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THE YAIHA HMD. m Paper of Yalta Goaty. RKKP I COE, Proprietors. MUBB BTBBT THVBISAI. $2.00 PER ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. AMUrs late I>m Aftßotin. E. M. Rud. Editor and Business Monager. SENATOR JOHN B. ALLEN. John Beard Allen, who on the 19th Instant was chosen to represent the new and vigorous Stole of Washington in the United States senate, was born at Craw fordsville, Montgomery county, Indiana, May 18,1845. and is therefore 46 years of age. He lived at or near his native town, educating himself, as beet be could, for the future, which for him has been full of well earned honors, until the spring of 1861, when, si the call of Abraham Lin coln for 75.000 men to assist in crushing the great rebellion, be, ol though not yet 19 years of age, enlisted in the 138 th In diana Infantry and served in Tennessee and Alabama until mustered out. In 1886, with bis parents, he became a resi dence of Rochester, Minnesota, where far a year be served as agent for a firm of groin men. Next be read law in the office of Judge Wilson, of Rochester, and soon entered the law school at Ann Arbor, Michigan. In 1809 he was admitted to the bar; in 1870 became a resident of Olympia, the present capital of the new state, where be opened an office in the public reading room, of which be became custodian at a salary of sl6 per month. At that time there was in all this broad territory no familiar (ace, do one with whom be could claim acquaintance; and yet, with no helping hand or friendly in fluence to assist, within twelve months his practice had grown to unprecedented dimensions for one so young, and he then came to be regarded as a lawyer of greet promise and an orator of unusual force and ability and although bat 25 years of age took rank as a peer of such legal lights as Chief Justice B. F. Dennison, Ex-Jo* tioes O. B. McFaddao and J. B. Wyche, Hon. Elwood Evans, Governor Elisha P. Fsrry sad others of more than local repu tation. In 1875 be was appointed United States attorney lor Washington territory, and in this position for over ten years, through the administrations of Grant, Hayes and Arthur, be served with that distinction so characteristic of the man, and with a success attained by tew, if any, of the United States attorneys dol ing that parted. In 1881 he made the city of Walls Walla his abiding place, where be has built op what is probably the most lucrative as well aa the most successful practice of any attorney in Eastern Washington, there scarcely ever being a case of any prominence of special merit in that section but that be was en gaged therein, and almost universally successful. He is a man most affable, courteous, easy of approach, careful in what ha promises or does, faithful to his friends and of the most unswerving in tegrity, as well as a patriot and a moat excellent dtisen and neighbor. His splendid home, in which abounds all that is calculated to moke home pleasant as well aa adorable, is situated within the shadow of the beautiful mountains that surround the lovely city of “Many Waters,” and in which city and vicinity, as wHI as in all Eastern Washington, he is not only considered as a Saul among hia brethren, hat has obtained from those about him s regard and affection possessed by few men anywhere. I'Whani chosen to represent Washington la ananas by a majority oi 7571 owi his democratic opponent, Cbaa 8. Voorhees, who lor Ino terms had been Ilia territorial delegate, and his defeat of Mr. Vouchees, himself one of the most popniar and able men of Waahiagloa. la one of the moat emphatic aridancea of Mr. Allan's popolarity and force of char acter and although he was not permitted to lake his east In congteaa, yet by hla in dnatry and Indetatigakleneas be obtained from the (aremmenl much that eased great banafil to the territory, and prorad la many nays that ha traa not only faithful la hla Manda, hot a aealana aerrant to the whole people, who ham recognised his faithfulness and abilities by choosing him to the moat honorable place they could bestow. IN SEARCH OR A HUSBAND. A certain rich Washington City woman vent to Europe to boy a titled husband. She had rsad of one American girt who had bought into the ilstahldt nobility, end another who purchased a stray prince of the bouse of Cokmns, and aha wished to ha as titled aa any other girl. So aha struck up a bargain with a vary needy Frenchman bearing the illustrious name of Napoleon’s most Ulnatrioos marshal; hut whan