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The Yakima Herald. Volume I. MB YAKIMA jERALD, DEED 4 COE Proprietors. ■'* :r ~~ T ~~~ ’"! MWKS KTFIII THVN«»*«. HCR AND Al. IS - AKVANCK. j • Ut» lf« K. M. Rxxd. Editor and Business Manager. PROFh'SSIOSAr CAM*. • ■ion'll vmntiL w..’. muwv. •*. v*+ur ‘. S. B. MtLP-OV. TtTHNRH, MILHOY * Hi>\VIJTP, AtlomeyN ar f jiw» | lANTH VANINA, W4W. J . «. Hewlett. ex-K<*elV»*r os Pul »!«* V»»iey» af th- I*. A Jjuul 08m*. will give Social attention to mattnp out paper* /nr Settler*, nn* to Land Con***. X T. **TMK, it.'- ■'**sl2ll: VnVlma. •ip.v»!*ne. I North vavieia. CAtON A PAKKIHH, Attorneys at Law. oT*Wi:ipractice InklltheCoortaofthe •otj . Oflra on Kim street, opposite the t ourt i(on**. North Yakima. W. T. I - *■ g.y. KNIVKLY, fiwibf JUttnq hr laUn at littitu fioU*. u4 Attorney at Law. with 'canty Treasurer, at the Court North Yakima.' Will practice lit aU the courts of the territory and IT. c. laud <•«» cs MM A Vl*. ‘ A. XISKS. i c. S. OSAVSM RKWtS. MIRES * <IRAVF-S # Attorneys at Law. M>WI:I prw’tl<v in ail Courts of the Tserltgry. p£-lal attention Riven to all V. H. lied ;j*ce hnainroa. offices St North Yskims and KUens- Vsrgh. W.T. M,(i|hsailP 'NA I JOMM 8. ALLRN IWrSSh Walla Waga. North Yaklms. I ALLEN, WHITSON A PARKER, Attorneys at Law. !• First Nation at Hank Building. * *. 0. MORFORD, Attorney at Law, »• ♦ KmctlcCM lu all Courts In me Territory. £► .-I*l attention to Collection*. OtSeTnp Malta In HUI Block. North. Yakima, ■fit- «■. «y«. ». n. , Kji.HKrt, m.,£. COE * lIEO, Pbysiclus, Sorgeons awl Accoicbeors. <||W Hoaro—4 aiIS u.3 till «P m. and m. Ottoc on Mrand *rrot. near Alton A Chapman*#. PR. J. JAY CHAMKEK*. Physician and Surgeon, Hm bed Iffjwß’pnrtlrMMjarAsli'iuit ■'unraou o> City Hospital. Bultlmon-. - Kmwrlal attastlou gtrvu to rfr.nroiy, 0 jatctrict a ilTlMwnrf of Women. (tgW over Swd.oell*s Drug-Store. my-tf O. M. GRAVER, DENTIST. All vrork la my line I*jal ancetbet- I m ttard to extract tooth witbout pain. No Vtrrt National hon. ————mmm mikjellaneour. Fire Wood 6 Draying. wWA!wrat!are?stfaaf J also run two drays, aad am proper, d to do An Economical Fence, A > •" T HAVE now the sole right for Yakima Coun -1 tv for one of the tod wire feuc-s aver pat- Inivumu Hairy. I cm now prepared to furnish families with Faro Milk from the Ahtannu Dairy. urmrm •> mmmmi My deUvery wagon hue a canvas eover. which prevents the suWTrom bating down on the cans and murine the milk. W. H. CARPENTER. IlSt MOM 1M of North Yakima. SSSKft v. rfiSS J. K. Lewis, KnWAsp Whitson. Proeldent. Vice President.! W. L. SraiNwao, Cashier. pom a nxMUAL mankind nraiifiuw. iawi aal Mb Evfcucc at iMMtakir Rain. FAve INTKKKMT ON TIH» PEPOeiTH. Jot. J. Appel, ' «r » y • —MUn »a— ME WDIBS ill UQDORS, : i.- ' The Pml Frewd* r>* Imported ail Domestic Cifan. Him DeWITT & GARDNER, Civil Enginers. lain Hjim LwaM u4 tnfe BaU»M. Oittrv OtOf Pint National Kauk. M. D. RAUM, 1 THE PAINTER. No I'ouULßtlbUH. No Dirty Work. AC or-1 <X«tP done promptly and work rnamntsed. Or dria aollclfod. Paper Hunylug and Kolaowin bar a *l**' laity. | Dissolution Notice. i fpiCX barterrafalp hsretufote riimiuK weea 1 IV L. Rryson and 3. fthrtrsr, Bodrr the the Brin uamr of Hryaou \ Hhriver, tuu Uren . I ilN*>>lved, by mutual oouaeut. Either member) of the Ist* tlrm la authoriied to rollrrt d«6ta due, ! th* firm or to pay lliMlillo. D. L BKYHOS. t L. J. HHKIVER. j i North Yakima, June 12, iSSS. Aw wtuf. mi pimirATWN. Land OrricK at North Yakima. W. T.,l . June *JM, ‘lStt*. | ! \TOTKK U hereby given that the WVmrlug named art tier baa Sled nottre of bit lot-n turn to make final proof iu support of hU claiis, and that said proof will bo made before the reg ister and receiver at worth Yakima, w. t., on Tnuroday, A'lguat Sfh. 1*». v!=; KDOAR 1. t*TOSK, IVeerf Übd Appileetiou No. 12!, for the jJWtf NEK. and *% BKW. Her. 2.’. IV if. NKAK., WM. He nnin** tin- following wlt neaeoa to provo bis continuous icsidsnce «pon and mttlVMtlon of, said land, viz:. WilliamHhtl, Mn tt. Hnx-k K. J. BtrkMlluad Andrew Kuutz all of North Yakima. W. I. Anv person who de sire* to protest attain*’ the allowance of snch proof, or who knows any .