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TM YAMA HERALD. BED i GOB, Proprietors. •Mf KD BTBBV THUUMI. •-00 PKK ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. UmHU« Um I>n Afflkatiw. *. M. fan. Editor and Buinm Mznwr. WILL PORTLAND WAKE VPt -Why is it that Portland does not keep pace in progress with, other cities in the northwest by building railroads to retain her tributary territory?" was the ques tion asked of a prominent citizen of place. “Well, I will tell you," he replied. •We have too many millionaire moasbacks in Portland who cannot see beyond their bank counters. They made their money in Port-; land in her palmy days, and arc satisfied to loan their money at a small rate of interest, and, conse quently, have become slow and staid. Portland is to-day doing the banking business of the northwest, as she formerly did the commercial business, and she does not realize that her former commercial terri tory is slipping from her grasp, and will find it out, 1 am afraid, when it is too late." Time was when proud Po.tland, on her several hills, was the dis tributing point for the entire north west, and she has practically been doing nothing to retain this posi tion except to dig mud out of her channel to the sea The Northern Pacific railroad has caused large commercial centers to grow up to the north of Portland, and these centers are pushing out and build ing lines of railroads to add to their commercial tenitory, They are full of the spirit of progress, and do not sleep on their past glo ries- or present greatness. South of Portland the Oregon Pacific rail way is pushing from Vaquina Bay through the mountains to connect with the Northwestern railway at Boise City, Idoho, from the east. This new transcontinental line w ill build up a new distributing center south of Portland within her pres ent commercial territory, so that in the near future Portland will be the supply-point for a very narrow strip of .country lying along the Colum bia river, unless she wakes up and proceeds to build railroads in all directions into her former commer cial territory. North Yakima is interested in one of these will do all that her limited means will permit to build it, but Portland will reap the greatest benefit, and should of right build the Vancouver, Yakima & Spokane Falls railroad. There would be scarcely a mile of this railroad as projected but would be traffic paying; a better traffic paying road could not be built inWashington territory. Run ning from the southwest in nearly a straight line to the northeast cor ner, and passing through the best timber, coal, fruit, garden,wheat and stock belts, it would be the shortest line of travel across the territory from east to west. On no other line of railroad that could be built could Portland open up for herself sudi an extensive tributary coun try, both for her outgoing and in coming commerce. The question is, will Portland wake up? According to the telegraphic correspondent of the Seattle Post- Intelligencer ami the Tacoma Led- C, a damnable conspiracy has n concocted by the democrats of Yakima to defeat VV. F. Prosser for the constitutional convention. What the scheme is other than . P«ttinK in nomination a straight party ticket, and a very excellent one, is very difficult to see. The people here are wondering who this brilliant correspondent is. Papa Holton had another at tack of dyspepsia last week and his grotesque attempt at humor! was pathetic Hi, old, mournful atyle of writing, if it i, wearying, suit, him much better, and then he haa the consolation of knowing that few people read it. ■nldfal Ticket*. The cky elation .ill be bfM nett Mnn dTwo tickets have been pletert In i the Mi They ere both headed with the name of Fred K. Heed lor mayor. For 1 the rowwcil the nominations are as follows; ran ncurr. Melt Baitholet, Wm. Lee, A. F. Bwlt nr, Hobart Crary, L. K. Arnold. R. Htro bech and Howard Carr, trarrmr near. Mall Baitholet, J. T. Knhelman, A. F. Man, W. A. On. J. M. Moot. CL W. Gary and R. Ktrobach. Tin anereeafol candidates