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THE YAIHA HERALD, Oicial Piper af Yattia Cmtj. do on a mb DmmUlsm * luv fl Wd, nvpnwors. *IOO PKR ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. {U.4tU« Ua Cpa IffintM. _ 800 IN THE MANGER POLICY. Ellenaburgh has grown desperate. Her people note the strong sentiment favorable to North Yakima aa the permanent seat of government and chafe inwardly and outwardly. From vainglorious claims shunt supposed advantages of that place £ * tbe'cUmate and productions of the great Yakima country, and the progressive people who have made their homes here. It fa now with them not ao much a matter of gaining the capital as of preventing it from being removed to North Yakima. Ungenerous in the extreme, they would prefer to see it remain where it is rather than that her slater rity should have it, and It has even been intimated by some of her people that her voting ■trwgth might bo thrown to Olympia. Thin bar gala may bo oooMmmated, botoho will bo naabla to deliver tho goods. Tbs ballot of thoos people of onstorn Washington who favored BUoosborgh through sympathy lor hsr disaster by fire, or on account of personal friendship lor some of her inha bitants. cannot be bartered and delivered Hko Inanimate objects Washington has a progressive people, who cannot be voted in "blocks of five," and when the ballots are conoted at the close of the first day of October it will be found that the favorable t conditions of Morth Yakima and the potent reasons why she should become the permanent capital of this great state are well under stood and appreciated. at FAVORS NORTH YAKIMA. W. A. Osorgs. a resldsot of the territory lor twenty-nine yean, has written a strong article in n Dayton paper favoring North Yakima lor ths capital. Among other things, he anyn: "It is assy of mesas, and although It may never become what Is ealM a railroad center, yet it will al ways be cheaply and conveniently ap proached from all parts of the state. The climate la. In my opinion, naaquaisd by any place an the North Pacific coast, and with a little more rata in summer, would, to my mind, be perfect. It produces •very manner of fruit and vegetables known to the temperate sooe. approach ing almost ths tropical product ions. 1 wan there about two weeks in the month of October of every yeer from 1873 to 187» indoalve, being seven consecutive years, and 1 never raw the mark of front on the vegriation. Gardens, corn and "truck pntobra" as green as summer time. Aa to the town site, M la all that could be de sired. Not even the beantital dty of Walk Walk ban any barter or finer loca tion far a dty than that of North Yakima. The facflltira far supplying the dty with an abundance of fine cold water are an sarpaeaed by any dty In the etale. Hie shamed en the weal tafia of the Yakima riser, and stent wri mOs below the * month of t river, which ■totfii wfim enough to supply a dty of '7“ any taw. all of which can he Inefitf Into the city at amaD expense, sad bwhhy smMnex «*y. en the name aide al the Yakima Near, fa toa Taktam ladma reservation, arahmdag an nxranl of eoaatry equal to a grad rind county. at level m an IDinom prairie. the whale al which aright be ds rarihai aa ana rata, rich garfim apatta a net we I state, bis one of the swat bean thal vatoge that I ever raw. and if Yak ima fa thg capital it meat and won wffl to hm Indians their beams In severalty. whole el that vest river. Taking it afaopther, I should think. westers Washington would Join together and unite on North Yakima and psrms amtly lamia the seta of government at am titan, oo Iba feat day of October, or at aa. rata, I cannot oa tiralaa j why aaata ■ Waabinpwa ahouhl rota tor any Khar Plata.” roa tvntMK jcdok. Hon. B. L. Bbarpetetn, one of the nom inees ef the democratic convention for supreme judge la a New Yorker by birth. While still a young man be emigrated to Michigan whan he engaged in the boel nose of coopering, making barrels lor the Lake Michigan fishermen. While than am ployed he studied law aad on admis sion