üb*tantlal reason, un der the laws and regulation* of the Interior De partment, why *Kch proof should not he allowed will be alven an opportunity at the above men tioned time and pines to croe*-examine the wit ueaaes of said rlaimaut, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted I y wild claimant. )y 4.uiM IKA M. KKUTZ, K"Ulster i«Tirn or nitAL nwor. A. X. BOSTON. Land Omen at Noxtm Yakima, W.T.,) June 27,1HW. f V r (*TICl Is hereby Riven that the followlur named settler has Hiv’d notice of his inten tion to make fhial proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made 1 adore the reg- Inter and receiver at North Yakima, w. T., on August S. laa*. vis: ANDREW M. HORTON, who filed pre-emption I*. «. No. «H for the aw}* Of sec. M, twp -A. N K 21 K. W M. He names tftc followlur wltnesres to prove bis . continuous realdew-c upon and cultivation of aald land, vlr: H. H. Reeves. J. K Dickey. H. T. Hudson. J. M. Robinson, all of NtaiKane Kails, Washington Tar. Any person who drains to protest against the allow sure of snch proof, or who knaws any subatantial mason, under the law and regulation* of the Interior Depart men t. why such proof should not be allowed, will be BTen8 Ten an opportunity at the above mentioned me and place to crosa-ezamine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that aebmltbd by claimant. Jc/fanl IKA M. KKtTTZ. Register. itolke far Pskllrallsß. Land Orricr m North Yakima, W. T.J —•7T ’ J*s» wSt»MM.'T named settler has filed notice of hla In tention to make final proof In support of his alslm, and that said proof will hu made before the register and receiver at the U. 8. land ofilce, North Yakima, on July 9,IWW, vl*: JOBS BHAW, (et Clovcrdalc, W, T.) homestead No. IM. for the< tus'i *ec a. twp 7, ur» e. He name* the follow ing* to prove his contlaneus -evidence uiNin and cultivation of said land, via: & M. W'ebbor sod William Kirkland, of C'lovemalc, W. T.; Jacob O. Ralph and Hannibal Ward, of growtl. W.T. Any person who deolrea to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any outw-tanflal reason, under the law and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why aneb proof should not l« allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above named time and place to cruM-cumine the wltaceaea of told claimant nod to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted by claimant. Jc -Jylß IKA M. KKCT7-. Rcglatcr. Kattce far Pabllcallaa. Land Okkiok at North Yakima, W. T.,l June loth, IKBB. f OTICK Is hereby given that the following named rettler ha* filed notice Of her In tention to make final proof in support of her. elalm. and that sold proof win he made before the register and receiver at the I’, ff. laud office, North Yakima, on July at, llpd, rle: KSTHKK STKFKIMS, heiacalead So. 216, for thr ncX atcS*. twplO, ■t » r. Hh« Mine* the following witnesses to prove her leeSrtence upon sod eultl rstloi) of Mid laud, via: <«nnt Wright, of Korth Yakima, W. T.; A. L. ITttchrtt. M. il-nry. Lake Denning. «>1 I’roarar. W.-T. Any persos who dtolrca to profs«i again* ttt allowance of sueh proof, or who know* of Sat nbatnutial reaeon, under the law and regu lation* of the Interior Department why roch proof should rot be allowed, will be give* an opportunity nt the above mentioned ft me sad place to e-, tee-carmine the witneasss of said claimant, and to offer evidence lu rebuttal of FlT****” . Eegletcr. j jlsth* isr PsMlcattsa. liAwn Omrr, at Rosm Yakima, W. T,,i Jims 12th, 1889. f ~%TOTICK la hereby given that the following -1-nI named astttor baa Sled notice of bla lu teal lon to make Anal proof in support of bla claim, and that said proof will be resde befora the register and receiver at the C. W. Isfei sfeei atKcrth rskims. W. T.,pn Aug. R. vlt; IKTPA. CAMFIKLP, aßlektoton. W. T.) who mad- h I app No M 4. thetwpTiirMa Keaaaaaathe following witnesses to prove bla continuous res ■dedc- upon aod cnltlvstl.m of said Uud, viz: Chari-* CHIon, deorue M. Kvans, W. C. Kvaxu. David O lea son. all of Wcktoton. W. T. Any person who deal res to protest against the allowance of •nehMßOt or who knows any