will hare ah> ■elite control of our city government and that this power shall be wisely admin is land the itouLD admoaiabes the HUxene to earaMly scan their tickets, endearing all pmal preferences aside, vote for aaly than ana who are identified with the internets of the city and will labor for its adnwaanewt and prosperity. Sensational developments In connec tion with the Wickersham-Brantner se duction case are published: Wickertham it will he remembered, is ex-probata judge of Pierce county. He was tried and convicted of seducing a young girt named Brantner. He is out on bail as a motion fcrf a new trial Is pending, and though friends of the ruined girl have kept close watch on her, his agents in duced her to take a walk, when Wicker aham met her and tried to induce her to sign certain papers in his favor. After wards, it is charged, he renewed his ar- gament at the muzzle of a pistol in a locked room and succeeded in forcing the girl to sign the document. The disclos ures have created a sensation. In an in terview Judge Whrkeraham and bis coun sel. Charles Sullivan, quid: “All ws de sire to have said in regard to tbia story is that no statements of the nature of a con fession or otherwise were made by Mias Brantner through fear. At the proper time all the facts will come out. You know that a motion for a new trial is pending.” After a bitter and most personal fight, Mr. Wheelwright, the democratic candi date was elected mayor of Tacoma by 62 majority over Robert Wingate, republican. The great exposition at Paris has been formally opened, and tha Parisians have abandoned themselves to festivity. Krpsrt sf CmmuM* m Knalitisn ef Huh. The E. W. W. C. T. U. in convention assembled do resolve: That we express our high appreciation of the loving rare and forethought with which the ladies of tha Yakima W. C. T. V. and other friends have anticipated and provided for our comfort while among them, and we wish especially to' thank the yohng ladies of the Y’a far the appro priate music furnished by them. That we tender our thanks to Mrs. Lucy H. Washington and Mrs. Helen M. Barker, whose presence and counsel have added so much to the interest and profit of the convention. That we feel ourselves complimented by having bad with us such visitors from abroad as Rev. Walden, ot Waitsbnrg. and Mr. Copley, of Colfax, and we are pleased to note the Interest manifested by honorary members and visitors. That we express our appreciation of the self-sacrificing devotion with which Mrs. Lucy A. Bwitzer has given her lime and energies to tlie interests of this work for five consecutive years aa president of this organization. That ve express our grateful thank* lor the labors of Mr*. Weller and Mrs. Traver, who have served vs so long and faithfully as recording secretaries. Also to Miss Biabee for time and labor given aa treasurer. That we retorn thanks to the railroad companies that have given us reduced rates over their rands and to Mrs. 8. Lon Monroe, who so satisfactorily arranged this matter. Respectfully submitted. Mm. J. A. McAwmrn, Mm. Amanda Stxoko. Committee. ADDITIONAL BRSOI.imOKS. Resolved, That we. the delegates and visitors to the annual convention of the. Women’s Christian Temperance Union of East Washington tender oor heartiest thanks to the friends who inaugurated and those who assisted in carrying oat the project that gave os the delightful drive over the city of North Yakima. Also oor heartiest thanks to the bend, whose excellent mafic we were permitted to enjoy. Our ear* were delighted by the harmonious strains of sweet mask and oor hearts were lifted in prayer that every friend who has aided in making oor stay so pleasant may be blessed of Heaven and that this beautiful town that has so kindly received ns may be prospered and grow till it is the roost prominent city of Eastern Washington and that the time may come when the saloon may be driven out and its homes protected against every foe. falnlfatMh^HMk Hpokane Falls Rerittr: It having been reported that a party of engineer* was re