Newspaper Page Text
THE YAIHA HERALD. Official Pamir of Yatiaa Crcity. HEED f COE, . . ■ . . frcprieton. IWM HYEBT THUlllAt. $2.00 PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. JUwfeof laid Afffeatiea. E. M. Rbbd, Editor and Buaineea Manager. LET'S HAVE A REPORT. The odorous muddle over the disposi tion of the goods and funds sent to Spo kane Falk for the relief of the sufferer* from the great Are still drags along in the courts. The relief committees in the vari ous places to which relief has been eaot should publish a report of the disposition of the funds ao generously and heartily given by a sympathetic public. They are entitled to this consideration aa many of the subscriber* to the various relief foods cramped themselves that they might assist in alleviating distress, and it certainly should not be asking too much, in view of existing reports, that they are assured that their subscriptions were ap plied to the purposes for which they were made. The Spokane affair was a disgrace, and now it is stated that much of the money sent to EUensborgh for the relief of suffer ers was applied to the improvement of the streeta, the clearing of private lots, and tha purchase of a fire engine, and that Ellensborgh’s donation to Spokane, which waa vigorously heralded through the newspaper*, came from this fond. H the statement k without foundation EUensborgh owes it to herself to make the denial and no denial would be so satisfactory to the friends ol the town as a detailed report of the disbursement of the relief fund*. SUBSTANTIAL REASONS. From the "Note Book" of the North weet Magazine for October: If I had the power to select a capital far the new state of Washington I think I should not hesi tate to name the town of North Yakima. My raasoos for the choice would be many. First, the location of the place near the geographical center of the state and near tha cantor of population and its situation on the great trank line railroad which traverses the state lor almost its entire length from east to west would be an im portant consideration. Then the new Vancouver and Yakima railroad, now bnilding, which will open a direct route to all points on the Lower Colombia, would have weight. Afterwards, the pleasant, shady town itself would be at tractive, with Hb Abundance of water rip pling in clear streams beside the roadway of every street and helping the warm sun shine and the prolific soil to make beauti ful lawns and gardens and to grow in aliundance all the good things which the earth yields. And finally I should not forget the intelligent and enterprising people who in four years time have trans formed the desert into a garden, and who are ready to co-operate in all liberal ways to enlarge their handsome town of 3000 inhabitants into one of the most delight ful capital cities in the weet. Tnt Seattle Preu MMrti unequivocally that the King county delegation to the legislature ia nnanimonaly for Wataon C. Squire lor United Statea aenator. This delegation waa named by John C. Hainea and it haa been generally supposed that ita strength would be for Haines in the senatorial contest, but present indications do aot carry out this assumption. A re publican of Seattle who is well informed on the politics of King county informs the writer that Haines did not display his usual political shrewdness in the make-up of the legislative ticket and that instead of choosing those whom be could rely upon he made his selections from among those who were personally friendly, but who were aot bound to him by any ties that would control their votes. Tns Olympia strikers at the late elec tion howled long and vociferously against North Yakima, claiming that it was a Northern Pacific town, and that that cor poration waa throwing vast sums of mousy into the contest. They evidently made these false statements to blind the people to the fact that the O. R. A. N. company wm spending money lavishly to retain the capital at ita present loca tion. The O. R. AN. have two steamers running to that point, and they could well afford to use the big corruption fund they did rather than have the capital removed to central Washington. The Northern Pacific did not ass a dollar to advance the interests of North Yakima. Hon, piper bee anted end a Dumber of other, bare copied the ■Utetoeot that U the vote* of North Teklme end Yeklme were counted aepereteljr KHaosborgh would bare eacond place in the cartel race. For the benellt of theae the Henna win any that the votea for Yakima are counted for Yeklme and the votea for North Yakima are reacted for North Yeklme end that North