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THE YAKIMA HBfiM Official Paper of Yatima Coiity. THURSDAY. AUGUST v IWS. ('ll \MHKK •* ('OMMRRrC ORUjIXIZEU.— Hlo|m were taken by citizens on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week which prone iso to result in much benefit to Yakima and the surrounding country. A Cham* tier of Commerce wan organized with a membership embracing nearly all of the leading and enterprising men of the city. I*. S. Hewlett was elected president, L. Frank (Jordon secretary, and L. K. Hew lett. Kdwurd Whitson, K. M. Heed. A. B. Weed and W. A. Cox the executive com mittee. Mr. (Jordon has resigned hia position of chief clerk of the U. 8. land office and a ill devote hia entire time to hia new duties. The object of the board is to advance the interests of the city and country and judging from the vigor with whii h the executive committee and sec retary have taken hold, of the work bene ficial results will soon ho manifest. The board has secured the large store room in the new hotel for quarters which will' be kept open throughout the day. An earnest request ia made that farmers gar deners and fruit growers bring in samples i of their products for exhibition. SruoEMTioNN to Histes Cmrs. —Wo rail the attention of our abler cities to the ] editorial in tbisisauo of the Hebalu en titled "Wide Street* and Low Buildings.” North Yakima owe* it* present ininia nity from disastrous fires, more tot 1.-fact that ita streets are broad, ahmle tree* on every able with irrigation ditch"* full ot water along each highway than any other cause. Now that the burnt citlea have to rebuild will it not lie well to copy after Iteuutiful Yakima in this particular ? The residents of Yakima are sorrowful at the disasters which have met their neighbors ami friends and wo offer these sugges tions as modifications in city building de manded by our peculiar climate and sum mer temperature. A Bio Yield.—Not that the rejmrt cir culated by some irrcs|ionsib!c paper that the system of irrigation on the MoxCe is a failure needs any further refutation, but as a matter of news and to show how good the crops are the Hekalu w ill state that the threshing of less than two hun dred acres of grain by the Moxee Com pany, was finished to-day and resulted in a yield of (HUM bushels, an average of considerable over thirty bushels to the acre. This is a remarkable showing for new* land and for a season w hen the re ports from all sections indicate an un usually light crop. A Nkeoeu Public iMPuuvEMK.Nr.—Main street of Yakima City is being graded. Mayor McAuslnn of that town says the citizens of Yakima are strong advocates of the county opening up a direct road from gap to gap, aud by planting shade trees and having running water on either aide make it the most attractive drive in the territory. As the citizens of North Yakima arc also a unit in favor of thin proposition the county commissioners would subserve the wishes of a large ma jority of their constituents by taking ste|>s in this direction an early an possible. A Woroßiatu Os Melons.— Ya kima beats the world for watermelons. Melons weighing upward of forty pounds are too common to excite attention. Col. Howlett shipped three hundred melons to the Hound to-dav over a hundred of which would average forty-five pounds, and a Cuban Queen is ou display at Mac- Lean, Reed A Co.’s office, from tin* ranch of W. T. Wilson, that weighs fifty-four (founds. Tacoma and Seattle are con suming Yakima watermelons by the car load. Moves to Fin a 100 Island.— The Farmer newspaper will be published in Yakima bat two weeks longer. The viking who runs it is anxious to get near his sea do main and will remove bis plant toFiduigo Island, where he is interested in three hundred acres of ground which has been platted into lots. He has traveled from Sake Lake to Yakima stopping at various points along the road where lie has pub lished papers and now he goes to the Jumping otf place. Will Vote Tula Fall rou Capital.