cently outfitted at Yakima lor the pur pose of ascertaining the beat route for a railway from Portland in this direction, the feasibility Of such a line baa been considerably discussed her* during the peat week. It is presumed that if the Southern Pacific is connected with the proposition the road would likely be made to tap the Big Rend country by crossing the Colombia a little below Priest rapids and thence up Crab creek la this direc tion. With a view to ascertaining some informtaion regarding the country that would bl thus traversed a representative of the Review recently sought an Inter view with I). M. Drnmheller, who has had large cattle and sheep interests in the country lying aouthweut of here, and whose business interests have often called him in that direction. In answer to the reporter's inquiry Mr. IbumheUer aaid: “Yes, I am well acquainted with tlie route of the proposed road, and have often been over the country % between Spokane Fall* and Priest rapids. The only point at which the mad can laave the Columbia , advantageously is at or near Priest rapids, i coming in this direction up Crab creek to I | Moaee lake. During the entire distance there is a natural roadbed, and the route 1 proposed is as level as Riverside avenue. From Priest rapids to Moses lake, about fifty miles, the country la at pmwnt de voted exclusively to grating. It is a fine j stock country, being covered with bunch grass and is well supplied with wafer The general character of the land is simi-' Ur to that in the vicinity of RiUville. It i has never been tried lor agricultural pur* poaea, but would probably prove pro-’ • ductive with irrigation. Water can be 1 I taken from the Columbia river for this ■ purpose, and this will probably eventual- i » ly be .lone. From Mown lake in this f direction farming 1* now heiag carried ou, | r The soil lr similar to the soil of the Yak-' i bn* valley, beingcovered with sage-brush, r and la especially adapted to ike growing of fruits and vegetables.” nK'irn ooMMiaiu»NKßr T** Tims aisslly KIfMM M MMd BWw «• to Mato l* üb. tala Lira tokMl Ui«*»PalßlU| HNCMmifßri4gM»Wlla Ortfrrrtf PBM. Joseph Stephenson, John Clemens ami J. M. Brown, the county commissionerx, met at the mart ho nee Monday in regu lar newt ion. Joseph Stephenson wan elected chairman of the board for the en suing two years. The claim o( o«*w Uoa*M hr double •aMement of property ... allowed ami a warrant ordered drown in his favor for the amount clalmad. The viewers having fulled to make a re port on the Kershaw road, the matter was laid over until the August term of court. The court appointed the following ap praisers to assess damages caused hy open ing a road leading along the north line be tween sections 29 and 82, township IS, north rang* 19 east: p. O. Rodman, Dan Fish and J. T. Stewart. The ap praisers an to meet at tba old Gibson place on the first Monday In June and re port at the next regular meeting. The court ordered that a road aa peti tioned for by R. Htrobnch and others be established. This rood commences at tha south end of Selah street and terminates at Highland avenue and Ahtanum boule vard, as shown by the plats of W. F. Mop- Hsoo’s addition to Forth Yakima. The county auditor was instructed to employ a competent carpenter to make alterations and improvements in the court house vault to provide tor the safe keep ing of the records of the district court and the probate Judge. Ordered that the road petitioned for by D. W. Simmons, D. E. Leah and others be opened, and that orders lie drawn in favor of J. H. Hathaway for $175 and Thomas Moore fffi for damages. .Ordered thaf the county make a fill of Second street In front of the court house in accords nee with an agreement between the county and city officials. Ordered that the supervisor be directed to open the following described road,com mencing at a stake marked ”R” in a high way near the southeast oorner'of theswlrf of the nw'* of section s,‘township 12, north range 19 east; thence on the line of the road aa previously surveyed to