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THE- YAIHA HBBALD. THuUftIAT. .OCTOBgk M. UM. iudil uawm ud IMArf Id if tie leri eal (Mat «f ■■M a lea* Utarial Writer if Ik MM Mata. Marina D. Effort in tin Wall* Walla Me Samuel KockveU Reed, undoubt edly tba moat fcedbla amoral writer in Um United Staid, and lor many Torn the landing editorial writorol tba Cincin aati CommfrtM-GattUf, died racanUT on board 0 I Um ataamor Lobn, whila on hla way to Europe in pnrauit o( health. Ha waa wan known to tba writer ol Ihia, who has no haaitancr In pronouncing him the moat acholarly, Um moat radnad and Um ktndaat man ha area mat Hiaat talnmanta In all aaamlnf diractiona nan aa marvalona aa hla ability to dianua them. The diacnaaion ol poetry, hlatorr, adanoa, pbiloaophT, ethioa, dwmiatry and merit aaamad to ha peenllarijr hla. and haoontinuallT anrpriaed aran ttuaa who know him beat with hla waadarfnl erudition. Ha waa acknowledged to ha paariaaa aa a writer in Uweariarnand middle aacUona of tba Cnion, and lew, If enj, in rittMr portiona ol Um Unltad Stataa cared to content with him lor Um polaol anteriority. With all hiapowara, with aU bia abUltiaa, with all hla repute- tbm, he wee the gentle* men on earth. A chad would approach him tmhaaltat iugly and the demeenor he always ptw ecsted in Tiled the pleeeant convene that elwey eoeuad. I remember when e lad whan I went to the Oaarttr office to gel my pay lor my letter! to that paper, and by mistake got into hie room Inetead ol that ol Richard Smith, the editor. Mr. Read kindly quit hie writing, and looking np I aaw one of the moat etriklngly hand eome facae I erar mat. Ha a poke to me kindly, inquired my name, my baeiaeaa end entertained me hy hie pleeeant waye and con retention ior over an boar, and whan I roaa to go ha look ma hy lha hand •ad led me to the room of and introduced me to Mr. Smith, from whom I received an order lor the that money I ever got ior literary work, Mr. Reed remaining all the time and accompanying mo te the bead of the etalte on my way oot. lahaU never ioeget that episode, which made me than, way beck in those distant years, ' believe more la humanity, and the ell kind. I met him many timee afterward, and on each occasion my respect Increased until I had a anpeeme affection hr him, and It eeenmd to me that I wee not alone in this Ming, far many othera whom I knew, end who rat fortunate in the pee ■melon of Ue almost sublime Mendeblp, •Imre tar common with me this feeling of lore and admiration. In closing this simple tribute to the memory of this truly grant and nobis man I unhraltatlngly aay that la att my mingling with man I bare never yrtsson bis equal, la those com ponente that go to make a lovable and •ovlngeean, nor do I ever hope to aes hie Ukeegain. iw im ue east Mgi lenh lap tkt twwwe if IW Jertitr MelMkxlk'emlimrfgtalcSrt. migaty tnr IMt UMa Mil. Pnm: Jodge Orange Jacob, la tto course of an Innatigotion ol Uw ■ton Uod oeatrorcray, hu found > da te*- or ChM Jaolico Marshall oftho Dated Stain rapmnecoort which art- Un the crtaHtntloo.l question Inrolred, ■d to. been confirmed by repented do etoowe of Mar data. In the can ol Mtod 1 ! lean agolaot Hagan la retard la tto location of ehore lande in Mobile top, eoacmr pined a apeciai art coo flnning the title of the loader ander the toteral law to onto to anl a ton, eiiat to( oontrowwy. ChM JoaCke Mnntoll “•ad attaaiioo to the proriaioo of the riedtmlua that all new Item nan be adraittad to tto nnloa ou an eqonUty with lha old data, nd that tto old data tod tto eomutoaty ornr tto aton ■aada H* hdd that, lor tfaia ranoa, all aaw data ten tto aaaaa aothoritr. Thla dee Woo. Jodge Jaootn cooteode, aow lalaa tto mutation ol tto pint ad acatod tto atrip filings that ttoatorr tawto an hdd to trad by tto Dated Haw fa tto dated Waahtattoo, and thd ttoratee they ara act opaa to oeeu- Paaey ondar tto Intoral toad lawa or Jaffa Jacob, draws a distinction be tween ehore laate and tide land., Tto heater to dedaea as tto toad between ardteaty high aad low tide, while the totter to a bow term applied to both faoea hate and to what an totally swamp or overflowed lands. The latter torsi applies to largo bodlea of the tite fiats orw which the federal go rent moot atm too control, u other laate ton ban gfren la Urn of the swamp