— The committee with wliont the matter of atate capital location was placed weak ened before the storm of indignation which was raised by their surprising recommendation that Olympia he made the permanent capital. An effort was then made to delay Us submission to the voters for four yean. but a telegram re ceived from Delegate J. T. Eshelman to day indicates that it will be submitted to a vote this fall. Bad Rodi.ym Coons.— Another murder is recorded against the negro coal miner* at Roalyn. It occurred Sunday night and was the outgrowth of an old quarrel over a sable prostitute. James Thomas want ed to pick a fight with George Washing ton. Washington warned Thomas to keep away but the warning being disre garded Washington drew a revolver and fired, the bull piercing a vital part and re sulting In almost immediate death. Wash ington la in Jail. Notice.— There are two bay mares with black legs, manes and tails that are re ceiving pasturage at Capt. J. H. Thomas’ home ranch. They are strays, and the owner can have the same by paying ex penses of pasture and advertising. Marrjkd.— At North Yakima, Thurs day, August Btb, 1889, by the Rev. K. C. Head, J. C. Berry to Miss Oliie Vaughn, both of Yakima county. Bo».—At North Yakima, Friday. August 2, 1889, to the wife of James T. Greer, a daughter. Bonn.—North Yakima, August 6th, 4889, to the wife of J. D. Cornett, a son. —Petroleum has been found at the bead of the Natchee*. A company has bean organixad In this city for the develop mat of the property. MKII. OHP.VITIW. —Two cur low]# of ice are shipped weekly from Yakima to Tacoma. —SI* loth given away to people who will build, Goodwin A racier. * J —The room* of the Washingtim Bii*- c hemic College are located over the post office. —Samuel A., the only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dyer, died at Kllenslmrgh, July 14. —The |sj«toffice will I*3 open on Sun days hereafter from 11 to 12 a. m., and from 2:30 to 4 p. m. j —The assessment valuation of Yakima j county has increased over half a million | dollar** during the past vear. —Agent Priestley informs the Hekalu that A. (J. Rackrodt will remain at the agency aa government miller. —A car load of machinery w as received from Racine, Wisconsin, Wednesday, for Yakima’s new steam laundry. —Walter J. Heed has leased his hotel at Cle-Klnm to A. Sassa and will devote ids attention largely to mining. * —On Saturday last the president a\>- polnted Capt. Robert Dunn to succeed; i Gen. W. Carey, resigned, as postmuster. I — l The |a<lies of St. Nicholas Guild will 1 give a lawn social at the residence of Mrs. —The Kittitas milk dealers have raised their prices tocents per quart. The ' occasion is (he dry weather and shortness of grass. —The contract for painting the three big county bridges has lieen let to Mr. Peterson, and the contract price is up warda of f9OO. —The new hotel which J. V. Moflit is building at Ellensbnrgh is to lie christen ed the Horton House, after Chief Justice Horton, of Kaunas. —The building formerly occupied by Shardlow A McDaniel has been lens's! to Wells, O’Hare A Co., lately of Pcndie i ton. and will lie opened as a sakion. —An effort was made at the Inst meet ing of the council to make the salary of the chief of the fire department |75 per month. The amount was finally cut down to |4u and panned. —The City Council ban authorized Mavor Reed to investigate the cost and workings of chemical fire engines of large capacity with n view to the purchase of one for North Yakima. —The corner property adjoining Stein er’s hotel ban been sold by JJ. Armstrong. It in reported that Shnrdloa- A McDaniel are the purchasers, and that they will build a two-ntory brick thereon. —Arrangements are being made for the direct delivery and receipt of train mail at Yakima City. The trains will not stop hut a device known in the service an pouch or mail hooka will lie used. —Petitions have been presented to the county commissioners for a bridge across the Yakima nt Kiona, and npother one aemsa the Yakima at a point heat calcu lated to accommodate the people of Kone woek. —The territorial democratic convention will be held at EBensbnrdi and the re publican convention at Walla Walla. The date of the former baa not been decided npon. The latter will lie held