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BDLLUSD TUI BULLIES. In Irtni Juboi Sippnutf tlm Oitlm TMBMltfTtat ranwu With ■vrtor—nuwry Vtafa Wou- InMBNNty. Haw York Htrmid. On the records of the coot of Sumner county, Tennessee, lor the year 1796 there is this entry: •The court thanks Andrew Jackson foi his brave conduct.” There is no information concerning what Mr. Jackson had done to deserve thanks in this form, at least at the court ia question. “Old Joe Guild,” a promi nent lawyer and state character, who died a lew yean ago, removed from that county to Nashville. He used to relate that when ha grew up and became a Jackson man that Chare were still magistrates living of the ITO oeriod. Of them he inquired concerning this entry. It seems that the county court had the trial of misdemean ors. A gang of bullies defied the court. Juries and sheriff and persisted in terrify ing the surrounding country. They were indicted by the grand jury, but came into court and declared that they would not be triad; that It was against the laws of na ture which governed the conduct of gen tlemen and protected them from each in dignified prosecution. By the next term of court Jackeun had baeo chosen district attorney. On his arrival he hitched bin horse, carried his aaddle-baga into court and placed them beside him while be perused the docket. The first thing he did, to the amassment of every one. was to call the hollies. The entire gang came into court and declined to be lf*»"g their accustomed argument. Mr. Jackson remonstrated and assured them that there waa no way to avoid a trial; that the lav most be obeyed do matter whom it hurt; that it waa no respecter of persons. The bullies became boister ous and threatening. Instantly Mr. Jack son polled bis pistols from his raddle-bags and a Ives fight began la the court-room. Ths isadershipof tbs young lawyer in spired the people present, who were in favor of the enforcement of the law. sad they Joined with Jackson, whipped the entire crowd of bailies, took them into court, where they were tried, convicted sod sentenced to the fall penalty pre scribed by the statute. That waa the last of tbs bullies and the occasion of lbs no explained entry on the records of the court of Sumner county for 1716. Samnel B. Morgan, who built the state capitol of Tennessee, died some ten years ago. He had in his pm—inn n mer chant’s books of account, la these were the purchases of Andrew Jackson for five years after 1710. An examination of the books shows that ths only purchases mads by Old Hickory of this merchant wars powder, lend and whisky. Mr. Morgan used to relats that be ones whammd a cock fight shortly after tbs bottle of Hew Orleans. Jackson was peasant, sitting on his horse, while some fallow down in the pit awkwardly triad to heal ths chicken. Jackson first became uneasy, then mad. He leaped from his bone Into tbs pit, brushed ths fellow aside sad heeled the chicken after the moat approved fashion. Then be re turned to the saddle and witneaaed the /season a xatvbsl oasrrumsx. Jacfcaon waa originally a backwoods apart is in of tbs as vast type, but be at once evolved into perhaps the grandest man that ever lived, having no equal in the ball-room, so peer in his politeness, courtesy and admiration for women. The same is largely true of the Tennesseean of to-day. Taka him from tbs farm, array him tn fashionable clothes, pot him in ths bnlt-reom or in society, and his thor oughbred blood instantly manifests itself, exhibiting in him only ths refined man of tbs world. Jackson’s letters, which ranb, art in many inspects more inter esting than Washington’s. They exhibit a man absolutely devoted to Us family, from whom not lbs smallest -thing con cerning them escaped, and whooe