Newspaper Page Text
tee Yiiw mm. Official Paper of Yatiiia County. BEEP I COE, Proprietors. fill KTEW TMI>MiIAV. $2.00 PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. ifortfc* Kites Upm AfflkatiM. E.M. Rkkd. Editor and Business Manager. Bora the state senate and house, after long debate and much contention have concluded to be good and employ chap lains. ___________ Emperor William has prohibited the nee of the word “cigar” on account of its French origin. In future the fragrant weed is to be known in Germany by the excruciatingly Teutonic word of “Glimmetoogel.” Thx National W. C. T. U. in conven tion at Chicago have split on the rook of prohibition and the lowa contingent, under Mrs. Foster, has seceded from the parent organisation and formed a new The republican papers are finding all sort* of excuses for their defeet in Ohio, Imre, Virginia end New York. They lay it at the door of whisky, prohibition, frond, intimidation and innumerable other things. It is wonderful the parity of the bellot box and the voter when that side wins and the Iniquity that dwells in these two factors when the other party is successful. Ik commenting on the admission of Washington the Ban Francisco Ckrmiek says editorially: “Of the four new states none have brighter prospects than Wash ington. It is receiving almost unparal leled immigration, and the new settlers are the beat class of men with means to develop ranches, start factories and build up cities. By the time another census is taken Washington will be able to make a chowing in population and wealth which will leave far behind many old settled states in the east.” A tklmham from Bt. Paul aeys that the engineers of the Manitoba claiffi that road will be completed across country from Butte to Puget Sound before the end of twelve months. As Yakima com mands the mountain poems It is bound to come through this city. This statement le right in line with the claim of Chester A. Congdon, who says that the reed from Gray's Harbor through Cbehalia to North Yakima will be built this coming year. Mr. Cwflnß is closely counseled with the Manitoba people and has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in this city and on Gray’s Harbor. Wb are now a state and oar name ia Washington, with the abbreviation of Wash. The transition took place at 6:27 o’clock Monday afternoon, November 11, 1889. The emancipation from territorial vassalage was received in some giddy cities with the horning of powder, patri otic speeches and champagne for the rich —whisky and beer for the poor. Here in dignified Yakima we smiled a smile of satisfaction and moved along the even tenor of our way, building three story brick business blocks, handsome resi dences and projecting new and greater enterprises far the coming year. Owe of the celebrated Use bail cranks of the coon try is the distinguished United Btates senator from Maryland, Mr. Arthur P. Gorman. When but a little messenger boy and page in the senate be was always restless until adjournment, so that he could go and toss or bat a ball. He helped to organise the the National Base Ball Glob, which b now tbs National league Club. He never misses a game when be can possibly attend one. Hb son Arthur has inherited hb lore of the game and baa learned the art ol curve pitching. Very frequently be induces hb father (the Senator) to go oat Into the great bnefc yard and catch for him. The Senator dose so with a great deal of pleas ure and relish, and takes pride in being aide to hold any sort ol a curved ball which may U pitched to him. Montana was admitted to statehood on Friday, November 8, and Governor-elect Joseph K. Toole was inaugurated at 2 o’clock that afternoon. By the throwing ont of democratic votes the legislature was mads republican. The democrats of coarse protested and carried the matter to the courts, and, pending the hearing of the contest, the republican canvassing board met, counted the voles, leaving out an entire precinct that waa strongly dem ocratic, sent the returns to the president and adjourned tine 4te. Two days after ward the court rendered a decision that the votes of the condemned precinct should be counted, but there wss then no territorial board to make the returns to. President Harrison, knowing the situation, admitted the territory and thus it came into the Union a republican state by gross band. He. J. A. Riceki, of Denver, Colorado, il la thectty with plane lor Ulmtntiiig Worth Yakima in conjunction with the Biaau>. Mr. Bicker la en artiet ct ack nowledped .billty and an leaaible and excellent la hie project that a number d onr toraaoet and molt eoterpriaing dll ■ana readily internet art themaelvee in the matter and are raconraging othera to do the tame. Mr. Kicker prapoaaa to take pan and Ink aketchea ol public bolldin(a, bnalnem blocka and private raddencea, (ram which rata will be made. Three win become the property ol the individual upon the payment d a moderate amount, and the rata will be ntlliaed in a mam moth adMcn d the Braun, without farther mat to the pnrchaaer. They can nice he weed in variona waya when uccw atone ariae. The work will take until •prlng and Mr. Bicker makea no charge tuna the rata an done and accepted aa aatiafactcry. The project, whan told in detail, atrtkaa all moat favorably and Mr. Kicker will endeavor to meet onr leading dtScna and lay hie plana baton them. Oki of the wittiest men in the senate is Mr. Vance, of North Carolina, father of T. M. Vance, the receiver of the U. 8. land office for this district. He delights in playing practical Jokes upon his col leagues and when they can get even with him they unhesitatingly do so. Senator Vest came into the chamber early one morning and found a beautiful basket of flowers upon Vance's desk. He picked it np, carried it over to the desk of Sena tor Beck, of Kentucky, and placed it there. Shortly afterward Vance entered the chamber and walked over to the bou quet, saying to his fellow senators: “Those are beauties; 1 wonder where Beck bought them. He is constantly baying flowers and sending them here to his deak to create the impreesion that he has lota of friends to send them to him.” After getting off his Joke Senator Vance picked np the card which was attached to the bouquet and read the inscription, which was: “To Senator Vance, with the compliments of Mrs. Blank.” The laugh was on Vance and it was a hearty and spontaneous one, but he was equal to the emergency, for be picked up the bouquet and marched off in triumph to bis own desk, saying: “Theexception only proved the rule, after all." Turn uncertainties of the senatorial race are still with ns. With the president’s proclamation of admission, lirrued Mon day, the legislature met, and, after clerical appointments and the transection of other duties incident to organisation, adjourn ment was made until the coming Tuesday, when balloting tor sena tors will begin. The adjournment is said to have militated against the inter ests of Sqnire and Allen but the friends of these gentlemen say that their situa tion is impregnable and that they have voles enough assured to make their elec tion certain. With the withdrawal of Hyde, of Spokane Falls, from the contest tbs Spokane delegation was said to bo solid for Turner, but a caucus showed five for Turner and five for Allen. Turner is hopeful, however, and estimates his strength at thirty-six votes. Brents, Thompson and Sprague are still in the race, but to what extent it ia difficult to ■ay. The fight promises to be a long and one. Tacoma Newt: Several states have holidays which are not national ones, being purely local in their observance, and commemorative of some event dis tinctively their own. Of such is the occa sion of their admission to statehood, the anniversary of their birthday, in which other states are not especially interested. Admission day is celebrated in many states and H should be made a holiday in Washington. Probably the measure will be introduced into the present legislature, and to make the observance of the 11th day of November a feature in the history of this state would be to engraft a spirit of patriotism among oar people for all time for the country, and for the great father after whom this magnificent commonwealth ia named. Tbs Heps Osl Thsrs. Assistant General Freight Agent Fulton of the Northern Pacific, has received a telegram from J. T. Sickle, general west ern agent of the Atlantic transport line, Chicago, advising him of the arrival in London on Saturday last, November 9, of the steamship Maine, with 1360 bales of bops, shipped by special train from Puy allup by £. Meeker A Go. on the 9th of October, rooted via the Northern Pacific, Wisconsin Central, the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne A Chicago, care of the Atlantic transportation to Baltimore, and thence to London direct The hope, therefore, arrived in London just thirty days after their departure from Puyallup. This ia the second trainload shipment of hops ever mule from the Pacific coast to Eu rope via the Atlantic