Newspaper Page Text
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. 1 Willed Epitome of the Process it IMr Aigist Session. Klrctton Ofllwm Bills All* .Baa* Matter* mm* ••tier Imgariawl !«♦■». Petition of Wm. Lew la et at. for change in coun y road on the farm of Wm. tew is -nA. L. Sherman and Wm. Jostea ap poNked viewers, James Hall surveyor; to mart September 10. Assessment of school district No. 7 against Joseph Lach reduced $lO, the -tame being an overaaseoament. Rf- re view of the Robert Kershaw road Viewers report* 4 fsv'valJy to change of road In arc. 3, Ip. 14, range 18, and re port was adopted. J. A. MiMiell snpervisor district No. 17 rosigted; V. I*. Rilier appointed. Road pi tit’on o/ R. I>. Imp* ami others far county road, commencing on section tine between sections SI and «, tp. 7, range 27 east; Wm. Dennis and 8. M. Webber appointed viewer* and Jas. Hall surveyor; to meet Bep(emher2, 1880. Petition of N. Travis et al. for county mail commcming at the wells in tlie Webber canyon; viewers as above meet on September 3. Petition f.v change in county road by Duvkl Longmire et al., in are. S•, Ip. Ift, north range 18east; A. L. Wurman and Wm. Jostes appointed viewers ami James Hall surveyor; to meet September 10. A* farther appropriation of the sum of |25 was maile to Hilda Bngdnhl tor de fraying expenses of teachers’ Institute. Change was msde in boundaries of school district No. 20 I* the school soper inlendent ami sdo|»ted by tlie Imard. Change In boundaries of school district No. 28, made by the so|«rintendent, was- Hilda Ilngdald's report was ru rived showing twenty visits to the different schools in Yakima county, and 348 miles of travel in such visiting. Onlered that J. O. Rolph, snpervisor of rood district No. S. ot«n tlie county road through an enclosure ol Kelso. Ferry Ih-eose was granted to H. T. Blskeney f..r running a ferry across the Colnmids river at Wallula. Appliesti«ui (or lease of school laml made by A. L. PHrhrtt for the west half «l sic. 38. tp. 11, range *4 east; onlered am-tlooed off liy the slierlff. Ordered thst Road Hu per visor Pate re move portion of fence in road diatrhi No. 2. Petition of J. C. Mai-Crimmoo, at al. for a connty road, i-on.inencing al the aouih end <4 Firm street in North Yakima to J. H. Watson’s; 0. R. Fish and J. T. fftewsrt sp|M>intcd viewers, to meet Hej*- tembrr lb. 1888. E. H. ColHodcr, accountant, was em ployed hv tlie hard to make ■ thoron r h axau.(nation of tlie comity records. A new voting precinct was established and designated sa Natclies |«rertnct, No. 17, with the voting place at the school house near J sines Kincaid's, as follows: Commences at the Nelson Natchez bridge, thrnce east until it strikes the Jivble be tween the Nat hex and Wen as and Mali valleva, theme following said summit until the summit between the Natchez and Wenas valleys is intersected at or ■ear where road No. 3 crosses the divkle between the Nat hes and Wenas valleys, following the dhiiie to the liead of the Nile valley on the Natchez. and lliem-e down the Natclies to plate of lieginning. Ordered that Dsn'ei Him lair repair the Natchez br'd.e as needed. Ordered that a new survey lie made io rood No. 2, commencing al tlie northwest corner <4 J. Hchanno's laml and running up the valley as far as Charles Carpen ter’s resilient e. Ordered that A. J. Burge, supervisor of roods, remove all obstructions la the county road No. 8, between his place and Umptannm creek. Contract for painting the five county bridges—the