Septem ber 4th. —Donald Morrison, of Rees*r Creek, Kittitas county, was arrested last week, chaired with the sednetion of M : ss Etta Evans. Morrison was "iven a prelimin ary examination at KHensburdi. Friday, and bound over In the snm of #SOO. —Kittitas county has a wild man who wears no clothing, is covered by hair and lives smong the rorka in Menastnsh canvon. The unfortunate is supposed to be Frank Streamer, an eccentric charac ter, who was at one time justice of the peace of the comity. —Carey, Chapman A Co. have lost heavily by the recent fires. Two thous and three hundred bottles of the’r Fio rhemic remedies were destroyed in the Seattle fire, 500 at EMensbnrgh. 2010 in the burning of Mr. Chapman’s bouse and 300 at Spokane Falls. —The auction sale of lots situated In an addition to Ellensbnreh, which was largely advertised and which was held at the Alpha opera home, Tacoma, Tues day evening, was an- ignoble failure.. The real estate firm having the sale in charge said the next day that the scarcity of bids for the first lot “was only equalled hy the entire abaence of propositions to huv which greeted our immediately following invitation for bids.” —Samuel Fear, having rented the Ah tannin Dairy from W. H. Carpenter, is now prepared to fnrnish milk to the pub- 1 lie at low prices and In first-class condi- j Hon, having a wagon especially fitted up■ for the purpose. It. —Disease ia caused by a lack of some constituent part of the human orgahism at the part affected. Blochemlc Reme- i dies supply the deficitgicy » n( * thna re store the normal condition. 28tf. —Go and examine those elegant gold i watches at RedfMd'a. They an* daisies and to cheap! Remember, thev are war ranted as represented or no trade. —A fine new line of saddles, harness, etc., just received at C. K. McKwen’a shop. Yakima avenue. * —Goodwin A Pnpley'* fire insurance companies do not cancel their policies. Give us a call. * —Goodwin A Pugs ley’s fire insurance companies do not cancel their policies. Give os a call. * —Good win A Pugaley have cheap money j to loan on improved business property.* —Goodwin A Pugaley have cheap money to loan on improved business property.* j —Hix lots giren away to people who 1 will build, (foodwin A Pugaley. • 1 I*KRMVZI.< William Ker hu> to dry for VH'rls. 11. C Harry spinning and wire i r.-» vMtlnc on the Found. Mrs. It. |». t'.H liu- iv’umed iron* Im visit to the Sound. A. 11. Keym ids will leave for Alaska about the 20th. inst Dave Wilson spent Wednesday and Thursday In th« city this week. John A. Ditter of Wisconsin is in the city visiting his brother, Henry Ditter. (Jt*o. W. Goodwin and fumiiy are rurtl rating at the S*da springs’ camp on the reservation. Miss Patents a. slater of Mrs. Kdwsrd | Whitson, returned Wednesday from i Walls Walla. Mr. and Mrs. 11. K. Snipes and son 1 and Mrs. Chas. Pond are in the city the guests of H. 11. Allen and family. S. J. fs»we has gone to Tacoma to soe, about marketing his big crop of water melons. He took a carload along with him for a sample. Seth A. l/>w and wife, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. sjient several days in the city iaat week. Mr. I/»w gained considerable re nown a few years ago. by being elected mayor id Brooklyn on tbe Young Men’s Ticket. I>r. ti. J. Hill returned Tuesday from Euro)ic. lie made the trip (rum Queen** tow n to North Yakima, stopping one day in New York, in twelve days crossing the big jiond in the steamer City of Paris, which has the fastest time on record to her credit. The Hon. Thomas 11. Brents was in' the city to-day. lie is swinging around ! the circle and doing s tremendous ( amount of handshaking. Tho lion. Turn | wants a seat in the I'. K Senate, aud ns} he is an untiring worker, he may get' there. Application and—and hsndshak-, tag are very telling factors sometimes. —All styles of'job printing at the Hkr- J alu office. —Go to Bartholet Bros, for your Yaki ma dairy butler. » —Removal sale at Vining e Btlger’s.' Hardware cheap. —Tinware, lamps, and birdcage:'at cost ' at Vining «i Biiger’s. —Myron H. Kills has the finest line of j neckwear in the city. * —Five hundred I