Newspaper Page Text
THE YAKIMA HERALD. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7, IMS Paid an Election Brr.—On Saturday afternoon at 3 :45 o’clock, Landlord Chas. Edward Smith, of the Hotel Yakima, at tired in a long linen duster, a natty tour ists’ cap and a very determined look on his face, walked to the street in front of his caravansary, spat on his hands and laid hold of a wheelbarrow on which re posed the form of Attorney Robert Brace MUtoy, son of General R. H. M’lroy, of Olympia. The Yakima band was there, clad in their attractive uniforms of blue and gold, and promptly with the appear ance of Mr. Smith they formed in line, struck op ’’O’Donohue’s Wake” and marched to the depot and back, followed by Mr. Smith with his wheelbarrow, which was still occupied by Mr. MUroy. The perfection of the day showed that Providence smiled on the proceedings, and Yakima avsnne was thronged with people, who applauded, shouted and hus sahed as the novel procession took Its coons alone. At Col. Tsggard’s and sev eral other places flags were brought forth and waved, and the day was celebrated In various ways. The parade was the re sult of an election bet. in which Mr. Smith backed bis opinion that Elisha P. Ferry would not receive a majority of 7800 votes over his democratic opponent; and aa his estimate proved 100 lew. he paid his wagß as recorded. Masonic Tbmtls.— 'The large and com modious halls in the third story of the great brick, now nearing completion at the corner of A and Second streets, have been leased by the Masonic fratern ity for society porpoaes The halls are to be utilised lor blue lodge, chapter and commandery porpoaes, the lease running for five yean, and the apartments are being constructed with especial reference to the use for which they are designated. No expense wIU be spared by the owners of the block in making these halls beauti ful, convenient and safe, and the Masons are to ba congratulated on securing such a central and appropriate location for e Meeonk temple, and the community at large can not faU to bebenefitted thereby, as it has bean too often demonstrated, in pest years and centuries, that nothing does mors to elevate tbs social and moral tone of any community than the practice and adherence to the pars and refining prin ciples of Masonry. The Hxkald predicts greet success for the new Royal Arch Chapter and Knight Templar Commso dery. There are over a hundred blue lodge Maaona in this vicinity. Tliey compote our best citisens and form abun dant material, to grace and honor the higher degreea of Masonry. Will Build to North Yakima.—An advance courier from the large corps of railroad engineers who have been work ing np Lewis river, beaded for North Yakima, was In the city Tuesday. He report* that the surveyors are now over the divide and “tied” on to the line run np from this side daring the past season, and that all the grades are light. One hundred and four feet to the mile for about eight milea la the heaviest grade on the whole route. The road aa surveyed runs through a very valuable agricultural country, and in the mountains the virgin timber sad the undeveloped mineral re sources will alone give greet wealth to the company building this line of road. It is given out that construction work on the road from North Yakima westward will begin by early spring, and that the road from this point to the Columbia will ba in progress of construction as soon as the snowbirds leave. SrscTACVLAB Dsama To-Nioht.—Flem ing’s “Around the World in Eighty Days” troops will appear at tbs opera bouse this evening, and will undoubtedly be greeted by a big boose, aa It la seldom that theat rical companies with equal reputation, number of people and large expense, deign to atop at a city of this eisa. This troupe Is direct from the cast, and the newspapers along tbs roots traveled unite In printing words of praise of the com pany, Individually and collectively. It is seldom that spectacular plays requiring an imaMnss amount of scenery and a large number of people visit North Yaki ma, and appreciation of the efforts to en tertain ns should be shown by a large attendance. Moan Tumorkd Stock.