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The Yakima Herald. Volume X. THE YAKIMA HERALD. REED t COB, Proprietors. INVRB EVERY THVRIUV. f-’.OO PKH ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. UrertiMßg Katm Ip. A*tKxtiea. K. M. Rxxo. Kditpr and Busloeee Manager. PROFESSIOSAL CARDS. naoaea tombs, w. j. milbot. ue. hovlbtt. a. a. hilboy. TURNER, MILROY A HOW LETT, Attorneys at I^nw, min takiha, wash. 1. A Hewlett, ex-Reeelver of Public Money* at the U. H. Land Otter, will give Special attention to mating out papers for Settler*, and to Land Contests. *. T. CATOS, I L. C. PAMRIOM, Spreeae. | North Yakima CATON A PAHRIBH, Attorneys at Law. MV”WIN practice In all the Ooutr* ol th* terri tory- Otto* on First Htrcet. ophite the Court Mouse. North Yakima. W. T. I. H. J. SSIVELY. rnxnliu htuu ui Uttto Attorney at Law. itvstE courts of the territory and C. A. land outer* j. e. eeati*. | a. Bias*. | r. a. obatbs REA VIS. MIRKS A GRAVES. Attorneys at Law. practise In ell Court* u( the Territory. Special attention glren to all U. h. U»4 office business. St North Yakima and BUcns burgh, W. T. I. BDWABO VNITBOB, I row I. ALtXB rasa rmw. Walls Walla. North Yakima. | ALUM, WHITSON A l-ARKEK, Attorneys at Law. la First National Beak Batldiag. H. O. MORFORD. Attorney at Law, Practices la all Couita la the Territory. Be peclal attention to Collection*. Office ap stain In Hill Block. North Yakima. wet. a. con, ■. n. B. b.mbo, a. ». COE A U£G, Phj&lciui, Sugeoit u4 Accoachein Office Hoare-B till M a. m.,2ti1l 4 p. m. and 7 till * o’clock p. as. Office oa BBffiißiai. Bear AQfeu A Chapmen * DR. J. JAY CHAMBER#; Physician and Burgeon, Has had ire yemt' practice nan year Assistant -rsag siagseJgta^.ewH*. *O*e»«TM BoahncU's Unix More. uytt-tf O. M. GRAVES. DENTIST. All work la my line I rat-clam Local sacathet lc* naed to extract teeth wlthont pain. Ke charge for examination. IT office over flrat National Baua. , y MeCBU.ANBOC.,. An Economical Fence. JHAVB now the aele right lor Yakima Conn ur lor oae u he heat wise leacoa over pot ” rr b mi Kim* m Wire and machine for makingon band. Thou* with lag to build fence* should call on me. J. m. BTtSI'T, West Side of Track. U. KEPPLER, City Scavenger, NORTH YAKIMA, • - - - WASH. O barge* moderate. Ahtannm Dairy. I am Ms prepared to faratnh (amities with ter* Milk (ram tte Ahtaaam Dairy. Mwirmi «mnn»( My delivery raw has a eaavas rover, whlrb preveatn the saa from beating down on the cans and soaring tte milk. W. H. CARPENTER. FIRST SATML BANK of North Yakima. '■ »■ *- w ' ZS& SSSS "wt Mm. cJ!i£ “* l DOM A OKNKKAL BANKING BOBINHB. lift «A Mi Buka* at Ummkk Bata. FATI INTKKMT ON TIME OKPOBITM. Jon. J. Appel, FIHB WINES lit LIQUORS, Tteßoslßiaadsof liptd id Me Cion. ■stuh Mda Tahlma Arsons. IWUMRL QI'ARIT(!H»teaUH«HI.| naM7 own way* Well, mjr long lost flue, •o VOU ter# come boom at last, ud brought the do with you. WeU, give ue • him,” and •he advanced on him with her long anna out •pemd. Mr Queet shivered visibly, and stretching out his band, stopped her til —jgg Mar him. “Ho, thank yoo.” ha said; “I don’t like paint,” The hunt stopped tor. and (bra moment an evil light shone le her Ooffd eyes. "No wonder 1 have to paint,” she said, -when I am eo worn ont with poverty and hard work-act like the lovely Mm Q , wbu has nothing to do all day except speed the money that T ought to have. I'll tell you what It is, my fiae fellow.yon had better be oan»ful. or I’ll have that pretty eockeo out of tor soft nett, and pluck tor borrowed feath er* off tor. like the monkey did to the parrot” “Perhaps yon had better stop *Kmt some to business. lamin no mood (or this sort of thing. Kdith,” and he tamed round, •hut the window, and drew the blind. “Oh, all right. I’m agreeable, I’m aura Mtop a bit. though-I must have a brandy and sorla first lam as dry mb lima kiln, and *u would you he If yon tod to sing comic songs at a music ball fora living. Ttore, thai'.i baiter." and she |*it down tto empty gls*-* ami threw herself on to the aoffa. "Now then, tune up as much as you tike How much tin have you bmughtf Mr Quest sat down by tho table, and then, as though suddenly struck by a thought, row again, and going to tto door, opens! it and looked out into tbs twangs Thera wan aw body there, so to shut the door again, lockad it, anf than, under oavvr of drawing tto orp- Min which bung over it, slipped tto toy Into bis pockek •What are yen at tbssoT mid tto woman, "i wm juet looking to see that KUaa wm not Rt tto key bale, that* «■. h would not *w the tent time ttot I toon caught tor nvre." Just like your nasty low ways again” aba «ut “ You're got tamo |uh on. HI ba Hound that yea bare got mom game ost" Mr Quest seated himself again, and with ■ait taking aajr notleeef the last remark, he gau the conversation. **l have brought you two handxedaad fifty pound*." be add. “Tm) hundred and fifty pounds," ehe said, jamplac op witbasaeage laugh. “No. wy bur. you don’t get off for that if I know It Why, 1 owe all that at thto moment.