she cams to rign the contract, aha was unwilling to pay the descendant of the king of Naples orar 110,000 a year. Ha "kicked." The beat blood of the “Old Empire” conned through his reins. Ha was no ordinary colt, but a thoroughbred. He would not trot In harness with an American cayose Oily lor anynnch money. As a result, the contract remains unexe cuted, pending nagotiationa. It la possible that the young Indy In qunrtlon may not possess other attrac tions lor a husband than her jingling gold. Be that aa H may. local pride and a laud able desire to keep all this money on our aids of the “pond,” induces ns to make a oiggertion. Wa will furnish her a hus band lor ona-kjf that money. Yas, wa will guarantee that lor 16.000 a year, the shore-mentioned Washington City lady ana do better right hare in North Yakima, Washington. Further than that, wa un dertake that our nominee shall hare hatter morals, be better looking, younger, and husband the young woman better than any Frenchman who bears the name of Mont If title, hlgb-aoondlag, glorious, la what la desired, we can supply that want Wa cun do batter than lumiah n prince. Wa offer a sovereign—a free-born,blue-blooded American king, and not a threadbare, tin* pecunteoß remnant of ancient respects* bllty. Exceptions serve to prove the soundness of the general role. There may be, occa sionally, American girls with more money than brains. The average American girl, however, at the waahtnb or in the parlor, is the peer of any woman who baa trod this planet since Eve enlivened Adam’s solitude in Eden. The wife-hunter of Europe, with nothing bat a lengthened patronymic to recom mend him, may sometimes “bag” a “sucker,” but our American girl*—pure, industrious, honest, beautiful—are as un approachable by the foreign titled match makers as the icy peak of Mount Blanc to the deoisen of a Neapolitan laiaretto. Am important (actor to the successful conduct of business, which should be observed by our merchants, is the dies* ing of the show windows. North Yak ima has as good stores and as fine stocks aa any city of its siae in the northwest and when a merchant fails to appreciate the benefits of advertising be neglects to dress bis show window. An instance of the advantages which arise from this source was observed the other day when a lady member of the McKee Rankin troupe, attracted by the handsome dis play mads by Kuecbler, the jeweler, stopped, looked at the handsome window exhibit, entered the More and before leaving purchased a costly pair of dia mond ear-rings. Merchants, this lesson should bear its fruits. Majos C. M. Barton, chief clerk of the state legislature, is preparing a hand book and manual of the state of Wash ington consisting of historical, politico], commercial, agricultural and other data and statistics covering the ground from the organisation of tbs territory to the clone of the first legislature of the state. This work eminating from such comp* tent hands most ha of greot value to the politician, the professional man and all who desire to be well rood aad posted. We bespeak lor this manual the exten sive circulation its merits promise. Tbbtt-boht years ago last Saturday Seattle was founded. Only two men, A. A. Denny and John Alexander are now living in that city, who were among the pioneer Wake drivers. There were among tboee who first landed among two thou aand Indians then occupying the aite of Queen City, A. A. Denny, John Alexan der, Charley Terry and C. D. Boren. The excitement at Olympia baa qflieted down. The senators are cboaen and their names are John B. Allen and Wat son C. Squire. They were each elected on the first ballot, Squire receiving 75 votes and Allen 71. Turner received 20 votes, Sprague 16, Thompson 6, Griggs 9. Voorbees 8, Qowey 1 and Brents 1. Natlaaal tagloal lastltats. One or more surgeons representing this Institute will be at the Gnilland Hotel, North Yakima, December 2, and at the Johnson House, Ellensburgh, December 8, lor one day only. They come fully prepared with all the apparatus naraseary for the success fnl treatment of their specialties, curvature of the spine, dieeaaee of the hip and knee Joint, crooked limbs, dub feet and all bodily deformities. Their success in treating these troubles aa well aa all chronic and sexual diseases haa made for the Institute a national reputation. Upon application, references will be furnished from patients in all parte of the United States. All persons who are suffering from any of these complaints, shoolb not fail to