two Natchez bridges, the Moxee bridge, the Union Gap bridge and the Proem r br due—was awnnled to J. W. Nailer, of KHenelmnrh, for the aum of $1682, ami he fled a Immml in the aum of #2 *lO with $. K. Ge«ldia, C. H. Plainer and 11. H. Allen aa sureties, providing lor laitlifnl performance of contract. J.uiah Wiley having failed to qualify aa auperviaor of road district No. 1), J. C. Heed waa appointed in hia stead. Petition of 11. B. Kinne et hi fur a road np Cowychee can von; John Stephenann and R. B. Kinne appoinhd viewer* and Jamea Hall aurveyor; to meet August 88, 1888. * Petition for change in county rood, hv Jacob Frazer, in road district No. 8. aa lays between east boundary line of sec. 8, l|». L, range 18 eaat nntil it intersects west boundary line of sec. 6; John shearer and Jamea T. Simmons appointed viewers and Jamcw Hall aurveyor. Ordered thut the county auditor furnish each rood supervisor in county with a list Of railroad pioperty in their districts. Ordered that the district attorney e»- tine the contra I exi-ting between Yak- j • county amt Curls It in regard to the artesian «w in the ll»nw Heaven ( country and take ate|* to eofor.* compli ■ am at contract. Kola ft Dunn’s resignation aa sii|*er-! , •tlaor of district No. 6 waa accepted and W. W. M. Carty waa appointed. Ordered that all road suptrvisors in Yakima county he notified not to hire any mad labor to he performed in their luspartvr districts and to pun haae no mah rial for r«da over ami above the amount of money they have now on hand la pay for the aame. Chaa. O. Rodman and 8. Lauber were appointed viewer* lo esses* damages claimed by Robert Dunn by reason of location of county mad aarveyed and vitwrd through his premises; to meet V. D. Kith r, road aopervlaor of district No. 17, waa instruct*! to remove all ob atructions in the connty roada in hia die irU. and il any ro»d should be indefinitely .-vvvC J//*:. c- located can call county survey to re locate any pnniou of mi h Indefinite road. Petitfons filed and presented to the hoard for bridges aernaa the Yakima river at Kiooa and Parker Bottom. The hoard after discussing ami considering the mat* ter ordered the same to he Isjd over until the Novendwr term of this court. It appearing that an assessment was ’ made l»y school district No. 2d against I I<l nan Jiektcn, tunning to l«|i and the said Boatnan Jackson rot living in district No. 28, and he having paid the same under protest, it was order, d that the clerk of school disliirt No. 2d draw a warrant payable to oaid liouman Jackson for said amount, and that he be noticed of the order of court. 11. W. Cary, county treasurer, maile a settlement with the conntv, showing bal amf on hand of |18,782.73 on band and the said amount was found to be the First National Iwnk to his credit. D. K. Lesli, sheriff, msde his quarterly rei«ort and the same showed tlie amount collected in taxes during quarter ending August 1 to lie (8J4..48, and voucher* from tlie treasurer he said amount wen on file. Ordered that the auditor employ a car penter to construct a box for wuterdeposil in tlie ditch in front of the court house from protection from fire, also to have hidden built to extend from the groum. to the roof of the court house and along the roof, and to let tlie contract for paint inj the mof oi the court house with two touts of fireproof paint. The amount of the levy of taxes f-*r th year 1880 on the asorasatde nnd taxabb liroperty in Yakima county, tlie same a> appears from the assessment