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m TiM EMM. USD I COS, Proprietors. IMVie KTMV THtIMPAt. 17.00 PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. MnrtUvJhfci [p* *sli*ln E. M> R»d. Editor «od Buildcm Mtntgn- Questionable procedure. The Walla Walla Jomrnal, Tacoma Globe, Tacoma Every Sunday. Puyallup Commerce, Sprague Herald, CmmmMs Chronicle of Dayton, Wallula Hemld, and a number of other papers, are publishing the advertisement of an Elleusborgh real •Mate Arm and* giving editorial notices advocating that town for the capital. In payment for this very questionable pro cedure they gal a lot ia the "Washing ton Stale Capital Park." Bnt what ia this so-called “Washington State Capital Park?*' Is Han addition to fjw |own of Ellsnsburgh? Most certainly not. It ia a good (arm situated a long distance from that town, which has been spoiled by rotting np into lots for the purpose of obtaining a cheap advertisement (or the town and lor a shrewd firm of realty dealers. When a newspaper will sell it# .editorial columns and endeavor to sell out its patrons—especially at eo low a turn K U do wowfar thot tho (nblle plow to littlo ralinncn in tb» «UHm«nU of thoir locnl poporn. Tha EllnuWfb boncnm in endoororioft to obUID tho •UW capiul. Her ritiaana hare beta bled lor the pnrpoee of forming a big fend—probably hr coemption porpoete. Quartern bare been engaged at Olympia hr n el tong lobby to work upon tbrmrm btn of tbo constitutional'convention. In thin aha will labor without a boat Ann rate the truest and bcfl bmb have bora ■abend to frame oar conetitnfion, and corruption foods and other qtaOknabli oOidi will find littla favor there. In the matter of location of the capital, de sirability la the way oL climate, locotkm with a view to railway transportation and convenience for the people, beauty of aha and mo—dine, are all to be considered, and where are tbaae advantsgm presented to a greater degree than at Yakima T This place will depend upon Ita merita. It will net go before the people with a cor raption fund, bet la aa hooM and up right manner it will elate that for yean Yakima hae maintained that it wan the moat deairmble point for the capital: that thin fact haa been generally recognised by the people and thepreaa; that it b the center of population and the center po graphically; that it ia on the mainline of t ha great Northern Pacific tranacontlnanta I railroad, and that it commaoda all of the mountain poems through which railways can ha built au economic grades for over half the length of the territory north and south; that it commando the beet and only feasible route late the Big Band and to Spokane Falte; that n railroad ia now projected from Oregon through Klickitat to Yakima; that a railroad from Portland and Vancouver b already building this way, with Yakioea for Ha destination; that tha Central Washington or cut-off rood of tha Northern Pacific wiU build to Yakima, and that the moautaiiu «re fall ef eurvayurs tasking routee to davelsp tha coal, bon, timber, copper, plumbago, gold and stiver lands which ore naturally tributary to Yakima. AU theea potato and many more we wiU present and ask in Justice to all that if tha capital b to be removed it be given to the home nature hae muds far it. Yakima b the bate laid aut city on the coast; it b a cky of hand asm# and substantial buaiaees and pub erty that the people of can point towithprida as tha capital of their TOWN TALK. IktHuiMKMlohmmilim iMimiM thlomk. aad tho irovißi tnp an (tiktr nainic forward rapidly or (la ooon .hot. hrigo tloaiaaot.all dnnooil Mr ntoaded to) artog bt Into tho gronad It lair, nan warn to irrigate the fine ynr than oror ollor, bat with plraty of B tho crop io ngaod u Mold load It ia a pity that Ikt thrifty gardoao an oot mm thr