or me flowed lands. Jta item ta that etar Pmm Uw »ss»to to Pterra, WkfiMtaU with excitement, nr pomlbly bsar. nwreyltslteto FUla tfcrlr wmla with delight. And tbny’ra bowling like demon* by day and by They wildly orate. A« they boom rani oatete, Awd thsv*n enlllng their eltjr the trend (ntnra grant Tboy'ra ost of their hand Aa they point their town rad. With thsgsaiter'T’w million they taridly attend. —Chicago Herald. A PiBAraRABB. "Tvs fte s bright Men." SnM s melden yonng aad lair, to hsr Isvsr. whs wan helping her WamSksratoNgrente. «Tm rery enra « yon Wonld be my Uttle wife. I’d hare A c<mfin THE FOURTH OF NOVUM Gij hilke's Dtj fill Probtblj In M ibnM u Hf tiuguiL MWM Will M Min ha HIM, M tor lh« ParMM «l C«l«krallaf Um BalitMt Um FMrtfMaMh Tba board ol canraaaara mat on Mon dap to carrara the election return, which hare gone inward to the praridant, and tba indication, are that the Inauguration will taka place on Mondar, November tth. The Seattle Prtu aoya the retnma ahould reach the praaident on Mondar, October 28th. Aa the praaidant la under atood to have already examined and pawed upon an nßoAdalcapyol tbaoon atitution, it will only remain kw him to aaa that than la no vital difference be tween It and the official copy to bo aent him. Ha could tberelore eaally iaana hla proclamation ol admiarion on the aama day. Sopporiag tbia to be done, tba inangn ratkm oonld not taka place until the M lowing Monday, November t, even II Um proclamation abooid be rent by telegraph. It oonld probably ranch Um capital by mall on Saturday, November ad, ia Uma for tba inauguration to taka place on tba Monday. Thua that data la Um aarlieri on which tba territory can become a atata. Should a delay ol a day or two occur ia Mailing tba proclamation, Tt would have to be aent by telegraph in order to allow the inauguration to taka place on Novem ber 4th. Otherwiaa, Um difficulty might occur ol having the legialalura in araaioo without a atata government. Already there are aigna that Olympia will be overcrowded on ineognralioo day. Many members of the legieletnre am al ready there, the militia have hired quar tern, and at tide early day there le not a room to bo bad In the town ior the night ol the inauguration. Other devices ior ••curing accommodation are under con eideration. Politiciana deacribe ea abaurd the lug geation that the admiaaioo of Montane may be delayed by the election contort. They say that all the preaidenl has to do la to see that the constitution is adopted and is republican in lorm, and then ieena bis proclamation. Thera is no process of law by which ho can officially know even that then has boon an election in Mon tana, except on the constitution. Thus it seems certain that the lour new aUtco win be admitted together. Infer Fmp Pkat Quit* s sensation has lately been caused in the old world by the announcement ol another new forage plant, which will grow enormous and moot profitable crops even in the poorest soils, and which seems to flourish luxuriously in any climate. Tbs plant in question is the ‘‘Lathyrus SUrestris,” and the credit oI haring brought it to its present state of develop ment, through half a century of constant experimenting and improvement, belongs to Professor Wagner, of Germany. The "Lathyrus Hilveetris” grows in a wiki state on the pampas of South America, where it flourishes so luxuriantly that aheap are frequently entangled in it and ■mothered by its rankness and closeness of growth. In its wild state the seed of the plant is unable to germinate, but after fifty years of the most careful culti vation this difficulty baa been complely overcome. The plant belongs to the order of the legomlnome, and as such it is able to forage lor itself in regard to nitrogen, of which it obtains abundant supplies, either from the lower strata of soil or from the boundless atmospheric stores. Even on the poorest soils it grows a crop which wUI yield at least four tons of hay per acre, and the nutritive value of the crop, ss determined by chemical analy sts, is shout twice as great as that of clover hay. The Prussian minister ol ar rienlture has been so deeply impressed with the great value of this plant that a government order has Just been Issued, granting to every Prussian land-owner who cultivates this plant on his waste land a subsidy of 80s. per hectare—a hec tare being equal to two and a half Eng lish standard acres.