mil, hei:i t * the total amount of f 2.8 ai.O 0 and tlie ■mount of levy on each 11 being a* follows: - Territorial lax | .0 2 County tax %k.7*a H hoof tax .00-o Road and Bridge tax .0 la Road projiertv tax .001J Military tax OjU. Relief of indigent soldiers tax M. u Total | .0147 A petition from R. Strobach and other for an appropriation of f 3 0# for the pur pose of boring or drilling in the earth lor coakauppooed to exiat in sdflb lent qnan titles to Juetify boring therefor in certain locations in Yakima county, ami at learn twenty of said persons residing in said county paying taxes on over slsOl for the year 1880. And it appearing th d there were strong reasons to suppose coal existed i;i sufficient quantities to justify boring therefor in township 14, north »»• ranges 17 and H east, and (he terobabl. cost of boring a well 6 0 feet in depth is- timated to bo about |3 00, it waa onlereil that n special election be held in sai Yakima county on tlie Bth day of (Molmt. the same l>eing the day for the general Oi tuber election, under an net of enngn h* of the United Kates; sgid special elect on to be liehl to determine the sense of tlie voters of the county upon the proposition as (0 whether or not they are in favor of levying ■ tax of one ami one-half mills on each dollar of property in said county m cording to the assessment of 1488, by the same olffet rs as are appointed to carry on the general elm (km. Tlie auditor is ordered tojwat notices of said efoctitm to raise the sum |4 At, wtik*h Mini Is b> be expended or so much thereof as is pec eoaary in boring for coal in accordance 1 with the proviakma of an act entitled. •‘An art fur developing tlie latent re ■ounva of the earth in Washington terri -1 tory,” passed by the legislative assent IJy ol Washington territory and approved February 2, 1848, at such a point in toan ship 14, ranges 17 ami 18 east, in said Yakima countv, which includes thaupper Natchez valley and vicinity, as may he 1 selected hereafter by the board of ciointv ’ couuuimionerw near the center or net less ’ than ten acres of land to he owned by the ■aid county in said locality. L. J. Hbriver was appointed inspector r to inspe. t the painting and material used ‘ in the painting of the flvu county bridges 1 by contract with J. W. Sadler. Order vm made to notify the county \ treasurer to refill* payment no all county ( warrants nnleaa indorsed hy the person to w horn the Mine ia made payable, or hy the'r legal attorney. Ordered that the auditor he and hereby U instructed to allow no one except the I probate jod a. clegrk of district court and the audiior'a depotiea to i.ave access to auditor's vault ami to permit no one to take anr county nrorda from the ofhie. Following persona are appointed aa in aprrtora and judge* of election to he held Octobers. ISM): Horn rewind—J. M. Baxter, inspector; F. C. Mharker and Geo. Bowers, judges. Beil Rock precinct—A. C. Ketcham, In spector; Le«ia Anderson and J. IV.j Bmwn, judges. lone Tree pnclnct—C. A. Jensen, In spector; James Kinney and Geo. Wilgo*, judges. Al ler Creek precinct—'Tobias Beckner, inape. tor; Archie Little and F. A. Pat teraon, Judaea. Parker Pottom precinct—J. W. Good win. inapeitor; E. V. Flint and 11. J. Ki«-knell. Judge*. Moxee precinct—Wm. Ker, inapeetor; H B. Hcndder and Mills. Judge*. Wenss precinct—tier g» Chat msn, In- I spector; C. R. Yoonkla and K. K. rsbaw, 1 jodges. j ’ Yakima City precinct— j Inspector; C. O. Kodman ami A. J. Me- 1 Daniel, Jodies. Abtanum precinct—F. B. Woodcock, inapeetor: Peter Kschlwth and John Biv erly, judges. 