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Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels f-icANSES THE SYSTEM cl «r EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES '/TO c\ ' ~ Buy the 6ENUINt-M4NTO fty (£UI^IA|TG,SYRVP(S *«"&."*•. «<^u?»* fOft SAL! B> ii^ DRUWii Tb PP'U 40t Pth 3CITIL WILLUIS'piI i Q A Btniß PKI.IFF TO WOMAN for all trnuhlfs poculiiir lo her sex. tW""SfMHI hv mall o» f i <hi our Agent. SI.OO per box. WILLIAMS WFG. CO., Props.. CLEVELAND. OHIO. lor Mftla In i)t< \t>i ih %iikt tv h Imp: Si»r«'. Ale 1!; I.*, sioiin, l*r*»i»r, Pm U p#lT)r W.lliarns'lndian T»'ffc B N L nntmeut will cure Blind, E S C WeeUlnK ant) Itching ; "1 kl'u< k. li übHnrbNib6 tumors, H |I^;iihi\s tne iti~tuii;? at once, acts H Uef. Dr. wll ■■ - ■ luUiunPileOlnt* • mrnt i propan I for Plin and lich- Rot iho pnvßti fwirta Every I*"^ is wnrrftfiTp't. F)y clnifrjri i>; »>v mall on ro- Mini of pi i: ..■. I.mi. WIUMMS MANUFACTURING CO.. '''• !! *'■ wtond, Otala Nlorr, \lr\ l». Nlofin, I'rnpr. I Kureka Harness Oil is llipt»p£t I I prvMrvaUi« of new teat tier I [1 aixi the best renovator ol <>vi gß\ H| ■(i ■r. It oils, sufl , fl Mtil ei'Siind protect. If i^, i Eureka 1 ■ Harness Oil! Non -v""r ll*HHt tmrnrtw, your olii har- I* I r"'s* tul'l >'"lr '■nrrlmiPtop, ami tlK'.v Jni ■ nly l""k Ik-Hit I' ■ Jra| ;| ii/s frnm iiaif pints to Hvegallons, | f n I!. I ■■ hi , M'.UI. 1.11 . Ij MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS lvi it* inn , ,ii i. 11 .i i- vi, i j^^^L Mint itauitth ■ i .mi-' . f nini-tiufi fl| Bim> i.i. Hmcn" t(» irrrl* »t w ■iin,«nh"i"t. n .- (If Vft*K^gT mi-lit <tt itrK'nh-* nn>l lnnl> No W' W '■ • r-i.M'v (or equals X) jf ttlt-ni. C:u.!l.i< In l.fl! Ml — lift II" -J&PZiri ' . ■••I ,i.. Inn -wsftCw..*r* np i t chsjsj oai 00-««3Ud,o. i»r Main i « litklmia inn- Mori, lira J| Moiiii, l*rii|>r. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflelallydigeststhpfood and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest-1 ant and tonic. No other preparation i can approach it in etllciency. It In-1 etantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SicklleadachcGastralgia.Cramps.and •11 other results of imperfect dlgestioa , i Prepared by E. C. OcWltt A Co.. Crjlcago. For Sale at L. O. JANECK S Drug Store, j ONE FOR A DOSE, tfjll B A piljou*""-"", I'urif/ th.11!...,d, ■ ILLU Ouren,»,U, :.»„.! Djaprpait Sm^-SSSimS, A mnnini ,it ttax boweln uth d»f li aortaurr •o»h»»lth. Thei Milh«r(ni>aDaraick«n. Teem. nao* jou, wn wil. mail «ampi» fr»c, or foil boi for IM. Boldt>jdraffiiu. OR. BUSANKO CO. Phil*. Pa. THK STATH HOI" INSIT.CTOK Gives Additional v.ihuHi- Informatlan to Yaklmi Hop Growers. IN vai.h i\ Whhli , Btf/L 8, IM KnuoK Y\kima Hkiim.ii: Tin' nii>»t critical lime mi Urn hop Imlßitrjf i- now ■ppmachiiiff— ilie picking, caring and baling. Tic li.'px muM !"■ ptokad di-iin. f m it-.i-ii iii mid, l»ru« li atrw and Mavia, 1> i not lay yoiii llmiis 100 hiavv in the begionlaß; warm tb« kiln up (nreighl ortenbaan pr«»loMto laying the flrrt U ■or.instnirt ynur lireini'ii 11h<mhi«1iIv intlicir dutiMand whiit you aspecto( tii.'in, and ■ « thai they do it; drop in "n thi in .it :il! Bonn, tukp a 1" 'k it tin I thermometer yuirsclf. I alwtyi dm jrei ii a»o >;l. at than i« such Imi danger uf •corchfng s tlo'iring; if they rmi't hold tna in-lit up hihl the floor tags, leu 11: iihilv timt; but dry wood, » tlueL lire, and your ho|iß are cuokpii—that is p*et v medy. lion'l get the i<len that you can make ■ good hop out oi a im<l one by otiog loti ol lalpbur, or a ypllow hop oat of ■ green one. Too much sulphur