Newspaper Page Text
THE YAHMA HERALD. THURSDAY. DECEMBER X. It. A Former Yakimahk Shot.— On Tues day, Dee. 15 th, e a hooting affray occnred el The Dalles in which Thomas Powers, a printer, formerly in the empLy of the Wcukington Farmer of this city, received e wound in the left groin, the bullet rang ing to the beck, and lodging near the spinal column. Powers went to The Dalles a short time previous to the shoot ing to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Maurice FitsgeraM, and while in that city occupied a room in the boose of Mrs. Clootman who is a sister of Mrs. Fitigerald's husband. It ia said that Clootman clamed that Powers was too intimate with his wife and when the for mer came home on the night of the fracas he ordered Powers to pack hie baggage and leave. Powers said he was willing but first wanted |3O which he averred Clootman bad borrowed from him. The latter denied the indebtedness at which Powers became angry and struck at Cloutman who ran but becoming cornered pulled a pistol and stmt with the result stated. Cloatman gave himself up to the sheriff. Powers’ wound is not considered dangerous. Am Aokd Indian Killed.— On Thurs day of last weak Pan-an-i-toic, an Indian whose Boston name is Sam, made his appearance at Te-ow-lts* ranch, near Top penish station. He was heavily loaded with liquor and flourished a big revolver around in a reckless manner. Finally be pointed it at a tepe and fired, the bullet entering the teat and killing an aged Indian named Bhio-ni-sec. The friends and relatives of Sbin-ni-sec caught Bam and tied him up, but finally turned him loose, a compromise having been effected on the basis of three bones. News of the killing reached the authorities here, and on the following day Deputy Sheriff Dan Simmons arrested Sam and brought him to this city, where bis examination was held before Justice Hen ton, who commit ted him to Jail to answer the charge of manslaughter before the superior court, which will hold sessions in this city beginning on the first day of February. District Attorney Snively proposes to have the body of the deceased exhumed and will endeavor to make out a case of murder. Amotion Fbacas At ELUtxsnraaH— A subbing affray took place in one to the saloons of Ellensburgb last Sunday night which has placed the life of a young man named Frank Fisher in jeopardy. The assault was an unprovoked one and was committed by Frank Emilbrek, who was put out of the St. Paul saloon by the bar tender, J. 8. Graggs. Emilbrek had evidently waited at the door, knife in band, thinking that Graggs would come out as he had dared him to do, but young Fisher walking out received the cut just above the heart that was evidently in tended for the bar keeper. Emilbrek is in Jail. Mubobb at ELumsavaaH.— Christmas day in Ellensburgh ended with Maxy Evans, the colored janitor of the Recep tion saloon, shooting and killing James Henderson, the Janitor of the Nash block. The two men quarrelled, and Henderson threw a hatchet at Evans. The latter ran into the aaloon, quickly returning with a revolver, and shooting Henderson in the head, the ball entering just below the left eye. Evans, who is twenty-eight years old, is now in Jail. The murdered man was white and sixty years of age. To-Night ATTmOn**Hoi'i«-MiM Jemle Coathoni, the celebrated elocution ist will appear at the opera hooee this evening in a varied and interesting pro gram. She will be assisted by local talent with vocal and instrumental music. Every seat in the opera boose should be filled as the entertainment will not only be an enjoyable one but being under tbe auspices of the scholars of tbe high acbool and for their benefit it is in a good Marriage Christmas Eve.