Newspaper Page Text
I*M OnrrfJ# (Am. The Tacoma Ne*t gives the following regarding the early career of Major Cal* kins, who has been appointed associate Justice of this district: Major Calkins is a typical Houmar, and takes an afßce with the sang/row! of a veteran. He got into the habit early in his career of claiming everything in eight. As he expresses it, he was as “green a country hay as ever followed a furrow” when he walked into the sanctum of the late Hon. W. 8. Lingle, editor and pro prietor of the Lafayette, Ind., Courier. father of Mrs. T. E. Hcantlln, of Tacoma, and asked for the position of devil. Mr. Lingle, who was one of the leading spirits in Indiana polities and a first class Judge of human nature, siaed the boy up and finnsignsil him to perdition—in other woods, to the composing-room. Young Galkins soon demonstrated his capacity to the terror of drowsy reporters. He eould call “copy" louder, more persist tally and in a greater variety of keye than any ten devils that ever tortured the drowsy ear of night To relieve hlm self of the annoyance of this persistent little devil. Mr. lingle was finally con strained to promote the boy to the posi tion of reporter, and subsequently to that of city editor. Three libel suits, filed against the paper the first week of young Calkin’s regime, attested the liveUnssa of his disposition and tbs quality of his nose tor news. While Calkins waa in the office Mr. lingle purchased a donkey for bin twin daughters and tbs donkey soon became famous far his ability to get him self md hto youthful properties Into scrapes. Be was so sleepy that a local post even alleged that the swallows built nests la hto seta! One day the donkey tamad up missing and there waa great griaf in the Lingle household. Mr. Lin gle offered n reward of $25 for his return. On n Saturday noon in the leafy month Of June, the embryo Journalist waa hold tog down Mr. Uagle’s chair and dream tog that be, too, was punt, when an hon s* granger chanced that way and pro eeeded to relate that he had a donkey over on hie farm, a sort of a waif or tony that wasn’t wor*h a dam for anything she bat to annihilate hay. He thought he had Men Editor lingle’s children driv ing it and dropped in to say that if it did belong to them they eonld come and get Hand welcome. The farmer departed, young Calkins was seised with an inspiration and when Mr. tingle returned from his dinner the city editor stated that to-morrow was Sunday, that he had nothing else to do, and that if Mr. Lingle would give him the reward in case he succeeded he would en deavor to find the leal donkey for the children. Mr- Lingle consented, and it is needless to add that the donkey was in hie accus tomed stall before dark the next day. Monday Mr. Calkins got the reward and thee it may be said he laid the founda tion of hie future greatness. Tall oaka from Uttia aeons grow, tha great ore gnat, oven In embryo. lnbV«kli(|ka Th* high-spirited giri drew bar Mkf lik* farm to its ultimate celaitode and her eye darted bifurcated lightning at the IteMy presumptuous youth who now quailed before her. "Mr. Dupp,” she sibilated etridnlooslv, aa aba roUad a cigarette daftly with avel nty steel yet canning loach, draw a naAcb with a grand and aweaping mo tion anon the aola of her high-arched aboa, lighed the fragrant herbaceoua cylinder, and inhaled the smoke with a *m, old dotniniooeaqna pon of patrician •aao, **fm nabo me weary I" Orrilto K. Dnpp blew bia non apolo ■rtieaßy. "Mine Weeds. ” be ululated, with a annfflag twang, “upon my aonl, I don’t catch on!” “Young man,” aba exclaimed, with a lurid fniguration from bar ariatillant eyaa «!»