is bad, us it uivca the aaaple h ha) color and look! dirty. One tjiul om-lourth ponnde to the l»>x to extreme cuei i« plenty; tbree-foarlh* of aponod v bet« trr. If poscililf, allow the dried hope to lay on the kiln Moor for three or four b >urr< after nhutting down ihe heat, us it tends to touijlifn them and they will li»:e whole, I throw water on the hot pipes, caoalng a cloud ol steam to strike t icm, and they arc ready to come off iii three linurn. Broken hops are very 4"lri mental to the grade. It' poulble, dry with ll'l decrees—you will maka money by it. In baling, handle your dry hops very carefully; do not tamp them in the press like yon would a tonce postj use your tamping slick moro as a presw, and only at the enda and cornera. Trj run ning down the follower <>i your press twice; use it at a packer, and when the buyi r i.- taking his sample you will hear bim lay, "These cut mighty Dice." Do not let your hopa lit 1 iii tlie warahooM tun longi hh it i- 'i mil taken nleu Unit they ru Ihroaxb n sweat, for such It not the can ; they <lr<»w moisture ami become touuli utnl I" aidy, uii'l low that nice silky feel and springy touch whenpreued between the hamis. I'se 24-oz doth, full width, put in doable beads; »ew with double ihretkil, fonr-nly linen, ihc doubk look stitch ami tweDty-two stitches to facli side, l'nt your bales up neatly ; if a buyer hues a sloppy looking lot of Iwies he is dubious of the grower; put your poods in ueat packiin'e ami they will sell themselves. Don't be stingy nbout Riviiii; MUnplft; get them on tie nuirket ami ita many as y< v ran, iiiicl you will get Rood returns. Picking bus com mcm coil in Oregon, where mould is ibowing; you know what that means, cither a green bop or it mould* olio. In two weeks time the (tory will come; it is a nice between the picken ami the lice, ami if any of you have ever been in bulli a predicament you know who wins—it is not the picker. Washington baa a chance this year to gain that gilt edged reputation she used to have as a hop growing state; it is now (ij> to you, Mr. Hop-grower, whether we have trashy stuff or craekerjack samples. Picking will commence about the 10th of September in some yards, and by the ISth or 20th everything will be in full blast. You can then hear the laughinii and tinging of the pickers and crying of biibies, and once in a while a mix up in the hop yardt. At nigol the Indiana will gamble with the bone game, have their "cultus potlach and mamok tnma mus" and a "hiyas kloshe me, me oopa hup time." Job K. Fkkx vsi>i:z. The Home ComlnK Troops The traueportation committee of the aeneial conunittee on reception to Waab* iOKtoO volunteers at Seattle han reported that the railroads enterinu Seattle had ■greed '« tiivp a ra'e of one (are lor the round trip lor viukoru to Seattle during the reception of the volunteorn and the accompanying celebration. A half-fare rate hu> lieen promised (or the volunteers, Individually or in companies, for their home trip from Seattle. la addition the committee haj Mked the railroads lor a rate of one cent per mile for the benefit of the companies forming the National I Guard, but this matter is still unsettled. I I'hi re seems to be little doubt but this I will be secured. Over 700 iuimiihers of the Washington regiment left Manila for San Francisco September 4 and should arrive at the latter port about October 1. The general committee of the Seattle reception used its greatest energies to h»ve an ollloer put al>oard the transport who would on the way home amnne all details for the muttering out of the regiment n- soon hs possible after it reaches San Francisco. This may and it may uot be done. It is, therefore, at present uncertain whether the reception will be lield about October K> or November 1. It is the general be lief that it will be between these dales. I Later arrangements have h»en perfected j whereby our home militia company may j <o to^eattl" mid return for one rent a mile, or $4 (C> the round trip. Abmit forty of the home rompnny will attend. WHAT IN MMl.ill' A icratut old Handy for ('.