located In Wisconsin. He formed a partnership with bis brother-in-law, the >sto Judge Park, cl Wisconsin, laths lull of US he emigrated to this territory, faceted at Walls Walla, where he has ever Macs resided and where be baa since bean so identified with the cause of the peo ple that kg Is known everywhere aa their Mead. Since his advent In this territory be has boon repeatedly to the legislature, ran tor congress against Orange Jacobs, but wag so bitterly fought bv the oorpora tlsas as to sugar defeat; fought the cause of Ihs farmers, at Washington City, agaloM the O. B. ft N. Company’s evhorbitaat '•barges, and has engaged la many other ncto of each importance as to make him onset thehoMknown aad moM highly la the lata oonstilaliooal convention he fought against the establishment of a long IMS of itself at aad ev penal re offices; urged moderate pey far the legislators, and, while assured of heiag called to the ■lMgfHfl (mtu'h laluwnil kmmsl ani UwUciii laDufvQ nara ami val* iently to redne. the pay ol supreme Jwkres to pafiOO par year. Tbs bar of the territory ha* frequently endorsed Mr. Sharpatein lor territorial Jodge, and the people will doabtleea forget politics and reward their old servant. Mr. Sharpatein la a brother of Supreme Judge J. R. Sharpatein.of California; la SI jeaza of age, ripe in experience, digni fied in appearance, and would be an orna ment to any bar in the Union. SrwAOCK He told: Straws show which way the wind blows. Nine-tenths of the delegates in attendance at the state con vention at Walla Walla last week were earnest in their assertions that North Yakima was the place for the capital. W. H. White, of Seattle, has resigned the office of United States attorney, and J. A. Monday, of Vancouver, that of apecUl agent of the Vancouver tend dis trict It fa well they did not wait, for Benjamin Harrison has now gotten his broom in excellent working order, and the flat has gone forth that no democrat, no matter bow good an officer, can serve out bfa term. Indian Agent Priestley ev idently did not hear the shibboleth, or he would have ducked before the official ax descended. A near Aren from Tucson, Arisons, dated September 16, says that “the grand Jury has completed its labors, finding 19 indictments, font of which it fa stated, were against T. L. Stiles, assignee of the suspended bank of Hudson V A Co. The charge fa the embezzlement of large same of money of the aareto. Stiles fa now in Washington territory, where he fa report ed to be a candidate for the supreme bench.” Mr. Stilre la one of the republi can nominees for justice of the supreme court, and resides In Tacoma. Tn Philadelphia Bulletin, a strict re publican party paper, feiidtkmsly de scribes Corporal Tanner, late commis sioner of pensions, as "a professional vet eran, that Is, a man who seeks to make the G. A. B. tributary to his vanity or self-interest, and expects, with the aid of bia comrades, to defy public opinion." In a recent speech before a meeting of the veterans si Chautauqua. N. Y., Tanner said: ‘The pension roll coot the govern men 180,000,000 lest year and it Is going to cost the government more next year.” B. W. Brass, of Waterville, who is the nominee of the demoiTsts for the state senate from Yakima-Douglas counties, has bsen in ths city for the prat week. The Immigrant, published at Nr. Starr’s home, says that ha "is a gentleman of ability and thoroughly understands the wnnto of this growing county, having ‘roughed it' on bis ranch nt Chester in common with the usual mods of pioneers of the Bend. He will poll the full strength of his party besides obtaining s large nam bsr of votes from his friends on the other •Ida. In Uiia journal'. opinion. no letter choice could lian been made. ain>pl)i be came it thk janctare the oonnly in which bla inlerrete lie aaadi a abac., keen boai ness man. over whose eyes no wool can bs pulled, and socb a man isR. W Starr.” Taa Haaaut to ia receipt from Eefland el the initial mmpeiyn nurture of Vic toria C. Woodholl tad Taamatae C labia la tbair candidacy hr