Newspaper Page Text
II OLD MYTH EXPLODED. Hn la IHhlhs Gwsu Mad# u IssMU Mm Wlmse Iks Ummy Stamps Collects* is ISssS VMS Bs*s In Hospitals Han Msappsars* to. K" | L~.-, Now *d 'than same one announces hirasetf-as the vietim of the 1.000.000 post ft stamp hoax, writes somebody in Ocod Bnmktril. It U firmly iMlievKi Uul U 1,000,000 .tamp, m collected nil forwarded to mote one, a bed will ba pft- Tidadfaraa landld Boy In aomc tioJplUl or a home for an orphan. Christian churches have been the specie! victims, and there Is hardly one in England, the United States, Australis. Indie or any other country that has not had several members begging, borrowing sad stealing stamps in ordar to make up the million that wiO go to clothe and fefid some, poor This swindle originated in the fertile brain of n postage stamp collector at Slsttin, Germany. He deaired to get vast collections to sort out and sell again, and hit upon a plan to ast the whole civilised world to go to foshior him free of chaise- He preyed upon the sympathise of the people by announcing that an orphan would hs esadd ty In the “Syrian Orphan Boom” for every 1,000,000 of stampe sent to him. This worked well, and the next dodge was tbs starting of a mythical mission in Chins, the Holy Sister of which Sg(ee4. for every ,1.000.000 stampe ant to them to save from the jaws of the crocodiles of the Yellow riverftt least on Chinese and then educate and ; christianise iu The stampe are to be sent, not to Jeranlam or China, but to , Munich or Stettin. The last claim on the sympathy of the world that has been mads by this Ger man is that for 1,000,000 stampa a good | home for an old lady or an old gentleman will be provided in one of the three homes ' —out in London, another in New York awl tbs third in Cincinnati. For 800,- 000 stampa abed will be endowed in a 1 hospital, and for 100,000.a borne wUI be ' found for an orphan for one year. There art agencies in various cities to forward \ stamps to Stettin. It is estimated that this swindler has collected over 100,000,- 000 stamps in the United States alone, 1 and that these were worth from $500,000 ' to three times that amount. Tj** fmr. Ed. HjtaALDTyphoid or Typhus is dsrired Cram a Grade word meaning fltnpoti hence has no special significance aa related to the symptoms called typhoid Sever. The writer being only a clod-hop per had enppoeed that the germ theory of disease died the death years ago and that none might be found who still believed the silly leeapd that a germ or bacilli (Greek va. lor stick) went up and down the lead seeking whom it may devour, or larked la the water ready to bite the ■omeaf some unhappy wretch should ■wsUowiiLj \ • ( // j ;*! t 4 I sappeesd since the German govern ment appointed a committee of eminent doctors to go to India, during the cholera epidemic in 1877, and make a report on the cease of it. that the germ theory was so very have 4s that committee of m&l whose fagafda were so large that they all actually had the has dacha, got down to India they examined the datern wafer with e pow erful microscope and found small black ■licks. which they termed hacbili, float ing in the wafer. They did. not sey "stick” because thit would he 100 simple —as ranchmen would understand that— hoi they used the Greek work. Well, when they got hack home every medical Journal proclaimed that the cause of bot .ii it no«3L fcr 11* pborpitimt ln the last throes of death to bs told that H waa the bachiii In the water be drank that waa vetting in ita fine work. It happened that there were several crank how e little atick could give , fellow the ckolem. eepedally when the etick wee eo ernell thet it required e powerful magni fjlng ghee to eee It, eo they got together nod found the hnchili (till eUre, in good S£t9BOu£i& ehotera wee raging. But recently the writer benrd of eeverel (torture, eome- etaMSthet typbtfd fee* wee either cnneUV n germ thet Dueled ebon tie theelcand maneged to gel Inelde a lellow and Whim, or eofte bachlH, of non MM l« silly la answer, the (act , that many people not only-hellere it, M- i ranee the doetora say an, bat, pat Ihem ael*M W#ucb nnneceaeery IrouUsttnd worry. 