UD « COB, .... . PwprWoa
iw mil
The Ilia tare el twn aezea of human ,
bain* accounts for marriage, and the ,
g|oaiaatotonef there eexea indicate that .
arret flag to aataral man ahonld j
tie contanl with one wife. The lecialalion |
dt civilised countries la baaed on thla iat- .
for aappoakkn, and were it not for vari
ena raatratnlaf taihsrerre, rerly marriages ,
would ha the rule, and ceUbatea of either ,
aaa be rate in every well regulated eon- ,
men tty. Marriage ia a delicate matter to
legtaktaefinn. Ie some of the conlinontaj
again of Kaeopa man ara forbidden to i
niarry and! they have foimiod a term of i
Military service, or unless they can give
security In the government that they can
pnvMa lor their taagifaa. Lawa to thla
agket check marriages, hot they also pro
man biegniar relation. damoratlaiog to
aorfaly and to ths individual.
Aaenreaaunltlia now old and wonhh
arcwaralatre, aimpla habits faU into dis
favor. boor own nontry, whan a lew
ggoanlian age yooof ano and women
wars take each other lor belter
ar wares, begin Ur In an hnnhla way.
ad onto la making hr thaianlvaa a
namlartvhia hone, girla saw aspect to be
giwvldad qwnrs equal to *t«— their
paianta have gained after yean of work,
whto yaaag naw am Mb to sacrifice any
ef the rejoymsnt. of torhetoebood by pro
vtdlng In awlfoontef their own aaninga.
Nekhre party is wholly to blame for this,
hr .erlati an ae ladiopcaad as their chil
dren n bevo marriage become aa oeraafoa
of eatopbg or of sensacrifice of any
kind. A highly moral or even utilitarian
view of the atostioo ns/ plan thing. b>
a Atonal tight, bat it Is hnprlna to at
tempt to torive Airadlaa simplicity ia
oar owa days.
Than la aaothar side from which mar
■ Magi nay ha regarded, sad mach prom
laaan haa bean given It by aciaotigc
man cf the material irtk school. They
hat they sen a gieet deel hr the phys
ical as! beiog of ths race. They
make proalaeet the evil results of per
pataetiag eoaeamptioo, scrofula, InaenHy
aad other dtonet ead show that roan
pnsoas oagkt aenr In many, aad that
the eapedleney of other alHancee Is at
lint doubtful No one win deny the
loathe of some of their raadoofoos, but
they gen to an to apply tbs laws of
slock naWag la a relation la which nan-
Island moral iagaaacaa have a predom
inant place While It lactam that than
ala nay pftatat who ahonld saver
marry. It la aqaeUy daar that people can
■to ka mads n regulate their action,
by tha lawa of aataral ealertiima alone,
■aiarehe the physical laton of the race,
■at thaw owa happfares, their rule of
Ike mm el aetonce are not the only
wH hi regelatere of matrimony. The
wprinfbi largely composed, we bo*
Uses, el these kmc haired men and short
Mas, ami (reqeent patrons of the divorce
eeerts wants to pvt marriage on whst to
tormed a setontfe heals. The passage ol
tomato onto* which shall do away with
the preset ay at i m and provide lor a coas-
Heanae meat ha a •perqeiaite to every
into*. AM lovers who da not pern mow
larer who wed without a Ikenaa are to
he lacked up far ona yarn and taxed dnr-
Ing BfoMl tom than lOper'ceot on their
Tha pant people who are new waiting
MeaP each ether hesband and wile need
ml be alarmed at this proposed circum
scription ol their rights. The maeritine
is not composed of the people whom any
•lata will be willing to intend with dm-
B. P. Dooglaa, a special agent of the
general hmd office lor the examination of
Savveys. la near inspecting the surveys of
Me UmeHßs remrvoMon, and from there
ha wfß same to Yakima to go over the
Mr. Dsoglas haa given it as his opinion
thnl a grant portion of the Yakfana rcssr
vntlen wfß aeon be declared open. The
assnsr this result to attained the greater
plsaaad the people will be. In this con
nection the Bpohane Falls Jlrrirw says:
”1t to gratifying to obemvethm a move
ment Ja being made all along the Hoe in
secure togtolstien from congress looking
to the opening el the vast Indian reserva
tions throughout the west, and It to even
■m «ilK>ln that mffn pmpto am
taptanl*. to pmiin that the went
mramy to Indian civilisation and advance- |
newt la the reawTallon ajetetn. It la ,
anw realised by then Informed on the i
aab)ert that the peeper way to ad ranee ,
the Indian In the matter of indnetry and ,
Intißlianpi lain bring him Into doaar i
ratal rone with white dviliutton and that
Ihla la impracticable aa len ( aa the mtr
eatien plan la adhered to.
