Newspaper Page Text
toe yim mm. THURSDAY.-: NOVEMBER U. U»> TIE STATE EXPOSES. hM fcpws if tk Mali fcnmnt hr the Ct«fa| Vear-Prrtakilitj sf u la maul Kate ef Ttuiisa. The estimated expenses of the state government for the first year of statehood and until the legislature meets in Janu ary, 1891, as was papered by the terri torial auditor add submitted to Governor Moore, in his bi-annual report, including the deficiency in appropriations for the current year, are as folio we: £ hr , US Incidental szsanaw ol the aeritUrjr'a r’Kltss*. if ForaUn M mSin vn.i.l UB InelMotalaxpaoawuik«of ... .... MM Por ■Gojgof raperlDtendvot of pablie la- Far ■ US a pvaSZ —r-* r- . mjn Per hoapMal for luum, including doS- Farttaniyortahon io4 tmssr.!!!!!!' ‘‘" 7M» Far tieaqnrteWiwirt'asertets! M» Far Waailaalna acbool for dafaotlro For caSp.bUc btfwEMßt including CM. 4S ”js togiaUUra npasn —lsew aal £ JfS Total MSMM The available lands far this payment, unless the law is chained regarding the time of collection of the levy of 1890, wfll be drawn from this year’s assessment. H all this is collected, it will agpegate ♦312,500, from which, if a deduction of 16 percent is made for the delinquent tax and commission, leaves a balance of about 1266,000. The military fond can not be used far any other purpose, save 1 that far which it is designated, and at 1 any rate it will not more than cover the 1 expenses of that service. It is not in- 1 eluded in the above estimate. It is highly probable that a revenue ot about |SO,OOO will be derived from the territory’s tax of 10 per cent on liquor licenses, whkh will increase the revenue to at Isaat $296,000, ' or about one-half of the amount required. 1 The assessable property of 1890 will, with- ! out doubt, be largely Increased from that of the present year, and it will be sur- 1 ptWajt if, at the long MrtMi ot the legw- ! lat ore of this year, appropriations are not mads for objects that are not contemplated at present. At the least, according to this estimate, the tax must necessarily be increased to at least doubis its present amount. Mrial twtim aal ianrtrv How atroog a current b need to aend a maaaage over an Albalie cable? Thirty calb of battery only—equal to thirty rolu. Wbal b the looiaat dbtanca oyer which coo venation ny telephone b daily main tained? About]aeren hundred and Uly tnilee, (ram Portland, Maine, to Buffalo, Sa. York. Wbal b the faatret time made by an electric railway? A mlb a minute by a email experimental oar. Twenty milaa an hour on atieet railway lyvtain. How many milaa of anbmarine cable are there in operation? Over 100,000 milaa, or enough to glrdb to earth lour Whnt la the maximum power generated by aa electric autor? Seventy-fit a horae power. Exparimenta indicate that 100 borer-power will eoon be leached. Bow tan beenk la anbmariaa cabb lo cated? By rumouring the electricity needed to charge the remaining unbroken fort- How many miles of telegraph wire la operation la the United Blabs? Over a I million, or enough to encircle the globe ■ forty times. How many memagee can be transmitted 1 ever n wire at one Ham? Four, by the quadruples ayeceta in daily ass. How many miles of telephone wire in I operation in tbs United Stabs? More ' than 170,000, orb which 1,000,000 mew aagm are amt dally. I How b telegraphing bom a moving : train accomplished? Through a circuit ( from the car roof indodaga current he the wire on pobe along the track. What are Ike moot widely separated palate between which H b peartbb to Band a telegram? British Columbia and Hew Zealand, via America and Europe. Wbal ta the greet ml candlwpower of arc light need la a lighthouse? TwomlP Boa, in lighthouse at Howlholm, Den mark. How many persons In the United States ms engagiil in bnaiaem depending eolety on electricity? Estimated, 00,000. How long does it lake to transmit a message from Ban Francisco to Hong kong? About fifteen minutes, via New Turk, Caaao, Pentanes, Aden, Bombay, Madnw, Penang and gingapoee. What b the fastest time made by an operator eroding messages by the Norm system? About forty-two words per How many telephones are in urn in the United Btatea? About 300/100. What war vessel has the moat complete electric plant? United Btatea maa-of war Chicago. What is tha average cart per mile of a trane-AMnnltc submarine cable? About How many mllm af elsctrtc railway are there in operation in the United Btatea? Abate 4u milaa, sad mneh more ander