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THI FUrUHES 78TCH8D HU. llurf Statistics Calls n TU 6<r hi Silm-lMpr. ■v. Ptalsfnitff Was Hacl asr»HM« •at iswmn< by in* rifsm rnn Um statistical Bsrtss. "Give me a good square drink of rye whisky,” was the specific request of a dsmorallied-looking tramp, aa be ap proached the German saloon-keeper. Mr. Pfalagraff Upped gently on the her to suggret that it was necessary that he should at toast see the complexion of hi* “That Mi of pantomime means thst you expert money, I suppose. Well, I’m e man of tow words, sad absolutely de void of deception. 1 havn’t got It. 1 need e deep draught of red liquor and on this occasion I moat rely solely on my face and figure.” Mr. Pfallagraff proceeded to state with eeosldorabto vehemence and wobbly En glish that it was mighty bed security ami la his place of bnsineoa would not go f«* a red end solitary cent In addition be aaM that the applicant waa nothing but a boar tank U best, and the country wasal ready too toll of bums of bis sort. “Now, look hero, Dutchy,” said th. tramp, “you make aa assertion that I cast permit to |D unrha I leaned. You Intimate that I aa a beery bom, and ths the country is already overflowing alt I. people of my claaa. That ie a serious im potation. Witboot Baking any sperifi denial ia my own case, 1 moat speak out in behalf of ay outraged countrymen jfow pay attention to me," and he fixe<> Mr. KaOsicrafr with hie booty eye. “1 taka k that yon hare seen the agues just iaeaed by the chiof of the Bureau of Stat istics at Washington?*’ “1 Sonicate too tarn about dot I know ay owa business, end der vig.ert of dor Porean of Stadisdseks can go by Ifsllhi" “Bui not so fast, ay Osrmaa friend." continued the trump calmly. Thes. figures hare been prepared lor the Treas ury department at an enormous expense to the government and are of the great set importance. These statistic %bow that inoteod of being a nation el beer and whlaly gnsslera we are the most temper ale people on the face of the globe.” “By Chiminy, I like yoo to prove dot." “Very wed. Let ns aee where we •tend with letersacs to your own country for instance. Mr. Bwitssr, Chief of the Bureau, presents figures to abow that la 1887 we produced only 766,000,00jga1100* el mall liquors agaiast 1.165.836,t00 gal lons In Germany.” “Veil. I didn’t expert dot." . “No, of course yon didn’t. How could yon? Though my appearancetbis morn ing la against me, I am a gentlemen of education ami discernment, and have ac cam to thia important line of information. I ass yoo are interested in these figures, as every bosiness man should be, and I will develop them a little further. The statistics enpplied by Mr. HwiUer show us tha surprising (act that tha people of the United States drank, per capita, in 1887, lea than 12 gallons of beer, while .the people of Germany drank over 24 gal lons, or mere than two gallons to oar oca" “By poorness. I didn't know dot of Osnsnay.” "It's a fact, though. Now, my es teemod friend, you see who are tbs guxa- Isrs and who are not/.* **Voll, I should srd so. Ton't ssy somadingr abood doss Aggers to der boys py der saloon, and haf sumo tricks mil me.” "Csrtainly, Mr. Pfolsgraff; I have no dsnirs to spread this information broad cast. Beer? No. You take the beer. IH take .whiskey. Our per capita aver age is even lower In whiskey than it is in bear, and 111 help to rtfse it a trifle. And be addei three good fingers to the general York World. MMaiCMnfcM- Wasco County Bun; Tbs constitution al convention at Olympia ars having a hard time with the preamble to their nonstitwtlen. Aa reported from Itoe com mittee the pres this rend: “We. the people of the Stats of Washington, to pre serve ear liberties, do ordain ibis consti tution.'’ Mr. UnJesy, Mr. Turner and •them offered amendments, the substance of all being tbs inasetkm of tbs sentence, "Grateful to Almighty God.” The most sf tbs day was spent in debating this question, and upon being pot to a vote, the amendment foiled to carry by a vote gf thirty-three to thirty-three. The pre amble was then ro-rrfsned to the com mittee. In view «f the fact that the con vent len Is equally divided on the subject, aempromise thus: "We, the people of the Stale of Woehingtoo. one-ball of whose representative* are grateful to Al mighty God. and the other half ungrate ful to Him, do ordain this constitution, ole.” This ought to anilely both sides. lb ft* Capital Spokane Falls Review. The people of ' Kastern and Central Washington have < boon patient and long suffering with ref ’ wencs to the location of the territorial capital la Its present oat-of-the-way place