesy per haps, are styled offices. Our court room it like a great barren hay loft—has no jary rooms or waiting apartments for wit nesses. The judge is entirely without “chambers'’ sod dependent upon the hos pitality of the profession. The vault, in which our most valuable papers are stored, the records of our property and valuable estates of deceased persona and minor heirs, is a miserable pile of brick, which will crumble before a fire as a snow-flake exposed to the foil rays of a July sun. We have had to sustain financial loss and great inconvenience from former loss of our county records by fire, and we should gain wisdom from experience. Yakima county is growing—is fast fill ing op with a thrifty populatioo-ia be coming wealthy. Our public offices must be so arranged and equipped as to enable onr public servants, judicial, executive and ministerial, to perform the many vaviad and constantly increasing duties thsy have to perform. The Hksalo hopes that onr county commissioners wUI look at this matter with a large and wise econ omy. and by proclamation submit the qnsteion of a proper county building at the general election to be held on the 14th of | We are satisfied that there wifi he but one report from onr taxpayers —that ample, commodious, safe and ele gant county offices awl court room be at, THE DfNG-DOSOISO OF DOTAGE. Papa Holton is getting worse with the J creeping on of old age. He has always I base a subject of queer fancies and hallo- j ciaations but of late three have taken a Boors fantastical tom. Heretofore these 1 tanneries have centered in the belief that < ha carried the vote of the republican party fa hie ioride pocket, hot latterly, | while maintaining the old, his mind has taken on a new and brilliant fancy. For several wanks past bis paper, the Republic, l has portaarioQsly rumbled and grumbled about Ha being boycotted or “done up" fa some tort of shape by somebody or something This was never understood by tho readers of the JtrpeMr but now at great azpenas the Hnuu> is enabled fa praankt the farts at emanating from hpa Bolton himself There has been a plot. A deep, dark plot ▲ plot no vUlianona In conception •a was the plot of Macbeth, and this pint bad for Ha object the downfall of the Hr pntffe. The conspirators ss nominated in lowered voice and mysterious manner by Papa Holloa were Edward Whitson, John : <l. Boyle, H. J. Pnlvely, J. B. Reavis, and E. M. Bead. What a fearful com bination. Their nameo alone would con vict them In any court of justice were H not lor the fact that the object of the com ■ Melon of crime is generally enquired Into and la this case no object could be conjured up for doing away with any- thing bo hamlet* ae the /fcpaWic. Tie ■iacwely hoped that dotage hen not faet- MMd He Ninaous tentacle* upon poor Pape Holton, bat the indication* point moat atroogfy that way. Ann who now are being canvassed for dalagstes to the constitutional convention ? Why, John O. Boyle and H. J. Hnively. The Mould was solicited to one its influ ence to the election of these two men by that astute politician. P. Hanford Burke. Boy Is ami Hniveiv are both good men, but the Hanaioeant support them. Therein esmstbiag move wanted than the fact of • ■mb being food. We want the beat ■MB, and men who are identified with the BPBBtry in wave more binding than steeply siskisg or holding ottice. hnni U making her moral cpaitn peoAtahls. Up to a week ago she ha. I arrested fifty-six of the acarlet women, and eedseted f 2175 in fimw-to apply on street week. At the present rate of am ate the immoral poor will largely re-' 4ms the assessment rate of the virtuous I Heft. | It now seems that Ralph W. Wheeler was appointed receiver of the U. 8. land ailti at Beattie and not Major J. K. Hay den, ns was reported by telegraph. The Major swears by his own great beard that tell tees from aM farting of chagrin and YAKIMA IH It llllA jlarrawMata All ! BalMlßf* OHO <• k*CM(traru vA—Other Intmtllßß IMn. The school directors, at the urgent re quest of many citixenl who realise the present need of more school room am! the otter inadequacy for the future, wOT cal! an