Newspaper Page Text
TUB MIA HBBALD. Mrial Paper if Yatiia Caitj. IMP I COL ■ Pwprirttn. to mil iromn. SIOO FKR ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. FALSEHOOD PURE AND SIMPLE. North Yakima baa much to congratu late baraatf orar in tbo remit ol the Capi tal nU. She atandaaeoood in the rao# handicapped m aha wm by the combine* effort* of her two opponent* ngainet her. Bb* made a clean, rigoroue andbonora tloo, alander and lalaebood. Her oppo noata aaot *p tbo ary that thia waa a Northern Pacific town, and that tb* com pany waa aiding oa by ita influence and money. Eran attar tb* coo teat la onr, lb* EOanaburgh JfapMrr aaaarta that Earth Yakima waa aided by tb* "infio aoca and plethoric caffara at tb* Northern Pacific.” For tba benefit of the Ergufrr and tboaa ntanwbo war* daaaitradby Ihlaery, tba ITrraU will now ataU that it la folly informed on thia paint, and that tb* Nartbarn Pacific did not, nor did any adtaaOelala, contribute a dollar loararda North Takhna’a campaign hmd, nor did tb* Northern Pacific or any of ita official! by word or action ad ranee tba canaa at thia town, or taka any Hand whatarar in the content. ELLENSBVUG'S FLOATING VOTE. The large vole at Ellenaburg, was a surpriss to a great many. Upwards of twelve hundred votes were cast ia the precinct, while the population of the town is conservatively estimated at from 9000 to 3600. If the ratio of the inhabitants to the votes was placed at lour and a half, the population of the town would figure up 5400, but this computation would be radically wrong. Eilensburg has always bssn a town of floating population ; of single men who would drop in and re main a few months and then move along. It is this class that largely maintained the 10 saloons that existed in the town, that kept up the gambling tables, the houses of prostitution and the low priced eating bouses. In July Eilensburg met with a great disaster by fire that swept away the business portion of the town, but with an energy moot commendable her people went actively at the work of building. They advertised lor masons and carpenters and on the promise of steady work and good pay these artisans flocked In there la great numbers. They left thrtr homes and families and took op their temporary abode in Eilensburg. Whan election day came around, most of these man had bean In the county 60 days and they emm ft She hmUM to which they were entitled under the law and thus swelled the vote of Eilensburg and gave it a voting prominence which its perma nent population doss not justify and which It wffl probably never reach again. WASHINGTON’B SENATORS. The public mind is now agitated over the question m to who will be the United Stole eenetore from the new state of Washington The legislature is so large ly lepublkaa, being twoAhirda in each house, that the responsibility of choice will iaO largely if not wholly on that par ty. On this aide of the mountains John B. Allan and Thomas H. Brents of Walla Walk and George Tamer and 8. C. Hyde M Spokane Fhlls are all active candidates and will each have a following, while L. 8. Hewlett, of Berth Yakima, is the only one mentioned from Central Washington and he will probably not allow his name to he need unless the supporters of the various candidates reach a dead-iock and apse to concentrate upon hiss. On the weat side, Seattle presents John C. Haines and Watson C. Squire. The members boa King county, it Is aaid, vrIB support Haines and he will go bs fosa the kgkkturowfth a solid home dele gation, but Squirm wfll be there as well and if he cannot gat the office himself he will ass all of the persuasive influence of a seen of wealth and political power to •ee that Haines la not auoeemfnl. Ta coma is the only other city on the west aide that aspires to be the home of one of Washington's first senators and ehe pre sents three likely