the Durr bridge on the Natchees river, except so far as the said road has been vacated. The supervisor is empowered to employ a surveyor la the work, and If he neglect* or refuses to attend to the work the pros ecuting attorney is directed to compel the oheyance of the order, which is to go into effort August 12. The clerk of the board aaa ordered to have a sign painted warning all persona to refrain horn rolling rocks down the Natchees hill along the Natchees grade on pain of prosecution. The petition of N. Travia and other* asking for the establishment of a rand wan laid over until the August term. Ordered that the prosecuting attorney proceed to obtain an abstract of school lands on the Yakima Indian reserva tion and also school lands filed on by individuals prior to the government sur vey. and, if necessary, proceed to Wash ington, D. C., to consult with the com missioners of the general land office re garding lands in lieu of those mentioned. Ordered that the road petitioned for by Albert Stewart, P. A. Stanton and other*, commencing at J. W. Stevenson's ranch and termination at or near the Yea tee saw-mill, tie ordered opened. Ordered that a new road district be es- Übliahed with boundaries, as follows: Commencing at the point where the third standard paralell and the east side of the railroad right of way meet; thence north to the south limit of the city of .Yakima; thence east to the Yakima river ; thence following the river south until the third* standard parallel is reached; thence west to the aUHing point, and Including all lands east of the city llmita and south' of the north line of section 19. Warrant ordered drawn in favor of Mist Engdahl for holding Institute for Yakima county; amount, |75. The following persona were appointed to view a road as petitioned for by R. Kershaw and others of the Wenas, to meet at J. A. Carpenter’s residence on the 4th day of June: Dan Fish, R. Crory and J. M. Hall, county surveyor. J. T. H tew art presented bis resignation as supervisor of road district No. 21, which was accepted. Jacob Fraser was appoint ed to (111 the vacancy. H. A. Gilson was appointed supervisor of the new road district, which will be known as district No. 22. Ordered that a warrant be drawn in favor of R. Crory for #4-69, on account of taxes paid on property not belonging to him. Bills ordered paid: O W Pratt, railing and tables . 134 75 Wm Harkett, lumber road dis't... 71 14 B M Navaga, medical service 3b 00 Rsheltnan Bros., stationery . 6 AO M W Wallace, carpenter work lB AO G D Barnard, stationery 40 16 T H Look, surveyor Cowvrhee road . 10 00 Grant Levin, chairman Cowjrchee road S 00 Ira Li vln good, marker Cowychee road ....* 3 00 7, T Parker,Vbalnmao Cowychee road ‘ . 300 Spike 4' Arnold, m»j» for cqonty 15 00 W W CrenKon, at raper for rood district No. I ft 00 Morris Henry .notify lag J M Brown of commissioners’ meeting . ... 3*oo J O Ralph, road work said dis*t.. 3-60 i Yakima Hnuu», letter bead* ft 00 II W Creason, side hUI plow and road work * 30 00 Hilda Kngdahl. superintendent of schools 100 30 W F Prosser, services late rnoaly auditor Ift3 W P W Stair, prolnte Judge, exam* log j SniliTan m vo B U 1 il.y ... i IrtUiyor, SOD Elmer He*. " ", i 0Q Clwlee Eond. « “ l‘ 100 ’HPCW*, * " . " 3 Op >i n n ii feo w ii Kbit, , og |RtMk, “ •• •' IM I 8 O Murfonl. balance of salary n« j probate judge 71 »W I Wm U Toe, as county physician, -7 M IA J liiwe. imlss for county .u II 75 IO O Ntvio. lumber (or count v 13 tW “ “ v*‘ 9 U8 j B Wilkinson, posting. boolur of * I dct-essed treasurer CO ('happell A Cox, indue (or county, 19 7>» | Ordered that advertisements be pule United (nr the painting of the five bridges now owned by Yakima county, mineral or roofing paint to be used, and tlie bids to be opened at the August termol court. [comtinukd next vul] To Ibr Parners of Vaklami (Mat) aa< TlrlaKy. Fawcett Bros, are the only agricultural implement bouse in Yakima county, and are tbs only firm that make (arm ma chinery a specialty. They handle goods direct (rom the best and most