every interest was him No man aver wrote in ths same spirit, and from his social loiters Chsrterfleld might have learned much in politeness. Nothing oscapsd him. To show how tbs man of bis time worshipped him, ths Incident related by Willoughby Williams. "Old Man Willoughby,’’ of yean ago. win onto. * When Ufoyetta risited Jackson ia Its, he rede ia a car riage with Osnstml Hall, while Jackson was an horseback. Great a man so Lafa yette was, ths people nil looked at Jack son and confined their expressions of ad miration to him. Ms non, wrm sums. Tha that haven Jackson and harlar nail, to hare eorapad history and Uof taphy Striae wm Jackaoo'■ oqaal aa * soldier, thd daring hia ladiaa S,hU a orar a qa.ttrr ol ■ ccatory la oarer lost • bottle, become ho always rharyrd iota tbs oatiTM wbaa In a body, aad Ua lo dioa eoold only flght with a trot la frost td him. In 17M Hcrier oaa the first gov armor a Taonaoaaa. aad far twMre yarn. Darla, hie dm term Jackson tu on the ««,>■■■ beach ot the state. Ha two aea hat a dlfcaitr ahoot a military election, both being caadidataa. Oa the day when Jackson arrived at Kooarille to bold mart Savior came also, mounted a! block la the aqaara nod deoooaced Jackaoo ia oaaaaaaiitad tonne, ralliay him all the aamea ia the early rucaholary. Theta aaald ha hot owe rraoH. and lhatamiog Jackaoo challenged him. Samar accept ed, aad than came a qoeotien aa tow bare the fijtht abaold taka place. Jackaoo waated to Debt on the Cherokee naans- USB aad Sevier la Virgiaia. Aa a reaait JaMaaa paaaad between them la which the wmd oawerd had the moot frequent nee. Stall Jackaoo atartad tor Virginia aad moliNd Barter. Ha ranched Vireiata Slat aad ramaioed aeraral days awaiting tha aerirai ot hia efpooMt. Serler not .p --peariog, ha atartad far borne, meeting hia rtr dno tha way. They mat ia tha road, Mwfaoogad aeraral ahela, oricher aaa uo*iU Hurt, »iNW inwoui mu neml. I’m* lever forgave each other, and there is stil s tradition that this was the moat dis graceful episode in the history of tin state. umnr clay aw n» mu. Henry Clay ears invaded the blusgra* region of Tennessee to make a speech. When be arrived at his destination a tough looking specimen, evidently in the test stages of whisky ism, stepped froi he throne, slapped the great orator or he hack and said in southern vernacu lar: -Howdy, Mr. Clay?” The great man shook his bead and re plied: -Be kind enough to turn your head that I may aee your profile.” The man averted his face while the dickering torchlight enabled the observer to study him closely for several seconds. "Twenty years ago,” said Mr. Clay -you had not begun to grow that loot beard and was smooth faced—eh?” "That’s right." -Yon ware not then a cyclop*, but bad two whole eyes eh?” -That’s right, I reckon.” “Ah! Then you sat on a jury hefor. which I pleaded a case, and your name u "I reckon you are, suah.” -Yea, yea; I remember you perfectly nod." continued Mr. Clay, "you had on* other characteristic, which I now recali you were then a gentleman.” Ii EipttiTe IM. "Jee WhlUikens! what’s that?" Hig gin* made a dive for something in th mud at hia feet, fished it out between hie thumb and finger, and slapped his thigl joyfully, as he said; -A five dollar gold piece, sure as guns! First money I ever found in my life! I’ll have me a new hst oat of that, and take the babies boro* some toys and something to my wife!” A moment later be met two friends and said: "Ha, Smythe, how are you? How arr yon, Haley? B’posing we step into Archil Flynn’s place and take something. !’