Yeklme is eccend ia the reel end Elleneborgh la last. Kl lenabnrgh should withdraw and allow the race to be ran b, the two leaden. It ie positively stated that Nick Owing* la actually and actively a candidate for a aaat la the United Htatea senate. Thla haa been a year ol fearful calamities over which the people have displayed much fortitude, bat this would be too much. His election woald be a calamity of greater , magnitude than they could bear and they would cry aloud to providence to put them out of their misery. Tnna will be only one democrat in the Washington stale senate and the proba bilities are be will be ao lonely that it will be a lasting regret with him that be waa The funeral directors held a convention and indulged hi n banquet at Portland Inst weak. It was a stiff affair. The trotting mare Fantasia, owned by Colonel Brawahaw, of Montana, has been sold for |6OOO to Walla Walla parties. C. A. Saunder’t flooring mill, near El lenaburgh, waa destroyed by fire October 14th. The losa waa $S0,000; Insurance 112,000. _ John Vegar la wanted at Spokane Falla. He outraged his daughter sometime ago. using force, and this week the girl gave birth to a still-born Infant. J. M. Adams has retired from the edi torial chair of the Spokane Falls Renew. He has been very successful in building up the paper and has made it a power in the state. . John L. Bi - luvan k said to have squan dered the $20,000 he gained by hls victory over Kilrain, to be $16,000 in debt and to be depender 1 on bis friends for tbs means of securing even his morning cocktail. The Sett le Port-Intelligencer calls upon the republicans elected to the kgkktnre from King county to give their united rapport to W. C. Squire in bk candidacy for a seat in the senate. It rays King county baa no other aepirant. The three year old stallion Axtol k now ■aid to be the fastest trotting bone in the world. He was sent at Tkne Haute, In diana, on the 11th lost, to beat the three year old record of 2:13*, made by the California filly Sonoi. and he did it with out a wabble or fake stroke In 2:12. After the wonderful performance Colonel Cooky, of Chicago, porchaaed the colt for a syndicate, paying slo* .000, the high est price ever paid for a LcrA of any de scription. Astlker Batch wff Patents, Patents are at the U. 8. land office for the following persons, who may have them mailed to their address upon sur render of their final receipt, and in case of toes thereof by making proper affidavit as to such loss, giving the number and date of entry. Where the land baa been conveyed the party owning the same, if unable to produce the final receipt, affidavit as to such conveyance and that they are unable to surrender the final receipt will suffice: John Chisholm, oeqrssc 12, tp 8, north of range 26 east. Anton C. Larsen, ne qr sec 10, tp 8, north of range 26 east. Thomas G. McGlothen, *w qr sec 2, tp 14, north of range 18 east. Thomas L. Gamble, ae qr see 26, tp 20, north of range 16 east. Thomas N. Ogle, lots 2,3,4, sec 18, tp 18, north of range 19 east. Felix W. Bbaser, e hf sw qr, nw qr se qr, sw qr ue qr of sec 16, tp 22, north of range 20 east. William Gemmill, ne qr gee 24, tp 20, north of range 30 east. Donald Urquhart, se qr ae qr sec 12 and e bf ne qr sec IS, tp 22, north of range 30 east. Robert B. Roberts, n hf ne qr sec 20, tp 27, north of range 30 east. Tilley Sanford, sw qr sec 16, tp 27, north of range 30 east. Israel Sanford, nw qr sec 14, tp 27, north of range 30 east. William Y. William*, • hf ne qr and lots 1 and 2, sec 1, tp 26, north of range 20 east. George C. Wilson, ■ hi ee qr sec 8, and a hf ew qr sec 9, tp 29. north of range 80 east. laliu Tekct* ui Hagar. Spokane Fall Revitu. It ia something worthy of remark that such an important industry aa that ol tobacco raising and ci gar making is springing np in this state. The owners ol the cigar works at North Yakima amort that although they are taming oat native cigars ia Urge qunities they are really unable to keep op with the demand. Their cigars are pronounced equal to the best imported brands, and they appear to have thus practically and fully demonstrated that this may be made one of the Important indnstaiea of this state in the near futnre. In the same locality where this tobacco Is grown an experiment is to be made in raising the material and producing sugar. Analysis of the soil and climatic properties is said to have almost settled la advance the prac ticability of this industry also. The amount of sugar shipped from abroad an nually ia enormous, and if this state can produce even a small part of the quantity