noted tac tories in the United States, and it is a well known (act that it is an advantage to dsal with parties that get their goods direct from the manufacturers. They handle repairs (or all the machinery they •ell. and keep them in stock at all times. Hava time and a great expense by deal ing with a firm that keep a full supply of repairs. They are agents (or the cele brated Moline wagons and hacks, pur chased direct from the manufacturer. Morrison walking, sulky and gang plows, and the Climax disc harrow, the world renowned Tiger mower and steel wheel j self-dump Standard hay rake. Also, nil I kinds of haying tools, all steel plows and twine binders. If in need of any kind of farm machinery, do not (ail to give meht a call before buying elsewhere. • —All stylet of job printing at the Hxx ald office. Notice nf Raleuff Real I'alatral Pah* lie Aactlaa. N OTICE Is harshy given that in pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Yakima County. Washington Territory, made on the 6th day of May, UN. In the matter of the estate of Herve D. Mermln. deceased, the undendinied ad minlatratrix will aell at Public Auction to the highest bidder and subject to confirmation by the said Probate Conrt. on Hatnrday. June 1. iW, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the court house in North Yakima. Yakima County. Washington Territory, all the right, title. Interest and estate of the said Herve D. Merwln, deceased, at the time of his death, and all the right, title and Interest that tbe Mid estate ha* by operation of law or otherwise acquired other than in addition to that of the said Herve D. Merwln at the time of hla death In and to all that certain lot. piece or parrel of land situate, lying and being In the said Yakima Countv. Washington Territory, to-wit: lot sixteen (M) In block thirty (30) In the cltv of North Yakima, according to the plat thereof now of record in the office of the i minty Auditor of said Yakima County. time™”sSe* Cond,tlon °* 1,1 hand at Dated Ibis 7th dny of May. I'M*. MAOOIK E. MEKWIN. Administratrix. NOTICE FOR PI BLimlON. Land Omc« at North Yakima, W. T.,l May (ith. 1889. f \[rtTl( Ela hereby given that tl it following IN| named artUer bap filed notice of his Inten tion to make Baal proof In support of hla claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe reg ister and receiver at North Yakima, w. v., June 16th, law, via: wkneel MAY WALD (of North YaKitna), who made hd. application No. 300 for tbe awt 4 . of ne'i, and nw'iof »e*i. and #e'» of nw' 4 . and ne*4 of aw* * are So, twp 13 north «I range W east, w. m. Ha names the following wltnemea to prove his rontlnnous residence upon and culti vation of said land, via; Henry 1». Winchester. Abraham Morrison, Wm. Harris, Albert Perclval, all of North Yakima.'W. T. Any person who de sire* to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows any snbatantlal reason, un der the laws and regulations of the Interior De partment why anch proof should not be allowed will be given an opportnnity at the above men tioned time and place to croaa-examins tbe wit nesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that anbmltted by aald claimant myt-JelS IRA M. KRUTZ. Register. RISMRRT LA MR—Pint lee ml I ■••*•••■ tm Make Flan I Praaf. Land Orwri at North Yakima, W. T.,| May Blh, IBBR. f ■\rOTICB la hereby given that r> Botd A. Commons*, ol Moxee. W. T„ baa Bled notice of intention to make proof on hla desert land claim No. UK, for the sw>4 sec twp IS. NRI9 K. before the reg ister and receiver at North Yakima, on Friday, the lUh day ol June, lft«. He names the following witnesses to prove tbe complete Irrigation and reclamation of Mid land: I K. K. Mcbol* and H. O. Mortord. of North Yakima, t. T.. and George Ker and V. O. Hyland, of Moxee, W. T. Any person who de sires to protest against the allowance of such proof or who knows of any substantial reason, nnder tbs law and regulations of the Interior department, why sneh proof should not be al lowed. will be given an opportnnity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of Mid claimant, and (o offer evidence Jn rebuttal of that submitted by claimant myf-jeU IRA M. K&UTZ. