Newspaper Page Text
m nnn «r i hr. t#w i r% Ouhl tk Lm if I UU Ur ttt (Mj. IndidnepoMe Sentinel: Forty yeere ego Colonel Seaton, then mayor of the city of Waahington, aa wee his custom, gave a large dinner party, at which I waa pres ent. During the entertainment the im portance of eae voir sad its consequences and goad results was, among other things, the subject of eon venation, and Governor Oarwin (then Untied States senator) nar rated in his Inimitable manner the follow ing, to show, as he said, the bed results as well as the importance of one vote, and bow a pig, from whom the devil had not been cast oat, nearly, in his estima tion, ruined the country, to-wlt: “In the spring of 1811, at the annual election in Rhode. Island, in one of the towns or precincts the voting between the federal aad republican (or democratic, peace or war) partlea had been far yearn vary dose, with net more than a majority of one or two voter. The polls cloned at 8 o'clock, aad a federal fanner, living a mile or ao distant from the voting place, having been busy ell day. allowed himself Just barely time to reach the polk in the even ing. He hurriedly crossed his Aside on loot, and reaching hie late or division fence found oae of bis valuable pigs fast between the planks and stopped togteH out; which be found more difficult than he eupectod, hot be washed with all hie strength to poll the pig oat and failing in that tried to pry off a plank from the fence, which, after some time, he suc ceeded in doing, end then alerted on a run far Jhavotiaw pleas. Joatasbegot within 100 fast of ft, the lowa clock struck 6 end the polls closed without bin vote. The result waa that a democrat or war representative from that townwaa olasted by one vote. When the general assembly met a few week afterward e democratic or war United States senator vm chosen on joint ballot by one majority. In 1818 the declaration of war with England was carried in the United States senate by one vote. General Sockson was nomi nated as a major general and confirmed by one vote on January 8,1815. He com manded the army at the bottle of New Orleans, gained a great victory, became e popular military hero, and as hie reward was elected and re-elected president of the United States, turned all the whige out of office, removed the deposits, vetoed the national bank bill, and played the devil generally, and all because that pig way up in Rhode Island got fast in a plank fence. Dr. Pbysick—Yonr blood appears to be • little oat of order. I will send joa something which will partly it. Mrs. Murray Hill (indignantly)— Parity my blood, air? Are you not aware that lam one of the Four Hundred?—TWn Topic*. Mr. Brown (proudly, to hk friend, an attorney)—By Jove, Henry, my wife can sing the entire score of ail of Wagner’s operas. The Attorney (absent-mindedly) —Well, I’ll try to flit a divorce for you, old fellow, bat I’m afraid we can’t make it—ifiaaktwfkm CrUie. “There aeeroe to be an intense apirit of rivalry between your western cities, ” <to* served the eastern visitor. “Yea,” said the Kansas City man, “between the sec ond-rate ones. But Kansas City, air, is ever ready to extend a welcoming band to all who abandon the fading Chicago and St. letli. We bear no rai*. eor here.— Pnek. vW t* • S fl Bsnp In the divorce case of Morria va. Morria yoo remember bow bitter she was—a moat happy reconciliation was effected yesterday. Manga-You don’t my so. Wets the charges disproved? Bangs—Disproved nothing! Morris’s father died two days ago and left him bos hundred thousand dollars a year.