dapaMßM largely on physical ooooinona. Advertised Latter List ■ The fallowing letters remain unclaimed ; in thepootoffice at Yakima City, Wash ington, Nov. 1, 1889. In calling far the ' same please say “advertised:” ! Allen, James A Bsshion, Isaac Barry, J Berg, Louis Brewer, Woody Brandenburg, Alex Brandon, JE Cappa, Carl . Cochran. M V Chrfaholm, W O Conolly, John Gray, ▲ B—2 Coonse, Harry Carter, Geo H Daly, P Dapew.EM Dillon, Charlie Daly, David Dawson. Mrs Wm Eynon, W P—2 Frans, EH FleoslUng, Che M Fisher, Mrs E H Garrand.lP V Gregory, Frank OUtings, Mrs 8 J-2 Gillespie, Alex Heuton, 8C Hooner, Sidney Harris, A Hall, Mr Jamereon, Mrs Susie Jones, Mrs Wm Johnson, H. Kinnear, OD—3 lilley Vads Lawless. MR Lanri.Geo Lackey, U Lame. P J McDermott, John McDaniel, W E McClelland D F More. Chas McKay, Chas Monfaon. John L Morrison, W W Miller, Hattie A Pickering, John R Peterson, Peter PoweUTKev L H Fate, Riley Powell A Co Ribs. Albert Ritter. A Smith,CE Sheircf, Wm Stiffins, Wm Smith, J 8 Smith, Mrs Emma Sharpateia. A Steward, J L Sanders, W A Spray, R. Sawyer. WP Tbweo,Tß Woolby, T J Watson. Mrs J8 West, Gao £ Wooley.MrsM Mas. E. Locnow, P. M. Bssn Let the Syfcrtulty Slip My. Boy only the best of trees and those which have become acclimated bare. Trees aold by dealers from abroad seldom live when transplanted in a section where all the atmospheric conditions and the soil are dissimilar. E. R. Learning has tens of thousands of ornamental, shade and fruit treeaof themoat approved varieties and as they are propagated and grown here, they can be depended upon for standing transplanting. Now is the time to im prove your holdings. Mr. framing has the City Nursery, which fa located Just north of the town, and it would pay any one to visit it. From their range on Trout Creek, Yak ima county, one brown horse, branded AA on left hip. weight 1100 ponmfa. white stripe in forehead. Also, one bay mare, branded Fon left shoulder, star in forehead. Suitable reward paid for their return or far information leading to their recovery. J. A. CAnrcum, 024-4t North Yakima, Wash. la the best salve in the world far cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped chilblains, corns, and all akin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 cento per box. For sale by C. B. Bushnell. druggist. M LMB. Mac Lean, Reed A Co. hare SIOO,OOO to loan on improved (arm lands. Applica tions lor loans will receive prompt at tention. • -The combination of ingredients foond in Ayer’s Pill* renders them took and carative as veil ae cathartic. For this mu they an the but medicine lor people of costive habit, aa they reatore the natural act 100 of the bomb, without debilitating. —Then baa more fruitful Boom of dbeaae than ritiatad blood. It Inyoirea every organ and of the body, and II not immediately corrected by the nae of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla dbprove Ibb theory, The reaaon b, tbb medicine b the moat powerful blood purifier ever discovered. —I buy my nndarwear direct from the factoriaa, and am now ottering it at pricea which wore never before hoard of In Korth Yakima. Call and examine gooda and pricea, and am lor yonrmlf. • Meaner H. Bum. —Readers, in our advertising columns yoo will am the gmwcua otter of Onodwin A Pngeley. Six lota In tbs beet part of town given away. Thb ban opportunity which should not be thrown away. • —Bartholet Bros. will not be undsnold In anything dry goods, clothing, furnish ing goods, boots and shoes, hats andcape, crockery, groceries, end in fact everything kept la a fliel rims store. • —C. E. McEwen ta now offering sad dle.. bridles, hanai and everyth* in his line at prloss not to be duplicated this side of Portland. • —Far aqnaie dealiag and veins received for year hard earned cash, call on T. O. BedfleM for anything in the line of Jew airy. • —Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy ta a peek thve care ior catarrh, diptbeirta and Cank er Month. For aata at Janeck’a Phar macy. —For a nobby suit, made to order, do not fell to call on our popular merchant tailor. M. Ptobacb, on Yakima avenue. • —A nasal injector free with each bottle of Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Prim 80 cents. For sale at J snack's Pharmacy. -Croup, whooping oongfa and bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure. Sold at Janeck’s Pharmacy. —Every garment made by M. Pro bach fa warranted e good fit, good work