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THE TAMA HERALD. tatnarur. novum », uar i rmmwi mnut ■r. Ink Mean- ■■ a Mg Tlw k Iriagiag ■btahUSaj-Ta." Him guile Tansy—'“Do Ton know what time It B, Hank Stoner?" Hank Burner—"No, noe 1 don't cart." "Ob, TOO dent? Well, ll'a time aU pod little hoys were home and in bed.” "Yon don’t aay so.” “Tea, I do, amarty. and jron'd better be going. ” “I’ll no whan I get ready." "Baaa-box." “Bay, finale.** “Say’ H yourself white your mouth’s open.** “Maw, now, Stale; I'm in eameet.” "Well, what am I doll, r "Von know what; yon know 1 boon pitta with yon a km, lime, Boole." “Poab! what II yon haeot Garni Hear naked yon to go with me. and-11 o'clock! Von (Dtaf to .Uy here all alahtr’ ■Maw, Boat yoo're tickled enonah to kato mo May and yoo know It.” “A-o-a-w, Bank Stoner! Aa tbonab I enre whether yon go or day. Fnahl” * “Ob, I gome I ain't inch a leal an I look. Bntaay, Bode,” “Won. aay it, than, yoo ninny! My land o’ teat, I alat hinderin’ yon.” “Ton am, loo.” “Tea, bee. hoi, hen!” “Honaat Inina, now, Boole; I'm in dead oaraaoL I ain’t ban year ehadder six for nothin*.** “Myshadder! U. Hank I” “You know I ainV* “How should I know? I ain’t a witch.** “Ton act like one.*’ “You’re polite, I must aay I” *1 mean it as a compliment.’’ ‘•Smart compliment.’’ “I think the world and all of yoo, Soria.** “La, Hank!’* “I ain’t toolin’.** "Tee, bee. bee. bee!’’ “DM you ever happen to think that yon and me was old enough and Mg enough to get married r* “F<H>-b, Hank!” “We air. I ain’t thought moch else of late.** “Too redickerns thing t** “Well, 1 ain’t. Yoo like me potty well, don’t your* Pd be smart to aay so if I did.’’ “Wefl, you might when we’re going to gR married.’’ “Who aaM we were going to get mar* Had? It takes two to make a bargain. Mr. fimarty.” “But yoo will, won’t you. Rusts T” **IH think about it.” “Pshaw, Rosie! Why can’t yoo aay •Yea* right out?” “Oh, you’re too anxious, and—let go my hand!” “1 shan’t” “Yoo mean thing! I’ve a notion to the Idea of you potting your arm around my waist like that, and-now, yoo dare to kiss me again! What if pa or ma 1 should come iu?’’ “Pooh! They’re in bed, where they • ought fobs.” “Nice way to talk about my pa and asa. It*s a good thing for you they are in bed.” “Yes, I think so myself; I’d rather have ’em there than here.” “Tie, bee, beet Yoo mean thing!” “Come, now, Seale, aav yes. I love you like aU-poeseeeed I” “Aw, Hank! Take your mouth away from my cheek g*way!” “Say *yea,* Aret” “Wen, if I most-yes.” “Tin nay I” “ghat a,! Good haaTcea! Yea wait to ralm the dead T” “I'm eo happy. Boole!" “Weil, don't go may II yen are— fooael”—lW. IBT4JMD munn. lb Imm Wlf • hi. Whs M, Uetjt IMMliiMi I>art. Ball, in "La Onslinse Cerebral," apeak. ol a nan ae a right-handed ani naL Being right-handed, It la popularly . aaaomed that ho In alao right-lagged, hot thle dean not appear to ha the case. Standing, working with tbo right band, thme la a tendency to uaa the left lag lor balance Many people Sad laea exertion in going round circlet to the right than to the left. Race track, an nearly always made hr tanning drclea to the right. So tba majority ol tDoremenla an anon readily performed to the right, as dancing, running, ate. The aide in walking it to knap to the right, and this appears to be ahaoalnatseasal. Ilia non natural to boar to the right, aod thle appears to be almost nniranal. Of a large number ol people ol the batter educated damn naked shoot the existence ol thle rule, only 67 par cent males tad U per earn iaatalae wive .wars ol the rule; the largo majority obey It onconaciooaly in walk lag. Crowd, tend to bear to the right. The left leg being the stronger, It la men remUly brought into action; hence troop. ' start off with the left loot ; It Is the loot which It placed into the stirrup d the noddle or on the atop ol the bicycle In mounting; so the left loot la the loot horn which a man starts in jumping. fa the experiment. aMLH. Darwla, walk straight, the right-handed once dl reraed la the right and sice versa. From m lawn a manta oI Dr. Garsoo ol the ekele •art ol two Inga, in HA per cent the left waa the hmgar and ».s the right. For ■ eeearn ante ol the lent the writer col- M pain, with tba result that In 44 per tart the left was longer, is 21.6 per rent the right, end in 56.6 per cent they were Joint gars 