tbt praridaaiy tod rira frehikaiy <f tbr Catted gtataa ia UH. Whii. tbr Htnau> aaproted afnr <f wa It dear art prapaai to br rnmreitrifi m thk tarty data earn to tbcaa alwnya bad aa antipathy to a arntotoinwal nSnr tiilia aad tbraa tod at mam br daaad to that eatery, far taa. baton tha affair had raaebad thaaa yrara wbhh the. hr aalabaa haria, hard Tie •ad Ibaay, while they arta Knmpiac the prafaa of w—la fa pan real aad thaat atoraa to yrtkwtor aad aafciag iw.port ler thaaa aaata tww bightol oAoca to tba fid aithapaepie. Taa ttlapapb aaanaaiwa tbr itaanal af Captaia Tbotitaa Primley aa apaat al Yakima ladtoa raaerration, aad tba ap pefawelif W.L. gteblartetheraeaacy. Thto toaptocaof rapablkaa ciril aarrfaa rafatto. That baa aaaar bara a chary, a*aiato tba character aad ability of Cap. tola Friaatky. or apainal bit eoadoel of tba aOaira if tba raaarratioa. Ia fact ha toaaadalfawtrtto,aadhiaefUaladtoia- Itoratio. ja baa .hoc. <. emtio.. Ha tarred with dtoliartioa la the caaaa (f the Caioa dariaf Iba war at tba rtbaUfaa, and bow aafbra from dtoabilHiaa recited while BphoMinc lla h, f Man aad toripea. Hit anrraaacr la a fanner of tbr Abtanom rallrr, m my ttond man who ia anUrcly (rat from iba anall of powder, bat he to a republican while Captain Friaatky fa a democrat. ELLENSSCROH ZEPHYRS AGAIN. The Films burgh Rtmu Refiner says: "The frolicsome xephyr still oootlnasa.” Wail, we should say so. It always con lianas in Eilsaaborgh, and as to it being "frollreoais," It la the meet mlrth-prorok ing. Sportive breese imaginable. It las blown down several brick walls lately, JuM lor Ihs fan of the thing, aad still keeps up Ms pranks. Oh, to be sure, it Is a “frolicsome aephyr." nro CANDIDATES COMPARED. Probably the weakest man on the re publican Mats ticket la Charles K. Laugh ton, ol Tacoma, who was nominated lor lieutenant governor Mr. Laughton had an unsavory rapntstioo In bis old home la Nevada, aad he has added little to It by removing to Washington. His main qaalMcatlaa la playing the viella, aad H la asserted freely that he la not particular In what charactered resort ha displays bl- talent, la marked coatraM with him is the choice ol the democrats, L- H. Plotter, of Whitman county, who, in addition to being a young man of acknowl edged ability, a brilliant speaker, and grand with those qualificatlooa which would be recognised ia the higher circles of society, has led a straightforward, ssoral private Ills aad commands the respect aad confidence ol republicans and democrats alike In tboae communities where he Is beat known. THE state CAPITAL.. Wet Wemaeary la Harter It Array ter Mraaat-Tltwi eff a Promi nent Spokane Han. Eorroa Jtri tew; Notwithstanding Con grcea baa made ample provision* for cap ital grounds, and the state is not expected or required to barter away the location of the seat of government, Ellenaburgh is showing more than a warrantable seal, far she has made a bid that can be regard ed as little other than a bribe, li seems to me therefrom that her dtisens can have but a small abiding faith in tb# vir tue of their assertion that Ellenaburgh is the one desirable place in Central Wash ington for the capital, inasmuch as they by their offer seek to arouse the penurious greed of the voters of the territory, and by glittering eflusiooa seek to supply for Ellenaburgh the painfully apparent abort ings in natural advantages with its rival for capital honors. 1 have no pecuniary interests at stake In the location of the capital at North Yakima. I have been neither there nor at El lens burgh, but 1 have taken some pains to inform myself, and am convinced that North Yakima possesses superior advantages in ease of access, in summer and winter climate (being neither as windy and dusty in summer nor as snow-bound and cold in winter) and her mediate end immediate topography are sufficiently broad and beautiful to satisfy the moat exacting and doubting, that here will flourish the gar den rity of our naturally beautiful state, whenever Iter ample coffers shall be open ed far the artificial embellishments of the site of her capital. Ido not like the idea or spirit evinced in this Capital Park deal of Ellenaburgh; made simply for the pur pose of obtaining a majority vote by the aid of an active real estate lioom on the eve of election, to accomplish an object which in time would be surely regret ed by the voters of this state, for the place which is not nor ever will he the most desirable as the capital seat is Ellens bnrgh. O. A. Hitch meow. Spokane Falla, Sept. 16. 