* “Yea had better stt down aad baqalst,” be aid. “or 70a will not get two hundred and ilfty pence, la jour own interest 1 reoom ■n.-od )rou to sit down." There wae something about the Bum’s roioe and manner that soared the female •aragahaisvahhß, torwm aha was, and sbe mt down. Listen,” be want oa \ “you are ooMtaually .-xunpUlniag of poverty. 1 oome to your *ouue-yoar boose, mind you, not your rooms -and 1 dad tbs debris of a card party lying ebook law champagne bottles freshly jpoasd there in tbo corner, lass a dressing town ea the sofa that aeael bare east twenty w thirty pounds iheareoane breto aaaoo ate of yours out la the street ashing you to imd him another •deer.’ Van complain#f powty. and you hare had over fear hun dred pounds Cram am this year aleoe.andl know that yen ears (wales pounds a week at ton asaslo boll, and not flea as you my. .No, do not troubletoUotoaso, tor 1 baeomado Inquiries." again,” said ton woman, with a “Tea, spying, If yon Ilka, bat there it to And now to the polnk I am not going no t you with money m tola rata 1 ■aaaot do it, and 1 will aot da to Inmgo -1 og to giro you two hundred and fifty pounds . iow , and as much every year, and hot oae inhtag morn.” 1 Ones more she sat up. “Ton must ba nod, "she eaid, in a tom that sounded more like a snarl than a human eoioa “Are yea web a fool as to boliova (bat 1 will ba pat off mith (wo hundred and fifty pounds a year— I. your legal wife! FU have you la the dock Irat—ln (ho dock for bigamy.” “Yes.- bo answered, “I do believe it, for a •ansou that 1 shall glen you pres sully. Bat . fint I want to go through oar joint history, very briefly. Just to justify myself; If you ÜBa Firound-twenty years ago,or wan iB-and-twenty, 1 was a boy ef 18 aad you resa a woman of 80, a boose maid la my • •.istbsv’s house, aad you made tare to asa ‘ ben my mother was called away la name ay brutoer who died at atonal a* Parte ■oath.aad 1 feu atok ef scarlet fpem.aad van nomad wo through it-* weald tava nan hlndar If you hoi palmaal ma -tend la uy waak state you got a gfsat hold ovar my .iind, and I became attacted to you, aad you -ora baodsome in tboaa daya Than you irad am to marry you. and partly out of ravado, partly from affection, 1 tote out a •‘•cues, to do which I mads a Cate declare iou that 1 was ovar ag% aad gar* a Cate •ama of tte pariah la white wu resided, '•it day. half tlpay aad Mt knowing what 1 ltd. 1 want through tbo farm of amrrfago vlih you, aad a law day* afterward my nutter returned, observed that wu wars un luly intimate, and dismissed you. You went •r about a word aa to ourmarriaga, white wa •Otb looked ou as a faros, aad far years 1 •at sight of you. Piftosn years afterward, rtenl bad almost forgotten this ad ran tore <f my youth. 1 became acquainted with a ,‘oung lady with whom I fall la torn, •ml whose fortune, though aot largo, was aougfa to help ms considerably la my Tofsasioo as a country lawyer, la which 1 rn> doing wolL I thought that you wars toad, or, that If you livid, tte Cact of my taring mads the false declaration of ago aad ocality would he enough te invalidate tbs uarrtagn, as would osrtaialy have teen tte wss if I had also mads a false declaration sf itaama; aad my imputes aad Interests prompting me to take tte risk, I married .bat lady. Then it was that yea hunted me town, and than for tte flntttea I did what I ought to have done before, aad tote tte .w«t legal opinions as to tte validity of tte .oriuer marriage, which, to my terror. 1 .euud was undoubtedly a binding ooa. You tte took opinions and came to tte same con clusions. Worn then tte history tea been a Ample one. Out of my wife's fortune of too thousand pounds 1 paid yon ao tea than wren thousand as hush money, ou your aa- Jsrtaklng to ter# this country Cor America sad never returning tern again. 1 should save duos better to face it out, but 1 feared to loss my porittei aad practice. You left aad wrote to ms that you. too, ted mairtad to Chicago, hut to eighteen months you returned, having squandered ovary far thing of tte meuay, when i found that tte story of your marriage-as an impudent te" “Yea,” ate put la wi. b a laugh, “aad a rare thus I had with that asvsa thousand, too." “You returned aad demanded mart black mail. aad 1 bad nooboioa butte give and giro and glia la eleven year* you had sosssthing over twenty-three thousand pounds from mo, and you continually de mand mom I believe that you will admit that that is a truthful statement of tte cues." tad he paused. “Ob, yes," she said, “I am net going to dispute that, hut wtet Iteai I am your wife* aad yah have committed bigamy, aad it you don't goon paying me (liters you to jail, NORTH YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, THURSDAY, MAY 80, 1889. and that's all about it, old boy. Ten cant get out of it any way. you nasty moan brute," she went on. raising tor voice end drawing up tor thin Upe n u le show the white teeth beneath. “No yon thought that you were going to piny it down low on me in that fash ton. did you! WeU, yon*ve Just medea little mistake for onto in roar life, and I’ll tell yon what it ia. yon tonll manrt for it. I'U tench yon what It ia to leave your lawful wife to starve while you go and Uva with another woman in luxury. Too oust help yourself. 