Newspaper Page Text
ai uitnu ncransT. It Write, rflkt Vfagha Umt ftw Vnk « 1 Turn Hit. iigifi irmisn. A email box containing an ineect, also a letter of date 25th alt., were r&eived by me from North Yakima. Washington. They were sent by my friend. Mr. George 8. Courier, formerly of Jamesbnrg, N. J. Says the letter, "the bug was captured by me to-day, and no one around here knows what it is. £an you enlighten us on the matter?” I had never seen a specimen, and the anomalous thing threatened to elude identification. But in detective parlance— It U pretty band to play the quiz, . II but a fellow show* hla phiz. So 1 must look my object in the face, despite the saying, one should not look a gift liorse in the month. With glass in band tlie mandibles and oral armiture were examined. When tracing the name of a natural object it is something to lie positive as to what it is not, since that brings oa. nearer to what it is. A mere glance got the creature clown to the Or tkopUra, and soon it was landed into a restricted family of the same, the Locus tididst. And here science is ortnodox, where the people are not; lor it applies the word locust exactly as does the Bible, to certain of the grasshoppers, sod not to the cicadas, as is done in popular speech. But there are fully six genera of tlie locpsu proper. So on looking farther s peculiarity of the feet to noticed, which throws oor stranger into the group known as the Sienopelma(i..i. The term to built op on two Greek words, and to intended to mean the "narrow-soled iocnats." This will bring ua to the genua; bat as this contains several spre'ea, which ol these to it? Looking at the specimen again we observe ita ornamentation; the abdomen to banded with alternate ring*- of block and white. This ends the quest, for it derides the species, namely, fascia tus, the banded. Thai the search for title to okwed, and the scientific name of oar interesting stranger to found to be stenopefmatus Jasciatus, the "banded nar row-eoled locust.” Hence the technical terra to really pictorial if only understood. The specimen sent me to a male, and wingless. Thia to true, also, of the fe males, for the species to entirely apterous. And mark the interesting fact which here cornea out. In our vast country we have •one forty kinds of true locusts. Of these twenty-three spe. ies ere wingless, or hsve these organs abortive, so that flying is impossible. Hence the usual habitat of these apterous ones to in treeless regions. Prof. Thomas, who first described this insect, says the species is found in Wyo ming, Utah, Southern Utah, Southern Idaho and Texas. They are, however, rare. The conditions of life are some what bard with them; hence they can not, by increase, become • scourge. I find myself much interested in this bit of very homely animated nature at which I am looking for the first time, and even seem to be writing about it on toe simple impulse of instinct, and not without regret that the interesting thing moat go into the cabinet in such a mutil ated condition. But even thus—how sug gestive of the wisdom of the creator! "Sermons in stones?” Yes, verily! But in this bit of defunct animation to a treat ise on the relation of the environment, and the economy of the forces in nature. Usually science is too sober-faced to countenance the punster. Yet this heav enly-eyed one has her tender humor. This, now the "bended narrow-sole” of the tribe locus:id*, had to wait the com ing of the Wise Men of the East, the ten deriootaof the colleges, to give it such christening as should introduce it to sci ence, and make it another contributor to the understanding of the divine ways in nature—for the correct knowledge of even on insert may reveal "tilings unattempted ia prose or rhyme.”