▼• jost found five dollars, and I’ll art ’em up on the strength of H.” What he "set up’’ coot eighty cents and ten minutes later be met three of the "boys” from the office sod generously "set up” cigars all ’round. Then be tossed twenty-five cents to • blind beggar and gave the office boy tei. cents lor blacking bis boots. He wrote a letter to hia married sistei that morning, to whivh there was the fol lowing postscript: "1 picked up five dollars on the stree to-day and inclose two of it, with which you may get the children something from Uncle Henry.’’ "Guess I'U go down to tbs Parker Houst and get my dinner to-day instead of t. the lunch counter 'round the corner,’’ be uid at noon. “I can afford something extra to-day.” Then be paid a dollar and a hall fora new straw hat, spent a dollar (or toys foi tbs children, and another dollar for a van for his wife. "By Jove!” be said, as be was passing a theatre, "my wile’s been wanting ail ths week to go and see Lotts, and 1 said we couldn’t afford it; but hanged if we can’t when a follow picks five dollar gold pieces up out of tbs mud!” A day or two later Higgins found rathe* sober amusement in covering a sheet oi paper with the following figures: "Things bought with five dollars I found Wednesday—hat, dollar and a half; the atre tickets, two dollars; cigars for hoys fifty cents; drinks for boys, eighty cents, beggar, twenty-fire cents; office boy, ter cents; sister Nell, two dollars; dinner at Parker’s, dollar and a half; toys for chil dren, a dollar; vase for wile, a dollar; box early strawberries, fifty cents; neck ties, dollar and n half; new ease, ninety cents; pound candy, forty cents; gloves, dollar and a half; gave wile one dollar and n half; total, sixteen dollars and ninety-five cents.” * "If l*d found twenty dollars I’d hare gone into bankruptcy, hanged if I wouldn't,” be said, as ha turned to one ot tbs boys sad borrowed a dollar to last him until Saturday.—Time. KevfcU* RaMwrt Crk ’ Oaa el tha lateat fada of Balti more girl* aaya the Amrrfcun, ia to dress in Mark from hand to loot, with veil and giovea to match, aad then, borrowing n neighbor’s child, show it around the city. Of course the natural supposition ia that the child ia not borrowed aad that the young lady ia a widow. Aa a widow ia generally sup posed to be ready to recon tract matrimony, the sympathies of the susceptible young man are quite readily aroused, first curi osity ss to bow long the child’s father hae been dead, then, whet be died of. and. since the widow seems to mourn for him, bow she must have cared lor the dear deported. And, if ebe did care for him. why might she not care also for another, aad why might not he be the fortunate individual, especially if the firat husband left cash enough for the support of two, or three, as the rase might be. Of course, when acquaintance follows, the apparent widowhood can be easily and innocently explained, aad the desired happy result follow. ______ ■eeeUntwne of CwnAelenee* Hall or Scotlawo Lotmr 1.0.0. F.l Mcjcnun, Mo., May IH, IMP. f The following is a part of tbs records of j our lodge under date above named: I Jbeefmf, That we have learned with profound eovrow of the deoth of Bro. W. A. Monroe. That ae a former member of Ibis lodge he has ever been found earnest and seulona and has followed and ex emplified the principles of Odd Fellowship. That we will ever cherish his asemory aad endeavor to emulate his many vir tues. Rttolrtd funtur. That wa extend to tha family ol otw dareaeed brother onr siarera sympathy in their berearemoot. it. M. PrrntcoiLL,. Soma Meanx, V Committee. Joox Sanaa. ) Gaonox H. lavtco, Ja. XeaAC M. WlUdaaa, Noble Oread. Raefatary. Twsaawm Salk*. Notice is hereby given that 1 have now on band sufficient funds to redeem all Yakima county orders issued in Febru ary, March and April, 1888. from No. 408 to 507, Inclusive, and that Interest will "ease on the same from and after this date. O. W. Cabv, County Treasurer. North Yakima, June 6,1880. 