1 can ruin you if I like. Sup posing I go to a magistrate and ask fora warrant, what can you dote keep mo qnistf Suddenly the virago stopped as though eto were ahot. and her fierce countenance from Into an ap|*araoce of terror, as weU it might. Mr Quest, who had been sitting listening to herein In. l and over hi* ayea, had risen, acid tu< hv'j wm as the face of n fiend, alight with au iuieme- mid quiet fury which seemed to be bunuu* lUR-eniiy Ou the mantel piece lay a .burp (minted Goorka knife, which one of Mr<. d Aubs-ue e admlrera, who had travel*!. i.nd presented to tor It was an awful lootiiu;; w«ai*>u, and keen edged as n rater Tu:«b« had taken up and told in his right hand, mid with it he was advancuig toward her lyiuj on the sofa “If you umku a sound 1 will kill yon at once," be mid. speaking la a low aad hasky votes Bto had beau paralysed with terror, for. like most Imlbrn, mala and famain, toe wm a greet coward, but tto sound oI his voice roused her, and tto fliut note of n harsh -erwch bod already issued frem tor Upe, wbcu to sprung upon her. aad placing Ue ■harp point of tto knife against tor throat, pricked bar with ik "Bequiet.” toeaid, “or yuuarondeto woman * Hbe stopped screaming and lay them, her face twitching, aad her eyes bright wtU tar ror. “Wow, liatao,” ha mid. la tba atom kotky vnieu M Yon Incarnate fiend, yunaMad am Jnat now bow 1 could keep you qoiat 1 will Mi you. 1 can keep you quiet by nmalng tbia knife up to tba kiH in yonr throat,” and snoamoaubapriakad bar with kapoink “It would baanurdar,” ha want on, “bnt Ida not aara for that. Ton and otbarn between you have not made my Ufa ao plaaaaat lor me that I am aapadaUy anxiout to paraarva it Now. listen. 1 will give yon the two how drad and fifty pounds that 1 have brought, aad yon ahuU ham tbs two hundred aad fifty a year; but if you aver attempt ta assort more, or if you molaat me. either by spread iug stories agmioat my eboraotar or by meant of legal prosecution, or in any other way, I •wear by tba Almighty that 1 will nmriw yoa I may have to klli myaalf aftarward—l ion't cars if 1 do, provided lUU yon fink. Do you undantaad ma. yon tiger, as yon anil yourtalfl If 1 have to boat yon down aa (bay do tigers, I will coma up with you at last, and kill you. You have driven ma to it, and, by heaven I 1 will. Come, apeak up. and tall ma that you undantaad, or 1 may change my mind sad do it now,” aad onoa more ha touched bar with tba kalfa Bbe rolled off tbs sofa 00 to tbs door and lay them, writhing in abject terror, looking ip the shadow of the table, where bar long, dtbe form was twisting about la its robe of yoUow, barred with black, more Uhe oae of the great cate from which she took bar mow than a human being. “Spare aw I* she •*»ped; “spare met Idoot want to dial 1 swear that I will never meddle with you again.” “I don’t vast roar oath*, wn—n. r haswersd Ik* on form, tending or*r bar wick Ik* knife “A liar you bar* b**n free* your youth up, and a liar you will te to tto •ad. Do jroa ands—ud what I bar* saldf "Ym, jm, I wiiwtiii Ah I pat away lb*t half*; I can’t baar 111 U maka* m* •Mb* -V«7 wall, then. get up.” She triad to rtsa. bat bar koras would sot •opport ter. so tea tot upon tte floor. “Sow," told Mr. Quasi, replacing tte bails upon tbs maatslpUoa, “tera is yov Bonap,"and bo floog a teg o* ootaa and gold into ter lop, at which tea olatnted asgarlj aad almost automatically. “tte £230 will te paid an tte flntof January* aaoh year, aad aot ooa farthing man. arid joo got (m at Wamsaiter what I tall jnat try to motet mo hy word or aat aad you are a dead woman; 1 forbid jroa ovsu to write to mu Sow, go to tte dovtl la your Mra way * aad without another ward te tote aphis tea aad umhwlte. waited to tea door, —iitoii It, aad wmt, louring tte Tlgsr haddlad togatbsr apod tte floor. And ifa^rtaMM For half mm boar or onto tbo women ta> aioiood tbo*, tb* bo« of money la Mr bond. Then rtw struggled to Mr feet, Mr face 11*4 •ad Imt body Making. ‘•OfbP *bo nld, “T« m weak m a oat • I thought bo meant to do it that time, aad ha will, too, for rtxpeno* Hob got warn tbem I’m afraid to die. 1 cent beartodi* till batter to loaa tha money than to 4km Bo- Aim, if I blow 00 him M? pat bm la oboMy and IMaVt be able to get aaytblageot of him, aad when be aomee oat bell 4a for amt" And tbea toeing Mr temper. Ma hook Mr Int la IM air aad broke out tatoaftod of language eocb aa would neither M pretty to bear aor good to repeat. ►Mr Quart ewe a man of Jnitgenat, At le»t M bad realimd that ha ooe way, aad aoa eoly, can a wild Mart M Mad, aad that la by torror. _____ CHAPTER XVU. “mu* aoeca un toon ao twwm * Meanwhile, thing* at tM caatle were going wry pleasantly for everybody. Tha aqolie w* a* happy la attwnfing to tha eariea* da t*tie cßnntrtii with tbt traaefer of tha owr* asses Tha great George tu bmy In tha oaoa mtfooMd flow of borrowed cneh, tMt eon. bled him to treat Janter with a lofty aoera not un mingled erttb pit’ , which waaaabalm -•* ••■•ue amount to business In his own p» • vay with msn up trsss and ottorwim. r bu-i os not to stock tho Moot (arm. and .