sixes of soap at Barth-! olet Bros, only $1.26 per Isix. * —Alfalfa hay for sale at Capt. Inver arity's ranch. A Lenoir, proprietor. * —<’. J. Taft has just received a large, invoice of school iiooks and stationery. * —laidies’ Summer Underwear reduced from oOcts. to 25cts. at the Great I-X-L. * , Delicious ice cream can be had day or night at Hcrke's. Leave ordcra for family use. je'JO-tf —Money to loan In any amounts, on ap prove'! security, by U. Strobach, North Yakima. tf —You will always find Morgan’s “Gilt Edged” butter at Bartholet Bros, store. Call for it. jfi-tf. —(io and see the new Japanese goods just received by M. H. Ellis, successor to I. H. Dills A Co. * —Shiloh’s and Consumption is 1 sold by C. 11. Bushnell on a guarantee. It cures consumption. —For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Sold by C. B. Bushnell. —(iroceries you must have. Groceries we must sell. I<et’s trade and both be happy. Bartboiet Bros. • —That hacking cough can l«e so quickly cared by Shiloh’s Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by C. B. Bushnell. —The stock of harness, saddles, Ac., at C. E. McKwen’s is the best in the city, | and his prices are the lowest. • J —Every garment made by M. Pro-! harli is warranted a good fit, good work- 1 inansbip ami to give satisfaction. * _—John, w hen you gu to town, Just step in at Bartholet’s and get me some of that elegant salt j-ork. It is delicious. • —“Hackmatack” Is a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, druggist. Arctic ice (Team soda knocks out ail other summer drinks. Go to Herke’s candy factory and try a glass. Je2o-lf —Go to Redfield’s and examine those steel glasses with gold nose-pieces—a new patent. They never rust nor wear out. * —•For a nobby suit, made to order, do not fail to call on our popular merchant tailor. M. Probach, on Yakima avenue. • —Fomins desiring transportation about the city or vicinity can be accommodated by leaving orders at Allen A Chapman's for Stanton's hack line. tf ASvrrtlsca Letter List. The follow ing letters remain unclaimed in the postoffice at Yakima City, Wash ington, Ang. I, 1889. In calling for the same please say "advertised:” Alderaon, Miss Z Amberson, John Brooks, Mrs Llley Bunting. FII Bennett. Robert Chambers, David Crain, C Drennan. J E Dolby, I.ena Knapp, Geo Liddel. Harry McNally, Patrick Miller. Miss Kffie Smith, Mrs M B Steward, Miss D Sutherland, Mary Taylor, Flora (2) Temple. Mias Fay Tine, W If Under, John Vice, J T VanCleve, Cole VanDvke, Chas Wheelock, J H Welch’, Daniel Young, Miss Mary E. Locoon, r. m. Hark ten's era Ira Halva I Is the best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is i ; guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or, money refunded. Price 26 cent* per box. 1 For sale bv C. B. Bnnhrw-I!. druggist. » BEAU 01 REMO Continence* at once. Hr Will no* more a The Vini u huh ire n ill i.crnpy i* neat 1 0 completed. note. Tin tea re or anything yon male I/O" EOOK STOVES I We have a special n or Price them, a* tee hare marked every time coo, * and lamp K verylhimt t Iteap. Thm’t miss this grand V'lrLirLg —M. I*n>lsM-h ban received one of the tiuest lines <>( spring me I Hummer goods in the city for gents’ suits, lie has also secured .me of tlw* lies! journeyman tailors, who makes up the momenta at home, and is much more heiieficial to the community than j»eddl»*r tailors. « | If mothers .studied tlieir l**st interests j they would find that l>r. Henley's Dan delion Tonic is the best household remedy, i Many of the ills peculiar to females could i l>e avoided l*y its use. It is its pleasant ;to take as a glass of wine. Sold hv Allen 1 A Chapman. —Much injury ia done by the use of j irritating, griping compounds taken us I purgatives. In Ayer’s Pills the patient | lias a mild hut effective cathartic that can [ be confidently recommended alike for the I most delicate patients as well us the most i robust. —Readers, in our advertising columns 1 you will sco the generous offer of (ioodwin & Pugsley. Siv lots in the l«e»t part <»f ; town given away. This is an opportunity which should not bo thrown away. • —Partln»l<a