■<■« through the narcotic nimbus that floated about her, “don’t yen know bewtewooa daughter of Accomack?” “I don’t seem 10-to gat there, exact ly." be replied, with vague dubitetioo. Fbaglac the half-consumed cigarette tm the band-painted coal scuttle, the imperious girl Ixad her burning eyes on the cowering youth with an intenaitythat made Ida bones ache. "VbgW. »•*," k. almori abritkad, “whol njn about to dot- With m rinoooa motioa abo |kido toward tht panlyaad yoang mmm awl laid har hMd aa Ida alMMldn trlth a eaaatriafwt •Ukk. Hia flaab oriakled at tha ooauct, bia bait naa op, tad bo aland —**—iln, tad pKtoo-lood. (aapio* lor bnatb. "I aatabaatloahaapoo bow to atom Iho heart ol a hlfh-aoobd dauablarof tha bbaaatatraiaot old VlndaU (on!" .bo SWy blond lalo hit tor, onv? Infection cdhotninpiarciothi. tbrobbiaa bnio ha U laaaebad from a catapult. "To. humbly aakad mo UI wooldcoo aaot to lima to lb. opp«alia( cry of a haatt that n laid tnmbliag at my boi.” SaaoaUaoad. "la that tha way to rae (oar a vomaa at flaab aad MaodT Im- Sartal Alaa.adar, at! When yoa aaak *» pbot year «a« ta triumph oa tha ckadololbtrtfeclioaaiaa the haariaat. tha daadHaatotloya'a artillery!" With Jaw drooping, ba gaood at bar vaaehlaaa. laariaatod. apallboood. Slow ly aba voaad har ansa .boot hb nan riaMachm aaddnw Hto hrr. With a dm, eonpalUai, aay, maatarfal oonotrac tloa aha prtnad hb hnd dowa aa bar “BilMldßrwdi Yoo are mine! ■mil Ml" With a Irw, trinmphant lengh that echoed tad thrilled along ,h. pnleee ol Me Rome ta tR, remeteet fllament of hie hatag aad held him la |m thrall with a awaetaeea that trembled on the border land of paia, while flemee of Hgnld Ira doacad before hia enchanted Tiaieo, ebe hewed her hand, aad h* llpa, redolent frith the aaarehing, indeecribeble lare joflaf a homemade cigarette, toached A Mgbtfal ahriek barat from hie lipe. WKhakaaffcdfart.ha broke from her embrace, rushed from the home end fled : | like a madman down the crowded thor oughfare. He waa hatleaa, disheveled ( and wild, but thankful. He had escaped | with bis life.—From advance sheets of Ramalle Eaves’ next novel. Tlm fieMtti €ate A new overland passenger train will be pot on the Ogden line Sunday, May 5, and be the fastest regular daily train ever run between this city and the east. Leav ing San Francisco at •JO p. m. daily, it win arrive in Omaha In three days, in Chicago in three days ani nineteen hours, and in New York in four days and twen ty-one hours, or twenty-six hours shorter than at present made by any single over land train. It will be a limited train, and wiU carry only first-class passengers. 1 It'd ftu Canto*. The Bellevue, Idaho, Herald save; “A novel team stopped in front of our office this morning. It waa composed of four cows and waa hitched to a wagon taking a mover and bis outfit to Washington territory. They had come from Nebraska, a distance of over 1000 miles. The cow s were in good condition, except that they were foot sore and needed shoeing. The rancher carries with him his wife and six children, a supply of milk pans and a chum. The revenue from the butter made on the wing supplies the party with refreshments.” John I. Blair, of Blairstown, N. J.. is reputed to be worth $60,000,000, yet such is his strong sense of merely holding his wealth in trust for the benefit of his fellow men that he spends upon himself less almost than is paid to bis humblest work man. When Mr. Blair stops at the hotel, If hs intends to stay ovsr sight, he nsualy asks for a small inside room on the parlor floor. If His In the winter, and too cold to sit without a fire, be aits in the public lobby. If he intends to leave before mid night he doss not take a room at all, but occupies the public room down stairs, and If hs wishes to changs his shirt he slips into ths little washroom behind the offices. “ 1 never offer or refuse,” he said joking ly, one day to a gentleman who offered him a cigar. toHff uitif’i Kratt’s. A meeeenger from Grand