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TSE YAIHA HERALD. Olaal Paper if Yatiia Cmly. up i cog. Pwpmim mmmm mtmmr rm—ay. M.OO PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. LABOR MOVEMENTS. No thinking man win regard the labor movements in thia country or Europe with Alarm or diet mat. They are the Decenary outcome of the disruption of the feudal system. Social reform cannot ■top hell way between serfdom and complete freedom. Serfdom la indefensi ble. It follows than that the laborer is antitied to as much of tha wealth of the world aa he has power to secure. None hot tha laay, non-producers need dreed the ieaoe. The comforts and luxuries of the earth are far more generally distrib uted than they were a hundred years ago. The spread ol education among all cl sears is at the root ol tha matter. So long m “working” people were Ignorant It was easy to compel them to be satisfied with the modicum ol wealth which wee ac corded them. “Knowledge la power.** Tha maams are still sadly ignorant, hot they an learning that they are the props of society. They are also learning that tha present wages which fores them to perform the labor, also secures the princi pal advantages to others. It la becoming apparent to them that, although thme «• ae written laws on tha subject, “caste** Is almost as rigid a matter la mam sections as la Hindoostaa. That certain claaam ol men are doomed to work, that others may be permitted to play. Our lathers auccenfully main tained a revolution te secure political equality. Their aoaa am called upon to support n movement to secure social equality. Workingmen art now seeking to attain thia and, not In this country stone, but throughout the world. Before long they win display a power, in tha and plutocracies moat vanish and fade away. That there will be much trouble, turmoil and confusion, on labor aacurea the position it is entitled to occupy Is probable. The revolution is too vaM, too much of an op-rooting of old idem to bo accomplished la pesos. But it will be done. In view of thme facta, and they are truisms, it will be well to recognise the claims labor ia justified in preferring, and avoid any unseemly or idle attempts to resist them. In different forms and shapes these Idem win coma up before our legislature, about to convene. Wa hope our representatives will handle them In a broad, statesmanlike manner and nek beet such important end Xitel quae tfone with disdain or levity. TO TBS "MOSSBACKB This is the age and era of improvement and progress. Science has advanced with anch staidaa the past lew ream as to ax cHa Iks amassment and wonder of ail. Steam and electricity an work in a in harem and performing daily duties which would hare ben accounted mir acles a few short years ago. Using in this fa sored age. enjoying the senders and oonssniancaa that study and lasntion bass afforded them, ahouM any supinely Md their hande and attempt In lies without heartily engaging in the The farmer has that within hie reach which la aaanapllMa of mors ootieaabla and attractlre improramant th. -fiber the arlentlet or the insantor. Nature's virgin soil la andar hia last, which, by little exertion on his part, can ha made a blooming bower, a forest of fruit, a mod ern Garden of Edsa. Especially la this applicable Is ths farmers of Takima county. Iba aofl of our Talleys and table, bade possess the peculiar sirtnas that insure baantlfnl homes to the men of energy. Soma of our worthy hrman have naßaad the fact and an Imploring and beautifying thafrhomaa and grounds. Otbsra hats not, bat appear contented to walk hi the aaaaa trail, wboas beaten path shows the footprints of a lifetime. Ths same old ruts bars to be avoided, and the aseaa boles gap in the lances. Ths sagebrush has not yat given place to the garden and the orchard. The betas and lance an innocent of paint or white wash, and the old hum wagon joatlaa along, year after year, over the asms atones a the road, creaking and com plaining la all its joints and sprained Pham Tbaapirttsf the age-improve ment—hea found no place under that roof. Do* ths occupant over think how Uly ha compares with hia enterprising neighbor T Does ho consider that Us family an growing up without any com forting aasnranoea for the futon? Scraly not, or be would not Ova in such con tented inactivity. Let him open his ayss a aa appreciation of what ngoiagoa around Urn: awake to a realisation of Iba times in which ha lives; atlmalata his sleeping energies, and good will come of H- Let him break ground for a