ndhoad, kr tho liooflt of troopirra. V> Om old bind Mary .01 lad an* pky lor Mo lofppfal eator* la halpiag hh "oatUoWoado la thalr tool. Ho won ororoa Hondoy. aad it la aaio to wurr that tho SoattW pooplo on my (lad la harohln than. V It lo Mt idronal CO oar tho anokc hanging areoad tho oooMlolno, hot m kora to onto, that oott of thing id Um It* of a htarily.oodtd raago. It h oono anonoroHoa of tho thnatonp. omoHaon to hao. that h him) oa tho othor oidr. *.o Om would think, to boor .11 tho UU •hat to pint ■round, that tha conalito •too*! ooneanlloo b an into Itat Inn to ran •tone an rummer and bta into the tall Tha Uct U. than naad be not more that twowaekaeonanmadlatheworkolmab lot a contoitotloo—or thraa aaaka at th. ■tllill Whan wa coaaidrr tha ampl matorlab at hand man thirty odd coo tohntiona in good woaklat oadaa-it '■ apparent that —rent) -tea picked man nan dad what la hrot adapted M oni con dHiaaa, and atU hare ample tlma to r Into tho tldmdat hndnwa. wltboat »oery tog aw.y at it d aamaaar. Of conn, there wttl ha aaaaa recy ptotoaad am akto agn ha liataaad to and par hopa atom aat it partially mad; hat then ffW have ana point of eimllmity that wfl toad to maka them ntonotonana. Iht will ha found to coaaiat la a doraalh ton naiad lightning-red behind each ora toabaledtot. The amount of ability the. •trM be ahat Into them aCorta of the future P*to mamleti of that oanaaation re enough to make unfa hand art* area in Ad of thbbnobaiitUlag of the actual work In hand. It ij of the highest importance; bat the men are ca pable (enough of them) to make a abort Job of It. The humbug will be in trying to do much outaide work under the gen eral head’d constitutional convention. Speaking of the convention suggests the report that there baa been formed over in Olympia a sort of hotel-boanling bouae-room-to-rent “trust,” which ha* gobbled everything from a carpeted and bay-windowed suit to an attic chamber, fur money-making purposes. A brief and bosineae-like seas ion would tend to let down this enterprising combination, to aay the least; and to aay the moat it will not recommend Olympia as a proper place lo continue the capital. An Ellens burgher la authority lor the statement that the town of EHsnahnrgh has en gaged headquarter*, and la ready to open np its campaign for procuring the capital. It will be amusing to saa Olympia and EUensboifh work their schemes. Of course it will help to prolong the social occasion. The heelers from Ellsnsburgh will-try to bay and trade their way Into the good graces of the convention, while the aiy old-timers at Olympia will work their twilight wiles with good effect. The chances are that it will be an extravagant waste ol effort, and that it will be laft to the legislature, and so have to bs all done over again. U there la anything on earth* that Olympia can cope with it is a legis lators. She can bring out her betels and boarding-houses, and dinner* and sup per*. and young ladies and old ladies to flatter and smile upon the susceptible; she can none the rheumatic one, fill the lusty ones, and withal make it right lively. It is dUßcnlt to see bow EUsns borgb, even with rooms hired so long a time in advance, can hope to prevail againat each odds. As for Yakima, there will always be a majority ia favor of making it the capital, for the reason, principally, that it is the best place for the capital. The facib and gUttering Scbubs comes back from New York loaded with inter views. which ere occasionally fired off at ouch gam# as shows up. The Spokane ilr.tcir received a shot whl.h scattered over thb way, and encourages os to be lieve that there are better cartridges toy ing bock in thwebambere of the broach, so to apeak. It b fairly surmisable that we are to stand in the busy orator of all that b