oeaboard, the first instance being that of the Montana last month. t Nsw ffss* Mass BstnMlsbst. W. K. Whitney, with A. E. Lillie as agent and manager, baa opened a general feed store in the building on the corner ol Front sad Chestnut streets. Orders for grain, hay, chopped feed and everything in thb line will receive prompt attention and speedy delivery. Trial ordeta soli cited and satisfaction guaranteed. Re member the place, in the Lillie bonding, one door north of Schichtl A Reborn’s. 2t Far lent A nine-room lodging-house, situated with in one block of our office. • MacLkan, Bran A Go. —Go to Mrs. Cary lor your —Gary has just received an elegant lot of cloaks and wraps. It —Latest and newest line of dress trim ming, allk fringe, braids, etc. atCary*s.U -Th. nkM Hue oi dried finite In the ritr at Griffin Brae.’ Viningßlock. Alee Üble rad pie (mile, vegetal)lee, etc. n!7 —II yon want cholceet groceriee it the meet reeennehle prime cell on Griffin Brae. Vlnlnt Block. n!7 —Why will yon cough when Shiloh’. Core will give immediate relief. Prim 10 centa, 60 crate and |I. For anil at Janeck's Pharmacy. —Catarrh cured health and sweet breath •retired, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price M rente. Naaal injector free. Sold at Janrek’a Pharmacy. —Griffin Brea, deal exclusively in fro reriea and proviaiona. Their atock ia new throughout. It will pay yon to get their prirea. Remember the place. Vining Block. n!7 —Dr. N. C. Boatman, the moat gooraan* fnl specialist on the Pacific coast, will be at the Hotel Yakima on Saturday, No vember Id, fer a few day* only. Look o«t for hooka and circnlara. Consulta tion bee. • —John Barthoiet and wife hare do nated n handsome Durham cow, which will he raffled off for the benefit of the Catholic cbnrch at the fair to be held on the 10th, I7tb and 18th of December. 2t iMirtSlm I 1 , Oar Ut« trip through th* Ra*t Gave as an opportunity to tasks ! Bargain Buysl And we are now prepared to make : Bargain Sales | UIVDERWEAH Was Mover Cheaper than Now I ; OlottLing. A nice clean line I gpiciAiySALß odd Pants ? Call and examine our Stiff and Soft A line of Stetson s constantly on hand. Vate fMilirl Yakima Ave., Opp. Yakima Natl Bank. gso. ■ v a nci. t. l. r. Hri.roan. Sheriff’s Salnff Real Estate. H. P. Alton and C. H. Lew to. part-) new doing boil nee* nnder the! Plalntlflk. firm name of Alton A Lewis, 1 W. B. L. Jackson* Richard Can-1 non. Mason Turk. Orals Cannon. I Christina Chamberlain and J. f Dwßdanla. L. Chamberlain, TTNDXR AND BY VIRTUE OF AN XXXCU LJ Hon on forecloenre leaned oat of the Dis trict Coart of the Fourth Judicial District of Washington Territory holding terms at North Yakima. In and for Yakima County, the aaid execution being duly attested on the 1-th day of October, KW*. In the above entitled action, wherein H. P. Alton and C. U. Lewis, partners doing business under the Arm name of Alton A Lewis, the above named plaintiff obtained a judgment and Decree of Forecloenre against W. H.L. Jackson, Richard Cannon, Mason Tnrk, Oraia Cannon, Christina Chamberlain and J. L. Chamberlain, Defendants, on the fflrd day of August, MW. which said judgment appears duly of record In said court, 1 am commanded to sell all that certain piece or parcel of land situated In Yakima County, Washington Territory, and described os follows, to-wit: Lots fourteen, fifteen and sixteen (14. 15, to) In block sixty-four (Ml in the town of Prosser. Yakima County, Washington Territory, accord ing to the plat thereof now of record in the of fice of the County Auditor of suld Yakima County; together with all and singular the ten ements, hereditaments and appurtenances there 7, mid amount and all costs, the balance to be nuMle out of anyprojperty of the defendants not ahembyglven that on latunlay, the f3d Bay ef Itsv., !•••» between the hoars of * o'clock In the forenoon and 4 o’clock In the afternoon,to-wit: at the bonr of S o'clock In the afternoon of said day, at the east door of the Court boose. In the city ef North Yakima, in mid Yakima County, W. T., I will, in obedience to os Id Kxecntkm piaTnUlf * Judgment" vTlth Interest thereon, and all costs, at nubile suction to the highest and best bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United Wales of America. D. X. LUU, gberiff of Yakima chanty, W. T. Deled this toth day of October ePAI The Celebrated French Gore, V S7S? “APHBODITIME” SM33 fls Sold op a POSITIVE ) GUARANTEE RS* U to cure any Ua » form of nervous I#. Jf disease, or any Wdi disorder of the generative or gaus of either 'W Evrissras AflT once. As., such as Loss of Bruin Power, Wakeful urns. Bearing down Pains In the Beck, ftamlmd Weak uses. MyAerta, Nervous Prostration Wont— al Emissions, l-cnrorrhcra, Dizziness. Weak Men* «y. LowofJPower and Impotcncy. which It ne> sleeted often lead to premature old age and Insan ity. Price «1.0» a box, • boxes lor «».