— P hila r -• Inywic i . Pinny Poole (chalking bis cue)— Did %get that place la the down town store, rt A* Rounder—Naw. Pinny Z3tiKKL®SMS >iM ol >m from plan, I'm work*) at is tlm h« two yenn, V Uw old bloko wMß’tootiodod. Ho wouldn’t ho Htio «od with nothjß’,, ho wotddo’t Boat j ~ t fur. Editor of t Doily Nowopopcr—ln thia , poem original? Poot-UU:why?; . .. . trying to palm off an old monthly maga alne poem on me, are yoo?”—Haw. • r- <■— ' «.» m ■«member the Knckwaltk. A» partita indebted to the «rm tf Scbichll A Bchorn an hereby notified that IMt eo«xlWe am aWaMx mte. moot. M. ScKonw. —Goto Bartbolet Broa.for yohf Void ma dairy butter. a —Onion, potalooa tod cabbage wanted at Bgytn A Co.'o. •, —A toll lino of ahlita alwaya on hand at Myron H. ElUa’. a —Hlgheat price paid lor ng» and but- Ur at Boyera A Co.'a. a n^.K,^r‘~ ,U V fIoTM boots and shoes at sest. • —Six Isis given away la people who will build. QoodwfaCA Pogsley. • —Go to Cary’s lor your Boys’ Clothing and Hate; also Ladles’ and Mlame flan Clonks. • —Bivalves bom tbs asst and want, by tbs donso or quart, at Herks’s Refresh neat Partora. 017 —The finest line of neckwear ever shown In Mvtth Yakima just received at Myron H. Ellis’. • —KleeplsM nights, made miserable by that terrible ooagh. Shiloh’s Cure is tbe remedy for you. Sold at Janeck’s Pltar- Bto^a HOkTN BIGNITAI. Here lie* a eon aon mb. Rla horny hand*. Cmwl meekly as a maid'* anon his breast. Show marks of toll, sad by hUieaeral dress Tea lads* him to bar* barn aa artisan iu And now*re*upeacefully, with aMarasd fare Whose look balSiaU stragsle la So past A homely tale: yet, trust are. 1 have seen The craataotol the earth go stalely by. now t Transflfured by a touch (sen out the skies ¥a?sS^rSd w M XSSZTfSZ: —Richard X. BmrUm, in Scribner. u aurßiLLEvn ahuicainb. 17M-IMT. Ah. who la she t see advenes? Is this s dream of elder *raaceT SiKWtMteSsr Her e)oa»eßt coat has lons lapels That point whore ettbm shoulder swells. I saeiM&asisw* ! A direr therm holder, that heap * Alone the paaat, swiafi aud elaaga. ' And la the eharm-holder Is set 1 A dainty sllrw vinaigrette. Blank hoee and high-heeled shoes she wean, , Aad in her hand a staff she bean. i Delicate rlbboa binds it where , It pnasee on her nsoasqoetalre. SSSS'CKWV-. > J!Ksnrass%s> Zttd V ***** **** What deeds ia aid Parisian days. When blood bedabbled all the ways? saK&»*asa\§ffe: , F , • h * k - Wk(>»ak«(h«T taauUitau iWw«l»ideii<MNrtwiiyiifcMwt >s- Or owe who went, il Freedom's nil. To ttaog Mar's eriaaaoa aarnlval? Perehanee the nt that fair bend Ml When the red beafcet yawned lor aIL tw.r W...11M tty, 1.*;... Of&v.jf*. w eue iMvintm or aow^friv. It mar be that at her command Blood drenched the town, tame trad the land. Bay, ooeao eweet la yoathfal bloom Coaid acarce hare caoaed another’s doom. SSw Kot all her frees and nonchalance WoaM hare prelected her la France Bat hen alonf Broadway abe goes. And not a fear or cate aba knows. The slan of ana or woman's glance Ne'er gather oat o( coantenance. She moves la eweet ohUrloa Of everything aad every owe; ixarrsKtf&asr^sr "Who la aha!" do yon ask again? La MervaUtesss Amerlcalna. —Atlantic Monthly. at m mm. A Lady TVAct Agort Vke Voted U Ceunt UriM wj. “Give me a ticket to Arlington, 0.,” be Mid to the ticket agent in a New York village. . “One?”abe asked. "Yn, one.” “Traveling alone?” “Yea, entirely alone.” “Why don’t yoo take yonr family “Madam. I have no family.” "Yod don’t aayT Married r “No, never married.” “My! bow many single men there are nowadays. Don’t you find life a burden?” “Wo, not much of a burden.” “I should think everybody who isn’t jnarrried would find it so. 1 do.” “I’m vary sorry to learn it, miss. My ticket?” “Say, yoo don’t know of anybody who wanta to marry A girl from this village, do yoo?” “Well, to tot the truth, I don’t fmt no*. butIII lav atany urii I'll W y«n know.” “I’d be aver so much obliged to you if you would. Just direct to Mlm Zeoobia Waldron, this village, and I’ll be sore to it Jh mbid.” “And, I any, If you want to correspond with mo I can make arrangements to write to you Tuesdays and Fridays of every week.” “Youare very kind; I’ll consider It. Wll yonicindly give me mir ticket?” “tot's see, where do yon want do got” “Arlington. O.” “Say. yon don’t consider me forward, “O not Kibe least.” “Woll, a food many Mho aajr I on, hot I'd raSwo havo yarn opinio, t youNa ■eeo ao much ol tho world. By the way, wfauwoy i <*n yonr ■ “Charlaa F. Indio it my Damn. Bot yoo an lovuing my ticket." “Yoo mid Cincinnati, didn’t yooT" “80, Arlington, O.” “Wo don* toll ticket, to AHiOfloa; thot’aoo tho other rood, dona you’ll Boro to bony to catch tho train. I hoar the whittle now. Don’t forgot what I told yoo, will yoo, Charley? Good-byo!” -Ad. —All styles of Job printing at tbe Her ald office. -The public wUI please bear la mind that eoal and wood is cash on delivery. John Reed, Agent. S2-tf. -Mrs. 6. W. Cary has Jute returned bom Portland with an elegant line of Millinery and other Unas of Dry poods. • -‘•For dyspepsia sod liver complaint,you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh’s Vitaliasr. It never (ails to cure. For sals at Janack’a Pharmacy. —Why will yoo cough whan Shiloh’s Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cents, 60 cents and sl. For sale at Janeck’s Pharmacy. —Catarrh cured .health and sweat breath secured, by Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Pries 60 cento. Nasal Injector free. Sold at Janaek’a Pharmacy. —Disg** is caused by a lack of some constituent part of the human organism at the part affected. Blochemlc Reme dies supply the deficiency and thus re store the normal condition. 28t(. —Dr. Savage will be found always reedy to attend calls day or night. Office over poetoffice; residence on Second street, two doors south U. S. Lend Office. —Call and examine my samples for fall and winter clothing. I guarantee a good fit and will give you prices that defy com petition. Myboic U. Ellis. —Go and examine thoae elegant gold watches at Redfleld’s. They are daisies and to cheap! Remember, they are war ranted as represented or no trade. C. E. McEwen takes a pride in turning out good work. This is the reason hie harness, saddles, bridles, Ac., give each satisfaction and outlast all others. • —Persons desiring transportation about the dtr or vicinity can be accommodated by leaving orders at Allen A Chapmen’s for Stanton’s back line. tf —lf you have lost any money lately, RedfleM will return tt by selling yon goods so remarkably cheap that you will forget your misfortune. —Go to Redfleld’s and examine thoae steel glasses with gold nose-pieces—anew patent. They never rust nor wear out. • —John, when yon go to town, just stop in at Bortbolet’s and get me some of that elegant salt pork. It is delicious. • —A fine new line of saddles, harness, etc., just received at 0. E. McEwen’s shop, Yakima avenue. • —Partlea wanting coal in quantities will please give their orders in early. John Reed, agent. 