— On Sunday last several car loads of thoroughbred cattle arrived hem from Minnesota, con signed to H. B. Bcudder, of the Yakima dairy. Mr. Bcudder has nothing but graded Holsteins ia bis large herd, and is probably doing mom to improve the breed of entile In this county then any one per son. His dairy Is a model, only the most Improved machinery being need, and the butter made Is sweet, pure and first-class in every respect. It Is well worth the ride from this dty to inspect this splendid dairy and to observe the advancements In butter-making since the old days of the dasher churn. A Bro Bin Eaten Tkenaecnoa. —J. H.ThornaaaddtoJ.D.Mclntynlaitweek twenty acraa of land on which hla real dcoocls aitoated, lor • conaidaration of . 110,000. Thia ia oonaidarad tba hlfheat price a Tar paid lor property in thia vicin ity, and ahowa the unbonnded confidence ahrawd nan Ilka Mr. Mclntyre have ia Yakima and lla future. Mr. Mclntyre baa made other large ptuefaaaaa la and about the dtp, which la an eamaat that hia watatworka, electric lighla and trri gatloa projacla will aoon matarlaliae. OUM m Ban Oancrua.—Owing to . thaill health ol Judge J. B. Inwia, wboaa a phyaidana prnacriba real and ahaolole fgeadom from boalneaa carea. ha haa withdrawn from active participation in the management of the Tint Rational bank of thia city, and will apand the Winter ia flontbarn California. Tba di rector! of tha hank have elected Edward Whitaon, preaidant, and A. W. Engle, trice preaidenL Theodora B. Wilcox, of Portland, roc panda Judge Law la la the directory. LOCAL BREVITIES. —Dr. G. J. HSU la located at Ellens burgh. —E. B. Wise of Ooldendale is a candi date for the U. 8. marshalship. —The ladies of the M. E. church are arranging to hold a fair during the holi day*. —Brace MUroy is at Olympia an aspir ant for the position of chief, or reading clerk. —Maud, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Cook of Ellensburgh died Oct. 29tb., of brain fever. —The president and governor have issued their proclamations designating November 28th Thanksgiving Day. —Judge W. O. Langford of Wall* Walls, and ex-delegate C. 8. Voorbeea of Colfax, are reported to have formed a co-partner ship and will practice law at Spokane Falls. -W. D. Back writes to the Hksald from Calmer, lowa, under date of Nov. 2nd, saying “the enow is falling thick and fmt and has been for twenty-four boon.” —Charley Snipes left hie trunk, con taining all his good clothes, on the back porch of 11. H. Alien’s residence, last week, and some muscular thief came along and packed it off. —The county commissioners in session have authorised the building of a wagon road to the mines np the Natcbees. L. Frank Gordon and a party of a down will leave to commence work Sunday. —The Teachers’ association will bold a meeting si tbs public school house, North Yakima, Nov. SO. Teachers and other friends of education, please attend if pos sible and aid in promoting the interest of our schools. —A provisional dty government has been organised at Pasco. The trustees are Cspt. W. P. Gray, C. W. Heynie, J. F. Buchanan, J. D. McCarthy and W. B. Kahlow. Cspt Gray as president of the board is mayor ex-officio. —A young lad named Chase brought in a couple of white swan and seven mallard docks which be killed on the river below town, Wednesday. The boy. although only 16 or 17 years old, makes from two to three dollars dally with his gun. —The receipts for freight coming the Northern Pacific railroad for October were $325,000, more than four times the amount for the corresponding month last year. The total freight receipts of the road for the month were about $3,000,000. —Willard J. Lawson, of Wenatchie, is in Jail at Ellensburgh charged with big amy. Last August be married Lizzie May Bonneli and now it turns out that he had seduced and been compelled to marry a Miss Mary Blsirclaen at Oiendive, Montana, and bad then deserted her. -M. Q. Wilis, of this dty, writes an interesting article of the campaign of 1865, against