tele, in the Gulf of Mexico, has brought news of the death of Capt. Rigio, a resident of the island for ninety years, and who is credited with having been a member of the famous pirate gang who. under the command of! Pierre and Jeon Lafltte, depredated the! Golf coast from Texas to Florida. After! the dose of the career of the Lafllteal Rigio became a alave trader, and thus axnaaeed a considerable amount of money, with which be purchased the major por tion of the island, converting it into a superb orange grove. Rumor has always I had it that large earns of money derived by the Inflate from their raids were buried on these islands, which, separate Barataria Bay frpu the Gulf of Mexico, and Capl. Rsgio is believed to have known the exact location of the treasure. While talkative upon matters in general he was mute upon this subject, and the secret, if he really possessed it, has died with him. "HUmi * tat” Kanaaa City Journal: A very old faahiooad “priarie schooner,” that has evidently been on the move alrooet con stantly daring the peat quarter of a cen tury, drifted into the city yeaterday fore noon. It had the usual complement of three or lour scrawny dogs, a big rooster, two or three kittens, several dirty-faced children, and a lank coaple representing the band of the family. It waa an Okla homa outfit, a duplicate of the “Pike’s Peak or boat” aggregation that got picked off by Indiana laaa than a score of yean ago. The old man looked aa if it waa al ready a genuine caae of “bust” with him eo far at money waa concerned, and the sami-bomorous Inscription printed upon either aide aide of the “schooner” indi cated he was not a stranger to the lead ing attractions of some of the wcetera states. In fact, he had evidently tried them all and got the wont of it eech time. These were the words, printed in large, black totters, that pedestrians read aa the schooner Boated down Fifth street toward the state line: Chinch Based in Illiuoi. Cicloaued in Newhraska, White caned in Indiana, Bald knobed in Miseoury, Prohibited in Kansas. Oklahomy or boat. lift ii Htoben. Extracts from the first number of the Kingfisher (Oklahoma) Boomtr of April 27,1819; “ KafeThimblirigger paid naa pleasant visit yeaterday and told ua that ha had just won a fine quarter section at a shoot ing match with a tenderfoot. He paid the funeral expenses himself. Rafe to a gentleman.” “We learn that the seven new towns started west of this place overlap one another very seriously. One man from Illinois lives in three of the towns and to running for mayor of all of them.” “Coroner Ooosefelter iasofar behind in hia work that be reqoeaU a* to inform his patron* that be ia doing the best he can. Hi* friends will oblige him by not making efforts to increase hia business at this time." "Jim Trigger! called ooroyeeterday and traded <u a nickel-plated Derringer lor a year'a eubacription to the Boomtr. He not the Derringer from a man who died end* only after calling him ahoroa-thief. Come e*tia.Jim." "There will bee fero game and e Bunder reboot rearing in tble town 10-momw. AH aro Invited." ‘The now cemetery south of town is meeting with general favor." “II any reader of the Roomrr sees any thing that be doesn’t like in this paper, wo wU! gladly take it bock in our next Isons." 