<* not Michael mas at hand* I iila. too, wm happy, bappisr than she tod been since tor brother's dnah. Amides, Mr. I Edward Coseey was out to tto way. aad that to Ida was a very great thing, for biaprew sacs to her wm what n policeman la lon ticket to leave man- a most unpleasant and suggestive sight She fully raaitod tto meaning ami extant of tto bargain into which she tod entered to save her father aad tor kenss, and ttore lay upon tor Itodsop shadow to evil ttot wa to eema Hvery 1 time she saw her father bust hug about with his business letters and parchments, ovary time tto universal George arrived with an air of melancholy satufsi tlou and a long list to fanning stock ami implements he had bought at soma neighboring Mktoelaaemle, the Wadow deepened, sad she heard the dank lug of her chains. TLerefora tto WM tto more thankful for her respite, Harold Quaritcb we« l.appy, too, though Is a mum* bat mtlaw and peculiar way Mra. JoUoo. ttoa old lady wbo attended to hit wanta at Molcabi!l. with tba bate of agar denar and a KlmpU village maid, bar uiaoa, who tmatbaii all tba erockary, aad aaarly drove tba colonel mad by banging toa doom, •hiftuig bit paper* and arts dating bit trays af Human uoiaa, a—ally coo fidad to soma fnaada la Iba village that aba thought tba poor daar gaatiamtn was going mad Wban queationad on what tba baaed this bait*, tba rapilad that taa would walk ap and down tba oak paaalad dining room by tba hour tngatktr. that than, wban ba got tired of that anartaa, whereby, mid lira Johann, be bad already worn a groove in tba aaw Turkey carpet, ha would take out a Tokay* (foggy) looking bit of a picture, and at It npoa a chair and stare at it tbrongb biafiagara, ahafcMg bia band and muttering ail the whi la Tin Will and ooncloaiva proof of a ylaldiag Intailat ■ br would gat u ball that of paper with some sanasf'sscajsssr aids down and tiara at M to. than tideways, than all ways, tbaa ba would hold It bafor* a looking glass, aad atara at tba lonklag giant, and ao an. Whan aakad bom aba knaw all this, aba ronfamad that Jam had aaao it through tba key kola, at coot, bnt often. Of count. at tba prartioad aad diararuing reader will clearly undantaad. this maant only that wban walking and wearing auk the carpet ttoa ooionai waa thinking of Ida. wban contemplating tba painting aba bad given him, ha «M admiring bar work and trying to raeoneila bit admiration with bia own coo actaooaand bia somewhat paaullar vltwtof art, and that wban glaring at Ibi paper be waa vainly endeavoring to make band or tall oftbamamaga written to bln eon on tba sight baforo hit execution by Bir Jamaa da la Holla in the reign of Chartes I. aad oongdanUy bo lievad by Ida to contain a key ta tba where abouts of tba troaturo ha was auppoatd to have minuted Of coons iba tala of tbia worthy tool. JUa. Jobaon, did not loaf m tba tailing, and when it reached Ida's ear*, which (kdid at last through tba medium of Ueorgn-for w nddi tioa to hlanomberlata other functions, Uaorga waatbaaoiaaakhoriaed purveyor of village and country newn-ltrtnd that Oat Qaariteh hod gone raving mad. Tan minutes afterward this raving lunette arrived at the aaatia iu Ma dram alatbao and bia right mind, whereupon Ida promptly re peated her thrilling history, aoaaswbakko the subsequent dttoomfort of Mn. Jabaon mad Ho on*, ae MCMbody ooc* said, with *qon) truth and profundity. know* what a mlaut* may bring forth, much lam. tteraforo, dew anybody know what au *r*aiag of wy two hundred aad forty minutes way product For iaataao*. Harold Quaritoh iboagb by tbi* lira* b* had gouc to t ar at to frwly ad mit to Wawdf that b* wa* atterly aad hopo lowly la lor* with Ida, ta lor* with bar with that seated aad datanaiaad f—too which •oewtinwe atrtkaa a aiea ac WWBea la aaiddl* dfia— oartnlnly did aw know that baton tk* rroalag waa out to would bar* declared hia dentin with raaalt* that shall to wad* altar in Chair dsosot order Wbw ha pat on bte draw oiothw «• ooata ap to dinner h* kM aa wora intention of proposing to Ida than ha had of not taking thaw off whaakawwit to bad- Bia lota waa daapwwogk aad steady awaagk, bat parbapa it did aat pi—tin wild law fa *»i ty which aarriw peoples* Car to thair youth, waaHmw, indeed, a grmt daal ferttorthen MMr raaaoa appro rm It ftps I^Srwt^w'k^^LtoTJS boars «p*a tteplnoU brww tbaArfwlwof — -a .1..1, __ j i_ fMHllrwfW abi* to tto a!