election for the first Saturday in June ! foe submission to a vote the question of i building a |oooj addition to the present I public school building, or the erection of a new brick building, to coat SIO,OOO, on . the west aids of the track. The Board of Trade has appointed a I committee, consisting of Dr. W. F. Morri son. Edward Whitson. J. M. Stout and J. B. Reavis, to lay before the county com missioners, at the May term, the reasons recognised by all why there should be built a new court house adequate to the needs of the county and in keeping with the present wealth of the county and ita future prospects. Messrs. Goodwin A Pngaley report their sales of Yakima realty for the month of April, to date, as upwards of sfio,ul)o. Fred R. Reed telegraphed from Tacoma Wedneaday that be liad that day disposed of ten thousand dollars’ worth of Yakima avenue real estate. J. J. Tyler is building a two story dwelling house of seven rooms on the Third street property recently purchased by him. Some eastern capitalists have recently l«en overlooking tl* Sunnyside country ami have decided on building a system of irrigating ditebea to reclaim that fertile country. Outside capital is iw ready for invest ment in Yakima. The returns have beet so (treat, and the conditions are so favor able, that little persuasion Is required U induce its coming here, li is claimei that a million and a quarter of dollars o foreign money Is now invested in Yakinu realty ami improvement enterprises., The county commissioners at the Ms; meeting should posh the matter of open Ing and improving Second street from gs] to gup. This is a natural thoroughfare, and at comparatively small expense it can now be made one of the moot useful avenues in this section, and certainly aa attractive a drive as can be found in the Negotiations are on flout lor the sale of the opera house property, which, if con summated, will result in Mr. Switaer building a new temple of Thespis to cost «SO,UX>. He has already made arrange ments for the money, and so confident is he lliat the transfer will be made that he la now looking around for a desirable location lor the proposed building. Messrs. Cadwell and Goodwin A Pugs* ley will comment's the building of some cottages on the tract of land recently pur chased from John Reed. R. T. Vining. of Tacoma, this seek purchased of Pave Wilson 50 feet on Yakima svenue, adjoining the new hotel, together with r half interest In the divis ion wall. Mr. Vining will immediately begin work on a two-story brick to rover his new acquisition. The stone for the foundation of the new two-story, fifly-fuot brick, to be erected on the corner of Second and A streets, is being hauled and work will commence as soon aa the plans, which are In the hands j of Architect Arnold, are completed. The wooden baiting, on the earner of Yakima avenue and Second street, oppo . site the First National bank building, is on stilts preparatory to removal to make j way tor the new three-story brick to be I erected by Messrs. Lewis, Engle sad Terry. < • Tke OyMlsf of Oklskaan. i ” The Oklahoma, after yean of delay, has II bean opened to the settler. The event was one of the maet remarkable on record. | The trains oyer the Santa Fe road from I Kansas City, on Monday, If they had I been coupled together, would hare reached . over a mile, and great caravans of wagons I and thousands of horsemen were all handed the same way In one wild rush to I get the most desirable of the lands. The i crowds were composed mainly of specu lators and thieves, with a sprinkling of i farmers. Hie town of Guthrie sprang up , j in an hour, with n bank, a daily, news* t paper, and other business houses, sad the . | city elect ton which was held the flret day , 1 showed a poll of asarly «10u0 votes. r When the hour of noon came end the II signal was given that the boomers could , cross ths dead line, the rush was on peered . dented. Drivers galloped their horses, and when they found they wcee not get t i ting along kal enough they cut the tugs . 