Newspaper Page Text
THEJAIgA IBM Official Paper of Yatiia Gouty. THURSDAY. . . JULY ii. IMM IHive Wiloon la in the city. W. A. Cox ia hark from Missouri. Mrs F. K. Heed is back from Portland. Henry Creason, of Pranaer, la ip the city. Mayor F. K. Reed ia bark from the Sound. R. Htrobarh returned from the Bound to-day. l*rof. J. G. Lawrence i* back from Olympia. Mrs. H. I). Cork left for the sound last evening. Mr. Eigan, of The Yakima, has gone to Tacoma for a lew days. Mrs. J. B. Pugsley and children leave for Olympia to-morrow. Mias Scndder is home from the Hound much improved in health. W. Z. York has again gone with a party Into the Tietau on a prospecting tour. Col. L. 8. Hewlett and Hberlff D. E. Leah returned Sunday from Olympia. MraS. J. (fitting* of Kali brook Cal. *is visiting tier sister Mrs. K. A. Stamats. Mias Rector, of Tacoma, arrived Mon day and Is visiting the family of H. 11. Allen. The families of Wayne Field and W. J. Roaf left to-day for an outing at Rods Springs. M. D. Egbert passed through Yakima Thursday en route from the Sound to Walla Walla. Mias Vice Shelton, of Salem, Oregon, is visiting the family of her unde, Hon. Edward Whitson. Eugene Lennen who ha* secured (be contract for putting up tl»e Cadwell-Lloyd buildings has arrived and will at once commence work. Col. Gilbert, the historian, spent Sun day in Yakima. He said this was the greatest four-year-old town it had ever been his experience to ace. Engineer T. H. Ogilbe, who has been engaged for several months past in run ning lines for a railroad from Portland to Spokane Falls, via Yakima, left Tuesday tor Portland to submit his report. Mr. Zindorf, contractor on tlie Lewi* A Engle and the syndicate buildings, re turned from tlte Sound to-day sad will im mediately begin operations. Things will be humming in Yakima in a week’s time. Capt. J. 11. Thomas left for Seattle ou Thursday last to look after his interests there. He was accompanied by his sis ter-in-law, Mrs. Marsh, who will spend some time at Hot Springs. Capt. Tlmmas returned Wednesday. 8. W. Lamping, a special agent of the Interior department, who has made his headquarters here (or some months past, is looking forward to the arrival of his family from Indiana the latter part of this week or the first of next. J. M. Adams and wife arrived from Spokane Falls on Saturday last and spent several days of this week enjoying the society of old and new friends. Mr. Adams is as enthusiastic as ever over Yakima and showed his confidence hy making additional investments. The family of E. 8. Callender arrived from Wauseon, Ohio, Saturday, and have gone to housekeeping In the dwelling re cently purchased by Mr. Callender from Mrs, Dorgan. Mr. Callender will shortly engage in the banking and brokerage business in Yakima in connection with F. D. Nash, who is shortly expected hack from New York. E. L. Cowgill, who was formerly Nel son Bennett’s chief man on the railroad work through this country, and who has many friends here, was married at Fair haven on the 15th iiut. to Miss Lillif A. Wasmer. Mr. Cowgill is now secretary of the Fairbaven Land company, is inter ested in the railroad Nelson Bennatt is putting through the Bellingham Bay country and is said to have made lots of money in land speculations. Fbom Pom. axd to Spokane via Yak ima.—Railway Engine** Ogilbe, who has been surveying the route from Portland through Yakima to Spokane Falls, left for Portland, Tuesday to await further orders. He has completed the map of the country traversed hy himself and party and submitted his report. When interviewed hy a Hskald reporter previ ous to leaving he stated that the route was entirely feasible for economic railroad building and operation and that there were no more difficulties to be overcome than presented in any and all mountain work. The road as projected would tap a country rich in timber, coal, minerals of all kinds, as well aa a splendid agricul tural country. The distance from Yak ima to Portland hy the Uses run would be reduced to 10 ) mllea, and there would be no grander scenic road in the country. Aa to the road from Yakima to Spokane Falls, he said no obstacles what ever would be met and that he had found a splendid crossing of the (Vihmibia s few miles Shove PriJstis rapids. Mr. Ogilhe was sanguine that the road would l>e speedily built. Thk Tiktan Wokdeks at Oi a Doom.