■.';.-', Colds and ('insumption; BMd through the world lor half h retitnrv; liiih cured in niimcrahle Cttoes of incipient unnHilinp tioo and rt'liovfd m«ny in advanceil HtaucH. If you in not Mtteflad with the reaults we will refund your money. Price SBc,SOs and |1, I. <). Imck'f draf store. I "Thin roOOl man," Mid tlit; professor in the TrATiHVHaI, 'Vmply 'eta me go on asking i]iiPN!ii<ns wi liD'it .i!irin|i: '!i . to answer them." "Sd!" nelftinMd Ooa I'mil. "I'll nißkp a diplomat I'lil ot him. He'll l>e a BNdll to tha fuinily." DeWitt'a Littia Karly Risers p«rnt nently coreronitlpatloo, billooanaat, ncr- VOOMMM Md worn-out ft'eliim; cIMOM ami regulate the entire svßtem. Siiihll, i■' i" mi, n<'ver (iripo or llcksn —"famous little- pills." JitMrk'a Drag Sture. Inventor—What is your cundi<l opinion of my devici'7 Friend —It iw practically vvorthless. Inventor—Yes; I suspected as much; hut even n worthhsa opinion is some times heller tbM none. C'heHler 11. BfOWO, Kaluma/.00, Mich., shjh: "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of IrjdigMtion ; can rec ommasd it to all ditpeptiet." Dioeata wimt yon eat without Hid from t lie Htomach, and cures dyspepsia. Janerk'n Drug Sore. "Miirlha, I think we will save money liy buying hii ice drat." "Why Joims?'' "I QOtlcatbftt every time you 1:00! a watermelon In Bmltb'i Ice cheat yon nive them half." There's alwiivs hope where there's One Minute Coogb Cure. "An titlark of poramonll left my ItUlgl in hal -li:i|.i' and I wan near the first nta>ren of 00H« sumption. One Minute Ooogfa Cure OOtDplelsly mre<l me," writes Helen Mc- Ilinry, Bltmark, N. D. UtVM instant relief. Jaue«k'« Drua Store. Hihha— See that etrikin^-lookiiik! (iri there. She married millions. Hubhs —Who's the Iniigalflcftnt-look in^' fellow with her? "Oh he's the man she married. " — < in. .■ i ..i.i in oik; Day. Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All drnuKiatß refund money if it fails to cure, l'.'k. The genuine has L, B. K\. od each tablet. " i • irnthv has quit making me uiicom fnrtahle hy telling me my lint wasn't on Straight." "What stopped her." "Every time Hhe did it 1 told she put too much powder on hor nose." — CABTOIIIA. Bcara the si ltlß *>mi Have Always BoitgU Bignr &*#%£&« "Teacher, do you believe tliat Elijah whs taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot?" "Wby yes." "Pa don't." "What does your father say ." "He eaya he'll bet a rookie that it was jest a uasoline ottvmobill, an' that th' hired girl got to footin' with th' tuieo linH!" Marrieil—Shertumi li"wis, of North Yakima, and BpII BwniHter of this valley, on SnndHy.'— Kllpnstmru Dtiwn. I Karl's Clover Root Tea I I Beautifies the Complexion, Purifies the I I the Skin. An agreeabta Laxative .Nerve I I Tonic. Sold nn absolute guarantee by all I I S. C. WELLS A CO., LtROY, N. V. I 1 SOLE MOMICTOWI J Tlm Kttul You llavo Al«a\s Boavbt,and whleb haM been iv use for wver i'A* ■.cars, has ii>>ii!'' the slffttßtiiro of -o^ .'nul hits bocu nuulo nnder liis per /^r_v "on»1 Bupcnrlslon tinea itnlnlUncy. '■etccJLe^'. jyjo^ no ono to deceive jronlnthta. All Connterfeltot [m tttlons and SabKtttutct »iro but r.