1 which bound their horses to the wagons 1 i and mounting poshed on with the Icad- e 1 era, leaving the “prairie schooners’’ where . I they stopped to cave for themselves. Oklahoma was opened without blood i shed, but every lot and quarter section is guarded with rifles. Tim motto of Washington territory is “Alki.” Thin Is a Chinook word, moan- [ ing by-and-bv or after awhile. The coat of arm* in connection with which thin motto a|**arn represents a scene of rotn , metre, with a city, port, of entry and fit carnet* at the wharf. Now that we hare "got there,” so to *|ieak, this word "Alki,’: whk'li means by-and-by, might appropriately be changed to the Chinook 1 word “Alta," which means now or at the preterit time.—.Spoken* Foil* JUrietr. Evidently the administration is making 1 it so umxmifortable for bold-ovsr officials Os to make their resignations a relief to them. Among the later resignations an nounced are those of First Comptroller of < the Treasury Durham and superintendent of foreign mails, Nicholas M. Bell. The Mg mill of the Tacoma ft Ht. Paul, . lumber company started up at the funner i place on Monday. It has a capacity of j 280,000 fret of lumber per day and cm- j ploys 300 men. A twin mill will lie built by the same company. The crew and passengers Mlthe wrecked | steamer Denmark, numbering 78}, were ; saved by the steamer Missouri. The i Drama* >u abnndoocd In • .inking .condition. Paid Dkailv roa II» Spam;.— l On Son day night a voung Englishman named William Carroll paid a severe penalty for a thirty days' spree. About midnight, while* loaded to the guards, be attemjrted to cross Uie railroad track in order to find shelter in one of the cabins ou the west side. He was so full that he neither saw nor heard an approaching freight train, and the result waa that he was knocked down and his left font cruslied in such a manner that amputation was found nee- MMrr, I*. ttK.Muted by Italian il(« •nd S.V.BT, took off tb* injnm! mtmber •I * point a few leeliee ebon the enkle. Carroll is now being cared for by the authorities and is getting along nicely. Fisk at Font Simcok. —On Friday night of last week the large building used as the girls' dormitory ami boarding hrtise at Fort Slmcoe caught fire from cause un known and quickly burned to the ground. The building was formerly used as the barracks of the fort but for some years it i has been the quarters of the Indian maidens attending the school.’ So quickly did the building burn that nothing was saved except some wearing apparel. The original coat of the structure was (BJuO. Pcauc Rkadinos.— Miss Ida K. Hinds, a public reader, who carries among other strong endorsements letters from Rev. Theo L. Cuyler and the late U. 8. Senator; John A. liOgan, will give an entertain- 1 ment, embracing recitals and impersona-, tions, at the Opera House Monday and | Tuesday evenings, May Oth and 7th., Miss Hinds will make her appearance, here under the auspices of the Indies’ Aid society of the M. E. church. Ponuxii, Yakima axd Bpok.\nk Sra* vxy.— Engineer OJlbe came in from the mountains on Saturday last after addi tional supplies for his party. He reported that there was a natural grade for a rail road for the first twenty milea. He is now pushing his lines through the Lewis river pam after which he will take eleva tions in the Cowlits pass and after send ing in his reports will push on toward Fort land. i Cowko w C. Coop’s Kipw i curriculum, which inrlode* Prof. Buck ! toy’s drove of sixteen educated bones, j p nies and donkeys, will he here early in June, and give an entertainment at the opera house. This company has twenty two people including a tine brass hand and requires three cars for transportation of properties. Plan.