—E. E. Kirkman and Mac K. E. Summers, both qf Walla Walla, were married at the residence of the groom’s brother, W. K Kirkman, of this city, Christmas even ing, by tbe Rev. John Uren of the M. E. church. The Herald returns thanks for some of tbe wedding cake, and ex tends to Mr. and Mrs. Kirkman its best wishes for their prosperity and happiness. lamimo THE Printer. —With kind greeting, and tbe compliments of the aeaaon, Wilbur Kirkman, of tbe cent store, dropped Into The Hebald office Christmas morning and left a bo* of tbe La Oitaaa cigars, a moat fragrant weed, to which ample Jnstio* Was done by The Herald force. Thanks, Mr. Kiteaa»and may you see many more Christmas days and days of continued prosperity. i Masonic EtacnoN.— Yakima Lodge Ho. 24, F. * A. M., beM their aarntal elec tioo Saturday evening, Dec. 21 at, which reaulted in the cbooaing of the lollowlng officen lor the eneuing year: R. K. Hlehob, W. M.; H. C. Humphrey, 8. W.j L. C. Lovell. J. W.; J. D. Cor nett, aacmtary; 11. L. Tucker, trace mar. The ioataUattoo cenmoniaa will take, place on the drat Saturday In January. Which Boonv was It?— The Ellene borgh Xeealurr baa this to aay: One of Heath Yakhna’a policemen became some what toddled by repeated donee of tangle foot aad cooclnded to lie down i» a ca bana standing oa a aide track until be felt batter. When be awoke horn hie lethargy be found hlmeell in Ellenabargh, cam of the moat aorpriaed and crest-fallen clnb swingers that could be imagined. —The aaterfMnment at the Ahtanam rengrmflidinl dutch Hek Year's even ing, Jan. I, will be well worth attending. The Bret part will be a concert. The cantata, “Under the Palma,” com posed of choruses, quartets, duels and ados, will be rendered. The last part wIU be a sociable end tapper. All ere invited. LSOAL BREVITIES. —At St. Michael’s church (Episcopal) services next Sunday at II a. m. —When you want something nice to eat, call on Griffin Bros., Vining block. —The pay-roll of the Koelyn coal mines for the month of November amounted to *B,OOO. —Born, at North Yakima, December 17tb, to the wife of Hugh Kennedy, a daughter. —Charles and Alva Churchill, Jr., sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. Churchill, are down with pneumonia. -The report that Yeatee' sawmill was to be moved to the Yakima mines, np the Natchees, Is erroneous. —The senate confirmed the appointment of Robert Dunn as postmaster at North Yakima on Friday last. —A marriage license was granted to P. A. Jaycox and Lucinda Morton, both of this county, on the 19th inst. —O. J. Lee of Ellens burgh bee bought a half interest in G. A. Bailey’s Natchees ranch, consideration SI2OO. —The North Yakima skating club have secured a pond and cabin on the west side of the track, near the cattle yards. —Messrs. Lombard it Horsley received this week from the New York manufac turers a very finely finished hearse for their undertaking department. —Landlord Smith, of the Hotel Yakima, was the fortunate winner of the big music box which was raffled off at Allen A Chapman’* Christmas eve. —H. L. Tucker has Just received from Rochester. N. Y., a very handsome back. It coat $llOO, is beautifully upholstered and is provided with mirrors sod s clock. —lt is proposed to build a water-melon palace at North Yakima, next year. Af ter the close of the fair, the water in the melons is to be used to irrigate the Kitti tas valley.