—sftlwof man. Hat, for aU that, tb— I* **w irk tog adtraetin abaat torraata Thar* to a grwadMWto that first nwbaf paaaloa whteb rawlni trow tka and daa malting*f thaa— waf tbabaarfaparity aad talth aad high unstained dorotloa. Sat both torraata aad aarifabl* rinrsnr* liabla ta oaa eowmoo fate, tbay may fall errr prsoipte—. aad wbwa that kappaai area tka totter warn to b* aarlgabl* for a apaoa Aad that wa* what wa* about ta kspgsa to war friend tb* colomL To bagto with, h* bad diaad wail, aad what aver ardent twenty th— nay think of *o grow aad watorial a feet, It to eartainly tru* that if a maa to la tor* tefor* diaaw, ha to fin-aad tw*aty par ant. aaora to too* after 11 Wall, Harold Qoarlteh had diaad. aad ha had bad a pleawnt a* w*U aa a good diaaar. Tb* aquir*. who «f lata had ban ahwrfain aorta—, wn la blab—tern,—dtoM tong •tortoa with aa iadattmlmai point la nay body otoob anyth tkw* atortoa would bare ban w—te— to a dagraa, bat tbanwna gusto,aa originality, aad a ktodof Tador period flar*r about tk* aid gntlamaa wklob mad* hto worst aad ioagsat wary aooaptobto la any aoatoty. Iha cajoaol ilwiilf, to*, had eaaw oat la a aaoat aaanal way. Bo had a fond of dry kawor to him which baruiwty produced, hat wbn b* did produce It it wa •f a aaoat aattoCaotory ovdar. Übthtopar tioutor algbt It wa all n rtow, greatly to tb* wdMatoln of Ida. who wn a witty n' wall aa a atorar wnwaa Aadn it enawto paw that tka diaaar waa a vary ptoaaaat oaa Harold aad tka aqulra wsr* atoll tottiag orar thair win*, aad tka tottor wn for tka fifth toata girtog ta tka for—r a fell aad particular aeooaat of b—hie Aaooaato anal, Mr*. Maway. had beau nasuaiid by a learned antiquarian to narart, or ratter rwtora. Dead Una* Mown into Itoaapp wad prtototira eouditloa of aa aaotoat Brhtob dWaHtog. aad of tha astraordiaary «sprawiou af bar law •bn tka MU awn la. wbn mUmtftbm aarraat aaaauanad that Uaorga wu wuitong *°Tto oSgnHawaa grwabltd a groat daal. but dually got op aadd*porc*d tonjoy kin mU tor tha antiwar or nto talking about things to gpawal w||k. Mi rWainar, iaaTlng kto gnaat to find kto wpg to tha drswtog J "•fc. *O. tabid raaahad tka rooaa to •soad Ida anted at tka pMea. etogtog. ilka kaaiiklw Wat tha door, laakad round, nodded —ttlly.aadtbn wntn with bar singing. H* nan aad aat down n a law chair wuw two pa—Own bar, ptotoag hlwaalf la such s pwitooa thathaaaald —tor fa**, which. I a dead, to always tana-* a wonderfully piano tat object of neoUmpliw n Ida was play ng without tonsis |ki only Ugto In the mum was that of a low lamp with a rod Wage to Ik Ttorefora, to oooid not aw •ery mooh. being only with dlfilrelty able to trace the ontlinee of tor fantnrea but if tho itodow thus robbed him. itoa the other hahd lent torn toanty to its own. clothing tor taco with an atmoepbero to wonderful soft toss which it did not always possess in the glare to day Tho oolooel ladeed «we mast remember that hewaa to lovn and that It WMaflardinaan tooams quite psettoai da tsraaUy. to ooomt about It. aad ia his heart eompaiod tor first to Hk Ctoilia at tor organ, aad then to the Aagei of tbo TwUlgbk Ho had navsr assn tor loot so levoiy At tor worstaho wmo handsomeand noble looking woman, hat now the shadow from without, and though to know nothing to that, the shadow from tor heart with: a aho, aided, may be, by tto music s swell, bad softened wed pnrtfiad tor Caw till it did indeed look to most like an angel's Uia strong, ftotesfial faoee that are capable off the moot teadarasm. aot tto soft aad pretty cam. aad even la a plain parson, when such a faoa Is In ttos way seen, it gathers a peculiar beaaty to its own. Rot Ida wm aot n plain person, eo on tto whale it la asaroely tebe wondered at ttot a certain attest wm prodawd open Harold Quarto* Ida, to outward appearanee at any rate, nil aneoomioas of what wm Bssttng In tor admuor’e mind, wont on singing ntetesi without a break. She tod a good memory and a sweet vales, and really liked matte for its own sake, as U was no great attori to tor to do so Presently sto came to a snag from Tsnny ■son’s “Maud,* tto tender and beautiful words 1 whereof wdl to familiar to asset off tto mad jomaf tor stary Uhsgsmi O* Ist the eoUd ground Net faU Osaaath ay Sect, Mere my bean bee tsuad What some nave found so sweat. The toug It a lovely one, and it did not •offer from bar rendering, and tba aCbst pro duced upon Harold by it waa of a anoat pe culiar nature. Ail hit past Ufa aaamad to baava aad break beuaatb tba magic of tba mutie aad tba magK* af tba stager, aa a northern final of loa breaks op beneath Iba tmtbnnt of tba sumuiar sun. 11 brake up, i and tank, and vanished into tba depths af bia nature, tboaa drawl uamaaturad daptba that roll nad murmur in iba vaatoam at each I human heart, on the ata roilt beneath iu I clash at lea, that roil aud murmur hare, and ait