candidates in the per sons of Allen C. Mason, Waller J. Thomp son and Gan. John W. Sprague. None of them gentlemen have aay antagon isms to speak of and either would credita bly represent this great stats in thesen ata of the Patted jfratas. TERMS Of STATE OFFICIALS. The term, of oflloe of the aocceoaful coo didotaa la the “lata onpleeeentiieee," heee aovbeoooMa matter of lotereet. Weahinglon data aot become aat ate Be ta the preddeal iteoee a proclamation ad raMUagU lets the oaloe. Thie trill be done npoa Ue rooriring from the terri torial aarratery the official report of the eote ehowlag the rallfioatloa of the coo- Olltalloa, Bad oa the Hander following the proetaeutloo the atata officer, elect win take the oath and eater npoa their daUaa. the ooaalltatloa proridee that the terma at the aapeeme jodgra eball commence aa tot aa the etata ahall haw beea ad mitted. While thaw la do aapedal pro- vWoaltla nnderatood that the terma of the ragorlm lodge. eball begin at the ■araa lima, gxeetd that they ebon not on derteke probate bneinem natil the terma ef tee probata Jodger, ehall expire by Umi taUoa oa the eaoood Monday of January, UM, bat that they ehall haw appellate and rariawlng Jarladiotloo orer the de e Moan made la probate oomt. UM ooaatitntion proridee that the drat Sale laglalatnw ehall meet oa the oth day of Nowmbar, UOO. end dad two United fiUlmeeaeCnw. Thu they may do even If the ynddrad kae not Ueued hU procU motion, bat if he hu failed to proclaim the state’s admission they can exercise no further function. The mem ben of the hooae of representatives hare been elected for bat one year, the next election to take place on the first Tuesday of October,lß9o, when their encoesaors will be elected for two years. The constitution provides that the senatorial districts shall be numbered consecutively and the senators chosen at the first election in the odd numbered dis tricts shall go oat office at the end of the first year, and the senators elected in the even numbered districts shall so out of fice at the end of the third year: There are twenty-four districts and thirty-five senators. In the odd numbered districts there are eighteen senators and in the even numbered districts seventeen. The counties of Yakima and Douglas consti tute the ninth district, and Senator elect Snow will have to step down and out after one year’s service unless he aspires le office again and is successful. Ib* atata officer*, except aoprema Judaea, will bold tbair office* <or three year*, or ontil anparaaded by Ihoae elected an tba Tnaaday next after tba fleet Mon day in Norambar, 1892. Tb* deration ol the term* ad tb* anprama judge* ia to be determined by lot, ao that two ahall hold office far three year*, two far fire year* and ana far aaren year*. Th* judge baring tb* abortaat term to atria, not boldine bia office by appointment or elec tion to fill a racancy,aball bathe chief Jaatlca, and In caae than are two Jndgaa baring In Ilk* manner tba came abort term the other judge* ahall deter mine which ol them ahall be chief Joatlca. THE VOTE A YEAR HENCE. Spokane Falla Revific: The majority in Spokane county for Yakima ae the capi tal le 680. Ita plurality over Eilensburg la the county ia 1467. Olympia received 796 votee and 62 votes were cast for other places. The strong preference for North Yakima is owing to the fact that it is the only point in Central Washington that railroads can and probably will reach from all the different directions. The proposition to place the capital at a more central point than Olympia will doubtless grow in popular favor during the coming year, and as Eilensburg is situated far up in the mountains and can only be reached by one canyon (the one now occupied by the Northern Pacific) those favoring a change will doubtless unite on North Yakima. Olympia, however, will make another strong