take advantage of this opportunity for releif. Patents ■sestved nt Land Office. John Hubbard, sw qr of aec 26, tp IS, N B 18 K. Daniel Stewart Farrar, nw qr of ne qr of see 27, and sw qr of se qr and n hf of as qr of sse 22, tp 24, N 819 B. Rebecca N. Frisbee, as qr of see 12, tp 17, N 818 E. E. W. R. Taylor, a hi of ntr qr and a hi ne qr aac J, tp U, N B 18 E, (ioataf Nihon, n hf of aw qr and a hi of na qr of aac i, tp 17, H B IS E. John Yoke, as qr of aac SO, tp », N B 111 August Haaae, a hi of nw qr and lot 9 cf aac 4. tp 16, N Rl6 £. Jacobs. Rogers, aw qr of aecM.tplt, HRIBE. ______ Pew read nance BoanMlalMfl. W. E. Whitney, with A. E. Lillie as agent sad manager, has opened a general feed store in the building on the corner of Front and Chestnut streets. Orders fur pain, hay, chopped lead and ererything In this Hue will rcceire prompt attention and speedy delivery. Trial orders soli cited and aatiafaclioo guaranteed. Re member the place, in the Lillie building, one dour north of Hchichtl A Reborn's, a For mens A nine-room lodging-house, situated with in one block of oar other. • Mac Lass, Bran A Co. —Onion, potatoes and cabbage wanted at Boyars A Co.’s. • a —A lull line of shirts always on hand at Myron H.Ellfa’. —Fire hundred boars of aoap at Barth olat Bros, only sl-96 par boa. ' • —Bla lota gfran away to people who will build. Goodwin A —Goodwin A Fugaley hare cheap money to loan on Implored business property.* —The finest line of neckwear ewer 1 shown in North Yakima just received at i Myron H. EUia’. • —Tbs public will plasm bear in mind that coal and wood Is cask on delivery. , John Read, Agent fii-tf. —Groceries you moat have. Groceries wa must sell. Let’s trade and both bs . happy. Barthclet Bras. • -John Barlholst and wile hare do nated a handsome Durham cow, which will bs rallied off lor the benefit of the Catholic church at the lair to bo bald on lbs 16th, ITth and 16th of December.ft | GRIFFIN M’S STOBB. If you’re la want, and hangar gaunt, Toa’re teat upon relieving, I Just land aa ear, aad We’ll make clear _«oaM things near mm battling; The mammoth line of groceries flue Ton'll gat at «mirnn broth eri*. 1 Tho ’ T° u wlll *»luk their baadaome More I wknets±a am • w ~’ Therve Corn and Rolled Gate. i aaa£Sae^ t^ Ton will And every thing to plotas At tbe store of— . BRIITIN nMTHKBX. T^RStBSSftfiEJT T^£Er&i^nr phuM Hire Candles, Nats aad Cbowlag Oam. Finn Sharing Soap aad others. From Purest, Parfamed, Toilet do «n Ton’ll dad They’ve Canned Frail, Pie Fruit, every kind, jxsatasitaßmm And a taU liae ol tobaccos. For washiag slothes aad saving strength. Ton’ll get at— omirrm nomip. They ve* good Green Apples to cook aad eat. Theirs the east, Aad New Orleans Moiaaeee. Teast Powder, Soda. Magic Tenet, Sweet Batter, good as mother’s, ÜBirriN BRoTBUr. They’ve Lanterns, Shoe Blacking aad Oil, Combs, Extracts hr the eeove. Tabs, Backets, Pencils. Peas and Ink. Pickles (barrel or bottle), Crackers too. Table Snore, like no others. And Spices. fresh, pure aad strong, Att y SBirFIN BROTHERS', Their store is eoey, their stock 1s new, Their prices salt the times. And tbmPs the place where yon can get. Best exchange for roar dimes. Jast call aad see their nobby store, Aad Ladles, above all others. Two pleasant aad obliging clerks Ton'll Sad at GRIFFIN BROTHERS’. Sheriff’! Salejfßcal Estate. H. F. Allen aad C. H. Lewis, port ) dm* doing bnilneee Under the) Plaintiffs. Arm name of Alien 4 Lewis, ) W. R. L. Jackson. Richard Can ) L. Chamberlain, J TTNDIR AMD BT VIRTUE OF AH BXRCU- U ttoa on foreclosure leaned out of the Die- Met Coart of the Poarth Judicial District ol Washington Territory holding terms at North Taklma. In and for Taklma Conntr.the mid execution being duly attested oo the Mth day of October. MMS. la the above entitled action, wherein H. F. Alien and C. H. Lewis, partners doing business under the firm name of Allen 4 Lewis, the shore named plaintiff obtained a •dement and Decree of Foreclosure against W. hTL Jackson, Richard Cannon. Mason Turk. Onla cannon, Christina Chamberlain and J. L. Chamberlain, Defendants, on the Srd dar of all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Taklma County, Washington Territory, and described aa follows, to-wit; Lots fourteen, fifteen end sixteen (14. U, M) In block sixty-fonr (M) In the town of Prosser, Taklma County, Washington Territory, accord ing to the plat thereof now of record fit the of fice of the County Auditor of sold Taklma County; together with all and singular the len to