toward a abort of which wn have a# abort or knowledge. Tba pat was gene, tbafrnma yean bad malted, and uura atara tba sweat strong air of youth blew acroas bia heart, aad ones more there was bine sky above, wherein tba angola aal-ad. Under tba Infill* warn of that song tba barrier of aalf broke down, and his being went out to mask bar baiwt. and ail tba possibilities of Ufa aaamad to breathe afresh. Ba ant aud listen*!. and, aa ba Hakanad. trembled In bia agitation. tiU tba sweet echoes of tba aauaio died upon iba quiet air. They died, and ware gathered into tbeamptinean which receive* and ivcorda nU things, tba oath nad tba prays* tba melody and the ■cream of agony, the about of triumph and tba wnH of waa. and Ml him broken. Bk* taraad to tow, wailing faintly, tor Ik* soog tod awnd tor also, aad ha Mt that k* ****** **Tk*l tea beautiful song,"k*saldt ’Mag it again, if you do not mind.” Bk* ante bo answer, but oao* aon ngi "Ob, to! tk* **Ud ground Not t*U (NMBib my fast, tof ois a v heart ku found What mm bars found •• sweat," and (k*a suddenly broke ott -Why ar* yn looking at a»T aha aalA “1 oaa ftol jroa looking at ro*, aad you anka Baton toward b*r end looted bar In tka •fto “I ton you, Ida," toatod; ”1 ton yaa with *U wy toart"- and to stopped aaddaaly. Ska taraad qaito ptos-ww la that light kaeould her pallor, aad tor hand* Ml knrtly n tb* toy* Tto who of tb* crashing no— rolled rouad tk* re— aad died alowly awny—hut MiU ak* •eld nothing. CHAPTER XVI li ta raws. At I—lda apok*. apparently with a grant £>&S£Sm u*mask window mn ttor-— I town 'MfEMM wont, wtors th— waa n mat. Bara aha ant down aad Aaad bar aysa upon tk* hoary bat •ulema rota of to—Ulghh Harold looked at tor aad Mi that if to had aaytbtag to ny tha h— tod co—for him to a* fe aad that eto bod brought tow tb—la aader that the wight be able togs— aarttoarkad 8a to togaa again, end told tor that to land her dearly -I an earn* wrtofn years lifer thaa yoa* ha wuat oa. “and 1 npp—that tha amt e—r* pvt of wy Ufa 8w la Stop—; aad Idn't to— if, patting actor things aside, yn would oara to aunry n aid a waa, especially ae 1 aot rich, ladwd, I tool 8 pr—pn— oa wy part, sating what you aad what law, to ask you to da aa Aad yet, Ida, I kaltora if SaoaaMaarafar —that, with God's bless U •• towfld to nry happy to—bar. I rated a toast Ufa. as* ban m date to da whk weawa—eeea. w—r yeare aea I wa* eagatod, aad tkp toatter eeded aalafully. aad that waa. Bata— atooa I first nwfaar tontothadrift firaya—aad mor* ag*. h has I—toted —aad ton with wa, aad than 1 n— to Ura b— and I tor* Inraad ta lora yea, tarn aaly knows bow waob, aad I should to tokaaaad to try w put it Into word*, for they would sound foolish. AU wy Uf* Is wrapped up in yaa. aad I ftol w tkaugb. toaald ysaato aw aa wora, 1 should aarsr hs • a happy ana again,” aad ha panto aad | looted aatowto? at tor too* whtok wn aad d—ran though with pala. ”1 oaaaet mj yw* Cot g—itok.” ato aaawsrad, at teagth, la a tone that panted bias, It wn so lander and n aafletto to tto word* _ yoa do— I —* for a— Uf awnw Vkata ao right to asp— that yoa would." ••Aa I ton said that 1 oaaaet say •yaa,’ Cot Quart tch, do you not think that I tod totter tear* that question aaansworadf ah* rrtdted.iath*n—aoft do— which sowaod to draw tto b—t wte of bias. “I do aot oadorstapd,” b* wnton. *WhyT -Wbyratokroto In, with a bitter Uttte laugh, -atoll IMI yn wbyf S—— I to paww Look,* aha want on. itoatiag to tto stately low— aad tto broadteadato rood, “you this place, 1 security P, I Burster toasyowa psrseu. Bad It not banter lt would ban ban aald arsr ear toads after baring d**o*od*d to our family MraUlb—o—uiito, pat upoo tb* market aad mU tor srbat te wotoi fetch, and wy uid tetter would ton ton aunwd cuttodte, ter II would ton kilted ton. 8o you I did what water—a woo— tonofin ton drlrntodo, I aald wywtt tody aad aoal. tad I gat a good prior tee-thirty thousand Senator aad suddenly she bom into a flood to ton and began to aob m though her ham* would break. Tor a moment Harold QoaHtoh looked oo bewildered. aot In tto team nmtetoaadlag what Ida meant, aad then to followed tho impulse common to mankind In similar air nniMtannee and took her in his anna She did aot rosaM tto movement, indeed, eto scarcely seemed to notice it. though, to teU the truth, (or n moment or two, which to the eoioosl seemed tto happimt of Ms Ml* tor total tested aw Ms stonlisr Almost instantly, however, she raised it, (read herself from Ms etohraoo aad eased told you eo much,” she said, “1 Mppnee that I bed better tali yoo everything I know that whatever tto >smpf Ion." and she laid groat etrsee upon tto words, “Under any ooooei vable cirrwiMtisnss indeed, even if yon believed that yoo were serving ms In SO doing-1 oaa rely apon yon never to to veal to anybody, and above all to ay father, what 1 bow tali yon,” aad ton panned and looked up e* him srtth eyes In which tto tears mOlesram. "Of