— Melbourne Leader. Hi topd «f Jtotkc. Coloosl B. O. IngeraoUssys: 1 believe In tbs gospel of Justice—that wo most reap whatever wo sow. Ido not hoUevo in forgiveness. If I rob Mr. Smith, ami God forgives me, bow does that help Mr. Smith? If I, by slander,.cover some girl or lonely widow with the leprosy of some imputed crime, and they v ’her sway like blighted (towers and efts, .aid I get falintwwa, how doeathat help thawiT U there is another world, we have s right to settle right here; no bankruptcy court there. Square up! Among the ancients, if you committed s crime, you had to kill s sheep; now they say, ’’charge it.” ’’put it on the slate.” It won’t do. For every crime yon commit you must answer to yourself and to the one you injure. And if you have over clothed another with un happiness, as jrith s garment of pain, you never will be quite as happy as if you had never dona that thing. No forgiveness; oterasl, inexorable, everlasting Justice— that Is what I believe in. And if it goes bard with me I will stand It. I will stick to my logic, and I will bear the result like a man, come what will. lilfarthtM “to than anybody (ram Vermont 1. tto »r aakad tto conductor, opening the door and lotting to about forty-two rote of wotaw blLzaard. ”1 be,” responded a toll, took Individ ual, rising up from bis aaot next to the stove. "Well, if yon will bo kind enough to come forward into (bo Pullman oar,” re plied tbs conductor, "there Is s lady who boa got her spruce gum mixed up with a paper of resin, and she wants an expert to asperate ’em.” Premiums EVERY SUBSCRIBER GETS :Hir£ ever made. First Prize Ai aaa a i All Case Harvest sl,ooo. Cash. Second \| 111111 I A\U ing outfit,with prize, a complete J. I. VMjUUII UfIUII steam attach ments. Third prize, a span of Clydesdale Draught Horses. Pianos, genuine Gold Watches, etc. A Premium for Evtry Sub scriber. You get any of these handsome pres- mn <h A A A ents for $2.00. This is the subscription I-11U V/ I j price of the new Omaha Weekly Republican. I UII The AGRICULTURAL* DEPARTMENT of the Republi can. edited by EX-GOVERNOR ROBT. W. FURNAS, of the State Agricultural Bureau, is incomparably the best and brightest feature that ever characterized a western publica tion, and is itself worth the subscription price. BILL NYE’S weekly articles, illustrated, written for the Republican; pop ular short stories by the best American Authors, and many other special departments will appear weekly. FVFRV PCDCniI wl>o rem ' t> t° tbe Omaha Weekly Republican, Omaha, Ne ts cm rcnoun bnuka, by money order, regiitered letter, or express, will naan a Bubeenptiun receipt mid a coupon entitling him to a premium. The awarding of the priaea will be done by an honorable public diatribntion, in which ALL *1 f||)M All fig All SUBSCRIBERS will hare an equal opportunity to draw the VllUUUfl"* wAvll or any other priae. 7 PRIZE IS VALUABLeTSX No cheap, thoddy article* are embraced in onr lilt of premium*. A complete catalogue will be mailed bo ■ubaenber* on receipt of *nbaeription money. Subscribe now, before it i* TOO LATE TO GET IK THE FINEST PREMIUM DISTRIBUTION EVER MADE. "Where an you going, my pretty maid ?•’ be Inquired. "Should the weather Indications con tinue of an auspicious character, my deo tlnatinn la yonder indoanra, when my unaware able determination is to extract ooch an amount of lacteal fluid bom the distended odder of the gently articulating Mae as may ha deemed neceeeeryaadad vieahle," calmly replied the runic girl, who had worked far two weeks in a Eon ton family. And she passed upon bar way, leaving a gibbering idiot groveling on the ground where lately had stood a dandy drum mer.