«0 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN UI'ARANTRK forevetyfSJO order, to refund the money If a Permanent cure is not effected. Tbonsends of testimonials THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. waorauu SOAVCH, BOX 27, PORTLAND. OX. HOLD BY ALLEN A CHAPMAN, Sole Agents, North Yakim*. W. T. voTitE- nneiil cumu. U. a Lana Omm av ttoarn Taatna. W. T..J October im 1 f lOMPLAINT hovlng been entered at thto of Sr? by George Finn of Proaaer,W. T.ogoinat Alvah Churchill for (allure to comply with the tow «rt to Timber Cohere Entry No. Sto. tinted December l«. IM, upon the NW& ol aectlon a. twp. 10. rang* B. IB Ynklma county. Week. Ter., with n view to the cancellation of Mid eo try: eonhwlant oltoglug that Mid rhnrphlll baa failed to brook or cMuad to be broken Ira aerea daring the Irto rear or at any time More, and that be haa totally abandoned the Mine -the Mid purtiee are hereby anmmoned to appear at thla office on the UNh day of November, MW, at M o’clock a. m.. to reapond and farm lab toad boot concerning Mid allied failure. 010 alt IBA V KRI'TZ, Reglater. Taken Up—Estray. on right ahonlder. Bald anlral came to the premima of tho aabeeriber on the Yakima Indian raaarratloß about three yean ago. Owner will pleaae call on tha undenlgned. prove property, par cbargM and take mM eetrar LotriasniraoN. Port Blame. Weak.. November M. IMP. nlt-M To fkoi It lay Cancan 1 HEREBY give notice that my wife, Bottle J. Burnt having left my bed end board without cooae or provocation. I will not to reepoaolble for any debta contracted by tor from and offer this date. R. B. STOUT. Doted. North Yokimo, Nov. U, MW. I FAWCETT BIROS., | DKALXRB I« Farm Machinery & Vehicles, Hole lor Ora Celebrated MORKIBON AND HEADUUHT WALKING, SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, , DICKS FAMOUS FEED-CUTTKRS, BADGES STATE FANNING MILLS, VICTOS HAT PRESS ( Victor eon preae from JO to if font pit day), VICTOR DAY, STOCK AND WAREHOUSE SCALES, :o: AND TUB t'KUUUTRB Moline and Weber Wagons. :* They have just received a ear load of the lareoaa and popolar WEBER WAGONS, Aud weald respectfully request all parties Intending to purchase wagons to call at their place of business and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. They call espostal attention to their large and line slock of Blow Carina Half-Mono aid loutaii Sprint Want They are the only dealers la Yakima County who handle goods direct from the Factory. Corner of Front & A Street, -LUSiah.. Perhaps You Are Thinking Over what to bay for a Stove to keep yoarself and baby warm daring the winter which la about upon us. DOTV’T THINK US IMPUDENT If we tell you that we believe We Know Just What You Want! If It Is something elegant la the way of a Parlor Heater, try one of thorn LUNAR JEWELS (Open Orate), FIRESIDE JEWELS (Open Orate), PLANET JEWELS (Open Orate), VISTA JEWELS (Roand), OAK JEWELS (Roand). JEWEL OAK (Bound). LITTLE DUKE (Round). STARLING (Roand), VALLEY OAK (Round), PACIFIC (Open Grate), SOCIAL JEWEL (Open Orate) MODEL JEWEL (Open Orate). And twenty other dlflbrent steles which cant hate to prove a Jewel In yonr homes, aa they will barn either eoal or wood. We have other styles In very cheep open grate Movaa, such aa FEDORA. WASHINGTON, CHEERFUL, FIRESIDE. And many ether patterns of hound Coal Heaters, with ar with oar Drama. Box Stoves Cheaper Than Ever Heard of I Hardware l-ff ARP WARE Hardwaro ! Lower than the Lowest. crnnnuß tub places VINING BROTHERS, VIIHN« BLOCK (NulMHaUlVaklu), ... YAKIMA AVBRCK. SAWYER & PENNINGTON (SUCCESSORS TO A. B. WEED.) Hardware, Stoves, Farm Machinery, Wagons. Superior Bvbed Wire. Wheeling Steel NaiU. Tha Largaet Aeanrtineatol BoUden- Material in Central Waahlngton, nad Pricaa Lome then the Lovrat. Vi Hale i Sveclaltr of Patou: V W Air Fimas. SAWYER A PENNINGTON, Switlmat Corner Flrat Street raid Yakima Araaaa. North Yakima, Wrahlagtoa. Lombard Horsley, (SUCCESSORS TO A. H. REYNOLDS.) Dealers in FURNITURE! CARPETS, WINDOW-SHADES, CURTAINS, OIL CLOTHS. TW UriMt ud b«M uwrttd Mock In Central Waihlnctoa. at Prices that Can't be Duplicated. THERE& DIIVOPP Q Pn Bob Up Sbrenkly in the Dujulu & bo. Hewlett