aonras yon oan rate agnate** to salA “Very well lam sum that 1 ehail never have to reproach yoo with to words 1 will toll yon. 1 have virtually promised to marry Mr. Bdward Oaany, should to at any tone be in a position to oteim fulfillment ol Us promise, onoonditloo of Ms tatlog op the mortgages on Bonham, which to ton dona" Harold Qaaritah took n stew hash and looked at tor m horrified mtealsnatsnk •WhatTbaaakad. . “Tea, yea," aba aaawarad, hnatflj, potting up bar hand m though to ahlaM harteffrom a biam “I know «tel yoo MM, hrt do' oet thlok ton hardly of mo If yoo —help Ml UvMßMfor MjMit 1 wooM ratbat aark fur my living wttk tmj hand* Ikan tako a price, for that* la no other word tor la. It aakray biter, aad My faMlty loa I aoatd not boar l» iklak of lb* aid gteMgalag totbabamoar.aad 1 did ft oUtaomtoote. withouteoatedaratloa, bat,” nod ahaaatbar face, “area aa tktagi or*. I batter* I aboold do it again, boon—l totoh ate aa worn** bu a right to daatray bar family ia ardor u> plame beraalf. lloaaof tha taaaaaalgolai it b* th* woman. Brtdool think hardly of m* for It," aba addad. obnoat pleadingly, “tte la tf yaa aaa kaly Ml" "1 amaot thinking of you," ha aneweied grisly “By Ha* ran, I honor yoa for what yoa hart dona, for however araoh I awy dte agio* with tba aal it ia a noble one. IMB tbieklagaf them** wbooould driraaaaba bargain with May woman. Taa aay that yoa aura prootead to marry him Mould ha aror ba la a peMtloa to elate* ft. What da yoa moan by that! Aa yoa hara teM mm M nab yoa aMy aa watt laU aM tha raab* Baapokaateariy aad with a rotea af an hia baarlag did not aaaM ta Jar “I OMant," ah* aaawarad, haahUy. “that I baiter*—of oouraa Ido aal knew If lam right—l bblara that Mr. Corny to in aomr way aataagkd with a lady, la abort with Mm goaat, aad that tha gaaetton of whether ar not ha comm forward again apaa bar." “Upon my word," mid tha oolonal, “apoo My ward tha thing gate won* and woraa. I aarar haard anything Uha lit and Cor money, tan The thmg to beyond am" “At any rata,’* tha aaawarad, “than It h And oow, OaL Qaaritcb, ana word hate* I goto. It la dltentt tor ma to ppaak wlthaot myiag toe moch or tea Uttla, hat 1 da want yoa to andarotand how bonorad aad hew gratafnl I tool tor what you harotaM am to alght—l am ao Uttla worthy of all yoa hara given ma-aad to ha hnaart. I laanirt fill m pained ahant ft aa 1 ought to foaL U to tomtom* raaity, yoo know, nothing oten I am nr* that yoo will not pram ma to aay "Stk- k* anawarad, “an I think that I nadarataad tba poaMon Bnt, Ida, tharo to ana thing that I mart art—yoa wtO torgtr* ate if i am wrong m dotag 00, bat all tbtote rary aodtormn If iatbaondoboamatonato ahaold alter, aa I pray haaraa that thay may. ar If Mr. Camay** prariooa mfeogtirnmn ahoald prora tee mart tor him, wIH yon marry oaa. Mar - « Bha iboogbt far a amnl, and Ihia rtrttg from to* omi, gar* him hrr haai>g^raM temnlyi ■■ V-, 1 .IB ~ 3SS hatogy ft." Andtogy wantta. U thadmwiag roam toay foond the agabr pMadtog poor a ten of paper, an whteb flgkran whteh at flrat eight bur* abanlar mjr&szzJsszzr*’ “MatteaT ba aaM, “there yoo am Wte* an earth hara yon boanT “Wa bar* bean laaktog at tha aartte to >h* moonlight," anawond Ida, oaolly. “It b hanatifaL* “Dm—nh," aaM tha agate, dry*. “I bar* nadaabt toad ft to baaaHM, *tertba*ltor gram ralte damp! Wall, laab hrtn”anu aahaMagtha ahaat of. hteroglyyhtea; “par tope yen can add thla ap. Ida, te ft termor* all aorta afthtoga at thamte today, aad harv to hte aoooonti Ihm bandied and aeranty two pound* h* atote ft» Bill rkfOMW lam hoadrad and twenty, and bang am If loan dnd art which la right. It la Inrortart that thaaanecoartirtoaMhahaptrtralght. Maw Important, ate I oaete get tola atopMfeUoo to do to* Ida took tha ahaat of paper ate addad It op, with tha raaall tort aba dteeorarod both total* M ba wrong. Harold, wntohtog bar eeoldbot help wrtdarlagrt tba narraai tba woman who, after going ihroogb aaob a aoaoaM that whteb bad Jart aootfrod, eeold daUbatoteiy odd np teag rows af badly written flgoim Aad tbio meaty whteb bar father wa* m pending m obaarfolly an part af tha prior lor which aha hte bonte hartrif. aatfhha gatejrighk adsad to ndaait of aoearate daaorlptten. Mo hod taken a great Map to Ma Ufa. ate M a cartaln extent that atep hte nuaiadad, Ha had net altogether bnllt hte hapaa opon anad, far bomwhattek hte oMd. ate teß mm from what aha had taritly wn aioiwrily oteartohlmthatahatfitf aaora or Uh regard brtßM a aaaa wanH with ta ha ragawtedhyawamanwhamhadmrlyiaoad. Thwwaangnat daai, artra. todatd, than b* had dared to taltera, hat m in areally tha cam to tort Imperfect world, wham toby nt rtunate want (aMTSL/toMf tbaabiald. Of wbat nto to htot was it ta hara won thrt rwart w—tart tor*, af what am to ham am tort para wntor aftowbrt hap plnam to brt Upa to thntfamrt tote af hte konaly ia ordrt Mam the sop tort haU it ahattered nt a t^w^^Mmthasto«7^r Mftwttto Mnhad prt