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Fill IS EABXID. lot leraly by the KtMkm <rf TU«i Vrittw, "*toaaia Aceauapllened—* Iteeara of I nproceden tea naaaaoa. Haattlf, Waah.agtoo. Fire ycara ago I took down with rhao matiam, graral and Inflamattoi of the atomach. 1 waa two yearn on my hack and could not turn orar. I had the beat medical aid of Seattle that money could proenre, boll motived do benefit. I waa aUppad to San Franciaco, atayad there Sue tnonlha under exoart medical earn, and I ncaivtd acme ahglil benefit them, .tn that lima I .offend eacructoingly In off atoanh am) kidneys, end my M lag waa almoal tba nine of two lege and aa hmd aa a rock ita whole length. I could hardy eat anything and waa failing tat I gam myacll np to die, In tact, I thought Rwn only a matter oi daya. About that time ail the country round ma rang with tba pattern of Dr. J. Eugene Jordan and bia new lllatnganatlr ayaum, of which ha waa the author. He took no caeca nnleaa - they were given up aa incurable by other reputable dactcas. Ha charged nothing lor aarrlem aad medicine and bia object named la be to chow to the world the coming revolution of the medicine. I bed myself cocreyad to him at tbeßrunawlcfc Hotel, where bia office ia. In one day attar taking bia medicine tba terrible pain ia ray alamaefa, that atayad with me to''eo many yearn and that daatoaaari and waat, of cirey eckooi and ao acbool, could not d kludge, ventobed. Mybadlly health came buck to me. I threw away my crutches, and if it wan not tor a re maining atiffncea of my knee I would bn n young man again. Thia does naf bagla to Ml the enStotoga I andmad; a eolume could net do Jnatios: a pen could not aon ■ raylt. It wn rimplraa nights end daya of torture. Beet wn toaigu to me. All this tranafoamation to health has naw bean In a year and 1 hays na mamas of tb, trouble. lam eg yuan old aad ban lived W yean near flaaltla. aad mr many frieada never aapactad to an ma abnat again. I am atHI taking the madfdaa and have hapn to gat the an af my knee back. Lan positive that had I known of Or. J. Begun Jordan and bis gnat Hlatoganefic ayatam baton 1 wn paac- Mcad on to yean by all *a Mg aad little j _ « - w ,|. n .,t a „, a * u - - - - a uocbbb, a snouiu dw nave spent jean w nontteanbla miaary and thousands of dol lara ia money In my opinkm, baring triad afi kinda of doctora, than la bat one rational eyatem of medicine, aad that la the Htotogencrie ayatam, and having aaao an many other ao-cailed toanmfafa eaaaa, like Bright’a diaean and bllndnan, ate., of my neiahban gat wall, I conclude that tba Hiatoganetlc ayatam of medicine to tba coming ayatam of the world, and ail other achoola will have to give way to It, n darfcacn to light. F. McNair. Tkaanawr or WamomJ Cot'XTr or bo. ■ ( Tbo Afloat, ft. 8. Cotria, eeye; Two fwn ago I had a oonpoaad ba ttue of Iho leg, tad it woo art by Ik. Smith, of SeaWe, bit nw at ana •art woo palatal. heabaagaeatl y formed I had Dr. Begley for eight months, who ooadodad that it waa carin af the barn, hat Mt medicine did « n food. By UmttUnelcoald Imply dr* myself m a oatcb. I coaid not alsap hr pala, eattld do DO work aad wa la despair. I hoard a anat daal aboot Dr, Jordan’s aaw system ol medicine, tad I aakad Dr. Begley what he tboaght ol K.' He