b la arid that the leading dtlaaoa ot
TaVima an auklng plana lor aerating
the apaadag at the pari raafreallon in
that rallay, and tired they hare met with
aaaaangMat to hapa that the aaat ran.
peae will act la the matter. The Unde
ad the naarratlon am at the (neat qnallty
. arid wfll attract many thoaaaada el art
dm whMmr opned to occupancy.
Th< ww> iwH iVwNlmi tw in Inimiic
thi popalarton of North Yakima to tbt
m«t of 10,000 hi « wook should aa
. ordir go forth llko that opening the Okls-
TlB eminent Boston divine, who Mid
“themleen to to tho saddle,” evidently
had hM«d of a pony of brandy.—Boston
/b«. More Kkeijr the stirrup cwp.
OaOMB Fbaxcm Train hu been fasting
for arrcrnl days, taking nothing hots
|lsm of mUer and a bath daily. He con
tends that any man can live on ten cents
a day, hoi evidently is trying to improve
on the system.
It appears to be a neck-and-neck race
betwixt Seattle, Tacoma and Spokane
Falls as to which can sell the moat real
estate. Onthe'ttth alt. the record for
the year thus far stood: Seattle, $6,067,-
81162; Tacoma. $5,586,427.68; Spokane
Falls, $6,600.000.
Tas nomination by the repobihana of
Col. W. F. Prosser aa a delagan to lire
constitutional convention Is moot certain
ly a respectable one. Whether or not he
le the strongest man the’republkans Mold
have nominated remains to be told at the
polio. The factional fight in the con
vention would loti mate s doubt but then
may to harmony at ths polls. This
largely depends on the sagacity of tha
Will soma one picaM toll that ogre
gtoos ore who runs the Former to taka
out that standing tom-foolery which
toads the local colnmns in which an
many wonderful things an projected for
Yakima. II wc could only get that "pen
mansnt *275,000 state insane asyhrrn,"
which the Farmer haa projected tor as,
the Haaau> would suggest that It to
both around the northwest comer of
First and A etrtrta.
Taras was s light bool ana night this
weak la a pots, hot it Ad an material
damage.—lebyort, Cot., ZVmorral, April
U, Mt. Than wc are that North Yak
ima has equal immunity from Roof with
Central Californio The soma night of
oar boat in Yakima there was one of cor
naponding uaton and effect la Into
ooaaty, California. Hen, as than, many
localities wan entirely unaffected, and
also "did no material damage-’' Yakima
eon grow raoccoafolly tha grape aad apri
cots, or say fruit that can to raised with
profit ia central or northern California,
and enjoy equal freedom from the scourge
of the fruit-grower-apriag boeta.
Two democratic primaries for the choos
ing of delegates to tha convention to nom
inate a delegatee, or two delegatee, to the
constitutional convention, will to bald on
Saturday. It boa been tacitly agreed by
both ruling parties In this district that
one man bom each side to nominated in
Yakima snooty and another in Klick
itat county. Fro m this county the repub
licans have chosen Col. W. F. Prosser.
In Klickitat county theta will to no con
vention called, owing to the abortocm of
time and the Inactivity of lbs central
committee, hat the committee, will nom
inate a delegate from the county. Here
an Indications point to the nomination by
ths democrats of Hon. J. B. Brevis, and
a stronger or totter nomination could not
to mads. Mr. Brevis is In crery way
qualified to represent hia constituents
ably, fairly and well, and hia selection,
which sppann to to n foregone conclusion,
could not to bettered.