—(freer, World. LOCAL metETITIKS. —I bay my underwear direct from the factories, and am now offering It at prices which were never before heard of in North Yakima. Call and examine goods and prices, and see for yourself. • Mmoir H. Euis. —Headers, in our advertising columns you will see the generous offer of Goodwin A Pugsley. Six lots in the best part of town given away. This is an opportunity which should not be thrown sway. * —Bartbolet Bros. wUI not be undersold in anything—dry goods, clothing, furnish ing goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps, crockery, groceries, and in (act everything kept in a first-class store. * —For dyspepsia and liver complaint,you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalises It never falls to core. For ssle by C. B. Bnshnell, drag gist. —Why will yon cough when Shiloh’s Curt will givs immediate relief. Price 10 osnU, 50 cento and |l. For sals by 0. B. Bnshnell, druggist. —€*torrb cured .health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cento. Nasal injector free. Sold by C. B. Bnshnell. » —C. E. McLwen is now offering sad dles, bridles, harness and everything in his line at prices not to be duplicated this tods of Portland. • —For aquon dealing and rains recolnd fa your hard earned cash, call on T. Q. Badfiald fa anything la the line of Jew fay- * Blsrpless nights, mods miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh’s Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by C. B. Boshneli. —For • »obby suit, made to ardor, do not IftU to call on oar popular merchant tailor, IC. Probacb, on Yakima avenue. • —Every garment made by M. Pm bach ia warranted a food fit, good work* manahip and to give satisfaction. • -Call on Myron 11. Ellis and examine his fine line of winter underwear; one door aonth of opera boaae. • —Croup, whooping eoagh and bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh’a Core. Sold bv Bnahnell. MTKI If mmum. XTOnca 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE Morkbolden of the Selchea and Covyrbea &38T$i ffCidV’SSEATbiS!!! ft Parker, North Yakima. Washington. oa Hater day, the Ttk day of December. UWO. at the boar tbc aatd Company abal) be increased from EMM "iPEsri — Cm L. Oako, Beeratary. orlftet Notice to Creditors. Dated thla aMh day of September? lass! Fir Hu Nun Film Dm I FOR CASH ONLY! Dress Goods. # AT COST. AT COST. BARTHOLEI - BROS. Opera, House Slocls. Mi-Ciiuniil PMu I Prices IReasonaTole. OUR WORK FIRST CUSS. E. S. ROBERTSON, SUCCESSOR TO Spinning & Robertson, Real Estate, INSURANCE. would respectfully call your atten tion to the fact that my list of TOWN PROPERTY is unexcelled. I have Lots for sale in every part of the city and Additions. F-AJPROPERTY Very desirable, in tracts to suit. Represent a fine line of Insurance Companies. Money to Loan! On Farm and City Property. Si al Bilal rata. YAKIMA AVENUE. NORTH YAKIMA. (Shardlow & McDaniel’s old stand.) Thom** Bradley, well-know* throughout Eastern Washington and Oregon an an expert mixologist, will do the honors behind the bar, ancT will be pleased to meet his many acquaintance* among tbs commercial travelers, aa well a* residents of this section. The attention of the indulging public U directed to oar exteneire line of Fit Wits, Wits, Cists, Which we guarantee to be of the beet makes in the country. x /^xwah-^eweoooccdwwewMwxxewoMwoewcwf • EIaEGAtVT Pool - and - Billiard - Tables Afford pleasure and recreation to thoee leaking healthy exercise. If courteous treatment, equate dealing alia nMtolteralad goods can secure and ratain the> patronage of the public, the efforta JMb proprietor! of this boose will bo recognised and appreciated. xem:&«cjx*:?9oeo^>>cxeeeooax9eeo?»Meoeeeooooot L w ® J OB 4 completed refitting and beautifying the building, ami now invite the public to call and bestow upon ue such patronage as we merit. Wills & O’Harra. Allen & Chapman, DRTJCK3HBTB. Kelp always on hand alMbat < None bat pare med- Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated by a Competent Pharmacist. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. A lame Use nl Paints, Oils, Wall Papar, Olaaa, Putty, Baah awl Doom. Own and an ua In our Commodious and Beautiful Quartan. Tit tot m m grin vnt at iwrM cim Corner Yakima Avenue and Second Street. .... North Yakima G. Li. Holmes & Bull. 716 & 720 Pacific Awe., Tacoma, W.T. Furniture, Carpels, Draperies ail logs, WHOLIXAi.E and RKTAIU Lanest Stock aid Bat Variety M if Sai Feudal When in Tacoma, call and examine, whether yoa wish to parchsse or not. ''‘Correspondence Solicited. Chappell & Cox, AGENTS FOB PRANK BROS. IMP. 00., Yakima Are., North Yakima. AGENTS FOB FARM lACHDdBY OF ALL DIOS, Wagons, Farm Hacks, Buggies, Oarts, *o., tee. An «n<i * in«ti at in n—i. <miwt iipiiiimiw«. IriikklK Umtm t khtaMn c Iqttts h IWr Urn,