- Walla WaUa Union. -Rev. J. W. Helm, brother of C. I. and Eugene Helm, has mysteriously dis appeared from bis home in Ellensburgb, and he has been gone so long that bis friends are becoming sorely anxious. —Attention is called to the large and attractive advertisement of Carpenter Bros, yhleh appease ia this issue of Thb Hkbald. Bead it earful for it contains much of interest to the trading public. —The baby daughter of C. E. Smith, of the Hotel Yakima, fell in such a manner Monday evening as to dislocate her left arm. Dr. Heg was in the hotel at the time and was summoned to attend the little sufferer. —All accounts for advertising and job work due Thb Hkbald will be presented on the 2nd day of January. Large bills for paper and material must be met, and it is hoped the collector will not get “no” for an answer. —Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Field are mourn ing the death of their infant daughter, which occurred on Tuesday morning. The funeral was held Thursday, and was at tended by a large number of friends of the bereaved parents. »• —A. Richmond Unbound over to the superior court charged with assault com mitted on Dr. HpAuslan. The complaint against Richmond was at first for attempted murder, but it was subse quently changed to assault. —lt is said that a deliveryman for one of Ellensburgb’s business houses is at work upon a book entitled “Back Door Revelations of Ellensbargh; or, Three Years on a Delivery Wagon.” It gives promise of being a spicy volume. —lt is reported by telegraph from Wash ington City that K. B. Albertson of Seat tle is to be appointed United States dis trict attorney; Dr. Hare, of Ellensbargfa, United States marshal; 8. C. Hyde, of Spokane United States district Judge. —Tbe twelve-year-okl daughter of Jas. Morrison had the misfortune to fall over the rockers of a chair Saturday evening, resulting in bar right arm being frac tured. Dr. Savage dressed the injured member, awl tbe patient is doing nicely. —Tbe Knights of Labor will hold in stallation ceremonies at the O. A. R. hall on First street next Wednesday evening, to which a general invitation is extended to the public. An excellent program of exercises has been arranged for tbe oc casion. * —Last Saturday evening at a meeting of the Ellensbnrgh lodge. No. 89, A. F. and A. M., the following officers were elected for 1100: M.Gilliam, W. M; G. E. Dickson, 8. W; J. W. Bean, J. W; L. R. Grimes, treasurer; H. M. Baldwin, secretary. —At a meeting of tbe fire company last Monday evening il <u decided to order twenty llremen’t rubber coeta of the moat approved etyle. The company meete again next Thureday evening to traoaact bnelneee of importance, and all roerabera an urgently reqneatad to be preaent. —Urn steamer “Rattler,” which la now on the uppm Colombia, is coining twenty dollan pet day, or at leaat so the report cornea lrotu,a good source. It may be within the range of possibilities for the ■forth Yakima stockholders to yet get a dividend from the old craft. _ —Wm. Reef met with an accident last week by which ha had a does call for one of bis eyes. Be arose before it wea light one morning to attend to the Sts aad in leaning over his eye came in contact with the sharp ead o» a shovel which was standing op in the coal aonttle. The re sult was a painful cut and the carrying of the eye la a aline lor aome days. —There have bean recent Bales of In terests in the Hot Spriap property, one bay Interest being bought by F. B. Har mon and John O. Compton, of Tacoma, for 133,000. The property will be greatly improved the coming year. The present owners are F. 8. Harmon aad J. O. Compton,of Tacoma; A. 8. Fkrqobanoo, of Hot Springs, and 8. T. Pack wood, of F.llenaburgh. TU ISRVS WILL BE RAISES. S»»r llall IMe Wsssssary Oat gas* SnS Thtataal Already RakscrttvA. The committee appointed to raise the SIOO,OOO bonus, which will bring the Portland. Lower Colombia A Eastern Washington railroad to Yakima, are meeting with much encouragement. So far there bas been but one person ap proached who has refused to subscribe, end Mr. Geo. W. Jones, tbs chairman of the committee, says there is not the least doubt but that the amount will be raised. Up to the time Thr Hxbalo goes to press the subscriptions amount to upwards of $62,000. The following ere the names of the