The following letters remain unclaimed
in the poatoffice at Yakima City. Wash
ington. May 1, 1889. In calling far tke
same please say “advertised:”
Ballard, D P Blomley, John
Colyerworth. H R Carpenter, H A
Caraall, A Crawl. Wm D
Collins, Thoe Gander,C-X
Davto. Davidson, Belle
Da via. M M Dally, Phil
Davis, Ed H Denton. JE
Dennis. O P Eagdabl, Mlaa Ella
Flynn, Jaa-S Green, Wm
Goodman, Dan Oibaon, Mrs Henry
Garrison, J H Gibson. Dr James
Gtsas, John E A
Haas. L Hartley, Chas-3
Harsh harper, B D Hatch, H
Know Hon, F B Kohler, H J
Knaack. Adolph-* Knaaek, Rudolph
Krowdad, August Kempter.
KrandeH, A 7 Loftus, Mtthaei
Mlnard, L H Monk, L R
Morphy, Henry McLeagne, James(4)
Murray, Wm McDonald, DanM(S)
Preoguber, Peter Peeler, Mr. MW
Pease, J M Rock, H F (J)
Spencer, Herman Stark, L H
Stoma. DJ Sb.«flher, Don
TVer, LT Vandeve, B T
Yocum, Rebecca WUliameoo, Alva
Wilaon. Mrs A Wonlatoo. Geo W (t)
Wilson Williams, W £
Oacsn Varsycklx, P. M.
fat ef Eggx to laxAmatog.
A correapnnitont writes to the Seitntifc
American in regard to taking care of the
hair: “Experience has taught me that
It M peel to keep all otto or grease from
the hair. Don’t tot barbers oil it. Kind
wetting with water beat. At toast once a
waek rub the yelk of an egg.vw half of it,
well Into the hair and scalp, and rinse off
thoroughly with tepid water. It will pro
mote growth and color, probably largely
due to the sulphur in the egg. This
eourss bss started s new growth of heir
with me, not very thick, bat better then
none at aD.”
U ardor to carry oat hlo plans reggrd
ia( tho maaalactore of bert-eugar on this
eoaat, Clans Kpreckelo has organised a
now company, to bo known ss the Occi
dental Boot Bngar Company. It wso in
eerporatad wHh a capital stock of *,000,.
000, la 80.000 sbaim of SIOO each. Tho
director are dans and John I>. Bprackefe,
Lonio Slam and M. Ebrman. The stated
objact of the corporation is to erect a largo
Dumber of boot oogar factories on the Pa
die coast.
—Ed. Butler was robbed of Ms watch
and chain while sleeping at the UUie
lodging house last Thursday night. The
property has not been recovered.
—M. Prohach, of Pendleton, Qgn„ has
bought Hugo Hlgmond’s merchant tailor
ing stock and opened out next doer to
ftolomon A Gould’s, on Yakima avenue.
—Rev. i. T. Rebel man waa in receipt
last wefek of a handsome sorersd oarrisge
from a New York factory. It gras a lift
from Messrs. Hoxter k Newell, of Klicki
tat county.
—Yakima la fndnfgia g to-day In the
Innnryol n heavy rainfall.
wra tr jEfs.
•rirf Paragraphs Takra Ftm U» T**nsb
Wlna-Whf (be VerM at Urge b Mag.
8. A. Wheelright has been nominated
by the democrats for mayor of Tacoma.
The Ortlng Oracle says that town
doesn’t want the state capitol, the naval
station or territorial penitentiary, bat that
SSI citisens of the town are applicants
for the paste flees.
The Walla Walk Valley Consolidated
Agricultural Society, of which W. P.
Baser la president and Henry Belling
oecietary, with the view, nndonbledly, of
taking time by the ionlock, haa issued
programs for tha 101 l rarea, which come
off In that city September 90, October 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5. The news include both
trotting and running, and the purree ag
gregate 11600.'
The colored Australian pugilist, Paler
Jackson, had hla aet-to with Patsy Car
diff, at Son Francisco, April 24th, tor a
puree of 9S,oif>. and easily knocked hia
opponent out in tha 10th round. Cardiff
ia the man on whore bard head John L.
