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ITS ALL CUT AND DRIED. M. Ngku to b Spetler of IK L*- Ulitm Ito UN Ikt iHkaai ■•■ ben Will Wwrfc tar Hal ace «•» Dm »—te» ■lt—w ——w htolm. Seattle Morning Journal; The republi can ringleaders ere bony ratting op the politic*] pie, end apportioning II when the; hope it will do the moat good. Since the election tb* boeeee have been plea ning ior come dieieion ol the ipoila that, thongb tt might not be entirely satisfac tory, would not aronae any nnoeceaaaiy noiaa among the feealdtraat nbeel-hoiaea. In the whole lake* the handiwork oI J. C.Hainml* plainly viaikto. Mr. Hainea haa not begotten the cheek hie eenatorlal aaplrationa receired at Ihnnpnbllcan ter ritorial convention 4 Wall* Walla. Though at that time hie caknlatlona were aomewhat diatnrbed, he bee nee* laat eight ol the aaat in the United Statea atn ate, and to aceompliah hie haart’a wlah he and hie Mends are open to any oom- promlae or trade that will farther hie in ternet. The label trade in the ring haa Jam come to light. Colonel John W. Fieghen, of Spokane Falls. in to be given the apeak erabip of the legislature. Mr. Fofgfaaa ie a skilled politidan as wall ee a bar headed lawyer. At the leal election he arm a candidate br the lower boom from Spokane connty, on the rvpnblkwa tbhat, and wae elected. Mr. Feighan’a name wee Bret proposed hr the apeakanhip by Jndgi Turner and Colonel W. N. Bed path, of Spokane, hot ol soame nothing mild be amnred Qntfl Western Waohing ton maid be heard tom. Ho accordingly Mr. Bedpath and Mr. FHgbaa came ow to Seattle yesterday to patch up dm mat ter. They wen mat hate last night by Haines and other* and bald a long mn •nltatbn. Governor Squire was not pres ent and it la said by thorn who know the inside nature of the deal that the oa-gov araor’a name was not mentioned at all la tha interview. Halnm stated Mawhh far the senate and Mayor Bedpath told the King coanty delegates that Eastern Wad ingtoa dashed the apoakerahip. and that they would be pleased to have the sop poet of King oo only far their candidate. Altars little debating it wee all patched up as fallows; Ilham and hie clique would support the aspirations o I Colonel Fsighsa far the speakership if la return the Spokane delegation would urge Mr. Haines’ claim to the eenatorahip from Weeteni Washington. Then more scheming was ia order. The senatorial contest ia Eastern Washington was doctored. Cannon was known to be somewhat oat of die rare, as bosineae had called him east, and it was improbable ha would retorn before the new year. Allen was a staunch friend of Haines, white Judge Turner's preference was not exactly known. Allan could be agreed upon in ease of emergency by the mem bers oast ef the mountains. Allen’s nom ination would strengthen Haines, Haines would support Feighan for the speaker ship, the Spokane county delegation would be solid for whichever way the wind blew in King county, and, of course, it would blow favorably for Mr. Haines. Thus the poUtlcan pudding was mixed. lo ti.i.a,ll|i MnUiT Hod the following: Mr.C. H. Monk, Newark, Ark., my: “Wm down with abacus o( longs, and (rkods and ptini aians pronotmoad as an incorakle e> aunpUTS. Began taking Ik. King’s Now Dkcorary lor Gonanaoptloo ; am now on mj third book, and abk to omasa Iha work on mp [arm. It k Ilk Unset modi- Jaaaa MMdlsaran, Daaator, Ohio, aara: “Had It not bean for Dr. KlnTa New Dk ttmrj for Cooaomptfoo I woo Id hare (Had d long troakka Was girao op hjr doc tors. Am now In best ol health." Try It. Bampk bottles free at Janark’a Htar ■ary. 1 FnUaa h fbpita. "Laura,” aaid UwynoaaUdy'a mother, ■at aakiadly, "It awnu to at that yoo bad tbagaa toned rathar low laat oiod lag." “It waa aoMy inr economy, mamma,” "Thera u bo oaa tryiaa to baat tbagaa compaay, my dooahUr. I bare aatlead that tha obottix oT ot tba (aa la alwaya followed by a corrmpoodlof lacraaaaof "Well, that leaaeoaUMwaiat.daamitlt, mamma, dear-' replied tba •Itlammri. dad baa had parent ooold And do mow to lay. —Sew York Avar. Wlootrt. Mum. this Howdy la becoming ao wall known and an popular aa to naad no epactol man tkw. All who hare naad Electric