haraalf to pawn, at bin Ta a parmnaf Mr ttmpto ate honor ahto aatnrr ftaartmdaprtparttwaa aad m a 7»— j*T>« —m Humber 18. Wwao bo take each advaahMe of e woaakh im MCMif tad honorable deatre to MW Mr fatter from Bleary aad Mr raM'ftMß ru*a. ud u> eiii-tot (rum Mr k prato of ■MMTW(e ID mnaidaratioo of value nilwt Patti D« Mule hie overwhobalao pweoaal la tore* »u the matter, H aeade hie Mood MB to think that awrb a thtog aoald bu And fat It •ak and. what waa mam, M believed M kaew Ida wall enough to be wavlanilfeM aha would not ebtrfe ttae bargain. tf Edwenl Voamy oana forward to eUto kb bead* would be i«ld dowa to Ike laat farthlag. It was a queatioo of £BO,OOO, tba liwkl at ble lito and of Ida* depended apoo a aaaaf money If the waaaaj warn tortitneeiag Gnawy eoaid not claim hie flak and Wood. But where wee it to come front Ba toaaH WM worth perbape £IO,OIO, ar with Ihaaoat nmutlon value of Ole peaeton, poeaibly twelve, aad he had ao« theawei of raiefac a faithiuf more. Be thoagM the poatoloa ovn till be wm tired of thinking, and than wMi a heavy heart add jet with entrance t weal to aiaap aad dreamed tkat lda had geos Croto blot, and that M was eaoa note atterljr aloew to the world. CHAPTBI XIX )- **moom ar to nv, tits l> waaantbaday IMtowtoi too tm which Harold propoaatf to U> tfcil Miwrt Conty ratornad to Bolriagbam Ert father bteMtttoray^frMa^il^rttoba it lirt MOrtited ipM tidAow tWag obtey mere* tbrtato bythaaappaai- Horn that Comm * Boat Wu< i—i Miii manta wrraaaMßrlag from hte art* ahmnen mM. to hrtbi|fr to, *o partnpa yoo had Mttr|% TWy la* abort tba flaattag kmo af thtogn but tharatoon* tktag KM* Mf«r a>f. and tort te mm. • Monty a tawM) m pot, and man an tha 11m; u4 mm gat ibatr til aad mm* tttek Mr wiaga, Mlbt bonay k ahmya toarvrt Mwatai-th* •* HanralaiMakn yon gw ate look after tk* beany, Edward. Moaay kajrs koaiy aartay. Iter rlyma, dent tbayl oam whohnnt plenty al ■■■ Mill yea sssy.mraSgjea oar family a dirty tote* aal toareto year poor aaat Jokainalanalte myUm BMBto ■MBtei a teal aaaaa af Ate ao Mdwmd bade krtaattnmbto parent toawaoll, MitogMtH ItartotorthdM ha loqatea aay adMaaftte ten Mm Oter. Mater, ta Maha bin aoolMa todoOai Qoan- Itett an U tarn it tha opportunity toooM am term. t>—t. to hwaawara— aßhailM oto tenon, hod mom ten oaaa, paartMy tor hum of hw own. 0— htea a fokand rtridrantoM of tba laaaft gaaaip ahaat tha ■nlaottoolldo,whowon.too MH.n—ibn taaaMßMn wpnaa, nggl ta ha ■ tori if Non. ■hi him had aad by aay aMana rooted Edwaedh daretten M Mtea da la Matte, whteh wa* n rtnoare ooa enough In ita owe w*y. On bar the BMrabte ftmkua |WBtertto»b rig mom oteirgriwth of Jml—p. -MMi It la Mb Idah laapllad prom tea that aha •onMMan7hbß.tr h* ohooM ta aril hart ontotoboprttegnor laHanan Sanaa Ma baity tn aatnm ta ttatetegten to aaraaaaai of an on—art aboady made, wanteatonawim the Qoaato kite etetahterateSaHwteimMM of pitot taa iniM wttbhto. tern Mitel •m la tha room, attandlag tothaflra, wbiah wooM not ham. Tha dinner paMad aC tatetlranoagh.ChaaghthMonaaan mteana look ahant the tedyVtoa* wbteh ba. Mm foaolMor with tea a%M of tha tetena ktete te Bbo ororMateMd UnMttter a blank white ba «m anaf «teM aognMOhad him with tha aoarafty and aalttMM af Ma teteft and fmaratty nte an li 4 way tettk wMakiannate m tte^naateMMf bad ■jSSSiThrUtii *■ •hatetMag wearied hkn beyond hearing, alte. "te fMd- SstATSSI^La aofto. “Wkrt do fOT MUf too 00*4. "At* too ttoodof wf i.,..|fc o ? - -tni i fZ&zsxrjtarsxsrz Itetl think all Ihlo Id VMM te M«|i OaloMttio>otoi*d, iMm niM IMI tented. Immim nwtetoaadto tente|MpMte<M Mlteitdijrw o—toaagoto to f tetetei* tel fte— te> Mtotetefte* atettlltehadMateto. •tetem tehiad SPBSSteter owooh, ohttdito (he® woo ante oad wwy white "Whattotoogoodof teteWMi •teat.te vtea la aa» Ma»teatote»tea ted. "UMimrteMiMivkilMU WMBoatolh lite tteti pndMMM with ttelTtoWthlJSwHtopte<- TWm idio iteMi*tetete tte a poor httad leal 1 tera triad Ml to te> tell ltioaoiagwa>»Mte«dtoawoaoaa who teghw ter wteto tte la a mow, te» HtoS JmTm te MtoMoblaOßO, teMN««Md MWUi* dfMT "itolj thto Wward. Iteratel aiittla Itetead If joa aro Uni of ma. wh/ 15 Mod teat to vnvte* te»*a«tet tewoeKskteef MUefoteMgled totote tote tteoowtoaaditModoterwild with •*Tw aiod —I look 00 happy, Idward; it toMoiMly dmtei aad> tool too, yoaharo ant hoard all that i tem tooojr. Iteoatei aUtoJo arteo Cram Ton oro to tom with Ido da lo Motto Vow ttero 1 draw tte toe. »«te ten Mtyllte.twpte teaa ato Mrrj Ida whih 1 mm alio® towowrut U. That la moto than I can bear. U—l4m. tea a tootetote tea fallow la fcwo wh° i. wo. fh two »r aot boltova' to* te aoowoood. -too-l whalright teroroa tooojttet Ibm i» tea wteMtedotoMotlof And If I am to Suva with ter. tew oaa jrou iMwrmt mo (nu •Try.aikl jroo wiUtoa."te«o*worwl,n; . a UtUo laugh "And now, aa th» ooitata om driipii. aad (I itmUormr Utewm urn, wh«. Mo teat thing that wooaa da «« to pot oai IteUghwaadgo to tad.” tad A® Uagtod