1 wish to write something that wB oatllte M thinking lor themaelrea. II tfaamnll vhypbotd lever iTfatlie air or water why does it only bite shoot one Perron out ol aboot two hnndnd, when aU drink the same water and btertlie the rarer airT U It Is a Ihsag that causes the laerr, InrSaaddLe eoodirio., why wm twocr thpaplatifcilT ol ala lekTit and the others (escapeK Impore (t) waist IBM Ik* Wtw? The vlmoimi mj “ao mmf tak® this imr at the wne time it ZToMda* pwSr^^ida 1 " the aaoer tea. la there a dlarrhorr aes gnM or ragrtaalin In the water has no pewar to earn typhoid lerer or any oth«» kind. Tbs alimentary canal tun a way * to taka care o< a little decayed areas a law anlManali, manor lata, with a wig. glndall or lad-pole thrown In, may not be n rery Inciting dish, becatwe we hare been falsely tonght that they an poison ers, bnt they an no man so ten oyatara, frogs, mudfish or muscle*. The stomach cun and doe* digest all each matter in the good old way. Let oa test the truth of my plain words ao that all us common, plain Americans and naturalised foreign ers will naderetand it Anything that is injurious to the human organism will always produce an unpleasant sensation if held in the month. The mouth is If stare’s true taster sad nothing should swallowed by old or young that the mouth and tongue does not approve of. Now, take a cup of ditch water con taining several typhoid germs, more or less animacule and a few wiggle-tails and see if the mouth objects. Not at all. If dark you will not know but what it is well water, or take the deadly well watsr that frightens so many people and see if it burns the mouth or tastes bitter, or sour, or strong, or in any way destroys tissue. Alcohol and a hundred drags I might name will born and scorch and shrivel the membrane and tissue of the body.'lrhenrar it touches it; yet many ! will swallow tbest when slick and some \ of them when well with impunity, while they are frightened at a piece of grass or s wiggler that baa no power to harm an 1 infant. Boiling water or filtering it to get rid of imaginary imparities is another imposition palmed off on an unsuspecting public, that needs ventilating. If it is because it contains alkali, know, oh, de fied -mortal, that alkali is not removed by boUlfrg; also know that only a trace at alkali is fouml in our water and that tfrfr* human system contains alkali. So do not be frightened. If yon boil to kill some animal life that the wise man told yon was sorely there, remember that soon after boiled water cools it resumes its , former conditions. In filtering water, some <* It le absorbed by the coal or other ssbstaaces used Rs s filter and some passes through. That which ia ] absorbed ia the filter snhstahee-and that . which peases through are exactly alike. The time and Anxiety that has been spent and endured over thee* imaginary demons is almost, beyond belief. Once the doctors would not. Ist their patients drink water. Now they don’t want well people to. But once upon a time a sick mao who had been prohibited frdm drinking it daring a fever became deliri ous and got oat oC bed and drank a pail foil and got well in spite of the doctor and bis drags. So then the doctor said, “in fever water ia very good." So after the people—just common, plain looking people without diplomas or any frills or extra