41 0100,000 to USB. Mac Lean, Reed A Co. have 1100,000 to loan on improved farm lands. Applies ions for loans will receive prompt at ention. • -Alfalfa seeds at the I. X. L. • —A fine new I in** of saddles. harneuM, etc., just received at C. E. MeEweu’s drop, Yakima avenue. • —The stock of harness, saddles, Ac., at C. E. McEwen’a is the best in the city, »nd his prices are the lowest. • —Every garment made by M. Pro bach is warranted a good fit, good work nanship and to give satisfaction. * —-Hackmatack” is a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price Si and SO cents. For sale by C. B. Buahnell. druggist. —For a nobby suit, made to order, do not fail to call on our popular merchant tailor, M. Probach, on Yakima avenue. * —A nasal injector free with each bottle >f Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 c**nte. For sale by C. B. Buahnell, drug id*- —Shiloh's Cure will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and hron •hitie. For sale by C. B. Buahnell. drug ist. —For square dealing and value received for tout hard earned cash, call on T. O. Red field for anything in the line of jew elry. • —Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy la a posi tive cure for catarrh, diptbeiria and Cank er Moutn. For sale by (. B. Buahnell, huggist. C. E. McEwen is now offering sad dles, bridles, harness and everything in his line at prices not to be duplicated this dde of Portland. * —Why «ill you cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cents. 50 cents and 11. For sale by C. B. Buslinel!, druggist. —lf yon have lost any money lately, Red field will return it by selling you mods so remarkably cheap that you wilt forget your misfortune. —Catarrh cured, health and sweet liresth secured, by Shiloh’s Cartarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by C. B. Buahneil, druggist. C. E. McEwen takes a pride in turning «t good work. This is the reason his harness, saddles, bridles, Ac., give such •atisfactioo and outlast all others. • —4*o and examine those elegant gold watches at Redfield’s. They are daisies, tnd so cheap 1 Remember, they are war ranted as represented or no trade. —C. B. Bushnell, ante agent for Dr. J. Eugene Jordan *8 Histo-genetic Medicines. Depot of supplies changed from May > try good>» store to BuKhnell’a drug store.* —Fof dyspepsia and lirer complaint .you mve a printed guarantee on every bottle if Shiloh’* Vitaliter. It never fail* to nre. For aale by C. B. Bushnell. dmg <bt. —Dr. Savage will be found always ready to attend calls day or night. Office iver pnstofik***; reaidenre on Second street, one block aonth of Firat National Hank Oct. 3-tf. —The Rev. George H. Thayer, of Bonr bon. Indiana, aaya: “Both myaelf and »ife owe our live* to Shiloh's Conuump tion Cura.” For sale by C. B. Bushnell, druggist. —Bart hole! Broa. will not be undersold 'a anything—dry gooda, clothing, furnish ing gooda, boota and ahoea, hats and capo, •rockery, groceriea, and in fact everything •<ept in a first-class atore. • Beauty la dealrsd and admiral by all. Among •he things which mayjwat ba done to §bseuty la the daily un of Ayer’s Hair what the color of the hair, this |*tpe ratloo gives It a lus tra sad pliancy that adds greatly tw Its charm. Should the hair be thin, harsh, dry, or turning grey, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore the color, bring out a new growth, aad reader tha old soft aad shiny. Far keeping tbs scalp clean, cool, and healthy, there is aa bettor pmparmdoa la the market. “ I am free to confess that a trial el Ayer’s Heir Vigor has convinced me that it te a genuine article. Its naa has not only caused the hair of my wife aad daughter to ba Abundant and Glossy, but it ha. Mr.. Mr rather MoaMl moa ■ach. • raapoclahta Iraath aad Wear, aaoc." - B Brlltua. Oaklaa.l. Ohio.