fight to retain it, and should Ellensburc continue in the field and receive any considerable number of votes, the rest may be in favor of the west aide point If the vote a year hence should (ail to give a majority over all in favor of any one place, the vote next time will be between the two highest and thus settle the question at least by the third ballot. Until the question is finally set tled it is provided that no new state build ings shall be erected, and it is perhaps beat that no new buildings should be sncted lor a few years, even if the ques tion had been settled this time. The old wooden building at Olympia is not worth over a thousand dollars and congress has made liberal provision for state buildings, but It will take some time for this fund to be made available Spokaxb Falls Revmr: The peopled Stereos county are emphatically in favor of Yakima lor the slate capital. Oat of a total of about 830 rotas cast in that coun ty, Yakima received about 610. Ellens burg and Olympia bad workers with mon ey on the ground, bat they failed to get many of the Stevens county rotes. From Colville to Olympia the distance by pres ent roots is about 1000 miles. It is no wonder the Stevens county people would like to bring the state capital to the cen ter of the state. Stevens county, on the northern boundary, and Clarke county, on the southern boundary, each gave an overwhelming majority for Yakima, while many of the intermediate counties gave a good portion of their votes to other points. Ths Kittitas LocaHter either Ignorantly or maliciously states that ths Hbsald op posed the adoption of tba constitution. Tbs Hsbald’s proprietors were in favor of the constitution sod never by word of pen or mouth opposed its adoption. The Nestor of Northwest newspaperdom most have drunk In confusion along aboot elec tion time to make any such statement. Tacoma, at ths lata elections, led all other dike la Washington with 5824 votes, followed by Seattle with 4560, and Spokane Falk with 3148. Of the new stake, Washington cast more votes than Montana or North Dakota, and only trailed about ton thousand behind South Dakota which waa allowed two coogrees- Tns Olympic*, which plsyed such s prominent put In ths capital contest and which, loaded down with misleading and false statements, was circulated by the tans of thousands throughout the entire territory, has suspended publication. Tnsns seems to have been s halt or dered In the removal of Captain Thomas Priestley as agent of the Yakima Indians, until the pulse of the people of Yakima could be ascertained. Au. hooor to Clarke, Klickitat, Stewoa and Spokane oooaliw. Thar etood by North Yakima nobly. A nlaa-foot win of tin ow, aaeaylog • per coot tin, bar bean dlocorerad near the Caecade broach of the Northern Pa cific railroad, neat oftheenmmit of the Caoeadee. The character of ttao win la black oxide of dllcatw. It le loond la large quantity and la told la bo equal to Iba beat Connell grade of Un on. The gubernatorial coo teat la Weal Vlt glnu, which baa been pending dace the bat general eladioo, la atill unaettled and the old gnramor dill bdda the teat. North and Booth Dakota bath went re publican and Montana democratic at the recent election. —Mrs. Jeriey is the boa. AttemQhe eotortelnmect Toeedey evening. i Cessly Sch—l rssS AfyettUs—st, \ . Amount reported by 00. Treasurer for quarter ending Dec. SO $836.00 Amount apportioned 827.77 1 Amount per capita 61 ~"~gateul ttstrictNo. 