56 per cent laflt Urge, end at the instep 42.6 per cent. From the table of the Agues II Is observed that tbs left loot is mote frequently the larger in the male than In the female sex, and the per ceotage of feet the same alas U greater In the female. The per oentage of the right larger than the left Is very constant, whereaa the number of the left larger than those in which both feet were the same else are much mote variable. Man, being nateatty or artificially right-tended and the right Lower animals, on the other hand, appear nearly always to circle-to the left. Hi Sprier Jafettbci ’ B. B. Blake, ooantieo oI Spokane and Stevens. W. N. Roby, county of Whitman. Wallace Mount, oountiea of Lincoln. Okanogan, Douglas and Adams. W. H. Upton, counties of Walla Walla and Franklin. K. F. Btnrdevaat, coon tier of Columbia, OaHMdaad Aaotlo. 0. B. GroTea, oountiea of KitUtaa, Yak ima and Klickitat. N. H. Bloomfield, couatiaa of Clarke, Skamania, Pacific, Cowlita and Wahkia kum. Maaon Irwin, coontim at Thnraton. Chehalie, Maaon and Inwto. Frank Aliya, count, ol Fiona. L J. Lichtenborg, county cl King. ear. Island, Ban Joan and Clallam.' J.K. Wina.ooontiaof Whatcom, Bkn git und Boobomlah. •m Vhn tta Dm lap. Prol. Jouaa aasuses (la ta Kogliah neutpupar) Iha qoaotion reload aa to whether Iha topping and drilling tbs aaithiee oil that ia going on iu America ie daagtraa o» not—that le to aay, Bkdy to let out Iha internal fins ol the earth to pfatj harue with the anttooe ter end near. He oocnpana the earth to a hullooa tott ed end kept distended by the gas in the interior, which, if erheitoed, will cause the croat to collapse, effect the motion at the earth la ha orbit, ennaa it to kwe its piece among Iha heaven], bodice, and fall in places. Another writer thinks that driliiag should ba prohibited by stringent tew*. The adantid an in Imaaanas cueity euiats and that ban Iha gas is stored; that a mile below the bottom at the earity ia a mam at roaring, aeethlag lama which la gradually sating Into the rock fioor at Iha carera ami thinaiag U. Erentnally the lame will reach the cm and a terrific axplodoo trlU oocnr. The tlmile ol the earth being like e hailaoo le noteolid. Why not weigh the earth end aattle the qamtom at aoUdkyT The td rot let qen weigh the can end moon; the ■gone am long bat the leaaH la worth the trouble.—Ban Pramritec Argaaaaf. AtUHW Near Kllwe, on the earn ooeat of Alrica, about too ntilea Booth of Zaadbar le a cliff which hm been recently weahed up bp the warm. On the tap at thla dlff era Pemton tombs, known to ha at Imal eeran oentarim old by the detea atUI legible on them. Beneath them tombs ia a layer at debrle repemenHng n city. Farther down the cliff Is a aacond layer, the remain, at a atm mom ancient city of east and unknown antiquity. Beneath the bottom city naan bond coma aped mena of glaaed aaithanwara, inch aa am oocaatoullT tabs mat with an that coast to this day. Thia only drengtbmn the theory at that owe n peaaparone conti nent, which commenced near Bin Fran deco, took ia the Fualoaa rocks, Sand wich lalanda, Kalick, Chain, Marahall, Gilbert, Atlaatk. Pbcrnix, Ellice, FIJI, Soiomon, Bemoan, New Hefarldm, New Caledonia. Friendly and Haw Island islands, and that a mam ones lahafaftad tkto continent, end aa it aank ben rath the north end couth Pldfie ocean the lalanda an left aa monnmenta and OMt put nation. Tba mind wearies eaaQj when it torivw to grapple with the infinite, or to Mlw the iootetepe of the Almighty m He etrMee from sphere to sphere, or to dednee Hie purpose from Hie works.— Tmetmm Olobt. WraaUm "iM lentf.' The Beaton Journal (tf Commerce prints the following “about yoomeH” Ttmui— herd teeth la tt. 1W weight d the circulating Mood Is 28 pound*. Tbo arenaa weight of an adult in U» Tba train o( n mas extent! Men that at nay otbar animal. A man breathes abort twenty tinea n mintaa and IMP In an hour. A man breathes about eighteen plnta ol air in a mlnnle, or npwarda ol seven hogs heads a day. Tba average weight ol the brain ol a man in throe end one-half panada; el a Five hundred aod iarty panada, or one d blood pan throorh IhT bam^am hour. The average height d an Englishman la 6 teat t Inchat; d a Frenchmen S Mat 4 inches; d a Belgian 6 leal inches. The heart aanda nearly tea pounds d Mood through the veins and arteries at each boat, and makes four brats while we hßatha ones. One hundred and seventy-live million cells an in the lunge, which would cover a surface thirty times greater than that d the human body. The average d the puke in Infancy it 120 par minute; la manhood, «; at oo yearn, 80. Tba palm d fialm la more frequent than that d males. —For coal and wood tail on John Bead. tm. —Orocariaa yon matt hare. Orooarlsa we moat tail. Ufa trade and both ha happy. BartboWßna. • —Ooo. W. hnlookon boa tho only oichi ■iTa rtgar aad tobaeoo alaad la tba city. HmokanahoaUfcyhlalaafaoda. • ' Mia. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111., * flu that she caught 1 cold, which aattlad on her loop; aha [ waa treated hr a month by her tamlly physician, hut grew worse. He told bar 1 that aha waa a bopsleaa victim ol ooo ’ sumption and that no medicine could 1 cum bar. Her droggiata suggested Dr. ’ King’s New Diaoonry lor Consumption; [ aha bought a bottle and to her delight Hmlf the first ’ She continued Its oaa and after taking ten k -«a»— A.,,,,1 a aa « i _-«| WnnM MIOU GUI Mil BGUIIU HQ w dll. BUV ' dom her own housework and is aa well as sheerer waa. Free trial bottles of this great Discovery at Janeck’a Pharmacy. | Largs bottle 60e. and sl. Wm. Timmons, poatmaster at Idaville, Ind., writes: “Electric Bittershaa done more for me than aU other medicines com bined, lor that bad feeling arising from kidney and Uvsr trouble.” John Leslie, fanner and stockman, of the place, says: '‘Find Electric Bitters to be the beet kidney and Avar medicine; make me feel like a new man.” J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, say*- “Electric Bitten is just the thing for man who is all ran down and doesn’t care what her he lives or dim; found new strength, good appetite and felt Jmt like I had a new learn on life.” Only 60 oenta a bottle at Jansck’s Pharmacy. gsektes** traisa Halve la the best salve in the world for cots, bruises, sores, nkers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per boa. For sale by C. B. BuahneU. druggist. 0100,000 IS Lean. Mac Lean, Reed A Co. have SIOO,OOO to loan on improved farm lands. Applica tions lor loans will recsivs prompt at- Independence, Ora., Dec. IS. Both myself and wife have ban lor some yean afflicted with disease of the kidneys, and had tried many remedies without obtaining any permanent relief. About three months ago we were induced to try Oregon Kidney Tea, which has ap parently entirely cored both of ns, as since taking It two weeks we have felt no symptoms of tte disease. We can heart ily recommend it to others similarly afflicted aa we beliers H will do all that is claimed for it M. W. Warn. Bold by Allan A Chapman. —The oonsdorisness of having a remedy and sudden colds ia very consoling to a parent With a bottle of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral in the houee one feels. In such cases, a sense of security nothing else can give. —t bay my underwear direct from the fectorim, end am now offering It at prime which were aerer before heard ct in North Yakima. Call and examine geode end pekoe, and eee lor yoarnoli. e Mraoa H. Bum. —Handera, la one adrartidng colnmna yoo will sat the generoaa offer cl Goodwin A Pngaley. Six lota in the beat part of town giran away. Thia lean opportunity which thoald act be thrown away. • —Bartbolet Brea, will not ha andmaold In anything—dry gooda. clothing, fomieh lag geode, boon and ahoee, hate and cape, mockery, groceries, and In fact erarything kept in n fleet-c tern atom. • —For dyapepeia and iirer complaint.yoo have n printed gaamntea on every bottle of BMloh’e VitaHace. It never tail, to com. Fee Bala by C. B. Boahnell, drug, fiat. —Why will yon eongh when Bhiloh'e Core will giro immediate relief. Price 10 rente, SO crate end |l. FcrmlebyC. T> WO l ll n . e . d. nusnneu, anq§ai. —Catarrh cured 4>ealth and sweet breath eecnied, by Shiloh's Catarrh Bemedy. Price 50 cento. Nasal injector free. Sold -C. E. McEwen is now offering ead dlee, bridlea, baraeas and ererythiag in his line at prices not to be duplicated this side of Portland. • —Bhiloh’s Catarrh Buriy la I pori- Un can tor caUfTh,dipttaiHa and Cank er Moots. For tall by C. B. Bnahnall, druggrt. —For square dealing and value received lor yon, band onntd cash, oaß on T. O. Badflald for anythin, la tbo lino ol jew elry. o —A nasal injector baa with each bottle ol Shilob'a Catarrh Bamady. Mon M carta. For aala by C. B. BuabnaU, drug *«• Hluplme nights, made miserable by that terrible ooogh. Shiloh's Oort to tba remedy lor 70a. Bold by C. B. Boshnctl. -For a nobby suit, made to arte, do not fail to call on oar popnlar merchant tailor. M. Probacb, on Yakima avanns. • -Enry garment mads by M. Fro* bach is warranted a good ftt, good work manship and to girt satisfaction. • -Call on Myron H. Ellis and examine his fine Una of winter underwear; one door aonth of opera hooas. • -Croup, whooping cough and hroo -«■ «*«- «_ »»-»-!