substantial reason, .unde? the law and regulations ••( the Inferior de partment. wbv such proof should nut be allowed, will be given so opportunity at the above men tioned time and place to cross-examine the wlt neases of said claimant, and to oflbr evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant Jo '<>£ IKA M. KKUTZ. Register. "NdtHllt N> NRMCATWN. Law Omri at Norm Yakima, W. T.,} JUHf *, IMP. 1 XTOTirr i« hereby given that th* follow in* ( IM un«d wttW h*» fill'd notice oth'a inten tion tom«kc finalproof ln*upoor»of hUcUl*. a that aaid proof will hr made Wforr* ivirUter receiver of C. M. Land Office at North Yak- W. T., on »tb of Jelr, Imp, ri«: ch vrlkh r. ufAYrnr, 01 Pmaaar, W. T.. who made heraMYced appHra- S&& »fea®W* ■fc'Sß t'l. "Wiry A. Mcrerren, H* - nrj w. inawo, William i|Urd«n and Meeme W. Cline. all of Free nbatantial reami, endec tbo law a>»d rocul»- anw^«trairissa» l T as aUlMant, and Pi afltr nvMw fa n-bnYtal of that rebmftt-d M claimant, jrtt jHU .• IMA M. iOtUTZ. Wiwlrtor. rbrap and ■atafelf f’cwre. J. M. Root id prepared to build hie promt fern* any where hi the county, and whan money cannot be mieod he will take produce In pnymwlt. Thi* la a aplendld offer, ae tha feana I* lasting, rhatp end pretty. NORTH YAKIMA, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1889. t RNvnni; heikkii:. Ituaao dainty Udy'rftove-- A aonveiilr to tb)n*e with love. It was the memory of a kiaa ('D'ullcl to stake It rhyme with blit*. 1 here »a« a month at Mount Dcetr.- Hynoß) uioua and rhymes with 81 rt. A pretty girl and lefa of atgle— Which rbyteca with t* Happy (ora while.'* ■J here came g rival, old and bold— To make him rhyme with gold and aoM. A broken heart them had to be— Ala*' tho rhyme Juat Btf*-d me. —X4f*. •sssassesssssses Ik find Win He. Mr. McCrackb*—"Young Brown won't I have to w ait ton yearn before eelebrnting j hie ‘tin* wedding.'’ ! Mm. McCiwckle— “How is that ?” I Mr. McCracklo—“Ho married s girl I worth ♦*’oo,ooo !n her own right.’*—At* I York Sun. < I (mhn. bb Wmiw Application has bora made (or a patent hr an clout rio apparatus by which an in etaotnoeoua photograph is taken o( A burglar whits he is engaged In his nefari ous operations. The moment he touches the*, rof any sale, or any other place to which the tell-tale wire may Ire fastened, a correct photograph is taken. <- TV. l iT. Mm. An election of the Oregon Railway A Navigation voinpuuy, held to Portland, July let., the tallowing oflren were elected: Preakleot, Fdtnaud Smith; fret vloe-preddent, W. H. l-*dd; second vice-president, W. H. Holcomb; secretary, Theodore Wymitnl; uMistnnt secretory, I‘roeper W. Smith. The new president ot Urn Orejpon Railway A Navigation com pany in truui New York, and was form erly vice-president of ti»e JVnnsylvaaia railroad. lYnaper W. Hmltb i» a brother of Elijah Smith. EMarTfealiw. A largo meeting of the editont of coun try papeix were Hold in IpiUanapolia July t, to form an association for the par chase of all kind* of newepap r supplies, • ink, paper and type, it waa claimed j they fought at a.disadvantage because of j small purchases, vad an saaociation was ! formed aim comuiitteee appointed, Lewiff t'.iy»sSL«l <* «-h quili- I tin. u will rntbl. Umn to *S rawtntel «t low-r rwt«. mi uim nu. Wi«W rf tb Ussilh rf *«l --iskUb Tnribn. The lumber saw Sag capacity uf All mills ia Washington territory, as eoinpa- Itod from lumber shipment* and local sales, ia 3WM»»l,27‘> feet, vaiaad at W.750.M0.94, the aclnal Inmber produc tion Wing about 330.000,000; the remain der ia divided op into laths, picket*, shingle*, spare and small Inmber. This production covers the territory o( Puget Sound, Gray’* Harbor mill*, Columbia river, Bhoalwater bay, and in a few In ternal mills. The Ihiget Sound lumber product few the .vear 1888 wa» 2K r »,00'>,000 feet, which was sent to variooa points no the Pacific coast and the foreign ship ment* went to all purls of the world, the largest shipment, however, being con signed to the colonial markets, which have continued to demand onV lumber with a steady degree that insured h prtflt to the ship owner.