'Cowjn her precinct—John louden, in apeitor; J. H. Laae«tll and F. T. Parker, Himcoe precinct—Thomas Priestly, in spector; F. F. Hlneiair ar.d H. J. Kil i iionr, Judge*. North Yak ma prrclmt—4. T. Erlich* I man, inspector; A. B. Weed and J. C. I Mat Crin.ntnu, Judges. Kc nnewi. k precinct—Charles Anne, inapeetor; C. E. Lem and A. R. Lcejer. i Jodgea. White precinct—Win. Richards, in* ■ spector; John Hefty and D. C. Cresaweil. Mt. Pleasant precinct—N. Travis, in* , sjavior: Wm. Daunts and 8. M. Webber, i j Tampico preclart—Charles Anderson, ( I buqavtor; E. A. Sehanuufell nod Joe. ■ Mi aider jud so. I Nat lies precinct—J. H. Clark, Inspect or; J. M. Kincaid ami Jamas Glaad. i Judges. BILLS AI'MTKD AMD ALLOWED. 1 Hilda En.dahl, school aup’t $lB3 86 < ’ H M Foss, ilour lock I oO i J W Hotmison, nursing Richard I Hass 26 50 : Ma. l/can, Heed A Co., insuring county hritlgia M 7 6o D W Mrtir, (irohate Judge fees. Ter VM M ideally 10 1. , I) K la-sh, sheriff k fees, same ... 7 4J Wti Coe, examining pysic’n asms 6uj ti M Mirage, same . - 6uU . Uuii >imiiH4M, •witness 2.0 Frank ttordhn, witness 2 >u , vdeo l> Barnard, stationery for Co. •> 3 Jeti D BiManl. same, diet, clerk 63 4# , vieo D Barnard, same, dUt. clerk 2-o •no I' Barnard, name, prob judge 1» -6 < •ieo I) Barnard, same, pro!) Judge 10 Ho I J«u D Barnard, *ame. Co. auditor 48 70 • iei# D Barnard, same, Co. auditor IS3 Kob rt Linder, trading street in ( trout (4 Coart House 80 0 | Frank Bixley, wood for county .. ft 63# , U W stair, salary, probate Judge 133 33 1 Chaa Moore, work on routs 12 ou JTs.mmona. same 87 0j i J O Hoiph, same 18 72 I Alls rt Saylor, ileputv aasesaor .144 U.. Knkn Crurv, road viewer 2 o.< l> R Fish, road viewer 2 0) It K Kershaw, chairman 2 0 V D Hitter, murker 2 oo it L Tucker, team, aua day 4 CO vieorge tiardioer, survey of Ker shaw road ft 00 vh urge Uanllner, |4at of same— 1 00 C J Mathcmon, hunting burglars 4 60 .» A Pail, tightening hr duaa Id i#u itobt IHum. repairing bridges ... 20* David L Peck, work on bridges 28 86 Esheiman Bros., stationery 4 bo C J Taft, same 18 86 , Cim*tniiatti Paper Co., sanie 3 oo tn>on A Hbriver, painting aigna 10 UU lobn Hardy, work on roads 4 UU J 1’ McCutlerty, sin iving in vault. SJ 00 arlliolt-t Bdw., mdse hw Co 8 Oo •4 U Ncvin. iumlier for bridges. 146 72 S-liichtl A S horn, bolts for bridge 28 82 i# E Lesli, Imanl prisoners . . 18# vU D K Lash, preparing delinquent li-t lor ptibl.cation 148 (U D K la*sli, j tiler, one month 40 UU S M Wehlier. deputy assessor 84 U0 .v A H bniiu:<felt, same 12 • v.u T I. Msrii, j Her 2 months 8U UU . l» K Lesli, assessor fees JBU 0 D K Lesli, pn-imring assesameut rolls 12 > 0U W J lisckett, lumber for lirtdgea 42 30 W (i iirittilb, sheep commissioner 181 L «V M Traymr, repairing shoes lor prisoiu rs, SO ' Ain I‘arks, nurse <’o tampers ... l«t 50 An lew Kinnie same 8 IX) l#>mlinrd A Horsley, coffin for Ueo (’only 22 00 A Horsley, same, un known p rson. 16 00 buuliard A Horsley, as me, Rich ard Haas 22 00 btiulsini A Hor.-ley, same, H. J. Helen 1J 00 Th< .inns 1 riestly, inspector and mileage 10 v 0 II J Kiig«air. Judge 4 tO Htej lien (, Judge 4 00 i» li Talinlerro, clerk 4 w. F F Sinclair 4 cO A 1’ Kschlia h.inspector and mile age ) 6 A. Frunk i i<hy, J idge 4 <u J W St* pin bs.«n. Judge 4 uo F T Darker, clerk 4 00 A L Musters, clerk 4 oO Yakima Hkralh. Co Printing— 8 6 Vakima same 83 38 Annie Muttoon, servi.