- - -«» ■ 1 OVllokla emus immediately relieved uy ooiion s Cm. Hold by Boohooli. —'Tho Block at hma, aaddlaa, Ac., at 0. K. McE vea’a U tho boot la tho city, ond bio pekoo oto tbo lowaak, • —Mooay to loaa la tay amotraia, oa ap pooood oocurtty, by R. Bbobaeb, North Yakima. U —Choice leotl, ooto oad chopped boric, he aato at tbo North Yaklau toiler mlllo, -All of tho lahal otyloo to pmto'lot nlohlmo an to bo hand at U. H. BUio'o.* —Uoodola A Pmloy bore choapoooot to loaa oa Improved 1 lOtnim property.* —Six lota droa away to paofda who will build. Ctoodwla A Foadoy. • Fur lb Bm Filial Dus I FOR CASH OtyLY! Dress Goods. AT COST. AT COST. BARTHOLET - BROS. Opera. Bloolg. S. J. LOWE Carrie the largeat, bet and ebaapaat atoek oI all kind, of Cooking and Heating Stoves, ,- ■ . ■ir^riiTr HARDWARE, Etc., which be ie prepared to offer at remarkably low prloea. Alao m stock a fine line of Tinware, Sheet Ironware, Graniteware, Guns, Pistols and Farm Implements. Ooaaar Yakima Arena, and Fir* atreet - - W. T. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES. J-. CT. ARMSTROU Qy Corner Flret etieet end Yekime Avene. A complete If of ell o< the commodMee lamented ebon will be kennl et thie etora, id e (mere! reqent I. mat forth In the pobllc to cell end near f the prime end qnellly a( the Oaode. J. J. Aromtronif. Hmll-Cinmid Pram I Prices Reasonable. OUR WORK FIRST CLASS. E. S. ROBERTSON, SUCCESSOR TO Spinning & Robertson, Real Estate, INSURANCE. would respectfully call your atten tion to the fact that my list of TOWN PROPERTY is unexcelled. I have Lots for sale in every part of the city and Additions. F-AJEIM PROPERTY Very desirable, in tracts to suit. Represent a fine line of Insurance Companies. Money to Loan! On Farm and City Property. sirens YAKIMA AVENUE, NORTH YAKIMA, (Shardlow & McDaniel’s old stand.) oaccc«f.xeo&xv<*<~*xcoxecveoxooc?coocoooceo-»eeooooo Thomas Bradley, well-known throughout Eastern Washington and Oregon as an expert mixologist, will do the honors behind the tier, and will be pleased to meet his many acquaintances among the commercial travelers, as well as residents of this section. The attention of the indulging public is directed to oar extensive line of Fin Mis, Ib, Ours, Which we guarantee to be of the beet makes in the country. x^wyocooaawoeoeeecooßWiooxccoeaocxoe^aooeecooooof ELEOAIVT Pool - and - Billiard - Tables Afford pleasure and recreation to those seeking healthy exerdae. If courteous treatment, square dealing and unadulterated goods can secure and retain the patronage of the public, the efforts of the proprietors of this house will be recognised and appreciated. We have Just completed refitting and beautifying the building, and now invite the public to call and bestow upon ns such patronage as we merit. Wills & O’Harra. Allen & Chapman, DETTOeiSTa Keep always on hand all that ia pertaining to their trade. None bat pure med icine* ana chemicals dispensed. Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated by a Competent Pharmacist. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. A luge Line oi Feint., Oile, Well Peper, Oleee, Putty. Beeh end Loon, Conn end eeeee In our Coen mod 100. end Beentlfnl Qneiten. TUB Very Finest Bulls of Key West aid Imported Cigars. Corner Yakima Arsons and Second Street. .... North Yakima G. Li. Holmes db Bull, 716 a 720 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W.T. Foimture, Gaipets, Brapeiies mill Rugs, WHOL.ESAI.E and RETFAIL. Largest M aid Best Variety M ef San Fraidnl When in Tacoma, call and examine, whether yoa wish to purchase or not. Solicited. Chappell &. Cox, AGENTS POE PRANK BEOS. IMP. 00., Yakima Awe., North Yakima. AGENTS FOB FIBIIACHDHRY OF ALL M, Wagons, Farm Hacks, Buggies, Carta, Ac., Ac. | AB nemo ft# 11 if eel w»im.el,fell.ln..eH,«n.el Iml.