futon day. Kamova the aaga brush and plant there the orchard and vineyard of the future. It will grow while bo Is alecping, and la a law abort yuan, through proper Industry, ho v-01 have built for lihnasll a home to which hie neighbors win proudly Point, as they truthfully declaim upon the wonderful wealth ol Takima soil. MANUFACTORIES. Ikm* h an bam mm* New York par durlna the put In daya, aeafclac ft location lor Iran works. A torormbi. epot baa ton adactod and do mM than). TV. hjUs Is oar imnedlot. aalitfabarbood ham ham carefully proa partad ami mineral ol the quality re quired and la inexhaoetible qoantities keaMd. Coal ol tka bmt quality and in ahandaaaa laaloaa at hand. Tbepartlea paqjactiac thia aotarprhaa an non than utlaAad with Dm prospect. Thar hm already gone cut for machinery tad •killed labor, and will commence the erection of redaction workr end toaodrloe et an early date; and within a lew monlbe then will ha permanently located at North Yakima one ot the largest Iron works on the coeat. We have long known ol the manj and favorable openinga for thia kind ol busi neaa offered by North Yakima. Oar only surprise baa been that far-eeeing capitai iata have not Uken bold of thfo matter before. As it la now, however, an ae> eared fact, we can congratulate ooraelvee that the hundreds of laborers and me chanics thus introduced into North Yak ima will be a great aid in helping our thriving city along on ita certain road to prosperity and fame. A txhiouxv orgenleetlnp of the legis lature van effected Wednesday. C. M. Barton wee made temporary secretary of the aenale, and Feign of Spokane rails wan chosen speaker pee tan. of tha bouse, and C. O. Cline ot Whatcom temporary sleek. It le proposed to adjourn until the statehood proclamation la leaned. In the senatorial light Squire and Allan etui land. Hyda ban withdrawn bum the race and Tuner la deinloping tinea pec ted strength. It is said that Sprague le being urged to withdrew, which would glen ad ded etrength to Thoupmn. A long con teat is predicted. Noon axo Hoorn Dakota hare been admitted by prattdsotial proclamation In statehood, but Washington still nmaina oot la tha cold, owing to the blunder cf Governor Moore la not signing the cer tified copy of tha new state eormtltnlloe. The oremigut has ham corrected hot it may be soma days before we are officially m.lwnaUAmrl »Ka ——lJ—A 1 L ■wwai, mn pmowt uowever, nw Intimated that the legislature might con vene and proceed to elect senators, giving Sooth Dakota aa a precedent. A Witwbpoo bee ovnrtakeo the republi cans ia the The Ohio legMatareie democratic and Foraker for governor le beaten by twelve thousand plurality. The republican candidate far jovernor le beaten in lowa, Mahons le laid out cold In Watt Virginia and tha republican fames la New York and Memnrhnmtte are henry. President Harriott thinks the rmnlt baa no significance. Hr. Lome mods voluminous documents •odmveeing to convince the Hsnaur that that it te the place far the Worlds Fair. The moat orerw helming reason why it teat that promote itself In nor mind ia that it la 100 far from Chicago. The PeUl. meads. Is them any other portion ol the civil feed world that is earned with eg poor reads end or poor earxcnmfar nmad •yetem m the Called Stalest If there is, the writer has not heard silt. Oar lonian, and they an the ones noil Inland, ecramble to ton to boot they moy, no Indifferout roodo, noddy lo not weather and cot op and deep with daot in dry. They will toil over rocky or toady rondo yooroiloryotr, making bat looblo or indifferent ottempto lo bettor them. In no other driliaed country would thlo bo endured. In ony of the European conntrlea the country rondo ore thnoet to food to city pnramoato. There one may trowel, at any oeaeoa, oyer roodo that con bo de paodad upon, that will not compel the troreler lo wallow through mod In wet weather nor be choked with duet In dry Hmeo. Oar pour rondo ora largely the looH ol oar road eyotem. Diotrict coper etooco ore elected or appointed, no the cote may be. Often they ora ignorant o< the Irol prindpteo of rood building, or ore too lory or too buoy to properly ottend to the work. With each now yoor, gn irony, comet a now noporrioor, and each eaperrkor boo hit own Moo oi good roodo and ho at coco proceedo to tour op hit pradeceotor't work and in the rand 00 ho Ihlnko It mould be. Of ooatae thia lo not olwnro the cam, bat It la 00 too often. Thlo io oil wrong. Again oar toad lowa compel taeh mole citioaa orar the ageof tl and and* W to per form o certain omoant