to be inaugurated and pushed for ward in central Washington; and wa sus pect that, with the old of a good pair of fiaid-gbssee. ooa may ace a railroad or two coating thb way, with nothing to obstruct it save an irrigating ditch here there bring opened up on a large scale. This is .10 be a gr-at year for central Washington, and there to more in this giitteringly generalised bit of Town Talk than can be definitely told in thb week's Among the appointments made by the president on Monday was that of Frank D. Hobbs to be register of the toad office to BaH Lake Cite. Utah. Mr. Hobbs to wall-known to many of oar people, having been hare every year for the past eight or ten to inspect the V. & land office. On hie last trip, n year ago. he bought some town lots, and so te a tax-payer. He to a a veteran, on crutches, and a most effi cient and admirable man in tha service. Tux folly of dividing counties before tha divisions are capable of self-support to illustrated by the first annual exhibit of tha finances of Okanogan county. The amount of tax collected on assessment for the year 1889 • IHB9 was $3413.45, and the whole amount of money received into the treasury from all son roes wassoJO7.S7, of whkh $5340 waa for liquor licenses. Against this warranto were ironed to the amount of $37,343.53, leaving a deficit for the flrot year of $18,836.15. Ton Cavanaugh of the iterriron to making a vigorous kick over the appoint ment of Val KUroy as pest master to! Olympia. maaßm^ass Tux Hgattie BUfti says that Allen C. Mason and W. J. Thompson of Tacoma are in tha sanatoria! turn. 'neonera. H. 8. Hasan writes that ha will soon bs in Yaktoaa with O. W. Hunt and make a thorough investigation of tha country. A dispatch from Walla Walla, the home of 6. W. Hunt, to tha Tacoma Uiftr and other popam roods: It te re ported here that Hunt shortly intends to brain tha construction ef a road from Yakima up the Notches river to Olympia and Fort Towoosod. Pool Scholar la Spohoap Arriftr: N. P. load dopartnrat will pgocerd lo aiir a thcroagh examiaatioa of tho moontoin no port loco of tho lorritory, with a rlr. a tho drnlopooool of thrir iroa aad cool rooonrra. Whan oral or Inn oga h* fooodio qaaatitln oalhrlont to joatifr ho npooditalr, opum of broach roado oil bo opoedily ronjOna-tad n n to make the dapoaiu available. It ia be* iered that oar coal deposlta ia Washing* lon tarrltoip mac M to developed aa to enable na to aupplp all tho coal that ir{ oeadoa the facidc conal; and I abo. :iaea great faith in tbada>rlopn>aota<im-i .ewtantiren mine*, than eopplyln* an ahee factor in tha induatrial proaperity md rommerrbl areal nem of the Pacific aorthwaat. William Montgomery, a farmer living •ear port Tbwaarnd, who heretofore bore ■n oacelbol repnlalton' waa rereotiy lore •arnad of the coming of a party of kb wfghbora to tor and leather him and i oehapa lynch him, and ho rare pad hrengh the hack dooe at kb hoota and ltd tho coon try Ho la charged with taring bean criminally intimate for' oootha paaawttbhb 13 year old daughter. 1 * Him. Montgomery b a me tog. buxom' woman and dlaclalmad all knowtohm of tot hnaband'a frightful crime, of which there b now no notation. Leonard Rwett, at one Mpu bw partner at Abraham Lincoln and a well known realdito of Chicago died on tha nh loot. ' STRICKEN SEATTLE. Tta Bulmu Quite of tko Qiou City of .the Soud ii Rids. The Flora, West Ultra will Mr tulle KrssMr thaw Befere—*efcle Me spouse «• |he <ioveruor*s Call. On Thursday afternoon, June 6th, a boiling pot of glue was tipped over in the paint shop of James McOongh, at the corner of Front and Madison streets, Se attle, starting the Are that swept from ex istence sixty-four acres of business blocks with their contents, valued at fifteen mil lions of doliarst All that portion of