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Sow talk tn»: Tho eo*toe A. O. Derail, ol the gtroa, UwaaoUre Com pair, ilidod into tho Brio depot ot Jeieey City loot «l*ht it 10 M o’clock, Bhohod Jlot completed « straight too of 428 mU» with tbo mrdor doy ospicm, train fi, he htodhw. Bafiaeer Goorgo McKee, who haw hold IbO thratllo lor tho loot two dajre, dortaf tho gnot tell which the Dorwlo Kll liol lMpl 1 1 oat 0< tho cob with i ■lfhelnM. Tho eogiao had mode the ■oud Mp from Jena? City to Buffalo ood »M>fcK»b o hooey upreeoeoch woy, o dietaaee ol MB mlieo, without o eioitl adakap-aMp Ihot hoc no* boon par olMod hi tho biolory ol iwUnodiof. Ordiaorily o locomotive b relieved by aa other liter o rtm not moch ozceediaf 100 mlieo. It! firebox moot bo deoaed, ami It Mode “toot" Id other leaped,. The odTonloim over the odiaafr locomotive, which He Inveotor, Oeoffe 8- StrooK, thioke will imhttino imthoheteiFnm boeloem oil over the •Le o< the oriiliiol bototee ol the ea (iae ie the iauodoctioo ol two Breborm, iaetoadol oao, which, tt la aaM,Jfivaa laac raaa aUowo the daoalac ot oao boa whOUbeotherbdinaoe. Tho valve noatrle volvee am flood laetaod of elide ooeit The oaglao weighs alxty-elght hfrWtahl el tho tesdar, which ■3s:-#S±i aidMaSa,sixty hot to tho mile. Two k&jHM ueoally toko tho traia ap the MR. bat tbo Darwla had ao tumble la dsHklha work aloao. Ml coal woe beard* tho oaths trip, bat the oom am tbo aecompaaimeota at the crtUaary rathoad Joataay whaa that kind of coal le need. Twaaty-twotoaswerecoasamad by the aaglae, whkhieeaHhWto W hah lam thaa the totddooaat bamed by the kmr ivgolar eagiaae aaed oa Ihla mm. lavaatcr Stroag wae well rationed with the two days* wok of blalocoaaolivs. on BOOM of the k** runs of the Atchison. Topekn 4k Santa Fe. where aha bto go ultimately. Whan tte Chlneae minteer gives a trtoJipuMTiaiton. Un . writw in TbU> Ibtt, brunt bib to |o throtfab, urion floni oI iHqHtl, ftlwi ml lht Uhk. Md without ottrrihg . OIUM. [xafe. Mch tud-rij wd pUT MIj ud poiau aioHeullr to Ite uw oonpbd pal at the had of lb, labia, tt ii atiqoalta far tb« guata to ofaaara a daaaaaa, aaHba fad lap aa acartaf. awl danaatratiac bp lh»lr ia ■aMa aMMa Ibafa Mffafa la a- Z*JI£ZXttZA daabtbawaald- baa M. (natty aar priomd bad aapbadp lakaa it No oaa Walt util tha wiafafar Saba a la ■afb. watch fa tulip taken ap aad iXKtbi^rs^ri" meXrSgßWUse subject* lor converse- al dinaaniin that after tha flab to patoo ttobctotoudtMhsfeMpfcinn Tto bill e< tore to pretty aeariy the name aa would toffttfpjoltiw other foreign toga tMM, OM or two special Cblaeee daiieoelto lT tray of tidbits. Chinese pattoNa pastor burgundy aid daial to ~Meal tickets, good far tatoty*ooi Mato, at Mia. Stomata’ Hon# Root aa raat oo Front atroet, only M- 4L -tona (lo tor Uttto boy>-‘‘Now. Beanto. IT punll to good and go to sleep, MtoßtH glto poo 000 of Dr. Ayer’s wke wpndtad Cathartic Pilla, oast lima poo saodl MididM.” Baoafe, smiling ■weetly,dtoppiJ off to sleep at once. -Aidjpdto waits oo appetite aod a goad appetite to om of tto sorest al«Mo|#atok toahb. If poo art km gtotoCtoritetoe. bUHcaa, or hare an »r --regator appetite, tuen we adrtoe yow*by aB meoantatoke Dr. Henlep’e Dandelion —CbUbtotoo. an pleasant odors from *• M aad alar pm cl the Mr. IMI catarrh. rto|Wortn. palm aak, alpaca tha apa, (raanlatad apa lid, araptiro die •mm ol the skia. all diaappaar attar Mto« Dotard'a Specific. WanM to •tbcl a radical cm la area/ laataaca. Md by AUae A Chapraaa. a -*tA. Pandlatoo. 