manship and to give satisfaction. • —Call on Myron H. Ellis and examine his fine line of winter underwear; ana door south of open boose. • —Tbs stock of harasm, saddles, Ac., at C. K. MeEwen’s ta the best in tha city, and his pricea are the lowest. • —Money to k*n la any amounts, on ap proved security, by E. Stoobacb, North Yakima. tf —Choice feed, oats and chopped parley for sale at tha North Yakima roller mills. —All of tha latest styles in gents’ fur nishings are to be found at M. H. Ellis’s * —Goodwin A Pttgtiey have cheap money to loan on Improved business property* —Six lots given away to people who will build. Goodwin A Pngeley. • fMMtot Patents are at the United State Land Office, North YAkioiA, Wash., for thefol lowing pereons, who may here them meiled to their Address upon surrender of final receipts. And in ones of loss thereof by meking proper Affidevit as to such loss, giving the number and date of entry. Where the land has been ooneyed the party owning the same, if unable to pro duce the final receipt, affidavit as to such conveyance and that he is unable to pro duce the final receipt will suffice: YASHA COUNTY. T. F. High, ehf ne qr see 28, tp 27 north ol range 21 E. Wm. R. Jones, ne qr see 10, tp 12, north of range 19 E. Daniel A. McDonald. sH aw*, sec 14, tp IS, north of range 18 E. KITTITAS COUNTY. Eli Collins, aec 28, tp 24, north of range 23 E. Andrew B. Dilley, set£ sec 28, tp IS, north of range 18 E. Geo. B. Cooke, set* sw* sec 12. tp 18, north of range 19 E. Calvin & Garrison, nw qr aec 84, tp 19, NRIBE. Socrates 8. Me El fresh, e hf aw qr, nw qr se qr, aw qr ne qrsec 8, tp 17, N R2OB. DOUGLAS COUNTY. Charles C. MrCollougfa, sw qr sec IS, tp 96, N R 29 E. Charles L. Johnson, sw qr see 24, tp 25, NR29E. George C. Alexander, nw qr sac 28, tp 27.NR80E. Frank U. Bosworth, nw qr see 29, tp 27, N R SO E. Armand A. Dale, ne qr sec S4, tp 26> N RSSE. Wynne Evans, w hf as qr, ehf sw qr see 11, tp 25, N R 29 E. James Jump, se qr see SI, tp 27, N R SOE. Perry V. Kilgore, nw qr see 11, tp 26, NRSOE. Thomas K. Marshall, sw qr see 26, tp 27. N ESOE. John Morton, as ty see 21, tp 27, N R 80 B. Joseph D. Maple, ne qr see 16, tp 28, NR29E. Joseph 8. Shrock, se qr see IS, tp 98, NR29E. Frederick Schulto, nw qr see 14, tp 96, NR29E. Adolph H. Youngfc, w hf nw qr and w hf sw qr aec 22, tp 27, N R SO E. Thomas F. MoOourln, se qr see 23, tp 27,N RSOE. Louis Loso, a hi ss qr, se qr ns qr, and lot I,see4,tp 20.NR29E. Charles F. Yonngk, ne qr see 29. tp 27, NRSOE. Jacob T. Youngk, e hf nw qr, ehf aw qr sac 22, tp 27, N R 80 E. John Zimmerman, a hf se qr see 11, and shlswqrssel2 t tp27, NRSOE. Ira M. Karrs, Register. Vfas Fslylt nnA its Msg*. Rev. P. M. Shrout, pMtor United Brethren church, Blue Mound, Knneae, ■eye: “I feel it my duty to tell whet wooden Dr. King’s New Discovery has done for me. My Lunge were bedly die eeeed, end my periehionen thought I could lire only e few weeks. I took fire bottles of Dr. King's New Dieeerery end em sound end well, gaining 26 Ibe. in weight.” Arthur Lore, manager Lore’s Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence. I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consumption beets ’em all, and cures when everything rise (ails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to try it" Free trial bottles at Janeck’sFbarmecy. Reg ular rises MrandlL^^ The transition from long and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a re markable event is treasured in the mem ory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained Is gratefully blamed. Hence it is that so much la beard in praise of Electric Bitters. 80 many feel they owe their restoration to health, to the urn of the Great Alterative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitten. Sold at 60c. and $1 per bottle at Ja> neck’s drug store. If motben studied their beat interests they would find that Dr. Hentay’e Dan delion Tonic ta the beet booaebold remedy. Many ol the ilia peculiar to tamataa ooold be avoided by lie nae. It ta aa pleasant to take as a glass of wine. Sold by Alien A Chapman. Forest Grove, Ora., March 8. I have bean troubled many years with weakaem of tha kidneys and have tried many different remedies, sought aid from different physicians and even changed climates to obtain relief, bat have met with indifferent sneeees. Hearing through a Mend of the value of tha Oregon Kid ney Tea, I obtained n box of H and de rived more