the eity from Union street southward for the distance of a mile, and from the water front eastward for a quarter ol a mile, is gone. Every building except the Boston block fell a prey lo the flames. The wharves are all destroyed excepting three or four smaller ones In the north end of the eity. All the principle hotels includ ing the Occidental, the Brunswick, Ar lington and New England; every news paper. excepting the prohibition sheet, the Lender, every bank building, the mills, coal bunkers, railroad property and in fact everything burnable within the area mentioned is in ashes. No news was received here of the disaster until Friday "mornlag and then the re ports were so vague that Ha extent could not be appreciated. About eleven o'clock the following proclamation was received by Mayor Herd. “The city of Pewttle, the pride of Wash ington, is in ashes. A hurricane of Are has swept over the queenly city and she fs in ruin*. Thousands of her ritiaena are without food or shelter. Nothing can subdue the indomnitable spirit of her people. She will rise again. In her dn>- solation she ia not suppliant bnt there are homeless people to bo sheltered and hun gry ones to be fed. I appeal to the great hearted people of this territory, who have generously responded to the cry of die trees from Johnstown, to heed this appeal for aid to their own suffering fellow dti sens. Subscriptions ran lie sent to the mayor, Robert Moran. Milks C. Mouax. Governor. In a vary short time the members of the council were gotten together and on a petition signed by citterns, a relief fund of (1 WO wan voted. Subscription papers were then circulated among the business men and enough money additional was subscribed to purchase a car-load of flour, and several tons of beef, bacon, batter and vegetables, which sell shipped that day. On receipt of the telegraphic noti fication of Yakima’* contribution, Mayor Moran wired Mayor Reed aa follows: Your noble response to the tidings of our affliction we can never forget. The story of the fire aa gathered from numerous sources ia as follows: The fire started in tbr Pontine block, a two story frame building. An alarm was turned in but before the department reached the scene the building woe a mass of flames. It was clearly impossible for the building to be saved, but unfor tunately it was .not realised until much valuable time was lost. Wind was blow ing from the .southeast when the fire started and. though it was comparatively calm when the wind increased in velocity aa time went on. • Despite the strenuous exertions of fire men, the fiamea extended down Wont street, taking in all the frame buildings between Madison and Marion on the meet aide of the street. On the opposite side stood Frye’s block, a magnificent build ing, four stories high, and containing the opera bouse. It waa now seen that it was in imminent danger of being destroyed, and attention waa directed to it, but too late. A bridge of fire bad formed across the street, and the firemen were power less. There wee no force of water and tha streams did not reach up to the third story window. At about SAiit was seen 1 that the building was irrevocable lost. About the same time the Commercial mill, to the west of the Pontius block, I which had previously been secure from the fiamaa, owing to the direction of the! wind, caught fire and the combustible j material in it was aflame In an Incredibly { short snare of time. From Commercial 1 mill the fire extended >lown, taking in ] the couuiiUsfoa houses along the water front. From Marian street it extended! down to Columbia and thence to Cherry, j Then cams the Kan Francisco store, the j handsome Union block, in which Judge] lewis was largely interested, the build- j injra of the Gordon and Beattie Hardware i | Companies and aU of the figs buildings , down to James street. Here the Yester-: * Lesry block soorumbed. A strong effort | woo rnodo to nro tho Orddratol botol hot tho oddo .pro too mot aad H otto war takea iato tho lory miner. Fran that on rlnr'thronah Connon-ial otnot and donate tho hnv thr courwr .ao ao iniprdod aad bpfgpp many honra had panod bg thr ratirr baoiaono portioa of Spotlit voa nothing bat a WwrlcpoM rind oh of aohro and nuno. naa PLoonao. Mpomw. FWd a Mayor, of tbia dfy.' hod a hotphrr ohopoa Coonajroi'iol rtrppt,; aad thrir lon la roUtnalrd at* hot. ora lour and flap thonoand dollaro. Mr. Mpypr. »irfi wu in charge, nhhoaib he: lort all bin tool* aad rvrn thing el«e in ! far*, baft a ahn|> opened la »rm»hrr loca tion by 6 o'clock thr next morning ami wae dotnj a thriving Imdnr** in Yakima. . aleak* ami jolaU. II Toklae, Hiotmun A Co.'* loa* was oa which they carried an inaar* anceof *150,000. j The Inaorance carried hr Beattie ban* ; aeae mra waa very li .iil. Far Inatanr», j W. I*. Boyd had a atock rained at (• •,* OUO.on which the iaaoramvonly amount* '•die IIWO. Thatotal Inaurabcaon the Aflaaa mJUiooa of property daateoytd vaa bat 9tA 4 »0. Many owner* of floe building* only carried insurance to com the plat# gUaa and paint. . Alter tho lira the city yaa p)acad ander martial law. Bo Hqoora wave allowed u, ' be aold and the Bret regiment N. O. W , j guarded the city. ! It la peopoaed to replat (he harmed die* trirt, ntralghtening Ihn afreets. and In cYTUMing t heir width to ninety fret. No wooden bulldiugn will »• hllow*l in the burnt tlintrict. D. E. Fred K. Heed, lo* S7OOO by the burning of hie *tore. He carried no immraaoe. Tacoma Inta contributed about 190.000 in money and a vaet amount of provia i< na to the relief committee. She ban done nobly and in receiving praiae from all quarters. Spokane Falla contributed IfIOJU, Port* land |IU,OOO and San K-ancbco 110,000 to the relief fund. The lint Seattle paper to reach the llaaALO after the fire was the The Path I nUI/igencer soon followed, but both were of diminutive site, aa every presa in the city was destroyed excepting Job presses. Jim McGougb’a glue pot will go down in hie!ory with Widow l*ary'a cow. It will he remembered that the Utter kicked over the lantern that fired Chicago. The vaults of all of the banka stood the fire teal well, but the contents of a num ber of private safes, including those of Toklaa, Singerman A Co. and J. F. Me- Naught, wars totally destroyed. Dave Wilson was chnirmau of the Ta coma relief committee and in addition to subscribing S6OO he personally took charge of the feeding of the hungry and the dis tribution of supplies. Allen C. Mr.soo, another good man, sent a host load of previsions td the stricken city. The quarters of the prostitutes on Washington street were cleaned out by fire. An effort is being made to prevent them from getting a new foothold in the city. Already Beattie has commenced to re build, and on a grander scale than ever. Gangs of men have lieen set to work clearing away the debrie and in some in stances brick are even now going into the wall. Every unemployed mason and carpenter that can be found will be given work in the rebuilding of the Queen City. Lew's Mast wad Mmm More. Don’t forget to call at Lea's Boot and Shoe Store for footwear of all kinds. It will be to your advantage to examine goods and prices. You will find there the celebrated J. S. Nelson & Sons’ shoes. They will receive in a few days fits cele brated “Burt” hand-sewed ahoes. Don’t forget the place—opposite Guilland House. Coed Accommodations. The lodging house on Second street, has been completed and furnished. There is not only room for all, but good accom modations. Everything new and clean. Kooma reas >nal>le. W. H. Rows, tf. , Proprietor. —Don't