Sullivan brake hia arm, and bom tha
ease with which Jackson detrend him,
Solllvan evidently showed considerable
discretion in refnsiiig to "light with a
"For how long will the Drat two sena
tors to elected 7" Is frequently asked. Ae
one-third of tha senate retiree every two
years and the 4tfa of March, 1801, ia tha
and of the'neat retiring term, the two
senator, will be fleeted for . year and a
half and three yean and a half, respect
ively—or, In other words, the term of one
senator will end March 4, 1801, and the
other March 4, 1803. Their encceasOn
will to elected for the foil term of six
On* of the moot frightful, heart-rending
railroad accidents that haa occurred In
many daya, took place near Hamilton,
Ontario, on the 28th of April, when the
Bt. Lonia express on the Grand Trank
railway, carrying 160 passengers, Jumped
the track and collided with a water tank.
One baggage ear, one sumker, three first
class coaches and two Wagner sleepers
were homed so that not a particle of the
wood work remains, and the engine was
a total wreck. Eighteen dead bod lea
were taken from the coaches, and the
only person identified was R. L. Gurney
of Chicago. The others were burned be
yond the possibility of identification.
Twenty-two persons were more or less
injured, but were enabled to eecape before
the fire reached them.
U.L Ematfomi.
The seventh annual encampment of
the G. A. R. of Washington sod Alaska,
representing 1500 veterans of the war of
the rebellion, closed st Spokane Falls
April 26. About 100 delegates were in
attendance from 44. posts. The following
named officers were elected:
Department Commander—B. G. Cos
grove, of Pomeroy, Garfield county.
Senior Vice Commander—William Me-
Micken, of Olympia.
Junior Vice Department Commander—
W. A. Inman, of Colfax. *
Medical Director-H. C. Rostwick.of
Chaplain—J. H. Macomber, of Spo
kane Falls.
Delegates to the national encampment
at Milwaukee next August—At large, H.
F. Garrettson, of Tacoma; F. J. Gilbert,
of Walla Walla, and L. E. Gilbert, of Ta
Alternates—W. M. Red path, of Spo
kane Falla; P. R. Carroll, of Seattle, and
M. D. Smith, of Spokane Falla.
The report of the retiring department
commander, Gen. John W. Sprague; of
TSroma, on the subject of pensions, was
ordered to be sent to both houses of con
gress, and n resolution waa adopted ex
pressing hope that Gen. Sprague would
be soon restored 4o health and mingle
again with hto comrades.
A resolution was adopted favoring the
establishment of n soldier’s home in the
organisation of tha new state of Washing
ton and the department.
Unanimously favored the passage of
the service pension bill by the congress
of the United States.
The Woman’s Relief Corps of the terri
tory, numbering eleven organisations,
elected the following officers;
President, Mrs. Lory A. Ide, Spokane
Senior vice-president. Mrs. S. N. Tom
linson, Tacoma.
Junior vice-president. Mrs. Lissto R.
Herrick, Seattle.
Secretary, Mrs. I ids B. Armstrong,
Spokane Falls.
Chaplain, Mis. Elton Dorr, Dayton.
Inspector, Mrs. Helen Burke. Seattle.
Councillor, Mrs. L E. Nretellr, Ellens
Installing officer, Mrs. May Evans,
Walla Walla.
Delegate to tka national encampment,
I Mrs. Jennie S. Holmes, Seattle.
—A dry, backlog rough keeps the bron
chial tabes In a stole of constant irritation,
which, If not speedily removed, may lead
to faronchtyis. No prompter remedy ran
bo had than Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
which is bofh an anodyne and expector
ant. *
—Base baH players, sthletss. and ail
who take any vigorous exercise should
know that Dr. Henley’s Dandelion Tonic
is a thorough good bracer. It produces
new vitality, strengthens the muscles ami
enables them to perform twice the usual
amount of work without becoming fa
tigued. Bold hy Allen A Chapman. •
—Many of the pioneers of Oregon and
Washington territory have cheerfully tes
tified to the wonderful curative properties
of Oregon Kidney Tee. It is purely of
vegetable composition, is pleasing to the
t«sto and con be freely token by the
youngest child or moot delicate woman,
and is a naver falling remedy fur peln In
the back, dlffiuKy of bolding the mine,
general debility and Bright’s disease.
Hold hy Allen A Chapmen. •
iNSferiem anfi JNfM sf Klwtlea.
The county commissioner* in special
session Monday appointed tlie following i
judges and inspectors of the constitutional
election, called tor May 14, lor the differ
ent precincts:
HoaN precinct no. 1.