—A new route has been found by easy grades and twenty miles nearer than the old road. The road could b emade available for wagons by the expenditure of a few hundred dollars. This would place the scenic vomtan of the Xle*an at our doors j and make us within two days' travel of Mt. Tacoma. Bon.—At North Yakima, Monday, July Bad, MW, to Uia wilt M Hon. Ed ward Whlfaon, a daughter. I.WT 41, MK4 ITll'tt. —There are two i«piritna( medium* in the city. —The twick are t»eing hauled (or S. J. new three-story hlork. —A brick addition in being built to the Switzer building on Second street. —The Lida < lardner burlesque troupare billed to appear at the opera house Sat urday evening. —The territorial board of education haa issued a life diploma to Prof. J. (I. Law rence of this city. —Real estate is taking* another turn upwards. A number of important aalee have occurred of late. —The walls of Alex. Sinclair’* new brick laiildiog, on First street, have reached the second story, —Register Kratx of the U. S. land office la looking around for a desirable lot on which to build a residence. —Ysklma water melons are begining to make their ap|«nrance. The first ripe ones were picked over two weeks ago. —Rev. Dr. Nevitis will return from Elleusburgh tbl* week to bold services atßt. Michaels church next Sunday at the usual hours. —The board of equalisation will meet on Monday, the Ifth. day of August for the adjustment of any error# which may appear upon tlte aaoensnient roll*. —The iron fronts of the Yining, Lewis ami Engle, and syndicate buildings have arrived, and work on these structures will he pushed forward with energy. —A eon of T. B. McOloughlin, while leading a colt Tuesday, fell in such a manner as to fracture his arm. Dr. Ravage dressed the injured member. —At the meeting of the Engine com- I pany Monday evening a committee was j appointed to wait upon the council and ■ urge upon tliat body the selection of the ; chief of the fire department a* tire war den. | —Thieves entered the residence of J. i H. Burdin, on the Wen as, Friday night, ' and made off with about sl2 in money. ’ Mr. Burdin is the Wenas postmaster and the money taken was largely the ro : ceipts from the sale of stamps. —Fred R. Reed, mayor of North Yak ima, ]«sid a flying visit to the conven tion, bringing with him tine samples of cigara made from Yakima tobacco, nicer in flavor than any other domestic cigars in the country. —CHyuojia ItUgmm to the ih-tgouinn. —Messrs Cad well and Llovd of Ellen*- burgh have had some difficulty about get ting brick for their 175 feet of brick buildings to he erected on Second street, and now propose to open up a yard here and manufacture their own brick. The Uoyd Mercantile Co’s store will be both wholesale and retail and carry a stock to the value of SIOO,OOO. ATTACIUSB ■¥ fOOTPIM. 1 Jafea A. Stan*, •• Yakima, Has aa RacMßUr With High war mca Wear HU namaer Ranch. John A. Stone returned from the Bound, Wednesday, where he has been to look after his large bop interests, and relates a thrilling story of an attack made upon I him Monday evening by highwaymen. He was driving from his ranch about dusk when he met a couple of men who •topped him and asked him for work. Mr. Stone told them to put in an appear ance the next morning and he would find them something to do. Before they parted one of the men drew a flask from his pocket and invited Mr. Stone to drink. He refused but the men were so persistent he finally took