—At North Yakima, Friday, April 19, at the residence of his slop-son, John A. Leach, Stephen Finer, aged 85 years. Thrj Keep Only the Best* Jovial Joseph Appel and Farmer I. T. Keene desire to inform the wayfarer that they maintain, a caravansary on Yakima avenne where the verv I jest wines, liquors and cigars are kept, and those desiring refreshments of this nature are cordially ‘ Invited to call and sample the “goods.” Iffskllrssi, Take Notice. In accordance with the recommenda tion of the Yakima county republican central committee under date of April 17,' 1889, the republicans of North Yakima precinct are hereby called together in mass meeting at the council chamlter in the city of North Yakima on the 27th day of April, 1889, at 2 o’clock p. in., for the purpose of electing sixteen delegates to the county convention which meeta on May 1, 1880, to elect delegates to the con stitutional convention. W. J. Mii-rov, Chairman Precinct Committee. —Esbelman Bros, have lately reverted tl»e agency for the “Sterling” and Krak ner Bros, pianos and Fsley organ, and ’ hare added to their stock all sorts of musical instruments, as well as a great l variety of sheet 'musk. In order that* more of the public may purchase these 1 instruments, they have been placed at a \ remarkably low price. This n**w brineb, together with their new and large stork 1 of stationery, will mak> their place of business more attractive. Visit their ■tore and they will gladly entertain yon. whether you wish to buy or not. a 25. Tke Home MsfplN «wMe. A handsome illustrated catalogue for spring and summer of this year lias just been issued by Messrs. Toklas. Singer man A Co., of Seattle, the leading dry goods merchants on the coast. The work covers a wide range of gooala, including everything to be found in ladies’, men’s, youths’, bpys’ and chil dren’s apparel, housekeeping goods, house furnishing goods, traveling outfits, etc. It enables outside customers to do their ■hopping by mail or express, equally as wed as if they made a special trip to Seat tle for the purpose, and it.acquaints them with the very latest Parisian aud Eastern styles. No household without it. . Copy mailed free to any legible address. Liwym a Cmgrm. Last congress had 107 lawyers in if. This congress has Sit lawyers In it. Ohio bad twenty-one in lost congress. , J Ohio has twentv in this congress. The presidents are usually lawyers. The rab : net Is roads up of lawyers. The sen atom are mainly lawyers. The representatives are mainly lawyers.' The ministers to foreign courts are law* 1 r*** , , , MHiMMrLU. . The folios ing letters remain unclaimed in the postoflke at North Yakima, Waal.*; Ington, April ft. Iftftft. In calling for the, same please say “advertised 1 Cooper, J R-* roldsell, Rd i Clsk. Ritchie ftriggs, W A i Harley, Patrick Jacobson, Paul i Heaton, Have Henning, II ; Hay, Joseph Herald. Oantie Holly, R C King. Thomas Mattison. Oeo Montgomery, R T i Moore. Jack McArthur. P J ; Plumb, A F fthnpson, Kd»in F. Sieavens, Hal • Htone, Charlie i , Wigland, Wm A Wilaon. J B 1 Wilgus, Albert Williams. A H O. W. C-uutr. P. M. Notice of Dissolution. VOTB'I 1* hereby (Iren that the Inn of' i Kershaw A Meksun, hatchers, First nrwt, North \ nkium, W. J., haa this day lets din-, »*dl»y mutual (onset*, Jam* Dickson retlH ( ! In*. Win. H Keraha*, bavin* purchased ttad ■ IMI are lut«-r»t. will i»mim all tWlndabtadnnm of the firm mvl enliart <Q) moncvtdue mid Arm. ' WX. IT. KERSHAW. I JVM K. 4 Pit' KdON | Noah Vhkiwa. Jhpril 24. Us-. a» mv« I Notice to Creditors. Kttalf o/ Mat jr L. Monitor, PecrauJ: 1 "VTOTICK Is hereby Riven by the nndarsigned a.h%"wi i,-. i s arar ■ i ceased aud the community property of Mid de ceased and Walter F. Morrison, her husband. to . exhibit them with the necessary voucher* with- . in one year from the publication of this notice u* the mid administrator at the office of Keavl*. Hi»v* *t* raves. the name being the place for the I transact ton of the business of Mid estate. In the i city of North Yakima. Yakima County. Wash ington Territory. w \l TEH F. MORUiHON. Admiuixlralor of the Rafale of Mary I- Mur* Inson. Deceased. Dated April Zi, ,*O. nl mp I Nellrc for l uMUaIUn. Land Omr* at Nokth Yakima, \V. T.,J 1 April 12th. 1W». | TVOtlrß la hereby given that the following *■ . named settler has Ale I notice of her !a-. lentlua to make Anal proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will he made before the register and receiver at the U. H. land office. North Yakima, osi June ii. nets. vlx: . MAKY BAkTU, who made homestead application No. ;n« fur the | se 1 .. «er a . twp ft, ■r» a. ' t*ne