— Tahoma LftUffr. I U*Hu nut Felgrave, in hlu work on oeutrsl aad eastern Arabia, msntion* a plant whose seeds produce effect* analogous to those of laoghing gas. The plant is s native of Arabia. A dwarf variety Is found at Kaaum. and another variety at Oman, which attains a height of from three to foor feet, with woody st*ms, wide spread branches and light pen foliage. The flower* are produced in clusters, and are yellow in color. Tim seed pods contain two or three black seeds of thr six* and shape of a French bean. Their flavor is a little like that of opium; the taste ia sweet and the odor produces a sickening sensation and is slightly offensive. These seeds, when pulverised ■ and tgken in small doses, operate on a perspa ia a pec uliar way. Ho begins to laugh loudly and boisterously, and then sings, dances, and cuts up all kinds of fantastic caper*. The effect continue* for about an hoes, and the patient la extremely comical. When the excitement ceases the exhausted individual falls into a deep sleep, which [ continues for an hour or more, aad when i be awskeoe. he ia utterly nnconeefous that any aoch dcunooetrationa have been made by him,- SeicntiJle Amerirmn. —The Inaatlmabla value of Ayer’e Sir aaperilla «« a blood-pnrlder ebould be known to every wife end mutter. It correct* irregulariti**, idvet ton* and atrengtb to the vital organa', and ebaaaea the ayatrm of a) imporltie*. TV Mt family gedieine. —Cold, cough, o.l*o la wlial philoso pher. term “a logical erqnenoe.'' One la vary (labia to follow tilt otter; Vt by coring the cold with a Awe of Ayre'a Charry Pectoral, the coogb will bo atop tod and the roffin tot needed—Jnat at preaent. —Removal eale at Vinlras Winer'#, r-« ad. HELENA’S PRETTY MULDUB How Her Advont Cost Hufsoat II forrall His Life. A t crrthle t lvbt Whkh NeamlteA is Mevevml f.y uchlmga sat a item* era I aefsrsMllaN. "1 saw the first hanging in Helena, Montana, the stringing up of Big Jim Daily, the notorious desperado, by tbe Helena regulator*, as described in the Sun m-eotly,” said a former New Yorker, who aas one of the engineer corps that made tbe preliminary survey of the route! for tlie Northern Pacific railway, to a re porter for that {taper, “and 1 saw the memorable deadly fracus tkst followed the execution, and which resulted in tbe summary opening out of tbe remnants of Jim Daily's gang, who had continued to haunt Helena, and were show log a dis position to run things again with • high hand. That bloody affray was indirectly caused by m woman, who subsequently became a social leader, in Helena, and who probeUf is yet, if she is living. “For awhile after Jim Daily was hanged there tras m peaceful lull in the town, and it seemed an ominous calm to the citizen*- > Gradually the gambling bells, hurdy-gurdies and other lawless establishment* became se free as ever. HtUl there wsano trouble, and tbe regu lators had come te the conclusiou that things were going on as -well as might be expected, when calamity was precipi tated by an unforeseen circumstance ' The stage from Gallatin drew up in front 1 of the International hotel one afternoon, 1 and from it dainty, genteel y | dressed young woman. Hhe was clad in black, and an unmistakable air of mys ‘ tery eurroanded her. She entered the hotel, and nothing waa aeen or bean! of her hy the outside world for a day or so, ■when a modest sign waa hung out oppo •lte the aide door of the hotel mating tliat , ‘Madame T-ouise win prepared 10 «lo mil liner}; work for the female portion of , Helena.' Madame I-ouisc waa the hand some sod mysterious arrival by the Gal | laliu coach. Thai waa all she raw fit to f make known of her personality or ante , cedents, and that.wae oil that the public , ever knew of her history. But the men . all fell in kve with)Mr, toughs and all. Ths'ldwmihlp m ptughdoan, after the ’ hanging of Jim Daily, seemed to have I Mien bv natural selection, to the j»art of B«rr. one of Daily's chief aids. Bill got a Mr load of Helens tanglefoot on boaid otoe day. not long after the pretty mnifav had settled in Helena, and in the , course of hia remarks be referred in very warm and confident tenna to the possl bilitiea in the direction