1 1 tytap if Pnfmitoal Pint let. | A Wichita man hauled eight hundred j cart loads of dirt in one month, and the boom editor of the Journal published it las “eight hundred transfers of real estate for the month.” George—Won’t you be mine, dear? Clara—l think I should have to be hard pressed, indeed, to take you. George (equal to the emergency)—Ob, if that’s all, here goes. Jones (who fa canvassing the borough) —Oh, what a very charming baby! I’ve ahrayt taken tuck an interest in very young children. A—how old is it? Elector’s wife (with pride)— Only Just fourteen weeks, sir! Jonea—Really! Er—and is it your youngest* Hie Lordship—Yes, this is a really wonderful country; but you have no ruins or deserted cities, as we have, on the other side. Mr. Wide-Awake—Well, I don’t know about the ruins, but if you want to see a genuine deserted city, why you Just take a trip to Indianapolis. They were passing under the elevated railroad, and the din overhead waa al most deafening. “This bustle makes my head ache,” she said. “Probably,” ob served he, “If you were to wear a smaller one—” “Sir!” she indignantly cried, “I mean the noise confuses ms.” “I beg your pardon,” stammered he. “la it true, Angelina,” said a young lady addressing an acquaintance, “that there has bean a rapture between you and Clarence De Johnes?” “It is quite true.” “Gracious! What was the cause?” “He was addicted to the use of slang.” “Oh!” “Yes, I begged him to discon tinue the habit, hot be persisted in it.” “Andthe result?” “The result is, he is in the aonp.— Boston Courier. fmin In Ltpl-Moi In. :! The action of the New Jersey bank in I damping $4,000 in silver on its floor in i payment of its chocks in the hands of a rival institution brings op the question of legal tenders. Gold has always been legal tender in the United (Mates. With I a brief interval previous to the passage of the Bland act, ailver dollars have been also. Greenbacks are, but gold and silver certificates are not, except on customs, taxes and public does. National bonki notes are not legal tenders, and can be, and have often been, refused in pay* | tnent of debt. Subsidiary coin is legal {tender only in limited quantities. A gentleman went to the stamp window; I of the past-office in a neighboring city and | , called for 100 one-eent stamps, tendering | in payment 100 onocent pieces. “Those are not legal tender in any such amounts,” growled the stamp clerk. ”1 refuse to accept them.,' "You do, eh?” answered the gentle man. "Well, give me one stamp," at the same time shoving ont a penny. The stamp was forthcoming. "Now give me a stamp." He got it. "Another stamp." "Now another." "See here," said the clerk, "how many ■tamps do you want? You are keeping ! twenty people waiting." "Oh, I always keep within the law,” responded, please. Pennies are not legal tender in large amounts. Another stamp." And he shoved out his pennies and pur chased stamps one at a time till he got his hundred. But the clerk wee cured. I’enniee are legal tender at his window in barrel lota. I Inna It Kill Sot Forget A laughable but rather embarrassing caae of mistaken identity occurred the other day in one of Boston’s largest retail atorea. A gentleman who to a little too fond of joking entered the store for the purpose of meeting hto wife at a certain counter. Bore enough, there Blood a lady dreeaed, to hto eye at least, just like the woman he was after. Her back was tamed sod no one was near her. so he quietly approached, took her by the arm and raid in a voice of simulated severity: “Well, here you are, spending mv money as usual, eh?" The lace tamed quickly toward him ; waa not hto wife’s; it was that of an I acrid, angry, keen-eyed woman of about fifty yean, who attracted the attention of everybody in that part of the store by saying in a loud shrill voice: “No, I ain’t spending your money or no other mao’s mousy, aad ITI—” “I beg your pardon, madam,” cried the confused gentleman, “I supposed you were my wife and—” “Well, I just ain’t your wife nor no other man’s wife, thank fortune, to be jawed at every tiro# I buy a yard of rib bon ! I pity your wife if you go around ■baking her Hke you did me. If 1 was her, I’d—” The chagrined Joker waited to beer no j more, bat made hia way oat of the shop amid the titter* and sly chuckle* of those' who had witneaoed