0».. Jaa. U. Hartof MdTfacd with my kidnaps 1 waa ladarad to toy tha Orapca Kidnap Taa. width caaad toa la a .hart lima. I taka ■ aak laraody toa Onawaa W Batter, Ooaatp Jndpa el Umatilla. Md hp Alton a Chapman. Wrall mm who complain ala Itoad to** pain. la tha back and Mae, to SM* dhdaaaa, palatal cam yrraiitaaraatra.llu., Win IndiaOa«oa Kidnap Baa a toithtaj triaad. It cm be taadJitoailfaf and ttrlaarp AN AGE OF WONDERS. After Centuries of Bigoted Darkness, Light! Beery Aaaaatl rMB tto laifiHßaU* ruaidl ef True Kclewce A44i Nam fcerle— tossrnlcs M Its CaaM, The arooaiUon of calumny has been ex ploded. The deadly projectiles hurled have mbaed their destination. Tbeahafta and arrows lb broken at the bet of vic tory. And when Aurora’s rays shall have piercod the smoke of the battlefield, the name ol the hbtofeoatlc system of medi cine will glitter a bright and Imperishable star in the diadem of acienCa, when those who tried to wind thebelimycoib around the aoowy throat Iwve mouldered in ob livion and their epitaphs have vanished from the face of the earth. Seattle, Washington. My little boy, when bur yean okl, was taken rick with ararbt rash. We bad competent medical aid but bo never folly recovered. For three, years he waa sick, could retain nothing on kb stomach, sometimes would roarit oaaaalemly for a week, not retaining’ even water. Ha dwindled away to bat a shadow of his former self. At bat hb mind gave way. For two weeks be clung to me begging me not to bury him in the ground. He rec ognised nobody, not even me. We all concluded that death would be a relief to him. Thera waa to Uaa trying the old srhool doctors, of that waked bad eoough Up with consumption, saying that I could not Uvea weak. Thai Was three year* ago. They would have had their say, too. if 1 had not called In Dr. J. Eugene lordan. I had then been bedfast for over a year, could not tom over, suffered with excruciating pain and spat bloody pus. As by the aid ol the god-aant Hbtogeoetic Medicines I recovered tram the verge of the grave and waa abb to do considerable of my housework in ninety days. Writ, we gat Dr. Jordan's medicine for our lUfle boy and hb reason returned and ao did hb health, and in two months from first taking hb medicine be want to school. Wa arc cog tinned, aa b everyone who has Md the - unprecedented Hbtogenetic Ifedfclaea, that it accomplishes the ap parently impossible, and that to compare Item to all the otter medicine* ia like comparing bright sunlight to Egyptian darkness. Magqik McDaxikl. Edmund. Waahingtoo. I has* teen alck lor the last 10 years with a complication of diseases. Rhen. m*«*m aid kAney troubles were very bad, but heart - disease was the worst of all. Many times I thought 1 would not aurvlve It- The sharp, agonising pain in would take my breath and make me dissy. I had to catch at things j o kaap from falling. In fact, I was an utter wreak. 1 tried doctors in Terra Bant*. Indiana. Bloomington, Ottomwa. Chariton and Burlington allopathic, homeopathic, and every otter kind of AM. They used batteries, baths, and all manner and kinds of nasty tasting druga, but I received no bm* at all. I |Av**upk> disgust. Every doctor told me another tale na to what te thought was the matter with me. fant that did not core ma. Going to Seattle, X beard of nothing hot the new Histogenetic System aad of Dr. J. Eugene Jordan, its author. Having tried ai| the old, 1 concluded to try the new. and aftsr n lew weeks'oae Of the above medicine I completely recov- end. Thia vaa laat October, aad I hare been able to attend to up dotiea ever alnce. 1 make this statement from gratl fade to Dr. Jeriian aad tto Hintogenetk ay atom, and atoo from a spirit of sympa thy for kindiwd humanity. Imam Pbxximuto*. Wa tighter. Washington. Up bop, ten year* old. area broken down with rheumatism. Hto Hwibe were all diatortcd ant of shape from the bane ful effect; to suffered giant agony, and could not tarn ia tod. Tto worst of all bto toart was greatly eflbcted bam it and it almost otopped his hiaatli. We gave htoa nph atoa dhl our neighbors- Ae a tool resort I went to Dr. J. Eugene Jot* dan, whose medicine performed appar ently impomibto cures In ear neigh horn. After giving my boy those medicines for three weeks to entiit* recovered, his tanbe all straightened out again, and be to perfectly well la overp wap. That was ten months ago. As for myself I had aa injury to mp finger which toned Into cart Is of the bone. Several dorters were employed, but the result was that