aaid be did lad koow a to Or. Jonha’a ahffl ad a doctor, bat be (M kaav tba Mb araat to moult la tba la am month after teUag the medicine I wa able to discard my crotch aad go to work, which I hare roa tin tied erer alace, awotlcn aad black and gangrenous with a rwmlof aaa n big n a band. lam now practically wall, imy betac bat a email abraalm—no biggae than a lame ntH b*. ft. *. Coarot. Mbaerlbed tad awara ta baton aa thle id day of May, Idas. J ultra Bocaarcaa, Notary Pobbc la aad icrWaablnataa. My wlf mla'lw abTmSd Dot lire loop She caald not hasp a tblaa on bar atacnacb, anti war dlatracted with piarclaia palaa la head aad atoaaaeh. Wa a lea called Dr. Jordan, who, wbaa be aaw ay wife, world baft, to improve )nst e. soon a. .betook the Hle togeoetic medicine; end that la)aal what aba did. She began to Improve a once, and waa op in three days. She U now a beDerar in the Hietogrnetic system. Tnonta Thomas. . CAUTION—The Hiatogeootk medi *■ are •old in bat one agency in each lon. Tlm label around the bottle bean UnldkerlOfißaerlptlon; “Dr. J. Eugene Jordan’e Hietogenetic Medicine." Every «di» device la a hand. C. B. Buehnell he. ben. appointed ade spat at Hoeth Yakima lor Dr. J. Eocene Jordan'a HMcntoatic Medicinea in place o(C.L.<3ano. Depot of HUppliea changed from May . dry good. etore to Bnebnell'e ■ill m ■ SUIT HUB. h Tndta, hr ta taga-1 IritaM Nn Wan, Mm. ORabarty. and did yt have much company fast Sunday T" ’‘-Iliad. Kraral gintloman called, an' wan ut tfaim capaciaUy. Ut did oaU twoioe, Hn. O’Flaharty. Ha wan an a baaaichin’ lacnraion. Ha did baaakti roe to wroite to Mary Ann, who ia now in Naw York, ya know, an' hare her coma back home agin. Ha war the laat Cin cinnati gintlaman that waited on Mary Ann baton tba Priocb count got ac quainted wtd her. Ha wat vary implor- In’ la Ida baaaichin’, ha waa. Badid ■ay that Mary Ana was too young aa* innocent a gimil to bo ao far away from bar mithor %id stranger*. An’ phwin 1 tow Id him that tba gintlemaa who waa bar ‘ahasaroo.’ I belsve it is they calls H, waa a very notoe mon an’ a congress the dlvil himself, an’ 1 wouldn't tree* a child M amine wM Mm torthewurruM.’ ” “An’ (what did I teU ye, Mra. O’Rah ertyr “An’ (whin 1 tow Id him that the wee takin’ thayater llama for the stage an' that ebe sea New York is the place to a ripotation to the bnalncn, ha aald ha oaaM glee bar Jtot aa good n hoam bayaat In Cincinnati aa any one In Naw York could giro bee. Soya aaa Mary Ann ia alriddy in great demand. They any tone lookin’ tannin acton are gittin’ eery acorca; thet Mery Andaraon an' the Lang try an’ Potter woman are all ployin' out; an’ fwbia Mary Ann do ha riddy to the ataga aha can abttp night tan their aboaa an’ hare tba whole ataga to haraaif, yearn. So I towtd him I would bun to taka Mata ta couaidar, and ha Ml am atui baaaichin’.”—JTantacky Journal. It IMD, tafia* Dcaaan Boaney, at lug Ctoy, was a Viry pdsua an, bat a goad dnl of a poll- Ndaß. Ha wn also a vary practical run. Ba never toad to have aay Urns wasted In the prayer iimatlng One night, ia tba prayer meeting, when Ikn aspartame had all bean told, aad the exhortations Sagged, aad tbs paayaas giw feeble, hmtha Bonaey aieee **“* solemnly remarked: “My brethren, as the regular exercise* to-night teem to halt a little, I will im prove the time by making a few observe tione on the tari S.