Pros, will not he undersold ; iu anything—dry goods, clothing, furnish | Ing goods. Ins its and shoes, hats and capa, t crockery, groceries. and in fact everything kept in a fintl-eloss store. —The Rev. Ueorge 11. Thayer, of Hour. ; bon, Indiana, naya: “Both mysell and | wife owe our lives to Shiloh’s Consump [tlonCure.” For sale by C. B. Bnshnell, ; druggist. ■ —Dr. Savage will la* found always I ready to attend calls day or night. Office lover poatolfice; residence on Second ! afreet, one block south of First National Bank. Oct, -if. j C. E. McKweu takes a pride in turning I out good work. This is the reason his harness, saddles, Itridies, Ac., give such satisfaction and outlast all others. * Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Cartarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by C. B. Busline!!, druggist. —lf you have lost any money lately, Redfield will return it by selling you goods so remarkably cheap thst you will forget your misfortune. —C. E. McEwen is now offering sad dles, bridles, harness and everything in his line at prices not to be duplicated thia side of Portland. * —For Hanaro dealing und value received for your hard earned canh, call on T. O. Redfleld for anything in the line of jew elry. * —Shiloh’s Cure will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and hron chiti«. For rale by C. B. lUudineil, drug gist. —A dumal injector free with each bottle of Shiluh'a Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cent*. For rale by C. B. RtiMhnell, drug [ gi*t - [ —Big line of stove* at coat, come early I Vining A Bilger’a. Notice far Publication. Laud cirrus at Noutm Yakima, w. t..» II July »4. law. 111 "miOTK’K is hereby given that the following 4P named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at the U. 8. Land twice at North Yakima, on September,!, iw.i. via; MORITZ KOI!MAN. Of Prosser, W. T., lid. K*. for the 4K',' of Bee. 34. Tp. », R. of R. 24 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon snd cultivation of said laud, vlt: Nelson Rich. M. Henry. William Gerrarn and Ueorge Wllgns. all of Prosser, W. T. si mm IRA M. KRI'TZ. Register. Notice for Pabllcailem. , Land Orricg at Nortb Yakima, W. T„l August a. law. 1 •VrOTirK 19 HEREBY OfVEH THAT THE A following named settler haa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver of U. 9. Land Office at North Yakima. W. T.,on Heptember <4. IM.vfs; WILLIAM E. THORNTON, Of North Yakima. W. T.. Dwrt I-and Entry No. IW, for the F.\ of NIL* of Bee. 36. Tp. I*. X. of R. I* K. Up u«mM thp following witnesses to prove fcls continuous residence upon and culti vation of aald land, via: Joseph Atephenaon, J. T. Stew art. John fhearer and Htcphcu Schreiner, all of North Yakima, W. T. a*tl2 IRA M. KRI'TZ, Register. Summons. TaaaiToaY or Wasuirotor.i .. C’ocptt or Yakima. i Martha U. Jarpirr. \ In the Dlatrlrt Court Plaintiff', of the Terri to 17 of I Washington, and for the Fourth Judicial v». > District thereof, hold [ In* term*at North Yak ling. Yakima County, llc.xev Jardirr. I in aald Territory, IMcndsut. J 1«H. To the above named Defendant; You are hereby notified that Martha 11. Jar , dine, of Yakima County, Washington Territory, Plaint 10'. ba» filed a complaint against you In the District Court of the Fourth Judicial l»l«- : trlct. holding term* at North Yakima, whl*h : will come on to be heard slaty days aK r ike , flmt publication of this summons, 10-wlt: sixty day after the find day of August, law. and unless you sppear and answer the same on or before the first dav 01 October, that*, the same will be taken as confessed, and the prayer of the aald com plaint granted. The object and prayer of aald complaint Is to annul the bonds of matrimony and obtain a decree of dtroroc from the said De fendant. Henry Jardlue. and/or tha custody of her two children. Mary and Rather Jardtne, upon the grounds of abandonment and desertion for one year ami more, to-wit: from the eighth day of February. I"**, as more j-aiibulsly set forth To complaint now on file. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this &th day of July. I«0. fsXALk] IIAKKY A. CLAKKR. Clerk. ByiiKoting W. Garpirkr. Deputy. f.