Newspaper Page Text
THE YAIHA HERALD. Official Paper if Yitiia Chiij TRUMDAY. AI’OIVT I. U« Tub Tims Tabs.—By the hoildlng of a wagon road, or rather the extending of one of the roada already built, to the Tie fan, by the mute recently discovered, one of the moat beautiful and attractive aum mer reaorta in tba entire waat will ba opened up. Thla would place Yakima within a abort day's travel of a delightful place, where the grasses during the hot teat aeaaon are luxuriant and green, where there are magnificent grove* of fir; scen ery that is unsurpassed bv the Yoeemite or National parka; where trout are found in abundance, and where the mountain goat and other game awaita the gun of the sportsman. Mr. Neall, of Philadelphia, who haa recently entered the Tletan by this route, aaya that a good road could be made to the park—as be denominated it —by the expenditure of a few hundred dollars, and that a resort would be open ed up, which, when once known abroad, would induce large additional travel to this point and result in great benefit to North Yakima and the Yakima country. The attention of the County Commission er* is earnestly drawn to ibis subject. PuffTXARTRB CABBY fcfCCKBDtD.— The mantle of postmaster has fallen upon the shoulders of Capt.‘ Robert Dunn. His oommission has not yet been made out but lie him the backing of the powers that be and has already assumed the duties of the office with full assurance that it will be along in due tiro**. Post master Carey’s term has not expired but he was notified that the republicans and Grand Army men demanded a change and that the most graceful thing for him to do would be to send in Ida res ignation, in which event his successor would purchase the post office fixtures, which are the person*! property of Mr. Carey. With these powerful arguments in mind Wvale Carey, who serve.! two years in the war of the rebellion but who is not a member of the G. A. R., sent in his resignation to make way for Captain Dunn, who also answered to the call of bis country and la s member of the G. A. B. Captain Dnnn’s two daughters will attend to the clerical duties of the office. Swoplab But Taua.—Last week a Mr. Davis, of Spokane Falls, placed a couple of horses aboard a Northern Pacific freight car for shipment to Seattle. They made the journey all right aa far as Yakima, when a moat singular thing occurred. The window in the rear of the car bad been left open for ventilation, and through this one of the horses made hia exit to a flat car and then to the ground. As the window measures but \% by 2% feet, the reader would imagine that the home was built Uka a Kansas grasshopper, but the truth is be la a good-siaed animal, and weighs between a thousand and eleven hundred pounds. BIULDKKH OK laWOATfMO Cavals—A number of heavy capitalists from Helena, Chicago, St- Louis and Bt. Joe were in the city Wednesday looking up Irrigation projects. These same parties have 170 miles of canals in Montana, and have long had their eyes on the Yakima coun try. In fact, their engineers and repre sentatives have been here three different - times during the past year, collecting * data They are greatly pleased with Yakima, and Intimated that there was a prospect of their becoming largely inter- Runaway.— On Thursday last, while Mrs. Mac Lean and her brother were out driving, their horse commenced kicking and finally managed to throw* both from the buggy. Mrs. Mac Lean Ml within ranks of the horse’s feet and received a kick in the side that fractured a rib. The horse then took to his heels and made for its barn, leaving sections of the buggy scattered along the roadside. Natvbal Gab Stuock.