-Eli Ptrkim. “Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady in this eoantp. Disease fastened its clutches open bar and far savea years she with stood its severest teats, bet bar vital or fpns ware endsnnined and death seemed hnmiasat For three months aha cooghad Incessantly and could nal sleep She bought of aa a baitla af Or. King's Haw Discovery for eonaumptlon and was ao much relieved on Igktag first dose that she elept att night and wkh one bottle has been miraculously eared. Her name is Mrs. Lather Lots.** Thus writs W. C. Hamrick k Co., of Shelby, N. C. Oat a trial bottle free at C. B. BushneO’s drag mt*. t • “M 1 gave you a pound of metal and ordered yen to make the moat out of it. wbat kind of metal would you select?” asked a Jeweler. “Gold, of course,” wu the prompt reply. “I'd prate a pound ef steal,” said the Jewelqr, “and I'd have it made into hair springs for watches. A pound of such springs would ad for an •van WdD^OO. ' The Verdict Pnaniasens W. D, tut, druggist, appro, Indiana, taattfta: "1 can recominend Electric Bitten a the racy baa maedy. Cray bottle sold baaglraa cal let in ovary aaa. Oat maa teak abt hattla aad wa card a rbanmatiaa a too yean’staading." Abraham Hsr*. druKgist. Bdlevllk, Ohio, •Anns: ‘Tbo boat aelUox tnedk-ine I h«v* *v«r bundled in ay twenty yean’ experience to Electric Bitten.” Thoo- Mode of other* have added their twti atay.eo that the verdict to naanimoae that Elactrir Blttara do cure ail diaaaaa of the fiver. kidney* or blood. Only ball a dollar a bottle at C. B. BaabmU'a drag store. . • sarafalooa total la tba blood U much nan palreraal than many an awwa. fadaad, hot law par •caa an bn ban it. Fortunately, bow atrar, wa ban la Ayer's gaanyarllla tbs moat potent tmady scar diaooraaad too tbia taeriblo aSUctiaa. • —How to yoor appetite? Am yea aer vooe or Irritable? Am yea rabbet to Ml- UotHMes? Dr. Henley’■ DuadelionTonic works waodTM. It mslcee the weak, nd hrkly aumg, fatdlda np tbn wfaola Wan md gala now lila aad aMgy I. yao. Try It. Hold by Abn A Chapman- • -Tba entering wedge ol almaplelnt that may poors fetal is often a alight cold, which e don ar two of Ayer’s Cheery Pectoral might ban mad at tbaooan ani arnaat. It waaM bn wall, therefore, to kaap this tmady -.labia reach at all —Every lady or gootiatnaa shaold ban an thair toilet stand n bottle of Dotard's Specific. Than is nothing like It for in no ring blemiahaa from tba akin, coring nasal catarrh, polaoa oak, watts and ta moanne growths and nmnlag sores. Tea dar feet from tmcomlortabie aboasaraln aunlty retirrad by DaUrd'a Specific. Bald by AUn A Cbapnuui. • —Btatlmka show that 70 promt of tba people at the United Stalea an aalMag ban diaaaaa of the kidney aad nrlaaiy eigen. A simple pain la the back. If neglected, often maa into that terrible •eoorge, Bright's disease, which carries off eo many ol our prominent mm. U ym am aflktod with any urinary or kid ney trooble, no matter how alight, do not pot it off until too late, bat procore a package a( Oregon Kidney Tea nad taka Sold by Allan* Chapman. ""’a*’ —Timothy and at tba I. X. L. a —Aina naw Una of saddles, hanaaa, ate., Jnat laoaiaad at C. B. McEweo's ahoy, Yakima ayanaa. • —Maul