-ea nt tench t r’s cxnniinstion 12 00 J <• I. iw rent e same. 12 0u Hilda Enzdshl, same 12 u M M '(evens, hauling lumlier... 4 vO II J Sniveiy, salary, dist attorney SjO uu D T (tunnel, convey’g sick person 1 v.O U W C»ry, stationery lor treusur er’Koltk-e . .#. 16 80 (» W Cary fees as Co Trees 20 8 • J O ('lurk, corom-r’a fees Richard E M Hit in ford, road work 8 7o L U Fre.'inan. co printing 88 (k# 0 F Weed, Justice fees. Ter vs Monr.* 4 86 D E Ledi. sheri I’m fees, same ... .>3 Hiotfm t’aimer, wituews asms 2 28 O F Weed, Justice fees Ter vs Den toll 4 2 D E lesli. sheriff s'Ji-es, same— 1# 4 K Smith, wituesa lees, same ft 40 J II I’ur tin, witness fees, annie. 6 4o JO Clark, i-orouer fees, unknown 1 person 18 90 ! J D W’arren, Jury, unknown per- ♦on 4 40 ! Fred Hieknell, same 4 4j J \\ Shcurer, same 4 4« I A J Lewis, mi me 4 4o , Mike Ferrill, same • 4 4u C A Fnuer, Mine 4 40 Albert Saylor, checking op assess ment mil Si »0 Alien Saylor, attendance on com niissiuneni coon 86 0a 1) E l«ah, alieritTH fees for serving notice lor hoard of Equalisation 9<• I) \V Simmons, deputy assessor lft> u Wallace Wiley, same 8b• Uu l» F Leah, atiemlamw Co court... 83*. John Clemao, coinmiaalotier and mileage 40 6 J M Frown, aame iS 00 Joseph Stevenaon, aame 4il» Mutt iisinhniet, auditor's fees 54 1 1 Al eu A Chapman, mdae lor Co.. 0 80 Ni Ison Rich, special election in apaW ... 400 Morris Henry, iud»e and mileage 14 to I W H Cn neon, judge 4 . o tiro \N iLun, clerk . 4 U W H Bur a ell 4 u Mstt stunmn, inspector and mile ’ a.e 6 4 W I. Mahler, judge... 4 .. . J M Lowery, san»e 4i > C F insskis k, cKrk 4 W alia, e Wiley same.«. ....... 4 i>- tin. J Gtrvabt, inspectoraudmile age 4 8 I A Flint, J'.dge 4 « Hr Hill, Maine 40. C O R, ckrk 4 tX» I* W Harrison, same 4 ch Sanmel H.ihUnl, inspector and in 1 awe 4 KO C V FAwler. judge .. 4 »0 Jiiines Smart same 4 Uu Frank H Fowler, clerk 4 i 0 C Z Cneney, clerk 4 Ul I Dan M.iclair, inspector and mile i *ge 7 h A .1 Burge, Jn.Le 4 J U R<» ers Jud.t- 4 • Abner Hinchnr, clerk 4 . E K Boiler, ckrk 4 U AC ketcham, inspector 4 (ie<» Mch, Jmtge 4 U Chaa Warren, judge 4 . J M Brown, clerk 4t J N Armstrong, t lerk 4 « E M lli.niford, i i*pe« lor 4 0 C F Rio hie, Judge 4(i Thorn Roiiert*. Judge i 8 M W.-Mter, clerk 4U H M Itoiniiievull. clerk 4 t Win Wommaik, inspector and ndfsit e M «•* GHKvsn* Judge 4 V* J W Tedder. Judge 4 0 Tobins Beckner, clerk 4 11 I, A Canfield, clerk 4 B C Eulin ins|«t tor 4 0 J H Omnid. J dge a d mileage . 7ts U Kama, Judge 4 0. 8 A HfhaanaiHt. clerk 4 «0 Hurry Roberta, « lerk . 4 0 Win Kelso, inspector .... 4 nAi Win II Richnri'a, jnd.e 4 0 George Ikidnon s 4 0 W T Havls, cl rk 4 0 . E E Keldo, clerk 4 0. Robt Dunn, IwiAinr 4 o ; M li Curtin j uLe 4 Ou E T Stone, judge 4 a» N B Stone, . lerk .40 P D Brooke. . 1 rk 4 * John Godwin, return poll iio ks. - 0 Orlando Be k. inspector 4 u Win L>*wi», judge 4 *iU H F Haines, jnd e 4 ik» L C Parrish, clerk 4 W H Vin njr. clerk 4 0j , —All style* of job printing ul the II*:i • ] A U» Office. At least five hundred American pur • graphera have risen up un i asi-ernd with one voice that Boulanger is i.i tie fco. »,7 -a. Ht. Peter-1 do not'4* you. What U that bundle un.ler your arm? Mortal—Only the earth. 1 . St. Peter—Walk right hi. Mr. Gould. Perrlwink—Aw, Mr. Hawdheul. la It twue that cijawelte amok in.' affects the bwain ? Mr. Hardliead—No. Tho*e who have hraina don’t amoke cl.arettea.