fail to hear the flue orchestra at the new Zoo. —The hideous devii Hah, the vampire of tbe am. at the new Zoo. THE NewYtrlStirc (MiitGfllsFirtlsllui. Hats, Capa. w« have rseently opened with a fresh aioek. Sell for. Cash and Give as low prices lAa can ba bad aaywbere on tba Coast. By pay ln« cash for our goods era ore able to make the ; dlsruuats and each purchaser from ns gets the | benefit We bare bad ten yean experwnea In tba Fast. And Quarantee . All Goods as We Bap resent Them. Give us a sail and examine our Mack. fattllliM Proprietors. Y.him, Aw.. Opp- Y.H». S.ll Bmk. Harvey & Biggam, Blaeksailtls (Wacnutm WITH \ AfiAIHA, «««■, Hivlag purchased the entire atoeh and too’*. ; •< c - MS'Vaen, Naath Yakima, wa hare taken ehaneof the aid ahop on it., and we aak a I For.—*.,wing done to perGetloo. IIAKVF.Y a biogam. Fire Wood ft Draying. .-■isviissj'ift-as j I alao ran two drava. and am prepared to da ‘fc t , | Difisolutlon Notice. - - - - nwutaarohlp hareWora avlatln* batweeu * L. Bryaan sad I. J. elrleer. anlrr ha, s.€“hirK!?rc! , *~ u “ 4 ~*- t*. 1, «nw»B. Wnotfd Note of Special Hectin. the foliov. u* two |mv|*»lUoiu will be submitted qualified electo-s of mM DUirlct, to-wit: Plnd—shall a tax be levied sufficient to raise fee am* of twelve thousand (»13.0o) dollars to bnlld a sehobl house Mi fbs weal *ld<- of the North'rn Pacific Unllrosi track In uld District? I Those In favor..( such lax vwts yvs, and those oppow d vote no. Macood—ehall a tax Is- levied sufficient to raise, tbs sum of six thousand (|».wjo) dollar* to build •oadrtlthru »utheptesrul school house in said TinN« ln taro- Of such tax rote jrw, and tbeae Opposed Tote DO. fjftTaoe lll - • b * nM i “Every inbabiUnt. nude or female, over the i age of tueatv-oue >ears, who shall have rssWed luthvHchool District for three months tmmedi alcljr juveevdiuK any District meeting, and who •ball have paid or be liable to pay any tax, ex eept poll or road tax In said District, shall be a •~ i »• —• The polls will be open at nine o'cloek In the moraine of Jane 3. IS*, at the school house on Second street In the City of North Yakima. In ■aid Uiatrict. andeoutiane open without recess until six o’clock In the evening. WM. V. THtMugR.) as*.: i: 5, thom'J'k, I"-* K. H. Milxot, Clerk. n»j2K>t "•TICK rOR PI MI.ICATIO*. I vttn Omrs at South Yakima. W. T.,l Janos, u*. I XTOTICKk hereby siren that the following lx named settler has Sled notice of his inten tion to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver of U. 8. I.snd Office at North Yak lua, W. T., on 2-th of Julv. UW, vli: ciuri.e* r. uPAvrmc. Of Prosser, W. T . who made homeetrad applies lion No. .74. for the K‘* of NK>* and EJ, of UK',* of nee. 4. Tt». *N.K. 2b bod. W. M. We name, the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Usury a. McFerrvn, Henry W. t reason. * •ldj»«H ,, rde , j and Georgs P. Cline, all of Proa- Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows any substantial reason, under the law and regula ttons of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at tb# above mentioned time and place to erossexamlne the witness** of said claimant, fad to otter evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. j»|im IRA if. RRirrz. Rsgirter. OMKHT E. A NDmNoilc* •« lalHtlOU •• .Rake Haul Pi nag. Land Ornca at North Yakima. W. T.,i May t*h, I&X>. ) JTOTICE Is hereby given that 1. DOTP A. C|*IK*HXME. Moxee, W. T., has died notice of intention to make proof on his desert land claim No. IK. for the .»