hia coo fusion. Lafttfaranfo. “Ladies,” said the lovely female who was lecturing on the beaut ice of clooe-flt ting garment* for female limbs, “let me ask yoa bow many there are among yoa who are oo clothed that they coaid climb a ladder nr jump oo a chair without fear of aneeemly exposure?” “Bat we don’t want to climb ladders nor Jump on chairs,” Mid a pert miss of eighteen summer*. Rot the way In which ebe and othera tacked op their rtothcc when nn irrerer col men in the gallery cried cat “Ratal” chewed that they were M eo well pro* pored lor enuwgmelee oa they weald like to have it thoaght.~tfrw Fork Ae. ■ A ■ feMoMM ■n'l'iw raw ’snssoura. Sprague UermU; A number of smbi tioaa politicians were in the city Monday evening booming H lens burgh for the capital. Tlpy did oof get much consola tion here. —All styles of Job printing at the Hxa au> office. . —TimoOijr M»l at tbo t. X. L. • DON’T READ THIS! ' film Tn law Tta* Ta lake Saw law; at (■«. | BIT JfaT NOTE A lav iATCt*, j TO-WIT: It In ofu*n twid, and truth , folly, too, that it is not so much what we make as what we save that makes us rich —or, in other words, tlte (aersou who makes the dollar go farthest gets the liest value out of it. The value of the dollar is known by its purchasing power, and not alone by the given quantity of 100 cents. In certain places in Europe, one dollar will purchase twice the amount of life’s necessaries that it will in the United States. The consumption bring no more, It there provides for twice the length of time, or is worth 100 per cent, more in actual value. The prudent person will always consider the value of a dollar in relation to its purchasing power, and lie fore spending it will ask himself, “Where will this dollar go farthest in the way of buying necessities and comforts?” A moment’s reflection will answer, “At viniiigr Ac where 80 cents has about the same pur chasing power as a dollar in most any other places here. 0 The way to prove this is to call and ex amine goods and prices, which will he I cheerfully shown to all. They have the newest and best selec ted stock in town, and it is certainly the place to go to And all yon want very cheap in the line of Hardware, Cutlery, Tin, Granite, Iron and Woodenware, Bird Cages and I*mpware, both stand and {hanging Lamp*. You 1 can save money by comparing prices, and i satisflaction guaranteed at Vinlng ft Bilger’s! ! To the Faxmkb ano Gakhenke— We es pecially call your attention to the fact that we are sole agents for Eneraon Talent A Co.’s Standard Reapers, w ide and narrow ent Mowers and Hay Rakes, Norwegian Flows, Cultivators and Harrows, Newton Wagons. Badger Seeders, Feed Cutters, 1 Ac. Come and see them. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE, Northern Pacific R. 8., via cascade DIVISION. The only line running Pallaan Palace Sleeping Cara, magnificent day coaches, and Elegant Emigrant Sleeping Couhti, with Bertha Free of Coat. | FROM OREGON AND WASHINGTON POINTS To tlio I'lhml . VIABT. PAULAND MINNEAPOLIS. The Oaly Transcontinental Line Banning PALACE DINING CARS (Meals. 74 Cents.) Fastest time ever made from the Coast, over the RORTHERS Plane R. R. To Hionn city, Connell Blnflb. St. Joseph. Atchi son. Leavenworth, Kansas City. Burlington, Quincy, «T. LOUR, CHICAGO, And all pointa throughout the East and Mouth east, via St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman Sleeping Accommodations Can be secured in advance. EMIGRANT SLEEPING CABS Are hauled on regular Expreaa Train* over the entire length of the N. P. R. B. Connection made at fit Paul and Minneapolis to all points Bast. Houth and Hoot heart. Through train* leave Yakima for ML Paul at MJ p. m. Through trains for Portland and all points on Pacific aud » asca-ic division, at *.nu p. in., con necting at Tacoma with boats (or uluts on i Puget Mound. Tickets oe sale to all points In the United 1 Plate* and Canada. For routes, rates, Ac., ap- Rly to H. C. HUMPHREY. Ticket Agent. North Yakima. A, D. CNAEirrux, I A sat. General Passenger Agent. No. 121 Pint I street, cor. Washington. Portland. Oregon.. fit Mn Eisim AND Cigar Store H.O. WILSON, Prop., COR. YAKIMA AYR. A FRONTJ«T.