public-spirited citiseas who have come to the front, and the figures of the various subscriptions: Edward Whitson $ 6.000 J H Thomas 4,000 S J Lowe 2,500 MacLesn, Reed A Co 2,600 Geo W Goodwin 8,000 Feebler A Law 2,500 WmKer 4,000 J D Mclntyre 2,000 SOMorford 2,000 I) E Leah 8,000 W E Thornton 1,000 HD Cock and wife 1,000 TGRedfleld 1.000 J B Reavis 1,000 JCMacCrimmon 1,000 A B Weed 1,000 Theo Steiner 1,000 Sbardlow A McDaniel 1,000 C J Taft 400 J J Armstrong 1,000 Hyman Harris 1,600 Walter J Read 1,000 John Bartholet 1,800 John Stone 1,000 Ward Bros 600 W L Steinweg 600 H C Humphrey .. , 500 E M Reed 800 J B Pogsley 500 Myron H Ellis 800 Matt Bartholet 500 Jos Bartholet A wife 600 Alex R Sinclair 600 JT Simmons 500 Sawyer A Pennington 600 JnoD Cornett 500 Frank Bartholet 800 Total to-date *2,200 PKnaeiUL. J. B. Png*ley returned from the Bound on Friday last. Will Lamping in home from Portland for the holidays. W. E. Thornton is spending the holi days in Walla Walla. Attorney H. J. Snively returned from Olympia on Friday last. W. H. Vining took Christmas dinner with liia brother in Tacoma. Mias Annie Monroe is back from Seattle to pass the holidays. J. W. Alden, of Tacoma, is visiting his sister, Mrs. A. J. Kraudelt. Mayor Fred R. Reed is again able to be around but ia still very weak. B. A. Bowen and Carl A. Jenson, of Prosser, spent Sunday in the city. W. H. Chapman left on Christmas night for the Souud to be absent for a few days. Frank Sinclair was in from Fort Sim coe to spend Christmas with his rela tives. Mrs. Matt Bartbolet left for Seattle Tuesday to be with her mother on Christ mas day. Frank Shardlow and wife left for Col fax Taesday to spend Christmas with relatives. Chas. W. Henry, the builder and con tractor left on a visit to his old home In Ohio, Thursday. Hn. M. Gillum is downfrom Ellens burgh spending the holidays with her mother and sister. Judge 1* B. Nash oi Spokane Fails spent Christmas in this city a guest of the Onilland house. Capt. C. E. Clancey and family, of Tacoma, are in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitson. M. A. Allen, proprietor of the Yakima restaurant, was married on Christmas day to Miss Kona Wheeler. Boyd A. Cuninghame expects to leave Saturday evening lor a visit to old Eng land. He will be absent several months. Chief Engineer V. O. Bogue, of the Union Pacific, to about to remove hia headquarters from Omaha to Sen Fran cisco. Mrs. Wm. Lee left last Monday for Walla Walla in reapooae to a telegram from her eon requesting her attendance at the bed side of his wife. Jacob Becker, a pioneer of the Kittitas valley waa buried at Ellensborgb on Sat urday last. He was the first blacksmith within the confines of the county. M. E. Field and wife and Miss Ohlhan ■an of EUenaburgh were In the city this week attending the funeral of Mr. end Mrs. Wayne Field’s little daughter. W. 1. lines and wife left lor tbs Sound Sandnylto spend tbs Christmas holdsys. This is fee first time Mr. linos has left the county sines he came have, sight years ago. J. T. Greer and family bars gone to Port Moody, B. C. to spend the holidays and possibly to remain. W. P. Glassford of Tacoma has taken Mr. Greer’s ’trick” as operator at the depot. Tbs Misses Mend Thomas. Ids Steve son, Florence Barker, Jesse Bailey and Belle Ysates returned from Tacoma, Tuesday, where they are attending tbs Annie Wright siminsry. O. W. Rodman returned on Saturday last from Portland where bis daughter is undergoing treatment at tbs hands of Dr. Henry Jones. Tbs little patient Is very poorly and them la but small hopes of A Docolas cocxtt paper is complain ing bscsdsß it hasn’t been enabled to chronicle a birth for several weeks. Per haps the editor Is making a precedent that his readers are trying to emulate. —Some recent heavy deale in property