>, sac A . twp is, N H H K, before the reg ister and receiver at North Yakima, on Friday, the 14th dav of Jane, IN. He names ttie following witnesses to prove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land: K. ii. Nichols and K. O. Murford, of North Yakima, W. T., and George Ker and C. D. Hyland, of Moxee. W. T. Any person who de sires to protest against the allowance of anch proof or who knows of any rabstautftl reason, under the law and regulations of the Interior department, why such proof should not he al lowed. will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to rraaawxamlne the witnesses of said claimant, sud to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant mythJeU I HA M. Kftl’TZ, Register. wont i: rou rrnLiCATWi. Laud Owri at Nobth Yakima, W. T.,( May Uli, IKBH. f VOTICIU hereby glxcn tbnt the following O named wttler has filed notice oI hi* Intco tlon to make final proof in support of bla claim, ami that said proof will he made before tbs rex later and receiver at North vskln.a, w. r.. June Utb, ins. via; WKKXEt m.vywvld (of North Yakima;, «>lo made hd. spi'H-ailou Kc. 200 for tbe «w' 4 , of n*>. # . ami nc',of and *? l 4 of nw« 4 . and ' nc* ,of »»h sec SJ, twp Ik north of ranxe u» east., w. m. He name* tbe followiox witnesses to , prove hi* continuous residence noon and cultl- ! \all»u of raid land, via: Hen 17 P. WlnchesWr.: Abrebara Morrison, Win. Harris, Albert rerclval, 1 aJI of North Yakima, W. T. Any perron who de-' •Iras to protect axa>n«( the allowance of inch I proof, or who known any substantial man. un der tbe law* and regulation* of tba interior De- I partment. why sneb ptSof should not be allowed will be xlvrn an opportunity at tbe above men tioned time and place to the wlt nome» of aald claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of tbat submitted by uid claimant. n»y»)e..". IRA M. KKUTX. Kcxlater. Katie* far VaMnUsai Ia» Orwi at Noani Yakima, W. T*,» • June l«h. 1889. f TOOTICK la hereby given that the following named settler ba* filed notice ol bla la tent lou to make final proof in support of bU claim, and tbat said proof will be made before tbejregister and receiver at tbe L’. H. land ofllce at North Yakima, W. T., on Aug.... now, via; UTI A. CAMFIKLD, * (o* Biekletoa. W. T.) who made b*d app No IU. fur theawk 4 sec 32. twpT.irfla He name* tba following witnesses to prove bis continuous res dance upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Cbartes Villon. jOsona H. Evans, W. C. Exans. David Gleason, all of Biekletoa, W. T. Any perron who desire* to protest against tba allowance of: neb proof or who knows any substantial reason. 1 nndec the law sad regulation* of the Interior de 1 partment, wh» each proof should not hr silo wed, will be xtvn an opportunity at tbe above men tioned time and place to croascaaminc the wit acmes of aald claimant, and to offer evidence In I rebuttal ef tbat submitted by claimant. kX-iyt* lEA M KRL'TZ. Register. Notice for PahtlraUsn. Land Orruk at Norm Yakima, W. T.,1 July loth, imf ’VOTICE U hereby given that the following named aettler hu filed outlet •( her In tention to make final proof to rapport of tier ejalm. sod that aald proof will be made before (ha rtglatcr and receiver at th« (’. «. land o«ee. North Yakima, on July a, IW. via: KNTHKK UTArriMH, homestead Sa Tk>, for tha na>« re. », twplO. ■rl* a. nhf p»»«* tha following wllunwi to prova bar eouJaaona teald.ure upon and culti vation- of raid laud, vli: Grant Wrlrbt, «.f North Yakima, W, T.; A. L. Pritchett, M. Mrnry. Lake Downing, of Proaaer. w r. Ab» paraou who desiraa to protect again* tha allowanre of aaeh proof, or who know* of any rabrtaatial raaaon. aadar tha law and rag u Jatlooa of too Interior Department why auah proof ahould not ba allowed, will ba given an eopartmally at tha a nova mentioned flat aad placa to eroaa caamlna tha wltaaaaaa of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by elalmant. IRA Nattee (or PaUkallaa. Laud Omci at Norm Yakima, W. T.,( Jium iu*. iw. > TVOT'CI la heaaby given that tha