needed it will contribute to the wealth of the nation as well os to ita own. —Abs Wright, who killed Al. Lewis, both colored, at Roslyn, some time *o. wm convicted last week, at EDenshurgh, of murder in the second degree and sen tenced to fourteen years in the peniten ts , , Fire Wm4 far Unis* I have now for sale 400 cord, of well - seasoned wood, which I wiU deliver on abort notice. Terms cash. 017-31 A. H. Ranraus. •BBIWSWCW We. I we. Ibm, W. T., and lo maintain sad operate ‘sxsrsx Mjs TheClty of North Yakimadom ordain aefollowe: ssrnos ‘That‘hero be and la hereby grant ed unto J. D. Mclntyre, hie eweemeorn or aa elgne. the right, privilege and authority to k>- g.jmts gruapc&^grßßga Inhabitants 0 ** U * ht * *° v»‘y and lu f .That mid poke ehall not he tarn than thirty feet tong, and when erected near a afreet Mjewelkthey ehall be placed next to eald mid ta.len ehall be aecnroly placed la the ground at each depths aa to render them aale and free Iron all danger of careening or jMgmaaag.e’giai assira'Mrjss Hxr. «. The mid wtiea ehall be InanUted and rarofnlly connected and faatened » m not lo come ia coots* qfA.ssy. object through which a "ground" could be formed, and ehall be not to Interfere with the free and ■uuhetnictcd see of mid etneta and alleys Mr. 4. That whenever It ehall be n firman In the erection of eald w.lca to take np any portion of the sidewalk, or dlgnp tkc ground la ornear the aide* or eorSSrt of Mid atreeta or alloy, then the Midi. D. Mclntyre, hie rarcreaora or ■*• •Inns, shall after said poles are erected, without delay, replace said sidewalks and properly refit the stringer* and planks thereol In a neat. workaaaaQke manner, and remora from said strseta, sidewalks or allays all rubbish and the dirt or other material which may have been placed than, or taken up, or doc up in the erec tion or construction of said poles, and shall pat such sidewalks, streets or alleys In aa good con dition m they were before tahen up or disturbed. Bac. ft. That whenever any person has ob tained permission to use any of the streets of the city for the purpose of removing any build ing. the said J. D. Mclntyre, his saeeeaaora or assigns, upon forty-olght hours' notice from such parson, shall raise o j remove any of said wires which assy obstruct the removal of said building, ao as to allow the tree and unobstruct ed peonage of same: such notice shall be in writing and served by any person competent to ba a witness la a civil action upon Mid J. D. Mclntyre, his successors or assigns, or his repre scutatlves or agents, and In case of bis or their refusal or fallars to comply with such notice, the street commissioner shall raise or remove such wins at the expense of said J. D. Mclntyre, hls successors or assigns, tor the purposes alore said. BSC. ft. That all th« privileges herein confer ferred upon and granted to sold J. D. Mcln tyre, hb encceeeon or eeelgns, shall continue for twenty-five yean from the time this ordinance goes into effect. Sac. 7. That the Mid J. D. Mclntyre, hie aae ceeeonor omlgns, contract and covenant hereby to Indemnify the City of North Yakima for any Injury orbing from any casualty or accident to safe condition, and for all valid claims against •aid city for damages caused by said wires or electric currants conducted thereby. SBC. ft. That the said J. D. Mclntyre, hb suc cessors or assigns, shall within ten days from the adoption ol this ordinance fib with the city clerk theft acceptance of the franchise herein mated end subject to the conditions heroin: It Mag expressly medersMed that mid J. D. Me latyroThb enccsesors or assigns, shall erect, construct and folly complete aU the works necessary for a full and com pbM service of said electric light, ao mto he in thorough running order and fully prepared la furnish and mU electric lights In MUdClty of Worth Yakima by the -*th day of t ThemMJ. D. Mclntyre, hb socccs sore or aetigns, shall erect, equip and maintain, at placet hereafter designated by the city conn rll of said cltv, at beat seven lighting the streets, public buildings and public grounds of Mid cUy: and the rnTd J. D. Mclntyre, hb see erase re or arnbas. shall from time to time, when required by the city council of said city, furnbh. eqalp and maintain at such placet as may he dmtgnrlii by said city council, any numbers! Arc or Incandescent lights which the ■aid eftt max require for lighting the streets, pobUs ioljdlegi or public grounds thereof. ■sc. Mi The sold City of North Yakima agrees to pay to the mid J. D. Mclntyre, hb successors or ambus, during the continuance of the fran chise hereby