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A Ttncu If MW Mi mnM. laiMwlnmlv, **ura trip thla wlndln* w*y." n* The sylvan glade «u tweet aud root; We (ovnd a lowly Utile pool. TtotpooL O 1 Mid. -Ufa flab from there out brio*; Ban aaa some pieces abort of wring." - I%aaMM.-««^'V- We knotted knots Into that twine, ** / \ BMaooa wl«k fear my tors did bawl, fnai aaoka tfea little auks* did cnwli The little soak**, a « • JMttm tbs nlaM downward dariMd. And spaa* Usktalns ilr*H leaked. ThellfMnln*. KSM Opan that little pool did final. a vary fragile u«i* boat. ißabaai.’ —• tfella wild ska Jempad—tkabaaft did feel Bar walgkt and wiggled ilka an sal. x My lovely lon did pl'nmwd. Then from the skies—for It apeet. The boot A i j Aad aba ba more will walk with me By pool or river, lake or sea. Tkoaea.C —Judge. I Ml W BIKBABBI. Inth hM rf MuAm ■< Nnlite ta Bkn hpeUir. Komi City OMt; Mr. Jameo H. Smith, lormrrly with WoM A Co., haa re tamed to thi. city after a three yeare* n«- tdanee la Rtrii. with haadqnarteie at rwt m Pileoe, when he wee ■gaged ee e near brokrr. He eeye the triumph oi Htppolyte one Legitime ia only tempor porary and that another rerolotkm ie only p mettm o( e ehert «ime. Xl« majority of the people, aremdteg to Mr. fiinilh'a disinterested observations, are simply wild beasts, with bare and there a leader wheat intelligence and ambition make him all the more dangerous. The gov srnmsnt, while ostensibly a republic, is really a most absolute tyranny, the one man in power assuming an unquestioned dictatorship enforced by the army and his faction as long as be shares his spofis with them. The natives who Use in the cities me bod endngh, the men all brutes and the women almoal al bad, but In the Interior the booditkmof affairs is horrible. The voodoo idolatry is practiced by all, and its mysteries are so inconceivably dfegetinglbat it wouUbe impossible to hated and his life always in danger from there beasts, Mr. Smith, by liberal dona tions of rum and the gift of a barbecued ox, was permitted to witness the acme of Haytian bestially, the infamous voodoo dance. “About sundown,”Jm.. said to a Old* reporter, “about fifty men and twice re many women gatherer s tittle dear lag in,tbe fere* acre the plantation-house tMlity created by the famous Emperor Soulooqoe, whore friendship was suffici ent protectioo for me. Fires were started pot no hong bom > tripod aad DIM with water, Whas the quick onooet o( tbo tropica hod pooood any Ike eceoe be came weird aad apounj. the M ood non, ahead, half dmnk. ■ol moood tbotnlnaio a hofa circle, the light ablmag ao their fencioaa eyee and black, ominous silence an old hag across the dr- da darted la a chant in negro-French that had a queer yet fascinating monotone i to*. Onshyenaaad women Joined In, a couple of tom-toms beating a < throbbing undertone, .until the woods aeboad with the and diabolical musk ' •w composed on earth. The rum was i pamsd around in huge gourds, and in an 1 Mur etervene, ftom the yodag gM of 12 1 to the old man and women, was howling ' drunk. Tba aeons was sufficiently devil- • Wi at that limp, and I was about la retire •sr.-tSrsfJiiSi:: Urn cirri, with a blood-curdling yell, which n anawend deafening), bom ISO thwakam Unvote Ho vao Ih. voodoo cbM prion, udndnwd iu colored note donroted with lotthon, tad hit tec* mound with point. In out hood iSamM&WfiSlt other vat n writhing onoko. Hedtncod up to tbo boOlng pot. dnw . knife, and sssaasawr Thou njong tbo make ha did the torn*. Tbo paopte rothtd eager), forward ond *ch Unww t froth chip of wood into tbo Bgnltenn. Then began a dance that de teo daocHption. Whan a dancer orew Ithnd ho or aha dropped out, went over to the rotating pH, and, tearing off hope ehnnkaoO the meat EU a wUd animal, woohod It doom with raw ram. Aa Uie night won on the dancen grew I ramie, and began diratUng themaelrea of their ■van I, clothing anti] all van dancing aa nude aa aha. they ware bora. Sick with the apcvtaclc, I begged tba count to taka