— B. L., in Monmouth IS. J.) Democrat. Tk laa-bler. The notorious Jounswr men-eslmg tig rrtn fans at last hern killed by a young fonts officer. Tbit tigress baa been the aoourne of the neighborhood of Chakratn for the last too years, ami her victims have been innumerable. On one occasion abe soiled one oot of a number of banters who were sleeping together in a but. car ried him off, and deliberately made him over to harcmha to play with, while aha protected their innocent gambols from being tlieturbed. Hie cotnpaotonn were eventually forced to take refuge in a tree tom bar savage attacks. The tigress went back and stood over the prostrate formed bar victim and purred ia a catlike and salfueinplacent manner, rolling over the appareuUy lilelem body. .Site then lay down a few yards off, and with blinking eyea watched the gambols of her young progeny. In a few momenta the man sat up and tried to beat the youug brutea off. They were 100 young to bold Urn down’ eo be made e desperate attempt to shake kimeell free, and started off at a ran; but before he bad gone twenty yards the tig rasa bounded out end brought him back to kar'enbs. Once more the domed wretch had to defend himself over again, tom their pleyfol attacks. He made re newed attempts to regainblatoedom, but was seised by the old tigress and brought heck each time belore be had gone many yards. Hia groans and cries (or help were heartrending; but the men on the, tree were paralysed with (ear and units' unable to move. At leal the tigress her etH joined in tbs gambols of bar eube.l and tbe wretched man was thrown about and tnaaed over her head exactly as many of as have teen cats throw rale and about before beginning to feed on them. The man's efforts it escape grew feebler. For tbe lea’ lime thay sew him try to get away -n hia bands and kneea towards e large flg tree, with the coin clinging to kin limbs. Tbe Anal attempt was as fall is an the mat. Tbe tigress brought him back once mom, and then held him down under her lompswe, and began her livngmea before i heir eyea. It want 1* io beset that the young Coopers Hid officer sod a student attacked on fort. They were working op her trail, fifteen yards apart, when and* denly Mr. Uamaston beard hie younger companion groan, and tuning round aaw him boroa to the ground by the tigress. Mr. Osman ton luckilv succeeded In shoot ing her through the spine, and a second ball stopped her in mid-spring. Mean time his companion rolled over the hill and was eventually discovered insensible a few fe.rt away from his terrible assail ant. He is terribly mauled, and now lies at the Chakrata Station Hospital, where hopes of his recovery are entertained.— London Times' Calcutta Correspondence. AM Tkdt Skill Be I* flirt hiMi. The darkness shall pass away. Poi sons shall no longer be given to the sick. The laughing babe shall be n Joy to ile parents, for it shall be fed with the prin ciples of Jile when sick and not With the seeds of death, and health shall be its guardian angel. The wife shall walk along the pathway of life and she shall be beautiful. Site shall be happy, con tented, for no disease shall lark within the sacred temple of her humanity, and her husband shall walk by her side in manhood’s vigor, with step firm, nerves steady, eyee clear, mind self-poised. No alcohol shall fire the blood or scorch and born tissue. No quinine shall debilitate membranes, desticy the wonderful mech anism of the ear or the beautiful windows of the human soul—the eyes. Quarrels, bickerings and senseless strife shall cease and in its place calm veaaon shall ait en- throned. Wars and epidemics and dis tempers and racking fevers sad rheums shall, together with their prototypes qui i.ine, calomel, aconite, alcohol, opium, belladonna, chloral, be gathered to that place described by Hhelley, thus: "Im mediately before his eyes appeared a place, sad, noisome, dark—* iaxar-bouse it seemed—wlierein were laid numbers of all diseased. All maladies of ghastly spasms or racking torture, qualms of heartsick agony, all feverous kinds, con vulsions. epilepsies, fierce catarrhs, intes tine stone and gtker colic, pangs, pangs, demoniac frenzy, moping melancholy, madness, and wide-wasting pestilence.” — Exchange. A lew Style af Can. The Northern Pacific has just received twenty new colonist sleepers from Bar ney, Smith & Co. that are models of beauty, convenience and comfort, and contain many improvements over the ordinary colonist sleeper, or so-called tourist car, generally in use. Each car has fourteen sections with gentlemen’s toilet room in one end, and the ladiea’ room, supplied with marble topped washstand and force pomp, in tbe other. In one end of the car is a Baker fireproof beater, which beats tbe car by means of hot water conducted