(opp. Depot MITR YAKIMA, W. T. fint-dm leak at AD l«in. at S ffatn. -> A Fin i*MO( laported ait Domestic Ciian, —i. Mock. Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, 01 Ik, Nil. ropalu Irul, Pipes, Cigarettes, Axl , ca«,Uta Amwinmii ol Kmllnt Cudln, Cbitlig 6u, 4c., It, Ic. H. C. WII^OIV, A I. Cor. Yakima Ava. and Front St, opp. Depot. KlDnby TEA URINARY- KIDNEY TROUBLES Dr Huey's w T nN ic D.N-EH5® Appetizer CURES INDIGESTION Dl/ t^H d s s peC ,fic FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES. ) PORTLAND, OR.. u Notice to Show Cause. IS TUB PRORATE COURT OP YaRIMA COUNTY. WAsaiNoroK Territory; (Order to «how Estate should not be made. WALTER F. MORRISON. Administrator with the will anneied of the estate of Mary (. Morrison, deceased, Savina Hied til* pe tition. herein duly verified, praying for an order of sale for the whole of the real eitate of Hid decedent for the purposes therein net forth. It la therefore ordered that all persons iutereited in the aald estate of the said deceased a opes r be fore tbeMtd Probate Court of Yakima County, Washington Territory, cn Monday, the itrd day of June. IMS, the Hue being at tbs May term of Mid court, at 10 o’clock In the foreman of wild day. at the court room of the Mid Probate Court at the eoart house In the city of North Yakima, In Hid county of Yakima, to show cause w hy an order should not he granted to the said Ad ministrator to sell the real estate In Mid petition mentioned as shall be necessary: and that a copy of this order be published at least four successive weeks in toe Yakima Haa*L». a newspaper printed aud published in Mid city of North Yakima, In Mid Yakima county. 0. W. STAIR. Judge of Probate Court Dated the J7th day of April. I**. In the Matter of the Relate of Mary L. Morriton, Deeeated: I, D. W Stair. Judge and Clerk of the Probate Court of Yakima County, Territory «f Washing ton. do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, true and correct copy of the order to show cause why an order of Mle of real estate should not be made, and entered in the matter of t le estate of mid deceased, on the 37th day of April, iMU: that I hare compared the same with the original and It is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof, on file In my office. .— *—. Witness my hand and the seal of < sa *l. > Hid Court on this ‘J7lh day of April. •V—' A. D.. IMP. D. w. STAIR. [n?2 m.toj Judge and Clerk of the Probate Coart. rmm JUST OPENED! Lee's Boot oil Bios Sion, OPPOSITE THE GfILLAMD Horsn. Imli nC NWi kit ti Wfr trfiiria: i amutj. He would respectfully solicit the patronage of the people of North Yak linn ana the *ur ronndlug country. » V>l k i Field & Meyer, —CITY— Meat Market, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCH ERS AND PACKERS, Yakima, Washington Territory. >l. PROBACH. [Harr, Mor to H. Sigmund.] -THE LEADING mm m YAKIMA AYE., near Front St.. Domaatie and Imported Goods made op In the lateat atylea and at reasonable price. ALLCI/DTHEB GUARANTEED TO FIT. Oui«s nO Dftiriig • VriiHy. Jon. J. Appel, DR4I.KR IB FINE WINES anfl LIQUORS, The Beet Brandi of laportefl aid Domestic Ciian. Booth Hide Yakima Avenue. Notice to Creditors. Kttale of Clara Chapman, btceanri; "VrOTICK is hereby Riven by the nndenlirned. Administrator of tbe estate of Clara Chap man, deceased, to the rredllors of, and all tier sons bavins claim* against, said deceased, to exhibit them, with the proper vouchers, within