names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Fred Warueke. Jasper Mlk kalaon, I* W. Cook. Grant W right. all of Posner. Washington Ter. Any person who desire* to protest against the si low mire of *urh (woof, or who knows any substantial reason, under the law and regulations of the Interior (lepartment. why surh proof should U ot be allowed, will be given an opportunity at tue above mentioned I lime and plat ato rross-cxsinlno the wltnexrr* of | Mid elalraanl. and to uflhr evidence In rebattal I of that submitted by elahaaut. aißm» IRA M. KKIT*. Register. Satire far Fahllmtlnn. i Land OrrH’K at North Yamka. \V. T..1 ’ April ITtii. 188 M. f "V*OTICK I* hereby given that the following lln settler has AWd notice of hi* Intention to .make Anal proof in support of his claim, and ' that Mid proof will tie made behwc register and receiver at North Yakima. W. T.. on June Ist. I IMP. Vit: I jamkh a. Ml HICK (of Brown. W. T.), who made ltd. application No. ft*, for the ■*>{ tec. 4. two TV K. i. K. w. m. He names the following witness**) to prove hts ronrinimns reaidenre iipon aud oiltuailon of Mid laud. vl«; A.-f. Keteharo. It. V.. Martin. J. O. Holph and J. W. |ir»wu, all of Blown I*. «>.. W. T. Any person who desire* to potest again*! Hu* allowance of aueh proof, o» who knows any eti i -*tant Ist I reason, under the law and t-rmla- Ilona of the Interior Department. why such proof should not be allowed, will he given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and idaee to cross-examine the witnesses of Mid elalmant, and to ufler evidroec In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. IRA M KRIT*. Decider. Muller For I'ubllrnllon. Land Office at Nauru Yakima. W. T.,1 April ISth, UWH. • \ ; mfOTH'l I* hereby given that IV following named settler bus filed notice of h;* In tention to make Anal proof hi support of hi* claim, and that said proof will be nr!« More the register iind imfvtrU the r. M, land oiAce at North t akima, W. T.. on June J. lota, via; j JAKFER K. ARMSTRONG (of HmWII, W. J.>, I who mad* homestead application No. 527 for the i ■wl* arc i 4, twp 7. n r J# e. Hr naan'* Ihe follow in* witnesses to prove 1 hi* continuous reaMeifee upon and cultivation of «ald laud, via: A.« . Keteh .m, H. W. Mar tin. J. O. Kolpb, J. W. r>rown, nil of Prosser, «. T. Any person who desires to protest against the allownnee of such proof, oi aho known of any substantia) reason, under the law ami regn lationa of the Interior Department why »neh proof should not be allowed, will be (ben an opportunity nt the above mentioned time and place to crons examine the witnesses of *aM * claimant; and to other evidence In rehnttal of that submitted by claimant. IRA M. KRUTZ, Register. MOTIfF FOB Pt Bl.lf'ATlO*. b»Omtt AT North Yak' Ma. W. T.,» *t March 2Mb. imp. » N OTH K IS hereby liven that the fob lowlng named settler has filed notice of hi* Intention to make Anal proof In snp- ’ port of hi* preemption claim, and that said proof will he made before the register and re ceiver rt .North Yakima. W. T.. on May .4th. DANIEL O. GOODMAN, who Bled his declaration No. IK7. for the sf** • of See. A Twp. I. N. R.a E. w. ns. He names the following witnesses to prove hts rnutlnuons residence npon snd cultivation of said land vln: Andrew S. MeDanioL of Yak- Ima. W.T: Nicholas MH or. of North Yakima. WAT.; Jock Moncan and J as. Foley, of Prosser, 1 W. T. Any penon who desires to protest against the allowance of sneh proof, or who knows of l any substantial reason, under the law and, the regulations of the Interior Depart ment. why such proof should not he allowed, , will be atven an opportunity at the above men-; tinned time and place to rmaa ('.amine the wlt , nesses of aid el si maul, and hi «Aer evidence In . rebutal of that submitted by claimant. marCi-myt. . IRA M. KRCTZ. Register. b TltliiM Main HWrirt Uh Min at Mk YaUsa. R. T. i Land Omni at North Yakima, W. T. J March 28,1880. f IN the matter of fbeht. Joseph catholic Mis slon Claim, In sections u and IS, twp 12. North of Ranee 16 E.. and In sections 7 and 8 twp. it North of Ranis 17 E.. w. m. contain-: ln f. ArtSdlei Jnnaer, Roman