1889. The (iraiM Wm Mar. North Yakima products were well rep resented at the Ellensbnrgh convention, occupying two rooms in the Honolulu Mock. There were cigars nisniifurtured from native tobacco, mineral water from nature's Übrstory near that citv, and im mense watermelons. which the ungracious Ellensburghere declared were imported from Walls Walla lor that ocean ion. —The Olympian. No doubt these lusriooe fruits from the eonny valley of the Yakima bad a sort of soar and Mtter twang to the palates of delegatee from Olympia and Ellensbargh.' and it was real for the Yakima hoys to take them there. They appear to I have gone op to the convention to "see* the people and eat poaches." as the old time politicians need to do. sad as they went into a dime lew favored than their own, they appear to have taken their native fruits sad Havanas along with them. This was rather a seductive way • of bidding for the state capital.— Spohuit Merit*. rat rartTAL. a*r» ihar EfNfwyhn: The intent lly friendly spirit of H. C. W.. la the Orvyraiaa, creates within me mm* babblings of friendliness which MMortaadn. Now. the dear FUrnstairghtra meat know, If they Mop' to thigh, that they wen owe* a pan of • . Yakima ooaaiy, aad tliat Blenaburgh aad Kittitas county ate filled with our t'eshers, Matin, cousins aad aaau, aotl I that thaw cea be bo sack thief as teal' aatafoalna ee anfricadly fading. Morv esar. if Bleaaharfh had a itadiae show [ •a fR the capital, everybody ia Yaklata would be delighted at her saceeae. weald st owes pay a visit to tolalisea ia that Stossl Mils toss, essrytaf peaches, water rneloas end sack other delicioaa things as cannot ha found there, and would pro-! essd to fraternise and celebrate. But, aß| a matter of fact, Elfaasborgh stands no show lathe world, nor did she ever ap proacb the possibility of heiag made; the capital of the sew Mate of Washier I lea. This being ll* case, why not' he maaoaahle, and Id the really wise 1 MM ap there atop daeeirieg them self as. aad also (which la more important) slop dwelt lag their neighbors who uke not the time nor the tiooble to reallr lad not what H. C. W„ Brother Maloney, Doc. Haro and others know lull well. They know the capital will never go to Klleoa borgh, aad la their hearts sill not grieve to see it go to their neighbor dly down the ealley. They know perfectly well all eastern Washington ia In readiness to rots so October IrM lor North Yakima as the permanent seat of government, and it rosily atoms ns though reason aad In tan latareM would dictate to these lead res Of sentiment the wisdom of coming down from aa attitude of lofty disappointment and standing la with a neighbor. Matters will at laM simmer down to this when the question shall be settled. Why nor ant.dpato the' happy lime when going to the legislator?' j will simply mean going down to North YaklmaT ffanoucly, without any effort at tantalising Jocularity, North Yakima has east am Washington In ha favor to day, and there an not a few la Kile on burgh who know it. The effort there, as' admitted by such as harbor no intent to deceive, is simply to make a running and If possible pen the distance pole before ; the lag Is down. Would It not be better i to Join the rest of eastern Washington ; and rally for the'winning town? In - other words, moss to make It unanimous l so tar aa eastern Washington Is con i corned. It would sere time ami trouble, aad amount to the same thing in theend. Fantsm-Y Tam. TU OLYMPIA. Dfr OM Aneetlon of the Territory: | Nothing bat the moot friendly feeling: feeds me to nddreee