and yet H may perhaps be said that a majority of people of this section were willing to pot vp with this grear incon venience and unfairneas a few veers longer, nndsr the circnmstances. It was pretty generally agreed that the beet in teracts wool! be snfaeerved by leaving the capital el Olympia for a couple of years after the commencement of statehood, in order that a fond might be obtained from the dtapeaal of lands appropriated for the erection of state building and in -vder that doe preparation might be osade Uw ratiderfnry permanent location. It has been deemed, that however greet It' in convenience ta the people of Eastern WMbtaffc* •W* ««“ at laMt be boro. 1» . »biU k-o. m U»« interMt Oi the general welfare. The proposition that hna bees made by that fractional part of the constitutional convention known as the i quid) it tee on state and stale institu tions to locate the capital permanently at Olympia, strikes the people of Eastern Washington as drawing it decidedly too strong, la fart, this is a proposition the people of this section would not submit to by a Jug full. The committee making this remarkable proposition is composed of west side men, end the chairmen is e itiaeo of Olympia. All of the people •■ant of the mountains and all fair-minded people mast of the mountains will favor placing the capital at a mors central point, where it may be reached with equal saw and expense from all parts of the state. While some may differ in their views as to the beet location all will igrse that the present location is decidedly unfair to this section and should the con stitutional convention attempt to perpetu ate this unfairness by making it a part of the constitution of the state the people 0( this side will be forced to interpose an emphatic oofaution. uim Alim. Ik Day liwb Wka bgituN la B>- htrfkßilraj. New Orleans Acayvne; The war in ilsyti, where the alleged rightful ruler Legitime to being driven into his last iitch by the alleged revolutionary leader • lippolvte, has developed an tea lure in tbs drafting of women ;nto (he army of tbs farmer. Legitim# haa bean worsted on every field and driven back until hto domain to limited pretty nearh to hto capital city of Port so Prince. Aa hto army has dwindled away largely b> desertion to the other faction, ha found himself without troops to man hto forti fications. far hto city was loagagostrongh ratified by tha Spantoh and Fraoch, wb. held it at different periods. In this extremity Legitime has hit upon ihe plan of filling op his depleted rank> with womert. There being a surplus ol (he softer sex in the capital of the negn republic, it has been possible to enroll inite o number of these ebony amaxoos, who art not embodied in exclusive bat talions of their own sex, but are distri buted among the men. These women are dressed in masculine costume, amt said to look very ranch like negro youths of the male persuasion. The ilsytias negroes, where they han been amalgamated with the native Cariba, have become almost beardless particularly when the men are young and hence three Hytian a masons are saki to be distinguishable from tho males * hen all are standing in line together, chiefly by the fact that the farce of the women are more pleasing and Isa hard and brutal than those of the men. Kvery person who baa seen our own fair ama sons, on tlie stage or engaged in a broom drill will have noticed that ia the peculiar conformation of the as the superior swell at the haunches and the lesser breadth of shoulders combine to exert special effects upon the manual of arms. When the guns are brought to a ‘carry,” being rested again* the hip and upon the shoulder, they do not stand erect bat incline at an ansle toward the head oI the (air soldier. .Moreover, wher ihe troops are aligned in "portion of the soldier” it is more easy lor them to touch hips than elbows as required by the code, and should the time ever come when the armies of the white nations shook) be mode up of women, it is to be hoped, in the interest of grace and symmetry, that somebody will design special arms and a manual for their use suited to the confer (nation of the beautiful sea. When the masculine creature takes up the trade of a aoktier he goes in for show and gets himsnf up at gorgeously ss possible. 