1 42)526.6$ District No. 8 128 78.08 District No. 3 68 86J8 District No. 4 47 28.67 District No. 6 24 14.64 District No. 6 41 26.01 District No. 7 SSI 201.91 District No. 8 66 82.66 District No. 9 44 26.84 District No. 10 77 46.97 80 18.80 District No. 18 28 14.08 District No. 18 20112.20 District No. 14 28 17.06 District No. 16 64 89.04 District No. 16 46: 28.06 District No. 17 38 28.18 District No. 18 20 12.20 District No. 19 86 16.86 District No. 20 40 24.40 District No. 21 21 12.81 District No. 22 24 14.64 District No. 23 27 16.47 District No. 24 1» 7.82 District No. 25 W 18.42 District No. 2b. 88 23.18 District No. 27 22) 19.62 887.77 7.28 826.00 Hilda Emodahl, County School Superintendent. Nr Sale. Two good horses. Call on or address D. E. Wood well, North Yakima. -Mr. Vining and Mrs. Pugsley make a very interesting couple os Mr. and Mrs. Baffin, in Mrs. Jariey’s Wax Figures, Tuesday evening. MASON’S OPfiBA HOUSE. One Night Only! SATURDAY,(XT. 12 IjCw Johnaon'a Block lobr lor Wrote! Greater nttw than ever. Nothing ever like then. CenMlUailra af Black Man. 20 Renowned Artists 1 I minding the world famed BIG BUCK BABY BOY QUARTETTE! Introducing Negro Melodic*. Uannl-a Plantation Bpaelaltlro Unaurjxutfd in Ike Minttrel Aril saw xiv sew saw saw Falls! lule! Souls! Join! Specialties! «F“ Don't tall to roe the Grand Strait Parade. In Brilliant Uniform, headed by the WsrM i finsMst hs Ifjer. I. Sim! POfIJI.AS Reamed Seats for aala at Allen PBICBS 4 chapman'! Drag store. M. PHOBACH, [Sncceroor to B. Slgmand,] —THE LEADING mm TAILOR. YAKIMA AVI., near Front St. Domeetle and Imparted Goods made npla the lataat aty tee and at reasonable prleea. ALL CLOTHES GUARANTEED TO FIT. Cldiiig uf Ifftiriif t SpMkttf. fed, mßum i ce, proprietors op ths City Market, Are sow prepared to deliver meets to ell parte of the city Without Extra Charge. And win aoliclt orders dally. Al ltok rtnUkm. u4 d U—i PHwt. r. S. Un Orncs AT Hosts Tests a, w. T.,l October is, lam. | /TOMPLAIHT having baas entered at this of- V j tire by «»eoffe Pine of Proeeer.W. T.. against Alvah Churchill for failure to ooatuly with the L w as to Timber CaHara KiMlo. SaO,dated December I*. um, upoa the MW& of aaetlou a, twp. 10, ranse aft K. la Yakima eoanty. Wash. Ter., with a view to the ranoellatioa of mid an- S; contestant aliasing that said Churchill has tad to break or ceased to be broken Are acres derliM the flnt rear or at aay time since, aad that he has totally abaadoaad the aamr—the Mid parties are hereby eammooed to appear at this once on the Utk day of Horaaberlsm. at 10 o’clock a. m.. to respond aad famish testi mony concern inf said abased failure. old nit IS AM. EEPTI. Basister. mike it jnunuißß. sasssra;. s&t JBRXA toS SiSS&SSSSS ?SS the question as to whether the Capital Sleek of the mid company shall be IncreasS tram IMOO Dated October 4,1*0. W T iUHCB RT fml4 “ t ’i mmrn. JOSEPH S&PHRHSOW, 1 Cbas. L. Paso. Secretary. oclO-Ot Notice to Creditors. ■VTOTICE Is hereby ylra the! ell person! her XN l at cleisu eceloat the estate of George W. white, deceased. to present the some to the nn dcnimwd administrator for allowance, with the fwoper roar hen, at my residence on Cowychce Creek. Tektme Washington Territory, within one rear from the date of this notice, or the earn# will be forever barred. Dated this <7 iSsT”* 0 * Taken Up—Estray. rpwo WORK HOMES, both dapple-fray, oae X braaded Con right shonlder. other blotch bread .ea right lhl*h; water at my place, debt miles from Piaster. Owner can hare same by mwiw ew-v - W.a fm—r. Worn.. orteew aa. um oetaet Taken Up—Estray. fiffkS-'W geteheae, Orb *. lav. octOH Official Hectin Betinu fin Yaliia Gouty, f aUiijloi iiNiiff I ssi. ■ f IB jHKT.IIi.*!!” ? i S * » S * * n 55 «»i 6 & e w n4w wSt' 7- t » » • • t s » « n • m ft ft a 9 m 59 f i * ft a u is 40 u » 7 787 l r nuo Reed- *, » » ft » 9 9 9 9 84 7«7 ft ft ft 9 84 57ft Tl mam 7: 1 9 • 8 ft 48 40 IS 19 6 360 4 17 S3 *B6 lister. « i a * i > a s a m 7an » ft • 9 84 575 » • ft 4ft 4ft 17 7ft ft 91 . • 17 SI 4M Atty-OimU Joom 1 « » • ft 9 77 9 ftl 87 7 ft# ft 4 ft u Bft 618 BU*S. P&. Infc- 7 | * " * • »*4« »II •79 . 