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omrt at North Yakima, W. T.,1 April 'JO, 1889. f ■\roTICK to hereby given that the followlnc i> named aettler baa lied notiee of hto Inten tion to make Inal woof in rapport of hto elalm. and that aaid proof will be made before the ref later and receiver at north Yakima, w. r, on i inn* ", IMP, at f a. m., vis: CAKhOa s. CHKMCY. .Who made bom Bate ad Mo. 74 for the n«W aec ». twp |S MRIt e. He namea the following wit aarnee to prove hto rontlnuom reaidenrenpon and rnlrlvatlon of raid land via. J H Conrad. Willlawi uptown. K P Bo> lea. Henry Price, all •f North Yakima. W. T. Any peraon who de sires to proteat again at the allowance of tuck proof, or who knowa of any anbatantlal renaon, nndcr the law and regulations of tha Interior de partment. why rack proof ihould not be allowed, will be given an oppnrtnnlty at the above men tioned time and place to crocs eiamine the wit nesses of aaid claimant, and to oflbt evidence in rebnttal of that submitted by claimant. IMA M. KRI’TZ, Ref later. . Notice fer Pw hi lent lew. Land Optic k at Norm Yakima, W. t.,1 1 April 17th, 1880. f 1 NOTICE >• hereby given that the following it aettler haa lied notice of hto Intention to 1 make Inal proof In rapport of hla elalm. and i that aaid proof will be mad* before register and 1 receiver at .North Yakima. W. T., on June lat, 1 UMp, ri|: JAdt* *. my nek (of Brown. W, T.), who made bd. application Mo. 46*. for tttc ae* 1 1 see. *4. twp f X. L t> Iw. n Me names < the following witnesses to prove hto eontlnnooa' residence upon and cnltlration of mid toad. jwsnr. i t« T. Any tarena who dwlroo to pcoteot agalnat the allowance of aacb proof, or who knowa any rabetantlal ronaon. under the law and regain S» 3Litf ar.saswM|&r2 opportunity at the above mentioned One and place to eroaeexaaUae the wltneaaea of aaid *■ or TjuT KMUT». Megtotor. Notice tor PnklieaUe*. Lard Omrt at North Yakina, W. T.,1 April 12th, 18M. f tentlon to mAh* tnal proof In rapport of her elalm. and that aaid proof will be made before the register and receiver at the I’. B. land ogle*. North Yakima, on June 11. MM, via; MARY RARTO. who mad* homestead .ppUcotlhp Mo. MB for the se*- t , aec *J, twp S. nr£> e. an* name. fee following wltneaaea to prova her conUnnone tooldence anon and Mhjhi of anid land, vto; Fred Wsraeke. Jasper Mlk Notice of Dissolution. P ,b ' *" “*w™ JAMIES pirKAOS. I Souk Yakima. ApHl K W*. _ Notice to Creditors. | EtUUt .»/ Jforg L. Monitor, Dtcrumi: \ xruTK'g la hereby given by the undertlgned ■JS ASailulttrabw " I the relate of M»rv la. Norriaon, decenaed. with the wIU annexed. to ■remits of ml* dreamed nad to an mwws having cUima ngaiaat the raUte of anld de ■s3 a|^fej{^ l ßßr>ts?rir hpahsad,**; “MU? £STf ift*jSwSKTt hiTnotica to the anld ndminlatrntur at the «®ce of Renvla.; Mirra A Unto, the name being the place tor the tmnanetlon of the bwalueea of anld aaUte. in the city ol North YnkliSh. Yakima County, Waab- Inrtoa Territory. WAITER F. MORRISON. Administrator of the Ratal* of Mao I- Nor rlaon. Dcceeaed. Dated April A IMS. aXrUfXt OKNftIRT I. A N DW—*•» lee af I meadow ta Make Fust. Lakh Orncr at North Yakima, W. T.,l February IS, 1889. t I EDGAR T. STONE, of Yakima. W. T., who , made daaert laud application No. 122. on the 13th day of February. DM. tor •«■« of net*. nw* 4 of «*•*. sad Si of ae* 4 . aec Xi. tap 11 n r 3)o. w in. hereby give notice of my iuteulton to make Anal proof to eaUbllah my claim to lha laud above deacribed before the register and re ceiver at North Vaklma. W T., on the Slat day of May DM and that I expert to prove that aaid laud haa been properly Irrigated and reclaimed In the manner required by law, by two of the following wltneaaea; Joseph Hartholet. of North Yakima. W. T . A W Lncbnpell. A. J. McDaniel, and William Steel, of Yakima City. W. T. myao J. H. THOMAS, Register. ISTIfK IOR