a swallow. The men ap peared to drink, although Mr. Stonada | convinced that they did not. *A short time after starting on his way a strange feeling overcame Mr. Stone and he showed all indications of strychnine poi soning. He stopped his horse for a time and during one of the intervals when he was partially at himself be turned and started homeward, whipping up his horse into a lively gait. When near the place where he had first seen the men they suddenly rose out of the ferns and tried to jump into the wagon. One of them hit Mr. Stone two blows on the arm with j what was probably a sandbag. Mr. Stone I pulled his revolver and emptied three; chambers at the fellow, who felt and the! wheels of the wagon passed ever him. The other highwayman, who was trying' to get over the side of the wagon, shot at Mr. Stone, without effect, and then the wagon striking a bank be was thrown or fell off. Mr. Stone then lashed up his horse and arrived home in an almost In sensible condition sad was mat by his family who had heard the shots. All that night Mr. Stone was speechless and had a hard tussle for his life but finally pulled through ail right. Aid was summoned and a party des patched after the footpads but without result. The place where the affray oc curred was easily located but efforts had been made to cover the traces of blood. Mr. Stone is of the opinion that he hit his man hard as he placed the gun almost against him. He had no knowledge, however, of shooting more than twice, except from the empty sliella in the re viver, as lie was si moat stopifled with the poison. Mr. Stone had that day been to town and drawn with which to pay his hands ami this bet was evidently known to the robbers. As soon as |<oasi ble the wires were put in use and the authorities at the various towns there abouts. instructed to keep a lookout tor the men. Wasiaa RssHe«M«aHsatles. ___ . _ The county commissioners lor Yakima' county'will mast at the court house at North Yakima, on the aecond Monday in August, to sit as a board of equalisation for the adjustment of any errors which may appaar upon the assessment rolls. M. Baxtuolxt, Clerk of tba Board. 1 M.LAMatn'k .iM.aaaiaV-aMOAAU' way 9 |r • - Cattttt as Concerned^. W. J. Gilmore'* new and highly praised legendary spectacle, entitled the ‘‘Twelve Temptations," will appear at Mason's opera honse, Tuesday evening, July 5. Aside from the immense company It takes a train of three railroad rare to carry all their effects. Mr. Fechter posi tively statea that the new opera chairs will be placed in position as this is the grand opening attraction. A special rail road excursion train will be run from El lensburgh for this engagement and it is safe to nay that the country for forty miles around will be well represented as this ia one of the greatest attractions that will visit us for years to come. Meaars. Allen & Chapman have charge of the reserved seat sale and will open it on Sat urday, July 27. The play will be staged with an impos ing cast, brilliant costumes, gorgeous stage settings and all the accessories which go to make up "a show" of this description. The management announces twenty-six tons of scenery and other properties, a small army of seventy peo , pie, and everything necessary for a grand i spectacular display, the material of which is said to have Involved an expense of :«moo. I The pUy pf “Tlie Twelve Temptation*” was produced in New York about eighteen yean ago. by the ?ate James G. Fiek, Jr. He wa* then proprietor aud manager of the Grand opera honee in that city, and he lavished a fortune on its production. Some old time theatre goera who aaw the play say they never ww anything on such a magnificent scale. It excelled “The Klack Crook" and other famous and dazzling spectacle* of that time. It waa produced February 7.1*70, *nd wu an instantaneous success, It ran for thirty conaerntive weeks. A dispute be tween tbe author and