through pipes. In the opposite end of tbe car ia a cooking range surrounded by good kitchen facilities. Opposite this range is a twenty gallon cooler for drinking water, also a large tank holding seventy gallons of water for general use. These cars are finished in natural woods —ash, maple and butternut,—beautifully! polished, and at night are lighted up with eight Acme laropa exactly similar to those in use on Pullman sleepers. The sections are divided by sliding head-boards, effect ing a privacy not possible in the present style of can, where the the sections are separated by a wire netting. An ingeni ous arrangement of the seats enablss them to be extended flat or with head rests when prepared for bedding, and under each seat is s box in which can be stored bedding or small baggage. In each section there is also provided a mov able table similar to those in use in PnU man cars, which is extremely convenient for many purposes. All cars are provided with curtain rods. * Notwithstanding the fact that the Northern Pacific employs a porter to look after these sleepers, all holders of second class Montana and Pacific coast tickets are allowed to use them free of charge. The Northern Pacific haa a greater number of these sleepers Is ser vice than any other transcontinental line, their total equipment now amounting to sixty-three ears. It is clenr that in pro viding for the comfort of the traveling public the Northern Pacific, with its new vestibule*! dining and sleeping ears and superior accommodations for second class passengers, lends all its competitors.—The ( /ndfpcad/rt l. Is essiswritos IscsrsMsT Head the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: “Was down with abscess of longs, and friends and physi | clans pronounced me an incurable con ! samptire. Began taking Dr. King’s New 1 Discovery for Consumption; am now on | my third bottle, and able to oversee the 1 work on my farm. It is the finest medi ! cine ever made.” Jenne Middleware Decatur, Ohio, nays: “Had it not boon for Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of lung troubles. Was given op by doc tors. Am now in lieet of health.” Try it. Sample bottles free at BoshneU’s drug store. —How often do we bear oar friends ssy ”0,1 *m feeling pretty well, but have a slight pain in the back, which I suppose will soon psss away." But does it pass sway? So, not often unless assisted by ; *>n»® Rood remedy. Pain in tbe beck is frequently followed by weakness, flushing jof llie body, mucus and milky diacfaargis, | eruptions of the face and neck, dullness. ! loss of appetite, general debility, Bright’s I disease of the kidneys. If yon have any of these symptoms do not delay, but save jmoney and health by using Oregon Kidney Tea—a safe and speedy remedy. —Thousands have been relieved of in digestion and loss of appetite by a single bottle of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The use of this medi ine. by giving tone and strength to the assimilative organs, hfs made in numerable cores of chronic dyspepsia. Price |l. Worth 16 a bottle. —Removal sale at Vinlng 6 BUger’s. Hardware cheap. Electric Hitters. This remedy la becoming so well known and so popular as lo need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of piaise: A purer medicine does not exist, end it is guaran teed to do all that is claimed. Kle.tric Bitters will cgre all diseases of the liver and kidneys; will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum and other affections caused by impure blood; will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all ma larial fevers. For cure of headache, con stipation and indigestion, try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 60 cents and 91 per bottle at Bushnell’s drug store. Highland, Oie., March 20. 