Bitten aing the aame aoog of praiae: A pnrer medicine doe. not eitot, and It to guana taedtodo all that to claimed. Electric Bitten will core all diaeaaaa of the line aod kidneys; wUI remore pimples, boils, salt rhanm and other aflketions ennsed by toepwnUood; will drin malaria tram the system and prevent as wall as can all ma larial feven. For cure of headache, coo aUpalioo and IndlgeatloQ, try Electric BHton. Eattoa satisfaction guaranteed or n>ooey nfnndsd. Price <0 cents and *1 par bottle at Janacfc’a Pharmacy, ' —A pood digestion waits on appetite and a good ap nettle to one at the sorest •Spse of portset health. It yon an low spirited, Irritable, billons, or have an ir ragafar appetite, than wa advise yon by an meant to lake Dr. Henley e Dandelion IWa. H will tasks a new man of yon. Sold by Alton A Chapman —Chilblains, oapleaaant odon from the tost and other parte of tbs body, nasal catarrh, ringworm, poison oak, stye on iba eye, granulated eyelids, eruptive dis eases of the akin, all disappear after using Maid's Specific. Warranted In effect a radioai can in ovary instance. Hold by Altai A Chapman. Patronize Home Industry. Ed- F. WtLlt© Ac Co, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS, Nat bmv Inin •« th« ■•!•» vtkhM. A •(M-cl«m Mock of Imported and Oomeetle Good* elwejre on bad. Pleeee fire u e cell, end we (UUUM to WM TOW Fit and Workmanghip Guaranteed. KD. F. WHITE A CO. Bartholet House, JOHH BARTHOLET, Proprietor. FRONT STREET, -i NORTH YAKIMA, W. T % “ y 5 The Bartholet Honae la centrally located and conducted on flnt-clam principle*. Every attention given to the comfort of gneata. mismin-mgam - mnw ttotmib am. Tacoma C3-roo©ry Co, INCORPORATED ($100,000), Sou AOTC.OI WaOLTUv V<MICBUBRIXoPALACIoJkOo.*sKrvWnTRATAXACMAM TACOMA, WASH, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GROCERS, Proprietor! of to Fuel Coffee aid Spia Mi Cktt r Hale. Free. •ntew ■■« WawNwiw, Nos. 1687 to 1641 Pacific avenue. “BOARD^TRADE” SALOON AND BILLIARD HALL. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Constantly on Hand. o A. Churchill, ::::::: Prop. J9*Opp»iic M. r. Depot, North Taklau, Wash. Ter. GENERAL MERCHANDISE DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES. O'. O'. ARMSTROM-Q, Comer First street and Yakima Avenue. A complete line of all of the commodities enumerated above will ba found at this store, and a general reqneat is sent forth to the public to call and exam ne the prices and quality of the Goode. J. J. Armatronir. 8. J. LOWE Corrfao Um loryrot, bat and cheopcot atock ot aO kboda of Cooking and Heating Stoves, \: 1 r ' B j I HARDWARE, Etc., which he ie prepared to offer at remarkably low prices. Also in atock a fine line of Tinware, Sheet Ironware, Graniteware, Guns, Pistols and Farm Implements. Conwf Yakima Avenne and Fbat atreet, - - - - W. T RMIMe Laud Otficb, Nobtm Yakima, W. 1.,) pgilipi •rad "**' i«a n. ggon. Man. lire Wood ft Draying. WW IEIU. Clrfniili ItWtu far Silt. Aigmsg"' Ti ™* “"" mew "■BBKIU SHRTVET BROS., Ftnkn, Gai-Fitten, Ktatriciau Wo 010 tkoroogklj q sallied to do oar work la aysgaa dLresaa Orion tor Homo oad ftlga Palatine, Paper omm tot Voaoo ft MoUord’o. Toklno A to. Lam Omco at Nqotii Vakiwa , W^T., | oetota»«Srlto». rte?* KOrtfc IAKFII i. CAM MON, who abode D. B. No. 1170 tor UM UtM of too. *. %ma»ew< an SSSS r ».— SOMETHING NEW. We have had placed in our bands for Sale SHUT PM ADDITION. Beth sell and water-rights are of the beat To any person Building a Residence to Cost not less than SIOOO we will give a Corner and one Inside Lot Free. Tfceaa h»ta «ill he selected In the follow In* manner Partiaa first building have choice of two lota la either block 10, 11, or S: aoeondand third choice In blocks 7, a, or ». Plats can lie Sees at am Offlce. We intend bnliding op this property with choice homes, thereby attracting the best clam of people; and partiaa taking hold now wIU experience the benefit of oar moot carneat efforts. Goodwin <fe Pugsley. OVKJt man NATIONAL BANK. J. T. XBHKLMAN. O. W. RODMAN Rodman & Eshelman, Bill Estate ni Liao Apis! Money to Ivobii on MortvHgen. ImlitiliM ul Prnirti HiiiltoHrtsiils. Hpeclal