— Natural gas was struck by the N. P. Coal company at Rosiyn this week at a depth of 480 feet. The well throws a volume of water forty feet above the surface, with which is a strong flow of gas which readily ignites and bums brilliantly. —Quits an excitement has resulted in Yakima over the discovery of rich placer diggings up the Natchees. A number of claims have been staked out and ware re corded at the auditor’s office yesterday. -Before the fire. Ellensborg had 19 saloons, paying a license of three hun dred dollars each. Last week the city council received a petition from fear of the lending saloon man nrVing that the license be raised to SIOOO. —The old Engle dwellings hare been bought by J. H. Thomas, and moved from the corner of Second and Chestnut streets to lots owned by Mr. Thomas on Second street, below the building formerly occupied aa the U. -8. land office. —The Indian school maintained at Yak ima by the Catholics doeed on Saturday last for a vacation of two months. On Monday Father Oarrand and a couple of the sisters escorted twenty-two of the scholars to their homes in Kittitss county. —The Haul* ia sorry to learn that A. H. Reynolds, having sold out his large furniture establishment in this city, is contemplating leaving shortly for Douglas Island, Alaska, to engage la mining. Mr. Reynolds has been one of onr foremost and enterprising business men and bis departure will be sincerely regretted by all. —Ooldendale Sentinel: Wears ia re ceipt of a handsome twenty-page pamph let. illustrated, descriptive of Yakima, and setting forth the advantages of that dty lor the State Capital. A number of them were sent to the constitutional con vention and elsewhere about tbe territory where it is thought they may do the moat good. It is a neat piece of work and re flects credit on tbe Hisald office, where it was printed. IASCA*. BMRWITIIta. —The open aaaaoo lor grouse pheasants and chicken* begins to-day. —J. A. Rllger la building a large, two story residence on Sixth street. —A new and handsome boa haa been received for the use of “The Yakima." —Only nineteen marriages have been ce lei rated in Yakima county this year. —The firm of Spinning A Robertson haa been dissolved, Mr. Spinning retiring. —There is a project on foot to build a new opera house, to coat in the neighbor hood of 120,000. —Mrs. K. D. Snipes in now in San Francisco. She writes that she will re turn no more to the bosom of oer hus band. —C. Scow. X. P. roadmaster, haa bought the residence of J. H. Needham, on the west side of the track. Considera tion, SIBOO. —The Hksalo is now prepared to do all kinds of job printing, from a visiting card to a full vised poster, and in the beet style of art, too. —Judge Caulkins will hold a special term of court at Kllensburgh, beginning Monday next. The Ahtanum water cases are set for bearing Tuesday. —The Vinings and Mr. Vance returned from Sods Springs, Tuesday, and report that in the neighborhood of two hundred people from Yakima are encamped there. —Twenty dollars and a registered letter addressed to Frank Joordan was the plunder gained by the burglars who an* tered the Wensa poetof&ce some days since. —Dr. B. M. Savage received this week from Canton. Ohio, a “Harvard” operat ing chair which is the xooet complete piece of furniture of the kind manufac tured. —The county commissioners will meet on Monday next as a board of equalisa tion. for the adjustment of any errors which may have occurred in the assessor's report. —A numerously signed petition, praying for the purchase of a steam fire engine, was presented to the council Monday evening but that body indefinitely tabled the paper. —Pay your dog tax. The marshal is around looking op unlicensed canines and it will be found leea expensive to first pay your tax than to take your dog out of the pound and then pay it. —Dr. Schleasinger, the medium, left for Walla Walla Tuesday. He was quite successful here and will return in a abort time. Through his efforts a spitualistic society has been