«wt* r. p ißsisu. Attorney fw* Plaintiff. al «t vm SALE! tingle article ij unheard of lon- pricet vill theta. ng Block, HV mean to gireyou a chance to hap Hard’ . need of tit at price* that trill tmile! COOK STOVES! <1 to nay of these goods: i dutca to a ridiculourly lent figure. Bird • | trnre at co*t. [ nnle. Imt strike while the iron in hot. <Sc Bilger. KOTin; run rt bi.ii U. s. I AX» Ornca at North Yakima, W, T.f July -14. law. \ Before the hon. register and re fflv# of the I*. H. District land Office. Application ol Aegidlu* Juuger. Bishop of the Diocese i*f NI tonally of the Roman Catholic Church, fora Patent of the United State* to Isaue to raid Aorldlus Junior and hi* snccesaors In o'iice aa Bishops of the I Moves* of Msuiially of raid It-insn Catholic t hutch, forth* land* em hra'-ed in the raid St. Joseph Catholic MUtlun Claim, the aamc being In Yakima County afore said. and in the Jurisdiction of said District Land Office au<i within the Jurisdiction of tha Diocese of Mmiually of the Roman Catholic Church. Take notice, that I. Aealdlus J nnger, Roman Catholic Bish<ip of the Diocese «f Niaqually (of the Roman Catholic chnrch) In Washington Ter ritory. do hereby mske application aa such Blahop to the H«>n. hcglster and Receiver of Mid District land Office, to prove my right aa Bishop of raid Diocese of the Roman Catholic Chorea and of my successors In offii-e to the tract of land herein described aa that certain mission claim, commonly known as the St. Joseph Catholic Mission claim, in Yakima County. Washington Territory; That suld application and claim is made under and I>y \ Irtnc ol the Acta, aforesaid, of the Cultures a of the l ulled States of Angust 14.1*4* and March 'J, K n, and the right* therein and thereby conferred and vested. The land* claimed by me. the said Acgldlas .lunger, Hluhop *« aforesaid, being and more par tirularly dascrilicd •• follow*. to wit begin nlug at a point on the north bank of the Ahtan mn Hirer In Section eighteen (is). Township Twelve (12) North of Range Seventeen (17) East of the Willamette Meridian, In Yakima County. W. T.. 47 chain* xouth of the ouarter section cor ner on a line between Sections 7 and I*. and running thence north <7 chains; thence west A) chain*: thence south 'Jb chains; thence treat SO chains to a point A chains south of the quar ter section corner on line between Sections >2 and IS. in Township 1 *. North of Range IS. hast of Willamette Meridian; thence south JO chains: thence weal SO chain* to the west boundary line of said Section IS; theme s*oth on said watt boundary line of said Section IS to the north hank of said Ah tan tun River, and thenre by the meanders of the said Ah tannin River down stream on the north bank to the pla< e of begin ning, containing Pour Hundred and Seventy seven (477) acres, more or less. I hereby give notice of my intention to make proof and to cstahllsla the claim of the said Roman Catholic Church In and to the land em braced in the St. Joseph catholic Mission claim, by proving the occupation and nsc of the same by the Fathers of said Church (or missionary purpose* a« provided In said Acts so aa to entitle ’ a patent l<> Issue therefor from the United States to me. Aegidius Jungcr, and mv snreeasora In oltlce. a - lilshopa of the Dioccvc of M-|nallv. In trust, for the nses. purposes sud benefit of the 1 Roman Catholic Church; said proof tola* made before the Hon. Register and Receiver of the United states liistrlct l and Oltlce at North Yak ima. Washington Territory, on the l«h day of September. IMS#. at 9 o'clock of that day. by the testimony of the following witnesses, to-wit: K'-.genc Ca* I mere chironse and l-oul* Joseph D'Hcrhomci, of New Westminster, Hrlllsh Col nrabia: Howard Crate, of The Dalle* City, Slate of Oregon; Napoleon Mdillllvary, of the City of Vancouver, Washington Territory; Peter 11. Fox, of the City of Astoria, stale of Oregon: Webster 1., stabler. Anthony llerke and Daniel Lynch, of North Yakima. Washington Territory; Andrew Hervals, of Yakima City, Washington Territory: and Indian Kneas and Indian . af slmcoc. Yakima County, Washington