ratholl- bishop i of the dloresa of Neeqnally, which diocese In-, elndes all of Washington Territory, do hereby 1 . respectfully make this my appllealion as sneh hisnop of said diocese to prove the riiht of the M. Joseph Roman Catholic Mission to six hun dred and forty acme of land aa a missionary sta tion amoni the Indian tribes, under the provis ions of the acts of Commas, of Anxest 14, IMB, Pth mats, page S3, and March 2.18.3,10 th Stats. pa*e 1 78. The said lands claimed by the said M. Joseph Roman catholic Mission helm parts of aretions If And IS. twp. 13 N R 18 E. and parts of sections T and la. twp 12 N R 17 B of the M il ia mette Meridian, situate In Yaktsna County, Wasbinfftou Territory, remaining all hundred and forty acre*. And Ido hereby lire notke of my intention to Vaakc proof to ertahlish the claim of the said M. Joaeph Catholic Mission to said land, and that I expect to prove the oecu pstlon of mM land by mid At. Joseph Roman Carbolic Mission so as to entitle if to n patent under and by virtue of said Acts of Cop arses.' before the register snd receiver pf the Yakima . Land Office on Ibe »7th day of Jnne, DMA. by the 'following wltne**. to-wlt* Kngeno Casljnere . chUousc pud Louis Joseph !>'her homes, of New Westminster. British Columbia: Kdwaffl Crate. , of Dalles City. Ureion: James Hartney and Na poleon MrGillivarv. of the city of Vancouver, * Clarke county. Washlniton Territory; and doe i nmentary evidence tr he submitted on tbchear *lsi of said matter. • ABOIDITA JI’MOIR, Bishop of the Diocese of Neenualiy. ■sar-mjrtW IRA M KRCTZ. Regfser. Spinning & Robertson,. V. • • W . k Real Estate, INSURANCE, ,r *- ».* i.„ v + ‘ * •* Have choice Business, Residence and. Acre property listed. It is conceded ' * that now is the accepted time to make first class investments. .... JKOTtCE FOB Ft'BMCATION. i Lind Omr* at North Yakiha, W. T.,l i • * Unrh 11, l«a>. ( | j XTOTICK Is hereby glvaa that the following is named settler baa Bad notice of his Inten-! ; iTon to make Ana) proof la support of ills claim. i , hnd that Mid proof win be made before the reg-1 J later tod a|. (forth Yakima, w. T., on ; Wit J JAM X. BA DC KM. 1 Komeatend Nff.hh4.tor theW« of the swli of the aU of the set*. and lo« 8. sec 8. two ft. X R 27 K, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultl varlon of Mid laud. vU: John Chisholm, Holo won \\ eblwr. Robert Badger, Thorpe Roberta, all •f Yakima Co., Wash. Ter. Any person who de sires to protest against the allowance of such tioued time and place to cross rttamlne the wit nesses of mid elalmant, and to offer evidence in ' rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. J. M. THOMAH, Register. | notice ioh pt'ATioN. Land Omci at North Yakima, V. T.,i March 21, 1889. J NOTICE Is hereby given that that the follow ing named settler has Aled.notice of his intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that mid woof will be made before the register and receiver at North A aklma on the ‘ Tth of May .aft*. Tf«: jamcm conncll, homestead application No. NO. for these 1-4 of see 34. In twp T S K2>K. He namas the follow • Ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence I upon, aAd cultivation of, said land. Ylx; A. C. I Kctrhnm. Samuel .( armies 1. Robt. Bales, Bing ; ham Martin. Any person who desires to protest against the allowaure of sarh proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law ' and regulation* of the Interior Department, why i such proof should not be allowed, will be given ! an opportunity at the above mentioned time aud : place to cross examine the witnesses of Hid 1 claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of , that submitted by Hid claimant. .IRA M. KRL'TZ. Register. NOTICE FOB PI BLICATION. ' Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.J March 11,1889. ) ■ 'V r OTICE Is hereby given that the following i\ named settler ha* Bled notice of his Inten tion to make Anal proof in support of hla claim, and that Hid proof will be made before the reg ■ i »er and receiver at North vaklma. W.April -Mb, IM. via: WILLIAM O. THOMPSON, homestead No. AM, (or the seW, see 