organised. PKRMNAI.. Judge J. B. Reavis is at Olympia. Paul Law and wife are at the Springs. Judge J. R. Lewis has gone to Boston, Mass. R. K. Nichols returned from Olympia, today. AI Whitson, of Kittitas county, is in the city. Geo. W. Holbrook, of Portland, arrived here today. H. J. Kilgour, of Fort Bimooe, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bushnell have gone to Portland on a visit. Walter A. Bull. o( Kiltilaa count)-, spent Sunday in Yakima. Rev. L. J. Whitcomb and wife, of Ool due dale, spent last Sunday in the city. A. D. Charlton, general passenger agent of the N. P . stopped off at Yakima Fri day. Chat. Jeffries returned to Yakima last Wednesday after an absence of about a year. E. P. Cad well, C. 8. Prowell and L. O. Reid, of Ellensburgh, spent Monday in the city. Mrs. Harry Moran returned Monday from a visit with friends on the Tows* Yakima. H. R. Cox, of Tacoma, but formerly of Yakima and Klickitat, was in the city last week. John B. Kar left Monday lor Vancou ver, B. €.. where he has large property Joseph F. Sinclair returned home last week from a visit to his old home In Nova Beotia. W. W. Fifth, of Elen In, New York, who hi largely interested in Yakima realty, was ia tbe city Tuesday. The family of Special Agent 8. W. Lamping arrived from Indiana Sunday. They will occupy the Sinclair residence. Jeff D. McDaniel, Ben McMurtry and Jeeae Hull left Wednesday for the Pow der river valley, Oregon, on a prospecting trip. Dr. Nevius, Sam Hubbard and Will Hubbard are camping on the Nate bees this week. Mr. Sam Hubbard will visit California on bis return. Miss Taliaferro and Mias Mamie Priest ley left, on Friday evening last, for the Sound. Mies Priestley will spend a month in British Columbia before returning. • Mias Clayton, who has been visiting hm sister, Mrs. Edward Whitson, left for Walla Walla, Wednesday, where she will visit Mrs. J. B. Allen until fall and then return hare. Mrs. Nellie Backer, formerly in the office of the auditor of Kittitas coontv, has been appointed and this week entered upon the duties of dark of the V. 8. land office at this place. Mr. C. E. Hubbard and family, of Bos ton, who have been visiting the Scnddera on the Moxee, for a short time past, left Monday for a trip to Alaska. They were accompanied by Miss Scuddsr. Mamuko.—North Yakima, Washlne ton, July 97, 188P, by the Rev. John A. Walker, A. M., J. W. Foster to Mi* Uura K. Weddle. all of Yak ima county, Washington. Makuko.— At North Yakima, July 25, 1899, Frailk 1,. Tappan to Miaa A lalia L. Carey. —Alfalfa seeds at the I. X. 1.. • —Timothy seed at the I. X. L. * —Remnant* in embeoblerie* at the I. X. I* * —Removal eale at Vicing A Bilge.-’-. Hardware cheap. —Big line of stove* at cost com* early Vining A Bilger’s. —The Great 1-X-L Co, .are agents for Butterick Pattern Co. * —Tinware, lamps, and birdcages at coat at Vising 4 Bilger’s. —Parasols! Parasols! Parasol*! special reductions at the Great I-X-L. * —C. J. Taft haa just received a large invoice of school books and stationery. * —All of the latest styles in gents’ fur nishings are to be found at M. H. EUia’a* —Ladies’Summer Underwear reduced from Meta, to 25cts. at the Oiuat I-X-L. * —Rubber hose all size* at coat at Vin ing A Bilger’s on account of removal sale. —Money to loan In any amounts, on ap proved security, by R. Strobacb, North Yakima. tf —Ladies’ Silk mitts, reduced from 50c. a pair to 25c—don't miss this opportunity —at the Great I-X-L. • —The fine line of carpets and rugs car pets and rags carried by Lombard A Hors ley are unexcelled in beauty and durabil ity by any house on the coast. It —Persons desiring transportation about the city or vicinity can be accommodated by leaving orders at Allen A Chapman’s for Stanton’s hack line. tf —Go and examine those elegant gold watches at Redflald’s. They are