1. we are to have hereafter an army of ana ions, they shoo id be made up altogether lovely. Fortunolely, the ancient style oi excision of the breast will not be perpetu ated. That was done to (MUh tbe fair warrior to draw the how to it* utmost reach. How. the drawing of the beaus k> done In quite a different manner, so the ancient weapons of barbarism have all been discarded. But to return to the Hytiaae, those sable Moll Pitchers and maids of Sara gossa have not yst done any fighting; but if they sbookl bs driven to it they wiH probably display aa much bravery as women do in an emergency. It seems a brutal out rax* to drive tbs softer sex into battle, bat if we are to credit ancient tra ditions. it has been often done, and In view of the fact that the entire civiHasd world is accumulating a constantly in creasing deficiency of men and a cones ponding excess in the number of women, it is not out of the reach ol potsibilitit} that the myths of the Old World amasoas may be realised in fact as time advances, What has been will be again. A note Investment Is nos which is maraaMd to briM yon satisfactory results, or, la raw of failure, • return of part-hue price. On Ibis sale plan you ran bay from oar advertised druggist s bottle of Dr. King's New Dis vovery for Consumption. It is guaran teed to bring relief in every rase, when need for any sflhtloa of throat, longs or chest, each as consumption, inflamma tion of longs, bronchitis, asthma, whoop ing cough,, otc., It is pleasant and agreable to the taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bot tles free at J a neck's drag store. —Nothing is more disagreeable to a young lady or gentleman than to have the face covered with pimples, black heads and blotches. Dotard's Specific, the new skin remedy, nil! remove all dia fldurations from the fare and hands and produce a clear and beautiful com|4ezion Try it and be convinced. Sold by Allen A Chapman. —No medicine in the world is in belt* r repute or more widely known than Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. As a su.e snd certain rent edy k* all manner of blood disorders, leading physb-ians and druggists every •here rn-ommeod it in preference to any Ulmftm B*m. None of the territories no* engaged in farming state govern menu are was hed with mow anxiety and solicitude in the east than Washington. The pomibilitiea el development and wealth here are prob ably better understood abroad than oar people suppose. la an intelligent article on “The Foot New Htatee,” the B wton Herald aays that “in quality id citi en ahip it itf probable that Washington is superior to any atate admitted for a long time." This is a very Just estimate of oar population, and the value of such cl ti xenahip In ita effect upon the brat immi gration and inspiring confldeii-e. ran hardly be overestimated. Continuing the paper soya: “No one ran folly fore cast what Washington may become. She has certainly the most varied, ami with out much doubt the moot remarkable re sourcesolall. Taken aa an agricultural, a commercial or a timbered slate, her fu ture may be great. The early years of the next century may easily find her second to not more than two etaleo of Uie Union in importance. Aa a HaHfk- Coaat atate, the has an equal ronimewial position with California, ami a very great advantage over the latter state in climate and in capacity far varied pro duction. The men who inhabit this ter ritory have been a considerable time in reaching the privilegee ol statehood; they have their own ideas about using them. They mean to be something more than pawns upon the political chessboard.” Independence, Ore., Dec. IS. Both myself and wife have ton for tome Tears afflicted with disease of the tidneya, and bad tried many rented <« withont obtaining any permanent relief Vbout three months ago we were India ed to try Oregon Kidney Tea, which baa ap parently entirely cured both of ns, as since taking it two weeks we have felt no symptoms of the disease. We can heart ily recommend ft to others similarly Uflicted as we believe it will do all that is ■burned lor it. M. W. Whits. Sold by Alisa A Chapman. Merit Wins. We dceire to say to onr citizens that for yeare we have been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King’s New Life HU*. Bocklen’s Arni.s rfelve sad Electric Bitten, and have never nandled remedies that sail as well, or ibat have given sorb universal aatiafa*- tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee .hem every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase pries, if satisfactory results do not follow their nee. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Jaaeck the drug- Jst. . —Do you feel dragging sensations in the bock and loins, are you troubled with wakefulness, faintness st the pit oft lie stomach? Are yon nervous or irritable? U so ws would advise yon to try Oregon Kidney Tea (purely vegetable). It never tails to effect a permanent cure of kidney sod urinary complaint. Hold by Allen A Chapman. . —Groceries you must haw. Groceries we most sell. Let’* trade and both be Uppy. Bartholet Broa. * Rich and Poor, Priu.