manager caused Its withdrawal and it haa been buried ever aince. Manager Gilmore thought that tbe title was worth a great deal of money, and ac cordingly bought the manuscript. He commiHStoned his manager, Charles H. Yale, to rewrite the piece, giving plenty of opportunity for gorgeous scenery, bal lets snd costumes and unique properties. Mr. Yale has made an interesting story, which runs through four acts! | Th« action is laid ia the fifteenth oen ! tury. Hubert of Wurldburg, a supposed | principality in Norway, has inherited the .entailed estates of his forefathers, and his acres of land are fast going to ruin for means to keep them op. Ilohert knew that burled at the North Pole were ontold riches, which eleven of hie ancestors had perished in futile efforts to gain posse sion of. He determines to become j the twelfth of his race, thus forming the ' title of “Twelve Temptatations," to brave | a voyage to the land of loe, snow i and almost certain death. He meets j with shipwreck, countless perils and miraculous escapes, and finely finds the treasure. He repairs his damaged estates, marries the girl of his choice and every thing ends happily. Though not featured, the ballet forms considerable prominence, and is led by famous premieres, while the scenic em bellishments represent a trip through fairyland. Seventy persons are neces sary for the production. Moving pans* ram as and pantomime specialties are In troduced in rapid profusion. “The Twelve Temptations” contains all the elements of success, and Is a proper per formance for both sexes. —Red clover seed at the I. X. L. * —Baled hav for sale at tlie 1. X. L. • —Vegetable seeds in bulk at the I. X. L. • j —Elegant line of sateens Just received at Cary’s. jeSO-tf —All styles of job printing st the Hsa -1 ami office. —(Jo to Barthold Bros, for your Yaki ma dairy butter. • —Myron H. EIMa has the finest line of neckwear in the city. * —Five hundred boxes of soap at Barth olet Bros, only |l.2ft per box. * —Leave your orders for Ice at the Great I-X-L Co., delivered every morning. * —Alfalfa hay for sale s'. Capt. Inver arity’s ranch. A Lenoir, proprietor. * Delicious ice cream can lie had day or night at Herka’s. Leave orders for family use. jeaOdl -You will always And Morgan's "Gilt Edged" butter at Bartlmlet Bros. More. Call for It. Jfi-tf. —UKi dozen ladles' Smarting Jerseys, all colors, reduced from $1.75 to $1 at the Great I-X-L Co. • —Go and see the new Japanese goods just feueived by M. H. Kills, successor to I. H. Dills A to. * —Shiloh's Cough and Consumption is' sold by C. B. Bushnell on a guarantee. j It cures consumption. I —A fine new lino of saddles, harness, etc., just received at C. E. McEwen’s! 1 shop, Yakima avenue. * —For lame back, aide or cheat, use I Kblloh’s Porous Planter. Price 25 rents. Sold by C. R. Bushnell. —Groceries you most have. 'Groceries we meat eaU. Let’s trade and both be happy. Bart hoi et Bros. • - MBS AM OUR REMO ( out me nett at voce. We WW not more a • cell The Vini Which MV Milt occupy it nearly completed. •rare. Tin •cart or anything yon make yv't HOOK STOVES I We have a special wor Price them, at ice hare matked ercry tUnr rage* and lamp Everything cheap. mis* thin grand •Vlxiing A Chutwk or Accidents.— l <ast Sat- I unlay was a bad day for accidents. First a man named Mars, who is in the em ploy of John Clematis, was tlirown from a horse resulting in a broken collar bone. Then Johnny, son of A. P. Each bach, fell from a load of hay and fractured his thigh bone, and last Isaac Taylor, jr. while stacking hay met with a very peculiar accident in which a bone of hie fore arm was broken and his body badly bruised. He was on top of a large stack when a whirlwind came along and carried him aud aU*nt a ton of bay some distance off, ami deposited them on the ground in a rude and boisterous manner. Dr. R. M. Savage dressed the fractures of all of lbt%e unfortunates. Took Strychnin* With Urn Mklon.