daisies and so cheap! Remember, they are war ranted as represented or no trade. —You will always find Morgan’s “Oik Edged” butter at Bart hoist Bros, store. Call for It. j«-tf. —IOO doaen ladies’ Smarting Jerseys, all colors, reduced from $1.75 to $1 at the Great I-X-L Co. * —Go and see the new Japanese goods just received by M. H. Ellis, successor to 1. H. Dills A Co. • —Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption is sold by C. B. Boahnell on a guarantee. It cures consumption. —That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by C. B. Bnshnell. —The stock of harness, saddles, Ac., at C. K. McKwen's is the best in the city, his prices are the lowest. * j Arctic ice cream soda knock* out all [other rammer drinks. Go to Berks's candy factory and try a alas*. >*2o-li —Every garment made by M. Pro bach is warranted a good fit, good work manship and to give satisfaction. * — l "Hackmatack” is a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by C. B. Buahnell, druggist. —A naaal injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For sale by C. B. Rushnell, drug gist. —For square dealing and value received for your hard earned cash, call erf T. O. Red field for anything in the line of jew elry. * —C. E. McEwen is now offering sad dles, bridles, harness and everything in his line at prices not to be duplicated this side of Portland. • —lf you have lost any money lately, Redfield will return it by selling you goods so remarkably cheap that you will forget your misfortune. C. K. McEwen takee a pride in turning out good work. Tbia is the reason bis harness, saddles, bridles, Ac., give such satisfaction and outlast all others. • —Dr. Ravage will be found always ready to attend calls day or night. Office over postoffice; residence on Second street, one block south of First National Bank. Oct. -tf. —Lombard A Horsley are just in re ceipt of a large invoice of plash parlor suits, finished in black walnut and ma hogany, which are more elegant and ser viceable than any furniture ever brought (o Yakima. Call and see them. It —For a cheap, lasting and ornamental set of furniture the $25 fine ash suites in stock at Lombard * Horsley * an ahead of anything, for the price, ever seen here. They are going like hot cakee, and if yon wish to seen re a bargain, call at once. It —M. Probach has received one of the finest lines of spring and summer goods in the city for gents’ suits. He has also secured one of the beet journeyman tailors, who makes up the garments at home, and is much more beneficial to the community than peddler tailors. • Notice is hereby given that a teachers’ examination will be held at the court house North Yakima, August 14. begin ning at 9 o’clock a. m. The members of the examining board are J. <9. Lawrence, W. F. Lawrence and HUda A. Engdahl. Hilda A. Ekodahl. td County School Superintendent. —Tbe ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a concert at tbe church Friday evening, July 9. Admission 25 cents. —Shiloh’s Core will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and bron chitis. For eale by C. B. Bushnafl, drug gist —Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Csrtarrh Rem edy. Price 10 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by C. B. Bushneil, drupelet. ypE - MEAN OUR REMO Commences at once. We Will not move a tell The Villi Whieh ve u-itt occupy it nearly completed. scare, Ttnscare or anythina yot» make you toot STOVES I We have a special wor Price thrui. Os set have marked every ttove ■'ayes and lamp Everything cheap. IVm'tii'in* this grand Vinlng —Red clover seed at the I. X. L. * —Ruled hav for sale at the I. X. L. • —Vegetable seeds in bulk at the I. X. L. • —Elegant line of asteens just received at Cary’s. je2o-tl —All at.Tlee of job printing at the Hk*- ald office. —Go to Bartholet Bros, for vour Yaki ma dairy batter. * —Myron H. Ellis has the finest line of neckwear in the city. * —Five hendred boxes of soap at Barth olet Bros. only $1.26 por box. * —Leave your orders for Ice at the Great I-X-L Co., delivered every morning. ♦ —Alfalfa hay f.