— hr, | Th Snlicile • Wiin and Meeker’s Addition to NORTH YAKIMA! The former contains some of the llnvat Redden s* Property on the wert •Uir of the Railicad ' and the latter, with ita Fine Soil, nil Cleared and Sow n to Grass, Ti aether with a romplrtr water-rlflit with each and every I.« t, pr rnta an opportunity to bu> Cheap aid DesiraWe Residence Frcperty, That abouM be Immediately taken advance of by all dt-tirlnff first■«•!•«» jaylny loveetmenta. Terms, one-third cash, balance in equal pay ments in six and twelve months. Call at Mr Office and let a« aliaw |on ThU Properly before Purchasing. FECHTER & LAW, Sole Ascents, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENTS, Office Over Taklma National Sank. North YaVlma. Wublmrton Bute, Sims, Timm k -aj SH -jj fP^Ud^nHil^ 1 ._ =—• & va & —• <!£&& r lytt ifia The Largest Assortment of Builders’ Material in Central Washington, and Prices Lower Than the Lowest. Farm Machinery, Wagons. A.. 8. WEED, Corner Ist St. ft Yakima Avenue’ North Yakima GUILLAND HOUSE FIRST STREET. NORTH YAKIMA. 3D. Ghailland, Prop. narenleatty toeatcd. Finely Inmtehed. The eery beet (erean<l eiMinamodeii'ma in then RATES, 9UO TO pjoo PER I* AY, Afro, Aimg In Room. Notice tar NMlcatMl. Laru Omca at Noaru Y^»uu,tVT.,| \‘OT it W IIKRKRY OlVfSt THAT THE follow I oit-ua i»l witter lan IM notice of Mtla Intention l» u akr final pr of In aup|.on of it ■ rial'ii. aui flat mi k o( will be wait r.'otr Kr ». rt an Ke e.\e, of Uir U. a. . aud |>i «»i N"».b lakmia. W, f., ou erp,ember ’ CHRISTOPHER I>. HYLAND. !Of Mow W. T.. wbii* I). H. No. US, for I .ritKUul arc. is K S. of M. S K. Hr ns-ue- 'ln* fml w iirf wlnr-nv. u prove hU«on- I rl'iu a* real..rare i|a»:i a ... . nMva.l< n of said la i.l, via: .-cur e Krr. of Sr’aii, W. T.; (itsape t. >'lilu- of Hosts*. tV. I.i W. t. Pa nr aud J. Miiim.ii. of Cold creek. W. T. a i MS ilt A H. kKCTX. Heubner. MB of iiimixm of mituixiip. N OTICE blrntbr given ll at thr l arturnblp heretofore cxl.iuir hr. wren tor nu.Jer ■ iruo>l. mi l«>r tlir (inn name of .lagan. Koatrr * Co.. I* dl-aolrrd bv mutual consent. All . rf» « due »a d fir •< are | ay aMr to N. J. i la iru. who «« imea all IlaMlulra of Mid Ann. Sr •. WLAURN. J. T. POUTER. K. J. KHIKSKX. I>a*ed at Xor*h Ya'.ln a. ,'nljr a. MS. „t An Economical Fence, Til .WE oow tin* Mile rlgUI for Yakima Conn tv for our of ihr bast wire fence* rvrr pat ""it in tat inuu in tiar. Wire an I ma-hlne for makinvon band. Tboae winUlntc to build frm c» ahould < all on mr. J W. HT I T, of Track. SOMETHING NEW. We have had placed in our hands for Sale SMUT fill ADDITION. Thl. rlMiot property is situated Immediately lu front of Col. How left's residence, and com prises i 47 of ns sightly residence lots ae are now ou the market. Both soil and water rights are of the Ukl To any person Building a Residence to Cost not less than SIOOO we will give a Corner and one Inside Lot Free. These lots will be seleetod'ln the following Manner; Parties first bnHdlag have choice of two lots ia either block 10. 11, or U; second an 1 third choice in Mono?. S, or 0. Flats aaii he Sees at am omit. We intend bnUdlng np this property «ith choice he mcs. thereby attracting the beat class ol people: and parties taking bold n iw will experience the benefit of onr meet earnest efforts. Good win <fe Pugsley. ovx» rtnnr »unoiut mw. Q. L. Holmes & Bull, 718 * 780 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W.T. Furniture, Carpels, Draperies am Duos, WHOLGNALE nud RETAII> latest Steel aid Bed Variety North sf 8u talcin' Wlm In Tanmu, nil ud «MnlM. vlxUwr m «Ui to w Mt. '"‘Correspondence Solicited. BARTHOLET BROS.