yoa In term* eo en denring. The mom corned backets in; yoor moss grown wells reek with the fUvor of snoient friendship. We know j yoor mod flats and yoor clams, and (wee far many years been traveling tb« long, long road to roach them for a low weeks daring the legislative term. Now we most have the legislature and it may be we will get a dam or two, without half the trouble you are now bringing upon yourselves to cart dams over into Whit man county, to be eaten after the prise bull has been blue ribboned. Your clam bake at home is delightful, over there it will be a failure. The bunchgrasser has no stomach for clams. But let that pms. if it be possible with a clam, and permit us to again remind you that we must have the capital. The strange thing about it with you is, that whenever the subject of moving the capital is mentioned, your real estate men can stir yon into deceiving yourselves as they always do. You all know perfectly well that it will be moved to North Yekims, and have always known that it would be placed here at thia point —knew it, even before tliere was a North Yakima. It creates surprise and almost dsridon among os to see bow yon old timers, who really have a deal of common tense, pretend to feel alarm at the pros pect of losing the capital. You have had it now longer than you ever expected to, and longer than won Id have been the case had the territory been admitted a state sooner. Elleosburgh deserves more at tention from voters than you do, and she deserves an much leas than North Yak ima, that it redness your claims to nil. Yonr speculators, however, will keep you agitated until the question is settled, and then you will see that you have fooled yourselves without affecting the mam of the voters. MtxrAH. “Handy” Olds, who shot and killed Emil Webber at Portland in May last, has been sentenced to be hanged on Frl day. November Ist. Our Cir il lollu Sim I COAL AND WOOD, Is - Expected. - Daily! LOOKOUT! LOW PRICES I Our Removal Sale Still Continues. ; BM V?« *» oof new .lore i. no. helm, planed in poaition and when root- Pj*t“ ,JLr* v * 006 S? *•** Hardware rooms on the Coast. The new Arm of Vlalng teU known in Tacoma, have assumed entire control of the ' ft **“•*• prioeo alwava the lowest to maintain the food will ol the public. as was alway* shown Um late firm. vininG brothers, Sdcceeeoee to Vining A Bilger. North Ynklmn, Waeh. WILLS <S O’HABRA Saloon mil Biinam Parlors, Yakima Ave. North Yakima (Shardlow & McDaniel's old stand.) Tboina* Bradley, well-known throughout Eastern Washington and Oregon aa an expert mixologist, will do the honors behind the her, and will be pleased to meet bis many acquaintances among the commercial travelers, as well as residents ol this section. The attention of the indulging public is directed to oar extensive line of Fin Mil, Wins, dim, Which «• giurutw la be ol the bM makw la tha coamirj. it , ELBGAIVr Pool - and - Billiard - Tables r ... M • < Afford pleasure and recreation to those seeking healthy exercise. If oooHeons treatment, square dealing and unadulterated goods can secure and retain the patronage of the public, the efforts of the proprietors of this boose wiU . be recognised and appreciated. W# here Joat completed tefittleg and beautifying tlx balMiog, uxl now ierlle the poUh to call end hretow upoo ut earh petrooette un merit. Wills & O’Harra. Twee fas north tsktoa. Garfield Enierpri*: Our exchangee all seem to favor North Yakima for the capital of the new state. North Yakima undoubtedly hot the strongest claim for capital boners. It fa easy el access from all parte of the territory.. It is centrally located and has a pleasant climate. It would be wiae for the little towns to throw aside their aspirations for the cap ital and poll together for the city that most finally get it, and (bus save expense for temporary bniidinus at Olympia. Joe MeAnliff, the champion heavy weight pugilist of California, knocked out Fat Killen, of Paul, in the seventh round, in a fight for a purse of fSoOJ, at Han Francicso, Hepteuiper 11. Deputy