ol rood work. In Woohingtoo tt lo two doyo work or to in coin, and on odditioool too of H lor each •1400 worth cl properly. Bond work lo n thing that it lo coaoidored proper lo chirk. Mon who will do good work anywhere dec cooaidar that they con chirk bora. Ercry poooiblt derteo io need lo kill time. Men who ought to bo iotanetod forgot that H lo their own InlertM they ora alighting. Good, well kept rondo moon prooperlty, long Ufa to wagooo ondlcamo, redaction of year awn nereoaa wear and leer, a redaction of the oxpeaca of heal ing produce to market end n thoaeand bleoologc boofdo. A noted railroad prmi deal boo aptly acid that “one dollar pat on the roadbed lo worth two dollaro in reeled In tolling atoek." Again, in a cer tain oaotera community the mcrohonto made a united effort to Improro the rondo leading to their town, and with each marked eaecem that they captured the entire trade of the eatroanding country. Formece come la their town In profenma to cohere nearer eimply becnaae ell the rondo lending into that town wen good. It eeeme to me that le ohoat time to aban don oar prooeat hophmnrd eyotem end adapt eoaethlng that leap to the tlmee. Haring Mttbeerlle of oar free rat eye tom oil my life I hare giroa the matter eonaiderable thought. It eeeme to one that il the county nude could bo placed under the control ol oae man, to be paid on adequate aalory lor hie eerrice, and, too, a man who thoroughly nndentande hit baaineaa, and ail work on the rondo done by contract, awardal to the loweat bidder, and to be performed under Ike enperrUoa of the general rood eaperrieor, that the work could be more cheaply and thoroughly dona. A pool caring could bo effected In the parcham of took, end intend of a low Imperfect look far ouch rood diotrict, a complete lot of lootool the meet appeared make could be purchaaed. Them coaid be n»red bom place to place n the work programed and mode to da the work of the entire county. Another Wring and nearly enough to pay lorn competent man coold be effected in etop ping a payment of from ten to fifty dollara to each <d the different auperrieore lor work more than la required to pay their pereonnl mad tax. I bellere that to per cent ol the present tax under proper management could be made to doable the amount of work now done and o< a per manent nature. 1 bellere that good wagon made an o I more intrineic vel tie to the farm ere ot America than an the railroad*, I bellere that the mercbanta ol thia oonnty and of the entin territory would adrance their intenaU men by the opbuilding ol n good road eyetem, con ducted on bnelneee principles, than by eecurlng additional railroad facilities. People will come to a country that baa good wagon made and will atay then, too. An Intelligent farmer recently aald ha would rather glee 1100 par acre for land in a community baring good made than W per acn lor ae good land in a dietrict haring poor or Indifferent made. Thaaaat la erouaing In regard to the matter decade; new lawe an being enacted end intelli gent road eyateme adopted. Ktona break ing machines are In many diatricte and macadamising la becoming the order ol the day. Let na keep abreast and not behind the tinea. A. T. P. TUI KaTVHKKX OeOXTUT. When minee and Orsea and rtelar eenne Keener, A, mix Mardan’e Aeeenne ae n Mr ea TUa hand at weaten. The trail tram Clemen's corral, running along far some six or eeren miles, Boon drops down Into the bastar or bottom of lbs Nalcheee, forty-Hro miles above the city of North Yakima. Aa the prospector comae over the high peek on the trail there bursts suddenly to his gees tbs grandest view that It Is possible to imag ine. To the right looms nphlU ate hill and moon tain after mountain, etretcblng away np tha rlrer into dim and bine per spective. To the left, abrupt end craggy, rises an immense well of rack, inter •parsed end crowned with stately pines and ira. Far down Into the bottom of the valley, like n thia ribbon of stiver, whirls, beta and daabm the Natebees. Home live miles op this open valley, at the head, stands tha Edgar Bock, pint, hare and meet, like • sentinel of time keeping witch and ward over the treasons that Ue la this storehouse of nature. In thia bottom ere wide etretobee of open ground covered with luxuriant ram of the bright ret green, surrounded by n jungle of braeh, cottonwoods and pines, some of them old veterans, towering np for • han dled and fifty feel or mom and six or ■even feet through at Urn hue. Here on the trail, only about n foot wide, one cun look down into the