Inspector—Geo Bowers.
Judges—F C Hhnrkey, A 0 McNeil.
Inspector—A C Ketcbam.
Jodges Geo Merchant. Chat Wanes.
Inspector — Nelson Rich.
Judges—Morris Henry, H W Creason.
aloes cas an, no. 4.
Inspector—F A Patterson.
Judges J W Tedder, Geo H Evans.
Parker, no. A.
Inspector—Robt Dunn.
Judges—M B Curtis, E T Stone.
no in, no. 6.
Inspector—Bam Hubbard.
Judges—James Stuart, G V Fowler.
wax an. no. 7.
Inspector—Hanl Sinclair.
Jodges—Jacob Rogers, A J Burge.
YAKIMA, no. 8.
Inspector—Geo Gervais.
Judges—Thoa Chambers, W Z York.
Inspector—Matt Stanton. -
Judges—J M Lowers, W L Stabler.
Inspector—A. P Kmchbach.
Judges—Frank Bisby, J W Stevenson.
FORT aiMCOK, MO. 11.
Inspector—Thos. Priestley.
Judges—J H Kilgour, 8 Gascoigne.
Inapector-T Q Redfieid.
Judges—PJ Flint, H L Tucker.
Inspector—C E Lum.
Judges—A R Leeper, Sima Conley.
WHITE, MO. 14.
Inspector—Wm Kelso.
Jodges—Wm Richards, Geo Davidson.
Inspector—E M Bamfred.
Judges—Thorp Roberts. C T Richie.
Inspector—B C Eglin.
. Judges—J H Conrad, Henry Knos.
To tbs mrmrru of Vablaut ( maty
■ml Vicinity.
Fawcett Bros, are the only agricultural
implement boune in Yakima county, and
are the only firm that make farm ma
chinery a specialty. They handle Roods
direct from the beat and most noted fac-
Tories in the United Htatee, and it is a
well known fact that it is an advantage
to deal with parties that get their goodn
direct from the manufacturers. They
handle repairs for all the machinery they
■ell, and keep them in stock at all times.
Save time and n great expense by deal
ing with a firm that keep a full supply
of repairs. They are agents for the cele
brated Moline wagons and hacks, pur
chased direct from the manufacturer,
Morrison walking, sulky and gang plowa,
and the Climax disc harrow, tbe world
renowned Tiger mower and steel wheel
self-dump Standard hay rake. Also, all
kinds of haying tools, all steel plows and
twine binders. If in need of any kind
of (arm machinery, do not (ail to Rive
meht a call before buying elsewhere. *
T»km .IfcpidVgwEfcMi frpr.
Reports horn Kansas are to the effect
that the manufacture ol sugar from sor
ghum is becoming a fixed industry and
that many new factories will be started
this year. Considering that such n large
per cent, of the sugar we consume is im
ported, the manufacture of the article In
this country should certainly be encour
aged. Yakima faraiera are raising sor
ghum with success and profit for syrup,
and the yield is considered enprmous,
both la tbe growth of cane and -la aac
chrine strength. No doubt it could be
produced with success in most any part
of tbe territory.
“EU,” asked MiVVotU. "what
that every woman wants and no man
ever ownaT” Instead of dotlfnlly giving
it op and giving her a chance to afiy “a
husband,” tbe wretch merely answered,
**the earth.”
Laud Ofpicr at North Yakima, W. T.,l
April 29.1889. f
gOTICK la hereby given that the following
named settler handled notice of his inten
to make Anal proof la support of bis claim,
that raid proof will be made before the reg
ister aad repairer at north raklma, w. r.on
June s. laaa. at • a. m„ via:
Who made homestead No. 74 for the awW sec R,
twp l« NR if e. Me names the following wit
sires to protest against the allowance of each
proof, or who knows of any substantial reason,
under the law aad regulations of the leterioc de
partment, whe each proof should not be allowed,
will be given aa opportunity at the above men
tioned time and swe to craeeexamlne the wit
nesses of said claimant, and to edbr evidence la
Notice to Show Oanae.