- ••M, hair •« coming oat (ajtkoat My aeeletan.w from air wile, M«horh I triad Ayer*. Hair Vigor. aeloa oal, aa. botU., aad I now Kara a. Aim a hood ot hair aa lay Ha cool.l arith lor.” —B. T (elualWM, Dlckeoo. Taoa. •• I hava aaad Ajar'. Hair Vigor ia ar ■•ally for a anW ot yoara. aid ra gard It u tha ha.l hair preparmUoa 1 Kan. at. It kaapa tha and. elaoo. tha halt aafl oal liraly. and peetorree tha octal aal tolar. My trlla ha aaad II lor * kai liaa with aoat attalorun ra- Mia.” Baajaala M. Johaaua. M. D.. Thaaa. HUI/io "Myhaltwaahacoralnaharehaaddtr, hat attar aaiag half l botUa at Ayar'a ■Mr Vigor it .raw black aad ahway- I Ayer’s Hair Vigor, rwuiv at Dr, J. C. Ayer A Co.. Lswod. Mom Mm, Sim, ninth; j | j B The Largest Assortment of Builders' Material in Eastern Washington, and Prices Lower Than the Lowest. Farm Machinery, Wagons. A. B. WEED, Corner Ist St. A Yakima Avenue North Yakima. “The Old Reliable,” Gr. W. CARY, Is still to bs found “doing business at the old stand,” on Yakima Arsons, where will always he found a complete stock of General Merchandise,! Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. GROCERIES, Ac., of every variety. In connection with the store Mrs. Cary conducts a Millinery Department, Embracing all the latest novelties in Ladies’ Wear. Yakima Ave. North Ynklnui, W. T. Yakima Candy Factory. Anticipating the wants of my numerous and increasing customers, I have per fected arrangements lor furnishing 1 Noream J 100 Crawn! At moderate prices, and for public accommodation will keep OPEN AT AIX HOI’RM. Also a full line of lit Cartel KiU, Frai Fnilx, liported at Mt Qrr p. J. Him, 1 Proprietor Yskims Candy Factory. BARTHOLET BROS. The People’s Barber-Shop, TAXIXA AVS2U K, NCAR HOTEL 9TKINIK, For Neat, Thorough Work. TM Shop Am keen thoroughly ramafittofi. aad an eletraut Hath Room added to its enßpMmiM< » !ia^ r»*»s i. uiuM*. j*rr. n. mfoakifl Slia.rdJLo'w I McDani el» Wines, Liquors, Imported A Domestic Cigars. BIN* MILLIARD AND POOL TABLE*. Sole Lfo for fle Celebrated Jess Inn laticly WMies. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND ('APS, FURNISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES. O’. CT. ARMSTROITQ-, Corner Fuwt street and Yakima Avenue. A complete line of all of the commodities enumerated above- will be found at thla atore. and a general request ia sent forth to the public to rail and eaam ine the price* and quality of the Gooda. «!• %l. AnuMirong. ENGLISH SHIRE HORSE. alnee the Urn* of Henry the Second, teen considered The Best Draft Horse THE MOZEE CO. I H«v« • Uwnllcut. Irnmnn). TbomwbLred gbriu .Lire MUta. ol tL. run* Holbeach Tom, JMisraai «e sssvarfisssaajrs.r 4 * *•* '*•' b ™ l IO T °* “■* * u -H» U .11 be mwbrt. W. Holbeach Tom will Stand this Season at Mozee. TKMMWs j INSURANCE, s26.<*\ SEASON, BifO.O*. SINGLE IJCAF. SIO.OO. j feature. |t.M pee month after first two week*. Moxee Co. Allen & Chapman, IDIRTJ QO-ISTS. Keep always on band nU that la pertaining to their trade. None tat w»r*-med ieiuea and chemicabi dispensed. . Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated bjr a Cnnpataut It*raia.i*t Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical tfse, A lama lilt of Paint*. Oil*, Wall Paper, Glat», Putty, Baah and Doom. Come and are na in nor Cammcdiona and Baauti/nl Quartan. Tki Virr M Bml! if [if Wtsl al lijcrld cijm. Comer Yakima Avenue and Second Street. . Yakima, i. r. whelm an nr. hodman Hodman & Eshelman, . M Emit ul Inn Ainisl Money to T xxin on Mortuntfcw. Minis lilt ulfmirly HnUirHiilisiliiii. City Lots and Farm Property Bought and Bold. I * •* >**•.. W I Comet YeM—Avtaae mml Second aawto oepoelu Pitt Kettonel leak.