Block, Under the IT. H. T Aind Office, With a Complete No* PnnnariOC I Line of Fresh 111 uUullufl I And Ask a Shan of Tour Patronage. GIVE THEM A FAIR TRIAL! FECHTER & LAW, RE AT. ESTATE, m m loans. From this date we will give special attention to the making of First Mortgage Loans upon improved farm property and in special cases upon improved city property. We are prepared to make Loans at Seasonable Bates of Interest And a low commission. When in need of money it will be to your advantage to call upon us. Our: Insurance : Business Is continually increasing. We say without fear of contradiction that we represent the best line of companies in the City. $50,000 In Round Numbers Is the amount of our real estate sales during the months of Aug ust and September, 1889, The Greatest M i| Heal Estate (QaiKet Is always experienced during the winter months. We predict that the coming winter will usher in greater activity than we have ever experienced before. You must draw your own conclusions. We are prepared for it; are yon? FECHTER <Sc T.A w OVK* YAKIMA NATIONAL BANK, f . Yakima Avenue, North Yakima, Washington. HOW ABOUT YAKIMA? Listen to the Story as it is Told by Careful Observers from Abroad. (San Francisco Examiner.) Tbs M» State Capital will probably be at North Yakima. (Spokane Falls Review.) The beat and mote extonaiva agricultural region in the Yakima land District, and in the Territory, lies about the City of North Yakima and is known as the Yakima Valley. (Seattle I \uf Inlflligeitpet )**~ - ' To-day. where four yean ago were uncultivated pndriee, the home of great herds of unrestrained wild cattle and vicious bands of carnse ponies who knew no halter, now stands the City of North Yakima, the Queen of Eastern Washington. (Nortkweit Magatine.) The knot of valleys which meet at the new town of North Yakima seems a bit of Southern California here in the north. Public opinion in all parts of Washier ten has settled upon this piece as the Cspital of the new State. (Portland Oregonian.) There Is no jnet reason why this city sad county, when they shall have reached their maximum in population, should not have in the city from 16,000 to 25,000, and the county 40,000 to 60,000. Neither is there any good reason why they should not be eventually among the very wealthiest tffWns and counties in Washington Territory. All the material dements that go to make a big and prosperous city are hers. The total taxation of the county is only mills which includes the total tax. territorial added. There is not a pauper in the county. The taxation is heralded to the world as the lowest known from and including Minnesota to and including California. II there is another county In a new country that can show as low a taxation the public would like to know it. (Tacoma leigerj The vaßey in which the city of North Yakima is situated in the center of a series of very fertile valleys which open into it and have grown famous for their JLgSf bZSSwd North Yakfma c^notbuTflgure (Spokane Falls Review.) Although less than forty miles apart the difference in climate between Yakima in Yakima county and Ellensburgh in Kittitas county is almost as great as that between a northern and southern latitude. The valley surrounding Ellensburgh is excellent for producing grain, while in the valleys near Yakima the farmers are devoting mors attention to fruits, vegetables, hops, tobacco and similar crops, which can only be grown in a warm climate. Interview with lodge /. R. Lewis on his retom from atteoKag the Meehtmiet Pair in California, Published in the Seattle Pest-InteUigenaer, It was a great exhibition of the wealth of California, but I found no better Spedmeos of vegetables and many varieties of fruit than Washington Territory pro duces. I can go over into the Yakima country and In two days collect finer pro ducts in those lines than I saw In California. The Yakima peaches are of better quality and flavor than any raised in California, the apples are superior and the prunes are away ahead of anything I ever saw. Then, too, they raise finer melons, aqnaabss and all kinds of vegetables in the Yakima country than any produced in California. Mao Lean, Reed & Co., Real tt, lint Apis, Him listed with them desirable land of all kinds {Deluding farms, garden tracts, orchard lands, residence and business lots. While the opportunity (Tpresented— while the lamp itill holds out to burn—the wise win take advantage of the low prices which still prevail and Invent in Yakima property. Mm, M t GUM Mu VisUuln.