one year after the date of this notice, to the said Administrator, at his place of business, at the dnut store of Allen A Chapman, on the corner flecnad street and Yakima avenue, in the city of North Yakima, Yakima county. Washington Territory. W. H. CHAPMAN, Administrator of the Estate of Clara Chapman, Dated at North Yakima. W. T„ March 27, imp A. F. SWITZER, Contractor and Builder, m*ra vasiima, «, T., | Will Contract for the erection of all elasaaa of BaUdings. either Brick, Stone. Concrete, or j Wood, and will complete the work honestly Aid According ti Agreement. RipgaEKcK: rim KatT Bank of North Yakima. Ofllce, up stairs In Opera House. Ofllce hours, 4 to a p. m. Harvey & Bigg am, Blactemitlis & Wagonmaters KORTH UKIRA, WAHH. Having MNhMrf the entire atock and took of C. M<4 lean. North Yakima, we have taken ehargeuf the old ahoy on front at., and we Mk a •hare of nubile patronagi in anything In onr line Refmlrlng of all kind* of machinery and Roreeehoelng done to perfection. HARVEY A Rif MUM. To Increase Capital Stock. N OTH K la hereby given that a meeting of the Work bolder* of the Konewoek Ditch Company will be held May XMh. at 1 o'elork r. n. t at the Hehoolhonae in Parker llottom. for the pnrpoae of inereaaing the Capital Week of nald Com pan to A fnll repreaeotatlon of W. E. Thomtw.». Jon. Ba*thoi.kt. WELL DIPPING. lam folly prepared to dig wella, cellar* and other excavation* In the city or connty. All work done «p«tdlly, cheaply and In good ahapo. THOH. NORTON, North Yakima. W. T. USTortH Yakima LUMBER YARD! G. 0. NEVIN, Proprietor. I.I'UBER, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, LATHS, SHINGLES, AC. Apt for tie Celebrated AveriU Paints, tie best Paints on tie Market, AND A LARGE SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. OdS'e Mid Yard. Wwt Side ol Railroad Trait. North of Dr pot, North Yaiiun. W. T. FRANK. B. RMAROLBW. J**9. O. MrDAKIKL. StLa.rd.lcrw l McDaniel, DBALRRH I?* TTine "Wines, Liquors, Imported ft Domestic Cigars. PINK BILLIARD AND POOL TABLM. Sole Apt: for tie Celebrated Jesse Moore Keitmij Whiskies. GENERAL MERCHANDISE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING G<K>DS AND GROCERIES. O'. CT. -AJRiMISTIROIISra-, Corner First ntreet and Yakima Avnnr. A complete line of all of the commoditiee enumerated above will be found at thia store, and a general requeal is went forth to the public to call and exam ine the prices and quality of the Goode. J. J. Anustl’oiijf. ENGLISH SHIRE HORSE, H... elnee the time ol Henri the Heeond. been cnnildend The Best Draft Horse THE MOXEE CO. Have a Magnlflcent. Imported. Thoroughbred KaglUh ah Ire Hull 100. of the Pareet HUeln- Holbeach Tom, I* yeeu old, end Is “ell horse!" Nothing per* better then to breed to the 1 «- , ren be fonnd. Tom U the beet bone lnvfchlng£n ******* «s£ilS?TsdT;“^3,!{Si?"” ,T “< •» »r he li en he nnabt >. be. Holbeach Tom will Stand this Season at Mozee. TraniN: INSURANCE, 125.00. SEASON, 120.00. SINOI.E LEAP, 110.00. Peatnre, «LM per month after flmt two week*. Moxee Co. Allen & Chapman, ERTTCKJISTS. K “ p * lw,y " oo h “ d NoM «*• Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated hjr a Competent Pharmacist Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. »rtiT Ftnst Buis gfinr wist »i umni clears. | Comer Yakima Avenue anti Second Rtreet. .... ymktal> J. T. ESHKI.M AN „ „ . O. W. ROOM AX Rodman & Eshelman, Rill Esuil 111 Lin Aims! Money to T xwm on MortpiifeM, Mimiinle ml Pntpertr Haillsd furHsi-Rislfiiits. Special attention la rail ad to tho Oraot Ramlna la roar Choir* tWa>Aere Tract* and Oh r«t>. Tract of t lie Ha* Harden Load (balance o< the Yolo Roach) which will ho aSbrH Un* fJw dUyl. City Lota and Farm Property Bought at»d Sold. C^orrrci—Coroar Yakima Araaae aad Second xtraeta oppoeita flrat National Ink.