1 have suffered with a disease of the kidneys for six or seven years apd for the last two months have been laid up with the pain in tny back. A friend sent me a sample of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and Kaving used it one week I can do a good day’s work. I have derived more benefit from it than from ail the medicines 1 have overtaken. J. Q. Nkwbux. Hold by Allen A Chapman. * —A tody who was afflicted with salt rheum on the face and other parts of the body for many years, and who wsa treated by the best physicians on the Pacific coast with only temporary relief, says: Dotard's Specific has entirely cured me of my troublesome complaint and although I have not used the medicine for many months, I have had no return of the dis ease. I shall always feel grateful to you. —The evils resulting from habitual cos tiveness are many and aerioua; but- the use of harsh, drastic >ur.ativea to quite as dangerous. In Ayer’s Pills, however, the patient baa a mild but effective aperi ent. snptrior to all others, especially foe family use. If mothers studied their best interests they would find that Dr. Henley’s Dan delion Tonic is the beet household remedy. Many of the ills peculiar to females could be avoided by its use. It to as pleasant ant to take as a glass of .wine. —Ail of the latest styles in gents’ for* ntohings are to be found at M. Hf Kllto’s.* Constipation Demands prompt treatment:. The ro sultn of neglect ma 7 be serious. ArolJ all liarah and drastic purgative*, the tendency of which la to weaken the towel*. The best remedy la Ayer's Pill*. Being purely vegetable, their action ia prompt and their effect always beneficial. They are an admirable Liver and After-dinner pill, and every* where endorsed by the profession. “ Ayer’s Pllle are highly and univer sally spoken of by tbe people about here. I make daily use of them in my practice.”—Dr. I. E. Fowler, Bridge port, Conn. “ I ran recommend Ayer’s Pllla above all others, having long proved their vain# as a cathartic lor myself and family.”—J. T. Hess. Le|theville, Pa. ** For several years Ayer’s Pills have been used in my family. We tind them an Effective Remedy for constipation and indigestion, and are aever without them in the house." Mooes Grenier, Lowell. Mass. ”1 have used Ayer’s Pills, for liver troubles and indigestion, during many years, and have always found them prompt and efficient in their action.”— L. K Smith, Utica, N. Y. ” I suffered from constipation which asemunl such an ohatinate form that I feared it would cause a stop|iage of the bowels. Two boxes of Ayer’a Pills ef fected a complete cure.” —D. Burke, Saco, Me. " I have need Ayer’a Pills for the poet thirty years and consider them an in valuable family medicine. I know of no better remedy for liver troubles, and have always found them a promt* cure for <ly spends. " James Uuiun.lO Middle at.. Hanford, Conn. ” Having been troubled with costive ness, which seems inevitable with per sons of sedentary habits, I have tried Ayer’s Fills, hoping for relief. I am glad to say that they have served me better than any other medicine. I arrive at this conclusion only after a faithful trial of their merits." - Samuel T- Jones, Oak at., Boston, Maaa. Ayer’s Pills, rurmo ar Or. J. C. Ayar k Co* Lowell. Maas. t*M by all Dealers la Medietas. Harvey & Biggam, BlacMtts&Wapmate NORTH VAKIJIA, WASH. Having pnrrhsscil the entire stock and tool* of C. McCfeen. North Yakima. we hare taken ehanceof tbe old ahop cn Plant et. and we nek a Komtboebg done to perfection. _ Ha »VEY * BKKJAM. M. D. RAUM THE PAINTER. No Combination* No Dirty Work. AD or- Inc « apeclahv. WELLDIQQINO. 1 am hilly prepared to dig wells. cellar* and other t xravattODa in tbe rttjr or County. AD work don.^^^d^hape North Yakima. W. T. WAN, REED i Cl; Real Estate and Insurance, Yakima -A.-vemj.©. TO THE PUBLIC: A few Reuooi why North Yakima. Washington Territory Is being recognized m the mo*t ! promising city in Central Washington First—Because It hMeight of the flnesMargest the great atate. of Wssblngtou. and fertile valleys In Washington territory Hlxth-fcevame men who an well known as immediately Mioutary to It successful. shrewd and long-beaded, are making B®*° n< l~fhe seasons are from four to eight large Investments in North Yakima and Yakima weeks earlier than any other part of the north- county. w A . believing we are located In the moat favored. . ThlJd-Beeaass we have the finest and most Portion of W ashlugion Territory for garacning. deUghtfnl climatein the Pacific northwest. fruit growing and general agricultural purpose* , Fourth—We are destined to become the great we invite all those who arc looking for homes, • truck garden of the coast, with a cash market business bastions and manufacturing opportu- i ,O L*!Sf »!??