82-tf. —Go and see the new Japanese goods just received by M. H. Ellis, successor to 1. H. Dills A Co. • —For fresh Eastern end Olympia Oys ters, served In all styles, go to Herke’s Candy Factory. 017 —Goodwin A Pugs ley’s fire insurance not caaoal their policies. Give us a call. • —John Reed will have his headquar tors at M. H. Ellis’, First street, near opera boose. 32-tf. —Remember, Herke’s Oyster Parlors are open at all boors. Fresh East era and Olympia Oysters served to the Queen’s teste. 017 —Goodwin A Pngsley have cheep money to loan on improved business property. • —Goodwin A Pngsley’s fire inanrtnoe companion do not cancel their polkiea. Give os a call. • —For cosd and wood call on John Reed. 32-tf. —Groceries yoa mast have. Groceries we mast sell. Let’s trade and both be happy. Bartholet Bros. * —Geo. W. Solomon has the only exclu sive cigar and tobacco stand in the city. Smokers should try his fine goods. • —Five hundred boxes of soap at Bartb* olet Bros, only $1.25 per box. • TUB PEOPLE’S MAMET. One Door North of Open Home. W* H. KERSHAW. I KBBV CONSTANTLY ON HANK PICKLED A SMOKED MUTTON HAMS PICKLED * SMOKED HAMS. PICKLED A SMOKED TONGUES BREAKFAST BACON, DRIED A CORNED MEATS VARIETY or SAUSAGES NICE HOME-MADE LARD. LIVE A DRESSED CHICKENS, FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Pi*ices Way Down SHRIVER BEOS., FlnlKa GaiTittea Hectridiu. [ W« are tbofoashlT to do any pork In > tbe above Usee, end faaraalw aatUfactio*. A , l°n*v«|jvrienre In the boalneea la tbe Kaat war- Ordare (or Horn aad Sign Palatine. Paper | V33SNSS3tai. ► A venae. ' Ifnaftaa ■•» PaMkallM. Waa prvwo.T OMT.| a .ara s.rss ssraf ft •ssr£ lon tbe Kvclatvr and Ronlver of the U. 8. Lend OH re at North Yakima. W. T„ on Demaber ,0.0 »u«. to gon bla cooHnnona iwliaw non and ml ti vat lon ol m'd land. vU: John maw. Oeon* Hinkle, Jme Km and H. M. Malakav, all oI T mfiS’ T an u. tint, twit. Net lea for PaMkatlaa. Lava Orvtca at Monra TaainA. W/T^{ ■wops. wsSbttSm at N ortkYaklna. on Pinatw M. MS, vis: BENJAMIN M. BOHNSAVELL. and caltivstlanol aid land, vl* r. T. Carter. IH. A. Kmlth, E. Roberta and Thorpe Kkw fc7 | ? K BITTZ. EosUter. Vtoston Per PakUcanen. UUM> Omci AT S«»T« T ABIM a, W. T.,| her 4Mlt land 'total No 1M for IM<HmS £62512 T’JB UndTE T. Hlooe. Henry «tm, William Mml of Yakima city and Joseph Barth tot of North Yakima, W. T. n74M IBA M. KBCTX. R««toter. nsstumoi or cammkmbf. an dor the Arm name of Wills A O’Harta. la this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Wins eos> tlamina the tamtams at the old stood aad smomeyll debts and receives aU moneys dae “* (b&rabsm North Yakima. Nov. 7th. MB avT-tt THE SELAH VALLEY! I i ' 'l' ■■■ ■ - The Ditch now being constructed by the Selah Valley Ditch Company to supply this magnificent body of agricultural land with water is now nearing completion, and the land of the company will now be sold To Actual Settlers Only! $12.60 to SBO.OO Per Acre. According: to Distance from Town, (31-2 to 12 Miles,) fit) Absolute a rjd perpetual U/ater This land is the famous bench land, consisting of an alluvial soil of great depth, par ticularly adapted to the growth of FIVOTTS, - HOPS, - ALFALFA, - CEREALS. Upon the extreme western limit of the Valley, begins one of the most extensive Cattle Ranges in Yakima County, and the raising of Cattle can be carried on with great profit and to great advantage. Remember that the