adjoining the towneite of Proeeer have been made by Tacoma capitalists. Col. Prosser says he looks forward to exten sive improvements there in the spring hut denies the report that the Tacoma men have obtained control of the water power of the falls. —Fears of a hard winter have pretty much disappeared and hay is coming into the market to a degree that indicates that it may become a drug. Tlie trouble now is that the ioe crop will be a failure. None of the local dealers have as yet put up any. —An exchange has the lolling: Tell me, ye winged winds that round my pathway whis, is there not some quiet spot where perfect quiet is I—some still retreat, some solitude that’s ooered tbich with flies? You bet there is; go watch the store that doesn’t advertise. —There are three colored men confined in the Elleosbnrgh jail charged with murder. Eight murders in the past year are charged to the importation of negro miners to the Roelyn coal fields. Papa, go to Eshelman Bran, and buy me that 2t. —The stock of harness, saddles, Ac., at C. E. McEwen’s is the best in the city, snd his prices are the lowest. • —Fresh invoice of cellery, cabbage, figs, butter, seedless raisins, cider, etc., at Griffin Bros’., Vining block. # —H. Kuechler, the jeweler, has a very large stock of beautiful holiday presents on hand, which are offered at the very loweet prices, to suit the times, and every thing warranted first-class. 3t —The only exclusive dry goods ami clothing bouse in the city is that of Henry Ditter, in the First National bank building. Mr. Ditter has exceptional facilities for buying, and he always keeps abreast of the times, having a standing order for all of the novelties appearing in the market. * —Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Sniloh’s Cartarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Bold at Janeck’s Pharmacy. Notice to LoscWlstrS Dtllstuati. All | parties having accounta with me o( over thirty days’ standing are hereby notified that their bills will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection after January Ist, 1880. It G. O. Nxvnt. FINAL NOTICE. A FTEH JANUARY I. U»0, MY ACCOUNTS A will be placed in the hand* o( an attorney for Immediate collection. In order to give every body lair warning. I take thi* method o( notify ing all indebted to me that they wlil aave the ss? Ire " i'"*'- 11 "'' * ■ ,ui aMß»E»p. Notice tojonsi mors. AND AFTER THIS DATEOHDERB FOR Vy OSAIi AND WSSD muat h* b!r REED. North Yakima, Wash., Dec. U, im. dm-lrn Notice far Publication. Land Omci at Nobts Yakima, Wa*h.,| December 21, urn. | XIOTICE U hereby given that Kettle 8. La IN chapelle. of Yakima City, Wash., has fcasr ufirt£ North Yakima, Waah., on Friday, the Hth day of Fabraary, IM She names the following witneaaea to prove the complete irrigation and rw-lamation of aald land; X, T. Stone, Henry Werren. Will Urn.Steal of Yakima City and Joeeph Bartbolet of North XSs»** w# * h ‘ IRA M. KRUTZ, Reslater. Report of the Condition Of the Pint National Bank oj North Yak - ima, at North Yakima, in the State of Washington, at the dote of butineu, Bee. 11, 1889: Loan*and discounts .. •• •■* 7 HE , 2 Overdrafts, secured and uasaenred .. 1.4».t0 U R Bonds, to secure circulation »A*MO Stocks, securities, Ac 4 AW. 74 Due from approved reserve a«mits \ JW.M Dus Irous otter National Banks 2,074.0. Dae from State Banks and bankers IM.OI Rankins House, furniture and fixtures 22,1 Tlx*, Currant expenses and taxes paid 2.a».7fl Premiums on I'. 8. Bonds 1,4*.