narrow peas, that the rlrer has broken through, some thousand ■set below, which gives cue a feeling of being suspended in mid-air. Standing In the bottom, where our camp baa been pitched, ere sen look np on all aides and follow the djkaa and flaaora reins over one hill after another dear way up into the farthest mountain. The rock in which the richest silver Uea is principally porphry, although then are rich Trio* oi taloon elate. On the left or •oath tide of the creek then <e hardly • ■ingle point bat ehowe up rich Indi cation! of siltsr. It te on thle ride that the Relief and Quandary claima are ■touted and are the richeet by far of any that hare baen located. On the north ■lda, hownrar, there are one or two teete holea. among a number, that are exceed ingly promising. Hone of these holes hate been pat In otet twenty feet, and it ieionad that the farther they go in, the better the And. There la a gulch that comae down about • mile shore the camp and It Is tbongbt by eome of the pros proton that, from the indications and cropping, here will heablg surprise. Bat there Is no point In this whole stretch of eaten mllae in length and prob ably eight in width, hot when good on ena he found. It ie free milling and car ries with It nothing that can possibly make it ntpneln to get the riltee out. 1 noticed in the riter bottom a number of •hdon and panning outfits whan man ban been working plant claims, end I an told by eome of them that they on pan out bom eaten to eight dollars a day and aome days hats done better. A hots, dose to Edgar rock, tone one le at work on a placer claim end ia cxcaedlagly ray*- terloua about what he don and baa done. Hen the gratal end send ia quits line sad than ie no doubt hot that he ia making a good deal mon than a fair day's wages. Is the bottom, St the edged a beautiful graaor glade, Captain 1. T. Bimmooo has mads a permanent mining camp, with E. K. Current as recorder. They are sow at weak putting sp log cohfna la aider Is stand oat Uw viator aad operate on the claims vfaaasror the weather will permit. Than are oror oas handled claims now staked aad located, aad It Is tollr ex pected that sear a Iboaaand moa will ha la there at work when apriag opens ap. la antidpatios of this Mr. Current has located a townoite oa a high hooch land that rasa all along the north olds of the radar. The ore, from the returns of the umj ere, Is oa the iwnn ol u ISQore, sad there Is bo end to the amount ol H in right. Ten miles shove csxnp the Bumping river flows Into the Neteheee and at this point, on the ride ol the bln*. then an several holes when coal ol a fine quality has been taken oat, some of which we homed In camp. As to the quantity of it wo cannot say. Suffice it to say that then are enough good indications to make it worth the while for someone to pros pect at this point and also further up the Bumping river. L. fluw Oonnos. —Remember H* Vuechler, your Jew eler. He will have an especially large stock ol Jewelry of all kinds here shortly and will able to suit all wants. 2t —Griffin Bros, kart the finest line of Dried Frmka sad Groceries in town. Vising Block. It. —Griffin Bros, pay cash lor ranch eggs and produce. Vising Block. It. —Onion, potatoes and cabbage wanted al Boyers A Co.’s. • FAWCETT BEOS, DIALERS IK Farm Machinery & Vehicles, Hole ipeU for tbo Crlrbnted MORRISON AND HEADLIGHT WALKING, SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, DICKS FAMOUS FEED-CUTTERS, BADGER STATE FANNING MILLS, VICTOR HAY PRESS (Victor emu pr*u from to to IS urn* per Say), VICTOR HAY, STOCK AND WAREHOUSE SCALES, - ■ ■ ' ■ ;o:~. AMD THE CELUUUTU Moline and Weber Wagons. IWy have Jut received a ear load of the famous and popalar WEBER W AGONB, And would respect tally request all parties Intending to purchase wagon* to call at their plaea of hwtoHi ana examine them before purrhaslua elsewhere. They call especial attention to their large ana flue stock of Biqm Carriafßs, Half-Plain aid Honntain Spriii Vapu. Thor are the only dealers la Yakima County who handle goods direct from the Factory. »?