soil of the Valleys of the Yakima and its tributaries is conceded to be the best in Washington; that the tiller of the soil is assured of an abundant crop; ThiCrussuitPal,oviniuirrialu The greatest known facilitator of agriculture, and that this is prairie land requiring but little outlay for clearing or breaking. Intend ing settlers should not miss this opportunity to OBTAIN CHEAP AND DESIRABLE HOMES. For further information, terms of sale, &c, apply to 18. F. ■yoTJUSTO-, Secretary of tlie Company, OFFICE OVER YAKIMA NATIONAL BANK, WORTH YAKIMA, WASH. SOMETHING NEW. We have had placed in our hands for Sale SUIT PARK iiITION. Tbli elegant property la situated Immediately la front of Col. Hewlett's residence, and com prises MJ of as sightly Wftn lottHin now on the market Both roll and watertight* ore of the beat To ail one Biiiu a Residence to cost lot less tkai SIOOO f e Till die a Conor ait ou Mile Lot free! Theae lota will be srfected in the following manner: Partiea flrat building have choice of two lota In cither Meek M. 11. or U: aeeond and thlid eholc* In blocks 7, H, or V. a Plate eao tie Seeo el our Office. We intend bnlldlng ap thla property with choice booms, thereby attracting the beat clam of people: and parties taking hold now will experience the benefit of onr moat eatneal eftorta. Goodwin <fc Pugsley. OTU mn NATIONAL BANK. J. T. KSBRLMAN. . tt. W. RODMAN Rodman & Eshelman, M M Hi Lin Ms I Money to Loau on Morttfavea. Mnlsliili in Piwnr HsilliiOirNoi-ResHeits. Wpecial attention la colled to tba Great Ramins in Roar Choice Tan-Acre Tracts and On* Forty Tract of tba Baat Garden Land (balance of tba Yolo Rauch) which will he offered for a few days. City Lota and Farm Property Bought and Sold. flyomCß-Taklmo Areaaa. near Motel TsAlass Patronize Home Industry. Ed. F. Whit© «Sc Co, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS, UMil Bear teatk at tba HeM Vaklaa. A Inf-class stock of Imported and Domartlc Goods always on hand. Plaass five nsa call, and we (uarantaa In please ws Pit and Workmanship tiuarauleed. ED. F. WHITE S 00. I ***»« •■A«DL«W. t „ f , o. MC Dsj.l*L StLa.rdJ.o-w \ MolDarLiel, DEALERS IN H'ine ~W ines, Liquors, Imported ft Domestic Clears, PINI BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES. Silt Ipitx for tte Celetrated Jat Imre Keiticty Vtotia. Bartholet House, JOHN BABTHOLET, Proprietor. FRONT KTBEKT, - - - _• • - • NORTH YAKIMA, W.T The Bartholet House is centrally located and conducted on first-class principles. Every attention given to the comfort of gneets. MILS miTT-FlTg CUTS. —> LODGUG TIKITT-HYK CUTS. “BOARD^TRAdF 1 SALOON AND BILLIARD HALL. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Constantly on Hand. o A. Churchill, Prop. SV nilllill. ». r. Depot, North TrtUM. Web. m. “The Old Reliable,” Gr. W. CABY, Is still to be found “doing business st the old stand/’ on Yakima Aren os, when will always be found a complete stock of Gfeneral Merchandise, Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Ac., of every variety. In connection with the store Mrs. Cary conducts a Millinery Department, . Emhractag all tht lateet novelliea in l*din’ Wear. Yakima Ave. IVorth W. T. ISTortli TTetklma, LUMBER YARD! G. 0. NEVIN, Proprietor. LUMBER, DOORS, RASH AND BUNDS, LATHS, SHINGLES, AC. Amt for tie Celebrated Anri Paiitx, tbe tat hob u tie Met, AND A LARGE SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. Ofloe and Yard, We* SUe of Raflroad Track. North of Depot, North Yakima, W. T.