— On Monday a young buy naue<! Newell jumped into a garden |«tch, in the Kon newo* k district, and acting a handaome muskmeloii rouimenml ita destruction. He bad taken but a few bitea of tbe fruit when lie noted a peculiar taate, and in a abort time he waa attacked with apaama. Friendly banda found him and Dr. Mc- Altaian relieved bia stomach of a very obnoxious load. Tlie melon bad been doctored with strychnine in order to poiaon coyotes. A Vaioca Bill.—Mom- Adams met with a serious accident Monday, which came near ending bia life. He waa lead ing a polled Angus bull, when tbe animal charged at him, striking him in the breast and knocking him through a barbed wire fence. Mr. Adams’ face and body were torn by the barbs and three of his ribs | broken. Dr. Ileg was summoned, and 1 the patient is now doing nicely. HrnuTi AUSM.— Dr. Louis Schleisinger, a celebrated spiritual ami test medium, boa taken apartments at “The Yakima," | and is now prepared to give sittings. Dr. I Scbleaioger is editor of tlie Carrier Doer, published at Haa Francisco, aad ranks high among spiritualists. Judging from tbe many newspaper comments on the powers of the doctor, his manifestations are truly wonderful. Massikd.— At North Yakima, Sunday, July 21at, Klmer Swartz to Miss Lucy Green, of Totooo, 111. —That hacking cough can he so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by C. B. Bushnell. —The stock of barneos, saddles, Ac., at C. K. McEwen's is the beet in the city, and hia prices are the lowest. * Arctic ice cream soda knocks out all other summer dripks. (Jo to Herke’s candy factory and try a glass. jeUO-tf —Every garment made by M. Pro bach is warranted a good fit, good work manship and to give satisfaction. * —“Hackmetack” is a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, druggist. —For a nobby suit, made to order, do not fail to call on our popular merchant tailor, M. Prohach, on Yakima avenue. • —A nasal injector free with each bottle of Hh Hob's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, drug gist. —For square dealing and value received for your hard earned cash, call on T. G. Redfield for anything in the line of jew elry. » —C. K. McKweu is now offering sad dles, bridles, lisniess and everything in his line at prices not to ha duplicated this side of Portland. • —lf you hsve lost any money lately, Redfield will return it by selling yon goods so remarkably rlieap that you will forget your misfortune. C. E. McKweu takes a pride in taming out good work. This is the reason hia harness, saddles, bridles, Ac., give such satisfaction and outlast all others. • —Dr. Savage will be found always ready to attend calls day or night. Office over poetoffice; residence on Second street, one block south of First National Rank. Oct. -tf. —M. Probach be* received one of the finest lines of spring and summer goods in the city lor gents’ suits. He has also secured one of the beat journeyman tailors, who makes up tbs garments at borne, and is much more beneficial to the community than peddler tailors. * tstirf tor Paklkaitos. las* 0»T«r»; •» Nost* Ya|i«a, W. T.,» I Ju»> taw. i i I -WOTU'B la hereby given that Ike following j i-Wi named avttler bee SIM notice of bl« In < tention to make flaal proof In eupport of hie Slniai. and that Mid proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at the V. S. Lend , Other at North Yakima, W . T.. oa September S. law, the ■ • ( IIKNRY J. RICKSKf.I, Of Yakima, W. t . Hd. 3M for Iba SW*. MC| 4 B.' v b R 4 to prove hU rontlnwnu residence noon and rul ilvaUon el nM land, vU: Twi4 * J Vttnl and William Tborntou, of North Yakima. W. T.. and Andr Mr Daniel and R. P. Stone, of Yakima, wTf. IffM IRA M. KRt’T*. KrrHt»r ' ■ BUSIiVKSibj VAL m •ingle aiiicle if unheard of lor price* trill them. ng Block, Hr mean tv give you a chance to buy Hartl need of vt al price* that trill •mile: COOK STOVES I d to say of these goods: down to a ridieulonfly low figure. Bird- I ware at tout. Mir. hat strike abik the iron i« hat. <Sc Bilger. ORKAT OVERTAND HOI CK, Northern Pacific R. 8., VIA lAftC*l>K bIVIMOM. The only line running Pullman Paine* Sleeping Can, magnificent day coschaa. sad bcmit Eosurr norm mum with Bertha Free of Cost, PROM OREGON AND WASHINGTON POINTS To the ICoMI. VIA *T. PACE AMO niMMBAPOUB. The Only Tramoontiuciital Line Hanning PALACE DINING CARS (Heels. Ti Costa.) Fastest lime ever wade from the Coaat, over tbs lOKTHERI none 8. 