inflowing aaaaad aatUar baa filad not lea of bla In tention to make final proof ta auppurt of bla claim. and that aaid proof will ba made before the register and receiver at tha C. 8. land oifire, NorthTaklma.on Jnlys». m. via; JOHN MHAW, (of Hovardala. W. T.) bomawead No. IM. for U>« neS are a. twp 7. ar*7 e. Ha aamae tba follow lagwitaamaa to prove bla continuous residence W. fdJao -b O. Kolph and lUqu.hal Ward, of Aiy perwm who deairaa to protest against the hDowhaeo of eaeh proof, or who kaowaof any rabataatial reason. under the law and the regu latlone of tba interior D« part went, whv ra.h proof ahould not ba allowed, will be Riven an opportunity a? the above named time and placv b> croae-examlna tba witnesses of mM rlslmttu and 10 oltbr evidence la rcl-uUal uf that mhmtt led bv rUlmaat. ; IK A M. KRITZ. Keglatp: Notice to Creditors. F.tUUf W. A. Mnnrot, (UctattH: [ ’VwTK E 19 HfUtfWY GIVEN By THE VJf. dortlgocd. \dnilnl«tr*rrlx of tha Estate of w A Monroe, deeenwi. to the creditor* of and aU persona bavin* claim* acalnt aald decease! lor aralaat the community Batate. f *ald d.-rca**', and bla wife. Harsh I. Voimv. prior fo hi* de ! eewae. ta axblbll them with the nacaaeary vouch ero. within me year of the first publication of I *%*• **» ,hr Administratrix. at tba I Aee of Rrovla, Mlrta A Grave*, the same Win* j-y ft litreiff Capital M * SSssasT ; Will Exhibit in-YaKkna Tuesday, July 2nd. Two S-aml ** |». m. .A. Ghrand OLYMPIAN FESM OP INTELLECTUAL AND REFINED AMUSEMENT, RICH AND RARE AH THE FEASTS OF THE FABLED GODS. SELLS BROS’ Enormous United Shows in niuntv hum with THE ABSOLUTE AND ONLY | Ma of Cairass Eitertainoeits. Coated and proudly plrtd Won the people by the apt eonaoildattoo of tha 8-BiEISISIIOVS nM-8; * Oicantle, »w.-epln» aid brilliant central ization ot Sterling and World-Endorsed Shows. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN ALL OTHEB SHOWS C0HBINE1) p mg* _ Bp UHtb > M : l iPMiTI ' 1 * Jf/ FoatUvrly ir»i-tluu praeentaliom of (l3—»w A«*lh—(ls The Anna end mon Aroomj.tMifd tn Epstiia Fmlms! Ehe Gallant, baring end Chivalrous Ride of Gen. Phil. Sheridan! Thrilling!) and vividly exempli fled each day ana evening. Jocund, Jolly Clowns! The Beat in the Profeaalon. Uarivated and Daring Grniastie BxplotU By Uie hurt toil 1-aree.t Troup* la Ike Wurla. mg? £ K BJh fH ■KsS A Sf ;9 ■% tub Only HippomoDie of Wen mis _ IKywol-vlwir the r ritle. Tli* Vreitfil Jlaiifn af ike Equestrian and Gymnic Art lu unified an<| phtrlou* asaociatloo. ! Marvel* and m>»trrtas« the lnuta trca.lon; phenomenal Mui MtimUnnc «».».>. k»— _a ! __f'^ '■*«*»■»» e»ntha*ant»; .harlot rare*. Kivnm^an^JraceTlUt 3^0^252 *• Tha attlv *aec*w(iil art «l rktSns. driving and grouping 86 Head of Horses by a Single Equestrian! And all the arha*'% H-dred atid rmucnUed Chwmploiw or the Cfrona World! Tunmumiv. MU o, r. l im l «-.»l»ii„i .plwl. „, „„ .^....... r^% The oul> I evlatban pair of - . Living Hippopotami I • L--T.T* WITH ANY EXHIBITION. Ten Cmv a* <***l*l AftsM of Merllng and Attractions. Match iaaTcrd of marvelous Educated Elephants. | Barth’s Created, r, mode* and Moat Rtupendnua of— Tented :-: Exhibitions! WIIX AIXO KXHiniT IK ELLENSBURGH, |||| U Ist WALLA WALLA. 11l T 3d PENDLETON. JULI 4th Prodlglois, Orershadowtid. Encrawu! I* the verdict of all beholder*. The Greatest Corps of Distiiciisked Porforwrn Ever Aurnablrd. The Moat important union of Great Railroad Shows I THE WORLD HAS KNOWN. A Century in Advance OF ALL COTEMFOBARIEB. Fearless, Primly and Poetic Papula youno and old TIE LUCETT 111 BIST IEUCEUES! Ever thown under Canvas. 3- jIMi’MM CIRCIIM SINUS n ■rUllani i. tecti urfanhuntena O The heat and moat impe*lu« Free Street Parade I sarysra able epleode of tiM Grand ProeeaatoaL titHUim, DraiMrriag n< heifMlt Ik t«rk Sufran.