the Indians of the country, which appears on the first page of the Hksald. Mr. Wills was one of the vol unteers who moved against the siwashes at that early date and his account is replete with eventful incident. —Mr. Harry Barrymore begs leaves to announce to the people of North YaUma that he has opened an employment office in North Yakima. Any and all applica tion for either male or female help will be promptly attended to; also railroad tickets bought and sold for all parts of the United States. Office at Harry Hamp ton’s Store. —Postmaster General Wanamaker has awarded the contract for famishing post age stamps for a year to the American Banknote company of New York. The new stamps will be about one-eighth •mailer than those in present os*. One cent stamps will continue to ba printed in blue. Two-cent stamps, now printed in green, will be printed in bright carmine. —Wm. Shaw has returned from Walla Walla, whither be Journeyed to settle up an estate in which he is interested. Mr. Shaw is one of the oldest settlers of Yak ima country and be bad never had his photograph taken until Just previous to his visit In Walla Walla when he com plied with the urgent requests of bis child ren and gave a sitting to the photographer who brought forth a truthful and excel lent likeness of a line looking old gentle- Pcath t( Prank Reik. Died, at North Yakima, Tuesday, No vember 6, Frank O. Nash, aged M yearn. Mr. Nash came to Yakima last spring, In a very low state from, consumption, in hopes that the change would be beneficial. His mother, Mrs. A. M. Chase, was with him to the last, as was his uncle, Engin eer B. F. Davis, of the Northern Pacific. Mm. Chase wishes to extend her thanks to friends and neighbors for their many attentions and kindness to her boy. Strays* or Stolen. From their range on Trout Creek, Yak ima county, one brown horse, branded AA on left hip, weight 1100 pounds, white stripe In forehead. Also, one bay mare, branded F on left shoulder, star in forehead. Suitable reward paid for their return or for information leading to their recovery. J. A. CasPßimm, 024*4t North Yakima, Wash. Don.—Mrs. Daniel e Fish, who has been a sufferer for a long time past from cancer of the stomach, died at the family residence, in Yakima City, Sunday, No vember S. Mrs. Fish was a very worthy woman, whoee death will be sincerely mourned, not only by her fsmily but a large drcle of friends. —Extra New Orleans molasses, fancy sorghum, pickles, cranberries, Ac., Ac., by the gallon at Griffin Bras. Vining Block. It —Min. O. W. Cary haa Joat returned from Portland with an elegant line of MUUoary and other Unea of Dry Gooda. • —Hare yon aaan Orillia Bren, new grocery alora? Vining Block. It. PERSONAL. Mr*. L. J. May la In Portland. Edward Wbitaoo left Wednesday for (Mytnpia to aesist in making senators. B. E. Snipes, wife and child leave on the 16th for San Joes, Cal., for the winter. Thao. Steiner expects to leave in a few days on s visit to his old home in Penn sylvania. George W. Goodwin and wife expect to leave in n few days for California to spend the winter. Auditor Matt Bartholet who is in poor health leaves next week for the Bound in hopes of Improvement. Mrs. Henry Allen and son, and Miss Hsael Chapman returned Monday from a visit to The Dalles and Portland. Wayne Field returned Tuesday from Gray’s Harbor and was introduced to his new baby, which beaays Isa bouncer. Representative John Clemen left Mon day for Olympia, the scene of hie labors in the first legislature of Washington. Mrs Frank Cook of Kittitas county,who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chappell, returned home Tuesday evening. Mr*. Thomas Priestley, Mias Mary Priestley, C. L. Owen and W. H. Bennett, of Fort Situcoe, spent Friday and Satur day in the city. Hurry Barrymore baa severed his con nection with the Chicago Comedy Com pany and opened an employment of fice on Yakima avenue. The firm of Wills A O’Harrs has been dissolved, Mr. Frank O’Harra retiring. He leavee to-morrow for Pendleton, but expects to locate in Walla Walla. Judge J. B. Reavis, after