good look*—all tell the doctor* and fellows with the microscope and the stethoscope « |W * thermometer ■««> things, that It is not patching; that a disinfectant is a fraud; that ditch water is harm less; that wel) wafer is good and healthy, they, the doctor*, wUI then declare they knew it all the time. Now that man has usurped the land and staked it off 1 into lots, the only things that we might enjoy without money is air and water and one we shut out with doors; the other we refuse to drink be cause of ignorance. If some one would farm an air and wafer trust and charge SI.OO per square yard for air and $l4O per gallon for water some people would use enough to keep healthy. iot the Herald is nut* medical Jour nal and yow are tired by this titoe or 1 would tell you something about the cause of typhoid fever, but of course it would only be the opinion of a Clod-Hopper. Tan Urran- Naicuxz.—There ore sogfs of oqr people who quite randy to cry "chestnuts,” whenever the upper N.ttcfass is mentioned as turning oat somethlng wonderfal in the wav of a mineral pro- duction. Bat just the same, tbs mineral la there. It is not one thing or two that are found, but every thing in the shape ,at mineral, that fc valuable baa been jftcorwed. Fwra thw month of the Rattlesnake on op to the summit, almost everything in the mineral Una can be found. At the mouth of the Rattlesnake and at the mouth of the Nile there are Drat rale piacqp digging*. At the month ol Kock creak »m ellver defeat and (mm there to the month ol the Bumping rirer la one rast deposit of silver and void, assays from Portland and San Francisco running from S4O to |BO per ton. On the Bumping Rirer in coal, silver and gold. On Milk ttsilk are IfrgsftlepaaUk of ijd oxile oflroo or mioeraPpamt, k the vary finest *ual- ity. To the south, over the mountain has been found pure copper, eo pore that the pick strikes into it like in a pig of lead; I in a doe line west of this have been found ■mall quantities ol red cinnabar or mer ouiT. SUB further South, towpide the fMUh basin is first class inxrore, and fb almost immediate proximity, coal and iimastooe. The next two years will sse ah-tbis ssettott ppcVlrl np gnd tltvslopsil with n vast addition to the wealth and IttVlMkip d this county. * —Readers, in our sdvsrtisinx columns Vsi moth# v»erous oflbr of Good win APugsley. Six lota in the best part of **s*ttes»Way. This Man opportunity which should not be thrown sway. • -Barthold HM*. Mil got ho nndmold In uythlna-dry (Dodo, clothing, (urn tail ing g'gOk.V'ota and and gape, crockery, grncoriet, tnd in tort everything kept in n flrat-claaa atoee. • ■ —Hhiloh'i Vital iter ta what yon need tor conetipotion, kwe of appetite, diaai neen, and nil eymptoma of dyapapaia. RUST and 75 canta par bottle at dan eck’a Pharmacy. ’ f —Bara toil, oitdo to order, da oot tail to C.U on oor‘popular merchant tailor, 11. Probncb, on Yakima avenue. • Give o«a call. . • • —Bla lota given away to people who will boild. Goodwin** Pngsley. e —Highest price paid lor eggs and bat ter at Boyers A Co.’a. • —Oo to Bartholet Broe. lor your Yaki ma dairy batter. * —All ®tylee of job printing at the Han* ald office. —For coal and wood call on John Reed. 83-tf. Mi) to MANUFACTURED AT Moxee, Yakima County. ARE PRONOUNCED BY LEADING judges of Cigars, East and West, to be the best Cigars they can get. There is no coloring or flavoring matter used in their manufacture. They have a lost Delicious ul Peeiliar Flaror OF THEIR OWN. AND, WHILE Mended, like all first class Cigars, are made principally from tobacco grown and cured on the Moxee Plantation THEY ARE THE FINEST AMERICAN Cigars in the country, and there is nothing purer or finer imported. ALLEN ft CHAPMAN, ‘rl ■' GENERAL AGENTS, NORTH