of Mine. Louise. I Be waa promptly Informed that he was wide of the mark in hia calculations, aa • It had become an open secret at the hotel . that the milliner was already in love with | A\ Worrall. This threw Bill in a terrible ‘ rage. He swore that the statement was a lie and made a big wager that he would | come out ahead In the favor >f the young , woman. “ TU get all bunk with the milliner,' be exclaimed, ‘or I'll make A 1 Worrall crawl!'" **Al Worrall was a handsome young Philadelphian, and is remembered yet as one of the best aroatuer athletes that bad ever settled in the West. BUI Burr’s bravado and boasting remarks soon reached the earn of both Mm*. I/mise and Worrall. They amused the iady hut made Al mad. He threatened, in the event of hearing any further remarks of that kind from Bill Burr or spy of hia friends, that be would stand them on their beads. •*The next day was a lively one in Helena, for it was Saturday, and miners had come in from ill sides to make i day of it. Our engineering corps was at the International, and Saturday afternoon Al Worrall cam# into the barroom to see some of the party with whom he was pc quaiuted. Al was a strict teetotaler. While he wna there Bill Burr walked in with half s doacn, of his tongba, and, striding,to the bar, called all hands to step up and drink. A number of citiaeos; knowing of the pretence of Worrall In the saloon, naturally supposed thoro woul^ be a fuss, sod came in to watch the result. Worrall refused to drink, because of bis temperance habits. Bill worked himself Into sn ugly 111. *• ‘Any one who won’t drink with roe,’ he shouted with an oatfe> ‘will weigh more than he dbee now when I get through with him !* “Al. seeing that the remark wna direct ed to hlbi, turned, slowly around, and placing a hand on each hip, said- tfalmly “ ‘1 have"heard enough from you, Billlt If you raise any mure fuss to this room Ili break your bead !*’ •Bill stoOped down, *od placing both hands out before Mm.ln a pleading sort of way, said: “Don’t •hoat!'doh*t shoot I’. “All the %hiU he kept coming closer to Al, pa if be wag afraid of him, stooping low with all UPS appearance of fear. Worrall stood still, quietly watching the ruffian. He dbr no one else was prepared for Bill's next act. When be got within reaching distance of Worrall, quick so a flash ho whipped a. long murderous knife put of hia boot leg, god {dunged it Into Worrell's abdoihen, giving it a vicious turn and twist ns it dashed into hia vk> Urn’s vitale. Worrall dropped to the floor. BUI started to go out. His friends I crowded around him and tor m terrible 1 movieut nobody spoke a wont. Then a j young miner wh« had been quietly «it- j ting by one oi the windows coolly rose op i and leveling a revolver sent u bullet crashing through Bill Burr’s Iwaln. The cowardly desperado fell dead in his tracks. Instantly Bill’s companion’s opened afire upon all wl»o were left la the room. The fire was returned. Two of Bill’s gang dropped to the floor before they could reach the door, riddled with balls from outside and in. A third one in hurrying to escape, stumbled over an old miner, who had remained sitting tilted hack in his chair against the wall during the entire sffrsy. The fleeing des perado made good bis escape from the j room, and jumping on his horse started at 1 full run down the street. The old miner rose from h(i chair like a shot. He reached behind the door and pulled out an old army rifle, leveled it at the flying member of the gang and tired. The des perado was forty rods away. With the crack of the old miner’s rifle he threw his hands in the air, tumbled headlong from bis horse sod never moved again. The mountaineer bad sent his ballet plumb between the wretch’s shoulders. In less than three minutes from the . time Bill Burr issued bis invitation to the crowd to drink with him, he and three of his gang were done for. and two of the best citizens of Helena Jay dead on the floor. Other citiseos were badly wounded. An in quest was held, the deliberations of which occupied just Are minute*- The verdict was such that next morning several more of Bill Barr's friends wore hanging