attention la Milled to the Great Bargain* la Foar Choice Ten-Aero Tract* and On* Forty- Tract of the Beat Garden Land (balance of toe Yolo Ranch) which will be offered (or a few days. City Lots and Farm Property Bought and Sold. J^OFFlCß—Yakima Arena*, near Hotel faklma “The Old Reliable,” Gr. W. CARY, Is still to bo found “doing business st the old sUnd,” on Yakima Avenue, where will always be found a complete stock of Greneral Merchandise, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Ac., of every variety. In connection with the store Mrs. Cary conducts a Millinery Department, Embracing all the latest novelties In Ladles' Wear. Ynklma Are. ISoith Yakima, AV. T. nuns n. ■■ abdlow. jarr. d. hcdamikl. Slxa.rdJ.ow I ZMldDan-iel, DEALERS IN "Whines, Liquors, Imported ft Domestic Cigars. FINK BILLIARD AMD POOL TABLKB. Silt iptt for tie Celetrated Jeae Inure' Keiticty Met Yakima Candy Factory. Anticipating the want* of my numerous and increasing customers, I have per fected arrangements for furnishing OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! At moderate prices, and lor public accommodation will keep OPEN AT ALL HOURS. Also a full line of flu Caidies, Hite, task Hnite, Inputted aid Domestic Clean. P. J. HERKE, I Proprietor Yakima Candy Factory. ITortb. "sTakima LUMBER YARD! G. 0. NEVIN, Proprietor. LUMBER, DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, LATHS, SHINGLES, AO. Asnt fir tie CdeknM Aiain Fiiitk tie tat Paiib ■ the Martel, AND A LARGE SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. Office and Yard, West Side of Railroad Track. North of Depot, North Yakima, W. T. E. S. ROBERTSON, SUCCESSOR TO Spinning & Robertson, Real Estate, INSURANCE. would respectfully call your atten tion to the fact that my list of TOWN - PROPERTY is unexcelled. I have Lots for sale in , every part of the city and Additions. FARM PROPERTY Very desirable, in tracts to suit. Represent a fine line of Insurance Companies. Money to Loan! On Farm and City Property. Saloon and Bllllaid Panois. Yakima Ave. North Yakima (Shardlow & McDaniel’s old stand.) Thomas Bradley, well-known throughout Eastern Washington and Oregon as an expert mixologist, will do the honors Itehind the bar, ana will l»e pleased to meet his many acquaintances among the commercial travelers, as well as residents of this section. The attention of the indulging public is directed to our extensive line of Fit lilts, Wins, tin, Which we guarantee to bo of the best makes in the country. KI.IXIAXT Fool - and - Billiard - Tables Afford pleasure and recreation to those seeking healthy exercise. If courteous treatment, square dealing and unadulterated goods can secure and retain the patronage of the public, the efforts of the proprietors of this house will be recognised and appreciated. ccoscet We have just completed refitting and beautifying the building, and now invite the public to call and bestow upon us such patronage as we merit. Wills & O’Harra. Allen & Chapman, DRTJOGHSTB. Keep always on hand all that la pertaining to their trade. None hat pure med icines ana chemical* dispensed. Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated by a Competent Pharmacist. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. A large Line ol Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Glass, Putty. Sash and Doors. Come and see ua in our Commodious and Heautiful Quarters. Tie Very Finest Brands of Key West and Imported Cigars Corner Yakima Avenue and Second Street, .... North Yakima G. L. Holmes Bull, 716 A 720 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W.T. Furniture, Carpets, Draperies ape Hugs, ' WHOLESALE and TtETAll^ Largest Stock and Best Variety North of San Francisco I When In Tacoma, call and examine, whether yon wish to pnrciiaae o.- not. Solicited. Chappell & Cox, AGENTS FOR FRANK BROS. IMP. GO., Yakima Ave., North Yakima. AGENTS FOB FARM MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Wagons, Farm Hacks, Buggies, Carts, Ac., Ac. AU goods of the best class and warranted, and prices the lowest, qaaltty of goods considered. It wBI be U T«ar Mmtap U Set IVaa Mn fvcbaai* lajtbiag k IMr Um,