*r sale at Capt. Inver arity’s ranch. A Lenoir, proprietor. * Delirious ice cream can be had day or night at Herke’e. I>eave orders for family use. j«»-tf —A fine new line of saddles, harness, etc., just revived at C. K. McEwen’s shop, Yakima avenue. * Report of the Condition Of the Firrt S’a'innal Ba>.k oj North Yak ima, in the Territory of Wnihinglon, at the r*o*« of bvninett, July 13, I98U: ataoiaraa. Loans and discounts 1103,478 90 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1.4.4). 42 r H. Bonds, to secure circulation 14,00.00 Other stocks, bonds and mortgager 414 99 Due from approved reserve agents 9.J00.. 4 Due from other National Hanks . 7,160.10 Due from State (tanka and t ankers 7,410.79 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 2J.0N3.8b Current expenses and taxes paid 96.95 1 Premiums paid NI2UI Checks and other eaah Items 924.10 Bills of other bonks . I.'J&i.OO Fractional patter currency, nickels and cents 4N.60 Specie 13.140.ttt Legal tender notes JJwvOO Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer '.*> per cent, of elretilation' 73100 TOTAL . 240,01.40 UAatLlllli.S. Capital Stock paid In .| N>,ooo 00 Surplus fund 24,000.00 Undivided profits 300.40 National Bank notes outstanding 14,4'J0.00 Individual deposits subject to cheek 126.4jrj.07 Demand certificates of deposit . 14.060.H0 j Due to Mate Banka and bankers 2.443/0 Tor At 240016.40 Tkrmtoky or Washington.) County op Yakima, f I, W. L. Stein weg, Cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the above atatv aaent la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. I- STEiNwaw, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2. th fa«AL.; day of July, IMU. Faro Pabkir. Notary Public. Correct—Attest; CHARLSa CABrgNVRR, I Wm. Kaa, > Directors. Raw abb Whitson. ' Summons. Tkumtort or Wasrincton.l Cooktv or Yabima. I Mabtna H. Jabdine, In the District Court Plaintiff, of the Territorr of Washington, and for the Fourth Judicial vs. District thereof, hold ing term* at North Yak ima. Yakima Coantf, Henry J abdinb, In said Territory, Defendant. IN. To the above named Defendant; Ton are hereby notified that Martha H. Jar dlne, of Yakima County, Washington Territory, Plaintiff, has filed a complaint against you fn the District Court of the Fourth Judicial Dis trict, holding terms at North Yakima, which will come on to be heard sixty days after the first publication of this sumsaoos, to-wit: sixty day after the first day of August, IMS, and unless you appear and answer the same on or before the plaint granted. The object and prayer of said complaint Is to annul the bonds of matrimony and obtain a decree of divorce from the said De fendant, Henry Jardlne, and for the custody of her two children, Mary and Bather Jardlne, upon the grounds of abandonment and desertion for one year and asara. to-wit: from the eighth s r- Witness my hand and ths seal of said Court this fifth day of July. IMS. (SEAL.] HAftkY A. CLARKB, Clark. By Okobos W. Oabdimbb, Deputy. Lewis C. Parrish, Attorney for Plaintiff, alSt Wetim fiu> HkHsnism Land Orn« at North Tahiha, W. T.,l II Jnly fit, UN. i|| TVOTICE n hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hie In tention to make final proof In support of hia claim, aad that said proof wIU be made before the Register sad Receiver at the U. fi. Land OMceat North Yakima, on September A, IMS, vis; MORITZ KOHMAK, Of Prosser. W. T„ Hd. MS. for the BBk of Sec. M. Tp. S, N. of R. MB. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of mid land, vis; Nelson Rich, M. Henry, William Ocrrard and George Wilgus, all of hosier, W. T. aleu> IRA M. KRPTX, B twister. Netka —r FhM«ml|sh. Land Omen at North Yahiha, W. T.,i Jnly fit, IMS. | XTOTICE IS HBRBBY GIVEN THAT THE Is folio wing-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In rapport of his claim, aad that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver of the C. 8. Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.. on September It, 1,8 * ,T,, CHRISTOPHER D. HYLAND. Of Moxee. W. T., who made D. 8. No. fiSSS, for tlntaotu residence upon and caltivatlon of mid land, vis; nuns Mah, W. T.; George K. White, of Moxee. W.T.: W. B. Payne and J Johnson, of CoM Crock. W. T. al se6 IRA M. KRCTZ. Register. ]. I, KtNO«mjBY, ' i City Katrtnwr.} Civil Engineer. |V Omni: Room No. 1, KlßObory Bail 4 Veklme, Washington. ntki if wwhctim¥ ntnar. rpHK FIRM OP SPINNING * ROBERTHON. A roneieting of B.S. Bobertaonuidf.Spto nTng. hu tbit (Uy bees 4tMofve4 hr mntul esseest, H. spinning wHhgrmwlog from the North Yakima. With., July *■, INI. "si ■ BITgIMESjS} TIL SALE! tingle article if unheard of lour pricet will them. ng Block, Hr man to give you a chance to buy Hard need of ut Ot prices that still smile! OH STOVES I d to say of these goods: down to a ridiculously lov■ figure. fiiid • ware at cost. Bale, but strike while the iron is hot. <Se Bilger. Field & Meyer, —CITY— Meat Market, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCH ERS AND PACKER*, £l^North Yakima, Washington Territory. Tb« GeUbraUd French Cure, “APHRODITINE" ZSSI fh 8010 OM 4 MOB**. POSITIVE OUAKAMTKK i^y form nfnar vow (• Jf disease, or any aioonter of the generative or °* • ,tt “ r WMU* aez whether or- ~ Islag from the ArTIR excessive um of Stimulants, Tobacco or Qptafe or lb rough youthful Indiscretion. over TodS oner, Ac . eoch u Lnmof Brain Rower, Wakstal •esa. Hearing down Palm la tbo Bark, fteniaal Weakuem. II yateria. Narrow Prostration Nocturu al Emissions. Lcucocrhasa, Pitting*. Weak Maw °fT. Power and Impoteney, which If no* ttoctodoftaij lead to prematura ofd age and luma •“b’ JLfwasvsnKsea rurw U not effected. Thousands of taotlmoaiala fnun old and yooag, of both senes, permanently cured by ArrißowTina. circular free. Addrern THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WMTtair BBANCM, BOX 71, PORTLAND. OR. SOLD BY ALLEN A L’HaPMAN, Sole Agents, North Yakima. W. T. MTIi'R VPN PTBLICATNA. Land Optic* at North Yakima, W. T.J Juno 211, IHW. f XTOTICK la hereby given that the following i\ named aettler has hied notice of hla Inten tion to make final proof In support of bla claim, and that aaid proof will he made before the reg later and receiver at north Yakima, a . t., on Thuraday. Augoat Nth, I*B9, via: EOOAR T. HTONK. f i Deaert land Application No. 121, for the BWW I NK}«, NWU ntU< and E’i SK'i, Bee. 2 1, Tp. 11. NK JO E.. WM. He name* the following wit neaaea to prove hlacontlnnoaa realdenca upon and cultivation of. aaid land, via: Williamgteel. Peter D. Hrook 11. J. Bleknelland Andrew Kants all of North Yakima. W. T. Any person whode •irea to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who know* any anbetantlal reason, un der the law a and regulations of the Interior De partment, why each proof itaoold not he allowed will be given an opportunity at the above men tioned time and place to croee-ezamlne the wit ueeaee of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that mb ml tied by aaid claimant, jytane IRA M. KRUTZ, Kcglatar. MTICI MT liNAL FRlfiff. A. H. HOBTON. Land Oppick at N;»hth Yakima, W. T.,{ June Z7, 1889. f XrOTICR Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of hie Inten tion to make fine! proof la support of his claim, and tkat said proof will be Baade before the reg ister and receiver at North Yakima, w. r.on August t, MM, Tie: ANDREW M. HOBTON, who filed pre-emption D. 8. Ha Ml for the aw* of eee. a, twp26. NR2SE. WM. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon aad cultivation of ■aid land, via: H. P. Reeves. J. R. Dickey, R. T. Hudson, J. R. Robinson, nil of Bpoksns Falla, Washington Ter. Any perm who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows nay substantial reason, under the law and regulations of the Interior Department, why racb proof should not be allows*. will be riven an opportunity, at the above mrationed time end Mace to ernes examine the witnesses of ■aid claimant, and to offkr evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. Jefiy-aui IRAH. KRUTZ, Regjater. Settee For Paklteatlea. Lane Omen at North WVT., j Übn to make final proof In rapport of kls claim, and that said proof sill bo made before RegMer and Receiver of V. 8. Land OMee at NorthTYak- Ima, W. T., on fieptember 14, IMP. rU: GEORGE HER. Of Moxee, W. T , who made D. R No. MB for ths NEVA of (tec. 10, Twp. It, north of Bangs 21 cast. aarne#thefoflowtag w 1 tnmwtoprove^hte ESn; iterates, Maxes, Washington Territory. Any person who desires to pretest against the allowance of rach proof, or who knows any substantial reason, under the lew and rcgula- Sr. &ss opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of mid claimant, and to offer evidence la rebuttal of that submitted by claimant yA 1 IRA M. KRUTt. Register. wmw MMtuinH ir r mam. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm composed of J. J. Carpenter. J. H. Carpenter and wTw. Atherton, heretofore doing bus!ness under the firm naate of Carpenter Bros. Messrs. J. J. Carpenter ami J. H. Carpenter, under the firm name of Carpenter Brothers, will carry on the business of the late firm, assume all liabilities end collect all accounts. Dated Oil* it th day of July. Ift ... mmt min njnamum, vroncß w hereby given to the .> Work holders of the Notches and Cowychm Ditch Company: That a meeting of the mid Wot kboldera will be held at the office of Whitson A Parker, North Yakima. Washington, on Satur day. the ilst day of September, IBM, at the hour of 2 o'elnrk p. m„ for the purpose of voting on the question as to whether the Capital Wort of the mid Company shall be Increased from M<MS to IMAM, Dated July IS. IMP. J. T. NTH WART. President ‘ I CHAO. U Oano, Secretary. lyMft —The Rev. (feor*e H. Thayer, o( Hour; be 11, Indiana. says: - 4 Bolh uyaell auil wile owe our live* to Hhiloh'a Oonaamp-I tion Care.” Fr* w)t hy C. B. Bwjfcptfl, dro*flet, MM II I M M M II [ • . * ■ . ' «• ■« THE GREAT I-X-l CO. Want the Earth! Bit iricn dll s liiim ii iki ntirt nit Opposition we invite! Competition we defy! Grand Knock Out For XTesrt Ten Days! o*r (tore room beta* woveferewded with goods, we qnetee»ectelCMh Mesa: 100 inn Laiifs’ Sift Mitts redid ti 26c. i pair. 100 duel Laiiex CM Hut, vertk dOc., did ti 2St i piir. 100 tanUliti’ Baltoiuai UKermti 25c. nth. iSWi nsSiSi.**" Remnants! Remnants! THROWN AWAY! Don’t Miss This Opportunity! I Gall Early Before They Are All Sold! REMNANT EMBROIDERIES, REMNANT LACES. REMNANT SATEENS, REMNANT GINGHAMS, REMNANT BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS AND OTHER GOODS. Owing to overstock in Ladies’ Dusters, we will commence to elsncbter prion. G-rand Oat in Frloea! In oar Shoe Depanmeat, onr intention la to kaeek ptieee eo lew ea Is meke ALL OCR PRETENDING COMPETITORS HOWL I Our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Department WtU be JTimcM Sitty! CM at iw mnd ti eonrinetd. MENS' SUITS REDUCED FBOH |lO TO 001 BOYS’ BTTtTS FBOM IW TO fUt ” ” " ” 11.60 "7.50 JM " MO 14.00 " |IOI « " 4.00 ** MO FASTS '• 7.60 "4.001 " PASTS ” MO " MO " ” ** " 0.00 "MO | MO " MO Gfroceries. Priced Lower Than Erert £ Stock, tbt Latest Styles. and Prices n Lew that It makes Very B—pictinDy, Great I-X-L Co, HYMAN HARRIS, Prop. N. B.—Look for Sign on the Store Building.