belonging or in anywise appertaining, and It the proreeds of said sale shall not satisfy the said amount nod all costa, the balance to be made out of any property of the defendants not exempt from execution. Nodes to hereby given that on ■atardsy, the IM Bap nf Nsr., 1889, between the hours of V o'clock In the forenoon aad 4 o'clock In the; at the hoar of 3 o’clock In the afternoon of mid day. at the east door of the Court bouse. In the city of North Taklma, In said Yakima Connty, W. T.. I will, in obedience to mid Kxecntion on Fore closnre, mil the shore described Real Relate, or so much thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff 's Judgment, with Interest thereon, and all costa, at nubile auction to the highest and beet bidder, for cash in gold coin of the United States of America. D. 1. LRBH. Sheriff of Taklma Connty, W. T. Dated this Mth day of October, IMS. o!7-4t “board^trade” SALOON AND BILLIARD WALL. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Constantly on Hand. o A. Churchill, : : : : : : : Prop. tm r. Depot Kotik Taklna. Wash. TSr. Malice far Pabllcallar. Un Omci at Noam Yakima, «ua.,| November 14. UN. ) sars ssrAawrsjrwr esa siiS Ref liter and Receiver of the V. 8. Land Of atNorth YiklM la tba state of Washing* lon oa tbs 3Mb day of Dswata. UN, via: JOHN A. BUKWICK, Hoaaeatead entry No. IMI, tor tba aW i«W aw aujsa? -“*• Ha a«na tba followlnc wltaeaaoo to pvnra bis continuous resldencs upon and cultivation of said land. Tla: Peter Omrals. James Cook, of Yakima City. Yakima Co. Wash. nCil-dM. IRA M. KRVTZ, Rati star. Hal lea far Pablleallom. VTOTICB 1a hereby given that the following- IN named settler has Bled notice of his Intea flon to make Inal proof la support of his claim, and that said proof rill be mads before Register sad Receiver of I', ft. Land OMce at NorUYak ima. Wash., on Jaa. a. UN, vis: RANCH. LIOBTLR, eoatlnnons residence npon and cnltlTStioa of said laad, via: Solomon W. P. Brow lag, J. W. ffawsr*- nvjTg Rsglstar. NOTICE. Csmaty Taxea Dae. VTOTICR U MRRRBT GIVEN THAT THE IN Unplients Amassment RoU of Yaklam County for tbs rear UR is now la my ytmiiNaa for coftectloa of tbs Taxes levied therein. Taxes win be delinquent oa the Ist day of Narsh, UN at I o’clock a. m., aad aalsm paid prior thereto W per coat will be added thsretoas penalty, and KST S XiJZZ ~ aS-M County Treasurer. FAWCETT BROS, Farm Machinery & Vehicles, Sole A grata (or tb« Celebrated MORRISON AND HEADLIGHT WALKING, SULKY AND GANG PLOWS, DICKS FAMOUS FEED-CUTTERS, BADGER STATE FANNING MILLS, VICTOR HAY PRESS (Victor can prtu from 10 to IS tons per day), VICTOR HAY, STOCK AND WAREHOUSE SCALES, " ' ■ ■ ■ ;« AM* THE CKLBMUTEB Moline and Weber Wagons. — They hare Joel received a ear load of the famoua and popular WEBER WAGONS, And would respectfully request all parties Intending to purchase wagona to call at their place Of h—<■— and examine them before purchasing elaewhere. They call oapeelal attention to their large and floe atock of Blaus, Carries, Half-Plain ail Mountain Spriu facial They are the only dealer* in Yakima County who handle good* direct from the Factory. Corner of Front & A Street,—Li Stoves at Cost! AT VINING BROTHERS. We believe in taking advantage of the dull season of the year which is upon ns and offers Complete and Entirely New Line of Heating Stoves JUST (WED I m GOSH These Goods came io a little late, bat we mean to make it profitable to you and to na too by not carrying them orer. We Offer these Goods at Cost DON’T MIBB OUR BARGAINS IN COAL HODS. EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN TO BEDROCK. Bit Tod Mm of Ds ill M lour. "VirLing Bros, Og"TELEPHONE 31. VINING BLOCK. SAWYER & PENNINGTON (SUCCESSORS TO A. B. WEED.) Hardware, Stoves, Farm Machinery, Wagons. Superior Barbed Wire. Wheeling Steel Naila. The Largest Aeeortment ol Builders’ Material in Central Washington, and Prices Lower than the Lowest. wo lift i Sint of Mm li Hot Alt Fmiooo. SAWYER & PENNINGTON, Southeast Corner First Street and Yakima Avenue. North Yakima, Washington. Lombard cfe Horsley, (SUCCESSORS TO A. H. REYNOLDS.) 1 )enler« In FURNITURE! CARPETfV WINDOW-SHADES, porttvkk POHTIEKS. CURTAINS, O , L cumlg TIM tafiwt and beat aaaorMd stock In Cvntrnl Wa»hln»ton. at 9 Prices that Can’t be Duplicated. —AR. THERE !