tic kata, good lor twantyoaa mania, at Mia. Stamata' Hoaaa Eaatau mnt on Front abnat, only <4. tt. -Every garment mada by M. Pro bach ia vairanlad a food at, food nab manahlp and la Mva aaHalartioa. • —“Hackmatack’'la a laallng and fra grant perfume. Price BS and 60 onto. For aala by G. B. Bnahnell, 1l fill —For a nobby anit, made to order, do not fail to can on on popular merchant tailor. M. Probach, on Yakima area or. • —A aaeal injector boo vMh each bottle of Shiloh’a Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 aaata. For aala by C. B. BaabnaU, drag *Bt- —Shtloh'a Cure wUI Immediately in- Hare croup, whooping cough and bron chitic. For aala by C. B. Buahnell, drug flat. —For aqnaia dealing and Taluerecoind lor your hard earned oaah, call on T. O. Badfiald for anything in tba lina of Jew elry. a —Shtloh'a Catarrh Remedy la a poal tira cure to catarrh, diptbaMa and Cank er Moutn. For aala by (. B. BnahnaU, drnggM. -C. E. McEwan to now offering and dies, bridles, hatnarn ami everything in bia Una at prime not to ba duplicated thin aide of Portland. a —Why will yon cough whan Sbiloh’a Cura will give immediate raUaf. Price 10 canto, 60 canto aad ,1. ForaalabyC. B. Boabnoll, druggist. —if you have lout any money lately, Bedfleld will return it by selling yon goods ao remarkably cheap that you will target yon mtotoatnaa. —Catarrh cored, heulth aad awaat breath secured, by SWloh’o Caatarrh Rem edy. Price 60 cants. Nasal Injector free. Bold by C. B. BnahnaU, druggist. watches at Radhsld'a. They are daisies, aad 111 cheap! Remember, they are war ren tod aa npnoantad or no trade. -For dyapapaia and Uvea complaint,yon have a printed guarantee on eyeiy bottle af Shiloh's Vttaliaar. It oaraf fails to cm. For sale by C. B. BnahnaU, drag fiat. —Dr. Savage will ba found always ready to attend calls day or night. Office over postoffice; residence on Second •treat, one block oootb of First National Bank. Oct. S-tf. —The Rev. George H. Thayer, of Bour bon. Indiana, saya: “Both my sell and wife owe our.lives to Shiloh’s Consump tion Cura.” For sale by C. B. Bnahnell, druggist. -Th» Notches orchards art now on •alt at Goodwin, Strobach * Puwley’a. Thaw flmen tracts adjacent to tbs ci ty are offered at a vary low figure and with tsrma to suit. • Highland. On.. March 20. I have suffered with a diseaseoftbe kidneys lor six or Sevan years and for the last two months have been laid op with the pain In my back. A friend sent mo a sample of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and having used It one weak 1 can do a good day’s work. I bare derived more benefit from it than from all the medldoeol have aver taken. J. V- Nawanx. Sold by Allen A Chapman. • wbitioms amnm mi&mSSVVjtfl “** ""““Vrlfflk iriwantwa, ■T»ie l—WMiiilU. Notice of Dianlation. BWOMWW eolred by nMI roaeent, Jum Diekioa retir ing War H kenhew. bevlne perwheeed the entire latent, will enubt ell the htolihw ol the Aim ud collect ett awmlM eeM Ane. f&Ssen&v Ntth TehiWMk April K Mi. Abeyg Ask Fir Ayer's Sarsaparilla, aad ba sera yn gat la, wbaa yn weal tba Was blood-puidar. igaj jir BloodytHaiaaaa, yon /111 Onnnng.nmilln '/War H\\ ” ar ® a P“ ,,,a HVSCSmMIi to say ether. The I Tn fore-runner of mod bSuitoSSlp X* ulor, bciig 1b grent- T efjMtftoa eU - Ayer’e Sonoporlllo to Mlttac teeter then over befog*. I oovov beeTtato to irfoeiainf 1l" Ooono W. Whitman. Druggist, Albany, TST A&ss&nssjpjssi arawaresttitar ** A/or*e Sercoaertlta aad Ayer's Pills are the beat eollinf ■adltoass la ay Snsy.