by the neck from trees at different points sur rounding Helena, none more than a mile away. To the beck of each one was pinned, in large handwriting, plain enough for the blindest man to see, this warning from the regulators: To All Friends of BILL BURK: GIT. The warning was heeded, and that waa the last of Jim Daily’s notorious gang, and the lust rale of the desiwrado in Helena. The leader of the regulators who accomplished the work was the same well knows judge from the East who conducted the hanging of Daily. The mysterious milliner made a great show of; mourning for poor A 1 Worrall for a time, and then set Helena in commotion, by marrying the regulator judge. This put her at the top notch of society in the town and no one ever bothered himself there after about who she was and where she came from, and nobody ever knew.” port aiwrofc. Raw Um Msrtoai I'sanh wna Ok. nerve* hy Um IsmUwms—White sunn Mvm m leaeatt. Eorrott Hkkai*—lke Indian indoa trial school closed on the Mtb last. wHb exercises which included examination of Che scholars, declamations, singing and calisthenics. The examination of the children was most satisfactory they aolv log the problems in fractions with ap parent ease, and composing and writing well worded sentences. Children who entered school too months ago without a partical of knowledge of English can now read quite well and write a fair hand. The excellent Showing that they made reflected much credit on their super intend ent*,'Mn. Florence. Kilgour and her as sistant. Miss Mamie W. Hriestley. The agent an<} a number of influential Indians were present and. expressed themselves greatly pleased with the progress made by the pupils. At the close of the exercises the patrons, Indian children, and the employes repaired to the • agency dining room and excellent dinner prepared for them by the matron and cook. Hpeeches were made by agent Priestley, Mn. Kilgour, superintendent, Rev. Tlioa. Pearue and Joe Btwire. The addresses were happy efforts and directed to the encouragement of the children amt the older people, too, to tdltivato their minds and mingle thought with their work. The Fourth was celebrated in good style at Fort tilmcoe. The parade under the direction of Joe Btwire (White Swan) was a great sucoeas. The Indian horse manship was here displayed with - telling effect. They were dressed for the. occa sion and presented a fine appearance. After the parade the crowd assembled In a lovely g&ire and were treated to patriotic songs and speeches.'’ Mias Helm’ pre sided at the organ. ' Rev. ‘Waters' ted in prayer snOew.-Gascoigne* I*. A. W-ilgns Capt Thoe.’Prieatley* White Rwan/Rev. Thott. Peame and Eneas made short and sthvlng speeches.. • A song was sung, an- 1 other parade and then air present sat down to a bountiful.dinner. After dinner dancing, baeetiftl playing and other games engaged the attention until even ing when all quietly geparated for their Homes. Tho order was excellent There bras not a fight or a drunken man to be seen. The Indians remained a few days at fltwfreville engaged in. horse-racing and some of their old time sport*, and on I Saturday White Swan gave a splendid dinner to hundreds of his people, at Which time he related the history of his family, of which there were 4C members 1 present representing six'generations. The occasion was enjsyed by a number of whites from Yakima, Goldendale and other places. A- W«uic*. —Removal sale at Vinimr A pilger’s, see ad. ; J Itoeaaag Prattle. I’ROtwrt, June 29, 180©. Kuiiok Hkkali* Whatever may ba aakl to Praaaer’a disadvantage, it cannot be eoid that we are forgetful of benelite received nor of the person conferring them. Dr. Hord has been absent two months bnt the firm hold which be still keepa on our remembrance and respect is abundantly proven by the highly promin ent position given to hie sign. Prosser will not celebrate on the Fourth. Wa recognize the laudable purpose which Vancouver haa in view in giving a mon ster celebration and sending the proceeds to the Johnstown sufferers, and as a cele bration at Proasar might interfere ma terially with the success of the Vancouver affair we have