\ pertmeata lliat trifle wHh and rndaiitrcr tho health «»f Infants and ChlMren- Experience agrsitnsfl ; .\; < i;iu<%iit. What is CAS A Castoriu is a Mibstltuto for Cantor <>i!, Pureyorloi !).•<>(>« and flOOtillllg Svimik. If |g !,!.( •■ : |«>s ; Bllfl » *;v:i-i>Hl. It contains wither Opiam« Morphluo nor other Nnrcotlo siiitstaiM'o. Its aye i-< iss ■/aarantcca ■> <!••■ ••■ n VVorma and allays Fererishncss. It curen Diarrhasn ;-.i!!i Wind Oolle> It reUeret Teething 1 TroublcH, cvi'< (Joiin(lpotlon and l'latul«'in-\. It assimiliih-s rue Food, r(*;;iilnteii tho stonuu-li and liouols, (ftving healthy ami natural ileep« Tin? Children's PMMoea—The Mothcr'a friends GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS y^ Bears the Signature of _ The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. G. T. Aummer, M^ Furniture and all kinds of hauling. If you want a drayman and prompt service, rin^ up phone Mo. SO, or leave orders with St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co.; orders taken for Coal and Wood Mason's fruit jirs, all sizes. Kiosey it Co. Tennis and llioycle Shoes very cheap' at Coffin Bros.' 'J(i-tf j y*\.— r>f/m» _^^^^_ ]JIx kM Who Arc W ;islin- Away __ _... _._ That fully wiper cent'of the unhappy andf.n l|.k m mi lA m.mi lorn who fill (Mil MA H HOI i Ictims i MW%W AIMI ■%■■«?*« BBMIMAT. WEAKNESS, NKRVOUB DEBILITY auil their kindred causes' Ik.. "%, r *k«B IXiKkmi' That out of every ten rases of (nNsrMI'TIOS JLPO ■ till lillfltf »"«i« can be traced to BKMIMAL WIAK- O«J1 and *M I»R. POUKIJ, It II VI s, Botel YHkima, North Yakima, flam Sept Is to Bept 10, and ■scan proper treatment befora it !■ too late; before youare beyond medical and liiiman ■Id. if you arc suffering from tin.' effect! of this terrible disease,snflerl*g from enrlv lodli cretlons, cxi osiei anil uniiatiirnl losses, which roll the lilikhl of Its richness and the body of it« animating inftaeDoes; wbleh enfeebie the oonstitßtlon and resnlt Id WEAKNESS, FARALYSIH and INSANITY; if you are tormented with morbid fear and your days are passed with distress- Ing thoughts of your disease then I'aMt asicji' an false modesty and piaee roorsalf andei the rrvHtinent of this noted specialist. His experience in trcatini? such cases has' hecn u-nrld »!■(■• Re has oared tkoasands of others, and he can CUES Yor. wlKl Young Men i Rupture Ik Yor HAVE Varicocele Lost MANHOOD; Varicocele Middle Aged Men There are many of yon alllicted with weak, i a. hinu hacks and kidneys, loss uf mental and physical power and viwir, wasting weakueos, and tint infrequently accompanied by an Im pairment nt the general health. Many die of this ditHcnlty. ignorant of the cause, which is i the secoud stage of seminal weakness. In jus) tii c to thia celebrated sjiecialiht it can he truth fully stated that ill all such cases of middle nivl men, as well as vouug meu, his cures have been almost invariable. DR. PfflHll reeves. KornßHKk. 115YeslerWai.Smme. DR. POWELL REEVES & CO. Will be at Ho tel Yakima Sept. 18 to 30. I urrii <«ld In <>n. n.. i. Take Laxative Brnmo Quinine TabletH. All ■Irm.'kiiHlH refund tlie money if it fails to cure. t!f>c. The genuine hatt L I>. <2. in eiti'li tablet. Pfivattf IV l*'l>>' S*** «"""rrhoea. ".■•»•»•» |leet, qaioElycured without pain or detention from business. Scalp and ».^ k!!verpil^: iSkin Diseases ttJTOjrfgf: I ula, scald head, wrinkles, scaly tetter of the scalp, superflotis hair, eczema. Rupture, Piles, Fistula and Stricture cured without cutting or pain; no hindrance from work.