YAKIMA, WASH'N. QKIAT OVERLAND ROUTE, Northern Pacific R. R., VIA -:- CASCADB -:- BIT I MOM. The only line running Fell man Palate Sleeping Can, magnificent day coaches, and ELNIVT EDfitUT UfflN CHOUS. with Bertha Free of Cost, '* PROM OREGON AND WASHINGTON POINTS To tlie Fdwit^ via sr. ran an niMHsaroua The Only Transcontinental Lisa Banning PALACE DINING CARS (Meals, IS Cents.) Passes! time ersr made trass the Coast, over the NORTHERS PACIFIC L L TO Sioux Cltr, Caaneil Blnflk, St. Joseph, Atshl 808, Leavenworth. Kansas City, Burlington, Quincy, BT. LaVIB, CHIOMf, And all points thronKhout tbs But ami South east, via St. Fad and If Inneapolla. Pillau Sleeping icctutdiiSu Can be secured In advance. EMIGRANT SLEEPING CARS Are hauled on regular Express Trains over the entire length of the N. P. R. R. Connection made at St Paul and MlaaeapoHs to all poiatagast, Sautk and Southeast Through trains leers Yakima for 8t Panl at Thorough trains for Portland and all points on PaelOe and Cascade division, at Ml p. m., eon noetlng at Tacoma with boats for efats oa Pnget sound. Ticket' oa sale to all points In tbs United States and Canada. ap- Ticket Agent, North Yakima. A, D. CaaaurtoM, Aset General Passenger Agent, No. 1«1 First street, cor. Washington. Portland, Oregon. ISS' CO'S. JfIYEHEWt Ir tboonly «re MH€»th<win rorractly ■l—w the defect! of staple or ronpoand;AMicmstln Iff vea Iwtc Detect It* TByee here then tasted where ren eea hare U «M correctly. 1 OMIHT nr B ILWIIS WUUTD. Hove m seen the new steel ftpeeteles with fold neee taece? Ther never nat esd ate guar- - • -* cs m Geedt lit Utasl Price. T. O. Redfleld. THE PEOPLE’S MAMET, On* Dear Norik of Oprm Ho* tr. W. 11. KERSHAW. I KEEP OeßffTAimf ON BARBS PICKLED A SMOKED MUTTON HAMS PICKLED A SMOKED HAMS. PICKLED A SMOKED TONGUES BREAKFAST BACON. DRIED A CORNED MEATS VARIETY or SAUSAGES NICE HOME-MADE LARD. FRESH MEATS OF ALL Klfos. Prices Way Down Taken Up—Estray. AXF IROH-ORAT RORSR, abr at lour jmn Old. brand*] s on taf* abonldor sad f on rlcbt ahonlder. Sold an IMI maw to tbo pranTara of thoraborrlboroa the YaklM Indian fnwrrnttoa abont thrao yman nan. Owner will blraae rail on tho nndemSDed. prow proprrty, Fort Macao, Waab., Novoabor 12, MB. nli-M Tire Wood A Draying. .1 have • Unre anantitr of czcellftot plna and Ir tort wood and Or tM wood lor au rboap. I alfto ran two dran and aa pieeaiad la do Uueaetm—-aTao.-. To Vkm It loi Caim IMtad. North Yak law. Nor. U. IM. , SHRIYER BEOS., I Ploiters, Gas-Fitters, Electricians. tfeMMWfctar qualified to do any work In the above llnee, and puruN satisfaction. A iaasaar^- ,n “• “•- Olden for Honaa and aim Painting. Paper Hanging and Deeoratlof riven prompt attention andjbe work eaeentedln the beet manner. o«ce over Mac Lean. Reed Afo r., Yakima Avenue. M. PHOBACH, 1 (fincceeeor to B. Sigmund,] —THE LEADING mum m i YAKIMA AYE., near Pront fit. , Domeatle and Imported Oooda made np In tbe lateet stylca and at reaaonabie price*. ALL CLOTHES GUARANTEED TO FIT. Q. A. BAILEY •*—THE PIONEER —*• Sewing Machine Man, la now General Agent for tbe Beet Make* of Piaios, Oriau aail Se viof Hackliies I let my Good* direct from the different Man ■factoring Establishments, aolam enabled to Sell Cheaper, And to Glt*— *• BETTER TEEMS Thu oar otltcr Agent la the Field. Ufa Cub. * WUa WHb M hbim Bailey With MfMd. VeklM Are. Allen & Chapman, rxßxroo-xsTS. Keep always on hand all that ia pertaining to their trade. None bat pure med* icinee and chemicals dispensed. Prescriptions a Specialty! Manipulated by a Competent Pharmacist. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Use. A large line of Faints, Oils, Wall Paper, Glass, Putty. Rash and Doors. Come and see ns in our Commodious and Beautiful Quartets. Tilt f try Finest Brils of it; West and InM Cigars Corner Yakima Avenue and Second Street. - North Yakima Chappell & Cox, AGENTS FOB FRANK BROS. DCF. CO., Yakima Ave., North Yakima. AGIHTS FOB FAR! MACHDffiBY 01 ALL KINDS. Wagons, Farm Hacks, Buggies, Carts, Ac., Ac. All goods ot the best class sad warranted, and prices the lowest, quality of goods considered. It «il ke to Tht Mnitagt to to Ifca Mm Mata* lijtttog to IWr Ltat, “The Old Reliable,” Gr. W. CARY, I* still to bo found “doing bttsineos at the old stand/* on Yakima Avenue, where will always be found a complete stock of Greneral Merchandise, Consisting U DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, Ac., of every variety. In connection with the Btora Mn. Cnry conduct* n Millinery Department, Embracing nil the Intent noveltUn in Ladles' Wenr. Yakima Ave> North Yakima. W. T. “BOARD™TRADE" SALOON AND wn.l.umi HALL. Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Constantly on Hand. A. Churchill, : : : : : : : Prop. mm nn illi V. r. Do**, North Tahtaaa. Wash. Tar. In Premiums || p EVERY SUBSCRIBER BETS s=S= ever made. First Prize Al AAA Afi OH Case Harvest sl,ooo. Cash. Second \1 111111 |.A\H ing outfit, with prize, a complete J. I. iPIjUUU UlaWll steam attach ments. Third prize, a span of Clydesdale Draught Horses. Pianos, genuine Gold Watches, etc. A Premium for Every Sub scriber. You get any of these handsome pres- ran A A A A ents for $2.00. This is the subscription §■ 11U Ljsj price of the new Omaha Weekly Republican. I "II V" 1 ”” The AGRICULTURAL* DEPARTMENT of the Republi can. edited by EX-GOVERNOR ROBT. W. FURNAS, of the State Agricultural Bureau, is incomparably the best and brightest feature that ever characterized a western publica tion, and is itself worth the subscription price. BILL NYE’B weekly articles, illustrated, written for the Republican; pop ular short stories by the best American Authors, and many other special departments will appear weekly. EVERY DCDQIIII who remit * * 2 -°° to “>• Omahe Weakly Republican, Omaha, No even I I enOUIV bmekn, by money order, registered letter, or expreee, will receive n inbeeriptlon receipt and n coupon entitling hijn to a premium. The awarding of the prieea will he done by en honorable public distribution, in whieh ALL A) M(|f| Af| f| A Oil SUBSCRIBERS will hare an equal opportunity to draw the UA9II or any other priie. ’ PRIZE IS VALUABLE~^|X No cheap, ahoddy article! an embraced in our list of prominent. A complete catalogue will be mailed to •übeenbera on receipt of tubacriptian money. Subecribe now, before it it TOO LATE TO GET IN THE FINEST PREMIUM DISTRIBUTION EVER MADE. SOMETHING NEW. .... .1 We have had placed in our hands for Sale SHUT PM MIN. TTiU elwat pmMrty U ■ltMtod Immediately In front of Col. Hewlett* residence. and com prise* 147 of u sightly residence lota a. art now on the market. Both toll and water-rights ara of the heat To any me Biildiu a Residence to coat lot leas tlai SIOOO ve fill |to a Conor aul me Mile Lot Free! These lot* will be aeleeted in the following manner: Parties first balldlnx hare choice of two lot. In either bloek 10, U, or li; second and third choice in block. "Xor* Flats cm tie Seep at on itnct. We intend bnlldinir np this property with choice borne*, thereby attracting the best clam of people: and parties taking hold now win experience the benefit of oar moet earnest effort*. Goodwin <fe Pugsley. OVXB riBST NATIONAL BANK. J. T. RBBKLMAN. U. W. RODMAN Rodman & Eshelman, Bui Estate nil Lm toil Money to Loan on Mort|pi|fea. Mmtslaie mil Pmprty HmUlsurorNoilslits. City Lota and Farm Property Bought and Sold. Jj^OFFICB—TaAIma Aten me. near Hotel Yakima Henll-Cinerciil Priiii I IPrices Reasonable. OUR WORK FIRST CUSS.