magnanimously decided not to show any rivalry. We all know that appearances are sometimes deceptive and that proved to case one morning recently when the person of ordinary intelligence would have come to the conclusion that some body had started in the implement busi ness in Mr. Fix’s old aland, but on mak ing inquiry it warn learned that Mr. Jen sen’s buggy had by acme mysterious means got itself elevated on the roof of Mr. Fix’s building in the silent watches of the night. Charles Case left here for his mine on Salmon river last week. The Kelso brothers are hauling forty thousand feet of lumber from the Alder Creek sawmill to build a barn on their Horse Heaven ranch. This is a secret; if you do not believe it ask Henry Crea* son. The Home HeaVen folks will cele brate the Fourth by a picnic at the new barn. From a late number of the Columbia Kiebtr we learn that Mr. Parker, of Crimea, who started east fourteen months ago with a band of cay uses, haa returned home, after wintering in Nebraska with hie homes, for which be found rather alow sale, and then driving them to Wyoming, where he succeeded in diipoe ing of them. Mr. Parker thinks that as a rapid way to wealth driving horses east is not a brilliant suooeas. Dave Beavert is having his horses fer ried across to the Oregon side of the Col ombia river. We had a nice rain last week which will help the corn crop, bat it is rather too late to help the wheat much. Har vesting will commence at once. H. A. Faxon, formerly s resident of Prosser and who migrated from bare to Pendleton, has at last taken unto himself a helpmate from among the young ladies of that town. C. Robert Moran was re-elected mayor of Seattle over Morris G. Haller. Sammy Piles was downed for city attorney and R. B. Albertson elected in bis stead. Prof. J. E. Clayton, the well known mining expert, who was Injured by the upsetting of a stage in tbeCoenr d' Alene* recently, died at Wardner July 3rd. The business portion of the town of Hailey, Idaho, was destroyed by fire July 2nd. Of iour blocks of solid bricks there was but ene bnUdiag ML The tease aggregate half a million dollars, on which there was an insurance of $130,000. The fire epidemic broke out at Bakers field, California, on the 7th inetant, and destroyed the major part of the business houses of that town. Tbs loss was about nine hundred thousand dollars and tbs insurance a little over one-third of that amount. The capital stock of the Fair Haven A Southern Railroad company, of which Nelson Bennett is the moving spirit, was increased from $1,000,000 to $0400,000 and tbs charter eatended to fibrmit of tbo building of the road from Vancouver, B. 0., to Vancouver, W. T., at which latter point connection will be made with the I Union Pacific and other made running into Portland. The road will pass through Hostile, Tacoma and tbs Belling ham bay towns, and is to be completed in two, yean. Fat Sals class. An old team and an almost new second hand wagon and harness. Terms easy. Apply to R. SraosACH. sioo/mTa MaoLesn, Beed A Co. have SIOO,OOO to loan on improved farm lands. Applica tions for loans will receive prompt at tention. |b| .* Last. ‘‘ A silver watch and chain tho chain ' washed gold fastened on the watch with ; copper wire the finder will be rewarded ! by leaving the watch at my boon*. A. Foam. «*—S jfcwMBISMSIISS>. The lodging house on Second street, has been completed and furnished. There is not only room lor all, but good accom modations. Everything new and clean. Rooms reasonable. W. H. Rows, ♦f. Proprietor. Narhl»N*« Arnica Halve la the beat aalvo In the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevar sores, tetter, charted hands, chilblains, corns, sod all skimeruptinnH. and posithd •ly cures piles, or no pay required- Uls guaranteed to give iMNrfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Knee 25 cento per K,g, For sale by C. B. Bushnell, dniggWr. —Red Hover aged at tlm LX.I. ♦ Number 34. —Haled h*r for ul« at Uw I. X. L. * —Vegetable seeds in bulk at the 1. X. L. * —Removal sale *t Vloipjt A Rilger>. aee ad. —Elegant line of sateens Juat received at Gary's. Je3o-tf —All styles of Job printing at the Has au> office. —Go to Bartbolet Broe. for your Yaki ma dairy batter. • —Myron H. EUia has the finest line of neckwear in the city. * —Five handled boxes of soap at Barth olet Broe. only fl .25 per box. • —Leave your orders for Ice at the Great I-X-L Co., delivered every morning. * —Alfalfa hay for sale at Capt. Inver aUty’s ranch. A Lenoir, proprietor. * -All of the latest styles in gents' fur ; obhinge are to be found at M. H. Ellis’s.