1 ft 22 81 ft 47 jß&jii''*’’*' *lSii M * « Sir SIS 4 * •17 »MO Me;;:::;:::: ??SJ! , ISSSSSd‘ , !SSS Askar ft ft 9 I. ft I ff H 41 ft >MI 4 & ft ft 14 m Wkita tinl aft 4ft 9atas a xsj 11 n b«i Mlaa tl » » • 4 18 27 77 81 86 7 » ft * 7 ft ftw Hbarptlclu.. 7 in ft • 7 41 4ft Ift 1» ft M 7 • U N 4K Hem, a ft 9 • ft n >7 si n n 77715 ft • i» n 54s Juno.. 7 19 ft ft t 41 ft 11 ft ft Ml • 17 » 482 Astras. 7 7 aft ftl ft 9 77 9 87 »4 890 6 & * Ift S4 577 Kcstu. 7 sn ft • N 4ft > a u mi i » 4 u as tss ■nn i an • »nnn»*i mJ t » t»«46« Qasaki .. 7 in it • ft a « 17 ft 4mi • n » m JftS 7 • » 7 I ft 47 ft 41 N ftftJft ft • Ift 949 (Ht 1 ft 7B • ft SO 7ft 77 9 IS 4 770 5 ft ? ft SMU CTeSas. T *~ 1 ft » 4, ft 7ft 77 » SO 74 7 778 l 5 ft 7 ft Si 1(4 taspslra. 7 I 77 fl ft • 47 as » as • tbs ... • s is n sot fttwknk a • n • • n n r fti » 2 sis & ft 099401 tskalaaa 7 19 6 9 7 18 9 9 9 11 Sift 4 18 S4 542 for CosatltaUos— S 4 501 8 15 » 81 41 58 47 IS 474 5 . 7 81 87 845 AfStel “ ... 4 7 ft 1 41ft ft 1 7 Sftj... ft S 414 115 VorMaaa 418 4 7 6lft7l7llftflßflft4 71ft9864 Afalsat “ ft 4 84 a 4 77 18 4ft SI 82 I«& 1 4 18 74 546 for Prokibltloa sftft»ft9999 7 Ml2Sßlo|alßß7 Aasisn - a ft 4i 4 4 m 9 a a 9 •aw . 2 499580 Noatfe Taklsa. . 7 lJ ftl 5 17 U 9 9 54 58 18 541 5 ft 15 M 44 1045 FAWCETT BROS, DEALERS IK Farm Machinery & Vehicles, Sole Agents tor Ui« Celebrated MORRISON AND HEADLIGHT WALKING, SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, DICKS FAMOUS FEED-CUTTERS. BADGER STATE FANNING MILLS, VICTOR HAY PRESS (Victor mm prtu from M to It Urns per day), VICTOR HAY, STOCK AND WAREHOUSE SCALES, ■ ■ -:o: -■ AH* THE CBLBHHATKD Moline and Weber Wagons. eg They have Just received • ear toad o I the liaou and popular WEBER WAGONS, And would reaper* fully request all portlaa Intending to parehaae wagons to can at thslr place of bwlneaa and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. They call espeslal attention thslr large and flne stock of Binm Camaies, Half-Platfen aid Mountain Sprint Waps. They are the only dealers la Takissa County who handle goods direct lien the Factory. wSZJSL, Corner of Front A A Street,kijUnMu,. Perhaps You Are Thinking Over what to buy for a Kon to Uey jroimll and baby want dmrinc the winter which la aheutupouue. DON’T THINK US IMPUDENT If wa ten yoa that we believe We Know Just What If on Want! It it la eoaMthlnc elegant In the way of a Parlor Heater, try one of thoee LUNAR JEWELS (Opan Grata), FIRESIDE JEWELS (Opan Grata), PLANET JEWELS (Opaa Grata), VISTA JEWELS (Round), OAK JEWELS (Rooad), JEWEL OAK (Round). LITTLE DUKE (Round). STARLING (Round), VALLEY OAK (Round), PACIFIC (Opan Grata), SOCIAL JEWEL (Opan Grata) MODEL JEWEL (Opan Grata), Aa4 twenty other dlflhrent styles which can’t help to prove a Jewel la yonr bonce, aa they will bant either ooal or wood. Wa have other atyiae In my cheap open (rate Htovee, each ee FEDORA, WASHINGTON, CHEERFUL. FIRESIDE, And nay other patterns of Bound Coal Heaters, with or without Drums. Box Stoves Cheaper Than Ever Heard of I Hardware ! pf A ~R.DW A ~R~R Hardware ! I»wer than the I»we«t. BROTHERS, VMIII4I BUCK (Nnl W H«MI Ytklat), ... TAKIXIA ATBMCB. G. A. BAILEY -—THI PIONKSR —■ Sewing Machine Man, la new General Afent tar the Bert Makes of Piaios, Orians aid Seiiiilickiies Sell Cheaper, --—And in Qlrv—- BETTER TERMS Than say sUmt Agael la the VlaM. Tn Cato. «r Mb VMh M Wnn Bailey with ■entlald* raklaa Are. BHWt UM, nul PrMt. U. 8. Laud Orrcs, Norm Yakima. W. T. September 80,1880. Notice la here given that Galosh* S. Bailey, of North Yakima, W. T., baa AM notice of intention to make proof on hia deaert-land claim No. 170, for the W* BW* aec. 10, twp. 14, N R 17 E, before regiater and receiver U. 8. land office at North Yakima. W. T., on the 9th day of November, 1880. He names the following witnesses to to prove the complete irrigation and re clamation of said? Wm. Lewis. Peter Birmingham. John Lasweil, J. W. Bailey, all of North Yakima, W. R. IRA