in tna Fbouat* Cocbt op Yakima Covmtt,
Washiwoton TiaaiToav;
f Order la show
In the matter of the Ketate of I ”’tSe h ol < iu!s
Mary L. Morriton, Utc'd. | KsUta
Uuon, beeetn duly reviled. praying lor aa erdrr
of sale for the whole of the real estate of mud
decedent for the purposes therein set forth. It is
therefore ordered that all persons Interested In
the sold estate %f the said deceased appear be
fore the said Prabats Court of Yakima Veuaty,
i Washington Territory.on Monday,the Mutf
, of June, law. the same being at the May term o>
i gsaa
! at the court house la the city of North Yakima,
; la said county of Yakima, to show c&aae whv
1 aa order should not be granted to the said Ad
, mlnistrator to sell the real estate la said petttlnn
mentioned aa shall be asrsseary; and that a
1 copy of this order be published at least four
I successive weeks In theVaklma Hbsald, a
newspaper printed and published la said city ef
North Yakima, In said faklma County.
! 0. W. BTAIR,
Judge of Probate Court,
paled the fftbdgy of April. *«. •
/it thr Untie, of the KstaU nf Mary L.
Mor> bon, Dtcnuni:
I, D. W Malr. indite and Clerk of tho Prohate
Coart of Yakima Conaty, Territory of Washing
ton. do hereby certify the foregoing to be a tmc.
true and correct copy of the order to show ronae
why an order of ante of real retale ahonld not ho
mode, and entered In the matter of the eetalo of
•old deceased, on the JTth day of April. MM:
that I have compared the «mo with the orißlnal
jSssti sssx&s&s.
. - A.D..MM. D W ftTAIK.
[m3-matj Jndfe and Clerk of the Probate Conrt.
Notice of Dissolution.
XT OTIC K U hereby xlveu tint the firm of
•Sin HIM will« .a tie l.d.bjrf»«.<
•f the fir. sod eoheet
North Yakima, April fit MW. afi^myg
Notice to Creditors.
Kuilr •/ L. Morrvon, Itictattd:
be v Ids r lei mu agalnat the eetete of
NMWUf the community pn*perty of midids
cca-ed and Weltsc T. Morrison. her husband. to
exhibit them with the Dec-emery vouchers with
in one year from the pnbUcatloa of this:notice
to the Mid administrator at the o«ee of ReavU,
Mire* A Grave*, the rame being the place for the
transection of the baalnaaa of Mid estate, in tto
eltjr of North Yeklma, Yakima County. Wash
ington Territory. WALTER F. MORRISON.
Administrator of the Kstate of Mary L. Mor-
W, US». . a»-*ya
is Rat Praef.
Land Opfick at North Yakima, W. T.,1
February IS, 1889. I
i i, jMsste I vs
sgw.ffra ’SA&i sto
A) e. w m. hereby give notice of my Intention to
make final proof to e*iebU«h my eleim to the
lend above described before the register end re
ceiver at North Yakima, W T., on the Hat day pi
Is the manner repaired by tow. hr two of the
foUowlnswltnaaaea: Joseph Bartbolet, of North
Yakima. W. T.. A. W. Larbapell. A. J. McDaniel,
and William Steel, of Yakima City, W. T.
my SB J. M. THOMAS, Raglater.
I Lard Omci at North Yakima, W. T.,(
March 21, 1889. (
XTOTICE U hereby given that that the follow
li> Idr named aettler baa filed aoilca of htfl
Intention to make final proof in support of bta
claim, and that mid proof will bo made before
tbe register and receiver at North Yakima on the
7th of May. UR. via;
homestead application No. 70*. /or the m 1-4 of
■or 34. In twp 7 N RhK. He uamea the follow-
Ing wltaeaaee to arove hie eoatlnaoaa maiden re
open, and raltiVatlon of. aaid land, via; A. C.
Ketcbam, Samuel Cannlral, Robt. Balm. Blog
ham Martin. Any peraon who daalren to proteet
aßoinat the allowance of aarh proof, or who
know* of any anbetantial mom, under the law
and wgnlatiows of the Interior Department, why
■orb proof ehonld not be allowed, will be Riven
an opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to rroeaexamine tbe wltnemee of mid
claimant, and to oßbr evidence in rebuttal of
that eabealtted by mid claimant
IRA M. KRI'TZ. Register.