« So* BKb'm!*PbJimii. ££Self&S3St t. holm., have sold year atdldsti te^th* n^ZSLVMSr.M jaack. I laaooaaaad M, as, n the a Mouaouthg Kaaeas. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Or. d. a Ayer I O*, Uwed. Mace. PAeeft; rtateMe*#!. W«* *•*«*. Mint, Sims. Tim k Farm Machinery, Wagons. m The Largest Assortment of Builders' Valeria! In Eastern Washington, and Prices Lower Than the Lowest. A. B. WEED, . Corner Ist St. A TaUma Avenue Forth Takima. “The Old Reliable,” Gr. W. CABT, laatilltoba found “doing boainaaa altbaoid aland " on Yakima Avannc, what will alwaya ba found a romplaH alack oI Q-eneral Merchandise, Ooaoiodaf of MY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Re., of twy variety, la connection wMi tba atore Mrs. Cavy oandnela a Millinery Department, Kmlmcfac ftl lb# tow* hnUn ia Imdto' Warn. Ywklmn Ave, North Yakima, W. T. Yakima Candy Factory. A«leh»*W «*>• «M ■< to row■ awl Inatoing rnkmn, I Inn per- IWd .tniuMMatfi Inc hmliMm 1 Scream I Ice Cream! At moduli. peiem, ud to pohUc amommodukm win top OPEN AT ALL HOUIW. AIM a tan 11a. of Us Cuiiß, M, Irak Fnitx. lipurtefl ui Dnadc Cipa 1 Proprtaur Yakto CtodjMnKtor. BARTHOLET BROS. Q. L. Holmes &, Bull, 716 * 780 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W.T. FuiQltme, Carpels. Draperies anil mgs, Wholesale and retail Lines! Steel aid Best Variety M of Sii Fraicisco! WbM la Tmobu, call and examine. vhollwr yoo wtoh to porctiMo or not. ••“Correspondence Solicited. “BOARDHTRADE” SALOON AND BILLIARD WAT.t. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Constantly- on Hand. - Churchill, : ; : : : : : Prop. nn mo k. r. mmKorn mi« •>u nr. H. Dinnlii. Jifdrr. Vttdn, Clotb, sunrvare. k YAKIMA AVE. (Goodwill Bulldtaf), NORTH YAKIMA, WASH.* Agency For All American Watches, nil OUHO A OraeiALTT. wiioß iii jiwiut nmrem uruui. in ui wtu wuuna. BHAKESPERIAN! Kin liciunDl;--! lonal tM Mr Ktactai lot . Hot.: I tain to tat Ua to u» Poor Ws Pole Harness store, M b.r. bon hlaAttlmlr oorortaota. ud«tk. an Haw <M tbo tnroloo «the Toy Lfv Price* at VUck J«et is drill His liceQeit Goods!” MTJST HAVE ROOM ! OaU and See Me. W_ ~F Jones. Chappell & Cox, AGENTS FOB FRANK BROS. IMP. 00., Yakima Ave., North Yakima. ABUTS IDE f ARM lACHDdBT OP AIL KINDS, Wagons, Farm Hacks, Buggies, Carts, Ac., Ac. All loot* ol tbo boa fin tad womiatcd, ood prim lb« lownt, ,ulltr ol food, tonaltatd. 1 ril h It Iwr Umtm IthllwMw frtt*g leftist h Ikk U». Tacoma Q-roo©ry Co, INCORPORATED (1100400), Sou A«i«. Ol Wttai. To. po. Ctutniio Palacio A Co.’t Kir Vor Hat aka Cioam, TACOMA, WASH., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GROCERS, Rflriotetf tie Apt Odteal Spies Mini gftyjWtilgvin F. “* Wwfcwta. j!k! I'tfiSfitn 1 Nos. 1627 to 1541 Faolflc avenue. Bartholet House, JOHN BARTHOLET, Proprietor. FRONT STREET, NORTH YAKIMA. W. T. Ruthotot Honw to ontnllj ImM and condnrtod on tattla prindpln. Emy attention given to tho comlolt of gnesta. ■eils nimmE cow. mww ttott-hte cars. The People’s Barber-Shop, taki*a aveuci. »ui nm mina. For Neat, Thorough Work.