* Delicious ice cream can be had day or night at Herke’s. Leave orders for family use. jdJO-tf —You will always And Morgan’s “Gilt Edged” butter at Bartbolet Bras, store. Csll for ik Jrt-tf. —The Biochemic remedies are for sale at C. B. Bnshnell’s drug store at 15 cents per bottle. * —IOO dosen ladies’ S marking Jerseys, all colors, reduced from $1.75 to $1 at the Great I-X-L Co. • —Go and see the new Japanese goods just received by M. H. Ellis, successor to 1. H. Dills A Co. • —Shiloh's Cough and Consumption is sold by C. B. Bushncll on a guarantee. It cures consumption. —A fine new line of saddle*, harness, etc., just received at C. E. McEwen’a •hop, Yakima avenue. . * • —For lame hack, side or cheat, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by C. B. Bnsbnell. —Groceries you must have. Groceries we must sell. Let’s trade and both be happy. Bsrtbolet Bros. * —That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by C.'B. Bushncll. —The stock of harness, saddles. Ac., at C. K. McEwen’s Is the beat In the city, and his prices am the lowest. * Arctic Ice cream soda knocks out all other summer drinks. Go to Herke’s candy factory and try a glass. Je2o-tf —One hundred thousand dollars to loan on farm property by Goodwin, Strobach A Pugsley; long U(pe, easy rates. • —Every garment made by M. Pro bach is warranted a good fit, good work manship and to give satisfaction. • —’“Hackmatack” is a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cants. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, druggist. —For a nobby suit, made to order, do wtftrilloflaiea our papular merchant taller. M. Probach, oa Yakima name. • —A aaaal Inteetor true with each bottle of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Met 80 ceota. For sale by O. B. Bushnell, drog giat. —Shiloh’s Cure will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and bron chitis. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, drng —For square dealing and value received lor your hard earned cash, call on Tf O. Redfield for anything in the line of Jew elry. • —Anyone who wishes to obtain the Biocfaemic remedies can now procure them at Bushnell's drag store for 15 cents par bottle. • —The H skald Is now prepared to do all kinds of job printing, from a visiting card to n fan rised poster, and in the best style of ait, too. —C. £. McKwon is now offering sad dles. bridles, harness and everything in his line st prices not to be duplicated this side of Portland. • —lf you have lost any money lately, Redfleid will return it by sailing you goods so remarkably cheep that yen will forget your misfortune. —Catarrh cured, health and sweet bresth secured, by Bhiloh’s Cartarrh Rem edy. Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by C. B. Boshnell, druggist C. K. McEwen takes a pride in taming put good work. This is the reason his harness, saddles, bridles, Ac., give such satisfaction and outlast ail others. * —€. B. Bushnell, sole agent for Dr. J. Eugene Jordan's Histogcnetic Medicines. Depot of anppliea changed from May’s dry goods store to BnahneU’s drug store.* —Dr. Savage will be found strays ready to attend calls day or nigh* Office over postoffice; residence on Second street, one block sooth of First National Bank. Oct: -tf, —The Rev. George 11. Thayer, of Boor bon, Indiana, says: "Both inrsoU and a ils owe our lives to Shiloh's Consump tion Cure.” For sale by. C. B. Bushnell, druggist. -M. Probach has received ono of the finest lines of spring and suaunsr goods in the dty for gents’suite. He has also secured one of the beet journeyman tailors, who makes up the garments a( home, and la ranch more beneficial tho community than peddfor tailor*. * i