If. KRUTZ. Register. PCotloe. coaMtaetM at tha oM atul oa Vakha* ithm bT W. H. Vising, who will rontlane to rtrn nn WplMt J. A. BILOBB. fir Hi Dm fin Dgil FOR CASH ONLY! Dress Goods. AT COST. AT COST. BARTHOLEI - BROS. Opera House Bloolc. HOW ABOUT YAKIMA? Listen to the Story as it is Told by Careful Observers from Abroad. (San Francisco Examiner.) The new State Capital will probably be at North Yakima. (Spokane Falls Review.) The lieat and moat extensive agricultural region in the Yakima Land District, and in the Territory, lies about the City of North Yakima and is known as the Yakima Valley. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer.) To-day. where four years ago were uncultivated prairies, the home of great herds of unrestrained wild cattle and vicious bands of caynse ponies who knew no halter, now stands the City of North Yakima, the Queen of Eastern Washington. (Northwest Mageuine.) The knot of valleys which meet at the new town of North Yakima seems a bit of Southern California here in the north. Public opinion in all parts of Washing* ton has settled upon this (dace as the Capital of the new Mate. (Portland Oregonian.) There is no just reason why this city and county, when they shall have reached their maximum in population, should not have in the city from 15,000 to 25,000, and the county 40,000 to 50,000. Neither is there any food reason why they should not he eventually among the very wealthiest towns and counties in Washington Territory. All the material elements that go to make a big and prosperous city are here. The total taxation of the county is only 18>tf mills which includes the total tax. territorial added. There is not a pauper in the county. The taxation is heralded to the world as the lowest known from and including Minnesota to and including California. If there is another county in a new country that can show as low a taxation the public would like to know it. (Tacoma Ledger.) Th« valley in which the city c I Noth Yakima la aituated In the center of a ■erica of very fertile rollon which open into it and have grown lamona tor their product.. With a aplendld agricultural country anmmadlaf it and the peculiar advantagea of ita location for railroad approacbea North Yakima cannot but figure In the future brilliantly. (Spokane Falls Review.) Although leas than forty miles apart the difference in climate between Yakima in Yakima county and Kllensburgh in Kittitas county is almost as great as that l**tween a northern and southern latitude. The valley aurronnding Kllensburgh is excellent for producing grain, while in the valleya near Yakima the farmers are devoting more attention to fruits, vegetables, hops, tobacco and similar crops, which can only be grown In a warm climate. Interview with Judge J. R. Lewis on his return from attending the Mechanics Fair in California, Published in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. It was a great exhibition of the wealth of California, but I found no better specimens of vegetables and many varieties of fruit than Washington Territory pro duces. I can go over into the Yakima country and in two days collect finer pro ducts In those lines than I saw in California. The Yakima peaches are of better qualitv and flavor than any raised in California, the apples are aoperior and the prunes are away ahead of anything I ever saw. Then, too, they raise finer melons, squashes and all kinds of vegetables In the Yakima country than any produced In California. Mac Lean, Reed & Co., Bill Em, initt tarn, Have listed with them desirable land of all klnda inclodinf (anna, garden tract*, orchard land*, reeidenoe Ad hnaineaa loU. White the opportunity is presented— white the lamp ettli holds oot to born—the wise will take advantage of the low prices which still prevail and invent in Yakima property. Mm. M i Gl, Null Tlkln, Viiuloi.