80, twp 7, N K;« E. He immea the following wltneaaes to i prove his continnuus residence upon and cultl- , j vatlon .of aaid land, via: A. Ketpbam. R. K. I Martfn, John W. Brown. Joseph Wallfc. all of Brown P. 0.. Wash Toe. Any person who de sires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows any substantial reason, un der the laws and regulations of the Interior De : partment, why such proof should not bewllowed will be given au opportunity at the ahpvc men tioned time and place to cross-examine the *U : neaaes ol said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that Submitted by Mid claimant. J. H. Tlf OX AN. Register. ' NOTICE FOB FA BRICATION. Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.,( i March 11,1JWB. \ ; XTOTICK la herby given that the following ' A named settler has A led notice of hla Inten-1 lion to make Anal proof In support of his claim, i ■'and that Mid proof will be made before the reg- 1 later aud receiver at North Yakima, w. y., on April 27. IM. via: ANDREW A. THOHFBUM, homestead No. 243. for |he nw l i see tt, twp 7, N j R AJ E. w. m. He name* the.following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and ml-, . Ovation of Hid land, vis; A. C. Ketrhsm, B. F. . Martin. John W. Brown. WHUam Fox. all of Brown P. 0,. Wash. Ter. Any person who de sires w proles* against the allowance of saeV . proof or who knows of any substantial reason, under the lan- and regulations of the Interior 1 department,^Why such proof should not be'hl lowed, will he given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examlnA the witnesses of Mid claimant, and to offer evidence lu rebuttal of that submitted by elalmant. . J. If. THOMAH. Register. - NOTICE FOB Pf HI.irATIOM. Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.,J ’ March 11,1889. f IN named settler has died notice of bis Inten tion to make Anal proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made lie fore the reg l«ter and receiver at worth raklma, w. t., on April 38. IBK9, vis: At OfffTTff C. KrTTHVM, » - ■ homestead No. *SB. for the sr l , see 18. twp 7. N R26E. w. in. He names the following Witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon and rul tivation of said land, viz: Jcfi, Myricl. J. w! ' Brown. B. W. Martin, Wm. Fox. all of vakima co., wash. ter. Any person who desires to pro test against the allowance of sneh proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulation* of the Interior department, why such proof should not he allowed, will be : given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place. Jo cross-examine the witnesses , of mid claimant, and to offer evidence in rebut tal ol that submitted by claimant. J. H. THOMAS. Register. | NOTICE FOB PI BL.ICATIOM. 1 Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.J April if, 18*?9. f • VTOTICR IA hereby given that the fol- I lowing named settler ha* filed aotlre 1 of to Is Intention to make Anal proof In support ; of bis claim, sin*, that said proof will bo made 1 before the Register and Receiver at the I*. A. l and oflee at North Yaktma, W. T.. pn the JOth of May. WW, vis: I William Fox. 1 Homestead Application 878, (or tha NW'A, Aec. to. Twp. 7. north range 28 K. * lie names tbs following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , saM land, vis: B. W. Martin, John W. Brown, J. M. Brown, A. C. K etc ham. «H of ’ Brown, Yakima county, w. r. Any penon who desire* to protent against the allowance of sneh proof, or who knows of any substantial : i reason, under the law and regulations of the In > terior Department, why such proof should not ’ I he allowed, wilt tie riven an opportunity nt •'» I above mentioned time and place to cram exam ' Inc the witnesses of such claimant, and to offer ri evidence la rebuttal of that submitted by , j claimant. . IRA M. f Motive for Publication. ’ Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.,l April Utb, 1880. ) • 'XJ'OTJCE Is hereby given that fhe following . named settlor baa AM notice of bis la, , tentlon to make Anal proof in support of his i claim, and that mid proof willße made befot* I the register and receiver at tho U. A. laud otflee, f North Yakima, on June 11. DMA. vis: » WM. T. RARTO, who made homestead application J«a 587 (or the i * ne 1 , sec JO, twp 8. r2> east. I. He naasca tbs following wltaemst to prove his .