Land Orrtcc at North Yakima, W. T.,1
April 2,1889. \
XTOTICK If) hereby given that tbe ful
lowing named settler haa filed notice
of hie intention to make final proof In support
of hie claim, and that mid proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver at the t . ft.
I .and Ofllce at North Yakima, W. T., on the 30tb
of May. UN, via;
William Pox,
Homcatead Application 577. for tbeNWU, ftee.
10. Twp. 7, north range 38 E.
He names tbe followtnx witnesses to prove hia
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
■aid land, vis: B. W. Martin. John W. Brown.
J. M. Brown, A. C. Ketrham, all o/
Brown, Yakima county, w. r. Any person
who desirm to protwt against the allowance of
such proof, or who knows of any substantial
mason, under tbe law and regulations of the In
terior Department, why such proof should not
be allowed, will be riven an opportunity at tbe
above mentioned time and place to croas-exsm
lae the witnesses ol sarb claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant IRA M. KRL'TZ, T
Notice for Publication.
Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.,(
April lUb, 1889. )
'NarOTICK la hereby given (bat (he following
named settler baa Sled notice of hia in
tention to make final proof In support of bis
claim, and that said proof will be made before
tbe register and receiver at the V. 8. land office,
North Yakima, on June 11. UN. via;
who made homestead application No. fiS7 (or tbe
b**j sec 30. twp », r 2.1 cast.
lie uamea the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon and cultivation ol
■aid Mad, via: Fred Waruekc. Jasper Mikkel-
W. Cook. Orant Wright, all of Prosser,
Any peraon who desires to protest against tbe
allowance of each proof, or who knowa of nay
substantial reason, under the law and tbe regu
lations of tbe Interior Department, why such
proof should not be allowed, will be given an
opportunity at the above named time and place
to erosaoxamlne the witnesses of said claimant
and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted by claimant.
alAmykD IRA M. KRI'TZ. Register.
Notice For Pnkllcallen.
Land Office at North Yarima, W. T.,1
April 18th, 1889. f
-jVOTICR is hereby given that the following
named settler baa Sled notice of bU In
tcntlon to make Anal proof In rapport of hia
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the ruglatsr and receiver at the U. S. land office
at North Yakima. W. T., on June '3. UR. vis:
who made homestead application No. 677 for the
awU sec it, twp 7. n r M e.'
He names the following wltaeaaee to prove
hia continuous residence upon and cultivation
a anM land, via; A. V. Ketch am. B. W. Mar
tin, J. O. Rolpb, J. w. Brown, nil of Proaaar, v.
T. Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows of
any anbetantial reason, under the law and regn
lations of the Interior Department why snch
proof should not be allowed, will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
piece to eroae-nsamlae the wltnemee of said
claimant, and to otkr evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant
IRA M. KRL'TZ, Register
Lamp Omci at Noam Yakima, W. T.,l
March 2tth, IMS. I
M hla intention to atkt dnai pmo( la sup
port of hia preemption claim. and that utld
proof Will bo Mode before the register and i»
roivcrat North Yakiaaa, W. T.. on Mar Uth.
who AM Me declaratloa No. IM7, for the se*i
of Pee. • Twp. it N. H. 23 E. w. m.
He naaaea the following wtmeaan to wore
hieeentlananamMdsnn anon and nMnlha
Of aM land vl«' Andrew / McDaniel. of Yak-
Ink*. T.: Nlrholaa McCoy, of North Yakima,
wTT.; Jock Monraa and Jaa. Foley, of fw».
W.T. Any pereen who desires to protest again*
the allowance of each proof, or who know* of
any eabataatlal reaaoa, under the Uw and
the regulations of the Interior Depart
Ment. why each proof should not be allowed,
will be given aa opportunity at the above men
tioned time aad place to crane examine the wit
neaaee of raid claimant, and to oflbr evidence in
rebntal of that submitted by elalnMat.
martf-myf. IRA M. KRI'TZ. Register.
h IkIUM State Intrkt Laa4 at
tetfc Taktea. W.T.