a relapse, is again slowly recovering, and his friends may hope to see him on the streets and able to attend his professional duties be fore long. Albert £. Joab, of Tacoma, is la the city. Mr. Joab is an earnest advocate of Waller J. Thompson for the senate and seems to think that bis favorite has an excellent chance of success. Mrs. W. D. Inverarity of Tacoma spent a few days in the city last week on her return from Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she had been caring for her son Duncan, who was down with an attack of typhoid fever. Mayor and Mrs. F. R. Reed returned Tuesday from Portland. Mr. Reed was taken quite sick while in Portland but is gradually gaining his health, although his physician strongly urges a rest from business activity. A. B. Chapman has resigned the posi tion of book-keeper of the First National bank and has gone to Seattle. He is suc ceeded here by Henry Teal of Portland, a brother of Joe Thai, who is well known by many of our citizens. Dr. Wm. Chapman and wife, of Colum bus, Wash., have been in tbe city for sev eral days past, visiting their sons, W. H. and J. B. Chapman. They leave to-day for the east to spend the winter at their former home in Kansas. D. Q. Sinclair baa been appointed county commissioner rice John Cleman resigned. Mr. Sinclair la a pioneer real* dent of thia county and bis general worth and ability ia indicitlve that be will make an excellent commissioner. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilliam have gone to Walla Walla on a visit. The announce ment of the marriage of Mr. Gilliam's sister to Hon. Jesse Day, of Dayton, was premature as the wedding will not take place until the latter part of the month. Representative Cleman has, in the exer cise of his prerogative, appointed Miss Annie Monroe to a scholarship in the ter ritorial university. MoCbetter appointment could be made, as Mias Monroe is a worthy recipient, and one who will en deavor to profit by the opportunity af forded her to complete her education. Tbs Qrygeaiea of the Id last, has every Just and proper tribute to our Mayor F. R. Reed, and not our mayor alone, be Is a type of the men we have here at North Yakima—rustling, energetic, able, honest men. We keep them hem and have no use for any other kind. If you wish good society come to North Yakima. Advertise* Letter List. The following letters remain unclaimed In the postofflee at North Yakima Wash ington, Nov. 1, 1889. In calling for the same please say "advertised:" Allen. Jamas A Bashkin, Isaac Berry, J Berg, Louis Brewer, Woody Brandenburg, Alex Brandon, J E Capps, Carl Cochran, M V Chrisboim, W O Conolly, John Croy, A B—2 » Harry Carter, Geo H Depew, EM Dillon, Charlie Ddy, David Dawson. Mm Wm Eynon, W P—2 Frans. R H Fleuelllng, Che M Fisher, Mrs EH Oarrand, F V Gregory, Frank OittJngs, Mm 8 J—2 Gillespie, Alex Heuton, S O Hooner, Sidney Harris, A Hall, l ir Jamerson, Mm Susie Jones. Mm Wm Johnson, H. Kinnear, O D-3 Lilley Vade Lawless, M R Laud, Geo Lackey, H • Lang, P J McDermott, John McDaniel, W E McClelland D F Mom, Cbae McKay, Chae Monieon, John L Morrison, W W Miller, Hattie A Pickering, John R Peterson, Peter Powell. Rev L H Pate, Riley Powell A Co Ribe. Albert Ritter, A Smith, OE Sheird, Wm Stiff!os, Wm Smith, J 8 Smith, Mm Emma Sbaraatein. A Steward. J L Sanders, W A Spray, R. Sawyer, W P Tlowee, T B Woolby.TJ Watson, Mm J8 West. Geo E Wooley.MmM Mas. K. Locdow, F. M. —Griffin Bros, carry the finest stock of groceries in Yakima, at prices to suit everybody. Get their prices. Vining Block. It. —The public will please bear in mind that coal and wood is cash on delivery. John Reed, Agent. S2-tf. —Go to Cary's lor your Boys' Clothing and Hats; also Ladles’ and Misses fine Clonks, • Don't Lai Uw Opportunity Miff Buy only the beet of trees and thoee which have become acclimated here. Tree* aold by dealers from abroad seldom live when transplanted in a section where all the atmospheric conditions and the soil are dissimilar. E. R. Learning has tens of thousands of ornamental, shade and fruit trees of the moot approved varieties and as they are propagated and grown here, they can be depended upon for standing transplanting. Now is the time to im prove your holdings. Mr. Learning has the City Nursery, which is located Just north of the town, and it would pay any one to visit It. < ■tncnktr lh« ■iackanllh. All parties indebted to the Arm of Schichti * Schorn are hereby notified that their accounts are awaiting settle ment. < M. Schobk. —H. Kuechler, the Jeweler, has but one price. 