* continuous residence upon and cultivation of » mid land, vis: Feed Warneke, Jasper MtkkeT s sen, W. W. Cook. Grant Wright, all of Brasssr, t W. T. t Any perron who desires to iffotrot against tho . allowance of such proof, or who knows of any i- substantial reason, under the law and the regu , Ist lons of the interior Department, why rash > proof should not be allowed, will he given an '• opportunity at the above named time and place to croaa examine the witnesses of said claimant and tpofftr evidence In rebuttal of that submit . ted t* claimant t>Bmyßff IRA M. KRCTZ, Re^fetee. WAN. REED & Cl, Real Estate and Insurance, ~ Yakima -A-^r©mi©. TO THE PUBLIC: A few Bessons why North Yakima. Washington Territory U being M the moat . promising city in Central Washington: First—Because it hn* eight of the fiuesblargest the (treat Mate of Washington, and mmt fertile valleys In Washington territory Hixtb— Bceanae men wno me well known aa immediately tributary to It sweemalul. shrewd and long hen4sd, are making Bee and—The seasons are from four to eight largelnvcalments In NorttTVaklma and Yakima week* earlier than any other part of the north- county. west coast. Believing we are located in the moat favored Third—Because we have the finest and most portion of Washington Territory tor gardening, delightful climate in the PaHfie northwest. fruit growing and general agricultural purposes Fonrth—We are destined to become the great we invite all those who are looking for homes, truck garden of the coast, with a cash market business locations and manufacturing opportu lor our products on Puget hound. nities, to call on us at North Yakima, and, by Fifth—Being centrally located, we are recog- seeing for themselves, ho convinced, niaed as the desirable place for the capital of * -r - ’ . . * • ' i . ‘ ■ -* . . Nov is lit AccoMTint to H!: t *' I We hare now listed for saly. In addition to the . The opening of Bprtag will herald a sharper Ndrthem Pacific l ands, of Which wo are the advance in the realty of Yakima than has been local agents, some of the most desirable resi- realised daring the corresponding season lor dence and business Into in North Yakima, to- two years past: and it is a gether with farm property and garden tracts. • Well Eiiown Fact that wbile'all who have “dabbled in Yakima the best and*rolacd the meet money. dirt" have made handsome returns on thejr in- Let not the opportunity slip, but get in at vestments, thoee who hare availed themselves once and drill! ; of the winter months for purchasing have fared .}• ’* . CALL AND PLATS OF THE • • .* South Park Addition •j . • • . Recently placed on the Market. •' * V - . ••.* Mac Lean, Ttee<3. &c Go, : • j P. O. BOX. 271 HECHTER & LAW, Real Estate Agents, Have Circulars and Maps advertising Yak ima County and the City of North Yakima, together with a New Map of the ; City of North Yakima, And illustrated number of the “West Shore” Magazine for March, for Free Distribution. ' Call at sir office soil net any of this Hotter, Free of Cod! FEGHTER & LAW, BEAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE AGENTS, V.H». N'Hlon.l l»n>. ■ . ■ . Xoffb Trtlm. WMblamon “The Old Reliable,” GL W. CARY, • * •• • • !• ntill to bo found “doing business at the old atand,” on Yakima A vraa«. ... when will a taro |» found a complete atock of Greneral Merchandise, OonaiirtinK of DRY OOOPS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES. 4c„ 0 | nm niU, In -connection with (be non Mm. Ouy conduct* n Millinery Department, *■ EmbnKln* all the Intent ndvclllm in UdiM’Wear, i Yakima. Avo, North Yakima, W. T. Summit View! Now on Sa.l© by Goodwin <fe Pugsley. This Addition, platted into Acre Lots, af fords the finest view in or about North ‘ Yakima; the best-of soil; plenty gf water. IV FOB TEN DAYS! •at Low Prices and on very Easy Terras. terms and prices to builders. ■ ■ ■ ■■ ;o: Goodwin & Fugsley, <nrn nnr hatiomal lint.