am home, and we loft about aa near to agpraoch to a acaaa from hall at it ia poa aihia to witnaaa away from hit aataaie amJtat,'a dominion!. The count told aw they held three mate whenever they tomid gat anongh mm and food, and that wham they awoke from their atopttertioa each n ha aorta went to the pot, took oat • chip, and burled it in the woods with great secrecy, the belief being that should the chip be found; the one who buried it wilt die before the year is out. The only hops farthest people, is for She United ■ ■' *<_ * - nMff JMMI fltfN. AMHthMJwlpCtpl* OKHteulljr rtpmtm vkatha nbjtct of Oiqoa )u --tfcafaupfcr discussion, runs substantial ly as follows, says the Astoria Pioneer. . Whan Multnomah county first began to ha difrhed by pioneers, and after it had Mi ini justice of the peace, n farmer named Davidson walked three miles to asewe a warrant for the arrest of hia .■aighhor named Meecham for assault and battery. To save the constable a irtx-milc trip, the defendant walked with the plain tiff. They encountered hia honor Juat leaving his boom with hia gun on his shoulder, and Davidson halted him with: “Squire, I want a warrant for this man for striking me.” “I’m in an awful hurry,” said the squire. “Come to-morrow.” , ‘.‘So'm lin a hurry, and I’m going to have a raisin’ to-morrow.” “Meecham, did yon hit him?” "Y«." , “Davidson, did you strike first?" “No.” “Meecham, had you rather work three jlayo for Davidson than go to Jaiir* “Iguem so.” “And will that satisfy yon,Davidson?” “Yaa.” “Then make tracks lor home and don’t bother me another minute I Mr son has juat come In with the news that an old bear and three cube are up the road, down ait the adge of the slashing, and I am going to have some bear meat if it up sets the supreme bench of the United States. Court stand* adjourned at pres ent.” iertb Vikina HbaiM Be tbt Capital. Among the west side newspapers favor able to locating the permanent state capi tal at North Yakima is the Puyallup Cift xen. It states that although the matter has not been discussed very extensively, nearly all agree that a change from the present location should be made. It farther saya: "Exceptin, Olympia, there eie no ee> pwanta for it among the Sound citioa, end the only dtieo atandlng a ghoet of o ehow- ■Mm to be Eliensburgh and North Yak ima, of which the latter now teems far in advance. The city is in exactor the cen ter, east and west, of the state, and is computed to be in almost the center of population. It is connected by railroads with the east and west, and is so located that other mada croeaing the Cascades will pass through it. It is surrounded by a One agricultural country and bids fair to become the principal city of central Washington.” Hrayfe’i Irerefy Mr. Thomas Mcßride, a prominent citr Iron of Oregon City, Or., brother of the secretary of state of that commonwealth and a staunch republican, said the other day to a well-known gentleman of this territory that if be resided in Washington be would vote for Hem pie for governor. Surprise being expressed, he gsve as his reason that several years ago Semple (ailed in business and took advantage of the bankrupt law then in force, receiving hie release from all his debts. Sometime after this the democratic candidate for governor received considerable money through the death of some relative in the east and immediately placed himself in communication with his former creditors and liquidated the old debts, from which bs had been fairly and honorably releas ed. “There was no other reason for this course,” said Mr. Mcßride, “than the man’s innate honesty, and I consider a man who haa integrity that deeply fixed In hia nature is a good enough man for governor of any state. I would certainly vote for him, republican though I am.” i mstiu r» MtSlwuu. Haft lea liriaa I. Egkti Srp the •r the lalpod Ko,irt Stud w the Capitol ijantm. M. D. Egbert in Tacoma Olobt: Out side of politics, which b*> become some what commonplace, the only topic that the