-a aad Peasant. the Mllllmislre Day Laborer, by tbete comm.* u<m> of tbU remedy, atteet the vorld-wule rep. utatioa of Ayar*a FUR. Leading phy. ek-iaas recommend tbeae pills for fftomarb aad Liver Troubles, Costive, neee, Blltoaeaeea, aad Sick Hernia* be; also, lor Rbeuamtbuu. Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They are sugar-coat cd; c«a lain ao calomel; are prompt. but wild, ia operation ; ami, therefore, the very beat medicine for Family fee. aa aeli as for Travalera aad Tourtota. *•1 have derived great relief from Ayer*a I’llln. Five years ago I was taken so 111 with Rheumatism that I was unable to do may work. I took three hosee of Ayer’s Pills and waa entirely cared. Since that time I am never without a boa of throe pills. Peter Christensen. Sherwood. W U. **Ayor*a Pflla have been In use In my claimed lor them, la attacks of piles, from wbkh f suffered many years, they afford greater relief than nay <»Vr mmHdae I over tried."—T. F., Holly Springe. Toaaa. •• I have need Apart PUR for a .. m tier of years, aad have never found any thing equal to them for givliig me aa appetite aad Imparting energy and strength to Urn system. I olwave keep them In tbs beans."—>• D. Jackson. Wilmington. Pal. j' Two beaos of Ayor's Pills eared am Headache, te.’SSJa!atrar - ‘ Wh....... I Ml tmbM wit* ««• .tlpolloti, or ,«•» (root low of opt*. Ho. Antrim ». rink! mlo." -A. J ■ini, Jr, Bock Homo. Vo. "Aror’a Pin. on In pool rtcm.n.j SSnSltkoooerfoil olher pill-"«*• Wood. Wo ko.. koroc know. Ikrm fall to give entire oatlefarthm."- Wrigkt A Hooo.Hr. 800 IMp. Ayor’s^Pill ß , Or. d. C. Agar A Ca. LowoH Mass. Mi by aB Dealers to Metoctoe. The Celebrated French Cure, •SST* “AFHRODITINE" ] tit Sold nn 4 PO3ITIVI ) QUAIYANTKC B 5? W form <>( n»T> mi* I - ** «hh« or •»> dl»>r.lrr of th. SSTJ’bSi fmt* sAi®j«. u ii , a > iaf!w;.''wai7S: •mb. Ih-arlao d>»wa I‘aint !■ u* Bark, m-nioal A WMtf«y faI'ARAXTRR forever fVOO •nlar. la rtfapd Iho a*w» If a I tnaaktal fW- totmigml. TlNi«*a»4t of lotflaMwlalt xox a, * w *”“* K>wTLAXI>. Ok. HOLD UV AUJt.N A cu.trMi* Sol* AVM*. »«tk Yakim. W. T. Tit Suit Sol-iii Slid Meeker’s Addition to ♦ ■v* TvTORTtI Y AKIMA! * The former roa’sln* mum- of the fluent Redden -e Property on the west tide of the Railroad i and the Utter, with Its . Fine Soil, all Cleared and Sown to Grass, 7 j Together with • complete we e;-right with each end e.yery Let. pretests an opportunity to hay Cheap and Desirable Resident Propertj, 1 e. . V ' ,** ‘ v L That ehonld be Immediately taken advantage of by « l airing Arat-cUm paying iareatmentr. Terms, one-third cash, balance in equal pay ments in six and twelve mouths. Call ■« a«r •filer and lot oa allow you Thlt Property Mart Parthaalag. FECHTER & LAW, Sol© Agents, RHAT. ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS, oCn Qrar Taklaa .National Lank. North Yaktea, WMklaftoi. I BARTHOLET BROS. Summit View! . :o: - IsTcrw on Sal© by Good win <fe Pugsley. This Addition, platted into Acre Lots, af fords the finest view in or about North Yakima; the best of soil; plenty of water. ROR TEN DAYS! at Low prices and on very Easy Terms. B®*Special terms and prices to builders. Goodwin & Pugsley, ovkb rimer nation ai. hank. G. L. Holmes & Bull, 716 & 720 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W.T. Furniture, Harems, Drapeiies aim Hugs, WHOIiIWAI.K riul 1110TAIK Largest Stock and Best Variety North of San Francisco! When In Tacoma, rail and examine whether you niah to pur base o.’ not. '•'Correspondence Solicited. Mwire, Sions, fiiwire &c. CO CO ICO The Largest Assortment of Builders' Material in Central Washington, and Prices Lower Than the Lowest. Farm Machinery, Wagons. A. 13. WEED, Comer Ist St. & Yakima Avenue North Yakima. r«AItR R. KHAROtaW. Jtrr. D. MCI «mil StLa.rdlo-w f IMZcZDetrLiel, DEALERS nI Line "Wines, Liquors, Imported & Domestic Cigars. r*SE BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES • * * ♦*. . Sole Apts for (lie Celebrated Jesse- Moon! Kentucky Whiskies. J —!»■"■■■ -J- | '»>. i "IK ) A U1 SALOON AND BILLIARD BALD. Fine Wines, Cigars, Constantly on Band.. • ■ —o— y&im A. Churchill, : : : : :* ; Prop. N. p. Depot, North Yakima. Wash. Ter. ItsT ortli IT akima LUMBER YARD! G. 0. NEVIN, Proprietor. LUMBER, POORS, HASH ASP RLISPS, LATHS, SHINGLES, AC. Unt for tke Celebrated Averill Faints, tie best Faints on tie Market, ASP A LARUE SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. .1 jOcrud Yord.Wmt bldeol Bailroitd Tw.k. North ol Depot, No-h Yoklioo. W.T.