“*■ ®° **“«•» Hound. nilles, to call on ns at North Yakima, and, hv Fifth—Balng centrally located, we are recog- seeing (or themselves, he convinced, nised as the desirable place for the capital of .. . i Hoi is to Accepted Tie to Invest! We have now Mated /or sale, in addition to the The opening of Krrlug will herald s -haris-r Northern Pacific lands,of which we are the advance In the realty of Yakima than has been local agants, some of the most desirable rest- realised during the corresponding season for deace and huatacM lots In North Yakima, to- two years past; and It Is a gather with farm property and garden tracts. Well Known Fact That while aM wha have ••dabbled in Yakima the best and coined tha most money, dirt nave made handsome returns on their In- let not the opportunity slip, but get In a ' vestments, those who have availed themselves once and drill! of the winter months for purchasing have fared MacLiean, lEteeci. <Sc Go., P. O. »OX, 27.'. **^MS——————l I. ..Ml. I I Dirtnrt, Sinus, Tiinn it CO Mt I I CO , „n cz=3 WWGSSp t3T3 85 ss s—l ts=s The Largest Assortment of Builders’ Material in Eastern Washington, and Prices Lower Than the Lowest. Farm Machinery, Wagons. A. it. WEED, Comer let St. & Yakima Avenue North Yakima. j raois a. antaeLeir. jcrr d. mcdakikl I 3VEc3DarLl©l, DEALERS IN Fine AVines, Liquors, Imported & Domestic Cigars. FINE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. Suit Apia for the MeteM Jeae Mocre Keatroty Wtoties. The People’s Barber-Shop, YAKIMA AVENUE, NEAR HOTEL STEINER, For Neat, Thorough Work. The Shop has been thoroughly remodeled. and an elegant Rath Room added to in compiateneM rpuw««. ♦ Itiß**-- Summit View! — :o'- 2STo"w on Sal© by Goodwin cfe Pugsley. This Addition, platted into Acre Lots, af fords the finest view in or about North Yakima; the best of soil; plenty of water. ROR TEN DAYS! at Low prices and on very Easy Terms. terms and prices to builders. Goodwin So Pugsley, OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Q. L. Holmes <fe Bull, 716 & 720 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W.T. Fumltire. Garnets, Draperies and dugs, WHOLIWALE Mild UK PAIJ* Largest Stock and Best Variety North of San Francisco! When In Tacoma, call and examine, whether yon wish to purchase or not. —“Correspondence Solicited. SALOON AND BILLIARD HALL. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Constantly on Hand. O A. Churchill, Prop. opposite M. P. Depot. North Yakima. Wash. Ter. ENGLISH SHIRE HORSE, list, since the time of Henry the Htwuil. been considered r l l he Best Draft Hoi’s© TIHIIE MOXEB CO. Have a Maguillceiit. Imported, Thoroughbred Kugllsb sbirv Stallion, of the Purest strain— Holbeach Tom, He U 4 year; old. and If "all horse!" Nothing pay* belter than to brood to the best borne that , can be found. Ifollwm h Tom 1* the boat hone In VA Hshlngton Territory to-day. The old eat hone-men in the (’onnty bred to Tom laat aeaaon, and all aay he la all be ought to be, I and h«a proved, a sure eo!t-tretter. Holbeach Tom will Stand this Season at Uozee. TEHftfS: ; INSURANCE, 125.00. SEASON, |20.00. • SINGLE LEAP, »10.00. Pasture, lI.SO per month after list two weeki. Moxee Co. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAES, FURNISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES. CT. 0". ARMSTROIsTG-, Corner First street and Yakima Avenue. A complete line of all of the commodities enumerated above will he found I at this store, and a general request is sent forth to the pnhlic'to call and exam , iue the prices and quality of the Goods. Jf. J. Arninf ronjf. UsTortli Yakima LUMBER YARD! G. 0. NEVIN, Proprietor. LUMBER, DOORS. 9ASH AND BUNDS, LATHS, SHINGLES, AC. Hest for tie Celebrated Aral! Foists, tie lest Faisis os tie Market AND A LARGE SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. Office and Yard, West Side of Railroad Track, North of Depot, North Yakima. W. T. Bartholet House, JOHN BARTHOLET, Proprietor. | FRONT STREET. NORTH YAKIMA, W. T. j The tysrthotel House ia centrally located and comlm-ted on first-clase principles. Every attention given to the comfort of guests. REALS TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. LODGUG TIEITT-mE CEITS.