2t —Go to Bartholet Bros, for your Yaki ma dairy butter. * —A full line of shirts always on hand at Myron H. Kills’. • —Highest price paid lor eggs and but ter at Boyers A Co.’a. * -Myron H. Ellis has the finest line of neckwear In the city. • —Cary la selling gents’ furnishing goods gloves boots and si toes at cost. • —Six lots given away to people who will build. Goodwin;* Pugsley. • —Bivalves from the east and west, by the dosen or quart, at Uerke’s Refresh ment Parlors. 017 —The finest line of neckwear ever shown in North Yakima Just received at Myron H. Ellis’. • MASON'S OPERA HOUSE. 7 THURSDAY 7 NOVEMBER# Grand and Imposing Production of the GrantMt of all Spaetacnlar Dramas, JI LES VEKNE'I imjiWiill 80 DAYS 80 Under tbe Immediate Supervision of Ita Owner, by Decision of tbe u! 8. Supreme Court, W.J. Fleming (Lata Manager of Niblo’a Garden. N. Y.) 00 People. Tio Cara Special Sceneryl MAGNIFICENT STAGE EFFECT! MAMMOTH MECHANICAL MACHINATIONS! A SUPERB CAOTI GRAND BALLET! Notwithstanding the Bnormona Expense of this Remarkable Spectacle cnnKEWLAt race will pkcuili an JUb AO Ceuta 01,00. i.UU fW-Reeenred Seats on sale at Allen * Chap man! Drag Store. THE PEOPLE'SIAiI One Door North of Opera How. W M . H. KERSHAW. I KEEP CeßmmT ON HAND! PICKLED A SMOKED MUTTON HAMS PICKLED A SMOKED HAMS. PICKLED A SMOKED TONGUES BREAKFAST BACON. DRIED A CORNED MEATS VARIETY or SAUSAGES NICE HOME-MADE LARD. LIVE A DRESSED CHICKENS, FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Prices Way Down SHEIYER BROS., Rnkn Baj-Ktten, Hectriciam We an Ikomfkh quilled to do any work la the above iinee, and gnarantee tallefaotlon. A Orden far Hooea and Sim Painting. Paper Notice for Pabltaallra. Land Omci at Kona Yakima, w. t,| October to, IM. I 'VTOTICI U HEREBY OIVKit THAT THE following named eettier boa Sled notice of bit intention to wake final proof in rapport of BlKafiffiSrK iSa 12. IM. vU: JOHN KOUN, ' T ' IRA M. KRUTE. Refieler. Notion (or Pmbllcotlom. Lamb Omci at Noeth Yakima, W. T.,j ikpiWiifias atNortbxakima,no DecemberM, UM, vis: BENJAMIN M. ROUNBAVELL. who made Homestead Entry No. Id, for the NEK of See. M. Tp. H. N. of fe. 27 K. He name* iLsrz-sii£?i: P 5 **" ■lia IEA M. K»PT», »««toWr. Notice Vor PwbUcotlom. Laud Omci at No wm TAkim a. W^T.,| NOWAKS u»IfSV“ BKauiMs;ajii'anss North Yakima, W. T., no Satnrday, the Slot day HERBam T ' I U M. nun. IW. Dissoumoi w co-punußM?. ssia * ass £E&as.JS Worth Taktau, Not. 7lh, Ml.* . btT-M. NnYntSm Our late trip through the Kant Gave us an opportunity to make Bargain Buysl And we are now prepared to make j Bargain Sales UNDERWEAK Waa Never Cheaper than Rew I OlotMng. A nice clean line! BFECUM.AL. I * ! Call and examine our Stiff sad Soft A line of Stetson's constantly on band. MUM Yakima Ave., Opp. Yakima Nat’l Bank. ago. • tamci. T. l. r. urtroßD. Shelf's Sale of Beal Estate. H. F. Allen and C. H. Lewis, part ) nera doing bnaiueaa muter tbc> Plaintiffs, firm name of Allen A Lewis, ) W. H. I* Jackson, Richard Can-1 sas!rs2taai c sr/»—*— L. Chamberlain, J TTNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECU IJ tlon on foreclosure Issued ont of tbe Dis trict Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Washington Territory bolding terms at North Yakima,in and for Yakima Countr.the said execution being duly attested on the 12th day of October, MS. In the shore entitled action, wherein H. F. Allen and C. U. Lewis, partners doing business under the Arm name of Allen A Lewis, the above named plaintiff obtained a lodgment and Decree of Foreclosure against W. H. L Jackson. Richard Cannon, Mason Turk, Orsla Cannon, Christina