8. To Sioux City. Council Blufib, At Joseph, Atcbl son, le*avenworth. Keossa City, Burlington, Qniney, AT. LSCia, CNIfAWt, Aud all points throughout the Raat and South ceat. vie St. Paul and Minneapolis Pillau Sleeping kuamfclim Can be aecurcd la advance. EMIGRANT BLEEPING CAES Are hauled on reaular BxpreM Train* ever the entire lencth of the X. P. R. R. Connection made at Ht Paul and Minneapolis to all point* Ka*t, Month and goatheat. Through train* leave Yakima for Ht Paul at 3*87 p. m. Through train* for Portland and all point* oa Pacific sad Cascade division, at # .B* p. bl, con necting at Tacoma with boat* for olnt* on Ticket* oc sale to aU point* In the United State* and Canada. For mate*, rate*. Sc., ap ply to H. C. HUMPHREY, Ticket Agent. North Yakima. A, D. CaaßLaroM, Amt. Ueocral Passenger Agent, No. 121 Pint ■treat, cor. Washlngtoo, Portland. Oregon. Fkrap and Rsrabl* Pwcc. J. M. Stout is prepared to build his | patent fence any where in the county, and . when money cannot be raised he will take produce in payment. This is a 'splendid offer, as the fence is lasting, cheap and pretty. tf. ■arklran Antes Salve Is the best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coma, and all akin erupt ions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. B. BoabnaU, druggist. Wanted 10 "•VW&S * OTMAW je-tf Mease. Yaklam Co. Tbs Salebrated Fraocb Cura, W SSS?< “APHRODITINE” ZSO fie Bout os a poumvt OUAHANTCK l^y 5£55 SA. I|piiß '"‘VSnSiSh midYcini *dST wsersas season, ■OX », POETLAMD. OK. BOLD BY ALLEN A CHAPMAN, Sola Agents. North Yakima. W. T. Yakima Candy. Factory- Anticipating the want* of my nmumma and in.nnein,: runt* *»***. I ha\»- per fected arrangements for furnishing X Hi-rt-nm! !<•«• Crt-iun ! At modmtt priced, end lor (nUir aocomowlatun will keep «rt;X AT AU HOURS. Also a full line of Rk Caiiiex, Hub, Fral Fnib, lipoid aid Omstic Ciiaa • P. J. ItEKKBp 1 Propriett* Yakima Candy Factory. LL I. I I N I I I I I I I I TIE. GREAT I-X-L EB. Want the Earth! fill im till iw Hurt Is 111 nSH Stf Opposition we invite! Competition we defy! * Grand Knock Out For ISText Ten. IDays I Onr More room Mac ee onmowM with good*, we qnoto special Cask Price*: 100 tan Laiies’ Silt Ktti ittati ti 25c. a pair. 100 iozn Ladies Cilired Hot; vntk 40t, rediced ti 25c. a pair. 100 inn Lilies’ Haitian Mrrati 26c. atk. Remnants! Remnants! THROWN AWAY! Don’t Miss This Opportunity! Call Early Before They Are All Sold! REMNANT EMBROIDERIES, REMNANT LACKS, REMNANT SATEENS, REMNANT GINGHAMS, REMNANT BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS AND OTHER GOODS. Owing to vrmtock in Udin' Dust era, wo will comment* to eUaghter prim. ca-raxLd Out in Prices! In wr Mho* Department, onr Intention la to knock peteee 09 lew no to unke ALL OCR PRETENDING COMPETITORS HOWL I Our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing .Department Witt be Knocked SMy! Cali at once and be convinced. MENS' SUITS REDUCED FROM >lO TO * | BOYS' SUITS FROM |lO TO |6JO " .. .. » 12AO ”7 JO | ” ” ” 7JO " 5.00 ’* ” " K. 0 0" |lOl " n ” MO ” >,OQ ” PANTS ” M 7JO "6.001 ” PANTS ” 6.00 " 4.00 ” •’ " '» 0.00 ”3.501 2JO '*■ 1.60 Groceries. Groceries. Priced Lower Than Evert Wo carry tho Largest Slock, tbo Loloal Styles, ud Prices so Low that It Makes Everybody Rails Very Respectfully, Great I-X-L Co., HYMAN HARRIS, Prop. N. B.—Look for Sign on the Store Building.