Territory, and documentary evidence to be sub mitted on the hearing of the matter. AF.OIDIUB JUKOKR, jyb’itt bishop of the Diocese of Nlsqaally. IRA M KRUTZ. Register NOTHL tOK PIBMCATIO*. Land Office at North Yakima, W. T.,l June JW, mi. f XTOTICK Is hereby given that the following 1W named settler has died notice of hi* Inten tion to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the reg ister and receiver at sortb Yakima, w. r, on Thursday, August sth. iw, vli: EiMtAR t. aroKti, Desert land Application No. 122, (or the UWU NEU. NW'iHE'i.andEHHE'i.HUr. 22, Tp. 11. N K2O K., WM. He name-* the follow In* wlt iimwa to prove hi* continuous residence upon ■nd cultivation of. said land, vie Wt Ilian Steel, Peter I*. Hmok 11. J. Blckuellaud Andrew Knots all of North Yakima. W. T. Arty peraon whode- Rlregsto promt aaaiuat the allowance of inch pro.if. or who know* any aubatantlal roaaon, un der the lawa and regulations of the Interior De partment, why aucb proof ahouldnot he allowed will In* given an opportunity at the above men tioned time and place to cross-examine the wit nesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by said claimant. J>4aaK IKA M. KRI'TZ. Register. Natlce I'sr Pnhllcallan. Laud Omrg at North Yakima, W. T.,1 July 24, MHO. { N’OTICE fa hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof lu support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver of U. H. l and Office at North Yak ima. W. T . on September 14.1W, vlr: GEORGE KKK Of Moxee. W. T„ who made D. 8. No. ZOLiot the NE*4 of Hec. 10. Twp. M. north of Range fl east. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence ii|mid and cultivation of said land, vis: George White, H. A. Cunlng hame. c. I). H\land and James Orover, all of Moxee, Washington Territory. Apy person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows say substantial reason, under the law and regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof shonld not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to erosa-examlne the witnesaea of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. Jy2BM IRA M. KRI'TZ, Register. Natlce far Pabllcatlan. Lamp Omrg at Nobtn Yakima, W. T.,r July 34, im*. ( VOKI M HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follow I ng-usracd settler bss filed natlce of fils Intention to make fins) proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver of the U. H. Und Office at North Yakima. W. T.. on September 14, * '** CHRISTOPHER D. HYLAND. Of Moxee, W. T., who made D. 8. No. JOBS, for the HK'-J of Hoc. 12, Tp. IS. N. of R. 21 K. He names the following witnesses to prove hts con tlnuous residence upon and cnltlvatlon of said laud, vis: Oentgo iter, of ftelab, W. T.; George R. White, of Moxee. W. T.; W. E. Payne and J. Johnson, of Cold Creek, W. T. also IRA M. KRCTZ, Register. mwe n muntm. NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN TO THE stockholder* of the Natcbes and Cowychee Ditch Company That a meeting of the said Stockholders will be held at tbeofllceof Whitson | A Parker, North Yaklms. Washington, on Batur day. the 21st day of Heptembcr. M 8», at the boor : of 2 o’clm k p. m., for the purpose of voting on I 1 the question as to whether the Capital Htocg of I the said Company shall be Increased from |a,ooo! toßlLOon. Dated Jnlj Id, I*N*. J. T. BTBWART. President. W. I. I.INCE, > Trustee*. JOSEPH HfRI'MENaON. ) Cn as. L. GtMi Heerutary. j>W*( Dn. 0. W. CARRY. Da. J. B. CHAPMAN. J Biochemic Physicians,* Diseases treated aceordlng to Nship'i laws. We Invite our friends su<l all who Wlev* la true selenee and advßoee.ncnt to call snd see us,; Calls attended so day or night. Otw consults . lion free. Office over Post North Yakima-; Washington. —Elegant lino of Mteens Just received •t Cary’s. inSSVtf STRUCK OIL AT LAST! he cm i-x-i co. Will Present an Oil Painting To Every Gash Customer Purchasing On Pillar’s ffim il Cub. Gall Early and Secure one of the Great I-X-L Co. OIL PAINTING! E L * r * e * t Btock> Stytos, sad Moss so Low that It makes E> wjljody Smite V «jr BMpectfaUy, HYMAN HARRIS, Prop. N. B.—Look for Sign on the Store Building.