granted, the following sums of money: The cum of 1144 per annum for each Are light, and 134 per annum tor each Incandes cent Ugh! reqaftedTor which may hereafter he required, under the provisions of this ordi nance. The lights hereby provided for shall be of like power and capacity as thorn now In op eration la the city of Tacoma. Hoc. IL l: b hereby made the duty of the city council of said city, during the continuance of thb ordinance, to levy annual taxes, under the provisions of the charter of said city, author ising the bvying of taxes for general purposes andlor the purpose of lighting the streets of ■aid city, anOcbnt la amount to provide funds to meet the requlremenb ol thb ordinance. The •nt warrant shall be drawn and delivered under thb aoettoo on the fine day of the month after the work hereby contemplated has been la act ive operation for one entire month and have bean accepted by the city council of said city, which warrant eball be for amounts which are In the same proportion to the amount of uie yearly appropriation as the time the works have been In» potation bto one year. Thereafter on the first day on each and every succeeding month during the continuance of this ordinance warrants lor ona-twelfth of the yearly appropri ation shall be drawn and delivered to the said J. D. Mclntyre, hb succeeeors or assigns. Ssc. U. Thb Ordinance ahull be in force from and after lb publication. Famed the council Oct 7, UH*. OSCAR A. FKCHTER, Approved, Oct 14. UN; City Cbrfc. FRED K. HEED. Mayor. •RMNIIICK Na. lOtt. An Ordinance granting to the Sunset Telephone and Telegraph Company the right privilege and franchise for erecting poles and wires upon the streets, albya and highways of the City of North Yakima, and to maintain and operate the same for telephone purposes. The City ol North Yakima does ordain as follows: SgcTion L That there be and b hereby grant ed unto the Hnneet Telephone and Telegraph Co mpany the right, privilege and authority to locate, place, maintain and nee in the streets, alleys and highways within the city of North Yakima polea with necessary rroasarma. and thereon to fasten and maintain wires, and to stretch aatd wires through said streets, alleys and highways for the purpose of uaing the same (or telephone *srr- That said polea when erected near a street having a sidewalk shall be placed next to and Just outside the walk: Mid poles shall be securely placed In the ground at such depth as to render them safe and free from all danger of careening or falling, and tneb poles shall be placed under the direction of the committee on public improvements and so as not to Interfere with lampposts or other objects lawfully exist |m in the street. dec. S. That the said wires shall be Insulated and carefully connected and fastened so as not to come In contort with any object through which “ground" could be formed, and shall Tie stretched so as not to interfere with the free and unobstructed use of said streets, alleys and high ways use.4. That whenever It shall become neces sary In the erection and maintaining of said Sea to taka up any portion ol the sidewalk or np the ground in or near the sides or corners oi said streets or alleys, then the said Bnnnet Telephone and Telegraph Company or its as signs shall, after said pules are erected, without delay replace said sidewalks, and remove from saM streets, alleys and highways all rnbblsb, dirt or other material which may have been pieced there or taken np or dug up in the erec tion or construction of said poles, and shall put all sueh sidewalks, streets. Talleys and high ways In as good condition as they were before the said poles ware placed. Use. &. That whenever any person has ob tained permissions to use any ol the streets of the city for the purpose of moving any building the seM Unnset Telephone and Telegraph com paay or their assigns, upon forty-eight hours' notice from such person, shell raise or remove eay of said wires which may obstruct the re moval of said building so as to allow the free and unobstructed passage of the seme. Much notice shall be In writing, and served by any person competent to be e witness In a civil ac tion upon the president, secretary ar local agent or representative of the said Mu uset Telephone and Telegraph Company, or nnou the assignee e< the said company: and In cast the ealdlun set Telephone and Telegraph Company, or Its assigns, shall refnss or tall to raise or remove said wires upon service of such notice, the itreet commissioner shall remove each wires at the ex pense of said Munset Telephone and Telegraph Company or Its assigns