=^- DfiVOPO 9 p n Bob Up Serenely in the DUJuIS & UU. Hewlett Block, XJutter the XT. N. T-and Office, With * Couplet* New p pninn I Line of Fresh 111 Uuullua I And Ask a Share of Tour Patronage. GIVE THEM A FAIR TRIAL! FECTHER& LAW, REAL ESTATE, FIST MORTGAGE LOANS. From this date we will give special attention to the making of First Mortgage Loans upon improved farm property and in special cases upon improved city property. We are prepared to make Loans at Reasonable Rates of Interest And a low commission. When in need of money it will be to your advantage to call upon ns. Our: Insurance : Business Is continually increasing. We say without fear of contradiction that we represent the best line of companies in the City. $50,000 In Round Numbers Is the amount of our real estate sales during the months of Aug ust and September, 1889. The Neatest flciMiy lit teal Estate jut Is always experienced during the winter months. We predict that the coming winter will usher in greater activity than we have ever experienced before. You must draw your own conclusions. We are prepared for it; are you? OVBTI YAKIMA NATIONAL BANK, Yakima Avenue, North Yakima, Washington. HMW ABOIIT YAKIMA? Listen to the Storj as it is Told by Careful Observers from Abroad. (San Franeiero Examiner.) The new State Capital will probably be at North Yakima. (Spokane Fallt Review.) The beat and moat extensive agricultural region in the Yakima Ijuml District, and in the Territory, lies about the City of North Yakima and is known as the Yakima Valley. (Seattle Poet-Intelligencer.) To-day. where four years ago were uncultivated prairies, the home of great herds of unrestrained wild cattle and vicious bands of cayuae ponies who knew no halter, now stands the City of North Yakima, the Queen of Eastern Washington. (Norihweet Magazine.) The knot of valleys which meet at the new town of North Yakima seems a bit of Southern California here in the north. Public opinion in all parts of Washing ton has settled upon this place as the Capital of the new State. (Portland Oregonian.) There is no Just reason why this city and county, when they shall have reached their maximum in population, should not have in the city from 16,000 to 25,000. and the county 40,000 to 60,000. Neither there any good reason why they should not be eventually among the very wealthiest towns and counties in Washington Territory. All the material elements that go to make a big and prosperous city aro here. The total taxation of the county is only 13>$ mills which includes the total tax. territorial added. There is not a pauper in the county. The taxation is heralded to the world as the lowest known from and including Minnesota to and including California. If there is another county in a new country that can show as low a taxation the public would like to know it. (Tacoma Ledger.) The valley in which the city of North Yakima is situated in the center of a series of vary fertile valleys which open into it and have grown famous lor their products. With a splendid agricultural country surrounding it and the peculiar advantages of Its location for railroad approaches North Yakima cannot but figure la the future brilliantly. (Spokane Falle Review.) Although leas than forty miles apart the difference in climate between Yakima in Yakima county and EUensborgh in Kittitas county is almost as great as that between a northern and southern latitude. The valley surrounding EUensborgh is excellent for producing grain, while in the valleys near Yakima the farmers are devoting more attention to fruits, vegetables, bops, tobacco and similar crops, which can only be grown In a warm climate. Interview with Judge J. R. Lewie on hie return from attending the Meehan ice Fair in California, Publiehed in the Seattle Poet-Intelligencer. It was a great exhibition of the wealth of California, but I found no better specimens of vegetables and many varieties of fruit than Washington Territory pro duces. 1 can go over into the Yakima country and in two days collect finer pro ducts In those Unes than 1 saw in California. T;..' Yakima peaches are of better quality and flavor than any raised in Cali torn is .the apples are superior and the prunes are away ahead of anything I ever saw. Then, too, they raise finer melons, squashes and all kinds of vegetables in the Yakima country than anv produced in California. Mac Lean, Reed & Co., Dill Esuit, lint Ills, Have listed with them desirable land of all kinda including farms, garden tracts, orchard lands, residence and business lots. While the opportunity is presented— while the lamp still bolds oat to barn—the wise will toko advantage of the low prices which still prevail and Invest in Yakima property. Heim, m 4 a, na ntm, vistiiiia