tto bone kept on eating away. At last they concluded that in order to save the hand tto flagor had to to amptanted. I bethought myself to Dr. Jordan, obtained bto medicine, aad in two weeks* time It cured the bone disease and I retained my flager. How much suffering and expense' we might tore saved had we known of tto Hiatogsoetir Medicine aad Dr. J. Eu gene Jordan. H. Kmoauu xr Mp daughter, Mrs. E. Bk*iaid. Ster ling, Washington. wm pretty bad with consumption. bleMing from tto longa, aad cough generally characteristic of the diandad malady. The disease was of four psora* standing. I came to Dr.J. Eugene Jordan, mp daughter being 100 feeble to eon*. She took the medicine a week and she began to toel better, and la stoat two months tans from Aral taking the tuedl rids tat tad Ihriy r sewered. J. E. Sami. CAUTION.-The Hirtoarartic medi etas* ore odd in bol out «ftncy la «ach town. Tbt Übol oroond tbo bottle bear* Ibo ioDowiaf inocripHoß: "Df.J.EopM Jordan's Htotagaiiatie Mediator." Ktrarp other darlca la a fraud. C. L. Gano, aola apaat far Or. Jordan s Htottmaatlc Nadk-ina. Nr. Oano has bM appointod la plan of Mr. O. W. Cany, tthm caonaction with Dr. Jordan Md tha Hlntoranatk Madicinra ban toaaaK. Mediator depot at Map', dry —Kray (arment mid* bjr M. Pro both h vanaatcd > load fit. good work jiuuhlp.ud to |ln eetUloctlon. • —'“Hackmetack” b a lasting and ft a- Tent perfume. Price 26 and 60 cents. For aab by C. B. Boahneli; druggist. —For a nobby eolt, made to order, do not fail to call on our popular merchant tailor, M. Protiach. on Yakima avenue. • —A Banal injector free with each bottle of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 6t centa. For aab by C. B. Bnshnell, drug* gbt. —Shiloh’s Cure will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and l»ron •:hhk. For aab hy C. B. Buahncil, drug rib. —Ft* square dealing and value received for your hard earned caah, call on T. O. Redfield for anything in the line of jew elry. • —Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy b a posi tive cure lor catarrh, diptheiria and Cank er Montn. For aab by (. B. Boahneli, druggist. —C. E. MrEwen b now offeriog Hud dles, bridles, harness and everything in his line at prices not to be duplicated this side of Portland. • —Why wil) you cough whan Shiloh's Cure will give immediate reibf. Price 10 cents, 60 cents and ft. For aab by C. B. BushneU. druggist. —Catarrh cared, health and sweat breath secured, by Shiloh’s Cartarrh Rem edy. Price 00 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by C. a Boahneli. druggist. —lf you have lost any mousy lately, Redfield will return it by selling you goods eo remarkably cheap that you wUI forget your misfortune. —Go and examine thoee elegant gold watches at Redfleld’s. They are dabiea, and to cheap! Remember, they are war ranted as represented or ao trade. —For dyspepsia and liver complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s VitaHaer. It never fails to cure. For aab hy C. B. BuahneU, drug gist. —Dr. Savage will be found always ready to attend calb day or night. Office over postoffioe; residence on Second street, one block south of First National Bank. Oct. 9-tf. —The Res. George H. Thayer, of Bour bon, Indiana, says: “Both mysell and arils owe our lire* to Shiloh’s Consump tion Cure. 0 For sale by C. B. Bushnell, druggist. —The Notches orchards are now on sale at Goodwin, Strobnch A Pngsley’s. These Ave-ncra tracts adjacent to the city are offered at a very low figure and with terms to suit. • —whim- Arnica Salve Is the beet salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all akin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2b cents per box. For sale by C. B. Bushnell. druggist. Long-Standing Blood DiiNM tn cant by th. pmrarini uu at Aywrt BuMparillh. This mediclM to as Alterative. ud causes a radical ehuga in Ik* system. The process, In some cmm, may Ml to quite so rapid aa ia others; tot, with ptriUtton, the malt to eartato R?ad Ihena t—Hmoaiato ;» M For taro