for the purposes afore said. Sac S. That all the privileges herein confer red upon and granted to sold Muusvt Telephone and Telegraph Company and lu assigns shall coo tin ne foe twenty-live years from the Unis this Ordinance goes Into effect. lac. 7. That the said Muoset Telephone and Telegraph Company or ita assigns hereby con tract and covenant to Indemnify the sold city of It orth Taklata lor any In jury arising from any casualty or accident to person or property by meson of eay neglect or omission to keep the said poles and wires in a sale condition, and (or all valid claims against the said city for dam ages caused by said wires or poles. Sac. «. That the said City of North Yakima reserves the right to attach an electric fire alarm | to the poles elected by the said Sunset Telephone and Minsk Compear, SBC t. That said poles and wire# shall he so erected and maintained that they will In no mnaoer. at the present time or hereafter. Injure or Interfere with the growth of any shade or or nameutal tree erected on the streets or highways In saM city of North Yakima. Me k this ordliu « shall Uks effect from add after lu passage e publication. Passed the Connell (X.. S, IMS. O. A. HECHTER, City Clerk. Approved Oct. 14. ISM. P. R. REED, Mayor. mwihaficb Fl*, no. An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No. MM. cn titled: “An Ordinance requiring saloons end "all places where melt end spirituous liquors “are sold to close at midnight and remain “closed until» o'clock a. m." TheCtty of North Yakima decs ordain as follows Merton 1. That Ordinance number let, en titled. “An Ordinance requiring.saloons end ell pieces where melt and spirt tubes liquors are sold to elans at midnight and remain. clN*-d aatilft o’clock a. m.." he end the same Isberrby Bsc. 1 This Ordinance shall take effect from and after Ita passsge. Passed the Council Oct 14, ME OSCAR A. PIOHTXR, Apt roved Oct 14. IMP; City Clerk. NEED K. REED. Mayor. Bmevt Lead, l ima I Prssl. Lira Omen at Suits Vasins, W T.,1 October U. IMP. I NOTICE Is hereby given that Carlos Z. Cheney, of Moses, Yakima County,W.T., haa filed notice of his Intention to make proof on his desert laud claim No. 147. for the El* EH see. 4, twp. U.NRBEW. M., before register and receiver V. «. lend odlcs at North Yakima. W. T . on Thursday, the Utb day of December,; taw. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete Inegetion and reclam ariew of said land; A 1 Perclval and Berry KUwyen. of North Yakima. W. T.. Jasper Price and John Price, of Mosee, W. T. oeft-uU IRA M. KRVTZ. Register mil, IDIBII i CO.. FEOPRUTORB OF THE City Market, Are now prepared to deliver meats to all parts of the city Without Extra Charge. And will adieu onto, dally. HI Mi finMlui, ul at Lnrat him. Nt. PHOBACH, [Successor to B. Sigmund,] -THE LEADING— mm m YAKIMA AYE., near Front Bt. Domestic and Imported Goods made up In the latest styles and at reasonable prices. ALL CLOTHES GUARANTEED TO FIT. Chute u4 bpiriag t VtuKi. G. A. BAILEY —THE PIONEER—*- Sewing Machine Man, Is now General Agent for the Best Makes of Piaios, Onans and Sevins Hackines I get my Goods direct from the different Man ufacturing Establishments, so 1 sm enabled to Sell Cheaper, —And to Give— BETTER TEEMS Thau any other Agent in the Field. Tens Cask, «r Ifiles With M Earners. Gr, A. Bailey _ with Redfleld, laklma Arc. Taken Up—Estray. rpwo WORK HORSES, both dapple-gray, one X branded Con right shoulder, other blotch brand on right thigh; water at my place, eight miles from Prosser. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. J. ULRICH SCUABR. Prosser. Wash., October sth, IMNS. oclo-M Notice to Creditors. XJOTICK !• hereby given that all persons nar ipg claims against the estate of George W. White, deceased, to present the same to the nn dersigned administrator for allowance, with the proper vouchers, at my residence on Cowyrhee Creek, Yeklma County, Washington Territory, within one year from the date of this notice, or the same wIU be forever barred* A. S. WHITE, Administrator. Dated this afitb day of September, IMM. FAWCETT BROS, DEALERS IS Farm Machinery & Vehicles, Sole Agent* for the Celebrated MORRISON AND HEADLIGHT WALKING, SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, DICKS FAMOUS FEED-CUTTERS, BADGER STATE FANNING HILLS, VICTOR HAY PRESS ( Victor can prttt from 10 to U tons per day), VICTOR HAY, STOCK AND WAREHOUSE SCALES, ■■ - ■;<>: ANO THE CELEBRATES Moline and Weber Wagons. '■ '■ - :o: 1 ■" They bare J«et received a car load of the faaioaa and popular WEBER WAGONS, And would respectfully request all partiea Intending