Chamberlain and J. L. ( hambcrlaln. Defendants, on tbe 3Srd day of Angust, IMS. which said Judgment appears dnlv of record In said court, 1 am commanded to sell all that certain piece or parrel of land situated In Yakima County. Washington Territory, and described as follows, to-wlt: Lots fourteen, fifteen and sixteen (14.1 ft, 16) In block slxty-fonr (641 In the town of Prosser, Yakima County, Washington Terrltoir, accord ing to the plat thereof now of record In the of fice of the County Auditor of said Yakima County; together with all and singular the ten ements, hereditaments and appurtenances there to belonging or In anywise appertaining, and If the proceeds of said sale shall not satisfy the said isaount and all roam the balance to be made ont of any property of the defendants not exempt from execution. Notice Is hereby given that on ■atarday, tbe »M Day off New., UN, between the hours of » o'clock In the forenoon and 4 o’clock In the afternoon,to-wit: at the hour of t o’clock In the afternoon of said day, at the east door of the Court house, In the city of North Yakima. In mid Yakima County, W. T., 1 will, in obedience to mid Execution on Fore closure. mil the above described Real Estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's Judgment, with interest thereon, and all costs, at public auction to the highest and best bidder, for cash In gold coin of the United States of America. D. E. LESH. Sheriff of Yakima County. W. T. Dated this Mth day of October, ÜBS. 017-44 Tl|« Celebrated French Gun, ’iSSf 4 “APHRODITINE” %SS3 fit sou on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE B 5? 1 J to euro any fU V form of nervous IdP. Jf disease, or any disorder of tho generative or gans either sex whetherar- v Islng from the AFTER axomnvanmof Bt muanta, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful Indiscretion, over indul* eocc, Ae., such as Lorn of Brain Power. WaketuL nem. Bearing down ruins in the Beck, Seminal SnuSttSSTiEssßsneE -twraraCTysßaaa enro is not albetsd. Thousands of tesUmonlaia from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured bv Aphroditine. Circular free. Addrem THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. wnernaa ieanch, ■OX *7. PORTLAND. OR. BOLD BY ALLEN A CHAPMAN, Bote Agent*. Worth Yakima. W. T. Paaart Laaf, final Proof. U. 8. Land Offcb, Norm Yakima, W. T. September SO, 1880. Notice te here given that (lalusha A. Bailey, of North Yakima, W. T., baa filed notice of intention to make proof on hia deaert-land claim No. 179, for the BWJi aec. 10, twp. 14. N R 17 E, before register and receiver U. B. land office at North Yakima. W. T., on the 9th day of November, 1880. He names the following witnesses to to prove the complete irrigation and re clamation of aatd: Wm. Lewie, Peter Birmingham, John Laawell, J. W. Bailey, all of North Yakima, W. T. IRA M. KRUTZ, Register. I HtnVB»TIRRBR Cl LTVRK. U. 8. Land Omni at Noavn Yakima, W. T.,J October 10, MO. { /COMPLAINT having been entered at this of- December Is, MM, upon ths NW& of section a, Ter, to the mid en daring the first roar or at any time since, and thnthe has totally abandoned the same—the srsT"* 1800. 1890. t iN G ' A ' L ln g HELLO! HELLO! GRAND GIFT DRAWING BY THE Great IXL Co. SCBBAWATS FiMPriie, One Fluk Parlor Set $125 Secoiil Prize, Lady’s nmk Coat 30 TM Priai, Meiaf«Oyercoat 25 Vnrtt Prize, Marfa Risk Coal 10 Fifth Prize, Boy’s Slit 10 Siitb Prize, Haifiif Laip ? 10 SeTenth Prize, Sea Mii Cap 10 Klkti Prim Lady's ftr Baa 10 Kiith Prize, Pair Wkite Blutiti 10 Tenth Prize, Cabinet Tnmt 10 Every Cash Purchaser who buys SI.OO worth of goods will be entitled to one number in The Grand. Drawing WHICH WILL TAKE PLACE JANUARY 1,1890. The Committee awarding the Priaea will be choten by the Ticket Holders. Yours Truly, Hyman Harris. GRAND BREAK FOR HARD TIMES! Cash. : : Quotations! 1 Box Soap, • - B*l*oo Coal OH, per ease, - 3.00 12 lbs Granulated Sugar, 1.00 3 Gal. Keg Pickles, - 1.00 Tea, per lb, • - - 20 100-lb Sack Salt, - 1.00 THE film CO.. Hyman Harris, Prop. YAKIMA AVENUE, NORTH YAKIMA, WASHINGTON.