PIRLICATION. | Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.,# Much 21,1880. ) NOTICK la hereby xivep that that tba follow ing auud settler ba* filed nolle* of his I Intention to aalt* final proof In rapport of hla ! claim, and that saM proof will be made before . the register and receiver at North Yakima on the 17th of May. UN. vU: JAMES CONNELL, homestead application No. 70S, for the ae 1-4 of me 34. la twp f.N BtoK Ho names the follow ing witnesses to prove hla rontianona residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, via; A. C. Ketrham. Samuel ('arm leal. Rubt. Bates, Bing ham Martin. Any person who desires to protest against tb* allowance of sneh proof, or who knows of any sabstantlal reason, nnder the law and regulations of the Interior Department, why •uch proof should not be allowed, will ba given an opportunity at tbe above mentioned time and place to rroea-eaamlne tba witnesses of said I claimant, and to oßbr evidence In rebnttal of ; that submitted by said claimant IRA M. KRUTZ. Register i * rtR PI RLICATi«N. Land Otpicr at North Yakima, W. T.,1 April 2,1889. f XTOTICK IS hereby given that tba fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make Baal proof In aapport of his claim. and that said proof will ba made before the Register and Receiver at the I'. K. Land Office at North Yakima, W. T„ on tba 30th of May, IfiW. vUr William Pox. Homestead Application 673. for the NW>i, Pee. 10, Twp. 7. north range ME. | He names the following wltnesaea to provehla : continuous residence upon and cultivation of i said land, vlx; B. W. Martin, John W. Brown, i. Mi Brown. A. C. Ketcham, all of Brown. Yakima county, w. t. Any parson who desire* to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any subatantlal reason, under the law and regulations of the In terior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be rlren an opportunity at the abov* mentioned time and place to cross-exam Inc the wltneaaea of anch claimant, and to offer evidence In rebnttal of that submitted by claimant IRA M. KRUTZ, Register Nnflcn lor Pwbllcatlnm. Land Omrg at North Yakima, W. T.,l April 12th, 1889. ) NOTICE U hereby given that tbe following A ” named settler baa Bled notice of his in > tentlon to make Bual proof In support of hla ; claim, and that Mid proof will be made before 1 the register and receiver et the C. 8. land office, North Yakima, on June 11.18N, via; WM. T. RARTO, who made homestead application No. U7 for the neU sec 'JO, twp S, r X> east lie names the following witnesses to prose his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Mid land. vis. Fred Warneke, Jasper Mikket- I W. Cook. Grant Wright, all of Proaaer. I Any person who desires to protest against tbe allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason. nnder tbe law and the regu lations of the Interior Department why anch proof abonld not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above named tfiae and place to cross-examine the witnesses of Mid claimant and to offer evidence la rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant aIR-myao IRA M. KRUTZ. Register ifatkerav PalUmtUn. Land Office at North Yakima, W. T..1 April 18th, 1889. f TOOTICE Is hereby give* that the following named settler has Bled notice ol hie- In tent ion to make dnal proof in support of hie claim, and that Mid proof will be made before tbe register and receiver at tbe U. B, land office et North vaklnm. W. T., on June », imp. vis; JABFBR N. ARMSTRONG (of BfOWD, W. T.), who made homestead application No. 637 for the aw'; see 14. twp 7. nr Re. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said load, vlx: A. C. Ketcham, B. W. Mar tin, J. O. Rolpb, J. w. Brown, all of Brown, w. T. Any person who desire# to protest against tbe allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, nnder tb* law and regu lations of the Interior Department why such proof should not he allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of aald alalmant, and to offer evidence In rebnttal of that submitted by claimant IRA M. KRUTZ. Register. BBTICB FtR FtRLICATIDN. Lamp pm cm at Nobtn Y*x_m a, W/T-.j ■VrOTTCK IB hereby given that the foL IN lowing named settler has Bled notice of hi* Intention to make Anal proof In sup port of hla peremption claim, aad that aald proof will be made before the register and re ceiver at North Yakima. W. T.. on May 14th., MR, via: DAMIgt a. GOODMAN, who 1M hla declaration So, IJ«T, for the •Hw lTif UN.MLt.B. Ho um Dm following wltneaaea to mot* ip oowtinnmm wiinin no* and cultivation of raid land rl« Andrew /McDaniel, of Yak- W. T.Any wrwa who destine to protect again* the allowance of web proof, or who know* of rap rabatantlal raafon, nndcr the law and StWS: »£x joss. win be riven an opportunity nl the above men tioned time and plate to etpaa examine the wit ■awn. IRA M. KRI'TZ. Rntliter N IkMMWR Mrfrirt UM Min * Wtk filiu. V. T. Lakh Ornrit at North Yakima, W. T.,l Much M. taw. f IS the matter of them, Joseph Catholic Ml»- ..»ly £>a*m, !■ "rations 12 and I*. twp. 11 f.^^rySrttr!risjS Mp aftiysjraa.'gaiKja iastl abs c&TjgseS&jsi MmMm Chlronae and Ixhli Jomb D'herhomex. of Mew ilpssw mem MItLEAH. HEED k Cl.. Real Estate and Insurance, Yakima Avenue. 1. ' • - ■ TO THE PUBLIC: A few Reasons why North Yakima. Washington Territory i* being recognised ae the mod promising city in Central Washington: First—Because it baseight of the lined,larged the great state of Washington, and most fertile valleys in Washington territory Hlatb—Baraase men who are well known as Immediately tributary to It successful, shrewd and lone-beaded, are making ! Second—The seasons are from four to eight large investments in North Yakima and Yakima , weeks earlier than any other part of the north county. I weat coast. Believing we are located In the most favored Third—Because we hare the finest and most portion of Washington Territory for gardening, : delightful climate in the Pacific northwest fruit growing and general agricultural purposes ; Fourth—We are destined to become the great we invite all those who are looking lor homes. : truck garden of the coast with a cash market business locutions and manufacturing opportn ! for our products on Puget Hound. ultles. to call on us at North Yakima, and. h> Fifth—Being centrally located, we are recog- seeing for themselves, he convinced, j nixed as the desirable place for the capital of Hn Is U iccmtel Tine li toot! We have now listed foe sale, in addition to the The opening of Spring will herald a sharper ; Northern Pacific lands, of which we are the advance in the really of Yakima than has been ; local agents, some of the most desirable rest realised during the corresponding season for dence and business lets la North Yakima, tty two years past; and it loa ' get her with farm property and garden traets. Well Known. Fact That while Ull wlho have “dabbled In Yakima the best and aoined the most money. d l2l h *L e returns on their in l«t not the opportunity slip, but t*t fa at vestments, those who have availed themselves once and drill! r of tha winter mouths for purchasing have fared Mac Lean, Feed «Sc Co, p. o. box, nt FECHTER & LAW, Real Estate Agents, Have Circulars and Maps advertising Yak ima County and the City of North Yakima, together with a New Map of the City of North Vakima, And illustrated number of the “West Shore” Magazine for March, for Free Distribution. Cail-at oir office aid pi aij of this natter, Free of Coat ! FECHTER & I^AW, r EATi ESTATE ft INSURANCE AGENTS, OScg VU... StHonal ,u>. ■ - - ~ »«.!, T.U... w.>L^ Spinning & Robertson, Real Estate, IN SUR A JVCE. Have choice Business. Residence and Acre property listed. It is conceded that now is the accepted time to make.first class investments. OTV3S TTB A. QAT.T. M Oping U) Every Ikyiartiiieqt I ClottLing, Hats, Caps, Q-erits’ Fnmiflh i -r> gr« Soots and. StLoes, Tmnkis ana Valises, i Staple Groceries, Ta'ble Delicacies. W» o*PT extraordinary Indueem. me, an.) now I,ere in the cite ran hn found a better ranttment. * * CALIa ATVI> #»oßLiiiu-oa (Hit Uooda and ealiaty yavraaU. Carpenter Bros, ft Atherton,