to purchase wagon* to can at their place of bnalnea* and examine them before purchasing el*ewhere. They call eapeeial attention to their large and fine atoek of Baipn, Carriaies, Half-Flatfin aid loutaii Sprint Wapns. They arc the only dealer* In Yakima County who handle good* direct fram the Factory. »Corner of Front A A Street, Perhaps You Are Thinking Over what to bay for a Stove to keep yonraelf and baby warn daring the winter which la aboat a poo aa IXXVT US IMPUDKAT If we tell yoa that we believe We Know Just What You Want! II it la something elegant la the way of a Parlor Heater, try one of tboee LUNAR JEWELS (Open Grate), FIRESIDE JEWELS (Open Grate), PLANET JEWELS (Open Grate), VISTA JEWELS (Round), OAK JEWELS (Round). JEWEL OAK (Round). LITTLE DUKE (Round). STARLING (Round),* VALLEY OAK (Round), PACIFIC (Open Grate), SOCIAL JEWEL (Open Grate) MODEL JEWEL (Open Grate), And twenty other different (tvlea which can’t help to prove a Jewel In your homes, a* they will burn either coal nr wood. We have other style* la very grate stoves, sorb aa FEDORA, WASHINGTON, CHEERFUL, FIRESIDE, And many other pattern* of Round Coal Heater*, with or wlthoar Dram*. Box Stoves Cheaper Than Ever Heard of! Hardware i HARDWARE H>rdware 1 Tjowop ttiaii tit© Tjowest. fIriRHRNBRR THE PLACE.* VINING BROTHERS, TINIMi MACK (Hit M Helel VaUM), ... TARIHA ATEKL I. Sheriff’s Sale of Beal Estate. H. F. Alton and C. B. Lewis, parti nora doing business under the> Plaintlfik. arm name of Alton A Lewie, > WB* W. H. T. Jackson, Richard Can- ] Sffl^eKiSa'ST!: L. Chamberlain, J TTNDER AND BY VIRTUE OP AN KXBCU- U Mon on (orecloenre Imned out of the Dis trict court of the Fourth Judicial Dlitrict of Waahlngton Territory holding terma at North Yakima, In and for Yakima County, the aald execution being duly attaatad on the lith day of October. IM, In the above entitled action, wherein H. P. Alton and C. U. Lewie, partner* doing bnaineaa under the arm name of Allen A Lewie, the above named plaintiff obtained a lodgment and Decree of Foreclosure agalnet W. 11. L. Jackeon, Richard Cannon, Maaon York, Oraia Cannon, Cbrtatlna Chamberlain and J. L. ( hambcrlalu, Defendants, on the 3Srd day of Auguat. I wet. which aald Judgment appear* only of record In aald court, I am commanded to aaU all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Yakima County, Washington Territory, and described aa follows, to-wit: l4>ta fourteen, fifteen and sixteen (14.1&, M) In block sixty-four (M) In the town of Prosser, Yakima County, Washington Territory, accord ing to the plat thereof now of record In the of fice of the County Auditor of said Yakima County; together with all and singular the ten ements, hereditaments and appurtinaneee there to belonging or la anywise appertaining, and If the proceeds of aald aale ahafiinot satisfy the said amount and all coats, the balance to be made out of any property of the defcndanta not exempt from execution. Notice Is hereby given that on ■uturday, the idth Day •« Not., tfifiß, between the hours of f o’clock In the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the wit: at the hour of t o’clock In the afternoon of said day. at the cast door of the Court house, In the olty of North Yaktma, m *ald Yakima County, W. T„ I wl” *^>o4tones to said Execution on Fore closure. sell the above described Real Estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's Judgment, with Interest thereon, and all costs, at nubile auction to the highest and beat bidder, for cash la gold coin of the United Btalcs of America. D. K. IJWH, Sheriff of Yakima County. W. T. Dated this Mth day of October, UN. ott-M NfiTItK~TIHBER Cl I.TI'BK. U. 8. Lamp Optics at Nobts Yakima, W. T.,f October 10, INN. ) /"COMPLAINT having been entered at this of Ace by George Finn of Prosser,W. T.< against Alvah Churchill for failure to comply with the law aa to Timber Culture Entry No. Safi, dated December la, IMS. upon the NWto of section 8, twp. IS. range aft E. la Yakima eounty. Wash. Ter., with a view to the cancellation of said en try; contestant alleging that said Churchill baa failed to break or caused to be broken five acres daring the first year or at any time since, and that he has totally abandoned the same—the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this o«ce on the lath day of November, M, at M) o'clock a. m., to respond and famish testi mony concerning said surged failure, olfi n!4 IRA M. KRUTZ, Register. Ettirt Unfit Final Freef. U. 8. Lard Opfce, North Taedia, W. T. September 30,1880. Notice is here given that Ualuaha A. Bailey, of North Yakima, W. T., ban filed notice of intention to make proof on his deaert-laod claim No. 170, for the W 1 * SW1 4 ' sec. 10. twp. 14. NRI7 E, before register and receiver U. 8. land office at North Yakima, W. T., on the 9th day of November, 1889. He names the following witnesses to to prove the complete irrigation and re clamation of said; Wm. Lewis, Peter Birmingham, John Laawell, J. W. Bailey, all of North Yakima. W. T. IRA M. KRUTZ. Register. Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given that the firm of Vlnlng A Bllger Is hereby dissolved by mutual consent from and after this date. The business of Rkrdware, stoves and tlnward will conducted at the old stand on Yakima avenue by W. H. Vlnlng. who will continue to carry on the business, and assumes all the debts and lia bilities of the late firm of Vlnlng A Bllger. to date, and will collect and receipt for all accounts dne said firm. North Yakima, Wash., Sept IM. I MM. W. H. VININO. sepl9-6t JT. A. BILGBR. Fit Itl Nil ltd Dili FOR CASH ONLY! Dress Goods. AT COST. AT COST. BARTHOLET - BROS. Opera, House Block:. HOW ABOUT MIMA? Listen to the Story as it is Told by Careful Observers from Abroad. (San Francisco Examiner.) The new State Capital will probably be at North Yakima. (Spokane Falls Review.) The beet and moot extensive agricultural region in the Yakima Land District, and in the Territory, Ike about the City of North Yakima and is known as the Yakima Valley. (.Seattle Pott-Intelligencer.) To-day. where four years ago were uncultivated prairies, the home of great herds of unrestrained wild cattle and vicious bands of cayuse ponies who knew no halter, now stands the City of North Yakima, the Queen of Eastern Washington. (Northwest Magazine.) The knot of valleys wbicl meet at the new town of North Yakima seems a Mt of Southern California here in the north. Public opinion in all ports of Washing ton has settled upon this place as the Capital of the new State. (Portland Oregonian.) There is no Just reason why this city and county, when they shall have reached their maximum in population, should not have in the city from 16,000 to 25,000, and the county 40,000 to 50,000. Neither is there any good reason why they should not be eventually among the very wealthiest towns and counties in Washington Territory- All the material elements that go to make a big and prosperous city are here. The total taxation of the county is only 13>* mills which includes the total tax. territorial added. There is not a pauper in the county. The taxation is heralded to the world as the lowest known from and including Minnesota to and including California. If there Is another county in a new country that can show as low a taxation the public would like to know it. (Tacoma ledger.) The valley in which the city of North Yakima is situated in the renter of a series of very fertile valleys which open into it and have grown famous for their products. With a splendid agricultural country surrounding it and Uie peculiar advantages of its location for railroad approaches North Yakima cannot but figure in the future brilliantly. (Spokane Falls Review.) Although less than forty miles apart the difference in climate between Yakima in Yakima county and Ellensburgh in Kittitas county is almost ns great as that between a northern and southern latitude. The valley surrounding Ellensburgh is excellent for producing grain, while in the valleys near Yakima the fanners are devoting more attention to fruits, vegetables, hops, tobacco and similar crops, which can only be grown in a warm climate. Interview with Judge J. R. Lewis on kit return from attending the Mechanics Fair in California, Published in the Seattle Pott-Intelligencer. It was a great exhibition of the wealth of California, hut I found no better specimens of vegetables and many varieties of fruit than Washington Territory pro duces. I can go over into the Yakima countryand in two days collect finer pro ducts in those lines than I saw ir California. The Yakima {•caches are of better quality and flavor than any raised in California, the apples are superb * and the prunes am e«.yahead ot anythin. 1 mnaw. Then, too, they raiae hoe, melon., aquahaa and all klnda U TefnaMja in the Yakima country than any produced In California. Mac Lean, Reed & Co., Bill Estate, linn Aients, Have listed with thefh desirable land of all kinds including farms, garden tracts ****** Wl ? ,,e »**• opportunity in while the lamp still holds out to born—the wise will take advantage of the low prices which still prevail and invest in Yakima property. Mac Lean, Reed & Go., Nortl Yakima, Washington.