yean I suffered fraat tte vera pain ia mj right •Ida, and had oilier iraaMaa coated by a torpid liver SUgra.dSrJCF.sgl aad after taking flrobocUaa 1 waacaa plately cared”— John VT. Baaaoa, 70 Lawrence at.. LowaU. Maaa. Last May a large carbaaels broke out •a my ana. Tbeosual rsmadtoatod no affect aad Iwm confined to-my hod tor eight weeks. A (Head ladaeed me to try Ayer's BaraMarilla. Less thaa tbrae bottles healed the sore. I a all my expe rience with medicine, f aerer saw mora Wonderful Results. A.Mta,mwto4 •***<**•■■. allkl. rjlt' l, - '*<!hJs/ sSS|®ii Chambers st., New York City. “ Laat fait aad winter I wm troubled sfi-awassAi pal ol tu, ta. tonta o* «ta<M» SmEBSSeKRH SngESnMS Haverhill, Maas. Ayers Sarsaparilla, Of, J. O. Aya to Oto. Iff* Mao NaMltaWtotoM. W«to»».ta*A Tb« Golsbratsd Freocb Cura, wmm, “AphROOITINE” «33 ><~S Is tour Ml A I rv\ WSJ OUARANTKK 17 ‘yaaaftji "Til jarararriaia wmm WM, ■OX «. IOIIUVD. Oft. •SOLD BY ALLEN A Soto AflioU, North Ysklms. W. T. Mvir. Stnts, Tiivm &c. Farm Machinery, Wagons. g The Largest Assortment of Builders’ Material in Eastern Washington, and Prices Lower Than the Lowest. -A_. B. WEED, Corner Ist St. A Yakima Avenue North Yakima. “The Old Reliable,” Gr. W. CARY, la NtiU to bo found “doing business at the okl stand/' on Yakima Avenue, whose will always bo found a complete stock of General Merchandise, CoooiMin, of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Ac., of m, niton. In cooMrtkm with Uw oton Un. Carr roodocta a Millinery Department, Embracing all tho latoal noretiim in Lodko’ Wear. Yakima Ave M North Yakima, W. T. Yakima Candy Factory. Anticipating the wants of my numerous and increasing customers, I haw per* (acted arrangements lor furnishing I Scream! !«•«» Cream! At modern* prices, end lor public accommodation will keep OPEN AT ALL HOURS. Alee e full line of fin Cafe Kid, Irak Tnits, lipvM oi Dastit Cim r. 1. HERKE, 1 Proptotar Yokimo Cmady Eoctoty. BARTHOLBT BROS Gt. L. Holmes cfe Bull, 71S & 780 Paolflo Ave., Tacoma, W. T. Fumltme, Ca[pets, Dnmefies anil vugs, WHOI.ESALK and RBTAIIj, Largest Stock aid Best Variety North of Sai ProMisco! When in Taooau, nil and examine, whether yon with to imrchaae or not. "“Correspondence Solicited. “BOARD^TRADE” SALOON AND BILLIARD HALL. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, . Constantly on Hand. A. Churchill, Prop. tm Opposite N. P. Depot. North Yakima, Wash. Ter. T I. K-TTTnnFTT.TnT^ mrornca or and dmui is*—— Dim*, Jewelry, watebes. Gleets, tain, it., YAKIMA AVE. (Goodwin Bnildlni), NORTH YAKIMA, WASH. Agency For All Amerloau Watches, n«» oniau a araciUTi, witcib u» jtwriiT mumu tmao in m wm acaunn. BHAKESPERIAN! King Keenaan 111:— M A Horn! A Horae! My Kingdom tor a Hens! I desire to take him ta the Pm pin’s Picnic flaws store. And have have him fltUaftiy caparisoned, and at the same tima get the trapping* at the Very Lot Prices at VM Jones is drill His EiceQeit Goods!” MUNT HATKROOM! Pali and See Me. ‘W’. IP. CTorLQS. Chappell & Cox, AGENTS FOB FRANK BROS. IMP. 00., Yakima Ave., North Yakima. AGENTS FOR FARM MACHINERY OF ALL ENDS, Wagons, Farm Hacks, Buggies, Carts, Ac, Ac. AU goods of the best class aud warranted, and prism the lowest, quality of goods rnnildeied H wiß h U Twr Miaalay fa fc« Tie ldfc»rnmh| iQttSl S IMr LW, Tacoma C3-roc©ry Co, INCORPORATED (1100,000), am Aon, m WAU. Tu. roa Ciunrao Pal arm A Co.', Kit Win Havana Cham, TACOMA, WAHH., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GROCERS, Proprietor! if tie Pipt Coffee aid Spite Mill Jobs 8. Baker/?rwm**' Nos. 1657 to 1641 Pacific ayenue. Bartholet House, JOHN BARTHOLET, Proprietor. FRONT STREET, NORTH YAKIMA, W. I. The Baltholrt Hotuw to contrail, located and conduct'd on (nOola. nriadnlc. Ewy attention given to the motion of gnoata. ■ms miTT-FiTE ceits. —. lodgiig mm-ms airs. The Peoples Barber-Shop, YAKIMA AVENUE. NEAR HOTEL PTEINKR, For Neat, Thorough Work. t»* aao, fcaa tan Ikomau, now aad aa 'tonal Bath Im addM loluanghteatea • * UggSft’"**"-