public in general seem to consider worthy of discussion is that of tbs loca tion of tits capital ot the new state, and I find that our folks, in common with the people of the inland empire, are more favorable to North Yakima than any other location. Thi% is occasioned not only because of the intimate relations ex isting between tbs two places, but be cause of its central location, Ba present accessibility and prospect of its being yet more so by a direct road from Portland, Vancouver and Spokane Falla, which la but a matter of a year or two. Its most beautiful surroundings, and the richness of its soil all assuring s future of grest- nesa for the place, capital or no capital. If the capital should be at a central point enrely no more central point can be found, no healthier place exists, nor is there a place where there is more thrift and enterprise among it* people, than among those of this beautiful city. I have yet to meet anyone who baa been in the place for any length of time but what came away charmed by its many attrac tions, the hospitality of its citizens and tbs all prevailing air of thrift and go aheaditivenesa that meets one on every band. If fertile sol] is a requisite in this question, I pray you look at her wonder ful productions (a the way of grains, veg etables and fruits. Walla Walla cannot excel tier in the excellence of vegetables or the glory of her fruits. If surround ing> needed look to the Cascades on the south, with the great Mount Adams in wondrous majesty, with bis crown of everlasting snows high up among the fleecy clouds. Among the asany papers that coma to ms from eastern Washing ton I have yet to find one, except those at Wallula and Pasco, but that favor the city of the Yakima as the proper place (or the location of the capital. The effort to couple any desire of commission or omission of the Northern Pacific railroad Yakima on this question la wronf and harmful. The people there have nothing to do with the nursing of the oM town up to the new, and they ask lor the location of the capital tn this place solely on the merits of the city and Ibtr reputation as a people. The North ’ erii Pacific have no hand in this matter whatever, as their interests are twice as large In Ellensburgh as at North Yakima, and the writer of the article in Saturday's 1 Globe, making charges against the North ern Pacific people as interested in the es tablishment of the capital there, from im ' pure motives, is a monstrous outrage on 1 the people of the town, and a slander on the railroad, as wall. Masiojc D. Rubbst. IdTWtHad tatter Uat. The follow in* letters remain unclaimed in the poatoffice at North Yakima Wash ington, Sept. Ift, 1889. In calling lor the same pleaaa aay “advertised:” Bogg. Mian OUie Barth, Chae-2 Burgen, Oscar Bessy, Wm Bradley, B Blanburg, 0 P Cook, wm Cook. Mr Cook, Goa-2 Campbell. John Cannon, Mr Cunningham, Cbaa Caahman, D Daria, <3 A Daria. WT Fanta,TL Ferguson, 0 C Garrett. Q F Hussey. Arthur Hildreth, Mias L Hildreth, HD OordanOH-3 Kelley, Henry Laffarty, Mr Lang, James Martin, James Martin. O H Morrison. Lewis F Morton. Mrs Teasy Miller. Geo Mitchell, Jack McMillen, Mr McDaid, Edward Night vine, G H Needham. F E Nicolet, Paul Norris. Wm Phillips, John Quills, Wm Robbins, Walter Rose, Oscar Rains, Chss V Roseoorana, Ben Simmons, Jas Stewart, U S Stewart, Lery Stewart. D T Bean. C £ Scbanno, Mn EII Sinter, John Thomas, Indian Tee Jam, Indian Thorson, Edw L Ward, Mias Ross Worcester. O A Walsh, John Young, B F Young, Mn £ D SosnrDra», P. M. The Verdict ( ■>■(■•■«. W. O. Salt, druggist, Bippas, Indians, testifies: “I can recommend Electric Bitten ae the very beet nmedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took aiz bottles and was cured of rheumatism of ten yean* standing.” Abraham Han, druggist, Belleville, Ohio, affirms: “The beat Belling medicine I have ever handled In my twenty yean* experience is Electric Bitten.” Thou sand* of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitten do cars ell diseases of the liver, kidneys or blood. Only half a dollar a bottle at L. V. Janeck’a drag store. _ • Sax Fbancisco, Cal., April 2. For several weeks my wife suffered se verely with kidney affection of n very ag gravated character, which seem. J to defy all the usual remedies. 