benefit from anything elm I have found yet. J. T. Hrrv. Sold by Allen A Chapman. —A Indy who was afflicted with salt rheum on the face and other parte of the bod? far assay who was treated by the beat phyafetaas on tha Pacific const with only temporary letief, says: Dntard’a Specific has entirely enred me of my troobtaaome complaint and although 1 have not wed the medicine lor many months, I have bad ao return of the dis ease. I shall always tael grateful to yoo. Sold by Allan A Chapman. —How often do we bwar our friends say “O, la* feeling pretty veil, bat have a •light pain in the back, which I eappoee will eooo paee away.” Bat does It paee •way? Ho, not often nnleee aaetoUti by •one good reeeedy. Flan in the back to freqaently followed by weeknen, flashing of the body* mocae and milky discharges, eruptions of the face and neck, diuineee, km of appetite, general debility, Bright’s disease of the kidneys. If you have any of then symptoms do not delay, batnve time, money and health by using Oregon Kidney Tea—a safe and speedy remedy. ;Fir Hi Ntil Fin Ml f ► l FOR CASH ONLY! [ Dress Goods. AT COST. AT COST. BARTHOLET - BROS. Opera. Souse Block. 8. J. LOWE Carrie* the Urgent, beet and cheap**! Block of all kiada of Cooking and Heating Stoves, HARDWARE, Etc., which he to prepared to offer at remarkably low prices. Atoo in slock a ins line of Tinware, Sheet Ironware, Graniteware, Guns, Pistols and Farm Implements. Comer Yakima Atenne and Bret aliaat - - - - W. T. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. DRY GOODS, 80018 AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES. CT. J". ABMSO?BOHq, Corner First street and Yakima Avenue. A complete line of all of the commodities enumerated shore will be found at this store, and a general request to sent forth to the public to call and exam ine the prices and quality of the Goods. «f. «T. Arauitroiig'. Ml-Cinnl Prim I Prices Reason able. 00R WORK FIRST CUSS. Chappell & Cox, AGENTS FOB FRANK BROS. DCF. 00., Yakima Ave., North Yakima. AGENTS IDE VABI KACEDIEBT OF ALL HKDS, Wagons, Farm Hacks, Buggies, Carts, Ac., Ac. All goods of tbs best class and warranted, and prices the lowest, quality of goods considered. It wi U to Twr Undmt to 100 Tlw t*ro Piftbdg Aijtfchg a Tkir lAw. Q. Li. Holmes <fc Bull, 716 A 780 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W.T. Fufoiime, Camels, Drapenes ail tugs, WHOLESALE mid HETAII* Larges! Stock aid.Bat Variety NortN of Sai Fraicisco' When In Tacoma, call and examine, whether yon wish to purchase or not. ••‘Correspondence Solicited. Allen & Chapman, DItVOOISTS. Keep always on hand all that la pertaining to their trade. None bat pare med icines anachemicua dispensed. Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated by a Competent Pharmacist Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. A Urge line of Paints, Oils, Wall Paper, Glass, Potty. Rash and Doors. Come and see ns in oar Commodious and Beautiful Quarters. m Vtry Fiiesi Brands o( Ke? Vet mil Importel dim. Comer Yakima Arenas and Second Street, .... North Yakima Slim al iiitl Parlors, YAKIMA AVENUE. NORTH YAKIMA, (Shardlow & McDaniel’s old stand.) WWWWWXW»M«>XW»X«WB<It X'.’WjCOMOCOKWO.^CO Thomas Bradley, well-known Ibrooghoot Eastern Washington and Oregon os an expert mixologist, will do the honors behind the bar, and will be pleased to meet his many acquaintances among tbs commercial travelers, as well as residents of thUsection. _ _ „ "be attention of the indulging public U directed to our extensive line of Flit Kite, Uti, dm, Which we guarantee to he of the best makes in tbs country. —— Pool - and - Billiard - Tables Afford pleasure and recreation to those seeking healthy exercise. If conrteone treatment, square dealing and unadulterated goods can secure and retain the patronage of the public, the «Torts of the proprietors of this house will be rorngnleod and appreciated. We have just completed refitting and beautifying the budding, end now invite tbs public to call and bestow upon ns such patronage as we merit. M. G. WILLS. E. S. ROBERTSON, SUCCESSOR TO Spinning & Robertson, Real Estate, iNßim^JsrcE. would respectfully call your atten tion to the fact that my list of TOTO PROPERTY is unexcelled. I have Lots for sale in every part of the city and Additions. ZFAJRHMT PROPERTY Very desirable, in tracts to suit. Represent a fine line of Insurance Companies. Money to Loan! On Farm and City Property.