Marshal David Nagle, who shot and killed Judge Terry last month, has been discharged from custody, the su preme court of California deciding that the Marshal was discharging bis duty alien be fired. The case lias been appealed to the supreme court of (lie United States. Robert Ingiis, charged with stealing re lief supplies, while in the employ of the relief committee at Spokane Fails, jumped his bail early this week and is not to be | found, it was asserted that be was as sisted to skip by prominent parties who (eared exposure, and strength was given to this bv the arrest Monday night of Councilman Sydney D. Waters and Peter Dueber, and Policeman Wm. Gillespie. A citixeoe committee has been organized to prosecute the guilty parties and strong council has been employed to assist the district attorney. —The prices at H. Knechler’s are as low, in regard to quality as you can find anywhere. sug22-lm. Fit lit Hen Film Until • » FOR CASH ONLY! Dress Goods. AT COST. AT COST. BiBMET - BROS. Opera. House Block. HOW ABOUT YAKIMA? Listen to the Story as it is Told by Careful Observers from Abroad. (San Francuco Examiner.) The new State Capital will probably be at North Yakima. (Spokane FaUt Review.) The beat and moat extensive agricultural region in the Yakima Land District, and in the Territory, lies about the City of North Yakima and is known as the Yakima > alley. (Seattle Fort-Intelligencer.) To-day, where four years ago were uncultivated prairies, tlie home of great herds of unrestrained wild tattle and vicious bands of cayuae ponies who knew no baiter, now stands the City of North Yakima, the Queen of Eastern Washington. (Norlkweet Magazine.) , kDo *°* whi< t mw,t at the new *own North Yakima seems a bit of Southern California here in the north. Public opinion in all parts of Washing ton has settled upon thio place as the Capital of the new State. r (Portland Oregonian.) There is no just reason why this cltv and county, when they shall have reached their maximum in population, should not have in the city from 16,WK» to 2&.U00. and the county 4U.(kJU to 60.00 J. Neither is there any good reason why they should not be eventually among the very wealthiest towns and counties in Washington I Territorv. All tne material elements that go to make a big and prosperous city are ' " >nn, 7 >• O" 1 * “X mill, which inclmlee thetotal tax, terriuwtal added. Then ia not a pauper in tbo county. The taxation Is heralded ,r “"! “! d ,IM ' lndln l' Mlnneeota to .nd Indudln* ; uSi» BW * c ™ ,o,r > tb “ ~ • h »« “ * (Tacoma Ledger.) The ralley in which the dtyof North Yakima le eltoeled in the center o I n into 11 *" d h * v * «™»" famous (or their products. With a splendid agricultural country surrounding it and the peculiar I? ssiss. taffitSaT" fcr nami * pp,o * clM * North Y * ki “‘ “““• •»* «£« (Spokane Fallt Review.) « v A ?i hoU *!lJ < ?* tha ? ferty mile* npmrt tbe difference in climate between Yakima in Yakima county and Ellensburgh in Kittitas county is almost as great as that between a northern and southern latitude. The valley surrounding Kllenslturgh Is excellent for producing grain, while in the valleys near Yakima the farmers are devoting more attention to fruits, vegetables, hops, tobacco and similar crops, whlih cu only hr ktowo In a warm climate. ImUrritw wM JuJgt J. R. Ltwi. <m hit rflum from ndraiNo, (hr Uerlutoir, Fair In CnKfonth, FoMuhed in (hr SroUlt PoM-lnl'Uigrnrrr. It waa a real exhibition oI the wraith o( California, hot I found no better apecintena o( vryrUble. and man, varletlea of (nilt than tVaablniton Territory pro duce,. Icnn«o over Into the Yakima counter and in tno day. collect doer Si ; dncta In thoee Knee than 1 aaw In California. The Yakima TOclie.aro.ShiS quality an.l flavor than any raWd In California, the apple. Imperior andhhe 1 Prune, are a*av ahead of anythinal ever aaw. Then, 100, they ralaefloer wIoST j all kind, cd vefeaaWra In the Yakima country than any SSdJSSnn Mac Lean, Reed & Co., 'Beil Estate, Inti Amts, ; SSUniTii Mac Lean, Reed & Co., Horlli Mima, Wasliisloa.