Own at North Yakima, W. T.,J
March 26,1889. f
rthe matter of the M. Joeeph Catholic Ml*
•tea Claim, la aectlotto » and U, twp. IS,
worth of Ranter M K, amLln arctlorn 7 and 1*
twp. North of RaatolTß.. w. m., roataln
bltnop of Mid dteeeae to Move the rtehl of the
ft Joaeph Roman Catholic MUnion to all hun
dred and forty acree of land aa a mlaaluuary ata-
Mon amooc the Indian Uibca. under the nroete
lonaof the acta of Congreea, of Animat I<7 Ufa,
ot Joaeph Roman Catholic Mlaaton beta* part.
? ras
and feety acres. Ana Ido hereby give notice of
mydatontlon to make proof to catahHah the
elalmof mid tt Joeeph Roman ratholle Mlaalon
Catholic Minion aoM to entitle It to a patent
nadir and by v irtnc of amd A eta of conmaa,
before the rrgUtcr and receiver of the Yakima
Land OSre on the t7tb dn of inno, MM, by the
following witncaa, to-nit: tnaani < aalmere
Chlronee and I .on la Joeeph D'herbomet. of New
Weetmlnater, British C ofnaabU: Rdward Crete,
of Dal lea City. Oregon: Jomoe Hartney and S»-
i R»2« Metillilvary. oi the city of Wonveo.
lat apM monpr. A *o||>n*i jcnobr.
10, B fc Cl.,
Real Estate and Insurance,
TraJfclina -A.-v©ira©.
A few Km mu • why North Yakima. Washington Territory la Mac •• tha moat
promising city la Central Washington;
nm-Bwim it has eight of tho CmM.I«|M tbo gtoat Mih of Washington,
and bum fertile valleys In Washington territory SHth-Becsnsemen who MwyU kmowwaa
u ““ , “’ ott "’* rto ' tk ' i.-o« fsTwsd
Third—Because we bare the finest and most portion of Washington Territory for gardening,
dallghtfal climate la the Paelie aorthwsst, fruit growing sod general agrienHural purposes
Fourth—we are defined to become the gnat we invito all thorn who are feoklug for homes,
track garden of the coast, with a caah market business locations aad nmnofactaring opporta
for <mr prod acta on Puget Hound. nit lee, to call on aa at North Yakima, and. by
Fifth-Being centrally located, we are recog- acting for theauelve*. be coaviaced.
nieed as the desirable place foe the capital of
Ko» Is till icniM Tin It bnsl!
We hate now listed for aale. In addition to the The opening of Spring will herald a sharper
Northern Pacific Lands, of which we are the advaneeia the realty of Yakima than haa been
local agents, some of tho moat desirable real- realised during the rnnaapeadiag season for
donee and business lota la North Yakima, to- two years past; aad it la a
gather with farm property and garden tracts.
Well Known Fact
That while all who have “dabbled la Yak Una the beet mad coined the Meet money
din" have made haadaome return* on their la- Let not the opportunity Alp, but gut in at
veatmenta, tboae who have availed themaelvea once and drill!
of the winter nontha for purr baaing have fared
Mac Lean, Steed &c Co,
p. o. box. m.
Real Estate Agents,
Have Circulars and Maps advertising Yak
ima County and the City of North Yakima,
together with a New Map of the
City of North Yakima,
And illustrated number of the “West Shore”
Magazine for March, for Free Distribution.
Can atov office aid iet aiy nf tkis utter. Free of Cot!
real estate a insurance agents.
Hotntr.UuHWW. Soßk YatlM, Wirtlam
Spinning & Robertson,
Real Estate,
Have choice Business, Residence and Acre
property listed. It is conceded
that now is the accepted time to
make first class investments.
NMIm ••rntunltoa.
Laxd Omci *t Noith Yum*, W. T.,(
April 17th, MW. (
mm smuscr
S?iS' Swtfc **—> W ®" J|B * X
j\tn» *. mvbick (of Brown. W. T.),
*PP»t«tlo ? Ka
y- to R. w. a. Nc MMM
u£o» l luTThHl £?i* *“"# r0, J5? , V ,0 V
Mr* to Dm *HmwT«S
oWrT lUvttallS
tkat Mbaitao bjr ruinm
IRA M. Kim, Rotator.
fr rwnicauoa.
Laud Omen at Nom Yarwa, W. T..1
April 13th. 1880. f
Nurtb Yaklaa. om Jim U. IN, r|p:
h»Uow*n« iIMm to not*
§?§ £