1 finally tried the Oregon Kidney Ten. The effect was-an immediate improvement, and she has now entirely recovered her health. H. Q. Pmxcx, Salesman at Cutting Co. Sold by Allen A Chapman. —Why will you go about with that list less air and pale face? Have yon no life, no ambition ? You seem to care nothing for what transpires around yon. The beauties of nature do not interest you, and you (eel that life is a burden. If you would have the vigor and elasticity of youth return, enjoy a good hearty meal, and feel like an altogether different per son, then take Dr. Henley’* Dandelion Tonic. It certainly produces remarkable results. Sold by Allen A Chapman’s. —Dandruff is probably one of the most difficult diseases of the scalp to cure, but Dotard’s Specific never fails to remove it permanently. Soreness after shaving is instantly relieved by its use. Sold by Allen A Chapman. —Catarrh cured ,health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free. Sold by C. B. BuahneH. —Why will you cough when Shiloh’s Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 rente, 60 cents and sl. For aale by C. B. Rnehnell, druggist. —For dyspepsia and liver complaint,you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Hhilofa’a Vitalizes It never fails to cure. For sale by C. B. Bushnell, drug gist. —A full line of shirts always on hand at Myron H. Ellis’. • —C. E. McEwen is now offering sad dles, bridles, harness and everything in his line at prices not to be duplicated this side of Portland. —Parties wanting coal in quantities will please give their orders in early. John Reed, agent. 32-tf. —Call and examine my samples for fall and winter clothing. I guarantee a good fit and will give you prices that defy com petition. Myron H. Elus. —All styles of Job printing at the Hxs alo office. —Go to Bartholet Bros, for your Yaki ma dairy butter. • —I buy my underwear direct from the factories, and am now offering it at prices which were never before heard of la North Yakima. Call and examine goods sad prices, and see for yourself. • Mvuox H. Elus. —Go and examine those elegant gold watches at Redfleld’s. They are daisies sad to ebsap! Remember, they are war ranted aa represented or no trade. —Every garment made by M. P»o --bach Is warranted a good fit, good work in anahlp and to give satisfaction. . • —Call on Myron H. Ell ! » and examine hia line line of winter underwear; one door aonth of opera-house. • —Go and aee the new Japanese foods just received hy M. H. Kills, successor to I. H. Dills* Co. • —All of the latest styles In cents’ fur nishings are to be found at M. H. Ellis's.* —Myron H. Ellis has the finest lias of neckwear in the city. • —M. Probach has received one of the finest lines of spring and summer goods in the city for gents’ suits. He has also secured one of the beet journeyman tailors- who makes up the garments at home, and is much more beneficial to the community than peddler tailors. • —Bartbolet Bros, will not be undersold in anything—dry goods, clothing, furnish ing goods,'‘bofita and shoes, hats and caps, crockery, groceries, and in fact everything kept in a first-class store. • —The stock of harness, saddles, dec., at C. K. McKwen’a Is the beat in the dty. and bis prices are the lowest. • —Six lota given away to people who will build. Goodwin * Pugsley. • —Six lots given nwny to people who will build. Goodwin * Pogaley. • Tacoma Oo, INCORPORATED ($100,000), Rout Aon. m Wash. Txb. fob Cklutwo Palacio A Co.’a Kby Wm Havana Cioabt TACOMA, WASH., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GROCERS, Fnprietiin tf tie Fq et CoSbe aid Spice Milk S*JSo2 l yiet Pm. aadl WanhMMi Nob. 1627 to 1541 Pacific avenue. Chappell & Cox, AGENTS FOB FRANK BROS. IMF. GO., Yakima Ave., North Yakima. AGENTS FOR FARM MACHINERY OF AIL KINDS, Wagons, Farm Hacks, Buggies, Carts, Ac., Ac. AU goods of the best class and warranted, and prices the lowest. guilty of goods considered. It rtl a a Iwr Umt*, I. Im Ikm Um Ur&H k IMr iL. Q. L. Holmes <fe Bull, 716 A 780 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W.T. FunDtoie, Camels, Drajerlss ami Httfs, WHOLESALE and RSTFAIL. Lanat StocK aid Bed Yariety Nortk of Sai Frames * When in Tacoma, call and examine, whether yon wish to porchaM or not. '•'Correspondence Solicited. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES. J. CT. ABMSTHOITQ, Corner First street pnd Yakima A venae. A complete line of all of the commodities enumerated above will be found at this stove, and a general request is sent forth to thq public to call and ezam ne the prices and quality of the Goods. •I. J. Annulron|f. Our Cir ol Elm Sloicsl COAL AWD WOOD, Is - Expected - Daily I LOOKOUT! LOW PRICES I Our Removal Sale Still Continues. The Shelving for our new store is now being placed In position and whan com* plated we will have one of the finest Hardware rooms on the Cosst. The new firm of Vlnlng Bros., so well known in Tacoma, have assumed satire control of the business and trust by square dealing and prices always tbs lowest to maintain the good will of the public, so was always shown the late firm. VIMING BROTHERS, Ruccnaon to Viola* * Bllpr. North Yokim*. Waeb. S. J. LOWE Carrie* the laifeet, tat end cheapo* Mock of >U kindl'd* Cooking and Heating Stoves, HARDWARE, Kir., which ho la prepared to <4br at remarkably low prioaa. Abo in Mock a fine liao of Tinware, Sheet Ironware, Graniteware, Guns, •Pistols and Farm Implements. Conor Yakima Atmm aid Ffaol atroot. - - - - W. T VfcAMB B. HUkOUVi 4SPf. B. «um StLarcilo-wS McDaniel, DIALERSIN ‘Wines, liquors, Imported ft Domestic Olgars. PINK BILLIARD AND POOL TABUM. Sole Agents for tie Celebrated Jeae Mam Kenturtr UMa “The Old Reliable,” Gr. W. CARY, Is still to be found “doing business st the old stand,*' on Yakima A venae, where will always be found a complete stock of • Greneral Merchandise, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. GROCERIES, Ac., of every variety. ' In connection with the stove Mrs. Cary conducts a Millinery Department, Embracing all the latest novelties in Ladies’ Wear. Yakima Ave H North Yakima* W. T. “BOARD^TRADE’ 1 SALOON AND BTT.T.TAPT) gAT.T. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Constantly cn Hand. o A. Churchill, : : : : : : : Prop. N. P. Depot, North Yakima, Wash. Ter. Wayne Field, —CITY— Meat Market, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCH ERS AND PACKERS, flpr-North Yakima. Washington Territory. M. PROBACH, (Baecssaor to B. Sigmund.] -THE LEADING pun m YAKIMA AVE., near Front BL. ALL CLOTHES GUARANTEED TO FIT. (taife mt DfiMai a Spdilh. Sold by Allen A Chapman. G.A. BAXLEY ■—THE PIONEER—*• Sewing Machine Man, la now OtMtil Agent (or the Beat Mekca of Fiam. Onau udSewiulacliies Sell Cheaper, '—xma te oit*—- BETTER TERMS *nMB any other least la the PleM. Tm Cmk, * Bite VMI M Mnn Gr. A, Bailey OREAT OVERLAND ROUTE, Northern Pacific R. R., Tl* CASCADE DIVISION. Tht ‘ttsssssa iGzssrjsr* onut maun iuvin «m— --with Berths Fits of Cost. FROM OREGON AND WASHINGTON FOINTB To the Eguztm TIA*:*ST. PAUL-;- AND MIMNKAPOUS. Ths Only TrsoseonUnonUl Lias Rualaf PALACE DINING CARS (Mssls. 75 Cents.) Fastest time evsr mads from ths Coast, over ths * RORTHERH PACIFIC R. R. Burlington. Qnlaey, ■T. LOUIS, CHICAGO, A " 4 PiUnu Sleeping ActoßDodidou Can be secured la advance. emigrant SLEEPING CASS WT" •ms&mssszr. iSS^SSKSSSS tSS’SJ'cSU? SHRIYER BROS., Flntea Gas-Rttea Hwtricim. ilggSSr &Ss&StJSSS&* MkwiTim, M«llort- fc T»MMAr«. "«l» »» MUIaUn. Um. Ofnci at »o.t» Taima. w T..1 mmmm BAHI'KL t. CAMKBOM, An Economical Fence, n b mi huh in our. •agaagaasar Fire Wood * Draylng. J&xszm sansaeaa! ClrAnlale SjajUois lor Sate. AirrtSS'ii*?"*' KnHTM *»» “■“"»7. , AS! , V»k