*•*“** Corner of Front A A Street, Perhaps You Are Thinking Over what to bay for a Stove to keep yonrself and baby warn daring the winter which is ahoat upon ns. DOPTT THINK UN IMPUDENT If we teU yon that we believe We Know Just What You Want! u it u something elegant in the way of a Parlor Heater, try one of thoee LUNAR JEWELS (Open Orate), FIRESIDE JEWELS (Open Onto), PLANET JEWELS (Open Onto), VISTA JEWELS (Roud), OAK JEWELS (Round). JEWEL OAK (Round). LITTLE DUKE (Bound), STARLING (Round), VALLEY OAK (Round), PACIFIC (Open Orate), SOCIAL JEWEL (Open Orate) MODEL JEWEL (Open Orate). And twenty other dlflbreut stvles which can’t help to prove a Jewel In your homes, as they will barn mlber eoal ar wood. Wo have othar styles In very cheap open grata Stoves, sneb u FEDORA, WASHINGTON, CHEERFUL, FIRESIDE, And many othar pattorne of Roand Coal Beaten, with or wtthowr Drum. Box Stoves Cheaper Than Ever Heard of! Hardware! TT A T?T> W A TM?. Hardware ! Lower than the Lowe«t. W PLACE: VINING BROTHERS, VININU BLOCK (Hut W H.ul YUlu), ... YAKIMA AVBHCI* SAWYER & PENNINGTON (SUCCESSORS TO A. B. WEED.) Hardware, Stoves, Farm Machinery, Wagons. Wb Mb a Specialty of Pitting ii Hot Air Form. SAWYER A PENNINGTON, Sooth— i Corner First Street and Yakima Avonoo. North Yakima, Washington. Lombard & Horsley, (SUCCESSORS TO A. H. REYNOLDS.) Dealers in FURNITURE! CARPETS, WINDOW-SHADES, roKTDms , CURTAINS, OIL clothe IvgMt nd b«at mmiM Mock la caatial Waaklncum. at Prices that Can’t be Duplicated. —AH, THERE!— Dnirnpn 0 Hn Bob Up Serenely in the DIIJEIII (X LU. Hewlett Block, Under the U. N. Ofllce, With a Complete New flrmnn.;-, I Line of Fresh GntCntS And Ask a Share of Tour Patronage. give them a fair TRIAL! FECHTER & LAW, REATi ESTATE, FUST MORTGAGE LOANS. Krom this date we will give special attention to the making of First Mortgage Loans upon improved farm property and in special cases upon improved city property. We are prepared to make Loans at Seasonable Bates of Interest And a low commission. When in need of money it will be to your advantage to call upon us. Ouf : Insurance : Business Is continually increasing. We say without fear of contradiction that we represent the best line of companies in the City. $50,000 In Round Numbers Is the amount of our real estate sales during the months of Aug ust and September, 1889. The Greatest flcimiy in ileal Estate jDaiiel Is always experienced during the winter months We predict that the coming winter will usher in greater activity than we have ever experienced before. You must draw your own conclusions. We are prepared for it; are yon? ■i? '-HiCJTT Sxi "r * a va/ •VS* YAKIMA NATIONAL BANK, Yakima Avenue, North Yakima, Washington. HBW AfIMIIT YAKIMA? Listen to the Story as it is Told by Careful Observers from Abroad. (Am Franeuco Examiner.) Dm new State Capital w ill probably bo at North Yakima. (SpoteMM Folk Review.) The bmtand moat extenein agricultural mk> in the Yakima Land Dlatrlct, SilM vlnjr" * O,T ’ ,boot o* ftorth TiUh and Is known m the (Smith Poh-JnltlKgmeer.) . *jdaj, whoretow narsaao were nncultinted prairies, the horn, ol great herd, e I nmdrilllll wild cattle tnd vicious budsd caynae ponies who knewno halter •o* Mud. tb. City of North Yoking th. Qdm. WuUnitoT ' INortkweat ** \ _TI»« kaog ol relays which meet et the new town of North Yakima oeema a bit of Southern California bm In tbs noth. Public opinion in .11 nut.ofwihlni. to. baa MIM apt* this pbo. a. the Cipllll 3 SLotM* P "** 01 W **“ ,ir ■ .Tlwrekaola* reason why thlo otty Md owudy, whta thy Aril turn >McUd ** maahnuas la population, should not hue. la tb. city boa 15,000 a 25 000 aad tb. eoaatjrjto,oootoKKooo. Nsilhor is then any good naaoo why they should jot ba onateaUy amooi the Tory wealthiest towns and coontita in Washington x&miSLSsssiars masrss^ssTOisas **** coontry that ran show a. low a ffinma Tiipi ] »<*T. e* Worth Yakima laattested la the neater of a ™*9J which opm into it aad bar* grown famous far their W*!?* - - afflpoltoral country tumoadiog it aad tbo peculiar !?KIK.tISJS3!!“ k ’ nami N ° rth caaottatdga. {Spokane Fade Review } t - A . l 9”* **** th “ J* t Y tnUa.aijartJhc difference In climate botwoen Yakima In Yakima oomty and EUeaebnigh in Kittitas county la alnsoat ss great aa that betveoa a northern and 800 than latltWe. The raOer ourroondlnn Hla^hnWh iZZZtZ srSttiSSEt ZStfL™ h01 " 1 w, * cc# * ad • ,mU " “I-. fnkrrhw with Judge J. R, Lewit on kit return/nm attending th* Mechanic* flair {a California, Publiehed in Or Scuttle Poet-Inuaigencer. s»dnw. ol tregetablaaand many rariotieool fruit than W^ingtonXerritorTßrJ 1 S® orrr Into the Yakima coantnr and in two daya mllect flow bn£ duel. In thoee nnoo than law In California. foe Yaklm. Jtt£ quality and Barer than any raised In California, the anulm at. sniJriV.„hVkl pruamm.awayaheadcdlutythlnglarm mcloS, all kinds ol regetabloa In the Yakima oonnhySsn any produced In Mac Lean, Reed & Co., Real Relate, Insurance Agents, InLw, M 4 ft, Kuril TlUu, VBUttllL