« Cheeks and other cash items WR.V. Bills of ether hanks ... Sto.oo Fractional paper currency, nickels and S3Siq.t?S2?.B» o.i T»» “““ (S“reol. olrlrcUMoo) MIMt Total MW.JI LIABILITIES. caplwiMlMain IMMgoo ftXldadprollte tS*M National Bank notes outstanding 23,4*0.00 Individual deposits subject to cheek 4f1.427.4S Demand certificates of deposit 24,104.1* Due to other National Banxs OAM.U Doe to State Banka and hankers »AW» TOTAL toU.MO.7S Statu of Waihuwotoh,) Couktt or Yakima, f I. W. L. Steinves, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment le true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. W. L. Stbimwbo, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before ara this 30U> Iskal.l day of Dae.. IM. Oaoasi 8. Covutkb, Notary Public. Correct—Attest; EDWAin WUITSOM.) Cuas Caupbutub, > Directors. A. W. Kmolb, > CARPENTER BROS. §1 Cash Talks! |g Ab we hare decided to do business on pQ PQ A Beady-Pay System, hj Commencing Jan. Ist, I*o, ve will say that M § Call Bojen Will Safe Money a PI By trad Inc with os, saw* shall endeavor to keep LJ M hiwujub mm Lj a NHUIU rtKW! y W Our Stock of Clothing l-j pH Is large and varied: alee, Qj HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, ETC. Our Grocery Departm’t O soHancMavo Dint Diliy of Bill Gnlsl -AT- Eshelman Bros. Oar Um la now roaplnt, conslatinf of JUVENILE BOOKS, BOOKS IN SETS. TOYS, and SMOKERS’ GOODS ALBUMS (Photograph. Autograph, and Scrap,) FINK BIBLES (O. Dore’s Illustration,) POEMS, TUCKS’ series of XMAS CARDS snd BOOKLETS, ETC., ETC. Special Prices to now Buying ii Quality We areodferlui Goode at Rrcntly reduced price*, bavins eold our business and been requested by oar uiceeeeor to reduce the stock, wc have therefore marked our Roods at such Extremely Low Prices That the people are astonished. Pout forget the place. Post Office Store, Eshelman Brothers. Yitin Cipn MANUFACTURED AT Moxee, Yakima County. ARE PRONOUNCED BY LEADING judges of Cigars, East and West, to be the best Cigars they can get. There is no coloring or flavoring matter used In their manufacture. They have a lost Delicious and Peculiar Flavor OF THEIR OWN. AND, WHILE blended, like all first class Cigars, are made principally from tobacco grown and cared on the Moxee Plantation THEY ARE THE FINEST AMERICAN Cigars in the country, and there la nothing purer or finer Imported. ALLEN & CHAPMAN, GENERAL AGENTS, NORTH YAKIMA, WASH’N. Tlx Celebrated French Sure, w SrSSr “APHRODITINE” £,333 fls Solo os a gv. positive OUAHANTIC bs> \J fmmof uoreous fe jf jsrm n BfeasiiSGvMas S^gttMSSMSSyrJSgS: sSwpSwausaiLs s* zt&Si srl rK - , °' a u 5 * WBITTBI, OV AKAKTSK for mry few Mder, to refund the money If i Permanent cure U not effected. Thousands of testimonials Iron old and roans, of both him, permanently cored by Apsboditimb. Circular free. Addrau THE APHRO MEDICINE CoT wssraas saascs, BOX 27, PORTLAND. OR. SOLD BY ALLEN A CHAPMAN. Sole Agents. North Yakima. Wash. -Croup, whooping cough and bron chid* immediately relieved by Shiloh's Care. Sold at Jaoeck’s Pharmacy. —Shiloh’s Core will immediately re lieve croup, whooping cough and bron chitis. For sale at Janeek’s Pharmacy. I I I I I M II II II ( 1800. 1800. tiN g-a-l lng HELLO! HEliliO I GRAND GIFT DRAWING BY THE Great IXL Co. SHiniwns FintPrixe, Ooe Pluk Paiior Set $125 Second Prize, LalftPluk Coat 30 TM Prize, Miai’t Orercoat 25 Foirtk Prize, lifaDfs Plaxk Coat 10 FifUi Prize, Boy’s Slit 10 Sixth Prim, Hamin Laip 10 SeTentk Prize, Sealxtin Cap 10 Ei# Prize, Lady’s Fir Boa 10 Niitb Fme, Fair Wkite Blaibts 10 Teilli Prim, Cabinet Trail 10 Every Cash Purchaser who buys SI.OO worth of goods will be entitled to one number in The Grrand. Drawing WHICH WILL TAKE PLACE JANUARY 1,1890. The Committee awarding the Prizes will be chosen by the Ticket Holders. Yours Truly, Hyman Harris. GRAND BREAK HARD TIMES! Cash. : : Quotations! 1 Box Soap, - - 8.1.00 Coal Oil, per case, - 3.00 Ift lbs Granulated Sugar, 1.00 3 Gal. Keg Pickles, - 1.00 Tea, per lb, - ■ ■ 33 100-lb Sack Salt, - 1.00 Great IXL Co. Hyman Harris, Prop. YAKIMA AVENUE, NORTH YAKIMA, WASHINGTON